
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Linton (in Mesthrie, et al., 2009: 28) defines culture as “the way of life of its members; the collection of ideas and habits which they learn, share and transmit from generation to generation”. This means that culture also functions as design for living, which gives meaning to the way and the form of habits considered appropriate and acceptable within a certain community group. Culture is owned by every nation, and therefore the culture of every nation is mutually different. Although sometimes there are similarities as well as family and race. As in discussion is that how can we facilitate a positive impression of the people of different cultures with us, of course we must first understand their culture so as not occurred clash culture between our culture with their culture. Understanding the culture of other country help we to not misunderstanding will continually recur in communication with other community. In this case the writer will discuss about the different culture between America and Indonesia especially in their habits, political and religion. [1]

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Linton (in Mesthrie, et al., 2009: 28) defines culture as “the way of life

of its members; the collection of ideas and habits which they learn, share and

transmit from generation to generation”. This means that culture also

functions as design for living, which gives meaning to the way and the form of

habits considered appropriate and acceptable within a certain community

group. Culture is owned by every nation, and therefore the culture of every

nation is mutually different. Although sometimes there are similarities as well

as family and race. As in discussion is that how can we facilitate a positive

impression of the people of different cultures with us, of course we must first

understand their culture so as not occurred clash culture between our culture

with their culture.

Understanding the culture of other country help we to not

misunderstanding will continually recur in communication with other

community. In this case the writer will discuss about the different culture

between America and Indonesia especially in their habits, political and


B. Research formulation

The formulation of the problem in the mini research is:

1. What the definition of culture?

2. What the differences between habits, political and religion Indonesia

and America?

C. Research objective

As for the objectives of this mini research is:

1. To find out definition of culture.

2. To find out the differences between habits, political and religion

Indonesia and Ameri


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A. Definition of culture

Linton (in Mesthrie, et al., 2009: 28) defines culture as “the way of life of

its members; the collection of ideas and habits which they learn, share and

transmit from generation to generation.” This means that culture also functions as

“design for living,” which gives meaning to the way and the form of habits

considered appropriate and acceptable within a certain community group, while

language is treated as “a cultural activity and, at the same time, an instrument for

organizing other cultural domains” (Sharifian & Palmer, 2007: 1). In this context,

Taylor (in Peoples & Bailey, 2009: 22) define culture as “complex whole which

includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and any other capabilities

and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” In other words, knowledge,

beliefs, arts, morals, laws, traditions and other practices obtained by human beings

as part of the community, constitute cultural components. Peoples and Bailey

(2009) conclude that culture is learned, shared and owned together.

B. The Differences Between Habits, Political And Religion Indonesia And


a. Habits

In Indonesian’s view point, fashion represents how the characteristic of

somebody is. It’s a symbol of him/her personality, age, or social standing.

Before choosing your clothes, you must think over your event, the situation, or

your role. You will get complaint if you wear inappropriate fashion. Wearing

sexy clothes is considered rather taboo and impolite because Indonesia has

strong Eastern-ethical and influence of Islamic value. When Miss Indonesia

2004, Artika Sari Devi, wore her bikini in the fashion show of the Miss

Universe Contest, she got many protests from Indonesian. Unlike in Indonesia,


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people in the USA can choose what clothes they want to wear freely. An old

woman can wear a vivid clothes with many bright accessories. A boy may

change his hair in an unique style. A girl may draw a tattoo in her skin.

Nobody will complain what your fashion is.

b. Religion Culture

The third unique diffrence is about religion. Having a religion is so

essential for people in Indonesia. The reason about that has a long history.

After Indonesia got its independence from Netherlands and Japan in 1945,

Indonesian leader declared Pancasila , the Indonesia state ideology

(Morfit, 1981). It contains the five principles. The first principle of

Pancasila is Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa (a belief in one supreme being). It

means Indonesian states as a nonseculer country. However, Indonesia is

not a country of specific religion. Indonesian can choose freely their

religions such us Islam, Catholic, Hinduism, or Buddism. Maybe there are

people who choose Kong Hu Chu, Judism, or mere beliefs, but they are in

minority. They usually have same religion with their parents. Indonesian

children get religion education in school as a subject and in their home

from their parents. It’s polite to talk about religion even you can ask to

someone, “What’s your religion?” It’s also common to invite someone to

go to a church or a mosque. Sometimes my Indonesian friends who have

different religion make me do sholat, “Why don’t you do sholat ?” In an

official document, it usually has a field that ask about religion.

The culture is so different when we life in the USA. Religion is a

private thing in this country that well-known as Uncle Sam. You can’t ask

directly, “What’s your religion? Why do you wear a veil?” The question

are really impolite like asking weight. When you fill out an official

document, there is no question about your religion even in the population

survey. There is no statistic report about “How many muslims live in the


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USA?” The USA doesn’t have a Department of Religion like Indonesia

does.  Some Americans may be atheism, agnostic, amis, muslim sunny, or

even ahmadiyah etc. You have absolute freedom to choose religion or

pray. However, you can’t bother others who are praying. Attacking other

holy places is really prohibition. You have to respect to all people even if

they have different religious view.


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A. Conclusion

Residents in Indonesia upholds the norms of decency, especially in

the manner of dress , whereas in America they are free to use sexy


All of citizens in Indonesia has religion but not all everyone in

America has religion.


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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Retrieved May 14, 2006.

Beyond language: cross-cultural communication/ Deena R. Levine. Mara

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