cedar falls gazette. (cedar falls, iowa), 1870-04-01, [p ]. · i'uai tic.kh groceries &...

V* THE : } * a at VOLUME 11. B m,,p •iff*?!! I III •I- CEDAR FALLS, IOWA. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1870. NUMBER 1. n gaag" THE GAZETTE, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, IT CBDAB FALLS, BLAtX BAWK COCSTT, Wti. 1, TRACY. r W <VTDKB. •rit VCY & SNYDKB, Editors and Publishers. IMfae over Dale & Keliotfs's Drag Store, 3rd floor. TIRIA-fJ Per Annum In Advure, WILLIS SHEPARD, \Succ«'MM»r To Nat. H AKMtNS MAKF.U 015DKKS PROMPT ly attended to. Oood work or none. Street, I'edar falls, Iowa. H A rirrt 10-91 Oisz>Am v^XsXjm Business Car<ls. B CARTER HOUSE, itTItR A WAVIS VltOl'lUETORS, MAIN Strtiet. Cedar Fall*. Iowa. M G IN MAN HOUSf. C OWHEtt Main ami Seeond tftrrwts, Cedar Fails. Iowa. Till* house is eentrnllv located, fend furnished with tjotxl accommodations. CERMAN HOUSE, P AUL CKItlMi, l'I{<H'ltlKTOR. IIAV- ins urncl unit r-iitted the baUding known as tli 1 i'Id Orphans" Heine." Torn Hotel. I am prepared to ent-r'ain the tr.tveliivj public 111 the brut manner and on roasoeaVde t-rni*. Hoard- ing hvihe day or week. Good «tabling in con- nection with the honsc. S8yl ~ JULIEN HOUSE, A ! H. Bl VrON, i'lloi'lilKTOR. COR- narl'l and Main sttv ts. Dubuque. Iowa. TREMONT HOUSE, vo. l. iiicKi\s(» & so*, mors. Corner Mb nnd low.i Streets. Duhnqne. Iowa, "WILCOX'S RAILWAY HOTEL. Proprietor. Illinois (>n- « tral and Dti'ituiiic & Sioux City, Railroad ©*• pat, Dubuque. Iowa. 1 ACKLEY HOUSE, K SOLIsNUKK, PROl! 1 KTOR; AC K I. BY, Iowa. Tlii- house is entireIv new, and nu excellent accommodations for truest*, WILLIAMS HOUSE. P AKKRttKllt IUJ1I, IOWA, has been well titt- il itt) I' ir tin' oiivi'iii- tier of th* trav- eling public. Lis cry Stalilo connected willithe house AMERICAN HOUSE, N FtTLMCIt, I'ltOI'RIKTllR. CORN Kit Bank and Seneca str-ets. Webster Cltr, Hamilton conntv. Iowa. This bonne, havintr b-i'n thoroughly re-an-ate'ed iml tiimi-li'"l. will h«kept as a first-class lintel. Fare and accommodations good, and charges moderat". A |Nt tirery Stable 1* attti h 'i toth" premises. HUNT A HOWLAND, D TCAI.KKft IN FA IIM MACHINKRT, Field. Harden and Flower Seed*. Agents tor tli- {'elehr ited O. Anltnian A Co.'s "Sw<f?p- *.taken" Thresher. Marsh Harvester. Esterly and other Reapers and Motvers. Sehnttler Wiurtms, Ac. A fVill Mock of Farm Tool* always mi hand.— OS- ce Corner of Main and Second, Sis.. Cedar Falls. W. II. G ROSS, la Overman V over Milter A Wil- son'* Store, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA. AllwSfk. Mechanical or Operative, done tnt|» most approved manner and Warranted. Complete uppnratu* for the ln«ertion of Con- liuuuu* Gum in full or partial Seta. 1 Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of Children's Teeth. orric* boobs, rno* 8 a. *. *o 5 w. *. ntnr r->:is, Totva. CUNARD MAIL LINB. STEAMSHIPS Leave WssMjfte* New ' York, Live P QUEJSN3TOWN. Wot passage apply to TOWNIKltB H KNAVVt * Cedar Falla, low*. Or la*. ROW!, Oen. Wart. Agt., 48 No. a Lake (Mr st, Chicago. TBI fare IOWA HOUSE M RS. K. m. HOM.OW %Y. PROPRI- <-tr. ss. Fifth St . Fo-t Hod re. Iowa. <iiMnl Ktubiin- Attached. Thi- le>n-e h iviu'/ tharouirlilv ri»-nrrnniriM\ ? furMUh»"i. th and accoinmodat ion» will be good and moderate. CRAWFORD HOUSE, J R. IIOWLKR, I'll' iPIIIKTOR. ACKl.T . [o va St iL'-s i'.iivo tliisbou-e thr-e tim - a wek for ifrim iton nnd all points North Free Baa to and from the cars. 10 5*3 J. J. TOLERTON, A 1TTORNKV ANI1 CorNHKIXOR AT LAW. Oillee in Dventini'- Rlock. «W Miller & Wilson"- Store. Cedar Falls, Iowa. PACKARD A BROWN, * \ TTOR\KVS AND CCCNSKI/LOR8 AT LAW. Cedar Falla, Iowa. OMce No. 1. Mul- larkj-'x Hi'Hk. . I, a. i'.'« Ktn. <"• nr.MKKWAT. POWERS A HEMENWAY, A H'TOIINKVS A CO!' MS I". 1.1.(ilis, OF- Fit fc. in «'ucu'» Block, Cedar 1'tiUa, Black Hawk County, Io.va. Charter Oak Life Ins, Co. Hartford, Conn. •rcatiUed In 1SSO, A.F.BROWN. A TTOUMCV AT LAW. CKPAR FAT.LS, Iowa. Will practice hi the Supreme and United states Courts. Office In Miillfirkv'a Block, j J. BEEMER, ] A TTOIl\I'lV AT LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC I and l.at d At'-Mi:. will .-iv- Sp -eial Attention | '.O Bnvinir an.I s, Uiii.' R-al K«taie in Riitl-r und 3rnndy counties on Commission, Fnmlch Ao#trct» jf Title, and Pay Taxes <or Nour^idfnt*. Par- teraburf;, Butler Comity. Iowa. 9-38 ALONZO OONVERSE, A TTOItM-'.V AND COI.'NsrlloR AT '|.:iw and ' >'! ction Alfent. New llirtfwrd, Jatk'r Cuiliitv, Iowa. vl')i'4ityl WM. u. B'ri.i*KR. J* s - nusTTO. McCLURE * HUSTED, A TTOHMKYS AT LAW, Waterloo, QL Black Hawk County. Iowa. Atlttf |T,000,000, and rapitily incr< Ptiiiekn* isHut'd tu date, Over 40,000. All PROFITS Paid to the Insnred. and all - 1'OUCIKS NUNF0KF1T1NG. The onpnralleled nuoce** of the ClIAR RE OAK. S»r th- la»t ^iii -teen year*. ha« jjlven H popniarltv uusiirpas»ed and pi are? it iu the front rank of Life Insurance Com panic*. It ha* paid to the Widow and Orphan, Over ta ,UOO,OUO. and not a cat* lVly<it#t. In th* (»<( fir* >ear* h.f* pai l in 1 >':iHendt to POLICY HOLDERS. $i,n<>0,250. The "Charter Oak" issue* Whole I.ifo. Term and Endowment Po!iele«. liivln? the laratH amount ot lu«nrance for the I'Unt amount of •Mej of at.y company in the ba^Uu ca. Insure In the Oak. ^ Prompt payment. i.ir3« receipt*. »mall : PljW"n«ea, dividend* in 'w. lve months from date of Policy and each year theri'rtfter. are the peculiar cbarnc- toristics of tlii* Company. For Aill particular*, call oa J. MOSUER, niitrict Ayent. St Cedar Fall*, Iowa. \i]\i innMisniioP! Secend St., in rear of Hunt Iluwland'i. Coarse & Fine Harness STOVB . VII SAUH & benjamin; MANUFACTURERS, An now prepared to anpply the trad^ StOTtaof an klnda on abort node*. a. b. vjuraAtnt. «7tf j.n. MoiJAvnr. THR ' •* A.H/ Insurance Company. Central Office, Chicago. Capital, $1,000,000. Organized on the Co-operative Han ; £ranch CM ce* c*tabli*hed In aU iHnmpai < - the pr 11 CUiet and Tbtcm. 4|.'A. BOWMAN, A (rent, Cedar Falla, Iowa. m MEAT MARERT. TORREY A KINOSLEV hata jnat opened a' New Meat Markety Oppoflte the , OLD ORPHANS' HOIVSE tl« Piroprt«toni will keep conaluRty oa "" ' band a fell line of -Fresh and Salt MEATS. By strict attention to hn*lnea* and fair dealing they hope to merit their ahant of the bualnca* of Cedar Full*. TORREY A RING8LKY. Cedar Falla, Iowa, l)«c. '-Si. 40m3 REPUBIalO LIME! LIMK! CHARLES HESSE, I»PNP*m4 1*411 all order* for Ham atjAttawt. . » A FULL Sl PPLt ALWAYS OIV HA IS IX Alao riaaterinj. Hair kept constantly on hand. COAB. ntSSEj New Meat Market. ' WALLACE & P.ITTEH, H AVK fitted up in the most neat ami tarty st vie a new M"*t Market on Main Street, east side, opposite Catnpliell Jfc Mills" Crockery St lire, ami are prepared U> supply the [x'opl' 1 <if CcUir Fails with all kinds of Freak * Salt Weata, Poaltrr, Ac., And everythim; usually kept at a Fim CbtM Jfe.ul Market, and respectftilly Invite a oh arc of the paS» Hr patronage. The highest market price In caah paid tor utock, WALLACE It RITTBR. Cedar Fall*, Sept. 18. W7. ORQAXUIBB, OCtpEBK 1, Ms. CIBI«!T MUMS' IIM (amcaaaosft fa «. wsitS « «i^} Oaalan iaaM klali(| THE GAZETTE DEBAR FALLS, APEIL 1,1870. REMOVED! New* Store ! NEW FIRM I AMO- oa Rice ft GoodfeUow, -Deatecai»— J. H. WYATT, M. D., H onKOPATHIST. OFFICF. ANDRES- ; ideii'' •. »'i(r;iHr Main and Fourth Sts.. Ka»t I Sid" ("e.la-Fall- I'-"a. F.speci'tl itteini in L'ivn to UUstttriCii and Diiwa-sea of Wornca and Chii- ira. W-W 8. N. PIERCE, P HYSin \ N AND srtffSKoV. OFFICE IN Overman's 15li>ek. Cedar Falls Iowa, L. W. WARREN, M. D. [Late of initio',#.] O ITJCRS HIS PROFESSIONAL SRRVICFK tu »h;' p •ot>l - of Cellar Falls »nd viriiiity. Of- leaat Plummer* Drtie stot •. Residence oji tnd Itreet. hetwe -n W»« liitu'tou sttd Cl.iv. N. B. —The beet references ,- iven if de»ired. (0 o TS TO (9 CO o o ST (A COMPANY, or CHICAGO. For Uood Reliable Insurance, ' 60 TO C. C. ACENTOF Republic Insurance Company OF CHICAGO. Whips Onrrycomba, Cards & Brnihse, And everyihin_' usually kept In a First Class Harness Shop, Alwavs on hand and for sal» at the lo\\ !-:sr u\i\ t, !'/;/< f Fs. O. C. POOLER. Cater Falla. Feb. tl. IKS. F. A. BRYANT, M.®., P ttYSICIAN AND KCRCHON. OFFICE in Wi«e ,tr Bryant"? Driej: store. Residence, ;orn*r of Si ;tli and Fr.wkllu Street^ t':dar Fall*, "owa. ~ WM. ROBINSON, M. 67, ILat. Suryeon of the 1th Iowa Cavalry.) H AS LOCATED IN CEDAR FALLS, FOR tlie practice of Medicine and Surgery. Of- lreat.1. L. Cole's Drusi Store. Recitletica flrat I otitte south of New School House. ~~~ S. W VTERBURY, M. D., /\PPI!RS Ills l'rofcs-ional service* to 1. F ciiizeii# or Pnrkcrskiir^h aud vlcteity. flwapt attetiti' - Cornell College. F on noTii slxks, with ticn able Professors and Teachers ; full Classical and Scteutilic Courses. Preparatory. Commercial and i irnameiital Depart meats, ample buildings ami ap- pli.'.rn -s .m l i.-,o stirl 'tils annually : in a town for Tempcrancc. Hoard and 1*a« Ition Loir. Fyr Catalogue addrew the Pretidcat, 940 BEV.WM.F. KINO, A.M., Mt. Vernon. Iowa. en t< alls ELIAS OVERMAN, » [Sueo-sHor to Overman liros.] I ROV FOI'NDEU AND UKNKltAL MA- cliinisl. C'd.ir Falls. Iowa. Steam Kiijfineg and Mill '^wiiisr made and repaitril ; Store ('ol- tunns, Cliill'd Sleigh Shoo*. Bridge Castint;* 1 Bridge Bolt Cttttius. Iron Plaining. Ac. Or'cr* I respectfully solicited. Ca>h paid fur old Ca«t j Iron. 5*2 l Mrs. A. GIBSON, I P HOTOr; U A FII 1I5T1ST. CORNKU 1st a ml M.ai:t sirui.-is,.t.'p SuUa, Cedar Falls. I owa. Photographs, Ambrotvpea, Porce-! aia and Ivory type Pictures of every style, taken I Mahort notice. Miss A . McNAL l V, D r.AI.KHS IN MI LI.I '< KR Y & FANCY (.i*ods. K-'.'ps const,eniv on hand a coin- plet" as-urtm uu of cl*jice .\Iillni -rv. New j?ood>t received every week. Opposite" Towuaend it Knai>p'» Bank, Cedar Fall#. Iowa. MRS. S. J. MERRIN, M ILI.IMCIC ANT) FASIIIONAIILK DRESS Maker, k -ep- n full a'-orlm ill of M'lllnery and Fan< y CihhIs ol the I.i!'-t sty I •<. mid pre- pared to execnte all order* promptly on short notice. Two door. Houtit of Post O.Dce. Codar Fails. Iowa. SOniH MJIS. O. L POOLER, M II.LIMCIt a DlliiSS tllKER, k" [is < ,»•»-! »iitly on lnu 1 n •_»!• i i i«-.>!-ta»eiil of the latest . 1 s iif Millnn-rv limn!.. ;uel is pre pared to do all klnda of work 111 her line on short notice. Rooms in Biahop* Block, Rear of Cole A falt'c Dra^ Store. 