catalogo voluntariado 2015

Volunteers & Interns be part of solutions

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Planet Conservation Volunteer and Intern Programs Costa Rica Latin America


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Volunteers & Internsbe part of solutions

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be part of solutionsPlanet Conservation is an organization specialized in conservation and environmental education projects throughout Costa Rica and other Latin American countries. Our organization is dedicated to support a sustainable development of this beautiful country and its neighbors and would like to invite you to be part of our programs in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador or Colombia to support our experts and participating projects and communities.

In adition we offer spezialised research courses, customized excursions, as well as cultural immersion with our language programs. For more information please inquire: [email protected]

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Latin AmericaThe tropical rainforest is found in Latin America; categorized as one of the most important ecosystems in the planet, it hosts the greatest biodiversity on Earth.

The programs of Planet Conservation take place in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Ecuador and Colombia, considered as megadiverse countries with a high concentration of plants and animals.

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ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS1. Sea turtle conservation2. Jaguar research and conservation3. Pink dolphin and giant otter conservation4. Manatee conservation5. Marine life research6. Wild animal rescue and rehabilitation7. Bird rescue and rehabilitationSOCIAL PROGRAMS8. Support indigenous communities9. Social workCORPORATIVE PROGRAMS10. Corporate volunteering with an emphasis on Social Corporate ResponsibilityEDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS11. Environmental education12. Language teaching in rural schools13. Support orphanages, special education schools and childhood centersALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS14. Internship in alternative media15. Internship in sustainable agriculture16. Internship in sustainable tourism17. Internship in sustainable construction18. Internship in renewable energies


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Environmental Programs

1. SEA TURTLE CONSERVATIONCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 1 week


Beach patrolling to watch over the turtle egg nests which are spawned during the season. Help as a field assistant in the research regarding sea turtle populations. Analysis of collected material, actualization of scientific data, night hikes, planning of environmental education activities, signalizing and beach cleaning.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Environmental Programs

2. JAGUAR RESEARCH AND CONSERVATIONCosta Rica and ColombiaMinimum participation 3 week


Provide daily assistance in private and public reserves. Field assistant in research regarding jaguar and other feline populations and migration research (instalation of camera traps in the mountains).Analysis of photographic material and other collected data. Actualization of scientific data, night hikes, signaling and path cleaning.

PRICE: $ 440per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Environmental Programs

3. PINK DOLPHIN AND GIANT OTTER CONSERVATIONEcuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 4 week


Become a field assistant in research regarding populations of pink dolphins, giant otters, manatees and related species. Analysis of collected material. Actualization of scientificdata. Boat rides through the rivers, night hikes, planning of activities, signaling and path cleaning. Environmental education with neighboring populations (indigenous and settler communities).

PRICE: $ 490per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Environmental Programs

4. MANATEE CONSERVATIONCosta Rica, Panama, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Help as a field assistant in the research regarding populations of manatees and related species. Analysis of collected material. Actualization of scientific data. Boat rides through the estuaries, night hikes, planning of activities, signalizing and path cleaning.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Environmental Programs

5. MARINE LIFE RESEARCHCosta Rica and ColombiaMinimum participation 3 week


Assistant to the marine mammals (whales and dolphins), corals and reef fish scientific research program. Data collection and species monitoring. Workshops and presentations in schools and neighboring communities.

PRICE: $ 440per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Environmental Programs

6. WILD ANIMAL RESCUE AND REHABILITATIONCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Research assistant and rescue center maintenance support. Colaborate with specialized staff in animal feeding and care duties. Welcome visitors and give necessary information about the center and its work. Workshops and presentations at schools and neighboring communities.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Environmental Programs

7. BIRD RESCUE AND REHABILITATIONCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Research assistant and rescue center maintenance support. Colaborate with specialized staff in animal feeding and care duties. Welcome visitors and give necessary information about the center and its work. Workshops and presentations at schools and neighboring communities.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Social Programs

8. SUPPORT INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIESCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Support in the development of sustainable and spiritual activities in an indigenous community: making crafts, organic farming, responsible fishing, ceremonial rituals, medicinal plants, natural resource use.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Social Programs

9. SOCIAL WORKCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Help and support community initiatives for sustainable development (cooperatives, development associations, groups of female-headed households, youth groups, etc.). Support the development of environmentally friendly production projects: recycling centers, nurseries, organic gardens, rural tourism.

