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WHITMIRE COMMUNITY SCHOOL BAND PROGRAM Handbook 2018 - 2019 For STUDENTS and PARENTS Mr. Christopher Wofford, Director of Bands [email protected]

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2018 - 2019


Mr. Christopher Wofford, Director of [email protected]

Whitmire Community School2597 SC Hwy 66

Whitmire, SC 29178(803) 694-2320



On behalf of our administration and myself, I gladly welcome you to the Whitmire Community School Band Program. You are now a very important member of a group that will emphasize superior performance and musical excellence, and I sincerely hope you will enjoy being a part of this organization.

I believe that our band program offers many things to the individual student: an opportunity to demonstrate and build his/her musical ability; an opportunity to develop leadership skills; an opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility; an opportunity to meet and make new friends; an opportunity to participate in music field trips; an opportunity to perform as a representative of Whitmire Community School; and an opportunity to discover the unique thrill of performance. We will be constantly working hard to learn music for our performances. Our participation in concerts, contests, and festivals will keep us busy, as well as involved.

As members of the Whitmire Community School Band Program, we can be as outstanding as we want to be; it all depends on you. Superior music groups are a result of many hours of hard work as well as a strong dedication and commitment from each member. If we work well together and have high expectations for the group, and even higher expectations for ourselves, we will have a successful year.

This handbook is provided to make your orientation to the Whitmire Community School Band Program a quick and easy task. I encourage you and your parents to read this entire handbook so that you may better understand our policies and regulations, and your obligations. A Whitmire Community School Band Member should be cooperative, strive for the highest possible scholastic record, maintain a positive attitude toward the band, school, and community, and in general, distinguish him/herself by always doing the right thing at the right time.

I am looking forward to working with each one of you this year. Whether you are new to the program or a seasoned member we will all face many new challenges, but with the right attitude we can make it a fantastic year. Your talent and group effort can make this year at Whitmire Community School very exciting, fun-filled, and musically rewarding for all of us.


Christopher Wofford,Director of Bands



The Whitmire Community School "Royal Regiment" Marching Band will thrive only if we have members that are committed and dedicated to the task of making the program the very best that it can be. Members must maintain a positive attitude that will promote the well-being of all members. It is through a positive attitude that we will be able to meet and exceed our goals. Likewise, negative attitudes will only destroy our program and cause dissension in our ranks. These guidelines have been established to communicate the expectations for band members to be committed and dedicated, so that a positive attitude can abound and will allow us to build a great band.

Throughout this document, there are regulations to which band members must adhere, items involving attendance, conduct, equipment, uniform care and wear, inspection, memorization of music and routines, and respect. It is the role of the committed and dedicated band member to be sure that each and every item listed be followed through to the highest degree. This will enhance the productivity of our band and provide a smooth running program.

A positive attitude is extremely important when working with a large group such as the marching band. Even one person who portrays a negative attitude toward any aspect of our program will defeat many hours of work, and will undermine our collective integrity. Students consistently displaying negative attitudes about their work, the work of other band members, or student and/or adult leadership, will be recommended for review with the band officers and director for possible expulsion from the marching band. All must strive to live by the adage, “If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.”

Our motto is, “We Invest In What We Value.” This is true for every person, organization, and social group that has ever existed. Wherever you put your time, money, energy, commitment, etc. correlates with what you value. Just think of it: a stock broker studies the market for years to figure out how to make the most out of his investment; a football player lifts weights to build strength to use on the field; a parents sets aside money for their child to go to college on; an employee goes over and beyond the call of duty to obtain a promotion.

Our band values commitment, dedication, responsibility, positive attitudes, cooperation, teamwork, and integrity. We must invest our resources into striving to obtain those values whether that means taking the time to learn how to conduct ourselves at competitions, or staying in the program when things seem really tough at first because it is all new. We will invest in what we value. If you value our band program, invest in practicing regularly, work well with others, be early to practices and performances, take care of your things as well as others, be positive, help someone in need, ask for help when you need it, follow all class rules, and be someone who you can be proud of.




