敬爱的李光耀资政: - nanyang lky/nyps - … · tribute to mr lee kuan yew (in the form of...


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Page 1: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that
Page 2: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

敬 爱 的 李 光 耀 资 政 :失 去 您 是 新 加 坡 国 家 和 人 民 巨 大 的 损 失 。您 用 一 生 的 心 血 , 致 力 于 谋 求 国 家 的 进 步 、 人 民 的 幸 福 。您 不 怕 困 难 , 不 屈 服 于 逆 境 , 勇 敢 、 执 着 、 睿 智 地 把 新 加 坡 这 个 贫 困 落 后 的 弹 丸 小 国 , 发 展

成 今 日 繁 荣 昌 盛 、 令 世 人 瞩 目 的 小 红 点 , 备 受 各 国 的 尊 重 。世 界 许 多 国 家 领 袖 乐 于 与 您 为 友 , 向 您 请 教 治 国 方 针 , 与 您 协 商 互 惠 互 利 的 经 济 政 策 。由 于 您 的 高 瞻 远 瞩 , 具 有 透 视 未 来 的 能 力 , 在 数 十 年 前 已 知 中 国 会 崛 起 , 成 为 世 界 大 国 , 所

以 您 积 极 推 动 双 语 政 策 , 培 养 双 语 双 文 化 人 才 。 您 深 知 华 文 在 国 际 舞 台 的 重 要 性 , 在 三 十 岁 时 开始 学 习 华 文 , 不 仅 如 此 , 您 也 把 三 个 儿 女 李 显 龙 、 李 玮 玲 、 李 显 扬 送 到 我 们 的 南 洋 小 学 、 南 洋 女中 受 教 育 。 因 为 您 相 信 我 校 会 提 高 您 儿 女 的 华 文 程 度 , 打 好 华 文 基 础 , 教 育 您 的 儿 女 正 确 的 人 生观 、 灌 输 伦 理 道 德 的 观 念 。

我 们 在 痛 失 您 的 时 刻 , 也 要 感 谢 您 对 我 校 的 信 任 及 支 持 。安 息 吧 ! 新 加 坡 人 民 以 您 为 荣 。 我 们 会 永 远 感 激 您 为 国 为 民 的 无 私 奉 献 。 永 远 怀 念 您 , 我 们

以 您 为 学 习 榜 样 , 继 承 您 造 福 社 稷 的 理 念 , 努 力 向 前 。愿 主 与 您 同 在 !


Page 3: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

Mrs Wong Sioe HongChairman, Board of DirectorsNanyang Family of Schools


国, 举国人民悲哀痛惜, 失落万分!李 资 政 亲 手 创 立 新 加 坡 ,

功 绩 流 芳 百 世 . 同 时 , 又 为 教育 不 遗 余 力 , 支 持 南 洋 三 校 , 关 心 学 校 的 发 展 , 又 是 学 校 的赞 助 人 , 其 大 恩 大 德 , 我 辈 有齿 难 忘 , 感 激 , 感 恩 , 又 感 动 .

望李总理及家人节哀顺变.李资政五福同归, 音容犹在.

其 坚 毅 建 国 , 清 廉 垂 政 的 不 朽精 神 , 将 永 远 活 在 人 民 的 心 中 , 亦 是 我 们 永 远 的 典 范 .


Page 4: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that
Page 5: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that
Page 6: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that
Page 7: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

1959 – you were Prime Minister of a young nationI don’t remember, but the books tell meFist pumping victory, you beamed But then I did not understandI was only four

1965-You cried on television – now what?Your fears, the uncertaintiesI did not comprehendI was but ten

Fast forward – 70s, 80s, 90sYour directing mind took the hard roadCharting a tough coursePushing the nation’s adrenalineRe-orienting the economic compassWorking on our understanding of co-existenceYou looked out so that we could look in - andWe met the world with you at the helm

Then I ‘got it’For youTenacious strategistAstute advisorThere was no looking back, only the road thundering aheadProjects threaded for a better day -Founding father

2015-I have children of my ownDirected, determinedThey too ‘get it’

The vision and direction you had for a nation-Did I emulate for my own?There is no looking back, only moving forward

* Lee Kuan Yew, Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going. Straits Times Press, 2011

You, Sir, held on to the ‘Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going’*

For your legacy, your unshakeable determination, I salute you.

