ccna 640-607 practice exam

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  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    This exam (CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One)and Extra CCNA 640-607 Q and

    A coers the t!"es o# $%estions that !o% are most &i'e&! to see on

    !o%r CCNA 640-607 exam eca%se the! coer "oints that Cisco #ee&s are

    im"ortant *o% sho%&d read each $%estion+ ans,er+ and ex"&anation (i#

    aai&a&e) and then research the to"ic o# the $%estion more thoro%h&!

    to ma'e s%re !o% %nderstand it com"&ete&! .e hih&! recommend that !o%

    st%d! exams T,o+ Three+ /o%r+ /ie+ and ix a#ter st%d!in this exam

    and Extra CCNA 640-607 Q and A eca%se the! sho%&d coer "ractica&&!

    eer!thin that !o% miht #ind in a CCNA 640-607 exam

    Which command would you use to display traffic statistics on serial0?

    A. display interface serial0B. show interface serial0C. show serial0 statisticsD. show interface serial0 statistics

    Answer: B

    Use the Routershow interface serial0! command to display trafficstatistics on serial0. "he other commands are in#alid. "he followin$ isan e%ample. &ou will notice that this command will show 'roadcasts(incomin$ and out$oin$ pac)ets( etc. on this interface if the interfaceis up *this one isn+t up( so nothin$ is $oin$ in or out,:

    2501#sh interface serial0Serial0 is down line !rotocol is down "ardware is "64570 $nternet address is 172%16%20%&'24 ()* 1500 +,tes . 1544 /+it 20000 sec rel, 255'255 load 1'255 Enca!slation "C loo!+ac3 not set 3ee!alie set 10 sec

    ast in!t neer ot!t neer ot!t an8 neer ast clearin8 o9 :sow inter9ace: conters neer $n!t ;ee< 0'75'0 si=e'max'dro!s> )otal ot!t dro!s< 0 ?eein8 strate8,< wei8ted 9air Ot!t ;ee< 0'1000'64'0 si=e'max total'tresold'dro!s Conersations 0'0'256 actie'max actie'max total @esered Conersations 0'0 allocated'max allocated 5 minte in!t rate 0 +its'sec 0 !ac3ets'sec 5 minte ot!t rate 0 +its'sec 0 !ac3ets'sec 0 !ac3ets in!t 0 +,tes 0 no +99er @eceied 0 +roadcasts 0 rnts 0 8iants 0 trottles 0 in!t errors 0 C@C 0 9rame 0 oerrn 0 i8nored 0 a+ort 0 !ac3ets ot!t 0 +,tes 0 nderrns 0 ot!t errors 0 collisions 1 inter9ace resets

    0 ot!t +99er 9ailres 0 ot!t +99ers swa!!ed ot 0 carrier transitions Cdown S@down )@down @)Sdown C)Sdown


    What does the Base! mean in -0Base"?

    1Copyright 2000 - 2002 CCxx Productions. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate orredistribute in any form.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    A. Ca'le typeB. peedC. pectrum usedD. i$nal type

    Answer: D

    "he Base! in -0Base" refers to the Base'and si$nalin$ method . /thernetdefined 'ase'and technolo$y( which means that when a station doestransmit( it will use the entire 'andwidth on the wire and will notshare it.

    Which statement re$ardin$ D1 is true:

    A. D1 pro#ides data onlyB. D1 pro#ides #oice and dataC. "he standard defines hardware plus call setup schemes throu$h end2

    to2end connecti#ityD. User recei#es more 'andwidth with leased line of 34) than with

    multiple B channels

    Answer: B

    D1 *nte$rated er#ices Di$ital 1etwor), is a di$ital ser#ice desi$nedto run o#er e%istin$ telephone networ)s. t can support #oice( #ideo(and data simultaneously. t has faster call setup than a modem and alsohas faster data rates than a modem connection.

    "here are three switchin$ modes: Cut2throu$h( store2and2forward( and amodified #ersion of cut2throu$h. Re$ardin$ this modified #ersion( whichof the followin$ is true?

    A. tore2and2forward has a lower latencyB. Cut2throu$h has a hi$her latencyC. t waits until 305 of the data in the pac)et has come into the switch

    'efore forwardin$ itD. t waits until the data portion of the pac)et reaches the switch

    'efore forwardin$ it

    Answer: D

    "he modified #ersion of cut2throu$h switchin$ is called 6ra$ment6ree. twill wait until the first 47 'ytes of the pac)et pass throu$h the switch'efore forwardin$ it. "he data portion of the pac)et 'e$ins after the 47'ytes. "his switchin$ method is the default for Cisco -800 seriesswitches. tore2and2forward has a hi$her latency than 6ra$ment6ree'ecause it copies the whole frame onto its on'oard 'uffers and thencomputes a cyclic redundancy chec) *CRC, 'efore forwardin$ it. Cut2throu$h has a lower latency 'ecause it only copies the destinationaddress of the frame onto its on'oard 'uffers 'efore forwardin$ it.

    2Copyright 2000 - 2002 CCxx Productions. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate orredistribute in any form.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Which of the followin$ commands would you use if you wanted to ad#ertisethe -88.79.;.0 networ) usin$ the R< protocol?

    A. RouterA*confi$,router networ) -88.79.;.0B. RouterA*confi$,rip networ) -88.79.;.0C. RouterA*confi$2router,networ) -88.79.;.0D. RouterA*confi$2router,rip networ) -88.79.;.0

    Answer: C

    After you add the R< routin$ protocol to the router usin$ theRouterA*confi$,router rip! command( you are ta)en to router2confi$mode where you can choose to ad#ertise the networ) -88.79.;.0 'y usin$the command RouterA*confi$2router,networ) -88.79.;.0!.

