· ce wk . it" .k or--i- warr .. . i asssawjwj t v& ' itr v if...

CE WK . i t" .K or- - i- warr .. . i aSssAWjwJ t V& ' Itr V If jK. LJU r U H txm- - ref s r "i" r. rS $fiA &G&. t .irT --A. ijK?S Pi- - Is S. s afeySh1 Eu, T . U s 5t, ' X - fw i $& fl t ie; . -- i kr.tii.i festMSSI '.i "V".-- - . .T..- - "" rv .n - SlS&:SS ifco- - ..,, mar v jP J - T- - - '. - tkrt . .2r ri - fcJfc r- - , yt, ia ; i-r- '. t.ii'. , v w:&i sSBHb'H r vXirjnr.&KF- BE?- - vi?rirlew- - Hefe, j -- ,1?V-r2 "C" , .'sS3KaassBEaR. -- r1 . ,J3C:V ". S: 'a " o A - J; Nt r . r:3 X. jf :'' ish& ..r : . i ? r 132 gjsamBBmBBmmmaaafeis. - jl - ' l .. 4 l -- i - WAMMJJfp MOMXi W(cs Can w, I Iww k(Wh to trtyonj ' Oelre.IwoBllwh.,r-Mk)w- ; 'i" DotPt be ia a lRH?T,to go. sv - TliecltrkMiMaTaMrMUeBK. MmttUak r tk rice nd Hu ; Um Tortex oCfttjcm, Bov f tbe ooiue4oinrtrrd brgiM ! To famet jboald boaneJucated wm. Forawrlj all necessary qualiflca-tk- m ,Wtyfcl-deTelopment- . FABmcacxiUKt arrafaelsQ Juf to cnlti vatcT thdr farmd witbout- - Laving their iiooaeacrowMd with hired hplp. Do'AUCi woraf:;M cheaply as possible this year, but do it thoroughly. Tho prospect k good for reannerativeprices, if economically produced. Thk Chegk-Bein.-Wh- y is it that so many of onr farmer, and nearly all of oar city cartas, insist1 upon wring a tight rem on working horses ? When a horse, lefftjto his natural inclination, has a hearyload-t- o pnll, ho can best exert his back-bon- e in oae eoatinnons line, and this he will invariably do if notpre-vente- d by a tight check rein. Some claim that it prevents the horse from - falling down, and when a man can raiso himself bvr afence by a lift on his sos-pendc- rs we will believe it. When a norse falls, a tight rein will most effect uaily prevent him from getting on to his feet again. Try it without the rein, and see if wo are not correct in our practice and- - theory both. Wasted Fekthjzkrs, The Farmer Heme Journal says : On every old ilace in Central' Iventncsy there are such things as old wood-pile- s, where chips have accumulated and decomposed for fifty years ; then there are old piles of ashes sometimes three or four feet deep, which have .been accvmnlating for-th- o same length of'time ; then there are old straw piles,and heaps of stable manure which haye sever been hauled out; and there are deposits under tho hen- roosts, sometimes two feet deep, which are equal to the best Peruvian: guano, and when these are all hauled out, wo will go to an inexhaustible supply of rich molds and alluvial, deposits of de- cayed vegetable matter, which have been collecting for ages, in places on branches and creeks which run through most farms. We have still another sup- ply jet, in the,muck mud, which, if dug out hi ' the summer time, when tho . marshes and swampy places are dry and - hard, can bo hauled close to, if not qmto to, , where ' it is wanted, and the winter freezing will pulvcrizo it and put it in fine condition for a crop the next season. PitESKKViNQ Posts. Every farmer who has to fenco his land knows too well how quickly posts planted in the earth becomo rotten, especially in a damp spot All of them will welcome tho fol- lowing process to prevent rottenness, a process as wonderful in its effects as it is simple nnd almost costless. It is taken from Lc Bicn Public, of Dijon, Franco : " Take h'nseed oil, boil it, and mix it with charcoal dust until tho mixture has tho consistence of 'ton ordinary paint. Qivo to- - tho, post a fiinglo coat of tho mixturo or paint before planting them, and no farmer, even-livin- g to tho age of tho patriarchs of old, will live long enough to sco the same posts rotten. i " ' Some years ago I discovered a way of rendering wood more durable in earth than iron itself,' ojs tho author of the communication; " but it seemed tome so simple and so inexpensive, that . J .did not thins it worth while to much ado and, fuss about it 0-- soft wood thus prepared u t ';after remaining seven years inTuVenrth, ahd wer&foundaB sound as when plant- - - cd. Tho only precaution to take is to uso only oll -- dried posts boforo covering . them with tho charcoal . paint,"7 &- - . Fabuebs Food. In the last report of the Massachusetts Board of Health, Dr. J. F. A. Adams, of Pittsfield, one of the most accomplished physicians in the State, has presented a long and valuable 'report upon the health of farmers, in which Mo combines his own cxperienco with that of the leading phy- sicians in the State, to whom he sent circulars containing twenty questions, to which thoy responded. Dr. Adams concluded that the following, are tho diseases to which farmers are most lia-bl- o, and tho liability is iu the order named: First rheumatism,; second, dyspepsia'r'third, fever; fourth, acute lung affections ; fifth, consumption. Iu answor to tho question'1: " What causes 'tend to injuro tho health of farmers and their.famiUea?" overwork is'mentibndd hb the first, improper diet tho second exposure the third, sanitary defects in barn-yard- s, nogpons, privie cellars, etc gmmmggtO want of iVMMatioB, olnujtad other oaafaa are fceataonwi, lmt ta m lour arejfae AiMMMMpb sfal cmctaiuo1as, Ibe fall focea erf whioh our Western HiMIWCKtl JaUv; it is t;wivao Western ac:JMMMrto tbr ststers at Al.'W- - . ?- ,n-r-- t , a . i: Jtt Win" hiyC lyrr Wmyfti- - in .sve a wajp:4;MWi vnataxe ; nhMiga.;. A to xarsMfa diet, i;r. Wait attiyf ! pi Umn eight coads . fi ftjMS$ gsgamW'i jiyjafwwb :tpMi ikiot "Aj Jte i'TWe m k HWavactTW food. ,S. lieatia too a to be fried. 4. Baked baans and salt-por- k, al-a- re thoagk a 1iIt. nuir.tioua diah, wo gearrauy-pNt- v y tiErp-? jMJmLrm2M. tXrt -- .BT5.'TTiJ?r3V5TaBlK a '' 9 iHftaty matutoaau extern. too KtSjki- -e allotted for aaaa. ... 7.t CsaaMatea,emiiillTUiahU- - sWt asm K UMaaailSB.iMa. A'k tiDr. PaaVek't reaaatha oa thk ?r.. s ""-- - mm msi rtwiy ef steak is fried to a Crispin fat; nearly alt other meats are fried, aad I think a larger proportion of farmers are dyspsptia thananytth- - er class. They need bettor broad,,? rare-cook- ed meats, less fat and greasa.-T- o the frying of meats to faluonalle amoeg farmers, the testimony of tire nhvsiciana is nuanimoutlv oimosctl. Beef aadmuttcn are recomuicuded as ) the beat aaeuta, and Teal and pork uru ooadampedas uafit fonataplc articles of die? Dn Adams thnVs'ums up tho testiaaoaT on the matter of ds'ct: "Hon fresh and leaasalt meat ; less f rviar aad more beilinir. broilii;z and -- rostisf;;a greater variety of regeta- - blea aad fniita: lersfrrifi antl skkes wholsaoihe well-khcad- ed urcJMij?iifii raised yeast : less tea." Wo hare .toonemoraoiai;t aad thai as jobms iaraka amaay famarsakep, and the point JDr. Jjawre&oe tells a few words v " As a general BBaBte farmers sleep iavie Doorest r their-kouse- s, whfchcsrcry small. poony ventilated. r&Smxe an OOMUZXUQU.''--MCCAafl- O. TfcrJSMMkwMs Chaxpaokx Hue Boil the ham very Render, kin and cover with brown su-'pa- r, moistened with champagne. Bepeat three times and brown ia ah oven. Slice cold. A Nice Dessert. Grato into a dish a layer of cocoannt, then place a layer of quartered oranges and sprinkle them with sugar. Continue alternating until the dish is full, with a grating of cocoa-n- ut on top. The Country Gentleman recommends linseed oil meal for horses that are nev- er allowed to run out to grars, being slightly aperient. A handful in each feed, morning and evening, is about tho quantity usually fed. Busk. Three cups of sweet milk, one cup of yeast, one cup of sugar, mixed over nighCwith flour enough to make a stiff batten In the morning add one cup of butter, one cup of sugar, add cinnamon and, soda. Mold and let them rise before baking. To Dye Gbeex. Boil the article first in alum-wat- er for an hour, then for three hours in a preparation composed of four ounces of verdigris, two quarts of white wine vinegar, and four quarts of water. Hair Oil. One pint of alcohol ; two ounces of castor 611 ; a few drops of perfumery. Shako well to cut tho oil. This is said to bo a splendid and nicely-perfume- d hair oil ; it softens the hair, promotes its growth, and prevents it from falling out. French. Mustard. A fine French mustard) called moulard supcrbe, is thus made: Salt, one and one-ha- lf pounds; scraped horseradish, one pound ; garlic, two cloves ; boiling vin- egar, two gallons ; macerate in a cov- ered vessel for twenty-fou- r hours, strain, and add enough of musta to make a rather thin paste. Some egg-raise- rs claim that the best use for skimmed milk is to give it to hens to drink ; that it is worth twico as much for this purpose as for feeding hog ; and that by its ubo in winter, chickenB will lay constantly. This must bo their only drink ; and let them have access to it at all times. The Coming Girl. She will bo of some uso in tho world, will cook her own food, will earn a liv- ing, and will not die an old maid. Tho coming girl will not wear tho Grecian bend, dance the German, ignore all possibilities of knowing how to work, will not endeavor to break tho hearts of unsophisticated young men, will spell correctly, understand English be-fo- ro she affects French, Till preside with equal grnco at tho piano and tho washboard, will spin moro yarn for the house than the street, will not despise her plainly-cla- d mother, her poor ro tions, or tho hand of an honest worker, will wear a bonnet, speak good, plain English, will darn her old stockings, wilkknow how to make doughnuts. Tho coming girl will walk five miles a day, if need be, to keep her cheeks in glow ; will mind her health, her phys- ical development, nnd her mother ; will adopt a costume both sensible and conducive to comfort and health ; will not confound hypocrisy with polite- - will not mace lvinar to please in- - Instead ..of frankness,: will havo tho courngo to cut an unwelcome acquaint- ance ; will not think that refinement is French duplicity, that assumed hos- pitality where hate dwells in tho heart is better than outspoken'condemnation; wilLnot confound grace of movement with silly affectation ; will not regard the end of her very being to have a beau. The Length of Whales. Mr. Scoresby, a irery high authority on this subject, declares that tho com- mon whale seldom exceeds seventy feet in length, and is much more frequently under sixty. Outof three hundred and twenty-tw- o whales which ho assisted in capturing, not one exceeded fifty-eig- ht feet, and the largest of which he knew tho reported measurement to be au- thentic came up to Bixty -- seven feet. Two 'specimens of the rorqual or razor-bac- k whale have been "observed to bo one hundred and five feet in length. One of tbese was found floating lifeless in Davis Straits, nnd tho skeleton of the other was seen in Columbia river, and must, tail and all, when alive, havo measured on eHlradafctan mM K&aKhM af uw nau uhiwi uw vav m nuMiy net. une cast en snore at aort Berwick, BcoEtataC 'presarvad by DtJCbox, war dMy-thre- e feet in length., Tbwe iastaMta t te-tablia- h the awange and extrea leiftk of tlieae.aBimahk.