Any student dedicated to the task of making this marching band the best it possibly can be must understand the meaning of the word commitment. Commitment includes your attitude, ability to work with others, and attendance.

· Attendance is mandatory for all rehearsals and performances. Absenteeism is very detrimental to a marching band. A missing person on the field makes marching difficult for those close by, and slows down rehearsals to get that absentee caught back up when he or she comes back.

· A list of practices and possible performances will be presented to all marching band members at the beginning of the marching season. It is the responsibility of the band member and his or her family to make sure all the dates on the band calendar are free from conflicts.

· Written notification from parents for all absences is required. Notification should be submitted before the absence occurs, if at all possible.

· Failure to submit written notification within two weeks upon the student’s return to school will count as an unexcused absence. Again, prior notice is preferred.

· Three unexcused absences or five excused absences from rehearsals will be cause for review with the band officers and director for possible expulsion from the marching band.

· An unexcused absence from a performance, football game, or contest will constitute an immediate review with the band officers and director for expulsion from the marching band.

· All tardy marching band members must complete a level 1 disciplinary consequence. (See Disciplinary Consequences on page 10.)

· Students arriving at rehearsal more than ten (10) minutes late without a valid excuse will be charged with an unexcused absence, even though they will then be required to be present for the remainder of the rehearsal. If the student turns in a written excuse for the tardy within one week of its occurrence, the unexcused absence will be changed to an excused absence.

· Members tardy to a performance will lose their break for that performance. The only exceptions accepted must be accompanied by a valid written excuse from a parent or teacher, or at the discretion of the director.

· An unexcused absence from the practice before a scheduled performance will result in the student's loss of the next two available breaks.

Please note: Written notification accompanying an absence does not necessarily constitute an excused absence. The director will have sole responsibility for determining if an absence is excused or unexcused. All rules violations will be noted. Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions must be carried out in an appropriate manner. Continued violation of


these rules may result in stronger disciplinary actions by the Director, and possible dismissal from the marching band. Please see the Disciplinary Consequences section on page 10 for additional details.GENERAL CONDUCT

Many times the first impression other people have of our school and the band is the conduct we portray. As ambassadors of Whitmire Community School and its band program, we must maintain our self-control at all times. We must realize that everything we say and do is under close scrutiny by everyone we come in contact with. Here are a few rules and regulations to help us control our actions and leave the proper impressions.

· Talking during instruction is not appropriate and will not be tolerated

· No rough-housing in the band room, on the practice field, or at any band event.

· Proper respect must be given to all adults at all times. Their requests are to be carried out immediately without complaint or discussion.

· Food and drink are allowed in the band room during breaks or before rehearsals only. It is imperative that students clean up any litter generated by snacks when they finish. Gum is not tolerable at any band function! Food and drink may be consumed only during break or when the band is out of uniform at a band function, i.e. third quarter at a game or as a spectator at a marching contest after we have marched.

· If you or your section are found leaving trash in any venue, you, and/or your section, will be put on KP duty, which can defined as cleaning and/or organizing certain parts of the band room, bus, stands, school, etc.

· There will be no physical contact of any kind in the band room, on the practice field, or at any band events. This includes rough-housing, holding hands, etc. Organized games involving contact may be acceptable if proper adult authorization and adult monitoring have been obtained.

· The utmost respect must be given to other bands during their performances. There cannot be any moving in seats or talking of any kind while another band is on the field. While we are waiting on the sideline at a football game as another band is marching, we must be sure to give our fullest attention to the other band's performance. We must understand that we are in the line of vision of the crowd, and we must set a perfect example for them. Cheering and clapping is very acceptable. Remember the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

· Cellphones, Stereos, mp3 players, and personal video games are forbidden on the premises of the school grounds. These electronic gadgets are a distraction and nuisance to band rehearsals and cause security problems. Leave them at home!