    =ow does the store2and2forward switchin$ method wor)?

    A. Copies 305 of the frame onto its on'oard 'uffers 'efore forwardin$

    the frameB. Discards frames if they are runts or $iantsC. Copies only the destination address in the frame 'efore forwardin$

    the frameD. Copies the first 47 'ytes of the frame and chec)s it for

    fra$mentation 'efore forwardin$ the frame

    Answer: B

    "he store2and2forward switchin$ method copies the whole frame onto itson'oard 'uffers and computes a CRC *cyclic redundancy chec), 'eforeforwardin$ the frame. >atency throu$h the switch #aries with the framelen$th. "his switchin$ method will discard frames if they are runts*less than 47 'ytes includin$ the CRC, or $iants *more than -3-; 'ytesincludin$ the CRC,. t is the mode used on the Cisco Catalyst 3000switches and cannot 'e modified on the switch.

    Which WA1 >in) Data2>in) protocols support multiple upper layerprotocols? Choose two.


  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    What are the three parts to a connection2oriented session?

    A. call setupB. three2way handsha)eC. data transferD. call termination/. DDR

    Answer: A( C( and D

    A connection2oriented session reuires a #irtual circuit. "he 'estanswers would 'e call setup( data transfer( and call termination 'ecausea switched #irtual circuit reuires these. While a connection2orientedsession is also called a three2way handsha)e!( this uestion reuiresthree answers.

    What is 'ac)off on an ;09.@ networ)?

    A. When two pac)ets are sent and collide with each otherB. "he delay 'etween a collision and when the station retransmitsC. "he connection 'etween the 1C card and the hu'D.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    A. "hrou$h a router that can run >B. "his type of communication can not ta)e placeC. By usin$ >A1 "run) A1 *which is communication 'etween different >A1as opposed to intra2>A1( which means within the same >A1,communication to ta)e place( a layer2@ de#ice is a'solutely necessary.f you+re usin$ a router( it must 'e a'le to support > *nter2witch>in), in this case.

    What do Cisco Catalyst switches use to pre#ent loops?

    A. route poisonin$B. hold down timersC. pannin$2"ree

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    A. tore2and2forwardB. Cut2throu$hC. 6ra$ment2freeD. 6ra$ment2throu$h

    Answer: A

    "he store2and2forward switchin$ method copies the whole frame onto itson'oard 'uffers and computes a CRC *cyclic redundancy chec), 'eforeforwardin$ the frame. >atency throu$h the switch #aries with the framelen$th.

    Which two of the followin$ descri'e frame ta$$in$? Choose two.

    A. A uniue D is placed in the header of each frame as it tra#ersesthe switch fa'ric

    B. "he 'uildin$ of filter ta'lesC. t e%amines particular info a'out each frameD. A user2assi$ned D is defined to each frame

    Answer: A and D

    6rame ta$$in$ places a uniue identifier in the header of each frame."his is sometimes referred to as a >A1 D or color. t functions at theData2>in) layer and identifies the user and what >A1 the user is amem'er of.

    What one of the followin$ is the transport layer protocol?

    A. A1 parametersD. confi$ure DDR on the >A1

    Answer: B

    &ou must send interestin$ traffic across the lin) to test connecti#ityon a dial2on2demand *DDR, routin$ lin). "he DDR lin) is idle until it istri$$ered to start sendin$ interestin$ traffic o#er the lin).

    Which of followin$ statements re$ardin$ switchin$ are true? Choose two.

    A. tore2and2forward switchin$ wor)s at wire speedB. Cut2throu$h2switchin$ wor)s at wire speedC. tore2and2forward switchin$ creates #aria'le latency throu$h theswitchD. Cut2throu$h switchin$ creates #aria'le latency throu$h the switch

    Answer: B and C

    "he store2and2forward switchin$ method copies the whole frame onto itson'oard 'uffers and computes a CRC *cyclic redundancy chec), 'eforeforwardin$ the frame. >atency throu$h the switch #aries with the framelen$th. "his switchin$ method will discard frames if they are runts

    *less than 47 'ytes includin$ the CRC, or $iants *more than -3-; 'ytesincludin$ the CRC,. t is the mode used on the Cisco Catalyst 3000switches and cannot 'e modified on the switch. Cut2throu$h wor)s at wirespeed and has a lower latency 'ecause it only copies the destinationaddress of the frame onto its on'oard 'uffers 'efore forwardin$ it.dentify the correct ER< confi$uration.

    A. Routerrouter i$rp -00( Routernetwor) - Router*confi$,router i$rp -00( Router*confi$2router,networ)


    7Copyright 2000 - 2002 CCxx Productions. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate orredistribute in any form.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    C. Router*confi$,router i$rp( Router*confi$2router,networ) - Router*confi$,router -00 i$rp( Router*confi$2router,networ) all

    Answer: B

    "o set up ER< on the router( use the followin$ commands:Router*confi$,router i$rp -00Router*confi$2router,networ) -

    dentify the components in the followin$ command interfaceserial0F-F-!.

    A. erial interface( port num'er 0( slot -( port adapter -B. erial interface( slot -( port num'er -( port adapter 0C. erial interface( slot 0( port adapter -( port num'er -D. erial interface( module 0( port num'er -( port adapter -

    Answer: C

    "he components in the command interface serial0F-F-! are serialinterface( slot 0( port adapter -( port num'er -. Another commonscenario is interface serial-F-! or somethin$ similar. "his meansserial interface( module -( port num'er -.