10-Ttf RESTAURANT! OTSTZETRS, LUMGH & WARM MEALS AT AU. BOCM. CONFECTIONERIES, Gnu, Canned k Dried Frvita, Alto a good tnock of TOBACCOS AND CICARS, Maia St.. saa door South of Necly 's. O. B. V«a Rsuo, 8. Wilson, E. Townsemi, F. A. Hotohkim. J$. Culver, A. Ci. Tliotn|«Hon, H. C. Wright, H. II. Carpenter, 8. Fox, T. It. Carpenter. *»-! C. C. KNAPPi Aseut. A. SPAULDING, I'UAI TIC.Kh GROCERIES & IRQmiONS Of AU. Eiwpa. Main Street, msc* to JRmce, CEDAH FALLS IOWA. A complete stock in our / lin* constantly on hand. . l v #4ii<*»; . OMBpNiw M9HMI BVbka r», UKOSTKADS, TABLES. i'Ujilts, SOFAS, TETKK ""innm A*5, FRANK DALE. T. It. KELLOOG. DRUGS. DALE & KELLOGG, Main 8t. f Cedar Falls, Iowa, ihqsMoT Secretaries, Office Tablet, jfa'urr STA vox l'lAXn sfonts. sxrh:\sntx TABLMtL LO uxors. SPJllXti HFI)S\ l/.t "/'/'/M.NWW. Spomjt, llwk nml HUr, JUliliOHS, MVTUttS rSAMUS. Curtains and Fixtures, COED, TASSEIA, Ae. Wt have ona of ttM FUTEST A BEST F ELECTED BTOOKS Watt of Bubttqne and oar maimfactura CANNOT MB EXCELLB&t By aay warkawB la thafiauliy. ^ Th* PaUfW'-WMiy #»ely on n Better Arttctc for tho sorro Amount of Mon^y Than at any other Es- tablishment of the Kind In the Cedar Valley ! IDIRTJCa-S, BSIDGE BUILDEIl, T\/[EDICINES, built bridge* if each of the Cedar Fall* Iowa. D" A. M. REED. 1. 1W, F. A. HOTCMJUSS, F % J. WYTH, ASIIIOYAHMC 1' \ 1 [.OR. FOUR; Door- south of C.ileV Dru^ ' lore. Cedar Fail* i Repairs n.-atly and pruuiptly vm i ost reasonable term*. j I. M. F\RWELL, P RACTICAL WKLL DKILLKR. Re«1-| dence. Corner or Twelfth and Main-street*. I Cedar Falls, Iowa. Prompt attention irlven to all orders. ; Wholesale M ftft-nll H. G. DAVIES, H OI'SI?, SKiN AND uIINAMKNTAI, PAIN- '(-r Paper Haider, simp on First St., Jadar Fall*. Iowa. | GV ,?EB ' CHA3. NOLTE W ILL ATTKND TO HOl'«K FAPTTfTO, ! Orainius and Paper Ilau^in^. Can produce i w>ofl wf»r v. Residence on corner (Kb aud Clav Kt., | Dcdivr Fillip, io\va. h-2 E. BAKER, - -—, norsii, carriage and I Witrn Pmnh-r. h .s taken R. WRd'a place at I •/©our 1*alls, and will yive entire satisfaction to all ! mho entrust him with work in hi* line or bu-inens. ! 9bof) over Fosdick « wa^on shop. Paper haniriuff I aaatly done on short notice. j B. C. JENNINC8, a rrniBrsi.>\ meat market, keeps; A. con*ta> tl / on hand a '.'(i itl a-sortment of the " ,lu ' r ar;i. l.-s in the market Hue, S #»llch 1h nonius at the lowest Hvin" pric<** 1 M ll'1 Street, first door North of Campbell"<1: Mill's ! Crockery Store, Cedar Falls, Io-va, . i PROVISIONS CROCKERY, Glass & Stone Ware. AfWH at tkaabava MORRIS LIPPOLD, , TDARBIiR AND HAIR DKRS'iKR, OVER JLM A. L. Nichols' Grocsry Store, Cadtf Falb, MRS. E. BONNELL, D ni ss and shirt makkr. ckdar I'alls. Iowa Frenr'. Yok» Shirt" mart»to ortfer. Residence, Comer of Fifth and Franklin Uncti. as Constantly on Hand f Wkleh he otters at price* that cannot ha brat 1 FOR CASH ONLY ! Highest Market Price paid for Better, Eggs, Hides, Lard, llams. Potatoes, <fec. t u BEDI0* AT MABBLB BOCK. S10 rSTT SPAIT. And Civil Englnesr t Cedar Falls, Iown, Bon. Peter Melendv, Cedar Falls, Hon. A. G. Cose. Nashua. Iowa. Col. W. T. Shaw. Anamosa. Iowa. lion. ('has. II. Couklin, Vintou, life Hon. A. Hitchcyck. O ase. Iowa. « Job Clark, Marble Uoek, Iowa. M i. Spaulding above points. He is now prepared to build Iron Bridges of the Whipple Patent <*T any length np to two hundred feet span, at prices Within reach of our count ie*. This bridge has been adopted by th» N»-w York State Fn^'ini-er- iiot nil other Iron liridire* and BMN'c t han i"i(IO are now in use in that Slate alone. Be i* prepared to build th«m on short notice, and will cheerfully give all information desired. TAILORING! TH08. LANDCRAFF, Waald re#peetrul|v inform the rltiwns of Ct^lar Falls and vlehih v that lia has opened a atiop at Fbrit Door Bontli of Chase's Fruit Baar Wkwa he wflllM tomaA u Iteaa np%r «# . Cut and Make Clothing Of evenr deaerlfittMA In Fashionable Style. Satisfaction Cuaranteed ! cJvSitoa,' h0# e in want of li'SUflS W 'U1 du well to C ellar Fails. March t.s, 1870 T. LAHDOBJJV. MEAT MARKET! NEW FIRM ! FELLWOCK A RICE, W. T. MEDARY A CO., Mai.a*«*.»—a«t. f\KAI.r:RA IN LEATTIRR. XADDLKltT |l Rardwar/. Shoe Finding. Sa^dl^*. Oaltan, I •»., *vdar F UU, !•«-*, paid fer hkh« OBS A.SI AlhtrO, IOWA. (Oppoalta la»aa Hob—,) ***r c im>»rwau»inuini|v HEATS, POETRY,"1\M, Lard, Ac., Ac. Vegetables in their Season. We solicit the patronage of our friends, aw mraltv also, and will endeavor to civ j»nod tai MkUob In arery pirthato, OHSuaacalL A. rtaxwcm ' ^pbabb SMMA sea., Whkhharabaeo Seleoted with Great Csie and bonjrlit for rash, and will be sold a* cheap as nnv other house will *••!! the *nm.< quality of ^o««ls for cash. We shall keep our stock complete at all time*, and aim to keep the Ivst articles to be found In the market. A full stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, DYE-STUFFS, TIritsliotai of all kinds, Window Clasit ; Amj Blsa fms fxHaMsMt WakeapaalMMd <m*r« Pkkmium List Cedar Valley Af* ricultural Society. See Inside. - iMM-a Itoma. —The Delaware County lAtfmt baa closed its sixth volume, —The Sentinel of Iowa Falls, Is acain under tlie entire control of M. C, Wootlruff. —Vinton has paid 19),000 to tteure a railway, and Is now waiting to sub- scribe to sreure another. —The Cedar Ilapida Ttmcs thinks there are altogether to many saloons In that city. If that is not ao Cedar Rapids muat be an exception —At the city election in Marengo the two tickets were temperance nud lieenae. The latter carried the, day, as we learn from the Itepnblican* . —Tho Courier, of Ottumwa, ex- presses the opinion that Judge Long- bridge will be re-nominated next summer without any serious opposi- tion. —When s correspondent W -the paper hits .sou where you live, you just lay bnek and say that article was munufucturcd by the editor.— You see that's argument.—Aathuu Post. —The average level of Iowa above theorean is l,utH) fevt. If old (m*,'uii was to rtseju.-l one thousnud feet, we woultl li«ve a salty time here."— Ilut we gueas It won't.—fndianola Journal. —We team that M. B. Duncan, of Towanda, lllinoiM, has leeenily s«dd to Mr. liriggs, »>t Jasper county, iu this State, ten head of cuttle, for near $4,(K)D.- Jowa Uomcntead. —The (State Jlcyisttr says, that no conclusion u.s ft* the local ion of Pur- son's College was reached by the committee at it* recent session; the decision being (Hmtponed for one month. -F. W. H. Sheffield, Prse'teT the Construction t*o., Is shipping lots of currency to Kblora,—<»iny twenty- seven thousand tlollais litis week. Neighbors, don't tli s look like bust lonw 4, I dunno?"— htdora Ltiiytr. —There Is no " iJachelor Club" in riidiaitoUi. but there is about "never al,'' old hacheloiH here who ought to be "ciubbed"—lor not ninriying. Tltey are all first class gentlemen— onljr they won't marry.— Journal. We hear that the building com- mittee of ibe Methodist {Society of this place have about concluded tu re-buihl their church of brick. A sensible conclusion, gentleman; stick lo it.—Iowa FullaSi ntiiul. —Tlie contemplated 8t. Louis, towa and 8t. Paul Railroad got a througi) Montezuma, .Northward it louchen Malcom, Toledo and Cedar Fulls. St long hopes are entertained of its being built.—Duvch^m/ iI Uh- zette. We are a lktle a'raid other men's j Mater nf Vice President Colfhx, will | The Smith family have a vast deal of Uless will get ventilated occasionally , soon he appointed |>otital clerk on the! 8 ® n answer for, himI if the records thereby. At all events, the lawyers ; regulsr mall train of the Chiea^o, I l ' ,e l m 'ice courts prove anything, cannot hereafter have all the say. j Uoek Island & Pacific Railroad. Her We presume, the idea is, to tight thej husband is now a mail agent on the devil with fire, as well as to become legislatively great. - —A very large number of cities! aad towns in Iowa have held elec-1 tlnns during the last two weeks.— With one exception, all tho editors' passed through the CHinpMi^ti with*! out being forced into nftlee. Thatj one is Junkln ol the Fairlieid Lcrff/- er. Poor man—lie has the sympa thy of nil his fellow-laborer*. "Al- derman, of the Fourth ward"—what a nanty for an Editor\—De«Moine* Bulletin. —In Pel la, Marlon County, the fol- lowing "drop letter" was picked tip on the side walk : Dccirent C:—Your boots are Inside the warden fence, at the southeast corner, under a piece of old carpet. Don't cuone atw more for Heaven's sake! The old imin swears he'll blew the top of your hetui ott*. \ our atleclionute B. READY MADE C01TI.\S The Only Undertakers in the City Owning a Hearse! Term$ Ca*h, or Produce Taken in Exchange for Furniture„ WM GSO. L. STKARNS. AtfMt . PatentMcdleinoffi We are prepared to soil the following klnda ai Mauafacturers" Wholcaia Fries: JAYNE'8, ** AVER'S, GItAPFENBUR4ia, H. SCOVIL'S, D. RANSOM A C0.'8, + J. H. HARRIS & CO.^, Brown's Troches aud Worm Comfits, Winslow's Soothing Poland's While Pine Com- pound and Humor Doctor, Barrett a Hair Restorative, Ring's Ambrosia, Sloan's and Eqainc Condition i'owdeM, - 1 v r, i TOILET ARTICLES. We have a lane stock of Hair Oils, Brashes, Combs, it. Physician's Prescriptions A Full Stock of Wines and Li^uprs, for Medieval Purposes et S « ail hatwa buy iuf. BALK * KCLLdCd. 5,000 NTIDKM* W.lNTKD-lo Ini v tie- Kir»t Edition of -*1(1(1 < vi'iir c >:'Xhi no-,-. .No _4." fi.uiaiiiint; the latest trood : ttiinus for recitation, dinmati< n, ->c|iool r, miing. ,te . in poetry and prow. H'-nd 90 cent* furi I sample, to F. fJARRETT A CO.. t'hicaro. III. Alas. " Eir^laior DLaiognst." priav f 1 76. 