- - Bmt, witb considera- ble ctedttlir;ui ewlier AO0ea4B,G! vier, the emuii ajtslutvlsaya stout- ly, ''There ial bo, doat that whales hayeheeii aceaal eartaia Aochsand'iA eertaia, Maa a ward of tkree hnodred feet loar. or fae hmndrtd yarcU ia M;4ra4a f la aa article tho eVideace iwhieh froat tittatoiia kaa'beea iigtmt,UedioiQlmn Utry deckurea it asopiaH that it is anerfectlrsafe artirienresTSJ iatalH. avat phystciaa to eejaptoy; dnceaa aoaad. refraahinsr alaam wltea "I ia umbcb ui awimi w wnmrnmnmut, TUaf tbe brain aad JgestrrenoaaBS etMMUHoa; taai ital IbAaaiamaawHmjSMatTBamBwslPfflMrrf f lavmg invariably produced the same rciroshing sleep, each night. Tho editor of the Journat asserts, how- ever, that it is useless and improper to giTe tho agent to relieve pain it being only, valuable as a hypnotic in sleepless- ness unattended by pain and that tho dose employed by many physicians is Linsufrtcieut ; ten grains have usually hut httlcinflncncenpon an adult, twenty often fail to produce sleep, but thirty or forty seldom fail medium doses be iog better at first, to tje repeated asre5 quired. Exoubh Girls. Kate 'Field has an exalted opinion of American women. and places a correepondiag low est! Imate on the English females. Kate is risrhL. sava the Brooklra Armti Ea- - wnewj innaau SSS MmSm amamloaa?eaatiaoed:aM uiaVmlaaa tw -- ir irtr' f t lt-- W ii. . -- m jEix-r- - i , " " a WW ' m . - . i- A - v er v, r - - ' ? -- . ir t, : I , wihk apaoaawOjr'tralar nfcMByentiIated , ' : A -- - . x; - - -- - ; - T ii;i : " Tr f mxH -- 1 gins. s a gvutirai isiBg, uv fwr trash, Tacy measure over forty inches arciaAhewist, wear loose, gaiters, Wshew late hoars and-Wy-w- hit and enjoy a state 'of, heth that is poeitire- - IVTUljtar. t - Yeaagjaas fig's iscaae Freat the MMl ' RlTerTMTcat. fFrom the SprifcU (MaM.) KepebUcaa. The marvelomseecapebf yoangDsn-nin- g atXeeds has already been referred to, but his story is eo interesting that it ia worth giving in detail. Wnen the alarm was given he was at work in the spool-roo- m of the Nonotuck silkworks, and, rushing out of the mill, his first thought, of course, was for his family. He found that his father, wife aad three children had all left his house. He ehouted to them to run for their lives, at tho same time pointing to them what direction to take. His wife and children obeyed him and were saved ; but his father, an old man of seventv-eigh- t, thinking that something might be got out of the house before the flood reached it, went back. In dashed his son after him, begging him to leave the doomed building. While raising one of the windows the floor gave way beneath their feet and his father disappeared, from his sight. The young man haul just time to clamber out of the window, and as the house tipped over crawled up its side to the roof just as tho building broke up, leaving him but a fragment to cling to for his life, and on he went sail- ing down that awful flood in full sight of his wife and children, who, as they looked on iu terror and agony, expected momentarily to see him sink beneath the surging mass. In a few seconds his frail raft was crushed like an egg-shel- l, but his presence of mind never desert- ed him. He jumped' for another, and when that was gone for yet another. He was hastening down with the current at a terrific speed, and, intent on the fearful task he had in hand, never once thought of the dams toward which be was hastening. The first one is reached in the awful crash and jam. He is hurled seemingly twenty feet in thcair to como down and be submerged for the first time far beneath the waves. As he came to the surface and clasped another piece of driftwood he realized with an intensity uniinaginablo by those whoso lives have never been imperiled that another and higher dam was but a short distance below, and that he had abso- lutely no hope for life nnless he escaped from tho flood before that point was reached, but fortunately the swollon mass of water and debris at that mo- ment surged toward the shore, and seiz- ing an opportunity, which seemed to be providentially presented, he clam- bered across some broken roofs, which served him as a bridge, and with a leap again had a foothold on the earth. The feelings of a man, who, like him had scarcely a hope of life on finding him- self escaped from tho jaws of death, be depicted. Only a cool and intrepid man could havo passed through that experience, and possibly Mr. Duu-nin- g could not but for his experience before as a raftsman in Canadian waters. He had been swept half a milo down the river, nnd was utterly exhausted by the intense strain on mind and body, nerve and muscle, yet as ho lay on tho bank a moment to get his breath, ho could not suppress n smilo at the appearance of a man who escapod from the-fioo- d near tho samo placo by seizing hold of tho limbs of a largo tree on tho bank. Fleshy though ho was, this man went up tho tree like a squirrel, and did not stop till he was at least 30 feet above tho water. Mr. Dunning describes, as the most rcmarkablelincidcnt of tho memorable ride, the heart-rendin- g screams and groans c .women and children in houses that wdAftiKwept down with him and seemed to be beneath him. He says thev will rimr in his cafsTViiio latest day of his life. S5 x" N i Cultlratc Parity of LaBguage. Avoid slang, my dear girls, as you would avoid any degrading habit; lot your words be pure, simple and express- ive just such a form of expression as your little brother and sister may imi- tate. Nover forget that next to "mother," elder sisters ore tho chief educators of the household. It is pain- ful to listen to many girls' talk. They begin with a "My goodness 1" and in- terlard it with "oh's!' and "sokes alive!" and "so sweet 1" and "so queenly 1" and so many silly phrases that one is tempted to believe they have had no training at all, or else their mothers were very foolish women. There is nothing more disgusting thu the twaddle of ill-br- ed girls ; one is provoked often into taking up a paper and reading, and letting them ripple and gurgle on, like brooks that flow they know not whither. M heart warms with love for sensible cirls and pure boys ; and after nil, if. our girls i and boys are not this, I fear l fault t IM woasea of oar JaasVrlf weltaTe aaoble, aaefal par-poa- a ia. life, -- we will iufaae tho right spirit into thoae aroasdriaf- - ,VlIW A jamarkaMa "eae sack pkee last Saaday ca the Aypoiattox rirer, aaar Fatcrafharg, Tavt whan five haadred rieraaparaoaa wera 'lmplail,:pT ay ia the prmnaoe of a very large rowd. ' At 1 o'clock p. m. one thou- - TOteaa ehaated aa anthem aatbe eolama of .candidates marebed lawaia'order to 3the wafer. Two' )iar of aaea were theafonaed, aad the oar kiolrybegaa by paaiaf Maa eaadidatar froat liaaa to ha&d frosa the shore tothe elerirjsaaa,, wha; stood hia waist ia thanrer. Tha work rapidly on aatil the handreda wero be-- 1 ewa4w aa becaa the acextwtjnt awrufastationa of aad ecstatic ioy ertwwitaeaaed. to tioleat were the diiainiittratioaa at ttarsa that it often rcmured atieaath of four,or bt able bodied to qmet taesav jJaasaMiatety fter the h wcreasurra.ia a fbraicd-i- a liae. 'A aa taea ferised sai aboat teatapapaaa, arher ia um aaaraa, aaaaa taajmauea eoa-- tiajftoat aaaid tha mtZiiM LUNTART .GonsM. "1 am 50 Dmble," raid Uriah Hccp, and perhaps , the inflnence of his arrogant hnmflity in tbe opinion of many, rendcra hnraili- - i tr a vice rather than a vutne. luver- - l theleea, one prolific canse of trouble in ; this world is, that most people waut . more reancct or consiilcration or what i t sarno law obtains in social life as jn ma- - tcnal. If people do not plan, work and , devise means to brine forth imita of I ln ea wmaa. naw aKaiWABt4(l a Israva, a foodf their want's are not supplied, and ther Biustiithcr beg or starve. The I l.-- i -- - m- - ?; tUm. .. ! wwi.v. v w av. "z"tf "V" V"iM I gara Binary ior,Ji.peopienceaiOTe, at (t syripainjana encomsexaeHr, MJfV ainst patscsi the qualities mat call 1 forth a satisfactory lesponse, or eo ur.- - s loted. - . A VaiJiEr Faixs foker, wfco April-foole- tl ais doeior br sendiBs Jor bim wkaa nobodj was eick, didn't audit so Btaca of a yatft - when Ha was (iargedj tfee for ths yi-it- -r H H HHa aV.LVLLILLBaaLLLLLLIaLaw "aaasalMJgW Tjy mT'iAalaTLLLLLaaaT? THE GRA5D PACIFIC HOTEL, Opposite the Government Square and the new Federal BaikHofa. ia, witfcoat dealt, tha perfect hotel structure in the world, and the the United States. Its four fronts, on Jackson. extent of ten hnndredaad twentv.two f 1.023) aa dr of Jane. 1873. and has oroTed to its multitude of patrons, representing the best elsots of the traveling community, the well-choe- cn and ansurrasd character of all appolaUasoU and arrangements (of which mention mav be made of tha Baths Tarkisa, Eleetric Vapor), secure with a IsTishness of ontlsy, aided experience and careful study, never Miore gvren to an emerpnso or its class. The magnificence of the exterior, its great interior rotundas, superb pablie asartaaeats, the uceqoaled enitos of prirate rooms on its mile of corridors, and the system and detail of its management, bare not only won the pride and admiration of our citizens and guests, bat furnish the key the success of tbe Gkakd Paciuc. which from the outset has equaled by any previous or cotemporary enterprise. CentnJ to all tbe great railway depots, tne banks, wholesale stores, and places elegant shopping and amusements, it is all seasons, by its lightness, spaciousness and perfection of vsntilation, the most comfortable aa well as elegant home for tbe resident gncet and tourist erer offered, tnd it rrffl 6 maintained as it has begun, the moot complete and perfect in the world a claim for it sustained by the guests of the past eleven months, many of them our since the opening of the former Sherman Honeo, July 8, 18G1. GEORGE