    &ou are at the interface confi$uration prompt GRouter*confi$2if,H.Which of the followin$ will apply

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: D

    &ou can see the confi$uration2re$ister #alue of 0%9-09 at the 'ottom ofthe followin$ output:

    2501#show versionCisco $nternetwor3 O!eratin8 S,stem So9tware$OS tm 2500 So9tware C2500-S- Dersion 12%0 @EEASE SOF).A@E 9c1Co!,ri8t c 1B6-2000 +, cisco S,stems $nc%Com!iled (on 24-an-00 22A1( the AC address usedis 66266266266266266.Which two commands will sa#e the runnin$2confi$ to a "6"< ser#er?

    A. write runnin$ tftpB. copy runnin$ networ)C. copy runnin$ tftpD. write networ)

    Copyright 2000 - 2002 CCxx Productions. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate orredistribute in any form.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: C and D

    Use the Routercopy runnin$2confi$ tftp! *Routercopy runnin$ tftp!for short, or the Routerwrite networ)! commands to sa#e the runnin$2confi$ to a "6"< ser#er.

    dentify the mode reflected 'y the followin$ prompt JRouterK'ootLJ?

    A. etupB. RIBootC. Boot modeD.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: B

    "his is a multicast < address. "he multicast ran$e of < addresses is99729@8 and are class D addresses.

    What is an ad#anta$e of UD< *User Data$ram

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: A( B( and /

    "he three 'asic switch functions are loop a#oidance( pac)et filterin$and forwardin$( and address learnin$. pannin$2"ree protocol is used toa#oid loops. When a frame is recei#ed on a switch interface( it loo)s atthe destination hardware address and finds the e%it interface in the ACdata'ase. A switch remem'ers the source hardware address of each framerecei#ed on an interface and enters this information into a ACdata'ase.

    f you ha#e fi#e wor)stations connected to a -0 'ps switch( what doeseach wor)station $et?

    A. 9 'psB. -0 'psC. 30 'ps

    D. 3 'ps

    Answer: B

    /ach wor)station will recei#e -0 'ps if they are connected to a -0 'psswitch.

    6rames from one networ) are put in the frames of another networ). Whatis this called?

    A. Data >in) ControlB.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Brid$es cannot 'rea) up 'roadcast domains. t 'rea)s up collisiondomains( which is the same thin$ as increasin$ the num'er of collisiondomains. "his in turn will reduce total collisions within each se$ment.

    =ow does a 'rid$e function?

    A. t loo)s up destination AC addresses in its ta'leB. t filters 'y networ) addressC. t 'rea)s up 'roadcast domainsD. t loo)s up pac)ets in its data'ase in order to forward them

    Answer: A

    A 'rid$e loo)s up destination AC addresses in its AC address ta'le andfinds the e%it interfaceFphysical se$ment to send the frame. f itdoesn+t find one( it will flood the frame out all ports in order to find

    it. f the 'rid$e does find the interface where the frame is supposed to$o( it will then create a destination entry in its AC address ta'le sothat ne%t time it will )now where to send a frame from that particularsource.

    What command can 'e used to test

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Use the Routercopy flash tftp! command to copy the M ima$e to a "6"oo) at the e%ample'elow:

    2501con9i8#int s02501con9i8-i9#description Route to Tampa2501con9i8-i9#KL2501#07

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    n the followin$ ayer 9 switchin$. "hey are loopa#oidance( address learnin$( and forwardFfilterin$ decisions. >oopa#oidance uses pannin$ "ree

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: B

    "he followin$ e%ample shows the output from the show interfaces!command. As you can see( any < addresses and su'net mas)s are shownwithin the interfaces output. 6or e%ample( the /thernet0 interface showsthe < address as -9.-4.-0.- with a su'net mas) of F97( which means thefirst 97 'its of the su'net mas) are one+s *933.933.933.0,:

    2501#show interfacesEternet0 is ! line !rotocol is down "ardware is ance address is 0000%0c4a%adc +ia 0000%0c4a%adc $nternet address is 172%16%10%1'24 ()* 1500 +,tes . 10000 /+it 1000 sec rel, 201'255 load 1'255 Enca!slation A@PA loo!+ac3 not set 3ee!alie set 10 sec A@P t,!e< A@PA A@P )imeot 04

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Use the show #ersion! command to see the M #ersion( the hardwareplatform( and the name of ima$e file. "he followin$ is an e%ample. Asyou can see( the M #ersion is -9.0*8,( the hardware platform is a9300F930-( and the name of the ima$e file is c93002s2l-9028.'in:

    2501#show versionCisco $nternetwor3 O!eratin8 S,stem So9tware$OS tm 2500 So9tware C2500-S- Dersion 12%0 @EEASE SOF).A@E 9c1Co!,ri8t c 1B6-2000 +, cisco S,stems $nc%Com!iled (on 24-an-00 22

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Use the command Router*confi$,no ip domain2loo)up! to disa'le domainloo)up. f you+#e e#er tried to telnet to an address that isn+treacha'le or typed in a 'ad command( the router will try to do a domainloo)up *name2to2address translation, on the address or command( whichta)es a lon$ time 'efore failin$. &ou can+t do a C"R>2C or C"R>2=6"24(I to $et out of it. "his command will disa'le this loo)up so you won+tha#e to wait. t will tell you immediately that the host isn+t reacha'leor if it+s a 'ad command.

    What command would you use to manually enter a static route?

    A. ip route Kdefault $atewayL Ksu'net mas)L networ)B. ip route Kdestination networ)L Kdefault $atewayLC. ip route K destination networ)L Ksu'net mas)L Kdefault $atewayLD. ip route Kdestination networ)L Ksu'net mas)L Ksource networ)L

    Answer: C

    When creatin$ a static route( use the command:Router*confi$,ip route Kdestination networ)L Ksu'net mas)L Kdefault$atewayL&ou read this command as follows:Anythin$ $oin$ to this destination networ) usin$ this su'net mas)( sendit to this interface *default $ateway,.