4w tlAJttI>WAHE ! W. PIERCE At Home, at the Old 8tand FaraMilj oeenpia* kjr rsiaes * tmia, «Um STREBT, TWO DOORS SOUTH OT CORNER OW FIRST RTRSET, Wham aay ha fraed aeoapleta a«artaMetsr A General Hardware, STOVES, TIN, COPPER i sMpo SHEET IRON WARS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, .. CABPENTKItS' A JOINKIW TOOlJ». HOUSE TRIMMINU& TABLE * POCKET WTLERT, A»A 1081 athar aa^ful and mmmw Una of trad.. Alaa. all Job Work In Copper. Tin and ftMt Iwe. done with ueatness and dtsputtpT I would return thanks for past far*rs and expect torecyivi- and confer more. I'lease ins a call aSd K\atniiie for yourselves. Is the true way to Vast Uiu trade. TOWNSEND & KNAPP, Bankers, CEDAH VALU, IOWA. •) Exchange Bought and eld on the Principal Cities of the United States and Kureps, Dealers in Cold and Gov- ernment Bonds. Amrxvnoir OIFMM LECTIN9. INTERBST AI.IX>WED ON TIME DEPOSITS SY SPECIAL AGREEMENT. IN same roufft. From our acquaintance with the lady, we think she will ilil the position well. The mere fact of her wearing calico instead of eassi mere would not incapacitate fcscfrem the work of assorting letters* , —The cna! fields of Towa are rapTd ily becoming a source t»f profit to those developing them, and ar« sup- plying a ureal need iu the way of cheap luel. Our coal is of n good quality, and in found iu large quanti- ties and must before Ioiik become a source of great income to the State. So far as It will answer our own pur- poses our citizens should extent! pat- ronage to tho*e project* which are actively developing the resources of our own Slate, in thia way we shall prosper nmre rapidly ami keep our wealth within our own borders.— JJuwkej/e. A Tgyou proRY.—Miss Spencer a young tady clerk in the House, car A railroad convention consisting I H ,ronl that branch into the of tlie directors and otticers of th* St. i It is currently reported that Paul A Dubu.iue and I.e. railroad I 1,1 R vvr >' C"U<l»<»sed ami company, was held at St. Ansnar I ""''ltereut nianner to read the hilt last Saturday, to deliberate on the i J ' ,la,e 'f ° ® mail fa feasibility of constructing the St. \ VI''ties «•;f the State of Iowa Ac." Paul & lhibuuue railroad from St. M', 0 " discovering the nature of the Answer to St. Paul. It is exi>ected *1' f 1 " blea of the nobb* generosity that work will commencetui the road t ' ,e Reptesonativea, swept aciiwts her sympatlieiit^ soul, uinl ehe rushetl oft' iu all ecstasy of delight to pray for that worthy and The Montgomery County Express' nnnjnanlmoua body. We take no as soon m t he weat lief wlii perl&tt.— Dubuque J Writes, '22d, Matilda Fletcher use re- turned to iowa from the East, where her eloquence met brilliant recep- tion. Site comes back with an en dorscment and increased reputation, that nr.st ctK'otiraue liu-r t«» more en- eryctic eilbrt ill the future.—Mate Register. —One hundred «o4 eicltty^eeven Iowa tnddiers are buried iu the na tional cemetery' at (Jhattauoga. The names ami military history of one hundred and eighty-live of Ihtseaie known, and recorded in the cemetery register. ^ .. —The terrlAe storjp wlildi came down so sudtienly upon us on Mon- day afieinoon, the 14th, lasting liil Thursday litis left its recoid of dentil around us. No audi storm hits ever visited Northwestern lowuro lau in the season, and none weie expt enng such a visltathiu.—Dodffe NmUv tve$t. * —Pcvcrnl enrs of wheat have pass ed over the Central It. It. of Iowa, uhipped from Charles City uudptuce* i.orth of that. We clip the above from the Eldora Ledger,. 1 mi l there food for lellec tion for our ia*opio in tbat paragraph. —Nuehi a Pdtt. A Wai.kino Corpsb.—A man who is owing us a little hill said he would call iu last Saturday and pay us, if he was alive, lie made his appearance on the street, but as he did not call on us, it issup|o*etl by some that be is dead slid is walking ttrouud lo save fuueral expenses.—J'elta Made. —The Tipton Advertiser announces the tl^jiiii of a Dr. Jackson, of that city. The Doctor claimed during his sickness aud with his dying btealh, that he had be. n poisiiietf The Advertiser hays that the syuip to ins indicated that tsuch was tile case.—Marion Register. A Pennsylvania farmer writes to his county p.-.per that he cured his daughter of the (irrclan llend by pouring water on iter and holding iter out in the sun until she warped back again. We only give the re- ,eipt for the benefit of some of the atliicted ' parienia'' iu Independence Conservative. —Uev. It. Norton, formerly pastor of the M. E. Church, Manchester, now stationed at Osage, on Friday evening, March Dtli, received $140 as the result of the donation parly given by his flock. We congratulate hini a nl iiis, mid trust that the,r may receive many tnore donations\>f the same sort.—Delaware County Union. —Mr. J. F. Adams, of Iudianola, hud on exhibition at the Warren county fair last fall a splendid large tomato called the ' Oeneral Orant " He writes us that he has some of the seed lor rale, and that he intent]* giving us a few papers, which we are willinv; to divide with the first Farm ers' Clubs that ask for any,—Jowa Honicatead. —How's this for a nsarrisfre notice: —"Youn«—Martin aud otlieis. —In Sail Lake City,oil the Kith ultinto, in tlie piesenco of the Saiuts, Hrigltain Yourm to Mrs. J. R. Martin, Mins L. M. Pendergrest, Mrs. It. M. Jeniek- son. Mits Susie P. Cleveland. Mis* Emily P. Martin, ail of the county of lieiks, England."—Burlington Argus. —The Story county Acyi* eays that the Hon Charles Pomeroy will be re-elected to Congress from the Sixth District, and that all the ciiquea that says: "The Corydon Alonitor renomi nates Frank Palmer for Congress, saying that he will get every Repub- lican vote in Wayne county, and the Dallas County (iazeltc seconds the motion; nud nearly all the Re- publican press in the District will respond "no mote it he; aud the Af ton Tribune "moves the previous question."—Regittcr. —Yesterday the Sennte ordered a call of its memheia. There were sev- eral absentees, aud upon them weie inliicteil pleasant penalties. Sena- tors Newell aud McKeun were re quired to abstain from supplemental penitentiary speeches, and Senator Couch was instructed to provide apples and cigars for his friends.— lie viaid hi* penalty last evening, and his room at the Savery House was tlo> scene of many courtesies.— State R( (/inter. It is a remarkable fact that while all of our Iowa roads have suffered more or less by the recent snow storm the Union Pacific has stood the lost, and trains on tlitti load have come iu with clock work regularity. This is an entire refutation of (he many croakers iu all parts «f the country, who predicted that the Union Pacific could only he run at certain seasons of the year.—Comw<7 lVujf* A'onpa- riel. —'•The premium of a town lot offered by Orand .fttmrlon, to the first child born iu ihc town, was taken on IhefstU, by Mrs'. Joi es, who distanced all competition. It was a girl. You can't get ahead of those Jonses."—De» Moines .S'tatemnan. Our Rip Van WinUlish capital lie ghbor is considerably,mistaken iu all he says. The baby was horn in January ; its name isn't Jones, and it hasn't got the lot, ian't a girl, cither, and wouldn't be it It could.— Headlight. —The new herd law is under the control of tli* voters of eseh ©omttj'; they can have it or not, as they like. That fencing is one of the great ami constant expenditure which the farmer lias to cbntt ml acuin-t no one can deny. One dollar a rod will not more than cover the first cost of a very ordinary fence, saving nothing about the yearly opt lay there tficr to keep it up. Let any one figure the number of rods of fence now lequircr in every township, ami we think the resull will be bouiuwhiit amassing.— &x. —The eagerness to publish something nov- el and sensational in regard to the Tripp affair, arc not particular as to the correctuess of their information. Thus the Timen makes Tripp jt mem her of the Methodist Church in this city. So far from being the truth, we much doubt whether Tripp ever saw the iltside of the Methodist Church, or indeed any church durinir his lesidcnce here. He is not of the church going kind—Independence. Bulletin. —A friend Informs us tliat Win. Wllmot, who formerly resided In Steamboat Rock, but removed into eastern Iowa, lost his three children in a simultaneous and shocking man- lier. Himself nml wife, locked the three cl.'iIdren in the house antl then went to church. While absent, the dwelling caught fire ami was ties trnyed !>efore the children could he rescued. So all perished, und among the ashes of a happy home the pa rents had to scratch for the children who wbuhl gludduu their heart* on earth, ae were forever.—Eldora Ledger. —The Lansing Chroniele says, an old lady iu that place received a let- ter she supposed was from one of her absent sons, requested her neighbor lo read it. lie accordingly began to read: "Dear mother," then paused, as the writing was rather illegible. "It's from Johnny,'' exclaimed the old lady, "he always stuttered.*' According tn that, there are a great many stuttering peopleiu this world. —The Marshall Timet nnd Des Moines papers are having it hot over the capitol appropriation bill. Mar- slmlltown has half an eye on the stock in the story.—Eldora ledger, —We are Informed by E. It. Latta, that while he was walking from Manchester, the oihwr niyht, that he discovered about a uiHe east of Man cheater, u broken rail, and upon ex- amination, found it to have been broken by h sledge hammer. Mr. Latta showed us a piece of lhe rail so oroken, which shows unmistakaMe >-i*fii* of having been nroken. The vidian wl»o did this, undoubtedly bud a spite atfuiosi the company, and thought lie woultl throw a train oft I he track to vent Ins spite ug 'ln»t the company. We hope the stoui- tlrel who did it, may be ferriteti out, and brought to Justice.—Earlvilte Sun, —A Mr. McGowen, a farmer of Jefferson township, Buchanan coun ty, shows up an account of 00 acres of wheat last year. All tlie cost of getting the production ready for market amounted to $1,018. The value of the 1,380 bushels raised, at .10 cents per bushel, was $080. The hai.dftonie prolit, it will be seen, was $3:18—over the left! At 75 cents per bushel, Mr. McUowau woultl have been about even. This gentleman has come to the conclusion that, if wheat had commanded $1.00 per bushel, the sound of ^ard times would uot lie heard on every hand. —Senator Bcardsley writes to The otlore Tilton, of the New York Inde- pendent, from the Iowa Legislature : '"One tlay theic camu iir from the House, a bill striking out from that section of our code which prescribes the personal qualifications of those who may be admitted to the bar, the word "white.'' Turning to the sec tion named, it was discovered that immediately fid lowing the word white was the word male? end in- stantly an nmemlment was oflVre*' striking out that word also. It was done, aud the bill piusacd without discussion or opposition worth men- tioning." Dnlmqtie ptpeli In their s to publish sometlii —We confess to great surprise that the lioonc Co. Demonrat, edited by honorable and racy Raguet, should admit to its columns such scurrilous, shameless and senseless articles, us that over the signature of "Watch- er," in its issue of thetlth inst.