cats eye scarf pattern from the art of knitted lace

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  • 8/9/2019 Cats Eye Scarf Pattern from The Art of Knitted Lace


  • 8/9/2019 Cats Eye Scarf Pattern from The Art of Knitted Lace


    Cats Eye Scarfby Lisa Lloyd

    Skill Level



    One size

    Finished Measurements

    Width: 9" (23cm)

    Length: 60" (152.5cm)Materials

    Handspun Rambouillet Crossbred with

    AngelinaR from Foxfire Fiber and Designs

    430 yd [393m] fingering weight, in color

    Forest super fine

    2 skeins Alpaca Fingering by Frog Tree (each

    approximately 1. oz [50g], 215 yd [197m],

    100% alpaca), in color #000 NaturalWhite super fine

    Size 6 (4mm) needles, or size needed to obtain


    Stitch markers

    Yarn needle


    20 stitches = 4" (10cm) in Chart patterns. To save

    time, take time to check your gauge.

    Special Stitches

    (see Glossary on page 162)

    garter stich; m1; k2tog; reverse stockinette stitch;

    ssk; stockinette stitch; yo


    Cast on 42 stitches.Work in garter stitch for 4 rows.

    First Border

    Set-Up Row: K2, begin where indicated and work Chart A across center

    38 stitches, ending where indicated, k2. Continue working Chart A, keeping

    the first and last 2 stitches in garter stitch, until Scarf measures 2." (6.5cm)

    from the beginning, ending with a wrong-side row.

    Main Scarf Pattern

    Set-Up Row (RS): K2, work Chart A over 11 stitches, place stitch marker,

    beginning where indicated, repeat the 6-stitch repeat of Chart B over

    center 18 stitches, increasing 4 stitches evenly spaced using the m1 method,

    ending where indicated, place stitch marker, work Chart A over 11 stitches,

  • 8/9/2019 Cats Eye Scarf Pattern from The Art of Knitted Lace


    desired length, decreasing 4 stitches evenly between markers using k2tog on

    the last wrong-side row42 stitches.

    Second BorderSet-Up Row: K2, work Chart A as for first border, ending k2, removing

    markers. Continue until the second border measures 2." (6.5cm), then

    work garter stitch over all stitches for 4 rows. Bind off very loosely purlwise

    on the right side.


    Weave in all loose ends and block to final measurements.

  • 8/9/2019 Cats Eye Scarf Pattern from The Art of Knitted Lace


  • 8/9/2019 Cats Eye Scarf Pattern from The Art of Knitted Lace


  • 8/9/2019 Cats Eye Scarf Pattern from The Art of Knitted Lace


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