    What two commands #erify end2to2end connecti#ity?

    A. traceB. de'u$ ip sessionC. pin$D. route

    Answer: A and C

    "he commands Routerpin$! and Routertraceroute! *or trace, will#erify end2to2end connecti#ity.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Use the command Router*confi$,'anner motd ! to create a 'anner on therouter. "he motd! stands for messa$e of the day! and the ! is calleda delimiter and can 'e anythin$. &ou start the 'anner with thischaracter 'y usin$ the command and also end the 'anner with it. "hefollowin$ is an e%ample:

    2501con9i8#banner motd #Enter )EH) messa8e% End wit te caracter #%)is is a test +anner#2501con9i8#"his messa$e *"his is a test 'annerS, will now show up whene#er a userconnects to the router throu$h the console port or throu$h telnet.

    What is the command process to allow you to type Washin$ton instead ofthe < address [email protected] to access the router?

    A. confi$ t( ip hostname Washin$ton [email protected]. confi$ t( ip host Washin$ton [email protected]. confi$ t( hostname Washin$ton [email protected]

    D. confi$ t( ip hostname [email protected] Washin$ton

    Answer: B

    6irst $et into $lo'al confi$uration mode 'y typin$ confi$ t! at theRouter! prompt. "hen type in the command ip host [email protected]!. &our screen should loo) li)e:Router*confi$,ip host Washin$ton [email protected]&ou can now access this router with the < address [email protected] 'y usin$the name Washin$ton. Usually it+s easier to remem'er a name instead ofan < address.

    What are the two components of an

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    [email protected];.80fd is a #alid AC address. "he second AC address contains a$!( which is not #alid *only a('(c(d(e(f are #alid letters,. "he thirdand fourth AC addresses are not in the correct format.

    What do you use for loop a#oidance? Choose two.

    A. poison re#erseB. split horionC. >in) tate protocolD. pollin$

    Answer: A and B

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    &ou would use the Router*confi$2if,'andwidth 47! command to chan$e the'andwidth of an interface to 47T. Remem'er( the 'andwidth is inTilo'ytes *T,( not 'its per second.

    What command would you use to up$rade your Cisco M?

    A. copy ftp flashB. copy flash tftpC. copy tftp flashD. copy flash ftp

    Answer: C

    &ou would use the command Routercopy tftp flash! command to up$radeyour Cisco M.

    Where is the router+s 'ac)up confi$uration stored?

    A. startup2confi$B. 'ac)up2confi$C. runnin$2confi$D. flash

    Answer: A

    "he router+s 'ac)up confi$uration is stored in the startup2confi$ file."he runnin$2confi$ file holds the current confi$uration that is runnin$on the router. f the router is re'ooted( the startup2confi$ file will'e used to 'rin$ up the router. "his is why it is important to sa#e therunnin$2confi$ to the startup2confi$ after ma)in$ chan$es to theconfi$uration. f you don+t do this and the router is re'ooted( all yourchan$es will not show up. &ou would use the command Routercopyrunnin$2confi$ startup2confi$! to sa#e the runnin$2confi$ file to thestartup2confi$ file.What commands would you use to confi$ure your router with R

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Use the followin$ commands in the followin$ order to ena'le R< on therouter:

    Router*confi$,router ripRouter*confi$2router,networ) -9.-4.0.0

    What )ind of 'roadcast is 933.933.933.933?

    A. su'net 'roadcastB. flooded 'roadcastC. directed 'roadcastD. host 'roadcast

    Answer: B

    Broadcasts are used 'y applications and hosts to send information to

    nodes on a networ). 6or e%ample( 933.933.933.933 is a flooded 'roadcastthat is sent to all networ)s and all nodes. -9.-4.933.933 is a'roadcast that is sent to all su'nets and hosts on the networ)-9.-4.0.0. -0.933.933.933 is a 'roadcast that is sent to all su'netsand hosts on the networ) -

    What output a'out the interface status would you see if the peerinterface *on the other end of the lin), were administrati#ely down?

    A. interface is down( line protocol is downB. interface is down( line protocol is upC. interface is up( line protocol is downD. interface is up( line protocol is up

    Answer: C

    f the ca'le were physically disconnected( then it would show interfaceis down( line protocol is down. When the interface is up( line protocolis down( it points to a layer 9 pro'lem which could 'e no )eepali#es( nocloc) rate( wron$ connector( or in a 'ac)2to2'ac) connection( the otherend of the connection is administrati#ely down. f the interface isadministrati#ely down *line protocol is down, then the administratormanually disa'led the interface.What does the 6rame Relay switch use to distin$uish 'etween each

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    D>Cs *Data2>in) Connection dentifiers, are used 'y the 6rame Relayswitch to distin$uish 'etween each

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Assumin$ no su'nettin$( the < address [email protected] is a Class Baddress 'ecause it falls into the ran$e -9;.0.0.0 to -8-.937.0.0. "hismeans that -77.-@9 is the networ) D portion and 93.-0 is the host Dportion.

    Which command would you use to determine if an < access2list is $roupedoninterface e0?