— Such cheap and pointless billings* gate, iu a disgrace, not only to the author, but to the journal as well, which can be prevailed upon to ad- mit such driveling stupidity to its columns, und we charitably hope that the Democrat* responsible edi- tor has the excuse'of absence from home to plead in extenuation of the Insult offered to its readers. We do not propose to champion the cause ol Oov. tine, but we do feel Impelled to defend honorable journalism.—Iowa Ealls Sentinel —In the late snow storm four men s*arted from Carroll City for their homes five miles distant. They were a Mr. Hortl, his brother In-law, and two brothers named itruner. Two of them were young men and ull dwelt umler the roof of Mr. Hurd. They left Carroll City iu a four horse sleigh. They failed to reach their destination aud search was made for llietr. They were*found dead. Miss ing the road, they had turned the horses louse, and turned thealnliip as a shelter from the storiu. Two of the bodies were found under the ve hide and the others a few roils dls taut. The accident caused Intense excitement iu that community. The borne# wete AmmmI lite j**irie, un- injured. —A petition has been circulated here tor the parti on of Denton Cnine- ry, which many of our best citizen* signed. While others who felt only sympnlhy and respect, for his faith ful, devoted wife, refused out of a I sense of duty alone. The thoughl will creep in. "If he was |Mw»r. future State Capital, but we opine i friendles*, and hud beeu neglected in the people will lu-ve to look sharp to! chihlh .otl. aud abused, no one would ever see it. We can but denounce bis release." Alas! .. i i .i ! it is the way of the world, and the i the couise pursued by th s fanes in j Clir uiian WurU, lo . or Mr . ( !ttni4 , ry the discussion of this question, as) it may be said, so far as we can learn, unjust to the people of Des Moines, j tlie emliczzlemeiit act was Uis first crime, aud he bad maiiilWted so —A young member of the Legisla- j much love, kindness, ami devotion ture, who rose to deliver his scnIM to his wife, that she wanted to share incuts on tlie bill to aixtlisli capital j his prison cell. Aud then the eouii- punishment, with a dignified sereni- j ly lost nothing by him. All the ex- they prove that Joiin, who is doubt- less the father of the youth iu ques- tion, Is the wickedest member of tlie whole family."—Dubuque Herald, —The Junior of tlie Fayette Time*% jn the «bsence of the serlor, any*: Our treatment or political patients is said to be extremely rough, ami to contain too, large a propoition of cau«tie, ami on that account we sel- dom dive very deep into such eases. We haven't the patience to cut and trim around a cancer, but always feel like cutting the thing" in twain nt one lick. Thus we think on all rad- ical evils. An error is an error, ami It may as well be be treated as such as to tamper with it by saying it Is not so bad as it might be. Our p*ti never would glide smoothly in reply* ing to a malicious opponent; ami If we attempt to striku a man we gencr- erally aim. to hit him so he will lie eousoious of it within reasonable length of time. EIsm why strike at all? If a thing is worth ladug done at all it la worth being thoroughly done. Our convictions are so strong in these views that we feel about as earnest as did Judge Williams a few years since while speaking of l?ou- servntlam. Haiti he, "Do you know how I feel when I see a Conservative ' Mi these times (18(i-'j? I cull scarcely restrain myself from plautluf mj flats between his eyes!" A n Issue of the Dubuque Daily Herald, of last wevk contained a wil- ful, malicious slanderous .-.ssault up- on Senator (Yuicli, of this county.— there was not a single allegation In the article, which was not a falsehood. The head and fro t of Senator Couch's offending is that lie seeks to represent his own constituency nnd not the city of Du buque. The future existence of Du hiique City, one Would suppose, tie |iemla upon a species of legislation designed to compel our people to seek a market al Dubuque instead of Chi- cago, ami because Senator Couch will not surrender tlieinterests of his own people st the command of Dubuque interests, his personulcharucter must be assailed. The merchant* and businers men of Watarlon austaln Senator Couch,to a man. Over on-, hundred ami fli'fy - aud the number might have been doubled—signed an endorsement of Mr. Couch,on Saturday last In which they declared the fullest confidence in his Integrity, ami pledged them- selves to sustain him In the position he occupied on this Dubuque hoht y of freight tariffs. The statement that Jtulgd Couch has special r»t»s over the Illinols Central, Is denied by the officers of tlie Company, by ihe Judge's partners iu bu-lness. atsd we have Ihe be*t reason for believing lie He redd writer knew he lied when lie |>eunct4 the charge. * Our cilizcus have no unkind feel- ings toward Dubuque. They would rejoice in her prosperity; but, we t»eg her people not to expect us nor our representatives to surrender o r own interests to benefit theirs Homo of our people were humbugged Into signing the Dubuque petition They were all heartily sick of it long ago, and rejoiced that the good sen»c of their Senator saved them from the consequences of their own folly. The simple fact that the Ihraht siugletl out Senator Couch as the ob- ject of its wrath, It) not only compli- mentary to the J'idire personally, but to Ulack Hawk county. It ia an evi- dence that the oppoaition of our Seu> ator lo the Dubuque hobby is death to it, aud, It: order to break dowu litis formidable opposition, the Judge himself must be destroyed. We beg the Hera 1:1 to desist; Judge Couch is right, aud his iwople aland by him.— Waterloo Courier. BKTTKII THAN I'IVKH ItlCIOHK.— The I'hrenolotogal Journat and PackttrdH Monthly consolidated.— See the April number of our old fa« vtirite for reading the most instruc- tive aud agreeal It? to minds young ami old. From its rich contents we select the following: Thomas II. Selhy, Mayor of San Francisco, with Portrait; Mental Requisites of the Artist ; Philosophy of Faith; Henry IWgh, Ihe philanthropist, with |M>r- trait; The double Adoption—a do- mestic sketch ; Li'e In China, with illustration*; The dust In the Air; Phreuo Magnetism; The art of Eu- uraving; Nathan C. Ely, Pres. Fanners' (,'luli^ tal vs.' LuUji portrait; The (Jovemors of Ne.%- York ; What makes a good w< iu i; Tlie Modesty of Uenius; Tin sword (lsli, illustrated ; Prayer and Phren- ology, etc. Price:in els., or $.'{ a jeai S. R. Wells, Publisher, U&U il»o d- way New York. i with porn-ait; Cat>i- ; H. 8. Packard, with I. '4 J pense growing out of the strange af- fair lie paiti out of his owu potsket.— Tama Co. Citizen, surrounding evidence of degrrudatioa barbarism. "City fi tilers w ty of countenance, commenced wi'li, "Mr. Speaker, the generality of mail j kind in general a:e disposed to ex- ercise oppression on the generality of mankind in general."—Just tit —The Oalena Gazette says "that this point, one, vvh » sal immediately i mi ' H "* 1 Fiiday evening a young wo behind him, pulled him by the coat j man * ith an infant child about two tail, and cried "Stop, atop, I aay; i weeks old arrived iu town by the a)M| you are coming out of the same hole train from the west und took lodgings |j, e re is not a drunkard's wife iu you just weut In at."—Mutcatine ! at the Commercial house. She gave j (|, Mme county, who would li >t give Courier. j her name as Mis. Smith, residence i you twice that sum, earnud over I by ti CM S A T T LT * R, j Cedar tails, lowu Said her bus | washboard, for the redemntion uf It U it 11 1 T W /' » Crtn ' band bud gone to Freeport on busi- her husband. $l ,IU0 in the city Clark, U. S. Marshal for Iowa, is ness ami she had concluded tostop in j treasury ' Will i: atone for the aut o\fiwliclmi'il w11li It?tt**ih unkittj£ till li© hImhiIiI return. iSlic fcriitur lit ouh <lruukifilV polntnien-s for their writers as Depu- j remained at the Commercial house 1 home?—J/ori/'oei Ih/>v>crat. ties to assist in taking the coming I*. : till vcsil'rtlay. when she stepped out,! . * ' S. Census. Ami yet, according to its leaving her child, Ki.kvkn hundred dollars wcr paid into the city treasury for I cense to sell "lager beer and nufiv wine" since March, lHO'J. $l,]U0irtfc. poor olfset for the sorrow and ml ry entailed upon the families of t patrons of these saloons. Where the drilftkaid'a wife that wou accept it as tin atonement for th£ misery she has sud'ered for Ihe puHj} year? Where is the father Ui:tj£ would uot spurn it, mther than sep his Isiy carried home drunk f SI 100 for what? (Jo lo the wretchcA hovels of the victims of imtempcip* mice! Look tijMHi t' e heart crushed wives and Muttering children ; thjfc broken furniture, dingy walls an|j| iincarpeted Hoots, aee want deplete^ iu its most terrible form, and eveijf telling tlie luiul- hut- mav ht- fiirno'il <-»nnor „im. , i, i .'l^uilng, the most industrious Depu- lord that she was going To the |H>st i . ^ YoUXO lady in Ohio had a may be formed cannot pi event it, he- ; , y will be able to can. but little more ; office for letters whicl, she expected | 10,1 in ,wr cause the jieople are satisfied. We are glad to hear this, bccuuse Mr. Pomeroy. though a quiet, is a nitast meritorious anil valuable uoewtier.— Davenport Gazette.' —The practice of reading speeches in the Iowa Senate is now in vogue. The House has not come to It yet. [ than two dollars a day aliove expens- I from her husband, and would return ; tiied lo k'ua her, ami by injudicious* es. The fact is, as It appeals, that in a few minutes. A few minutes; ly resist log, she swalllowed It, aud ; there isn tso much money to be made elapsed am] a few hours, but no Mra. | iu the Census business by anybody Smith returned. Nothing has been as people have generally supposed.— heart! of the woman since, and the Chariton Patriot. child bus been taken to the poor house. Mrs. Smith has no husband. is uol expected to survive. A m exchange says that there wjn* Thstn..f. i t„^ ...K. ustiiim,. j nothing improj^er in the Prince ine lowality trtoune»aya that has taken this inetht>rl of getting! Wales letters to the Lady Mordauut, Mrs. Cowles, of Jasjter count}*, a half rid of an unwelcome re^onfcibilltj-.' tfee ^rataitiOt.