W. GAGE, JOHN A. BICE. Chicago, May 1 , 1 S74. btstxes for tttxnty years. The Saow-FloTre- r. A very remarkable account is ad- mitted into iMtMoiuTcs of a so-call- ed snow-flowe- r, said to have been discov- ered by Count Anthoskoff in 1863, in the northernmost portion of Siberia, where the earth is continually covered with a coating of frost; This wonder- ful object shoots forth from the frozen soil the first day of the year, and then returns to its original elements. It shines for a single day, then the stem, leaves and flower are converted into snow. The leaves threo in number, and about three inches in di- ameter, covered with a kind of micro- scopic ice, developed only on that side of tho stem whtch is directed to the north. The flower, when open, is star- - shaped, its petals of the sumo length with the leaves, and about half nu inch wide. On the third day the extremities of tho anthers, which arc five in num- ber, show minute, glisteirng specks, like diamonds, about tho size of a pin's head, which arc the seeds of this aston- ishing flower. Count Anthoskoff collected some of these seeds and hastened with them to St. retcrsburgh. y Thoy wero there plnced in a pot of snow, where thoy re- mained for an entire year ; but on the 1st of January, 1801, tho Miow-flow- er ourst through its icy envelopo, and dis- played i's beauties before tho eyes of the imperial court.. Amline CoiiOitsJ Prof. Kopp, who had recently made "a careful study of the aniline colors at the Vienna Exposition, says that the manufacture of theso pig- ments from coal tar products is making most remarkable progress. Fuchsin, constituted by a .salt of rosaniline, is obtained exclusively by tho reaction of arsenic acid on commercial aniliue. In order to afford an idea of the enormous consumption of this violent poison in tho manufacture of fuchsin, it is stated that in Germany nlono the samo is es- timated at 3,300, 000 pounds r year. It is only lately that the residues have been treated to regain the arsenic in commercial form M. Kopp mentions, as a novelty. beautiful rose red color ing' matter called aoffrouine, which upon silk, is a very brilliant dye. Increase of BaiiiBOad Fut .uts. A strange feature has attended tho open- ing of navigation this year. Tho rail- roads have raised their eastward freights from Chicago 'five cents per one hun- dred pounds, instead of lowering them, as reason would iudieato to be the only course. The explanation of this auoma-l- y is that the New York and Erie and the New York Coutral railroads havo lines of steamors on the lakes to which they want to drivo freight, with tho ob- ject, it is presumed, of ' running out other steamship Hues arid crushing competition. "Out op the HuiiLT Burly." This is the name of a cook full of the richest humor, by Max Adder. It is bound to be very popular, both on account of its humor its superb illustrations, of which there aro some 350. advise those who wish to "laugh nnd grow fat to buy a copy, for a BmaFaaVfatt t aad retail asl ewes tha a p0alarifT smi mat wftk aa lacMaaala ia all sarU aff .taa laai, ia the af tsamTH Ir;rwrtMa Oolaaa JHavBvs jMBaawVWT This aaaaet aepead aaea jjaaaTiaaAswaiaera laraaly aiTirUsfd thaa as.atisarmw4ieu,a saehH aot.UMeas. rraet tf miation, wa think, ii fmt i tlMfam that this BMdieiiM naaaeastha waaaarral aad perfect tnras af had af IfiBfhiil threat and jaaa msisass. Msf ) doahtaaTy Uiam-ie- t pet feetaad sdWant sdr fee aBkhsSs of concha, that has erarbaea fta Um aaalic. aad at tha or Meoa-mmmnaa- aa atrsngt htaaig ptopettiea that has hasa;ahlV prodaea, tha Ha soTSfmaa rasaaay aotouijia UmeaTeoccon- - Hi jm suuami mm cwsasw. Offtl aaSfaraadhhwa. aaasraiaViimhaisMv Mosshaa roathsatH, hMkenfocSuIrsj a4pliaeanKBitaMT'It Bwiraiaawsml a Bea 5ffaatBatt MMrmf aai laadamaitr Iteta amiiiiaw at aa wise) at It. ,wat itttataattiMra Rtaataaiaapejai au taa Taai atftta'aeoritanat.i iMMMftHI aa4gajy Bfr- - if BWWayttTt. lauaVTTimiit Uf. r s- - ia HaaBabbafeaAaaBfBok .1 aaaamaaTBtAa B. L. Sarra A Co. Sicatxrs3 is an aition that waits on ae all.. None are eugyi, and ibcro are noca Lt 1 relief iu attacks. Whoever fcn ?u" preTails thte :thal r?r fL it. Di90rdere thl UaM-haT- e Uon healed by hi Sahsatasilla, asaiffectiort of tha langt br bin Chkkxt rzcroxAm too fmrnectlr acd dMiacJ to diepatea. Aoce Ccas of atedfciBa. Mt-jwra- Ii are dear, at ,cood are cbeap. at aar,ric job to pay forlheaa. Ch&k&mzf&Hrkr. i t WnvaorrTa XoBavf A Sate, Stjbx Saafrinc Ccaa!-f- ec nnprcedentd Baicot ihw wBTKciamuaaija BKdicin proTwr ineoa( wtablTthat oamae Tj hxa aepcxacdad theaM VJ"T . m - -- - A 2. oeea 1032a NauaM wavajvan u ns w; -- to fall into TTn pan i I, Tisiat A Co proriKtons, Sew OrtaViv For kuo by au drs?gietd. s. 5 iobsmw, ua aauwac o BTpwrrcpciss - "Si0 &? J?.tSi5!f2,J2. ciBUBBi.auaicsHitl.Migaw lcniai 'a TTTR XoRTBWaawajarllowrE-- N ATI, C 'Fii2ailiAta.fcaatfetheTc:id- - . (IV" Go to XznacLZ WaOrrevEaBItoa, JXL largest edifice reprasaounc prirate aterMM ia LaSalie, Quae aad Ckrk Btoaata, have feet. It was opaoM to uw pa&ae aa taa 'M its special and by to aerer beea of at hotol patrons are :a and We to Tha vary freai U lina. Are Yes Uelns; Xortk 1 If yon are, you want a cony of ' The Northwest Illustrated." h will not cost you anything. Send to W. 17. Stennetr, General Passenger Agent Chicago and Northwestern railway, Chicago, for a copy. It shows you the great Northwest, and teaches you how to get there, and what to do when you are there. The Great Medical RErouaATioN. Tho Satanic Theory that preparations which iuflame the brain are, in any sense of tho word, remedies, has leen overthrown, and can never be The wonderful effects which have attended the use of Dm Walker's YiNEOAit Bitters as an antidote to the causes of discaso aud a cure for every controllable ailment, have demonstrated the utter fallacy of tho doctrine that alcohol is a tonic as well as a stimulant. The New and incomparablo Vegetable Remedy which has superceded the death-draug- ht of rum bitters, ia as free rom every intoxicating clement as tho dow of Iicaven, yet see how it is invig- orating the nervous, relieving the bilious, curing the dyspeptic, purifying the blood of tho scrofulous, strengthening the debilitated, arresting premature de- cay, and replacing despondency and weakness with choerfulnessand activity. Truly a grand Medical Revolution is in progress. 45 A noveltt, is the handsome &L50 field Croquet .yct that tho Jixcchior Mayazinc is giving to new subscribers for IK) cents, through a special arrange- ment with a large manufacturing com- pany. They furnish sample.copies of tho Magazine for 25 cents, from their offico, Room 59, No. 157 LaSallo street, Chicago, 111. THIRTY YatAKS KXPKKIKSCE OF AM OLD NVIIMK. MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHIRO STBDF IS TBB PRKBCirTIOR OR one of the best female Fkysl-etanaan- d Rursea In the Unltsd States, and kas been nsed fcr thirty years with aever falltnc safety and succett by millions of mothsrs and children, from tbe feeble Infant of one week old to tha adult. It corrects acidity of tha stomach, re- lieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and glvee rest, hsalth and comfort to mother and child. We believe It to be tha Best aad Barest Bemtdy la tha World la all cases of DTSBRTKBT sad DUB-BBX- A IJT CUILBBBR, whether It arises from Teething or from any other cause. Ball directions for using will accompany each bottle. RoaeSeaa-ta- a unless the le or CC1TIB PXBKIRS It on the outside wrapper. SOLO BT ALL MXD1CIRR nXALBaS. CIIIL.DKK9I OKTKN L.OOU. VAUK AKO SICK, from no other cause thaa harttg worms la tha Stomach. BBOWR'S VERMTTUOB COMT1TB wtU destroy Worms without tnjary to tha ehlld, being perfectly WHITB, asd free frm all eotor-in- g or other lajwrloaa ingredleots asaaUy used la worm prsparatloas. CUBTIS a BBOWX, Proprtetora. Ro. ait Bulton Street, Re w Tork. Arfd Hr DruniMi oS Onmittt, aad 4tUr tea Urrfifwxt. of TwBHTT-rtv- a cbts a Rat. HOtSEHOLD Why wlU Yaa Sarert To all persons saferlag PANACEA from Bheamallsm, Rruralgla, ARB, Cramps la tha limbs or atom- - FAMILY , rain la the Bi ihBt,wa would aay Taa raaaoaA MOUMaOLI- - ear la of all dy yoa waat .PAJfAClU al asa. ca. t- - .. U eartc e eom- - FA1 lawawatfjjr cassf. I as atsUgj at it. LixmiptT. TryU. aUlylBtiHiin, idawaVATCI fowr rarfamad aabwartM rasrrvaa Bgaaaaw aa,79raetJ k,R.T. 9W eadfrao caaa prieae. Addraea Kaatuaoa Wi ob.0. aBum ast a 174. waaaew rrita ateaeata acoataat 25fflyla; aarn. &2M why rrVfissu HOT. 1 VmEl BaawaaBaSaTO A atA a ea, afattr aaa8r faW. elr pkaaaamaammtal r we tijStwJumi 'sa.a.aaaadX ll eg. ;. n Feeat. ee- - irity. veat. Ad. . Clataaatl. DK. SAX'L. S. riTCIl'R FAMILY 1?HYSICLAN Will t tent free Vy matt tn any one eendisg their address to 714 Broadway, Raw Tork. "TrTSBH VVASTKDfHriht heatOraam mtad. far tl$e 'eterm State a. Salts 0 per raoath; can Le increased tolJS. JT. Or., 36 W. ajadaaens RC, Chleaaja. rrrrri a TAAoyjmwaatdiatowBd I He A .coaatry to sell TBA, t gat ay eah JW ,Jordera tor tha largest Tea Ceaapaay In America. Imaortera1 yrteaa aaa taen toArewte. Seal ear Clrcalar. Adaraaa, ROBERT WBXLa. td Testy --, B. T. T. O. By tha Ba,r ad retail, liNLLi Iptefataf areaateea. bymau B. W. laaeet a Saw. HAI10CIS T& 11. Golden Sunbeams The latest a4 iVeaTxaeie Bee far tha aasday School and the BfeajeCtr!. tiayteCoyyaaataa receirt eeata. J.IB a MrBrABB PMFITUU EaVUTKn. MTmrk tVir Krerrl Bcu wattted. Jralf yautl tr. U$xm W. AHtdvimidi 4k &, Ckf "?. WAUKESHA WATER, IKML ROCK SrHIII, CURES DroMY. DiabtrtM, Crmvly Dysptjpela, Constipation, Jaundico, right's Diseass, aad atl4ltai of tfes Utr and dn?- - Tala wats. la sow known an toil a art mdj tar Ik asoT4ltat.1a alt ' ? world. It U tralr woBurtful wkt fire I It hapnn thhama ay turn. Ills now txleg shipped at ib aUowtta prices t narrti, to tu, aii; iiiae,j; awmirimam jr. 90 cnta r a!