cbrn terrorism and emergency preparedness

CBRN Terrorism and Emergency Preparedness David Alexander University College London

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Page 1: CBRN Terrorism and Emergency Preparedness

CBRN Terrorism andEmergency Preparedness

David AlexanderUniversity College London

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The problem

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Principal objectives of terrorism

• obtain political concessionsby negotiation


• injure or kill many peopleor create great destructionor chaos (reprisals).

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• modern society changes so fastthat historical analysis may notbe useful for scenario building

• past events may not necessarily be thebest guide to future planning scenarios

• there is an infinity of possible eventscenarios - will 'orthodox' thinking helpin the face of a terrorist's creativity?

• palliative and analytical capabilities areexpensive but not necessarily effective.

The CBRN problem

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• unanticipated, unfamiliar threat to health

• lack of sensory cues

• prolonged or recurrent aftermath

• potentially highly contagious

• produces observable casualties.

A CBRN incident:-

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• a small, concentrated attackwith a highly toxic substance: 210Po

• 30 localities contaminated

• tests on hundreds of people

• a strain on many different agencies

• problems of determining who wasresponsible for costs of clean-up.

The case of Alexander Litvinenko

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Laboratory error with

CBR emissions

Sabotage with poisonous agent

Nuclearemission (NR)

Diseaseepidemic orpandemic (B)

Terroristattack withC, B, R or Ncontaminants

Industrial or militaryaccident with CNRemissions


or nuclear warfare(CBN)

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Epiphytotic(food chain)

Epizootic(food chain)



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Psychological reactions:-• acute stress disorder• grief• anger and blame• contagious somatization...but not panic?

Physical effects:-• cancer• birth defects• neurological, rheumatic,and immunological diseases.

Possible effects of chemical attack

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The instruments of attack

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Some possible means of attack:-

• viral or bacterial pathogens

• chemical toxins

• radioactive substances

• nuclear weapons.

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Possible means of dispersion ofa chemical or biological agent

• aerial dispersion or launch

• bomb

• missile

• dispersion by hand.

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Possible events

• delivery of a weaponizedbiological or chemical agent

• use of a common pathogen

• contaminated missile or bomb

• hoaxes or false alarms.

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What determines the risk levelsassociated with a given substance?

• lethality

• particle size

• purity and durability (+ persistence)

• how easy the substance is totransport and disseminate

• whether victims are ableto survive the attack.

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Possible source pathogen in abiological attack - epidemics

• anthrax (Baccilus anthracis)

• plague (Yersinia pestis)

• smallpox (variola)

• Escherichia coli or salmonella

• dengue or ebola haemorrhagic fevers

• botulism (Clostrudium).

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Possible impact of a biological attackon the food chain - epizootics

• bovine spongiform encephalopathy

• foot and mouth disease

• mass poisoning.

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• Karnal Bunt fungus

• Puccinia graninis avenae pathogen

• fungal infections of rice or other grains.

Possible impact of a biological attackOn the food chain - epiphytotics

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Examples ofincubation periods

• anthrax: 1-6 days• smallpox: 12 days• plague: 2-3 days.

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Chemical agent

Origin natural anthropic

Production difficult,small scale

industrial scale

Volatile? no yes

Toxicity more less

Effectson skin

not active active

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Chemical agent

Taste/smell none sensible

Toxic effects

many few

Immunogens often generated

rarely generated

Delivery by aerosol aerosol cloud or droplets

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Botulism Nerve gas

Symptoms in 1-3 days minutes

Deaths in 2-3 days minutes

Effectson nerves


convulsions, spasms

Cardiac rhythms

normal reduced

Respiration normal difficult

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Botulism Nerve gas


reduced motility

increased motility, pain

Ocular eyelidsdroop

pupils contract

Saliva difficulty swallowing


Responds to atropine?

no yes

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The response

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• injuries and illnessescaused by the toxic agent

• risks to reproductionand human fertility

• psychological and psychosomatic effectsmultiple idiopathic physical symptoms.

Consequences of an attack

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Elements of emergencyresponse to plan

• recognize the scope andnature of the attack

• management of large numbers of dead

• limit access to site of attack.

• mass prophylaxis

• management and security of the public

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Elements of emergency response to plan

• quarantine

• specialised equipment

• safety of emergency workers

• apportion roles and tasks.

• diagnose and decontaminatethe site and victims

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Situation monitoring requirements

• nature of symptoms

• rapid diagnosis

• number of sick people

• anti-microbe or anti-toxin therapies.

• mass casualtymanagement procedures

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Analysis of samples takenfrom site or from victims

• special transport is requiredfor dangerous samples.

• rapid and timely alarm-raisingand analysis is essential

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• use only specialised and highlyqualified laboratories with

- specialised analytical equipment

- a staff of experts- ability to discern minute

traces of pathogensor toxins

- procedures designed toavoid contamination.