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Page 1: Cedar Falls gazette. (Cedar Falls, Iowa), 1870-04-01, [p ]. · I'UAI TIC.Kh GROCERIES & IRQmiONS Of AU. Eiwpa. Main Street, msc* to JRmce, CEDAH FALLS IOWA. A complete stock in our


THE :} * a



B m,,p •iff*?!! I III




•rit VCY & SNYDKB, Editors and Publishers.

IMfae over Dale & Keliotfs's Drag Store, 3rd floor.

TIRIA-fJ Per Annum In Advure,

WILLIS SHEPARD, • \Succ«'MM»r To Nat.

HAKMtNS MAKF.U 015DKKS PROMPT ly attended to. Oood work or none.

Street, I'edar falls, Iowa.


rirrt 10-91

Oisz>Am v^XsXjm

Business Car<ls.


itTItR A WAVIS VltOl'lUETORS, MAIN Strtiet. Cedar Fall*. Iowa. M



COWHEtt Main ami Seeond tftrrwts, Cedar Fails. Iowa. Till* house is eentrnllv located,

fend furnished with tjotxl accommodations.


PAUL CKItlMi, l'I{<H'ltlKTOR. IIAV-ins urncl unit r-iitted the baUding

known as tli 1 i'Id Orphans" Heine." Torn Hotel. I am prepared to ent-r'ain the tr.tveliivj public 111 the brut manner and on roasoeaVde t-rni*. Hoard­ing hvihe day or week. Good «tabling in con­nection with the honsc. S8yl


A! H. Bl VrON, i'lloi'lilKTOR. COR-narl'l and Main sttv ts. Dubuque. Iowa.

TREMONT HOUSE, vo. l. iiicKi\s(» & so*, mors.

Corner Mb nnd low.i Stree ts . Duhnqne. Iowa,

"WILCOX'S RAILWAY HOTEL. Proprietor. Illinois (>n-

« tral and Dti'ituiiic & Sioux City, Railroad ©*• pat, Dubuque. Iowa.


KSOLIsNUKK, PROl! 1 KTOR; AC K I. BY, • Iowa. Tlii- house is entireIv new, and nu

excellent accommodations for truest*,


PAKKRttKllt IUJ1I, IOWA, has been well titt- il itt) I' ir tin' • oiivi'iii- tier of th* trav­

eling public. Lis cry Stalilo connected willithe house


NFtTLMCIt, I'ltOI'RIKTllR. CORN Kit • Bank and Seneca str-ets. Webster Cltr,

Hamilton conntv. Iowa. This bonne, havintr b-i'n thoroughly re-an-ate'ed iml tiimi-li'"l. will h«kept as a first-class lintel. Fare and accommodations good, and charges moderat". A |Nt tirery Stable 1* attti h 'i toth" premises.


DTCAI.KKft IN FA IIM MACHINKRT, Field. Harden and Flower Seed*. Agents

tor tli- {'elehr ited O. Anltnian A Co.'s "Sw<f?p-*.taken" Thresher. Marsh Harvester. Esterly and other Reapers and Motvers. Sehnttler Wiurtms, Ac. A fVill Mock of Farm Tool* always mi hand.— OS-ce Corner of Main and Second, Sis.. Cedar Falls.


la Overman V

over Milter A Wil­son'* Store,

CEDAR FALLS, IOWA. AllwSfk. Mechanical or Operative, done tnt|»

most approved manner and Warranted. Complete uppnratu* for the ln«ertion of Con-

liuuuu* Gum in full or partial Seta. 1 Particular attention given to the preservation and

regulation of Children's Teeth.

orric* boobs, rno* 8 a. *. *o 5 w. *. ntnr r->:is, Totva.



New ' York, Live P


Wot passage apply to TOWNIKltB H KNAVVt

* Cedar Falla, low*.

Or la*. ROW!, Oen. Wart. Agt., 48 No. a Lake (Mr st, Chicago.




MRS. K. m. HOM.OW %Y. PROPRI-<-tr. ss. Fifth St . Fo-t Hod re. Iowa. <iiMnl

Ktubiin- Attached. Thi- le>n-e h iviu'/ tharouirlilv ri»-nrrnniriM\ ? furMUh»"i. th and accoinmodat ion» will be good and moderate.


JR. IIOWLKR, I'll' iPIIIKTOR. ACKl.T . [o va St iL'-s i'.iivo tliisbou-e thr-e tim - a

wek for ifrim iton nnd all points North Free Baa to and from the cars. 10 5*3


A1TTORNKV ANI1 CorNHKIXOR AT LAW. Oillee in Dventini'- Rlock. «W

Miller & Wilson"- Store. Cedar Falls, Iowa.



LAW. Cedar Falla, Iowa. OMce No. 1. Mul-larkj-'x Hi'Hk. . I, a. i'.'« Ktn. <"• nr.MKKWAT.


AH'TOIINKVS A CO!' MS I". 1.1.(ilis, OF-Fit fc. in «'ucu'» Block, Cedar 1'tiUa, Black

Hawk County, Io.va.

Charter Oak Life Ins, Co. Hartford, Conn.

•rcatiUed In 1SSO,


ATTOUMCV AT LAW. CKPAR FAT.LS, Iowa. Will practice hi the Supreme and

United states Courts. Office In Miillfirkv'a Block, j


ATTOIl\I'lV AT LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC I and l.at d At'-Mi:. will .-iv- Sp -eial Attention |

'.O Bnvinir an.I s, Uiii.' R-al K«taie in Riitl-r und 3rnndy counties on Commission, Fnmlch Ao#trct» jf Title, and Pay Taxes <or Nour^idfnt*. Par-teraburf;, Butler Comity. Iowa. 9-38


ATTOItM-'.V AND COI.'NsrlloR AT '|.:iw and ' >'! ction Alfent. New llirtfwrd,

Jatk'r Cuiliitv, Iowa. vl')i'4ityl

WM. u. B'ri.i*KR. J*s- nusTTO. McCLURE * HUSTED,

A TTOHMKYS AT LAW, Waterloo, QL Black Hawk County. Iowa.

Atlttf |T,000,000, and rapitily incr<

Ptiiiekn* isHut'd tu date, Over 40,000.

All PROFITS Paid to the Insnred. and all - 1'OUCIKS NUNF0KF1T1NG.

The onpnralleled nuoce** of the ClIAR RE OAK. S»r th- la»t ^iii -teen year*. ha« jjlven H popniarltv uusiirpas»ed and pi are? it iu the front rank of Life Insurance Com panic*.

It ha* paid to the Widow and Orphan, Over ta ,UOO,OUO. and not a cat* lVly<it#t.

In th* (»<( fir* >ear* h.f* pai l in 1 >':iHendt to POLICY HOLDERS. $i,n<>0,250.

The "Charter Oak" issue* Whole I.ifo. Term and Endowment Po!iele«. liivln? the laratH amount ot lu«nrance for the I'Unt amount of •Mej of at.y company in the ba^Uu ca.

Insure In the Oak. ^ Prompt payment. i.ir3« receipt*. »mall :PljW"n«ea,

dividend* in 'w. lve months from date of Policy and each year theri'rtfter. are the peculiar cbarnc-toristics of tlii* Company.

For Aill particular*, call oa J. MOSUER, niitrict Ayent.

St Cedar Fall*, Iowa.

\ i ] \ i innMisni ioP! Secend St., in rear of Hunt <£ Iluwland'i.

Coarse & Fine Harness


. VII SAUH & benjamin;

MANUFACTURERS, An now prepared to anpply the trad^

StOTtaof an klnda on abort node*.

a. b. vjuraAtnt. «7tf j.n. MoiJAvnr.

THR ' •*


Insurance Company.

Central Office, Chicago.

Capital, $1,000,000.

Organized on the Co-operative Han ; • £ranch CM ce* c*tabli*hed In aU

iHnmpai < - the pr 11 CUiet and Tbtcm.

4|.'A. BOWMAN, A (rent, Cedar Falla, Iowa.


TORREY A KINOSLEV hata jnat opened a'

New Meat Markety Oppoflte the ,


tl« Piroprt«toni will keep conaluRty oa "" '

band a fell line of

-Fresh and Salt

MEATS. By strict attention to hn*lnea* and fair dealing

they hope to merit their ahant of the bualnca* of Cedar Full*.

TORREY A RING8LKY. Cedar Falla, Iowa, l)«c. '-Si. 40m3




I»PNP*m4 1*411 all order* for Ham atjAttawt.

. » A FULL Sl PPLt


Alao riaaterinj. Hair kept constantly on hand. COAB. ntSSEj

New Meat Market. '

WALLACE & P.ITTEH, HAVK fitted up in the most neat ami tarty

st vie a new M"*t Market on Main Street, east side, opposite Catnpliell Jfc Mills" Crockery St lire, ami are prepared U> supply the [x'opl'1 <if CcUir Fails with all kinds of

Freak * Salt Weata, Poaltrr, Ac., And everythim; usually kept at a Fim CbtM Jfe.ul Market, and respectftilly Invite a oh arc of the paS» Hr patronage.

The highest market price In caah paid tor utock,

WALLACE It RITTBR. Cedar Fall*, Sept. 18. W7.



(amcaaaosft fa «. wsitS « «i^}

Oaalan iaaM klali(|




New* Store !

NEW FIRM I A M O - o a

Rice ft GoodfeUow,


J. H. WYATT, M. D.,

HonKOPATHIST. OFFICF. ANDRES- ; ideii'' •. »'i(r;iHr Main and Fourth Sts.. Ka»t I

Sid" ("e.la-Fall- I'-"a. F.speci'tl itteini in L'ivn to UUstttriCii and Diiwa-sea of Wornca and Chii-ira. W-W


PHYSin \ N AND srtffSKoV. OFFICE IN Overman's 15li>ek. Cedar Falls Iowa,

L. W. WARREN, M. D. [Late of initio',#.]

OITJCRS HIS PROFESSIONAL SRRVICFK tu »h;' p •ot>l - of Cellar Falls »nd viriiiity. Of-

leaat Plummer* Drtie stot •. Residence oji tnd Itreet. hetwe -n W»« liitu'tou sttd Cl.iv.

N. B. —The beet references ,- iven if de»ired.

(0 o TS TO (9


o o





For Uood

Reliable Insurance,

' 60 TO


Republic Insurance Company OF CHICAGO.

Whips Onrrycomba, Cards & Brnihse, And everyihin_' usually kept In a

First Class Harness Shop, Alwavs on hand and for sal» at the

lo\\ !-:sr u\i\ t, !'/;/<fFs. O. C. POOLER.