-- . pcaislra; itlt(ita.) pr dot. Xunf j auit mubibjt " otdtr, ta cpt to oar rtrilir aathorlrrJ asvnt. Itutr of 7r 4nitril ror wtutrtu sittrti if sprmc water. Additaa C. C. Out A .. Waaktiha, Wis., Sir orilcrt fur tVt water or for clrcutait. CntcuifATt. Jaot 11.11C1 C C. Otis A Co.. Wankttka, Wit. Itartna- - uJ your wattr frcm tha Mineral Ruck Sprint, Wank tka, Wit., fur tha dlatelta, I bave Sand treat re- lief from tha u cf the tame. Bfr I ro aienced mint thlt wattr, my phytlcian rrftcd to roe the tpeciae travlty of. at vrtaa SS. and after mint It tor twenty days the fecWc travtty of the urlue n rednred to 31. thowmt a treat lrnrmeement, and finding treat relief In ntt tlnt cvrnprlled to urinate tn frtqaently. I had of other waters, bat firm It at my opinio that the Mineral fWh Sprint it urcferable. And 1 do earn-ettl- y reromraeud It to all who are afttded wtth tka iiieae romraonly known at Olabeirt. Respectfully yourt. ALratD Wilsojt. Dcpt. CulL Int. Rer., So. W Third Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. nvrA, Wtf Jan. JIWX Manors. C. C.0Is4Cu. lrSirt I am atton-Itke- d at the Immediate hentSt received frcm the ate of your hralmt water. 1 commenced, mint a. tbe water at directed, and fuand atnaikcd ckaoare, of redaetpir spedSctravlty of mine SJ' down to'jOo In three tfayt, producing- - a moist tkln ana a direct pertptratton, maklnt au entl'a rhaata rqr Ike better In mjr dlteatlon. I alto And It heBeScial to theliTtr. Since drUkint the water, I rett ranch betfrat night, and without belnt'l' 1 umally wat before. from two to three ttmMdHtt am erery night. TUI.klrgif eltlllnt yur sprint 1 the inmrner, hlleMliii( tswler to d all that you claim, and knowing the fatorable remits i ik my own cate. yuu will nlcate rxpreaa the gallnnt lramcdiatrly at 1 am talttfiedTbat It does ut lote any of lt heallut propertt by ahlawiMaT-- I think yoar prlre very reatnable, ant wilt yonr Sprint all 1 can. for the seneflt cf In- valids sufferint with those Incurable siteases of nrltbt'a Uitvate and Saccharine rttabetet, aa I kuow they cn be Immediately relleeeit by drink-la- g Mineral R ck Sprlu Wattr. With klndett re- gards, yonra truly, Oao. Joaat. MMPHIRC NAMT aentllr cum I liy Dr. OPIUM anownt hi i(fuiriy. NO CI I. VI tCJ 13 tor Irealmrtit uutll cum!. Cnll on or DR. J. C. BECK, Cimciaaati, O. Ptrtible Soda Founiaiis! $40, ISO. 175 and $100. aOOD, BCaSBLB ARB CBBAB. Salpaed le aay fer Use. Manufactured by J.W. CatATaUB aaaaasL-- s SCO., Misttof, la-D- . sxxn roa a CATALOaua Agents I If you want to make money, laH It. Out of the Hurly Burly. 1ST MAX ADKLKR. The biggest thing yet. Humor, wit, fBlhae, life, fan and laughter. JM comic cats. Tha peeple yearn for It. It will aall In dull timet I Show it in a man and ha turrenderl. It It tura every time. Pon't bother with heavy books that nobody wants. Humor Is the thing that taktt. Agents wanted everywhere. Bend fr circulars and eitra ttrms tht to To-Da- y rub. Co., IS Zatt Lake street, Chicago, Illinois. THE IHFROVED HOWE SCALE they Is the only one containing all the Modern COMPARISON INVITED, C0PTITI CHALUNCCI Bend for Circulars and I'rlcea. mm. A.M. OILS CRT 4 CO., X Stale-t- t . Chicago. OILRRRT A COMPART, lit Malh-st- .. Cincinnati. D:. afaMaflactttrce! aad foraaleat 23 A 25 E. RantJolph St., Chlcaaa Chaplin's Life of CHARLES SUMNEPw With an iMtmilnrllaM brKl-tior.ClaB- la, la Heady. The Character aad Services of the !hle RtateaaiaM, thaHpecUl Ade-aa-tat;e- e Paaaeeecd r the WrlNKnewa Aa than, the HeaHtlfal lleltatyaa Portraits, KMjrnevlMKs, Kac-SlHt- lle Iettera, Ita Rlx (904 pa(et, 1 dm.), and tow Price (t !.), cetnttlae tm render thla tha NOtT POPU-liA- K HOOK of the day.-Age- nta Waated. BOSTOS': IK LOTH HOP OO MUUtitri. Strut for thtxrM 10tuiralt4 CutaUfe. IOWA ANDJKEBRASKA! MILLI0R8 09 ACBBStrB TBI BRST LARD la the West, r sale en Taa Tears' Credit, at yer crat. laterett, by tha Barllagtea aad RUa-aou- ri Blear Ballroad Company. NO PAYMENTS NIQUIRCO, Bacept Intereet, till fifth year. Bach Sew, warn Cfiaia' long Suemi, l"W Taars. aad fr.e gdasa tion. frit Tart and Lm TrikU ea aowMaaaf goods to those who 9 till at... ra....t.. Liiicaiaii anaai .a at?a,aa .with full parti Blare, I draaa UktO. N. SAliaaawv Lead Coamlisiuner. Burlington, Iowa. . NOVELTY PRIHriKB PRESSES The Bead Vet lavaated. laa yor Amattur or IttuMH Bar-p,te-s, and xnsnrpatsed ler ga-- eralJobrrlatliig. f or9w la Cm, BENJ. O. WOODS. aaaractarer aa ueaier mi every datertytl aff RmTlHO MATKRIAXv . l.t Kieeelawdwda..aaama. it j 1 ii a a!4 . -- -. m m M.. rmlrk IHnir4I..IiaTatf Belley.Jftwclia Laawlg. 7 MarbeVeU. rhlU4el- - paia: a. r. aoaaa. awrenntwi,. fer IllBStrsted Catgae. J0tok UteMSXil aaaWaaWaBrBBBBaavv-- : v "rj: e aafawBaw 9T tha MnltMadea whose avoeatleM reetrlet them toadtllBg pottara, more thaa lwo-bir- eaffer from Caasllpatloo. B tbey aet hw that aa cre!rnal rrirtl T.tKHXl'l HKtT-ZK- H APKMI:iT weal I prevent all tbelr mtarryf Ita rrgniatlnt p'oprrtlee are aapar-asirle- d. Bor Bale by all dealers la medicine. THE TrftESMEl If THE Pttrtt." rrara B HHBbbt A Tata It the BumrasT -- TwaAvoa ahkh hta created each a pvralatiea te tha gad Mesas t rrur arraauana aa tha Bead -- vrntBH Thresher" r tattaar d yeawaOea. Btare than aevea tiiagialyatrtaarsaal aaaaty lajiiianTwa lamtisaawae iee aaeaaaaa aarrjaaxT CRaocAjxa Hr tvcac-aar- i atneey wmmr mmm aaaaiaa vtau aaafj. rawrarw. AlgBamaaTiitsaaeaJi. ataw. BaiBTBalJl avTataai amwBwamt BmT JaTm " JUIyranw teleadahfa ay YtoemwaavS aaUM eaaaaa. r Seyaraear amw.aT amajttarrZy I taftsBI iTTt"ti iniitii rgiaHimaa r TTrtamaama hataeaaadad far war at rir MlaarlkahM an uiwaaaa ( aaaeHaearaaJar. bMbbp HVaa ?.. . Waajaav rn? Tarn.- - H vr-- . - z !J 1 3V C?4 cV" vvs Dr. J. Walker's ailifbraia - rzt j fgtr IHttcri aw vrjmtmk pa'iKirution, nuulc "Mefly lroathinig tivo herbs found on tho lower nMMtfV. the Sierra Nevatlaniountalnaa f TtaT I "- - nb. tho nictlfcinnl nrotMsrtica am ivctmciiul ilicrvfrom 'rltboat1 raa aaa Alcohol. Tho, )UtfurWk- -: dally akrl. 'What bita4apW-iPpjf- nniiaralloleil succcjo of ViysRAEJsYak, teks f '' Our .mawcr Is. that tbey TwaawWK - "' tho causo of IUkswc, nml tho iatlc S? covers hta Ircaltlu, They are uw firaaa blood narinomiMl auw-gtrw- if pi nRW"y ravfrct Rcnovatoc aHl liv; tk arxtfin. Narar befdrv aadBBmaHES tetwawe? se hlitorr of tho koiM a nutlicM Waa compounder! rHWwinj tho nHVafcaaMar QBalibmntUNKtUll iRhsaHaWlfca: tick of evcrr lircac inanrthipref. TWf: m vnt?M PlirsTfttlva as wtuas a Teahv 5 relioritie CftKtyUtwIat!aaroaUawl '. wt mK 2-- 5.. .'' . " Jmkrn $& - . - ;z - a . .. . a - - . I. JujSII T ;., n.i.l VLuxiral Onrann. Mt ifaBaat' ? n:.. s r j, Ir??-'- 1 "rr .. .' r93TgrwjLX? rft,. Hnuiiaa or n" wtit aaew "--i VlSKOARltiTTRasare Aperient, PUrAorstlaJa GanalnaUrc, Xutrttitm, iraovy. 1'igpav acaatira, cuuBtartrffaaauwtw aa aiT. aad AuU-HiH- t. n . 4, H. II. MeDOXAfiW A CO.J Drnnrl'l an4 flm. . ict, ton KmaeUwv Cawwaia, a.-- 4 rr. of VaAhlBctoR aaU Qiiraaaj-- . ' V". BUIayalllWataKMwaaMlDcalera. f IYER'S SARSAPA-ILL- A,. FORPwfllFYIPIBTrlEUIw - 7 aHallLd wfVa mVff. waafctaalai JaVaMMefeeaV Baiaahatlllt . faaaakBi. Bkl ,- -, a, a. - ..- -, - -, ar rf aaaea ewarnwiwayea M with the Iodides f rw '! tttum and I run mSnrmSL Vamott ttrtual ewvecd a series or rcatpiaiawj which are very Mate lent and afflicting, it buitfles the blMwl.tinra ". aaW aal ee 'ul Ike lurking ha-mo- ra tn ih rticm.itiae undermine hretlh and settle into ttoublaeem dlsordere. W.Hh lions of ths skin are I he a pea anraon lh- - surface of humors thai saouw te p.ll4 ft m tie bloo4 internal derangmcnta at detrrmlr,allonnf these same hamort M aema-tntarn- al organ. or organt. wheta action lhy da-ran- and whesa substance Ihey dlteeteaad da. atroy ATaa'sBasArBtii.Aeiptit miinwwi from tbe blood. When tbey are f". the dieordert produce tlsappear, aurh as IXttratumf rj ATiMevs, "r"'' nm i XtmatH, Ur, ,". n..L t tk Ski, AalaoaV JVauat? ftnaibr BVwtiawVis. rimtitf, i'uM . Pktfktf, amdamaBmaamaaW' amaaaammmaaF Twmor: Trtftr af .tr h'htum, .VaM ? amHJmVL worm, llctrt aad .v, HftHmAium, . amaamaamrWtl iim in the . Aide J ma Sterwvfv. JforrAaw irita rwa taaywai WceraNea and ttferiwe ?" ."reSJ!, naaamv:: JhaaewlW'Ht aad 0ar4 iHtUiry. lll parHua health returns. aaaffaar I ABSB ST j.e ath co., larw-- a, Practice! aad Analytical Chemist, " i- - aW4 sy a DrwffiWr and Dealerf ra lfdafay. $ , -- - " - . 9T. Awaw.aa aa i -- . . - j rt rr aflar . n ' - Vi (nwc ttrlD: . tg Y m avavlae S5 g a) "Sa Sf s O- - airl! ma' r. ' r?n tj d O.fyiK . X ' O ZJO S V. : u f .aw ' r tn r - - o 2 9 o e 3 tn 3 s g x' o r o" U j ' cr- - a x T ai rt Aft ., P b. r y 9 - 4 3 tn To iTLjnC X ZU rr 7Z q?;j fri&i K 3 -- a Ssr"S-ory- M U r 3 3- -, o w.r xd er sr.rt -: 3 r aa . ; s. i.-rait- i ..-- s ik. mv ji-- - tn 3 faWsS 2-3.- tr tS Ci &y P X ! -- kK. TO n t V aOBACHWBKC.Afeatawante4,partew. d id Ura free. J. Werta a Co.. K txials. M. CINCHHBININE is as eftetmnl m raaMafy FOR FKVKR2i05 Ajeetd let, more palaiaWe aft4 may A tXZttptr. v Pit learrlrdlre Cbvslax wkh TrHfHnito Vkylrtmn from all jrU it lhe eawttrr. trSmtf raahaatg tar trhJ3 dKr Prwrarct Vy RILLlNtM. CM IT A COCat Badrn,Maaa. New Vofk.vmc,aCekt rea. KttllHHHIMHMMWt' riaKa's4iM 5if 1 1 J aad mmmt ataST&aBaaafcas, annrtag e saara was o3aaalSB atoee aat fS5r aimaaaaa Jamaaaaaaa'AmWa JVMB 'arSfe mtJ,' i a ' TMB Iff rLOttlHOK kdOjrtri HXYf-XlL- l. "- - 2ZMX r.v.'JiA3vaaaTa aajaau'maaaa:- - awawwmwaaiawawa fMm7Miteweawawae)edaaaaaasasBa g amPt"aF .asmw. amw LANE &. BODLEY, ARCgACrtBaRH dHrJEtB rtETAMJe AX TATIf 5AT SAWIwfltlJtl,oa. gav:--- " fraa rraaaea. rititdma jragdatat vVraasht-fra- a Headsaaadw wMh iMmr aav sat? ABB caBATBaT tyW HI7, inetrased Calaleyeeaad yrlaae aaabnauaa aVAXSd aaBTS WARTBB emrjaafff aiaaiatil.r ArHclee laate' wear. iakdMaywaammamaBammt war4B awgjwaa:mraw tit aaawwyaay aedMdamwBWFV ilZXdaaaaai HrXTML.Y. TbaYenra ." amaJi aa fnmmmmmW&Z aaaspc aeftt,a rertyt ywaaaa. 'vJ. ifcettr atd ClfeajadC tjgaaaaaaaaamavi ftatfaafrBawy eadiwaW'MUTB. BhsaMaal nS3L Seat htefcrjaian Ba. BeayarABTB, Cm aaaaiajc EtyirJ 4 m1 M.eMWMaV, wwra eta bvm arvwBaBai iMtCakaMBmiaaaaakam HaEaii cjr. r. -r- -. em)r'r ttwddrvna7stg vij. amV,iXa, VVli,,?1 'aaatr4avJr. lwii Xti Wa a: w J:ai , 'amaami tarl V'- - Wt ?fnT u la JTal - 4amml ammaaaaami !.4alaaai JaammraBl 'ewaarvm iX tf: y- - A 3Rr- - 3n a:r n jja-J- a H B J 4- - JilSi J$ - " ' .. &f m A w- - - -- X r ak: aa ia !! er ami ml W g B a " j J " 4f 1 .. ' - team , y- - Taw- l. aT Cy r 1 - ' m tf 'r: t, J, OH r as.L JK. t s , , - -- 3 5 ?" 7 ', a j fi :wHvsi 'nj t9t v Mfevkr rat - ftdrtf W.f ff fit lawtat, atf M ". f i "..j;a. r, : - "?- - T ; &&&?5?Z: i? 2mS $K T i rdf ? 1 "sstsss - ;iStr.a. ita - fc. V"- J "V iiA$.- - ?l 2. ,. .s-r- " 'rgtamaBmaBmaBmKmaM.- - ,' .. "S-- .i&&gf '.-- - ? A V- -' 3 ',5'; v.i si.:v jr . ' v. ,Ja, T1 - aVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaVVtm jfr r ''&''. s:s: - 4i , r. '4-.'- .jv. & . " - 0rTTJlamar':fI? - s - a,5W r - i fr - "tr ' 'j-- - i. 3 cfC, 'M'j?z2 r .. . - s-?r- i :i.- -