    A. Router*confi$,show ip interface e0B. RouterLshow ip interface e0C. Routershow interface e0D. Routershow ip interface e0

    Answer: D

    &ou would use the Routershow ip interface e0! command to determine ifan < access2list is $rouped on interface e0. We set up access2list - one0 on one of our 930- routers. "he followin$ output usin$ this commandshows that access2list - is $rouped on interface e0:

    2501#sh ip interface e0Eternet0 is ! line !rotocol is down $nternet address is 172%16%10%1'24 roadcast address is 255%255%255%255 Address determined +, non-olatile memor, ()* is 1500 +,tes "el!er address is not set irected +roadcast 9orwardin8 is disa+led

    (lticast resered 8ro!s Ioined< 224%0%0% Ot8oin8 access list is not set $n+ond access list is 1 Prox, A@P is ena+led Secrit, leel is de9alt%%%Ot!t Omitted%%

    &ou are una'le to access a remote router on a frame2relay networ). Whatcommand will help you find out where traffic is 'ein$ routed?

    A. ip name2ser#erB. de'u$ frame2relay mapC. show ip routeD. de'u$ map frame

    Answer: C

    2BCopyright 2000 - 2002 CCxx Productions. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate orredistribute in any form.

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    "he command show ip route! will show you the < routin$ ta'le. t canhelp you find out where traffic is 'ein$ routed.

    What su'net does the followin$ networ) address 'elon$ to?-9.-4.-9.44F@0

    A. -9.-4.-9.0B. -9.-4.0.4;C. -9.-4.-9.47D. -9.-4.0.9

    Answer: C

    F@0 means the same as --------.--------.--------.------00 *@0 on! 'itsor -+s,. Add up the on! 'its or -+s in the last octet -9;N47N@9N-4N;N7

    Q 939. o( the mas) is 933.933.933.939. 9342939Q7. o( 7 is your firstsu'net. Add this to itself until you find the su'net that 44 'elon$s in:7( ;( -9( -4( 90( 97( 9;( @9( @4( 70( 77( 7;( 39( 34( 40( 47( 4;. We canstop here 'ecause we ha#e reached 4;. 44 is 'etween 47 and 4;. o( yoursu'net is -9.47 or -9.-4.-9.47.

    What is a 'enefit of a #irtual >A1 *>A1,?

    A. t increases the num'er of collision domainsB. t decreases the num'er of 'roadcast domainsC. t increases the num'er of 'roadcast domainsD. t decrease the num'er of collision domains/. ince it is a #irtual nterface it ne#er shuts down

    Answer: C

    A >A1 is a lo$ical $roupin$ of networ) users and resources connected toadministrati#ely defined ports on a switch. A 'enefit of a >A1 is thatit 'rea)s up 'roadcast domains into smaller 'roadcast domains. By'rea)in$ up 'roadcast domains into smaller 'roadcast domains( you areincreasin$ the num'er of 'roadcast domains.

    What are two ways

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    &ou can use the secondary command to support multiple lo$ical networ)son an indi#idual interface. "he command is in the form:Router*confi$2if,ip% networ) n%merGencapsulation t!"eH GsecondaryHAn e%ample would 'e:Router*confi$2if,ip% networ) -- encapsulation sap secondaryn this case( you are assi$nin$ the networ) num'er -- to the interfaceand $i#in$ it sap encapsulation. By usin$ the secondary! option( youare actually $i#in$ the interface the sap encapsulation in additiontowhate#er encapsulation the interface had 'efore. o( you are nowsupportin$ multiple lo$ical networ)s. &ou could also use a su'interfaceto do the same thin$.

    What is the result of se$mentin$ a networ) with a 'rid$e?

    A. t increases the num'er of collision domainsB. t decreases the num'er of collision domainsC. t increases the num'er of 'roadcast domains

    D. t decreases the num'er of 'roadcast domains

    Answer: A

    Brid$es 'rea) up collision domains( which is the same thin$ asincreasin$ the num'er of collision domains. "his in turn will reducetotal collisions within each se$ment.

    Ei#en an

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Usin$ C"R>2O will e%it you 'ac) to pri#ile$ed /I/C mode. =ere+s ane%ample. &ou first $o into confi$uration mode *conf t, and then into/thernet0 interface mode *int e0,. At this point( use the C"R>2O)eystro)e and you will $o ri$ht 'ac) to pri#ile$ed /I/C mode:

    2501#con9 tEnter con9i8ration commands one !er line% End wit CN)'L%2501con9i8#int e02501con9i8-i9#KL2501#

    Which confi$uration tas) must you complete if a remote router does 1M"

    support n#erse AR

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: B and C

    Use the commands Routershow ip route! and Routershow frame2relaymap! to show the routers that are reacha'le. "he show ip route! commandwill show the routin$ ta'le and the show frame2relay map! command willshow the 1etwor) layer2to2D>C mappin$s. "he show ip map! and de'u$frame2relay map! commands do not e%ist.

    =ow do you chan$e the Console password on the router to cisco!?

    A. Router*confi$,line con 0Router*confi$2line,lo$inRouter*confi$2line,password cisco

    B. Router*confi$,line con 0

    Router*confi$2line,lo$inRouter*confi$2line,password Cisco

    C. Router*confi$,line con Router*confi$2line,password cisco Router*confi$2line,lo$in

    D. Router*confi$,line con 0 Router*confi$,password cisco Router*confi$2line,lo$in

    Answer: A

    Mne thin$ to remem'er is that passwords are case2sensiti#e. "he a'o#eanswer will chan$e the password so that when you connect to the consoleport( you will 'e prompted to enter the password cisco to $ain access.

    Which of the followin$ are the most useful WA1 encapsulations on aserial lin)? Choose one.

    A. C and

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    nternet access. t has two layers: >C< *>in) Control in) Control, is thedefault encapsulation for synchronous serial lin)s on Cisco routers. tis a Data2>in) >ayer protocol and is deri#ed from D>C.

