catalunya: l'estat més nou d'europa?

Note to fellow SlideSharers! Note to other users. This lesson relies upon pupils being given differentiated resources for a variety of human and physical characteristics about Catalonia. For my lesson, I have decided on: culture, language, economy, politics, public opinion and history as these are of particular interest to the kids I teach. N.B. 1. This lesson is NOT aimed at churning out Catalan nationalists, the speech is merely a consolidation task. 2. This lesson is part of a SoW on Spain, and follows on from learning about The Basque Country and Galicia. 3. I’m not sure how to make animations appear on SlideShare. This may explain why some of the slides appear unusual! I hope you find these slides useful! Adam Radford

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Note to fellow SlideSharers!

Note to other users. This lesson relies upon pupils being given differentiated resources for a variety of human and physical characteristics about Catalonia. For my lesson, I have decided on: culture, language, economy, politics, public opinion and history as these are of particular interest to the kids I teach.

N.B. 1. This lesson is NOT aimed at churning out Catalan nationalists, the speech

is merely a consolidation task.2. This lesson is part of a SoW on Spain, and follows on from learning about

The Basque Country and Galicia.3. I’m not sure how to make animations appear on SlideShare. This may

explain why some of the slides appear unusual!

I hope you find these slides useful!

Adam Radford

Page 2: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Whilst we’re watching the video, answer the following questions (they are also on your worksheet):1. Where is this being filmed?2. Why do you think these people are singing?3. What flags and decorations do you see in the crowd?4. What slogan (or slogans) can you see?Bonus! What flag do you see at the very end of the video? Why do you think this flag is



Before we begin - what do you think is happening here?

Did you know? September 11th is the national day for Catalonia. It commemorates the fall of Barcelona in 1714 (during the War of Spanish Succession) - Britain fought in this war on the side of Catalonia

Page 3: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Títol: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Title: Catalonia: The newest state in Europe?

Learning Outcomes:

1. To be able to describe where Catalonia is

2. To be able to describe the key characteristics of Catalonia

3. To learn about key places in Catalonia

4. To explain in what ways Catalonia is distinct from Spain

Did you know? St George is the patron saint of Catalonia. It is tradition for partners to give each other a book and a rose.


Page 5: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?


Page 6: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?


Page 7: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

San Feliu de Guixols

Page 8: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?


Page 9: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

LO 1

On és Catalunya?

Where is Catalonia?

Page 10: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

LO 1 Where is Catalonia?

Task: Describe, using as much detail as you can, where Catalonia is. Consider:

• The world

• Europe

• Spain

Make sure you use:

1. Compass directions (e.g. north of/south west of…)

2. Specific places (e.g. France, the Pyrenees, Valencia)


Page 11: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Task – its is over to you!

I’m not going to stand here and tell you the information – it is your turn to be forensic geographers!

Task: In pairs, write a presentation on why you think Catalonia should or shouldn’t be independent from Spain. You may be presenting to the class. Use the information on your tables.

Success Criteria:

• Your presentations have to last 3 minutes

• You have to include at least 5 facts from each of the different aspects (language, culture, public opinion, economy, politics).

• Both people in your pair need to contribute.

• You have to clearly state why the information you present leads you to believe Catalonia should/shouldn’t be given independence.

Page 12: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Mr Radford’s recipe for success…1. In your pairs, read through the information sheets in front of you. Highlight the

information you think is particularly important. Remember that you need at least 5 facts from each aspect. Share the workload fairly! Either one of you could be selected to read out their speech!

2. Decide with your partner whether you think Catalonia should or shouldn’t get independence. Don’t spend too long on this!

3. Leave 4 at the top of a fresh page.

4. Now, both of you write a paragraph for each of the aspects – the important facts of which you have already highlighted! Copying from the sheets won’t be good enough; you need to say why you think this particular aspect means Catalonia should/shouldn’t be given independence.

5. Once you have both written your 5 paragraphs, go back and add the best introduction you have ever written! It neeeds to set out, in a persuasive way, what your opinion is. This should be easier to write now that you’ve written the important, fact-rich part of your speech!

Sentence starter: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my firm opinion that Catalonia should/should not be granted independence from Spain because…

Page 13: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Let us hear your presentations! But first, let us vote, members of Parliament! Shall we grant Catalonia independence?

No! Ha de romandre a Espanya!No! It should stay in Spain!

Sí! Visca Catalunya!Yes! Long live Catalonia!

Page 14: Catalunya: l'estat més nou d'Europa?

Presentation time!