PRICE: $ 360per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Corporate Programs



Development of social and environmental projects with emphasis on the economic sector in which the company develops.Teamwork with common goals. Supporting early childhood education centers, protected areas, populations at risk. Group tours in order to achieve common objectives. Solidarity and cooperative work.

PRICE:depends on time, number of participants,

and activities defined

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Educational Programs

11. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Support in the development of educational and cultural activities focused on conservation issues. Coordination of field trips, mural design, reforestation, workshops. Coordination of events related to the following topics: environmental and cultural festivals.

PRICE: $ 360per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Educational Programs

12. LANGUAGE EDUCATION IN RURAL SCHOOLSCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Support in the development of educational and cultural activities in schools and rural populations. Teaching a second language to children and youth. Coordination of field trips,workshops and mural design. Coordination of events related to the following topics: environmental and cultural festivals.

PRICE: $ 360per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Educational Programs

13. SUPPORT ORPHANAGES, SPECIAL EDUCATIONSCHOOLS AND CHILDHOOD CENTERSCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Support education centers, rural schools and orphanages. Work with children and people at risk. Social and humanitarian aid. Work on domestic abuse prevention and respect for the elderly. Accompanying children and youth with disabilities and special education needs. Support cultural activities with youth groups and children.

PRICE: $ 360per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Alternative Programs

14. INTERNSHIP IN ALTERNATIVE MEDIACosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Support alternative media. Magazines, newspapers, websites and local television channels. Assistance in the development of content for educational information, social networking and virtual media. Photography, reporting and writing. Coverage of news and events of local and regional importance. Support for environmental and social NGOs offices and media outreach.

PRICE: $ 360per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Alternative Programs

15. INTERNSHIP IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURECosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 1 week


Field assistant for the maintenance of the estate and the proper use of its resources. Milk cows and help in the manufacturing of cheese. Organic gardening, medicinal plants, school workshops, English classes, organize and implement cultural activities, reforestation. Painting and maintenance of infrastructure.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Alternative Programs

16. INTERNSHIP IN SUSTAINABLE TOURISMCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 3 week


Help and support sustainable development initiatives based on sustainable and rural tourism. Internship in tourism businesses: hotels, tour operators and agencies who wish to become certified as sustainable enterprises. Support and follow the procedures for certification. Supporting communities and rural tourism projects.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Alternative Programs

17. INTERNSHIP IN SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTIONCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Assistant in the planning and implementation of initiatives related to sustainable building and architecture. Urban planning, land use management. Support for the developmentof workshops and lectures on low impact techniques and materials, and alternative energy development projects.

PRICE: $ 440per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Alternative Programs

18. INTERNSHIP IN RENEWABLE ENERGIESCosta Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador and ColombiaMinimum participation 2 week


Assistant in the planning and implementation of projects related to renewable energy development. Fundraising, searching for strategic partnerships and national and international contacts. Support in the development of environmental education programs for energy saving and efficientmanagement.

PRICE: $ 380per week. Includes lodging and meals

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Cultural immersion and language program


Promotes cultural exchange through Spanish language instruction with interactive and creative elements in a beautiful environment of the Southern Caribbean Puerto Viejo or our inland school in beautiful San Isidro, close to Chirripo Mountain or the Southern Pacific zone.

The Language training follows an approved method of grammar lessons combined with music, literature, film and additional fun activities like Salsa, Yoga or Zumba lessons, cooking classes, excursions to town, latin movie nights, environmental workshops and others.

In all locations we offer the following Spanish Courses for individuals or small groups of all ages:

1. Standard Spanish (20hours a week plus extra activities)2. Intensive Spanish (30hours a week plus extra activities)3. Specialized Spanish (e.g. Medical Spanish, environmental focus, etc)4. Traveling classroom (combination of classes in both locations with travel

elements)5. Spanish classes and Volunteering in social or environmental programs.

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For more information on our services please contact us:[email protected] www.planetconservation.comSkype: planetconservationFacebook: planetconservation

CR (+506) 2770 1155 / US (+1) 773 609 9518 / D (+49) 3212 1044846P.O. BOX: 455 -8000 Perez Zeledón / 11901 San Isidro SJ. Costa Rica