    &ou ha#e two Cisco routers with the hostnames Router- and Router9.Router- uses the username Router9 and password Cisco-. What commandwould you use to set the username and password on Router9 for

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    "he router would 'oot from RM *Read Mnly emory, if the confi$urationre$ister settin$s were set to 0%0-0-. "he confi$uration re$ister is a-42'it software re$ister that is written into 1RA and tells the routerhow to 'oot. "he default on Cisco routers is 0%9-09( which tells therouter to load the Cisco M from flash memory and to loo) for and loadthe startup2confi$uration file from 1RA. "he confi$uration re$ister isusually used to help reco#er the password of the router if you for$etit.

    Which of the followin$ is a #alid e%tended < access2list?

    A. router*confi$,access2list -0- permit tcp host [email protected] any e 9-lo$

    B. routeraccess2list -0- permit tcp host [email protected] any e 9- lo$C. router*confi$,access2list -0- permit any any [email protected]. router*confi$,access2list -0- permit ip host [email protected] any e 9-


    Answer: A

    An e%tended access2list has the form access-list[number] [permitordeny] [protocol] [source] [destination] [port]. o( in this case( -0- isthe num'er( tcp is the protocol( host [email protected] is the source( any isthe destination address( e 9- is the port( and the lo$ option is addedso that each time this access2list is used( it is lo$$ed. Remem'er thatwhen filterin$ 'y port( you cannot use < as the protocol. &ou can onlyuse "C

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    "o see the cloc) rate on the serial0 interface( you could use theRouter show controllers serial 0! command or the Router showrunnin$2confi$! command. "he followin$ are e%amples of the commands:

    2501con9i8-i9#cloc3 rate 560002501con9i8-i9#end2501#04

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    &ou could use the Routershow #ersion! *#er( for short, or Routershowflash! commands to show the Cisco M filename. Below are e%amples usin$'oth commands. &ou can see that the Cisco M filename is c93002s2l-9028.'in:

    2501#show versionCisco $nternetwor3 O!eratin8 S,stem So9tware$OS tm 2500 So9tware C2500-S- Dersion 12%0 @EEASE SOF).A@E 9c1Co!,ri8t c 1B6-2000 +, cisco S,stems $nc%Com!iled (on 24-an-00 22

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: B( D( /( and 6

    Remem'er the followin$ ta'le and write it down at the e%am:

    Novell IPX encapsulation (frame) types:

    nterface /ncapsulation or frame type Cisco )eyword

    /thernet /thernet;09.@ no#ell2ether *Default,

    /thernet;09.9 sap

    /thernet2snap snap

    /thernet arpa

    "o)en Rin$ "o)en2Rin$ sap *Default,

    "o)en2Rin$snap snap

    6DD 6ddisnap snap *Default,

    6ddi;09.9 sap

    6ddiraw no#ell2fddi

    atch the followin$ transport layer protocols with the correctdescription.

    A. < identifies de#ices on networ)sB. "C< connection oriented and pac)et ac)nowled$ementC. UD< slidin$ windowD. C< messa$in$ ser#ice pro#ider for & ftp traffic from networ) -89.-4;.-0.0 tonetwor) -89.-4;.90.0. =ow would you do it?

    A. access2list - deny ip -89.-4;.-0.0 -89.-4;.90.0 ftp

    B. access2list -00 deny ip -89.-4;.-0.0 -89.-4;. e ftp

    C. access2list -00 deny tcp -89.-4;.-0.0 -89.-4;. e ftp

    D. access2list -00 deny tcp -89.-4;.-0.0 -89.-4;. e ftpaccess2list -00 permit ip any

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Answer: D

    &ou would use an e%tended access2list in the form access-list[number][permitor deny] [protocol] [source] [destination] [port]. o( you woulduse the command:outer(confi*)+access-list $%% deny tcp $2&.$34.$%.% %.%.%.&55

    $2&.$34.&%.% %.%.%.&55 e6 ftptcp is the protocol( -89.-4;.-0.0 is the source address *andwildcard mas),( -89.-4;.-0.0 is the destination address *andwildcard mas),( e ftp is the portRemem'er that when filterin$ 'y port( you cannot use < as the protocol.&ou can only use "C

  • 8/11/2019 CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam


    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    6rame ta$$in$ is used in a switched networ) to ta$ a frame with >A1information. Which of the followin$ are true re$ardin$ frame ta$$in$?Choose three.

    A. it places a uniue identifier in the header of each frameB. it functions at the Data2>in) layerC. it functions at the 1etwor) layerD. it identifies the user and what >A1 the user is a mem'er of/. it 'uilds frames usin$ < cards

    Answer: A( B( and D

    6rame ta$$in$ places a uniue identifier in the header of each frame."his is sometimes referred to as a >A1 D or color. t functions at theData2>in) layer and identifies the user and what >A1 the user is amem'er of.

    &ou want to deny access to a $roup of computers with [email protected] to -9.@[email protected]. Which wildcard mas) would you use?

    A. 0.0.933.933B. 0.0.933.933C. [email protected]. 0.0.-9.933/. 0.0.-3.933

    Answer: /

    0.0.-3.933 will chec) the last -@ 'its of an address so that [email protected] to -9.@[email protected] will 'e denied access. [email protected] wouldchec) the last 4 'inary di$its and deny access to addresses -9.@[email protected] [email protected]@.0. 0.0.-9.933 would chec) the last 'inary di$its anddeny access to addresses [email protected] to [email protected]. 0.0.933.933 woulddeny [email protected] to [email protected]. f you write decimal -3 in 'inary( youha#e 000----( the -Js tell the router to i$nore address with these 'itssetV 0Js tell the router to chec) the 'its. "he third octet [email protected] is 000-0000. "he third octet for -9.@[email protected] would 'e000-----. o( traffic from these addresses would 'e denied.