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DotPt be ia a lRH?T,to go. sv -

TliecltrkMiMaTaMrMUeBK.MmttUak r tk rice nd Hu ; Um Tortex oCfttjcm,Bov f tbe ooiue4oinrtrrd brgiM !

To famet jboald boaneJucatedwm. Forawrlj all necessary qualiflca-tk- m

,Wtyfcl-deTelopment- .

FABmcacxiUKt arrafaelsQ Juf to cnltivatcT thdr farmd witbout- - Lavingtheir iiooaeacrowMd with hired hplp.

Do'AUCi woraf:;M cheaply as possiblethis year, but do it thoroughly. Thoprospect k good for reannerativeprices,if economically produced.

Thk Chegk-Bein.-Wh- y is it that somany of onr farmer, and nearly all ofoar city cartas, insist1 upon wring atight rem on working horses ? When ahorse, lefftjto his natural inclination, hasa hearyload-t- o pnll, ho can best exerthis back-bon- e in oae eoatinnons line,and this he will invariably do if notpre-vente-d

by a tight check rein. Someclaim that it prevents the horse from

- falling down, and when a man can raisohimself bvr afence by a lift on his sos-pendc- rs

we will believe it. When anorse falls, a tight rein will most effectuaily prevent him from getting on tohis feet again. Try it without the rein,and see if wo are not correct in ourpractice and-- theory both.

Wasted Fekthjzkrs, The FarmerHeme Journal says : On every oldilace in Central' Iventncsy there are

such things as old wood-pile- s, wherechips have accumulated and decomposedfor fifty years ; then there are old piles ofashes sometimes three or four feet deep,which have .been accvmnlating for-th- o

same length of'time ; then there are oldstraw piles,and heaps of stable manurewhich haye sever been hauled out;and there are deposits under tho hen-roosts, sometimes two feet deep, whichare equal to the best Peruvian: guano,and when these are all hauled out, wowill go to an inexhaustible supply ofrich molds and alluvial, deposits of de-

cayed vegetable matter, which havebeen collecting for ages, in places onbranches and creeks which run throughmost farms. We have still another sup-ply jet, in the,muck mud, which, if dugout hi ' the summer time, when tho

. marshes and swampy places are dry and- hard, can bo hauled close to, if not

qmto to, ,where ' it is wanted, and thewinter freezing will pulvcrizo it and putit in fine condition for a crop the nextseason.

PitESKKViNQ Posts. Every farmerwho has to fenco his land knows too wellhow quickly posts planted in the earthbecomo rotten, especially in a dampspot All of them will welcome tho fol-lowing process to prevent rottenness,a process as wonderful in its effects asit is simple nnd almost costless. It istaken from Lc Bicn Public, of Dijon,Franco :

" Take h'nseed oil, boil it, and mix itwith charcoal dust until tho mixture hastho consistence of 'ton ordinary paint.Qivo to- - tho, post a fiinglo coat of thomixturo or paint before planting them,and no farmer, even-livin- g to tho age oftho patriarchs of old, will livelong enough to sco the same postsrotten. i

" ' Some years ago I discovered away of rendering wood more durable inearth than iron itself,' ojs tho authorof the communication; " but it seemedtome so simple and so inexpensive, that

. J .did not thins it worth while tomuch ado and, fuss about it 0--

soft wood thus prepared ut ';after remaining seven years inTuVenrth,

ahd wer&foundaB sound as when plant--- cd. Tho only precaution to take is

to uso only oll -- dried posts boforocovering . them with tho charcoal

. paint,"7 &- - .

Fabuebs Food. In the last reportof the Massachusetts Board of Health,Dr. J. F. A. Adams, of Pittsfield, oneof the most accomplished physiciansin the State, has presented a long andvaluable 'report upon the health offarmers, in which Mo combines his owncxperienco with that of the leading phy-sicians in the State, to whom he sentcirculars containing twenty questions,to which thoy responded. Dr. Adamsconcluded that the following, are thodiseases to which farmers are most lia-bl- o,

and tho liability is iu the ordernamed: First rheumatism,; second,dyspepsia'r'third, fever; fourth, acutelung affections ; fifth, consumption. Iuanswor to tho question'1: " What causes

'tend to injuro tho health of farmers andtheir.famiUea?" overwork is'mentibnddhb the first, improper diet tho secondexposure the third, sanitary defects inbarn-yard- s, nogpons, priviecellars, etc gmmmggtO

want ofiVMMatioB, olnujtad other oaafaaare fceataonwi, lmt ta m lourarejfae

AiMMMMpb sfal cmctaiuo1as,Ibe fall focea erf whioh our Western

HiMIWCKtl JaUv; it ist;wivao Western

ac:JMMMrto tbr ststers atAl.'W- - . ?- ,n-r-- t , a . i:

Jtt Win" hiyC lyrr Wmyfti- - in

.sve a wajp:4;MWi vnataxe; nhMiga.;. A to xarsMfa diet, i;r.

Wait attiyf ! pi Umn eight coads. fi


gsgamW'i jiyjafwwb :tpMi ikiot"Aj

Jtei'TWe m k HWavactTW food.,S. lieatia too a to be fried.4. Baked baans and salt-por- k, al-a- re

thoagk a 1iIt. nuir.tioua diah,wo gearrauy-pNt-vy tiErp-? jMJmLrm2M. tXrt-- .BT5.'TTiJ?r3V5TaBlK a '' 9iHftaty matutoaau extern.

too KtSjki- -e allotted foraaaa. ...7.tCsaaMatea,emiiillTUiahU- -

sWt asmK UMaaailSB.iMa. A'k

tiDr. PaaVek't reaaatha oa thk?r..s ""-- - mm


rtwiyefsteak is fried to a

Crispin fat; nearly alt other meats arefried, aad I think a larger proportionof farmers are dyspsptia thananytth- -er class. They need bettor broad,,?rare-cook- ed meats, less fat and greasa.-T- o

the frying of meats to faluonalleamoeg farmers, the testimony of tirenhvsiciana is nuanimoutlv oimosctl.Beef aadmuttcn are recomuicuded as )

the beat aaeuta, and Teal and pork uruooadampedas uafit fonataplc articlesof die? Dn Adams thnVs'ums up thotestiaaoaT on the matter of ds'ct:"Hon fresh and leaasalt meat ; lessfrviar aad more beilinir. broilii;z and

--rostisf;;a greater variety of regeta- -blea aad fniita: lersfrrifi antl skkes

wholsaoihe well-khcad- ed urcJMij?iifiiraised yeast : less tea." Wo hare

.toonemoraoiai;taad thai as jobmsiaraka amaay famarsakep, and the

point JDr. Jjawre&oe tellsa few words v" As a general BBaBte

farmers sleep iavie Doorest rtheir-kouse- s, whfchcsrcry small.poony ventilated. r&Smxe an


TfcrJSMMkwMsChaxpaokx Hue Boil the ham very

Render, kin and cover with brown su-'pa- r,

moistened with champagne. Bepeatthree times and brown ia ah oven. Slicecold.

A Nice Dessert. Grato into a disha layer of cocoannt, then place a layerof quartered oranges and sprinkle themwith sugar. Continue alternating untilthe dish is full, with a grating of cocoa-n- ut

on top.The Country Gentleman recommends

linseed oil meal for horses that are nev-er allowed to run out to grars, beingslightly aperient. A handful in eachfeed, morning and evening, is about thoquantity usually fed.

Busk. Three cups of sweet milk,one cup of yeast, one cup of sugar,mixed over nighCwith flour enough tomake a stiff batten In the morning addone cup of butter, one cup of sugar, addcinnamon and, soda. Mold and let themrise before baking.

To Dye Gbeex. Boil the article firstin alum-wat- er for an hour, then forthree hours in a preparation composedof four ounces of verdigris, two quartsof white wine vinegar, and four quartsof water.

Hair Oil. One pint of alcohol ; twoounces of castor 611 ; a few drops ofperfumery. Shako well to cut tho oil.This is said to bo a splendid and nicely-perfume- d

hair oil ; it softens the hair,promotes its growth, and prevents itfrom falling out.

French. Mustard. A fine Frenchmustard) called moulard supcrbe, isthus made: Salt, one and one-ha- lf

pounds; scraped horseradish, onepound ; garlic, two cloves ; boiling vin-egar, two gallons ; macerate in a cov-ered vessel for twenty-fou- r hours,strain, and add enough of musta tomake a rather thin paste.

Some egg-raise- rs claim that the bestuse for skimmed milk is to give it tohens to drink ; that it is worth twico asmuch for this purpose as for feedinghog ; and that by its ubo in winter,chickenB will lay constantly. This mustbo their only drink ; and let them haveaccess to it at all times.

The Coming Girl.She will bo of some uso in tho world,

will cook her own food, will earn a liv-

ing, and will not die an old maid. Thocoming girl will not wear tho Grecianbend, dance the German, ignore allpossibilities of knowing how to work,will not endeavor to break tho heartsof unsophisticated young men, willspell correctly, understand English be-fo- ro

she affects French, Till presidewith equal grnco at tho piano and thowashboard, will spin moro yarn for thehouse than the street, will not despiseher plainly-cla- d mother, her poor rotions, or tho hand of an honest worker,will wear a bonnet, speak good, plainEnglish, will darn her old stockings,wilkknow how to make doughnuts.

Tho coming girl will walk five milesa day, if need be, to keep her cheeks inglow ; will mind her health, her phys-ical development, nnd her mother ;will adopt a costume both sensible andconducive to comfort and health ; willnot confound hypocrisy with polite- -

will not mace lvinar to please in- -Instead ..of frankness,: will havo tho

courngo to cut an unwelcome acquaint-ance ; will not think that refinement isFrench duplicity, that assumed hos-pitality where hate dwells in tho heartis better than outspoken'condemnation;wilLnot confound grace of movementwith silly affectation ; will not regardthe end of her very being to have abeau.

