cause & effect copyright © 2010 kelly mott there is a reason for everything that happens

CAUSE & EFFECT Copyright © 2010 Kelly Mo

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Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott1Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott There is a reason for everything that happens.

2EXAMPLESCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott3Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott Its snowy, so I wore my snowsuit.

4Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott My hands were cold, because I forgot my mittens.

5Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott When the sun came out, the snowman started to melt

.6Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott What happens is called the..EFFECT7Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott Why something happens is called the..CAUSE8Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott Lets see if you can identify the CAUSE and EFFECT.

9REMEMBERCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott10

The effect is WHAT happened.The cause is WHY it happened.Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott11Underline the effect(what) and circle the cause(why) Jodys dog jumped up and wagged its tail when Jody poured food in its dish.

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott Mary cried because her cat was stuck in the tree.

Underline the effect(what) and circle the cause(why)Copyright 2010 Kelly MottUnderline the cause (why) and circle the effect (what): I ran away because the dog growled at me.

Underline the effect(what) and circle the cause(why)Copyright 2010 Kelly MottUnderline the cause (why) and circle the effect (what): Marys pony ran to the fence when he saw the apple in Marys hand.

Underline the effect(what) and circle the cause(why)Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

Underline the cause (why) and circle the effect (what): The boy ate too much candy, so he got a stomach ache.Underline the effect(what) and circle the cause(why)Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott Now lets try some with your Turning Point Keypads.

17Copyright 2010 Kelly MottDirections:Read the sentence. Decide if the words in bold are the CAUSE or EFFECT.

18The clock broke when my dog knocked it off the table.

Cause (Why)Effect (What) Copyright 2010 Kelly MottI fell off my bike because my tire hit a rock.

Cause (Why)Effect (What)Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott20I forgot to mow the lawn, so I can not play.

Copyright 2010 Kelly MottCause (Why)Effect (What)Mom was mad when I laughed at my brother.

Copyright 2010 Kelly MottCause (Why)Effect (What)22I am your friend because you are funny and nice.

Copyright 2010 Kelly MottCause (Why)Effect (What)How did you do?

Copyright 2010 Kelly MottCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott Sometimes, as readers we are asked identify CAUSE & EFFECT in stories or passages.

25Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott Heres a few tips for helping you identify CAUSE & EFFECT.

26TIP #1Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott27 THINK about the ORDER in which things happen.

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

28 The CAUSE always happens FIRST. It makes the EFFECT happen.

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

29 The EFFECT happens AFTER the CAUSE. It happens SECOND.

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

30TIP #2Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott31 LOOK for CLUE WORDS.

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott


These words signify the cause & effect.

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

Alligators almost became extinct because people killed too many of them.

Cause: Why Effect: WhatCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

I fall asleep on the couch when Im tired.

Cause: Why Effect: WhatCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

Since we ran out of milk, we went to the grocery store.

Cause: Why Effect: WhatCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

You should brush your teeth often so you don't get cavities.

Cause: Why Effect: WhatCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

If I miss the bus, mom will give me a ride to school.Cause: Why Effect: What

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

Powerful winds blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had nowhere to live.Cause: Why Effect: What

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

I did all my chores, therefore I will get my allowance. Cause: Why Effect: What

Copyright 2010 Kelly MottCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott Now, lets use what weve learned to help us compare and contrast .

48Copyright 2010 Kelly MottCause & Effect Activity: Read the passage. Then complete the chart and identify examples of cause and effect.

49READCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott50Copyright 2010 Kelly MottRead the paragraph below and think about WHAT is happening and WHY it is happening.

Kim woke up early Monday morning because she had so many things to do. Before going to school she decided to make a list. If I don't make a list I might forget everything Kim thought. Since walking the dog is Kim's job she put that first on her list. She would have to take Spot for a short walk so she wouldn't be late for school. Next on the list was to pack a lunch because her class was going on a field trip to the zoo and they wouldn't be able to eat in the cafeteria today. The last thing on Kim's list was to take her umbrella. Then if it rained she would stay dry and still be able to see all the animals at the zoo. This was going to be a great day!51HIGHLIGHTCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott52Are you ready?Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott


Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott541minute

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Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott5640seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott5730seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott5820seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott5910seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott609seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott618seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott627seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott636seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott645seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott654seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott663seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott672seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott681seconds

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott69

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott70COMPLETE THE CHARTCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott71Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott CAUSEEFFECT72Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott CAUSEEFFECT73Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott CAUSEEFFECT74LETS PRACTICE SOME MORE!

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

75Copyright 2010 Kelly MottDirections: Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.



18.17.aCopyright 2010 Kelly Mott

83How did you do?

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott

Copyright 2010 Kelly Mott85