· For the marching band to function most effectively as a unit, all members must learn to work together for the common good as we strive for our goals. We must accept the fact that not everyone is exactly as we are nor as we may want them to be. If you have a grievance with a fellow band member, try to calmly work it out. If that doesn't work, approach your section Captain, Band Major, or Drum Major. If the situation is still unresolved, the Band Director will resolve the problem. Remember, we must work as one if we are to truly excel.

· All marching band members must maintain a good disciplinary record while attending school. Remember, we are ambassadors for the school, as well as, to other organizations within the school. If a student has repeated disciplinary problems during school hours, that can affect the


participation in the marching band. In turn, the director has the discretion to dispense the appropriate punishment to any student not well representing the band or its members.All rules violations will be noted. Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions must be carried out in an appropriate manner. Continued violation of these rules may result in stronger disciplinary actions by the Director, and possible dismissal from the marching band. Please see the Disciplinary Consequences section on page 10 for additional details.


Our conduct in the stands at football games and at marching contests portrays to others around us the image of Whitmire Community School and our band program. Perhaps some of the most enjoyable times we have during this often long and sometimes stressful season are in the stands watching the game or other bands march. It is not the intention of these guidelines to detract from that time of fellowship, but to make sure we can communicate positively to those who are watching us.

· Upon entering the stands at the start of a football game, remain at attention on your assigned row until all band members are in place and the command to come to "At Ease" has been given.

· Sectional seating assignments for football games will be made known at the first football game. There will be no changing of seats during the games, or during the season. Each band member must remember his part in communicating our band's organization to the opposite side of the field.

· All wind instrumentalists are required to have a lyre and flip folder appropriate for their instrument by the first day of band camp. This will allow our rehearsals to run more smoothly and efficiently, and keep our band from "scrambling" when a song is called in the stands at football games. All new marchers will receive one lyre and one flip folder free of charge. They will be required to purchase additional flip folder and lyre materials if needed after the one that was supplied to them is damaged or lost.

· Food and snacks (water excluded) are not to be consumed in the stands during football games except during third quarter break. Drinks only are permitted in stands during breaks. Gum is not allowed at any band function, especially in the stands during a game or contest. Food and snacks are permitted in the stands at marching contests.

· No uniform parts may be removed in the stands or during break without proper authorization from the director.

· No cellphones, mp3’s, personal stereos, or small video games are allowed inside stadiums at football games or marching contests.

· A 2-foot perimeter will be maintained around the outside of the band section in the stands. No band members, nor their instruments, will be allowed in the perimeter. The director, parent chaperones, and band members will use this area for all necessary movement in the stands, including entering and exiting the stands for performances and emergencies. This will keep our expensive instruments, uniforms, and music from being stepped on, damaged, or misplaced.

All rules violations will be noted. Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions must be carried out in an appropriate manner. Continued violation of these rules may result in stronger disciplinary actions by the Director, and possible dismissal from the marching band. Please see the Disciplinary Consequences section on page 10 for additional details.



The Band Student Officers will serve as Bus Administrators on all trips. The Bus Administrators will work together to maintain order and safety for our members.

· Keep all body parts and objects inside the bus windows. No yelling out of the windows.

· No unnecessary standing, changing of seats, or additional movement on the bus.

· There will be no group singing or cheering on the bus at any time. Group participation creates a louder volume level that can cause a safety problem for the driver of the bus. There will not be any group singing or cheering in parking lots while arriving or leaving a destination. This will help to maintain an air of professionalism for our band and school. Keep the level of conversation and additional noise to a minimum.

· Complete silence is needed at railroad crossings. Everyone must immediately become silent when the Bus Administrators announce "ALL QUIET," and will remain silent until the bus has completely cleared the railroad tracks.

· Instruments must not be taken out of their cases on the bus. At no time are instruments to be played on the bus.

· No PDA (Public Display of Affection). Action of this kind is distasteful to others around.

· Males and Females are not allowed to share the same seat after dark. They are allowed to sit across the aisle from, behind, or in front of each other.