The Length of Whales.Mr. Scoresby, a irery high authority

on this subject, declares that tho com-mon whale seldom exceeds seventy feetin length, and is much more frequentlyunder sixty. Outof three hundred andtwenty-tw- o whales which ho assisted incapturing, not one exceeded fifty-eig- ht

feet, and the largest of which he knewtho reported measurement to be au-thentic came up to Bixty -- seven feet. Two'specimens of the rorqual or razor-bac- k

whale have been "observed to bo onehundred and five feet in length. Oneof tbese was found floating lifeless inDavis Straits, nnd tho skeleton of theother was seen in Columbia river, andmust, tail and all, when alive, havomeasured on

eHlradafctanmM K&aKhM afuw nau uhiwi uw vav m

nuMiy net. une cast en snore at aortBerwick, BcoEtataC 'presarvad byDtJCbox, war dMy-thre- e feet inlength., Tbwe iastaMta t te-tablia- h

the awange and extrea leiftkof tlieae.aBimahk.- - Bmt, witb considera-ble ctedttlir;ui ewlier AO0ea4B,G!vier, the emuii ajtslutvlsaya stout-ly, ''There ial bo,doat that whaleshayeheeii aceaal eartaia Aochsand'iAeertaia, Maa a ward of tkree hnodredfeet loar. or fae hmndrtd yarcU ia

M;4ra4a fla aa article tho eVideace

iwhieh froat tittatoiia kaa'beea

iigtmt,UedioiQlmnUtry deckurea it asopiaH that it isanerfectlrsafe artirienresTSJ iatalH.avat phystciaa to eejaptoy;dnceaa aoaad. refraahinsr alaam wltea

"Iia umbcb ui awimi w wnmrnmnmut,

TUaf tbe brain aad JgestrrenoaaBSetMMUHoa; taai


IbAaaiamaawHmjSMatTBamBwslPfflMrrfflavmg invariably produced

the same rciroshing sleep, each night.Tho editor of the Journat asserts, how-ever, that it is useless and improper togiTe tho agent to relieve pain it beingonly, valuable as a hypnotic in sleepless-ness unattended by pain and that thodose employed by many physicians is

Linsufrtcieut ; ten grains have usuallyhut httlcinflncncenpon an adult, twentyoften fail to produce sleep, but thirtyor forty seldom fail medium doses beiog better at first, to tje repeated asre5quired.

Exoubh Girls. Kate 'Field has anexalted opinion of American women.and places a correepondiag low est!

Imate on the English females. Kate isrisrhL. sava the Brooklra Armti Ea- -

wnewj innaauSSSMmSmamamloaa?eaatiaoed:aM uiaVmlaaatw -- ir irtr' f t lt--W ii.

. -- m jEix-r- - i , "


a WW ' m




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: I,wihk





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ii;i : " Tr f mxH -- 1

gins. s a gvutirai isiBg, uv fwrtrash, Tacy measure over forty inchesarciaAhewist, wear loose, gaiters,Wshew late hoars and-Wy-w-

hit andenjoy a state 'of, heth that is poeitire- -IVTUljtar.t -

Yeaagjaas fig's iscaae Freat the MMl

' RlTerTMTcat.fFrom the SprifcU (MaM.) KepebUcaa.

The marvelomseecapebf yoangDsn-nin- g

atXeeds has already been referredto, but his story is eo interesting that itia worth giving in detail. Wnen thealarm was given he was at work in thespool-roo- m of the Nonotuck silkworks,and, rushing out of the mill, his firstthought, of course, was for his family.He found that his father, wife aadthree children had all left his house.He ehouted to them to run for theirlives, at tho same time pointing to themwhat direction to take. His wife andchildren obeyed him and were saved ;but his father, an old man of seventv-eigh- t,

thinking that something mightbe got out of the house before the floodreached it, went back. In dashed hisson after him, begging him to leave thedoomed building. While raising one ofthe windows the floor gave way beneaththeir feet and his father disappeared,from his sight. The young man hauljust time to clamber out of the window,and as the house tipped over crawled upits side to the roof just as tho buildingbroke up, leaving him but a fragment tocling to for his life, and on he went sail-ing down that awful flood in full sightof his wife and children, who, as theylooked on iu terror and agony, expectedmomentarily to see him sink beneaththe surging mass. In a few seconds hisfrail raft was crushed like an egg-shel- l,

but his presence of mind never desert-ed him. He jumped' for another, andwhen that was gone for yet another.He was hastening down with the currentat a terrific speed, and, intent on thefearful task he had in hand, never oncethought of the dams toward which bewas hastening. The first one is reachedin the awful crash and jam. He ishurled seemingly twenty feet in thcairto como down and be submerged for thefirst time far beneath the waves. As hecame to the surface and clasped anotherpiece of driftwood he realized with anintensity uniinaginablo by those whosolives have never been imperiled thatanother and higher dam was but a shortdistance below, and that he had abso-lutely no hope for life nnless he escapedfrom tho flood before that point wasreached, but fortunately the swollonmass of water and debris at that mo-ment surged toward the shore, and seiz-ing an opportunity, which seemed tobe providentially presented, he clam-bered across some broken roofs, whichserved him as a bridge, and with a leapagain had a foothold on the earth. Thefeelings of a man, who, like him hadscarcely a hope of life on finding him-self escaped from tho jaws of death,

be depicted. Only a cool andintrepid man could havo passed throughthat experience, and possibly Mr. Duu-nin- g

could not but for his experiencebefore as a raftsman in Canadian waters.He had been swept half a milo down theriver, nnd was utterly exhausted by theintense strain on mind and body, nerveand muscle, yet as ho lay on tho banka moment to get his breath, ho couldnot suppress n smilo at the appearanceof a man who escapod from the-fioo- d

near tho samo placo by seizing hold oftho limbs of a largo tree on tho bank.Fleshy though ho was, this man went uptho tree like a squirrel, and did not stoptill he was at least 30 feet above thowater.

Mr. Dunning describes, as the mostrcmarkablelincidcnt of tho memorableride, the heart-rendin- g screams andgroans c .women and children in housesthat wdAftiKwept down with him andseemed to be beneath him. He saysthev will rimr in his cafsTViiio latestday of his life. S5 x" N i

Cultlratc Parity of LaBguage.Avoid slang, my dear girls, as you

would avoid any degrading habit; lotyour words be pure, simple and express-ive just such a form of expression asyour little brother and sister may imi-tate. Nover forget that next to"mother," elder sisters ore tho chiefeducators of the household. It is pain-ful to listen to many girls' talk. Theybegin with a "My goodness 1" and in-

terlard it with "oh's!' and "sokesalive!" and "so sweet 1" and "soqueenly 1" and so many silly phrasesthat one is tempted to believe theyhave had no training at all, or else theirmothers were very foolish women.There is nothing more disgusting thuthe twaddle of ill-br- ed girls ; one isprovoked often into taking up a paperand reading, and letting them rippleand gurgle on, like brooks that flowthey know not whither. M heartwarms with love for sensible cirls andpure boys ; and after nil, if. our girls i

and boys are not this, I fear lfault t

IM woasea of oarJaasVrlf weltaTe aaoble, aaefal par-poa- a

ia. life, -- we will iufaae tho rightspirit into thoae aroasdriaf--

,VlIWAjamarkaMa "eae sack pkee last

Saaday ca the Aypoiattox rirer, aaarFatcrafharg, Tavt whan five haadredrieraaparaoaa wera 'lmplail,:pT ay

ia the prmnaoe of avery largerowd. 'At 1 o'clock p. m. one thou- -

TOteaa ehaated aa anthem aatbeeolama of .candidates marebed

lawaia'order to 3the wafer. Two' )iarof aaea were theafonaed, aad the oarkiolrybegaa by paaiafMaa eaadidatarfroat liaaa to ha&d frosa the shore totheelerirjsaaa,, wha; stood hia waist iathanrer. Tha work rapidly onaatil the handreda wero be--1

ewa4w aa becaathe acextwtjnt awrufastationa of

aad ecstatic ioy tioleat were the diiainiittratioaa

at ttarsa that it often rcmuredatieaath of four,or bt able bodiedto qmet taesavjJaasaMiatety fter the

h wcreasurra.ia afbraicd-i- a liae. 'A

aa taea ferised saiaboat teatapapaaa, arheria um aaaraa, aaaaa taajmauea eoa--tiajftoat aaaid tha mtZiiM

LUNTART .GonsM. "1 am 50Dmble," raid Uriah Hccp, and perhaps ,

the inflnence of his arrogant hnmflityin tbe opinion of many, rendcra hnraili- -

itr a vice rather than a vutne. luver-- l

theleea, one prolific canse of trouble in ;this world is, that most people waut .

more reancct or consiilcration or what i t

sarno law obtains in social life as jn ma- -tcnal. If people do not plan, work and ,devise means to brine forth imita ofI ln ea wmaa. naw aKaiWABt4(l a Israva, a

foodf their want's are not supplied, andther Biustiithcr beg or starve. The I

l.--i -- - m-- ?; tUm. .. !wwi.v. v w av. "z"tf "V" V"iM Igara Binary ior,Ji.peopienceaiOTe,

at (tsyripainjana encomsexaeHr, MJfVainst patscsi the qualities mat call 1

forth a satisfactory lesponse, or eo ur.- - s

loted. -

.A VaiJiEr Faixs foker, wfco April-foole- tl

ais doeior br sendiBs Jor bimwkaa nobodj was eick, didn't audit soBtaca of a yatft


when Ha was (iargedjtfee for ths yi-it- -r


"aaasalMJgW Tjy mT'iAalaTLLLLLaaaT?

THE GRA5D PACIFIC HOTEL,Opposite the Government Square and the new Federal BaikHofa. ia, witfcoat dealt, thaperfect hotel structure in the world, and thethe United States. Its four fronts, on Jackson.extent of ten hnndredaad twentv.two f1.023)


dr of Jane. 1873. and has oroTed to its multitude of patrons, representing the best elsotsof the traveling community, the well-choe- cn and ansurrasd character of all appolaUasoUand arrangements (of which mention mav be made of tha Baths Tarkisa, Eleetric

Vapor), secure with a IsTishness of ontlsy, aided experience and careful study, neverMiore gvren to an emerpnso or its class.

The magnificence of the exterior, its great interior rotundas, superb pablie asartaaeats,the uceqoaled enitos of prirate rooms on its mile of corridors, and the system and detail ofits management, bare not only won the pride and admiration of our citizens and guests, batfurnish the key the success of tbe Gkakd Paciuc. which from the outset hasequaled by any previous or cotemporary enterprise. CentnJ to all tbe great railway depots,tne banks, wholesale stores, and places elegant shopping and amusements, it is allseasons, by its lightness, spaciousness and perfection of vsntilation, the most comfortable aawell as elegant home for tbe resident gncet and tourist erer offered, tnd it rrffl 6 maintainedas it has begun, the moot complete and perfect in the world a claim for it sustained bythe guests of the past eleven months, many of them our since the opening of theformer Sherman Honeo, July 8, 18G1. GEORGE W. GAGE,

JOHN A. BICE.Chicago, May 1 , 1 S74. btstxes for tttxnty years.

The Saow-FloTre- r.

A very remarkable account is ad-

mitted into iMtMoiuTcs of a so-call- ed

snow-flowe- r, said to have been discov-ered by Count Anthoskoff in 1863, inthe northernmost portion of Siberia,where the earth is continually coveredwith a coating of frost; This wonder-ful object shoots forth from the frozensoil the first day of the year, andthen returns to its original elements.It shines for a single day, then thestem, leaves and flower are convertedinto snow. The leaves threo innumber, and about three inches in di-

ameter, covered with a kind of micro-scopic ice, developed only on that sideof tho stem whtch is directed to thenorth. The flower, when open, is star--shaped, its petals of the sumo lengthwith the leaves, and about half nu inchwide. On the third day the extremitiesof tho anthers, which arc five in num-ber, show minute, glisteirng specks, likediamonds, about tho size of a pin'shead, which arc the seeds of this aston-ishing flower.

Count Anthoskoff collected some ofthese seeds and hastened with them toSt. retcrsburgh. y Thoy wero thereplnced in a pot of snow, where thoy re-

mained for an entire year ; but on the1st of January, 1801, tho Miow-flow- er

ourst through its icy envelopo, and dis-played i's beauties before tho eyes ofthe imperial court..

Amline CoiiOitsJ Prof. Kopp, whohad recently made "a careful study of theaniline colors at the Vienna Exposition,says that the manufacture of theso pig-ments from coal tar products is makingmost remarkable progress. Fuchsin,constituted by a .salt of rosaniline, isobtained exclusively by tho reaction ofarsenic acid on commercial aniliue. Inorder to afford an idea of the enormousconsumption of this violent poison intho manufacture of fuchsin, it is statedthat in Germany nlono the samo is es-

timated at 3,300, 000 pounds r year. Itis only lately that the residues havebeen treated to regain the arsenic incommercial form M. Kopp mentions,as a novelty. beautiful rose red coloring' matter called aoffrouine, which uponsilk, is a very brilliant dye.