    Cisco routers use wildcard mas)in$ to identify how to chec) or i$norecorrespondin$ < address 'its. What does settin$ a wildcard mas) 'it to

    0 cause the router to do?

    A. t tells the router to i$nore the correspondin$ 'it #alueB. t tells the router to chec) the correspondin$ 'it #alueC. t tells the router to chec) its alternate routin$ listD. t tells the router to use its primary routin$ list

    Answer: B

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    ettin$ a wildcard mas) 'it to 0 tells the router to chec) thecorrespondin$ 'it #alue.

    What do the followin$ commands accomplish?access2list - permit -9.-4.0.0 0.0.933.933interface ethernet 0< access2$roup - outinterface ethernet -< access2$roup - out

    A. Mnly traffic from the source networ) -9.-4.0.0 will 'e 'loc)edB. Mnly traffic from the source networ) -9.-4.0.0 will 'e forwarded.

    1on2-9.-4.0.0 networ) traffic is 'loc)edC. 1on2-9.-4.0.0 traffic will 'e forwardedD. All traffic will 'e forwarded

    Answer: B

    Mnly traffic from the source networ) -9.-4.0.0 will 'e forwarded. 1on2-9.-4.0.0 networ) traffic is 'loc)ed. "he wildcard mas) 0.0.933.933tells the router to chec) the first 9 octets and to i$nore the last 9octets.

    =ow do you disa'le ad#anced editin$?

    A. terminal editin$B. terminal no editin$C. disa'le editin$D. no terminal editin$

    Answer: B

    Use the command Routerterminal no editin$! to disa'le ad#ancededitin$. 1otice that you don+t do this in $lo'al confi$uration mode.

    Which of the followin$ will show the e%tended access2list -70?

    A. sh access2lists -70B. sh ip intC. sh ip access2listsD. sh access2lists -70 e%tended

    Answer: A

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Use the command Router sh access2list -70! to show the e%tendedaccess2list -70. "o see all access2lists( you would use the commandRoutersh access2lists!. "o see ust < access2lists( you would use thecommand Router sh ip access2lists!.

    &ou ha#e a Class B networ) address di#ided into @0 su'nets. &ou will add93 new su'nets within the ne%t year. &ou need 400 host Ds for eachsu'net. Which su'net mas) should you use?

    A. 933.937.0.0B. 933.-89.0.0C. 933.933.939.0D. 933.933.97;.0

    Answer: C

    What you need is a su'net mas) that will $i#e you 33 su'nets *@0N93, and400 hosts for each su'net. f you memorie your Class B su'net ta'les(you+ll )now that the su'net mas) 933.933.939.0 will $i#e you 49 su'netsand -099 hosts( which will easily handle your 33 su'nets and 400 hoststhat you reuire.

    What is the synta% used to confi$ure the port on a Catalyst 3000 switch?

    A. slot portFtypeB. type slotFportC. port slotFtypeD. port typeFslot

    Answer: B

    "he synta% used to confi$ure the port on a Catalyst 3000 switch is typeslotFport!.

    What three sources can 'e used to place confi$uration commands into RA?

    A. =< Mpen#iewB. ConsoleC. terminalD. "6"< ser#er/. 1RA

    Answer: B( C( and D

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    &ou can connect to the console and type commands directly into therunnin$2confi$( which is stored in RA. &ou could also use a terminal totelnet into the router and type commands directly into the runnin$2confi$. A "6"< ser#er can 'e used to send a confi$uration to therunnin$2confi$ on the router.

    What is true re$ardin$ the followin$ access2list:access2list -0- deny tcp -89.-0.-9.0 any e 9@access2list -0- permit ip any any

    A. "his access list pre#ents the host -89.-0.-9.0 from telnetin$B. "his access list pre#ents any telnet traffic from su'net

    -89.-0.-9.0F97C. "his access list filters some telnet accessD. "his access list denies any telnet traffic to su'net -89.-0.-9.0F97/. "his access list is in#alid

    6. "he netmas) on the this access list is re#ersed

    Answer: B

    "his access2list pre#ents any telnet traffic from su'net-89.-0.-9.0F97. &ou would read this access2list as follows: Deny telnettraffic from networ) -89.-0.-9.0 usin$ the wildcard netmas) of0.0.0.933 to any destination host. "he wildcard mas) meansthat 0+s within the mas) must match up e%actly and 933+s within the mas)can 'e anythin$. t is an in#erse *not re#erse, of the actual mas)933.933.933.0 *F97,. o( -89.-0.-9.0 means that -89.-0.-9must match up e%actly 'ecause those octets match up with the 0+s in thewildcard mas) 'ut the last octet can 'e anythin$ 'ecause it matches upwith the 933 in the wildcard mas). "he command access2list -0- permitip any any! ust lets the remainin$ traffic throu$h.

    What do the followin$ commands accomplish?access2list - deny -9.-4.7.-@

    access2list - permit 933.933.933.933interface ethernet 0< access2$roup - out

    A. All traffic is allowedB. "raffic from -9.-4.7.-@ is allowed and all other traffic is 'loc)edC. All traffic is 'loc)edD. "raffic from -9.-4.7.-@ is 'loc)ed and all other traffic is allowed

    Answer: D

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    "raffic from -9.-4.7.-@ is 'loc)ed and all other traffic is allowed."he 0s in all for octets tell the router to chec) the complete addressand to any access. in Paccess2list - permit is a placeholder. -9.-4.7.-@ is denied 'y the firststatement( all other traffic is permitted 'y the second statement.

    When usin$ access lists( what does a Cisco router chec) first?