· No horse-play on the bus.

· When arriving at our destination, students will sit @ attention until further instructed by an authorized person.

· Personal stereos and small video games are permitted only on trips of more than one hour in length. Equipment of this type presents a security problem. Bring them at your own risk! At no time should any stereo be played through speakers. This creates additional noise on the bus, encourages group singing, and incites disagreements over musical choices, artists, and styles. When using headphones, make sure you remain alert and aware of any announcements, railroad crossings, or any other events that would requires respectful consideration.

· Cellphones can be used for music and gaming as long as they are used with headphones on trips more than one hour in length. Cellphones can also be used to contact parents in case of an arrival time discrepancy. Please remind your parents that they are not to park in the circle unless they wish to be blocked in by the bus. When using headphones, make sure you remain alert and aware of any announcements, railroad crossings, or any other events that would requires respectful consideration.

All rules violations will be noted. Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions must be carried out in an appropriate manner. Continued violation of these rules may result in stronger disciplinary actions by the Director, and possible dismissal from the marching band. Please see the Disciplinary Consequences section on page 10 for additional details.



The band officers have earned their positions through years of dedicated service, hard work, and a working knowledge of the band. They deserve your respect for their accomplishments.

Any case of disrespect to an officer, instructor, or parent chaperone will be referred directly and immediately to the director. The Band Director will use his discretion and dispense discipline and possible dismissal from the marching band. Refusal to submit to the prescribed disciplines will demand immediate expulsion.

Remember, the officers were appointed by the director. Disrespect to them is like disrespect to the director himself!


Our band program has been blessed with ample inventory of equipment and instruments. Band owned instruments cost the school and booster club a lot of money to outfit, supply, and repair. It is therefore imperative that students care for all band equipment in a responsible manner.

· Band instruments and equipment will be issued to students in proper working order. Any damage due to neglect or abuse must be repaired by the student at his/her expense. Instruments and equipment returned at the end of the season with more than the allowable wear and tear will be repaired and billed to the student.

· Lost school owned instruments or equipment will be replaced at cost by the band member responsible.

· Any equipment or instruments (school or personally owned) left anywhere other than its proper assigned place will be confiscated. A fine of $1.00 will be charged for its return.

· All equipment and instruments (school and individually owned) must be present, clean, and in working order for inspection. This includes, but is not limited to, reeds, mouthpieces, valves, slides, harnesses, heads, keys, sticks, pads, poles, and flags. Failure of inspection will result in loss of break.

· Under no circumstances should anyone handle instruments or equipment not assigned to him or her unless specific assistance is needed in the moving of equipment.

· All color guard members are required to have a notebook to use for writing down and the storage of routines and drills. They must have this notebook available at all rehearsals throughout the entire marching season.

· Students will assist and provide support for the equipment detail when packing and unpacking the band trailer for any band event.

· Following the completion of any band event that requires the packing of the band trailer, all band students will stay, either assisting the equipment detail or at attention, until the band trailer is ready for transportation; no exceptions unless written notification is given to the band director in advance. This is not intended to take away your fellowship time, but rather give you more! Isn’t it better to get packed away in 10 minutes with everyone helping, rather than 3-5 people taking 45


minutes and making others wait around for longer amounts of time to depart? MANY HANDS, MAKE LIGHT WORK. Any student not staying to fulfill the packing requirements will be referred to the band director for disciplinary action.


Much expense and time goes into purchasing, preparing, and writing of the music for the Whitmire Community School Marching Band. It is imperative that band students be responsible for the music that is issued to them.

· Music shall be kept in a cabinet slot that has been assigned to each student. Any music left in an improper place will be confiscated. A fine of $0.50 will be charged per page for its return.

· Students who have lost their music will be charged a fee of $0.50 per copy or $5.00 for a complete folder.

· Music must be presented in its entirety at football game inspections. Failure to present music in a flip-folder at inspection will result in loss of break.