Cater Falla. Feb. tl. IKS.

F. A. BRYANT, M.®.,

PttYSICIAN AND KCRCHON. OFFICE in Wi«e ,tr Bryant"? Driej: store. Residence,

;orn*r of Si ;tli and Fr.wkllu Street^ t':dar Fall*, "owa.

~ WM. ROBINSON, M. 67, ILat. Suryeon of the 1th Iowa Cavalry.)

HAS LOCATED IN CEDAR FALLS, FOR tlie practice of Medicine and Surgery. Of-

lreat.1. L. Cole's Drusi Store. Recitletica flrat I otitte south of New School House.

~~~ S. W VTERBURY, M. D., /\PPI!RS Ills l'rofcs-ional service* to 1. F ciiizeii# or Pnrkcrskiir^h aud vlcteity. flwapt attetiti' -

Cornell College. Fon noTii slxks, with ticn able

Professors and Teachers ; full Classical and Scteutilic Courses. Preparatory. Commercial and i irnameiital Depart meats, ample buildings ami ap-pli.'.rn -s .m l i.-,o stirl 'tils annually : in a town

for Tempcrancc. Hoard and 1*a« Ition Loir.

Fyr Catalogue addrew the Pretidcat,

940 BEV.WM.F. KINO, A.M.,

Mt. Vernon. Iowa.

en t< alls

ELIAS OVERMAN, » [Sueo-sHor to Overman liros.]

IROV FOI'NDEU AND UKNKltAL MA-cliinisl. C'd.ir Falls. Iowa. Steam Kiijfineg

and Mill '^wiiisr made and repaitril ; Store ('ol-tunns, Cliill'd Sleigh Shoo*. Bridge Castint;* 1 Bridge Bolt Cttttius. Iron Plaining. Ac. Or'cr* I respectfully solicited. Ca>h paid fur old Ca«t j Iron. 5*2 l


PHOTOr; U A FII 1I5T1ST. CORNKU 1st a ml M.ai:t sirui.-is,.t.'p SuUa, Cedar Falls. I

owa. Photographs, Ambrotvpea, Porce-! aia and Ivory type Pictures of every style, taken I Mahort notice.

Miss A . McN A L lV, Dr.AI.KHS IN MI LI.I '< KR Y & FANCY

(.i*ods. K-'.'ps const,eniv on hand a coin-plet" as-urtm uu of cl*jice .\Iillni -rv. New j?ood>t received every week. Opposite" Towuaend it Knai>p'» Bank, Cedar Fall#. Iowa.


MILI.IMCIC ANT) FASIIIONAIILK DRESS Maker, k -ep- n full a'-orlm ill of M'lllnery

and Fan< y CihhIs ol the I.i!'-t sty I •<. mid l« pre­pared to execnte all order* promptly on short notice. Two door. Houtit of Post O.Dce. Codar Fails. Iowa. SOniH


MII.LIMCIt a DlliiSS tllKER, k" [is < ,»•»-! »iitly on lnu 1 n •_»!• i i i«-.>!-ta»eiil

of the latest . 1 s iif Millnn-rv limn!.. ;uel is pre pared to do all klnda of work 111 her line on short notice. Rooms in Biahop* Block, Rear of Cole A falt'c Dra^ Store. 10-Ttf





CONFECTIONERIES, Gnu, Canned k Dried Frvita,

Alto a good tnock of

TOBACCOS AND CICARS, Maia St.. saa door South of Necly 's.

O. B. V«a Rsuo, 8. Wilson, E. Townsemi, F. A. Hotohkim. J$. Culver, A. Ci. Tliotn|«Hon, H. C. Wright, H. II. Carpenter, 8. Fox, T. It. Carpenter.

*»-! C. C. KNAPPi Aseut.



Of AU. Eiwpa.

Main Street, msc* to JRmce,


A complete stock in our /

lin* constantly on hand. .


. • OMBpNiw M9HMI

BVbka r», UKOSTKADS, TABLES. i'Ujilts,


""innm A*5,


D R U G S .


Main 8t.f Cedar Falls, Iowa,


Secretaries, Office Tablet,

jfa'urr STA vox l'lAXn sfonts. sxrh:\sntx TABLMtL

LO uxors. SPJllXti HFI)S\

l/.t "/'/'/M.NWW. Spomjt, llwk nml HUr, JUliliOHS,


Curtains and Fixtures,


Wt have ona of ttM


Watt of Bubttqne and oar maimfactura


By aay warkawB la thafiauliy. ̂

Th* PaUfW'-WMiy #»ely on n Better Arttctc for tho sorro Amount of

Mon^y Than at any other Es­tablishment of the Kind

In the Cedar Valley !



built bridge* if each of the

Cedar Fall* Iowa. D" A. M. REED.

1. 1W,


F %

J. WYTH, ASIIIOYAHMC 1' \ 1 [.OR. FOUR; Door- south of C.ileV Dru^ ' lore. Cedar Fail* i

Repairs n.-atly and pruuiptly vm i ost reasonable term*. j


PRACTICAL WKLL DKILLKR. Re«1-| dence. Corner or Twelfth and Main-street*. I

Cedar Falls, Iowa. Prompt attention irlven to all orders. ;

Wholesale M ftft-nll


HOI'SI?, SKiN AND uIINAMKNTAI, PAIN-'(-r Paper Haider, simp on First St.,

Jadar Fall*. Iowa. |

GV ,?EB '


Orainius and Paper Ilau^in^. Can produce i w>ofl wf»r v. Residence on corner (Kb aud Clav Kt., | Dcdivr Fillip, io\va. h-2

E. BAKER, - -—, norsii, carriage and I

Witrn Pmnh-r. h .s taken R. WRd'a place at I •/©our 1*alls, and will yive entire satisfaction to all ! mho entrust him with work in hi* line or bu-inens. !

9bof) over Fosdick « wa^on shop. Paper haniriuff I aaatly done on short notice. j

B. C. JENNINC8, a rrniBrsi.>\ meat market, keeps;

A. con*ta> tl / on hand a '.'(i itl a-sortment of the " , lu 'r ar;i. l.-s in the market Hue, S

#»llch 1h nonius at the lowest Hvin" pric<** 1

M ll'1 Street, first door North of Campbell"<1: Mill's ! Crockery Store, Cedar Falls, Io-va, . i



Glass & Stone Ware.

AfWH at tkaabava


JLM A. L. Nichols' Grocsry Store, Cadtf Falb,


Dni ss and shirt makkr. ckdar I'alls. Iowa Frenr'. Yok» Shirt" mart»to

ortfer. Residence, Comer of Fifth and Franklin Uncti. as

Constantly on Handf

Wkleh he otters at price* that cannot ha brat 1


Highest Market Price paid for Better, Eggs, Hides, Lard,

llams. Potatoes, <fec.

t u


And Civil Englnesrt

Cedar Falls, Iown,

Bon. Peter Melendv, Cedar Falls, Hon. A. G. Cose. Nashua. Iowa. Col. W. T. Shaw. Anamosa. Iowa. lion. ('has. II. Couklin, Vintou, life Hon. A. Hitchcyck. O ase. Iowa. « Job Clark, Marble Uoek, Iowa. M i. Spaulding

above points.

He is now prepared to build Iron Bridges of the Whipple Patent <*T any length np to two hundred feet span, at prices Within reach of our count ie*.

This bridge has been adopted by th» N»-w York State Fn^'ini-er- iiot nil other Iron liridire* and BMN'c t han i"i(IO are now in use in that Slate alone.

Be i* prepared to build th«m on short notice, and will cheerfully give all information desired.



Waald re#peetrul|v inform the rltiwns of Ct^lar Falls and vlehih v that lia has opened a

atiop at

Fbrit Door Bontli of Chase's Fruit Baar

Wkwa he wflllM tomaA u Iteaa np%r «# .

Cut and Make Clothing Of evenr deaerlfittMA In

Fashionable Style.

Satisfaction Cuaranteed !

cJvSitoa,'h0#e in want of li'SUflS W 'U1 du well to

C e l la r Fa i l s . March t . s , 1870 T. LAHDOBJJV.




W. T. MEDARY A CO., Mai.a*«*.»—a«t. f\KAI.r:RA IN LEATTIRR. XADDLKltT |l Rardwar/. Shoe Finding. Sa^dl^*. Oaltan, I •»., *vdar F UU, !•«-*, paid fer hkh« OBS A.SI



(Oppoalta la»aa Hob—,)

***r c im>»rwau»inuini|v

HEATS, POETRY,"1\M, Lard, Ac., Ac.

Vegetables in their Season.

We solicit the patronage of our friends, aw mraltv also, and will endeavor to civ j»nod tai MkUob In arery pirthato, OHSuaacalL

A. rtaxwcm ' ^pbabb SMMA



Seleoted with Great Csie

and bonjrlit for rash, and will be sold a* cheap as nnv other house will *••!! the *nm.< quality of ^o««ls for cash. We shall keep our stock complete at all time*, and aim to keep the Ivst articles to be found In the market. A full stock of

Paints, Oils, Varnishes,

DYE-STUFFS, TIritsliotai of all kinds,

Window Clasit ; Amj Blsa fms fxHaMsMt

WakeapaalMMd <m*r«

Pkkmium List Cedar Valley Af* ricultural Society. See Inside.

- iMM-a Itoma.

—The Delaware County lAtfmt baa closed its sixth volume,

—The Sentinel of Iowa Falls, Is acain under tlie entire control of M. C, Wootlruff.

—Vinton has paid 19),000 to tteure a railway, and Is now waiting to sub­scribe to sreure another.

—The Cedar Ilapida Ttmcs thinks there are altogether to many saloons In that city. If that is not ao Cedar Rapids muat be an exception

—At the city election in Marengo the two tickets were temperance nud lieenae. The latter carried the, day, as we learn from the Itepnblican* .

—Tho Courier, of Ottumwa, ex­presses the opinion that Judge Long-bridge will be re-nominated next summer without any serious opposi­tion.

—When s correspondent W -the paper hits .sou where you live, you just lay bnek and say that article was munufucturcd by the editor.— You see that's argument.—Aathuu Post.

—The average level of Iowa above theorean is l,utH) fevt. If old (m*,'uii was to rtseju.-l one thousnud feet, we woultl li«ve a salty time here."— Ilut we gueas It won't.—fndianola Journal.

—We team that M. B. Duncan, of Towanda, lllinoiM, has leeenily s«dd to Mr. liriggs, »>t Jasper county, iu this State, ten head of cuttle, for near $4,(K)D.- Jowa Uomcntead.

—The (State Jlcyisttr says, that no conclusion u.s ft* the local ion of Pur-son's College was reached by the committee at it* recent session; the decision being (Hmtponed for one month.

-F. W. H. Sheffield, Prse'teT the Construction t*o., Is shipping lots of currency to Kblora,—<»iny twenty-seven thousand tlollais litis week. Neighbors, don't tli s look like bust lonw 4,I dunno?"— htdora Ltiiytr.

—There Is no " iJachelor Club" in riidiaitoUi. but there is about "never al,'' old hacheloiH here who ought to be "ciubbed"—lor not ninriying. Tltey are all first class gentlemen— onljr they won't marry.— Journal.

— We hear that the building com­mittee of ibe Methodist {Society of this place have about concluded tu re-buihl their church of brick. A sensible conclusion, gentleman; stick lo it.—Iowa FullaSi ntiiul.

—Tlie contemplated 8t. Louis, towa and 8t. Paul Railroad got a througi) Montezuma, .Northward it louchen Malcom, Toledo and Cedar Fulls. St long hopes are entertained of its being built.—Duvch^m/iI Uh-zette.

We are a lktle a'raid other men's j Mater nf Vice President Colfhx, will | The Smith family have a vast deal of Uless will get ventilated occasionally , soon he appointed |>otital clerk on the! 8®n answer for, himI if the records thereby. At all events, the lawyers ; regulsr mall train of the Chiea^o, I l ' ,e lm 'ice courts prove anything, cannot hereafter have all the say. j Uoek Island & Pacific Railroad. Her We presume, the idea is, to tight thej husband is now a mail agent on the devil with fire, as well as to become legislatively great. -

—A very large number of cities! aad towns in Iowa have held elec-1 tlnns during the last two weeks.— With one exception, all tho editors' passed through the CHinpMi^ti with*! out being forced into nftlee. Thatj one is Junkln ol the Fairlieid Lcrff/-er. Poor man—lie has the sympa thy of nil his fellow-laborer*. "Al­derman, of the Fourth ward"—what a nanty for an Editor\—De«Moine* Bulletin.

—In Pel la, Marlon County, the fol­lowing "drop letter" was picked tip on the side walk :

Dccirent C:—Your boots are Inside the warden fence, at the southeast corner, under a piece of old carpet. Don't cuone atw more for Heaven's sake! The old imin swears he'll blew the top of your hetui ott*.

\ our atleclionute B.


The Only Undertakers in the City Owning a Hearse!

Term$ Ca*h, or Produce Taken in Exchange for Furniture„



We are prepared to soil the following klnda ai Mauafacturers" Wholcaia Fries:

JAYNE'8, **




D. RANSOM A C0.'8, +

J. H. HARRIS & CO.^,

Brown's Troches aud Worm Comfits,

Winslow's Soothing

Poland's While Pine Com­

pound and Humor Doctor,

Barrett a Hair Restorative,

Ring's Ambrosia,

Sloan's and Eqainc Condition i'owdeM,

- • •1 v r, i

TOILET ARTICLES. We have a lane stock of

Hair Oils, Brashes, Combs, it.

Physician's Prescriptions

A Full Stock of Wines and Li^uprs, for Medieval

Purposes et S «ail hatwa buy iuf.