    A. "he pac)et contentsB. "he destination addressC. "he source addressD. "o see if the pac)et is routa'le or 'rid$ea'le

    Answer: D

    "he first thin$ chec)ed is to see if the pac)et is routa'le or'rid$ea'le. f it is not( the pac)et will 'e dropped.

    Why was "< *>A1 "run) A1 identification methods?

    A. >B. /// ;09.-C. >D. >A1//. ;09.-0 *6DD,

    Answer: A( B( D( and /

    "he four >A1 identification methods are >( /// ;09.-( >A1/( and;09.-0 *6DD,

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    > A1

    C. create trun)sD. delete >A1s

    Answer: A( B( and D

    "< allows an administrator to add( delete( and rename >A1s.

    When can a "< domain 'e used?

    A. When you only ha#e one switch connected in a networ)B. When you are usin$ only one >A1C. Mnly if a router is attached to a switchD. f you ha#e more than one switch connected in a networ)

    Answer: D

    A "< domain can 'e used when you ha#e more than one switch connected ina networ). 6irst( a "< ser#er must 'e created. All ser#ers that need toshare >A1 information must use the same domain name and a switch canonly 'e in one domain at a time. o( a switch can only share "< domaininformation with switches confi$ured in the same "< domain. f you areusin$ only one >A1( you don+t need to use "

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    to add( delete( or rename >A1s in a "< domain. Any chan$e made to aswitch in ser#er mode is ad#ertised to the entire "< domain.

    Client Can recei#e information from "< ser#ers and can send andrecei#e updates( 'ut can not ma)e any chan$es. f you want a switch to'ecome a ser#er( first ma)e it a Client so that it first recei#es allthe correct >A1 information( then chan$e it to a ser#er.

    "ransparent Does not participate in the "< domain 'ut it will stillforward "< ad#ertisements. t is considered only locally si$nificantand can add and delete >A1s. t )eeps its own data'ase and does notshare it with other switches.

    Which command listed 'elow sets the 'anner messa$e when someone connectsto the router?

    A. messa$e

    B. 'anner C. lo$in 'anner D. description /. lo$in description 6. 'anner motd

    Answer: 6

    Use the command Router*confi$,'anner motd ! to create a 'anner on therouter. "he motd! stands for messa$e of the day! and the ! is calleda delimiter and can 'e anythin$. &ou start the 'anner with thischaracter 'y usin$ the command and also end the 'anner with it. "hefollowin$ is an e%ample:

    2501con9i8#banner motd #Enter )EH) messa8e% End wit te caracter #%)is is a test +anner#2501con9i8#

    "his messa$e *"his is a test 'annerS, will now show up whene#er a userconnects to the router throu$h the console port or telnets into therouter.

    dentify the command mode necessary to enter the standard pin$ command?

    A. Router*confi$,B. RouterLC. Router*std2pin$,D. Router*confi$2if,

    Answer: B

    &ou can use the pin$ command in User /I/C mode *RouterL, or

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    pin$s whereas User /I/C mode will not.

    What command would you use to create an access2list that pre#entsall users on su'networ) -0.-0.-9;.0( usin$ su'net mas) 933.933.-89.0(from 'ein$ a'le to telnet anywhere?

    A. access2list -0- deny tcp -0.-0.-9;.0 0.0.-9;.933 any e telnetB. access2list -0- deny tcp -0.-0.-9;.0 933.933.0.0 any e telnetC. access2list -0- deny tcp -0.-0.-9;.0 933.933.-89.0 any e telnetD. access2list -0- deny tcp -0.-0.-9;.0 0.0.-89.933 any e telnet/. access2list -0- deny tcp -0.-0.-9;.0 [email protected] any e telnet6. access2list -0- deny tcp -0.-0.-9;.0 0.0.-9.933 any e telnet

    Answer: /

    Use the command Router*confi$, access2list -0- deny tcp -0.-0.-9;[email protected] any e telnet! to pre#ent all users on su'networ)-0.-0.-9;.0( usin$ su'net mas) 933.933.-89.0( from 'ein$ a'le to telnet

    anywhere. Read the command as: Deny telnet to the su'networ) -0.-0.-9;usin$ mas) 933.933.-89.0 $oin$ to any destination. "o fi$ure out thewildcard mas) [email protected]( ust su'tract each octet in the ori$inal mas)933.933.-89.0 from 933. 6irst octet: 9332933Q0( second octet: 9332933Q0(third octet: 9332-89Q4@( fourth octet: 93320Q933. o( your wildcard mas)is [email protected].

    What command would you use to run setup?

    A. Router*confi$,setupB. Router*confi$2if,setupC. RoutersetupD. RouterLsetup

    Answer: C

    Use the command Routersetup! to enter the ystem Confi$uration Dialo$.&ou must 'e

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    Which command would you use to display the status of a 6rame Relay#irtual circuit?

    A. Routershow frame2relay #irtual2circuitB. Router*confi$,show frame2relay p#cC. Routershow frame2relay p#cD. Routershow #irtual

    Answer: C

    &ou would use the Routershow frame2relay p#c! command to display thestatus of a 6rame Relay #irtual circuit. "his command will list allconfi$ured C num'ers. t pro#ides the status of each 2=6"24(I to $et out of it. "his command will disa'lethis loo)up so you won+t ha#e to wait. t will tell you immediately thatthe host isn+t reacha'le or if the command is 'ad.

    What command will not display the status of to-?

    A. show int to-B. show to-C. show interface to-D. show interface

    Answer: B

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    CCNA 640-607 Practice Exam One

    All of these commands e%cept show to-! will show the status of the"o)en Rin$ interface la'eled to-. Use these commands in pri#ile$ed /I/Cmode( such as Routershow int to-!.

    What are two commands you could use to copy a confi$uration from a "6"