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Role of scenariosin indicating

preparedness needs

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The knowledge problem

• cause, agent & effects unknown• cause known, agent & effects unknown• cause & agent known, effects unknown

(i.e. diffusion mechanism unclear)• cause, agent & effects known

• social reaction predictable or not(dynamic evolution of the event)

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20 March 1995 attack on five Tokyo metro trains:-• 5,510 people affected• 278 hospitals involved• 98 of them admitted 1,046 inpatients• 688 patients transported by ambulance• 4,812 made their own way to hospital.

Aum Shinrikyo(the "Religion of Supreme Truth")

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Dead: 12Critically injured: 17Seriously ill: 37Moderately ill: 984Slightly ill: 332

• 110 hospital staff and 10% offirst responders intoxicated

• "Worried well": 4,112 (85% of patients).

Aum Shinrikyo attack (1995)

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Mythmongering:"Problems with crowd control, rioting,and other opportunistic crime could

be anticipated" (Staten 1997)

The assumption of panic reflectsthe hiatus between sociological and

psychological views of the phenomenon.

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First responders

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• possible contamination ofresponders and medical staff

• physical and mental stateof victims and patients

• uncertainty (nature of the contaminant,degree of contamination, effects).

What problems will volunteers, first responders and hospital staff have to deal with in a CBRN incident?

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What problems will volunteers, first responders and hospital staff have to deal with in a CBRN incident?

• lack or inadequacy ofprotective equipment

• lack of training and exercising(to know what to do)

• lack of familiarity withequipment and procedures.

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In the London Underground tunnelson 7 July 2005 rescue operationsby London Fire Brigade weredelayed by 15-20 minutes bythe need to ascertain whetherCBRN contaminants had beenused in the attacks. Meanwhile,victims died of their injuries.

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• ascertaining level of contaminationtakes specialised equipment & training

• can slow down rescue in critical incidents

• risk aversion may lead to failureto commit staff to rescues

• long-term liability for rescuers'injuries is a serious problem

• is it time to rethink the"rules of engagement"? .

Delays in responding to incidentslead to heavy criticism by the public

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• requires specialised procedures

• must avoid contamination of staff

• requires ionising radiation dosimeter

• biological symptoms may bedelayed by 3 minutes - 3 weeks.

Triage problems:-Level 1 - on-site triageLevel 2 - medical triageLevel 3 - evacuation triage

Mettag CB-100

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• people

• internal environments

• external environments.

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'Hot' area(contaminated)

'Warm' area(decontamination)

'Cold' area(clean treatment)>300 m upwind

PPE level A(contaminant unknown)

PPE level B(contaminant known)

PPE level D

Medicalstaff and


PPE level C

PPE=personal protection equipment

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Very considerable uncertainty surroundsthe practice of decontamination,regarding protocols, practices

effects, efficiency and timespans.

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• risks of secondary contaminationof responders and hospital staff

• shortage of personal protectionequipment & expertise on how to use it

• shortage of isolation facilities.

Contaminated patients

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In the case of a chemical attack, thefollowing aspects of decontamination

protocols are highly debatable:

• the use of chemical agentsto neutralise toxic substances

• whether to strip naked before treatment

• what decontamination techniqueshould be used if the toxic agenthas not been identified

• how many people can bedecontaminated per unit time.

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• restriction of physical activity(manual dexterity, hearing)

• communication problems

• dehydration

• heat-related illness

• psychological effect(e.g. claustrophobia).

Limitations on use of PPE:-

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• chronic injuries and diseasesdirectly caused by the toxic agent

• questions about adversereproductive outcomes

• psychological effects (persistent)

• increased levels of somatic symptoms.

Health concerns following a CBRN attack

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A study by Hantsch et al.* suggested thatone third or more of emergency personnel

would not respond to a CBRN incident(absentee rate in natural disaster

are lower than one in seven)

• The greatest enemies are uncertainty and unfamiliarity

• The only antidotes are informationand authoritative reassurance.

2004, Annals of Emergency Medicine

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• a great many different scenariosand outcomes can be hypothesized

• the most significant, prolongedand costly impacts could well bethose associated with humanbehaviour and mental health.

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• emergency medical andpsychological assistance

• long-term healthcareand health surveillance

• extensive medical informationand risk assessment.

Medical personnel have the samevulnerabilities and preoccupations asthe general public: they may need...

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• work in a contaminated environment

• identify possibly contaminated scene

• recognise symptoms of nerve agents,blister agents and asphyxiants

• inform mass media about CBRN event.

Training needs - how to...

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• "gas mania" (influx of the worried well)

• a complex and unfamiliar situation

• balance between action and precautions

• shortage of equipment and training

• the worry caused by uncertainty.

We need to know how to deal with:-

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"The onset of mild to moderate signs andsymptoms following dermal exposure to

VX* may be delayed as long as 18 hours."(Sidell 1997, Garahbaghian & Bey 2003)

*organophosphorus nerve agent chemical weapon,lethal dose: 10 milligrammes

Think about the implications forCBRN intervention...