5,000 NTIDKM* W.lNTKD-lo Ini v tie- Kir»t Edition of -*1(1(1 < vi'iir c

• >:'Xhi no-,-. .No _4." fi.uiaiiiint; the latest trood : ttiinus for recitation, dinmati< n, ->c|iool r, miing. ,te . in poetry and prow. H'-nd 90 cent* furi

I sample, to F. fJARRETT A CO.. t'hicaro. III. Alas. " Eir^laior DLaiognst." priav f 1 76. 4w

tlAJttI>WAHE !

W. P I E R C E

At Home, at the Old 8tand

FaraMilj oeenpia* kjr rsiaes * tmia,


Wham aay ha fraed aeoapleta a«artaMetsr A

General Hardware,


i sMpo





A»A 1081 athar aa^ful and mmmw i« Una of trad..

Alaa. all Job Work In Copper. Tin and ftMt Iwe. done with ueatness and dtsputtpT

I would return thanks for past far*rs and expect torecyivi- and confer more. I ' lease ins a call aSd K\atniiie for yourselves. Is the true way to Vast Uiu trade.


B a n k e r s ,



Exchange Bought and eld on the Principal Cities of the United

States and Kureps,

Dealers in Cold and Gov­ernment Bonds.

Amrxvnoir OIFMM LECTIN9.


same roufft. From our acquaintance with the lady, we think she will ilil the position well. The mere fact of her wearing calico instead of eassi mere would not incapacitate fcscfrem the work of assorting letters* ,

—The cna! fields of Towa are rapTd ily becoming a source t»f profit to those developing them, and ar« sup­plying a ureal need iu the way of cheap luel. Our coal is of n good quality, and in found iu large quanti­ties and must before Ioiik become a source of great income to the State. So far as It will answer our own pur­poses our citizens should extent! pat­ronage to tho*e project* which are actively developing the resources of our own Slate, in thia way we shall prosper nmre rapidly ami keep our wealth within our own borders.— JJuwkej/e.

A Tgyou proRY.—Miss Spencer a young tady clerk in the House, car

A railroad convention consisting I H ,ronl that branch into the of tlie directors and otticers of th* St. i It is currently reported that Paul A Dubu.iue and I.e. railroad I 1,1 R vvr>' C"U<l»<»sed ami company, was held at St. Ansnar I ""''ltereut nianner to read the hilt last Saturday, to deliberate on the i J ' , la,e 'f ° ® mail fa feasibility of constructing the St. \ VI''ties «•;f the State of Iowa Ac." Paul & lhibuuue railroad from St. M',0" discovering the nature of the Answer to St. Paul. It is exi>ected *1' • f1" blea of the nobb* generosity that work will commencetui the road t ' ,e Reptesonativea,

swept aciiwts her sympatlieiit^ soul, uinl ehe rushetl oft' iu all ecstasy of delight to pray for that worthy and

The Montgomery County Express' nnnjnanlmoua body. We take no

as soon m t he weat lief wlii perl&tt.— Dubuque J Writes, '22d,

Matilda Fletcher use re­turned to iowa from the East, where her eloquence met brilliant recep­tion. Site comes back with an en dorscment and increased reputation, that nr.st ctK'otiraue liu-r t«» more en-eryctic eilbrt ill the future.—Mate Register.

—One hundred «o4 eicltty^eeven Iowa tnddiers are buried iu the na tional cemetery' at (Jhattauoga. The names ami military history of one hundred and eighty-live of Ihtseaie known, and recorded in the cemetery register. ^ ..

—The terrlAe storjp wlildi came down so sudtienly upon us on Mon­day afieinoon, the 14th, lasting liil Thursday litis left its recoid of dentil around us. No audi storm hits ever visited Northwestern lowuro lau in the season, and none weie expt enng such a visltathiu.—Dodffe NmUv tve$t. *

—Pcvcrnl enrs of wheat have pass ed over the Central It. It. of Iowa, uhipped from Charles City uudptuce* i.orth of that.

We clip the above from the Eldora Ledger,. 1 mi l there food for lellec tion for our ia*opio in tbat paragraph. —Nuehi a Pdtt.

A Wai.kino Corpsb.—A man who is owing us a little hill said he would call iu last Saturday and pay us, if he was alive, lie made his appearance on the street, but as he did not call on us, it issup|o*etl by some that be is dead slid is walking ttrouud lo save fuueral expenses.—J'elta Made.

—The Tipton Advertiser announces the tl^jiiii of a Dr. Jackson, of that city. The Doctor claimed during his sickness aud with his dying btealh, that he had be. n poisiiietf The Advertiser hays that the syuip to ins indicated that tsuch was tile case.—Marion Register.

A Pennsylvania farmer writes to his county p.-.per that he cured his daughter of the (irrclan llend by pouring water on iter and holding iter out in the sun until she warped back again. We only give the re-,eipt for the benefit of some of the atliicted ' parienia'' iu Independence — Conservative.

—Uev. It. Norton, formerly pastor of the M. E. Church, Manchester, now stationed at Osage, on Friday evening, March Dtli, received $140 as the result of the donation parly given by his flock. We congratulate hini a nl iiis, mid trust that the,r may receive many tnore donations\>f the same sort.—Delaware County Union.

—Mr. J. F. Adams, of Iudianola, hud on exhibition at the Warren county fair last fall a splendid large tomato called the ' Oeneral Orant " He writes us that he has some of the seed lor rale, and that he intent]* giving us a few papers, which we are willinv; to divide with the first Farm ers' Clubs that ask for any,—Jowa Honicatead.

—How's this for a nsarrisfre notice: —"Youn«—Martin aud otlieis. —In Sail Lake City,oil the Kith ultinto, in tlie piesenco of the Saiuts, Hrigltain Yourm to Mrs. J. R. Martin, Mins L. M. Pendergrest, Mrs. It. M. Jeniek-son. Mits Susie P. Cleveland. Mis* Emily P. Martin, ail of the county of lieiks, England."—Burlington Argus.

—The Story county Acyi* eays that the Hon Charles Pomeroy will be re-elected to Congress from the Sixth District, and that all the ciiquea that

says: "The Corydon Alonitor renomi nates Frank Palmer for Congress, saying that he will get every Repub­lican vote in Wayne county, and the Dallas County (iazeltc seconds the motion; nud nearly all the Re­publican press in the District will respond "no mote it he; aud the Af ton Tribune "moves the previous question."—Regittcr.

—Yesterday the Sennte ordered a call of its memheia. There were sev­eral absentees, aud upon them weie inliicteil pleasant penalties. Sena­tors Newell aud McKeun were re quired to abstain from supplemental penitentiary speeches, and Senator Couch was instructed to provide apples and cigars for his friends.— lie viaid hi* penalty last evening, and his room at the Savery House was tlo> scene of many courtesies.— State R( (/inter.

— It is a remarkable fact that while all of our Iowa roads have suffered more or less by the recent snow storm the Union Pacific has stood the lost, and trains on tlitti load have come iu with clock work regularity. This is an entire refutation of (he many croakers iu all parts «f the country, who predicted that the Union Pacific could only he run at certain seasons of the year.—Comw<7 lVujf* A'onpa-riel.

—'•The premium of a town lot offered by Orand .fttmrlon, to the first child born iu ihc town, was taken on IhefstU, by Mrs'. Joi es, who distanced all competition. It was a girl. You can't get ahead of those Jonses."—De» Moines .S'tatemnan.

Our Rip Van WinUlish capital lie ghbor is considerably,mistaken iu all he says. The baby was horn in January ; its name isn't Jones, and it hasn't got the lot, ian't a girl, cither, and wouldn't be it It could.— Headlight.

—The new herd law is under the control of tli* voters of eseh ©omttj'; they can have it or not, as they like. That fencing is one of the great ami constant expenditure which the farmer lias to cbntt ml acuin-t no one can deny. One dollar a rod will not more than cover the first cost of a very ordinary fence, saving nothing about the yearly opt lay there tficr to keep it up. Let any one figure the number of rods of fence now lequircr in every township, ami we think the resull will be bouiuwhiit amassing.— &x.

—The eagerness to publish something nov­el and sensational in regard to the Tripp affair, arc not particular as to the correctuess of their information. Thus the Timen makes Tripp jt mem her of the Methodist Church in this city. So far from being the truth, we much doubt whether Tripp ever saw the iltside of the Methodist Church, or indeed any church durinir his lesidcnce here. He is not of the church going kind—Independence. Bulletin.

—A friend Informs us tliat Win. Wllmot, who formerly resided In Steamboat Rock, but removed into eastern Iowa, lost his three children in a simultaneous and shocking man­lier. Himself nml wife, locked the three cl.'iIdren in the house antl then went to church. While absent, the dwelling caught fire ami was ties trnyed !>efore the children could he rescued. So all perished, und among the ashes of a happy home the pa rents had to scratch for the children who wbuhl gludduu their heart* on earth, ae were forever.—Eldora Ledger.

—The Lansing Chroniele says, an old lady iu that place received a let­ter she supposed was from one of her absent sons, requested her neighbor lo read it. lie accordingly began to read: "Dear mother," then paused, as the writing was rather illegible. "It's from Johnny,'' exclaimed the old lady, "he always stuttered.*'

According tn that, there are a great many stuttering peopleiu this world.

—The Marshall Timet nnd Des Moines papers are having it hot over the capitol appropriation bill. Mar-slmlltown has half an eye on the

stock in the story.—Eldora ledger,

—We are Informed by E. It. Latta, that while he was walking from Manchester, the oihwr niyht, that he discovered about a uiHe east of Man cheater, u broken rail, and upon ex­amination, found it to have been broken by h sledge hammer. Mr. Latta showed us a piece of lhe rail so oroken, which shows unmistakaMe >-i*fii* of having been nroken. The vidian wl»o did this, undoubtedly bud a spite atfuiosi the company, and thought lie woultl throw a train oft I he track to vent Ins spite ug 'ln»t the company. We hope the stoui-tlrel who did it, may be ferriteti out, and brought to Justice.—Earlvilte Sun,

—A Mr. McGowen, a farmer of Jefferson township, Buchanan coun ty, shows up an account of 00 acres of wheat last year. All tlie cost of getting the production ready for market amounted to $1,018. The value of the 1,380 bushels raised, at .10 cents per bushel, was $080. The hai.dftonie prolit, it will be seen, was $3:18—over the left! At 75 cents per bushel, Mr. McUowau woultl have been about even. This gentleman has come to the conclusion that, if wheat had commanded $1.00 per bushel, the sound of ^ard times would uot lie heard on every hand.

—Senator Bcardsley writes to The otlore Tilton, of the New York Inde­pendent, from the Iowa Legislature : '"One tlay theic camu iir from the House, a bill striking out from that section of our code which prescribes the personal qualifications of those who may be admitted to the bar, the word "white.'' Turning to the sec tion named, it was discovered that immediately fid lowing the word white was the word male? end in­stantly an nmemlment was oflVre*' striking out that word also. It was done, aud the bill piusacd without discussion or opposition worth men­tioning."