· Each student is issued music individually. Students are responsible for their own music. Sharing music is not advised.


Instrumental band members will be issued the following uniform parts: uniform coat, pants, hat, plume, and hat box. All instrumental members will need to provide their own black marching shoes, solid black socks, and black gloves to complete the uniform.

Color guard members will discuss and formulate their uniform to match the design of the show. Details will be sent home to all color guard members as soon as they have been completed.

The school-owned uniform parts will be distributed during the first two weeks of school. Any alterations required are the responsibility of the band member and his/her family. Though the length of the sleeves on the uniform coat and legs on the uniform pants may need to be adjusted, at no time should any material be cut off. It is most important for the length of the pants to be uniform for all band members. Pant lengths are to come to the top of the shoe parallel to the ground with a no break in the front crease (many would describe this as “high-waters”).

Uniforms coats and pants should be cleaned when soiled, at least every 2 to 3 performances or sooner, if needed. Uniform coats and pants must be dry cleaned only. A clean and pressed uniform will assist to present our band in as positive light as possible when performing. All members are greatly encouraged to maintain a finely presentable uniform at all times. The cost of the dry cleaning is the responsibility of the band member and his/her family.

All issued uniform parts will be returned to the WCS band room following the last performance. A post season dry cleaning fee has been included in your band camp fee. Uniforms not returned by the end of school must be dry cleaned at student's expense and returned no later than May 20. Uniform parts not returned or damaged beyond continued use will be charged to the student at the following replacement prices:

Top $80.00 Hat $75.00 Guard Pants $80.00Pants $50.00 Plume $20.00 Guard Top $65.00


When wearing the full uniform, instrumental band members with hair longer than the collar of the jacket must put their hair up inside the hat. Hair style for the color guard will be determined later as to compliment the color guard uniform and show design.

The Whitmire Community School Marching Band will wear a "summer uniform" to the first two or three football games. All band members (instrumental and color guard) are responsible for purchasing the following items for the summer uniform: solid white athletic socks (crew length, no stripes), solid white tennis shoes (minimal stripes or insignias allowed), and khaki colored short pants. Additional band polo shirts will be available through the Whitmire Community School Band office for $25.00. The 2018 band show T-shirt is included in the band camp fee. Additional show T-shirts will be $15.00 each. Persons needing additional band shirts are required to place a prepaid order no later than Monday, August 1 on their band camp financial page. The Summer Uniform must be in place and ready to wear by the first football game.

Students with missing uniform parts will lose their break and may have to march without that part at the discretion of the band director. Extra uniform parts may be authorized to delinquent band members after inspection only.

Every band member must realize he or she is an ambassador of Whitmire Community School and the band program. The band uniform is an important symbol of pride in his or her accomplishments. The band uniform must be worn in its entirety whenever our band members are in public, unless specific instructions have been previously announced.


Inspection will be held before leaving for every performance. The following items must be in order for each inspection and will be checked off by your Section Captain:

a. All uniform parts must be clean and present for inspection.b. Shoes must be very clean.c. Pants length for instrumentalists should come to the top of the shoe and/or ankle, so there

is no break in the front crease of the pants (also described as “high-waters”).c. No jewelry may be worn with the uniform except class rings for Seniors and small studs

for maintenance of any body piercings. d. All instruments and equipment must be clean and in working order. This includes reeds, mouthpieces, valves, slides, keys, pads, harnesses, heads, sticks, cymbals, keyboards, poles, and flags.d. All music must be present, in flip-folders, with lyres for winds, and all titles accounted for at

football games, no exceptions.f. Long hair for instrumentalists must be put up inside the band hat. Hair for the color guard

must be styled correctly.

Students will be called to attention and will remain there or at parade rest until inspection is completed. Failure of inspection will result in loss of break. Repeated failure of inspection may result in the dismissal from the marching band.