From All Staff of Nanyang Girls’ High School

Page 8: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

李 光 耀 先 生 :您 一 直 是 我 最 尊 敬 的 人 。 当 年 新 加 坡

不 再 是 马 来 亚 的 一 部 分 时 , 是 您 带 领 着资 源 少 、 前 途 茫 茫 的 新 加 坡 , 做 出 了 一项 项 对 新 加 坡 有 益 的 决 定 , 造 就 了 现 在富 裕 的 花 园 城 市 。 不 仅 如 此 , 您 为 了 鼓励 新 加 坡 人 学 好 华 文 , 以 身 作 则 , 坚 持每 天 学 习 华 文 。 我 很 感 激 您 对 新 加 坡 的付 出 。 谢 谢 您 , 李 光 耀 先 生 !

― 3 1 1 班 刘 元 菁





夺目的世界明珠! 您以





出的巨大贡献! 我们将




― 306班 沈宇喜

Page 9: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that


李 光 耀 资 政 毕 生 为 国 为 民 鞠 躬 尽 瘁 , 坚 持 建 国 理 想 , 重 视学 校 建 设 , 尤 其 特 别 支 持 华 文 教 育 . 您 对 特 选 学 校 的 期 望 , 我 们 会 谨 记 在 心 , 继 承 您 至 高 至 敬 的 风 范 , 尽 其 所 能 , 培 养孩 子 成 为 爱 国 , 有 情 操 的 好 国 民 . 您 对 南 小 的 巨 大 贡 献 及对 新 加 坡 的 无 私 奉 献 , 将 是 我 们 永 远 的 骄 傲 及 至 尊 典 范 !

我 们 在 此 为 您 献 上 最 高 的 谢 意 与 敬 意 , 希 望 您 安 息 .

南 洋 中 小 幼 学 全 体 教 职 员 工 敬 致 。

Page 10: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

Mr Lee lived a life extraordinary beyond words. He was a

role model for us in all aspects - as a forefather, as a leader, and as a person. For the past 50 years, he showed us what it means to dedicate his entire life to a cause greater than himself, for the good of his country and his people. Singapore’s success is the legacy he has left behind, currently being enjoyed by all Singaporeans. He believed strongly in education. Laying down meritocracy as a national ideology, he built a nation where every person -- regardless of family background, gender, race, language or religion -- is granted equal opportunities to succeed in life. He mooted the idea of bilingualism in Singapore’s educational landscape with the opening of the Special Assistance Plan (SAP) schools in 1979.

On 26 August 2000, at Nanyang Girls’ High School’s Opening Ceremony of the Linden Drive campus as a Guest of Honour, Mr Lee elaborated his understanding of NYGH as an outstanding SAP school that nurtures students of character in a positive environment. This aptly coincides with our school mission. Our bilingualism and biculturalism have formed the core of our identity as a Nanyang girl, and we would never have done it without Mr Lee’s foresight. On a more personal note, Mr Lee is someone who holds unparalleled significance in my life. He is a figure I have looked up to ever since I could comprehend my life and my surroundings, and if you ever asked me if there is that one leader whom I look up to the most as inspiration and role model, the answer would certainly be him without any hesitation (as a lot of my peers might have similarly responded). The admiration for him transcends

beyond the instrumental role he played in our nation building. He was a man with historically unmatched foresight and fortitude; he was the epitome of courage and resilience in the face of adversity; and most importantly, he was a leader who led with purpose and a heart. It was his strength of character which intrigued me the most, and inspired me to grow to become someone like him. As we mourn the passing of one of our nation’s dearest founding father, let us work even harder as we continue building our nation. His legacy lives on in each and every one of us. Rest in peace Mr Lee.