Dnlmqtie ptpeli In their s to publish sometlii

—We confess to great surprise that the lioonc Co. Demonrat, edited by honorable and racy Raguet, should admit to its columns such scurrilous, shameless and senseless articles, us that over the signature of "Watch­er," in its issue of thetlth inst.— Such cheap and pointless billings* gate, iu a disgrace, not only to the author, but to the journal as well, which can be prevailed upon to ad­mit such driveling stupidity to its columns, und we charitably hope that the Democrat* responsible edi­tor has the excuse'of absence from home to plead in extenuation of the Insult offered to its readers. We do not propose to champion the cause ol Oov. tine, but we do feel Impelled to defend honorable journalism.—Iowa Ealls Sentinel

—In the late snow storm four men s*arted from Carroll City for their homes five miles distant. They were a Mr. Hortl, his brother In-law, and two brothers named itruner. Two of them were young men and ull dwelt umler the roof of Mr. Hurd. They left Carroll City iu a four horse sleigh. They failed to reach their destination aud search was made for llietr. They were*found dead. Miss ing the road, they had turned the horses louse, and turned thealnliip as a shelter from the storiu. Two of the bodies were found under the ve hide and the others a few roils dls taut. The accident caused Intense excitement iu that community. The borne# wete AmmmI lite j**irie, un­injured.

—A petition has been circulated here tor the parti on of Denton Cnine-ry, which many of our best citizen* signed. While others who felt only sympnlhy and respect, for his faith ful, devoted wife, refused out of a

I sense of duty alone. The thoughl will creep in. "If he was |Mw»r.

future State Capital, but we opine i friendles*, and hud beeu neglected in the people will lu-ve to look sharp to! chihlh .otl. aud abused, no one would ever see it. We can but denounce bis release." Alas! .. i i .i • ! it is the way of the world, and the

i the couise pursued by th s fanes in j Cliruiian WurU, lo. or Mr. (!ttni4,ry

the discussion of this question, as) it may be said, so far as we can learn, unjust to the people of Des Moines, j tlie emliczzlemeiit act was Uis first

crime, aud he bad maiiilWted so —A young member of the Legisla- j much love, kindness, ami devotion

ture, who rose to deliver his scnIM to his wife, that she wanted to share incuts on tlie bill to aixtlisli capital j his prison cell. Aud then the eouii-punishment, with a dignified sereni- j ly lost nothing by him. All the ex-

they prove that Joiin, who is doubt­less the father of the youth iu ques­tion, Is the wickedest member of tlie whole family."—Dubuque Herald,

—The Junior of tlie Fayette Time*% jn the «bsence of the serlor, any*: Our treatment or political patients is said to be extremely rough, ami to contain too, large a propoition of cau«tie, ami on that account we sel­dom dive very deep into such eases. We haven't the patience to cut and trim around a cancer, but always feel like cutting the thing" in twain nt one lick. Thus we think on all rad­ical evils. An error is an error, ami It may as well be be treated as such as to tamper with it by saying it Is not so bad as it might be. Our p*ti never would glide smoothly in reply* ing to a malicious opponent; ami If we attempt to striku a man we gencr-erally aim. to hit him so he will lie eousoious of it within • reasonable length of time. EIsm why strike at all? If a thing is worth ladug done at all it la worth being thoroughly done. Our convictions are so strong in these views that we feel about as earnest as did Judge Williams a few years since while speaking of l?ou-servntlam. Haiti he, "Do you know how I feel when I see a Conservative ' Mi these times (18(i-'j? I cull scarcely restrain myself from plautluf mj flats between his eyes!"

A n Issue of the Dubuque Daily Herald, of last wevk contained a wil­ful, malicious slanderous .-.ssault up­on Senator (Yuicli, of this county.— there was not a single allegation In the article, which was not a falsehood. The head and fro t of Senator Couch's offending is that lie seeks to represent his own constituency nnd not the city of Du buque. The future existence of Du hiique City, one Would suppose, tie |iemla upon a species of legislation designed to compel our people to seek a market al Dubuque instead of Chi­cago, ami because Senator Couch will not surrender tlieinterests of his own people st the command of Dubuque interests, his personulcharucter must be assailed.

The merchant* and businers men of Watarlon austaln Senator Couch,to a man. Over on-, hundred ami fli'fy - aud the number might have been doubled—signed an endorsement of Mr. Couch,on Saturday last In which they declared the fullest confidence in his Integrity, ami pledged them­selves to sustain him In the position he occupied on this Dubuque hoht y of freight tariffs. The statement that Jtulgd Couch has special r»t»s over the Illinols Central, Is denied by the officers of tlie Company, by ihe Judge's partners iu bu-lness. atsd we have Ihe be*t reason for believing • lie He redd writer knew he lied when lie |>eunct4 the charge. *

Our cilizcus have no unkind feel­ings toward Dubuque. They would rejoice in her prosperity; but, we t»eg her people not to expect us nor our representatives to surrender o r own interests to benefit theirs Homo of our people were humbugged Into signing the Dubuque petition They were all heartily sick of it long ago, and rejoiced that the good sen»c of their Senator saved them from the consequences of their own folly.

The simple fact that the Ihraht siugletl out Senator Couch as the ob­ject of its wrath, It) not only compli­mentary to the J'idire personally, but to Ulack Hawk county. It ia an evi­dence that the oppoaition of our Seu> ator lo the Dubuque hobby is death to it, aud, It: order to break dowu litis formidable opposition, the Judge himself must be destroyed.

We beg the Hera 1:1 to desist; Judge Couch is right, aud his iwople aland by him.— Waterloo Courier.

BKTTKII THAN I'IVKH ItlCIOHK.— The I'hrenolotogal Journat and PackttrdH Monthly consolidated.— See the April number of our old fa« vtirite for reading the most instruc­tive aud agreeal It? to minds young ami old. From its rich contents we select the following: Thomas II. Selhy, Mayor of San Francisco, with Portrait; Mental Requisites of the Artist ; Philosophy of Faith; Henry IWgh, Ihe philanthropist, with |M>r-trait; The double Adoption—a do­mestic sketch ; Li'e In China, with illustration*; The dust In the Air; Phreuo Magnetism; The art of Eu-uraving; Nathan C. Ely, Pres. Fanners' (,'luli^ tal vs.'LuUji portrait; The (Jovemors of Ne.%-York ; What makes a good w< iu i; Tlie Modesty of Uenius; Tin sword (lsli, illustrated ; Prayer and Phren­ology, etc. Price:in els., or $.'{ a jeai S. R. Wells, Publisher, U&U il»o d-way New York.

• i with porn-ait; Cat>i-; H. 8. Packard, with

I. '4 J

pense growing out of the strange af­fair lie paiti out of his owu potsket.— Tama Co. Citizen,

surrounding evidence of degrrudatioa barbarism. "City fi tilers w

ty of countenance, commenced wi'li, "Mr. Speaker, the generality of mail j kind in general a:e disposed to ex­ercise oppression on the generality of mankind in general."—Just tit —The Oalena Gazette says "that this point, one, vvh » sal immediately i mi 'H"*1 Fiiday evening a young wo behind him, pulled him by the coat j man * ith an infant child about two tail, and cried "Stop, atop, I aay; i weeks old arrived iu town by the a)M| you are coming out of the same hole train from the west und took lodgings |j,ere is not a drunkard's wife iu you just weut In at."—Mutcatine ! at the Commercial house. She gave j (|,Mme county, who would li >t give Courier. j her name as Mis. Smith, residence i you twice that sum, earnud over I by

ti CM S A T T LT * R, j Cedar tails, lowu Said her bus | washboard, for the redemntion uf It U it 111 TW/' » Crtn ' band bud gone to Freeport on busi- her husband. $l,IU0 in the city

Clark, U. S. Marshal for Iowa, is ness ami she had concluded tostop in j treasury ' Will i: atone for the aut o\fiwliclmi'il w11li It?tt**ih unkittj£ till li© hImhiIiI return. iSlic fcriitur lit ouh <lruukifilV polntnien-s for their writers as Depu- j remained at the Commercial house 1 home?—J/ori/'oei Ih/>v>crat. ties to assist in taking the coming I*. : till vcsil'rtlay. when she stepped out,! . * ' S. Census. Ami yet, according to its leaving her child,

Ki.kvkn hundred dollars wcr paid into the city treasury for I cense to sell "lager beer and nufiv wine" since March, lHO'J. $l,]U0irtfc. poor olfset for the sorrow and ml ry entailed upon the families of t patrons of these saloons. Where the drilftkaid'a wife that wou accept it as tin atonement for th£ misery she has sud'ered for Ihe puHj} year? Where is the father Ui:tj£ would uot spurn it, mther than sep his Isiy carried home drunk f SI 100 for what? (Jo lo the wretchcA hovels of the victims of imtempcip* mice! Look tijMHi t' e heart crushed wives and Muttering children ; thjfc broken furniture, dingy walls an|j| iincarpeted Hoots, aee want deplete^ iu its most terrible form, and eveijf

telling tlie luiul- hut-mav ht- fiirno'il <-»nnor „im. , i, i .'l^uilng, the most industrious Depu- lord that she was going To the |H>st i . ^ YoUXO lady in Ohio had a may be formed cannot pi event it, he- ; ,y will be able to can. but little more ; office for letters whicl, she expected |10,1 in ,wr

cause the jieople are satisfied. We are glad to hear this, bccuuse Mr. Pomeroy. though a quiet, is a nitast meritorious anil valuable uoewtier.— Davenport Gazette.'

—The practice of reading speeches in the Iowa Senate is now in vogue. The House has not come to It yet.

[ than two dollars a day aliove expens- I from her husband, and would return ; tiied lo k'ua her, ami by injudicious* es. The fact is, as It appeals, that in a few minutes. A few minutes; ly resist log, she swalllowed It, aud

; there isn tso much money to be made elapsed am] a few hours, but no Mra. | iu the Census business by anybody Smith returned. Nothing has been

as people have generally supposed.— heart! of the woman since, and the Chariton Patriot. child bus been taken to the poor

house. Mrs. Smith has no husband.

is uol expected to survive.

A m exchange says that there wjn* Thstn..f. it„^ ...K. ustiiim,. j nothing improj^er in the Prince ine lowality trtoune»aya that has taken this inetht>rl of getting! Wales letters to the Lady Mordauut,

Mrs. Cowles, of Jasjter count}*, a half rid of an unwelcome re^onfcibilltj-.' tfee ^rataitiOt.