Disciplinary Consequences

In order for us to regulate and demand nothing but the best from our band members, there has to be a disciplinary system in place. Someone once said, “Rules are not made for the people who are not going to follow them, they are made for the people who are. The consequences are for those who need an extra nudge in the right direction.” Band students will be rewarded and disciplined for


their actions this year in the form of a merit system. They can earn merits for being impressive with their behavior, actions, etc. However, if any student is in vilation of our rules and procedures, they will received demerits.

For Demerits:-3 Demerits: March 2 8-5’s up and down the marching field after rehearsal-5 Demerits: Loss of Small Break (Practice music or marching during break)-7 Demerits: Writing Assignment + loss of cell phone and audio device use on bus-10 Demerits: Loss of Large Break + last to board bus and get food-12 Demerits: Conference with All Band Directors and Staff

For Merits: +3 Merits: Become a focusing buddy+5 Merits: Can call band to attention when asked for 1 day.+7 Merits: Front of bus line, after seniors+10 Merits: Eat after seniors+15 Merits: 10 minutes late to a non-performace day practice, or dismissed 10 early+25 Merits: Can participate as the culpurit in the marching band show.

A Small Break shall be defined as follows:1. Free Time during a rehearsal.

A Large Break shall be defined as follows:1. Free time during third quarter of a football game.2. Free time upon arrival or after performance at a marching contest (30 minutes


Loss of break shall be defined as follows:1. Students losing break may not talk or communicate in any way with any student.2. Students losing break may receive food or drink from other sources.3. Students losing break must remain in an assigned area with an assigned chaperone.

Infringement of these rules stated above will cause loss of the next available break.

Students forgetting to remain for their loss of break will be assigned to lose their next two available breaks. Students refusing to stay during break will be dismissed from the marching band.

The director has the discretion to dispense or withhold these disciplinary consequences and assign special consequences depending on the disciplinary case.



JULYSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 Officers & Details:9:00 AM – 1:30 PM,Officers: 3:30 – 5:00

19 Officers & Details:9:00 AM – 1:30 PM,(if needed)

20 Officers & Details:9:00 AM – 1:30 PM,(if needed)


22 23Rookies:8:00 AM – 10:00 PMGuard/Perc:10:00 AM – 12:00 NoonOfficers meeting

24Rookies:3:00 PM – 5:00 PMGuard/Perc:5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Band Booster Club:7:00 PM

25Rookies:8:00 AM – 10:00 PMGuard/Perc:10:00 AM – 12:00 NoonOfficers meeting

26Rookies:8:00 AM – 10:00 PMGuard/Perc:10:00 AM – 12:00 NoonOfficers meeting

27 28

29 30 Full Band8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

31 Full Band8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon


AUGUSTSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Band CampFull Band: 8:00 AM – 3:30 PMALL FORMS AND FEES DUE

2 Band CampFull Band: 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM;6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

3 Band CampFull Band: 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM


5 6 Band CampFull Band: 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM;6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

7 Band CampFull Band: 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM;6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

8 Band CampFull Band: 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM

9 Evening Rehearsal 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

10 11

12 13 Teachers Back to School Afternoon Rehearsal 3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

14 Teachers Back to SchoolAfternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

15 Teachers Back to School

16 Teachers Back to SchoolAfternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

17 Teachers Back to School

Football Gamevs. Mid-CarolinaCall Time @ 5:45 PMSUMMER UNIFORM


19 20 First Day of SchoolNO Rehearsal

21 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

Booster Club Meeting @ 7 PM

22 23Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

24Football Game - Away@ Great FallsCall Time @ 5:30 PMSUMMER UNIFORM


26 27 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

28 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

29 30 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

31 Football Gamevs. RS-MCall Time @ 6:00 PMSUMMER UNIFORM


SEPTEMBERSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

12 3 Labor Day

No Rehearsal4 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

5 6 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

7 8

9 10 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

11 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 5:30 PM

12 13 Band Practice3:15 – 5:00 PMEveryone help load for performance @ 5:00 PMCommunity

