cbs news nyt pope francis/catholic church poll toplines 9-20-15

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CBS News NYT Pope /Catholic Church Poll Toplines 9-20-15


  • 1

    CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL American Catholics: Views of the Catholic Church and Pope Francis Before his first U.S. Visit September 9-13, 2015 Q30. (Abort3) Which of these comes closest to your view? 1. Abortion should be generally available to those who want it; OR 2.

    Abortion should be available but under stricter limits than it is now; OR 3. Abortion should not be permitted? *********** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ************ ******** CATHOLICS *********

    All Total *Attend Mass* Americans Catholics 1/Wk+

  • 2

    Q35. (GlWrmCause) Which statement comes closest to your view about global warming? (Global warming is caused mostly by human activity such as burning fossil fuels) or (Global warming is caused mostly by natural patterns in the earth's environment) or Global warming does not exist.

    *********** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ************ ******** CATHOLICS *********

    All Total *Attend Mass* Americans Catholics 1/Wk+

  • 3

    Q40.(CathMIP) What do you think is the most important problem facing the Catholic Church today? ******** CATHOLICS *********

    Total *Attend Mass* Catholics 1/Wk+

  • 4

    Q45. (PopeMorlIss) Do you think its possible to disagree with the Pope on issues like birth control, abortion or divorce and still be a good Catholic? ******** CATHOLICS *********

    Total *Attend Mass* Catholics 1/Wk+

  • 5

    Q51. (FrncsPrior)Do you think Pope Francis has the same priorities for the Catholic Church as you have, or not? ******** CATHOLICS *********

    Total *Attend Mass* Catholics 1/Wk+

  • 6

    Q58. (FrncsImm)Do you approve or disapprove of the job Pope Francis is doing in addressing immigration issues? ******** CATHOLICS *********

    Total *Attend Mass* Catholics 1/Wk+

  • 7

    Q61. (AtndMassChng) In the last two years, has your attendance at Mass changed much, or not? (IF YES, ASK: Have you attended Mass more often or less often?) ******** CATHOLICS *********

    Total *Attend Mass* Catholics 1/Wk+