― Shi Peng Yi, President of Student Council 2015

Page 11: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

Dear Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of modern Singapore,

Thank you for being our country’s first prime minister and being our role model; for illustrating time and again the great virtues we hold very dear as educators in Nanyang Primary School. 勤 DILIGENCE; 慎 PRUDENCE; 端 RESPECTABILITY; 朴 SIMPLICITY

Thank you for ‘勤’ the diligence you show when you persevered to take Singapore out from colonial control into independence and pushing for bold economic policies which led to tremendous aSingapore is a result of your hard work.

Thank you for having the leadership and ‘慎’ the prudence to exercise great judgement in gathering people of visions to lead Singapore. You were ahead of your time and showed great vision to lead Singapore to greater heights. You have made so many contributions to our education system – your vision for bilingualism propelled Singapore into the success we are enjoying today.

Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter)

Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that had world leaders heaping praises of your integrity. You carry yourself with dignity and Singapore went on to be a reputable country with one of the lowest corruption rates. We feel safe because of your high consideration for a clean country.

Thank you for ‘朴’ the simplicity you have shown as a father, a son, a friend, a Singaporean when you made touching testimonies that illustrate how much you treasure your friendship with comrades in the Old Guard – like the time you honour Dr Goh Keng Swee for his capacious mind and strong character, the day you praised S Rajaratnam for his courage, idealism and fighting spirit and the humility you showed as you honoured our first Chief Minister,

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Mr David Saul Marshall, saying that David Marshall was a great man and that Singapore is poorer without him.

In times of turmoil and instability, it took a man of courage and intelligence to turn the tide and Mr Lee Kuan Yew, you did it with an iron hand to restore stability and engineer growth of our economy and society. It was necessary. You were the strong leader needed to synergize the people once lost and channel their energy once divided to build Singapore to become one of the most admired countries in the world.

As educators of Nanyang Primary School, we respect you as our role model and not enough words can describe our gratitude and our appreciation for being there wholeheartedly for us all. We are grieved that you have left us so soon. Thank you and farewell, our most honourable leader Singapore is blessed with.

The virtues embodied in the school motto勤 DILIGENCE 慎 PRUDENCE 端 RESPECTABILITY 朴 SIMPLICITY

勤 Diligence 勤奋进取,尽心尽责,意志坚定,精益求精。 perseveres in the pursuit of excellence. 慎 Prudence慎言、慎行,慎思、慎独。exercises good judgment at all times. 端 Respectability 举止端庄,品行端正。carries oneself with integrity and dignity. 朴 Simplicity真诚自然,朴实无华。 sincere and humble.

Page 13: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

敬 爱 的 建 国 总 理 李 光 耀 先 生 : 您 好 !

今 天 , 2 0 1 5 年 3 月 2 3 日 是 我 的 十 周 岁 生

日 , 可 是 我 却 丝 毫 也 高 兴 不 起 来 , 因 为 一 早 醒

来 , 就 接 到 了 一 个 令 人 难 过 的 消 息 , 您 于 今 日 凌

晨 3 点 1 8 分 离 开 了 我 们 。 这 突 如 其 来 的 消 息 让 我

震 惊 不 已 , 我 感 到 难 过 极 了 。

您 知 道 吗 ? 我 早 就 为 您 许 下 了 自 己 的 生 日 愿

望 - - - - - 祝 愿 您 早 日 康 复 , 能 够 和 举 国 上 下 一 起 欢

庆 新 加 坡 五 十 周 年 的 生 日 。 我 多 么 希 望 这 个 愿 望

能 够 实 现 !