Increase of BaiiiBOad Fut .uts. Astrange feature has attended tho open-ing of navigation this year. Tho rail-roads have raised their eastward freightsfrom Chicago 'five cents per one hun-dred pounds, instead of lowering them,as reason would iudieato to be the onlycourse. The explanation of this auoma-l- y

is that the New York and Erie andthe New York Coutral railroads havolines of steamors on the lakes to whichthey want to drivo freight, with tho ob-

ject, it is presumed, of ' running outother steamship Hues arid crushingcompetition.

"Out op the HuiiLT Burly." Thisis the name of a cook full of the richesthumor, by Max Adder. It is bound tobe very popular, both on account of itshumor its superb illustrations, ofwhich there aro some 350. advisethose who wish to "laugh nnd growfat to buy a copy, for a

BmaFaaVfatt taad retailasl ewes tha

a p0alarifT smi mat wftk aalacMaaala ia all sarU aff .taa laai, ia the

af tsamTH Ir;rwrtMa OolaaaJHavBvs jMBaawVWT This aaaaet aepead aaeajjaaaTiaaAswaiaera laraaly aiTirUsfd thaaas.atisarmw4ieu,a saehH aot.UMeas.

rraet tfmiation, wa think, ii fmt itlMfam that this BMdieiiM naaaeasthawaaaarral aad perfect tnras af hadaf IfiBfhiil threat and jaaa msisass. Msf)

doahtaaTy Uiam-ie- t pet feetaad sdWantsdr fee aBkhsSs of concha, that has erarbaea

fta Um aaalic. aad at thaor Meoa-mmmnaa- aa

atrsngt htaaig ptopettiea thathas hasa;ahlV prodaea, tha HasoTSfmaa rasaaay aotouijia UmeaTeoccon- -

Hijm suuami mm cwsasw.Offtl aaSfaraadhhwa.

aaasraiaViimhaisMv Mosshaa roathsatH,hMkenfocSuIrsja4pliaeanKBitaMT'It

Bwiraiaawsml a Bea

5ffaatBatt MMrmfaai laadamaitr

Iteta amiiiiaw at aawise) at It. ,wat itttataattiMraRtaataaiaapejai au taa Taaiatftta'aeoritanat.i iMMMftHI

aa4gajyBfr- - if

BWWayttTt.lauaVTTimiit Uf. r s- -

iaHaaBabbafeaAaaBfBok .1


B. L. Sarra A Co.

Sicatxrs3 is an aition that waits onae all.. None are eugyi, and ibcro are nocaLt 1 relief iu attacks. Whoeverfcn ?u" preTails

thte:thal r?r fL it.

Di90rdere thl UaM-haT- e Uon healed byhi Sahsatasilla, asaiffectiort of tha langtbr bin Chkkxt rzcroxAm too fmrnectlr acd

dMiacJ to diepatea. Aoce Ccas

of atedfciBa. Mt-jwra- Ii are dear, at,cood are cbeap. at aar,ric job to payforlheaa. Ch&k&mzf&Hrkr.

i t

WnvaorrTa XoBavf A Sate, StjbxSaafrinc Ccaa!-f-ec nnprcedentd

Baicot ihw wBTKciamuaaija BKdicin proTwrineoa( wtablTthat oamae Tj hxa aepcxacdadtheaM VJ"T .m - -- - A 2.oeea 1032a NauaM wavajvan u ns w;

-- to fall into TTn pan i I, Tisiat A CoproriKtons, Sew OrtaViv For kuo by audrs?gietd. s.

5 iobsmw, ua aauwac o BTpwrrcpciss- "Si0 &?J?.tSi5!f2,J2.ciBUBBi.auaicsHitl.Migaw lcniai 'a

TTTR XoRTBWaawajarllowrE-- N ATI, C'Fii2ailiAta.fcaatfetheTc:id- -

. (IV"

Go to XznacLZ WaOrrevEaBItoa, JXL

largest edifice reprasaounc prirate aterMM iaLaSalie, Quae aad Ckrk Btoaata, have

feet. It was opaoM to uw pa&ae aa taa 'M


and by

to aerer beea

of at











Are Yes Uelns; Xortk 1If yon are, you want a cony of ' The

Northwest Illustrated." h will notcost you anything. Send to W. 17.Stennetr, General Passenger AgentChicago and Northwestern railway,Chicago, for a copy. It shows you thegreat Northwest, and teaches you howto get there, and what to do when youare there.

The Great Medical RErouaATioN.Tho Satanic Theory that preparationswhich iuflame the brain are, in anysense of tho word, remedies, has leenoverthrown, and can never be

The wonderful effects whichhave attended the use of Dm Walker'sYiNEOAit Bitters as an antidote to thecauses of discaso aud a cure for everycontrollable ailment, have demonstratedthe utter fallacy of tho doctrine thatalcohol is a tonic as well as a stimulant.The New and incomparablo VegetableRemedy which has superceded thedeath-draug- ht of rum bitters, ia as freerom every intoxicating clement as tho

dow of Iicaven, yet see how it is invig-orating the nervous, relieving the bilious,curing the dyspeptic, purifying theblood of tho scrofulous, strengtheningthe debilitated, arresting premature de-

cay, and replacing despondency andweakness with choerfulnessand activity.Truly a grand Medical Revolution is inprogress. 45

A noveltt, is the handsome &L50field Croquet .yct that tho JixcchiorMayazinc is giving to new subscribersfor IK) cents, through a special arrange-ment with a large manufacturing com-pany. They furnish sample.copies oftho Magazine for 25 cents, from theiroffico, Room 59, No. 157 LaSallo street,Chicago, 111.


MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHIRO STBDF IS TBBPRKBCirTIOR OR one of the best female Fkysl-etanaan- d

Rursea In the Unltsd States, and kasbeen nsed fcr thirty years with aever falltncsafety and succett by millions of mothsrs andchildren, from tbe feeble Infant of one week old totha adult. It corrects acidity of tha stomach, re-

lieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and glveerest, hsalth and comfort to mother and child. Webelieve It to be tha Best aad Barest Bemtdy la thaWorld la all cases of DTSBRTKBT sad DUB-BBX- A

IJT CUILBBBR, whether It arises fromTeething or from any other cause. Ball directionsfor using will accompany each bottle. RoaeSeaa-ta- a

unless the le or CC1TIB PXBKIRS Iton the outside wrapper.



from no other cause thaa harttg worms la thaStomach.

BBOWR'S VERMTTUOB COMT1TBwtU destroy Worms without tnjary to tha ehlld,being perfectly WHITB, asd free frm all eotor-in- g

or other lajwrloaa ingredleots asaaUy used laworm prsparatloas.

CUBTIS a BBOWX, Proprtetora.Ro. ait Bulton Street, Re w Tork.

Arfd Hr DruniMi oS Onmittt, aad 4tUr teaUrrfifwxt. of TwBHTT-rtv- a cbts a Rat.

HOtSEHOLD Why wlU Yaa SarertTo all persons saferlagPANACEA

from Bheamallsm, Rruralgla,ARB,

Cramps la tha limbs or atom- -

FAMILY , rain la the

Bi ihBt,wa would

aay Taa raaaoaAMOUMaOLI- - ear la of all

dy yoa waat.PAJfAClU al asa.

ca.t-- .. U eartc e eom- -

FA1 lawawatfjjr cassf.I as atsUgj at it.

LixmiptT. TryU. aUlylBtiHiin,idawaVATCI fowrrarfamad aabwartMrasrrvaa Bgaaaaw aa,79raetJ k,R.T.

9W eadfrao

caaa prieae. Addraea Kaatuaoa Wi ob.0.

aBum ast a174. waaaew rritaateaeata acoataat


&2Mwhy rrVfissuHOT. 1 VmEl BaawaaBaSaTO

A atA a ea, afattr aaa8r faW. elrpkaaaamaammtal rwetijStwJumi 'sa.a.aaaadX ll eg.


irity. veat. Ad.. Clataaatl.

DK. SAX'L. S. riTCIl'RFAMILY 1?HYSICLANWill t tent free Vy matt tn any one eendisg theiraddress to 714 Broadway, Raw Tork.

"TrTSBH VVASTKDfHriht heatOraammtad. far tl$e 'eterm State a. Salts 0

per raoath; can Le increased tolJS.JT. Or., 36 W. ajadaaens RC, Chleaaja.

rrrrri a TAAoyjmwaatdiatowBdI He A .coaatry to sell TBA, t gat ay eahJW ,Jordera tor tha largest Tea Ceaapaay

In America. Imaortera1 yrteaa aaa taentoArewte. Seal ear Clrcalar. Adaraaa,ROBERT WBXLa. td Testy --, B. T. T. O.

By tha Ba,r ad retail,liNLLi Iptefatafareaateea.

bymauB. W. laaeet a Saw.

HAI10CIS T& 11.

Golden SunbeamsThe latest a4 iVeaTxaeie Bee far tha aasday

School and the BfeajeCtr!. tiayteCoyyaaataareceirt eeata. J.IB a MrBrABB

PMFITUU EaVUTKn.MTmrk tVir Krerrl

Bcu wattted. Jralf yautl tr.U$xm W. AHtdvimidi 4k &, Ckf




DroMY. DiabtrtM,Crmvly Dysptjpela,Constipation, Jaundico,

right's Diseass,aad atl4ltai of tfes Utr and dn?- - Talawats. la sow known an toil a artmdj tar IkasoT4ltat.1a alt ' ? world. It Utralr woBurtful wkt fire I It hapnn thhamaay turn. Ills now txleg shipped at ib aUowttaprices t

narrti, to tu, aii; iiiae,j; awmirimam jr.90 cnta r a!--. pcaislra; itlt(ita.)arj.cvpr dot. Xunf j auit mubibjt " otdtr, tacpt to oar rtrilir aathorlrrJ asvnt. Itutr of7r 4nitril ror wtutrtu sittrti if sprmcwater. Additaa C. C. Out A .. Waaktiha,Wis., Sir orilcrt fur tVt water or for clrcutait.

CntcuifATt. Jaot 11.11C1C C. Otis A Co.. Wankttka, Wit. Itartna-- uJyour wattr frcm tha Mineral Ruck Sprint, Wank

tka, Wit., fur tha dlatelta, I bave Sand treat re-lief from tha u cf the tame. Bfr I roaienced mint thlt wattr, my phytlcian rrftcdto roe the tpeciae travlty of. at vrtaa SS. andafter mint It tor twenty days the fecWc travttyof the urlue n rednred to 31. thowmt a treatlrnrmeement, and finding treat relief In ntttlnt cvrnprlled to urinate tn frtqaently. I had ofother waters, bat firm It at my opinio that theMineral fWh Sprint it urcferable. And 1 do earn-ettl- y

reromraeud It to all who are afttded wtthtka iiieae romraonly known at Olabeirt.

Respectfully yourt. ALratD Wilsojt.Dcpt. CulL Int. Rer., So. W Third Street,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

nvrA, Wtf Jan. JIWXManors. C. C.0Is4Cu. lrSirt I am atton-Itke- d

at the Immediate hentSt received frcm theate of your hralmt water. 1 commenced, mint a.tbe water at directed, and fuand atnaikcd ckaoare, ofredaetpir spedSctravlty of mine SJ' down to'jOoIn three tfayt, producing- - a moist tkln ana a directpertptratton, maklnt au entl'a rhaata rqr Ikebetter In mjr dlteatlon. I alto And It heBeScial totheliTtr. Since drUkint the water, I rett ranchbetfrat night, and without belnt'l' 1

umally wat before. from two to three ttmMdHtt amerery night. TUI.klrgif eltlllnt yur sprint 1

the inmrner, hlleMliii( tswler to d all thatyou claim, and knowing the fatorable remits i ikmy own cate. yuu will nlcate rxpreaa thegallnnt lramcdiatrly at 1 am talttfiedTbat It does

ut lote any of lt heallut propertt by ahlawiMaT-- Ithink yoar prlre very reatnable, ant wilt

yonr Sprint all 1 can. for the seneflt cf In-valids sufferint with those Incurable siteases ofnrltbt'a Uitvate and Saccharine rttabetet, aa Ikuow they cn be Immediately relleeeit by drink-la- g

Mineral R ck Sprlu Wattr. With klndett re-gards, yonra truly, Oao. Joaat.