Exhibition, 7:00 PM

14 15

16 17 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

18 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

Band Booster Club:7:00 PM

19 20 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

21 Football Gamevs. Bethune-BowmanCall Time @ 5:45 PMHomecomingFULL UNIFORM

22Competition – Boiling Springs TBA

23 24 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

25 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM


27 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

28 29


OCTOBERSunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

2 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

3 4 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

5 Football Gamevs. DixieCall Time @ 6:00 PMYouth NightSUMMER UNIFORM

6 Gaffney Reservation Competition TBA

7 8 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

9 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

10 11 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

12 Football Gamevs. Calhoun FallsCall Time @ 6:00 PMHOMECOMINGFULL UNIFORM

13Chesnee Eagle Classic Competition TBA

14 15 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

16 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

Band Booster Club,7:00 PM

17 18 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

19 20Upper State

21 22 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

23 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

24 25 Afternoon Rehearsal3:15 PM – 6:00 PM

26 27State Finals

28 29 30 31




Chris Wofford, Director2597 Highway 66, Whitmire, SC 29178

School Phone: (803) 694-2320 E-mail: [email protected]




Drum Major – Megan PinnerWoodwind Captains – Emily Kessler

Brass Captain – Morgan TothPercussion Captain – Isaac Williams

Colorguard Captain – Jordan Toth

DetailsLIBRARY DETAIL Equipment Detail Uniform Detail Morale Detail

Taylor McElhannon – Lt. Matthew McMurtury – Lt. Caitlyn Rish – Lt. Michelle Ruff – Lt.Senny Gehlken- Lt. Briahna Nagy – Lt.

Captain Supervisor Captain Supervisor Captain Supervisor Captain SupervisorIsaac Williams Jordan Toth Morgan Toth Emily K.

Please refer to the Officer Job Descriptions listed in this document. All officers and detail members are reminded that they are to attend the Officer and Detail Workday on Thursday, July 20, from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, and the officers are reminded of Officer Training from 3:00 – 5:00 PM. We will also work on Friday, July 21, from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, if needed.


How Parents Can Support Our Program Show an interest in the music studies of your son/daughter. Keep a record of your son/daughter's

various music activities.

Notify Mr. Wofford as soon as possible if your son/daughter is to be absent or tardy at rehearsals or performances. Teach your son/daughter to be punctual at rehearsals and performances.

See to it that your son/daughter keeps up with classroom studies and makes up missed work. Discuss with the director anything that will help him understand your son/daughter.

Make sure your son or daughter is practicing weekly and turning in weekly practice reports. You can do this by reminding your child to bring home their instrument every day, allowing your child to practice in the same space at the same time every day to establish a routine, and by asking them on a daily basis what is happening in band this week and the future. It will also help you reduce noise if they have an acoustically dry place to practice such as a carpeted room without bare walls.

Become a band booster member and help with band activities. We strongly urge parents to get involved with this very fine organization that provides many services and monetary support to every member in the band program. We meet every third Tuesday night at 7:00 PM in the band room.

Help out with the Friday and Saturday equipment crews. You can be as involved as you want! We always need people to help haul trailers, lend a 4-wheeler, strap down percussion instruments to the rolling carts, help students carry or roll instruments, packing or unpacking, etc.

Become a chaperone!

Attend concerts and other events involving your child. Show your support!

Help fundraise so that our program can continue to give our students the real-world experiences they need to excel, achieve, and grow through musical field-trips, concerts, contests, and workshops.




The handbook can be found:

We, the undersigned, do state that we have thoroughly read and completely understand the handbook of the Whitmire Community School Band Program. We will abide by the statements and policies in this document and will submit to the disciplines and penalties listed if and when these policies are broken. We will give our utmost attention to make this organization the best it possibly can be by committing our personal best at all times. I feel as though I can make a positive contribution to the band program at Whitmire Community School and that I will follow all rules and procedures outlined herein.

Student's Name (print) ___________________________________________________________

Student's Signature __________________________________________ Date _______________

Parent's Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______________