今 早 , 我 们 南 洋 小 学 的 全 体 师 生 在 校 长 的 带

领 下 , 怀 着 沉 痛 的 心 情 默 哀 一 分 钟 , 向 您 致 敬 。

感 谢 您 倾 尽 一 生 , 为 我 们 建 立 了 一 个 舒 适 、 温 暖

的 家 , 我 们 知 道 今 天 的 幸 福 来 之 不 易 。

前 人 种 树 , 后 人 乘 凉 。 您 无 私 的 奉 献 了 一 生 ,




您 一 定 是 累 了 , 您 安 心 的 睡 吧 ! 人 生 自 古 谁 无

死 , 留 取 丹 心 照 汗 青 ! 新 加 坡 一 定 会 像 您 在 世 时 一

样 , 阳 光 普 照 , 繁 荣 昌 盛 !

您 一 路 走 好 !Pri 4K 许宙荣2015年3月23日

Page 14: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

My Tributes to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Dear founding father,May you rest in peace.I admire you beyond imagination And I know how deep your dedication Is to Singapore.We love our beloved country,And we know that you love it too!You kept the country running,With a group of people behind you.You have a special place in all our hearts.It is filled with pride and dignity.You are our founding father And we will never forget you.

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, I salute you with absolute admiration. You are a deeply respected man to all Singaporeans and also a respected, well-known and famous world leader. You are irreplaceable and will always have a special spot in all Singaporeans’ hearts. You have contributed greatly to Singapore’s economic structure. I will always remember how you have contributed to Singapore. I will never forget what a great and honorable man you were.

Gwen Chong Primary 4J

Page 15: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

谢 谢 您 , 李 光 耀 先 生李 光 耀 先 生 是 我 们 的 国 父 , 也 是 新 加 坡 的 骄 傲 。 他 是 一 个非 常 有 智 慧 的 人 , 人 人 都 很 尊 敬 他 。 李 光 耀 先 生 在 新 加 坡独 立 后 , 积 极 推 动 经 济 改 革 与 发 展 , 成 功 使 新 加 坡 在 三 十年 内 发 展 成 为 亚 洲 最 发 达 的 国 家 之 一 。 如 果 没 有 李 光 耀 先生 , 我 们 就 不 可 能 有 今 天 的 美 好 生 活 。 让 我 们 把 李 光 耀 先生 对 新 加 坡 的 贡 献 铭 记 在 心 。 李 光 耀 先 生 , 您 是 新 加 坡 人永 远 的 骄 傲 。 谢 谢 您 , 李 光 耀 先 生 。

郭 璟 缘 Pri 6B

Page 16: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

My Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan YewMr Lee was a very resilient man who never gave up on the country we live in

today, Singapore. Without him, Singapore would not be an independent country. We would still be part of Malaysia. He was also Singapore’s first elected prime minister. He fought for independence, built a nation and made us feel proud to be Singaporeans. Mr Lee helped us achieve what others thought was impossible and guided our success with wisdom. He was so courageous and passionate about Singapore and he loved our beloved country so much. Dear Mr Lee, You have spent your life building up this country. You have given us a safe environment to live in, a place to call home.

You will forever be in our thoughts. Thank you for doing so much for Singapore. I am and will always be proud to be a Singaporean.

Cheng Xin Ying EmilyPrimary 5L


因为您的付出,我们能住在又干净又美丽的 花园城市,也使我们能在先进和舒服的课室 念书和修读通晓中英文。

我们这一代能享用方便和顺畅的交通系统, 还有世界一流的飞机场。



小学二年级I班 钟宇熙

Page 17: 敬爱的李光耀资政: - Nanyang LKY/NYPS - … · Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in the form of a personal letter) Thank you for demonstrating ‘端’ the respectability that

My Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

I am saddened by the news of the passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. I have read about many great things he did. But what left a lasting impression on me was his devotion and love of this country. There had been many hard times but he never gave up. Whatever decisions he made, he made them with the welfare of the country in mind. Because of this devotion and dedication, he led Singapore from a poor country to a modern metropolis which we now live in. He truly is the Founding Father of Modern Singapore.Rest in peace, Mr Lee. You will be missed.

Jessica WuPrimary 6I












蓝佳萱 Pr i 6B

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吴诗贤 Pri 6L