MMPHIRC NAMT aentllrcum I liy Dr.OPIUM anownt hi i(fuiriy.NO CI I.VI tCJ 13

tor Irealmrtit uutll cum!. Cnll on or

DR. J. C. BECK, Cimciaaati, O.

Ptrtible Soda Founiaiis!

$40, ISO. 175 and $100.


Salpaed leaay fer Use.

Manufactured by J.W. CatATaUBaaaaasL-- s

SCO., Misttof, la-D-.

sxxn roa a CATALOaua

Agents I If you want to make money, laH It.

Out of the Hurly Burly.1ST MAX ADKLKR.

The biggest thing yet. Humor, wit, fBlhae, life,fan and laughter. JM comic cats. Tha peepleyearn for It. It will aall In dull timet I Show it ina man and ha turrenderl. It It tura every time.Pon't bother with heavy books that nobody wants.Humor Is the thing that taktt. Agents wantedeverywhere. Bend fr circulars and eitra ttrms thtto To-Da- y rub. Co., IS Zatt Lake street, Chicago,Illinois.


Is the only one containing all the Modern

COMPARISON INVITED, C0PTITI CHALUNCCIBend for Circulars and I'rlcea. mm.

A.M. OILS CRT 4 CO.,X Stale-t- t . Chicago.

OILRRRT A COMPART,lit Malh-st- .. Cincinnati.


afaMaflactttrce! aad foraaleat23 A 25 E. RantJolph St., Chlcaaa

Chaplin's Life ofCHARLES SUMNEPwWith an iMtmilnrllaM brKl-tior.ClaB- la,

la Heady. The Character aad Services ofthe !hle RtateaaiaM, thaHpecUl Ade-aa-tat;e- e

Paaaeeecd r the WrlNKnewa Aathan, the HeaHtlfal lleltatyaa Portraits,KMjrnevlMKs, Kac-SlHt- lle Iettera, Ita Rlx(904 pa(et, 1 dm.), and tow Price (t !.),cetnttlae tm render thla tha NOtT POPU-liA-K

HOOK of the day.-Age- nta Waated.BOSTOS': IK LOTH HOP OO MUUtitri.

Strutfor thtxrM 10tuiralt4 CutaUfe.


the West, r sale en Taa Tears' Credit, atyer crat. laterett, by tha Barllagtea aad RUa-aou- ri

Blear Ballroad Company.

NO PAYMENTS NIQUIRCO,Bacept Intereet, till fifth year. Bach Sew, warnCfiaia' long Suemi, l"W Taars. aad fr.e gdasation. frit Tart and Lm TrikU ea aowMaaafgoods to those who

9tillat... ra....t..Liiicaiaii anaai.a at?a,aa .with full parti Blare, Idraaa UktO. N. SAliaaawv

Lead Coamlisiuner. Burlington, Iowa.


The Bead Vet lavaated. laayor Amattur or IttuMH Bar-p,te-s,

and xnsnrpatsed ler ga--eralJobrrlatliig. for9w la Cm,BENJ. O. WOODS.

aaaractarer aa ueaier mievery datertytl aff

RmTlHO MATKRIAXv. l.t j 1 ii a a!4. -- -. m m M.. rmlrk IHnir4I..IiaTatfBelley.Jftwclia Laawlg. 7 MarbeVeU. rhlU4el- -

paia: a. r. aoaaa. awrenntwi,.fer IllBStrsted Catgae.

J0tokUteMSXilaaaWaaWaBrBBBBaavv-- : v "rj: e


9T tha MnltMadea whose avoeatleM reetrletthem toadtllBg pottara, more thaa lwo-bir-

eaffer from Caasllpatloo. B tbey aet hw thataa cre!rnal rrirtl T.tKHXl'l HKtT-ZK- HAPKMI:iT weal I prevent all tbelrmtarryf Ita rrgniatlnt p'oprrtlee are aapar-asirle- d.

Bor Bale by all dealers la medicine.

THE TrftESMEl If THE Pttrtt."


HHBbbt ATata It the BumrasT --TwaAvoa

ahkh hta created each a pvralatiea te thagad Mesas t rrur arraauana aa tha Bead-- vrntBH Thresher" r tattaar d yeawaOea.Btare than aevea tiiagialyatrtaarsaal aaaatylajiiianTwa lamtisaawae iee aaeaaaaaaarrjaaxT CRaocAjxa Hr

tvcac-aar- i atneeywmmr mmm aaaaiaa vtau aaafj.

rawrarw. AlgBamaaTiitsaaeaJi. ataw.BaiBTBalJl avTataai amwBwamt BmT JaTm" JUIyranw teleadahfa ay YtoemwaavS aaUMeaaaaa. r Seyaraear amw.aT amajttarrZy I taftsBIiTTt"ti iniitii rgiaHimaa r TTrtamaama

hataeaaadadfar war at rir MlaarlkahMan uiwaaaa ( aaaeHaearaaJar.bMbbp HVaa

?.. .Waajaav


Tarn.- - H



!J 1



Dr. J. Walker's ailifbraia - rzt jfgtr IHttcri aw vrjmtmkpa'iKirution, nuulc "Mefly lroathinigtivo herbs found on tho lower nMMtfV.the Sierra Nevatlaniountalnaa f TtaT I "- -

nb. tho nictlfcinnl nrotMsrticaam ivctmciiul ilicrvfrom 'rltboat1 raa aaa

Alcohol. Tho, )UtfurWk- -:dally akrl. 'What bita4apW-iPpjf-

nniiaralloleil succcjo of ViysRAEJsYak,teks f '' Our .mawcr Is. that tbey TwaawWK -"'

tho causo of IUkswc, nml tho iatlc S?covers hta Ircaltlu, They are uw firaaablood narinomiMl auw-gtrw- if pinRW"y

ravfrct Rcnovatoc aHl liv;tk arxtfin. Narar befdrv aadBBmaHES

tetwawe? sehlitorr of tho koiM a nutlicM Waacompounder! rHWwinj tho nHVafcaaMarQBalibmntUNKtUll iRhsaHaWlfca:tick of evcrr lircac inanrthipref. TWf:

m vnt?M PlirsTfttlva as wtuas a Teahv 5

relioritie CftKtyUtwIat!aaroaUawl

'. wt

mK2-- 5..



Jmkrn$& -.- ;z

- a. .. . a- - .


T ;., n.i.l VLuxiral Onrann. Mt ifaBaat' ?n:.. s r j, Ir??-'- 1"rr .. .' r93TgrwjLX?rft,. Hnuiiaa or n" wtit aaew "--i

VlSKOARltiTTRasare Aperient, PUrAorstlaJaGanalnaUrc, Xutrttitm, iraovy. 1'igpavacaatira, cuuBtartrffaaauwtw aa

aiT. aad AuU-HiH- t. n . 4,

H. II. MeDOXAfiW A CO.JDrnnrl'l an4 flm. . ict, ton KmaeUwv Cawwaia,a.--4 rr. of VaAhlBctoR aaU Qiiraaaj-- . ' V".

BUIayalllWataKMwaaMlDcalera. f



7 aHallLd wfVamVff. waafctaalai JaVaMMefeeaVBaiaahatlllt. faaaakBi. Bkl,- -, a, a. - ..- -, - -, ar rf

aaaea ewarnwiwayeaM with the Iodides f rw'!tttum and I runmSnrmSLVamott ttrtual ewvecda series or rcatpiaiawjwhich are very Matelent and afflicting, itbuitfles the blMwl.tinra

". aaW aal ee 'ul Ike lurking ha-mo-ra

tn ih rticm.itiaeundermine hretlh andsettle into ttoublaeem

dlsordere. W.Hh lions of ths skin are I he a peaanraon lh- - surface of humors thai saouw tep.ll4 ft m tie bloo4 internal derangmcnta at

detrrmlr,allonnf these same hamort M aema-tntarn- al

organ. or organt. wheta action lhy da-ran-

and whesa substance Ihey dlteeteaad da.atroy ATaa'sBasArBtii.Aeiptit miinwwifrom tbe blood. When tbey are f". the dieordert

produce tlsappear, aurh as IXttratumf rjATiMevs, "r"'' nm iXtmatH,Ur, ,".n..L t tk Ski, AalaoaV JVauat?

ftnaibr BVwtiawVis. rimtitf, i'uM . Pktfktf, amdamaBmaamaaW'amaaaammmaaF

Twmor: Trtftr af .tr h'htum, .VaM ? amHJmVLworm, llctrt aad .v, HftHmAium, . amaamaamrWtliim in the . Aide J ma

Sterwvfv. JforrAaw irita rwa taaywaiWceraNea and ttferiwe ?" ."reSJ!, naaamv::JhaaewlW'Ht aad 0ar4 iHtUiry. lllparHua health returns. aaaffaar I


j.e ath co., larw-- a,

Practice! aad Analytical Chemist,"


aW4 sy a DrwffiWr and Dealerf ra lfdafay. $,-- - " -

. 9T. Awaw.aa aai -- . . - jrt rr aflar .n ' -Vi (nwc ttrlD: .tg Y mavavlae

S 5 g a) "Sa Sfs O-- airl!ma' r. ' r?n tj dO.fyiK

.X ' O ZJO S

V. : u f .aw ' r tn r - -

o 2 9 o e 3 tn 3 s g x'o r o" U j ' cr- - a xT ai rt Aft ., P b. ry 9 - 4 3 tnTo iTLjnC X ZU rr 7Zq?;j fri&i K

3 -- a Ssr"S-ory- M

U r 3 3--, o w.r xd ersr.rt -: 3 r aa. ; s. i.-rait- i ..--


ik. mv ji-- -


faWsS 2-3.-


tS Ci&y P X ! --kK. TOn t V

aOBACHWBKC.Afeatawante4,partew.d id Ura free. J. Werta a Co.. K txials. M.

CINCHHBININEis as eftetmnl m raaMafy

FOR FKVKR2i05Ajeetd let, more palaiaWe aft4 mayA tXZttptr.v Pit learrlrdlre Cbvslax wkh TrHfHnito

Vkylrtmn from all jrU it lhe eawttrr.trSmtf raahaatg tar trhJ3 dKr

Prwrarct Vy RILLlNtM. CM IT A COCatBadrn,Maaa. New Vofk.vmc,aCekt rea.


riaKa's4iM 5if 1 1 Jaad mmmt ataST&aBaaafcas, annrtag e

saara was o3aaalSB atoee aat fS5raimaaaaa Jamaaaaaaa'AmWa JVMB 'arSfe

mtJ,' i a 'TMB Iff rLOttlHOK


HXYf-XlL- l."- - 2ZMX

r.v.'JiA3vaaaTa aajaau'maaaa:- -awawwmwaaiawawa

fMm7Miteweawawae)edaaaaaasasBa g


.asmw. amw




gav:--- "

fraa rraaaea. rititdma jragdatatvVraasht-fra- a Headsaaadw

wMh iMmr aavsat? ABB caBATBaT tyWHI7,

inetrased Calaleyeeaad yrlaaeaaabnauaa


aaBTS WARTBB emrjaafff aiaaiatil.rArHclee laate'wear. iakdMaywaammamaBammt war4B

awgjwaa:mrawtit aaawwyaayaedMdamwBWFV ilZXdaaaaaiHrXTML.Y. TbaYenra ."amaJi aa fnmmmmmW&Zaaaspc aeftt,a rertyt ywaaaa. 'vJ.ifcettr atd ClfeajadC tjgaaaaaaaaamaviftatfaafrBawy

eadiwaW'MUTB. BhsaMaalnS3LSeat htefcrjaianBa. BeayarABTB, Cm aaaaiajc



m1M.eMWMaV,wwra eta bvm

arvwBaBai iMtCakaMBmiaaaaakamHaEaiicjr. r.-r- -.

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