cat preparation strategy for repeaters

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  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Live One-to-One Online CAT Classes by IIM Al

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    CAT Strategy

    Second/ Repeat Attempt Second/ Repeat Attempt to CAT is important to most students as

    it might be the last attempt.

    Also another failed attempt on the CAT will result in the loss of

    one more year

    CAT and other similar exams like XAT,FMS etc are known for

    changing patterns and differing levels of difficulty every year.

    CAT Preparation requires hard work, meticulous planning and

    systematic implementation

    A correct mix of theory and concepts, practice, simulated testing

    and detailed analysis Two Sins while CAT Preparation

    A lot of people jump straight into problem solving and finding

    shortcuts to do commonly occurring problems.

    Jump into exercise based preparation without getting the

    fundamentals right Before starting preparations for writing CAT for the nth time,

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    What I Did Wrong? I Did not read any philosophy books, novels for Reading

    Comprehension practice. I Did not prepare any dictionary / list for vocabulary.

    I Did not try any method for speed-reading.

    Had totally bogus Moc - CAT scores 6, 9 etc, never did post-analysis of

    questions and later stopped giving them altogether, as they were

    wasting my time and hurting my confidence. Skipped trigonometry, coordinate geometry, games and tournaments

    and any topic that I couldnt grasp on the first two tries or anything that

    would not go in my long term memory.

    Did not do much arithmetic series and logarithm. Because most of them

    would require the application of some special magic-move, which wontgo my long term memory.

    Skipped most of quant/LR threads & discussions on online forums (Well

    most of their sums go above my head anyways.)

    Cant do much speed-maths or mental calculation of percentages for


    Dont know squares upto

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Count your Sins

    Low Mental abilityBrain has lost that ability tograsp, analyze or calculate things quickly without


    Weak FundamentalsBrain has lost hold of basic

    fundamentals used in CAT Verbal & Quant Sections; it

    is accustomed to analyze complex problems

    Time Management Solving questions within the

    time limit to get maximum percentile.

    PracticeNot able to do much practice on sample

    Questions Especially student is not able to practice on

    & score at highest level of difficulty within 3 min.

    Screening of errors - Understanding why the answer

    choice was wrong, making list of all the errors & doing

    practice so that this errors are not repeated

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Few Questions to ask Do I have mental stamina to work efficiency during

    strenuous 140 mins (2.5 hours)?

    Do I have approach/strategy for solving any type of

    question in less than 2 min (whatever the level ofdifficulty)?

    Are math fundamentals, grammar basics &

    vocabulary list up to the mark to score 99+percentilein CAT?

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    The Secret Key The challenge is not to master all concepts, or to do

    all problems rightly; the challenge is to maximize the


    Most important - knowing when to let go.

    You have to quit and move if you are not able toanswer a question within the upper time limit.

    Remember to take each question by itself. Don't worry

    about the grand scheme, just one question at a time

    Do not give up: CAT is a very logical exam and if youare good with logic you should be able to do

    reasonably well.

    Focus on the basics if you are not improving. Define

    your weak areas and work on them.

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    MAD over CAT The CAT is a tough test. The CAT will humble you and bring you

    down to your knees.

    With enough practice and right guidance, you can beat it!

    The key to success is training your mind to think differently and

    act differently

    Get acquainted with both the content and the length of the


    CAT is not rocket science, it just requires a lot of discipline

    There are no shortcuts

    Identify your weaknesses and then reviewing materials/doingpractice problems to fill those gaps

    Focus on the problem types you're having issues with

    TRUST YOURSELF. You are smarter than you think.

    All of the knowledge is inside of you. You just need to discover

    how to pull it out and apply it on test day!Fo









  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    7 Point Strategy Mental Ability Improve mental ability, improve mental

    responses, practice mental exercises and calculations daily.

    Clear Basic fundamentals Through understanding of

    principles through different books

    Time Management Solving Practice problems with

    timer, not more than 3 min for any question regardless of

    difficulty level ( 4 questions 12 mins)

    SWOT Analysis Know different type of questions in & do

    SWOT on those types. More practice on weak areas.

    Error Log - Error log will help you to know weak areas. Strategyto solve each type of question within 3 min

    Process of Elimination Understand & Practice Process of

    Elimination on different question types

    Practice No alternative to practice. it is very important to

    practice higher difficulty level questions for time management; tryto solve every question within 3 min

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Start Fresh @ CAT

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Analyze, Understand & Plan the

    preparation Preparing for the exam

    3 levels of preparation required to crack the CAT.


    Exam Strategy

    Confidence and Performance under pressure

    3 Steps to ACE CAT Step-1 Learn all about CAT

    Step-2 Do Self Analysis for CAT

    Step-3 Execution: Mastering your strengths and improving on your


    Study Plan

    Never Prioritize topics study all

    What is prepared & what needs to be learned

    Time Management

    Set accomplishable goals

    Stick to your plan

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    8 important steps for CAT Prep

    Identify where you stand

    Build the Foundation - build the basics |

    Revise the fundamentals

    Study Plan and Time Management Sectional Tests and Exercises

    Start acing mocks

    Evaluation and analysis Know your strengths, work on your


    Accuracy and speed: the perfect mixture

    Shortcuts and strategies

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Identify where you stand

    Where to start?

    The ideal way to start preparing for any exam is

    by taking a diagnostic test

    Diagnostic test should ideally be of similar type as

    the previous CAT exam.

    You may take the test online/offline.

    Detailed analysis on the results

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Build the Foundation - Revise the


    Understand and Develop basic concepts tested inthe CAT

    Understand different types of questions asked in

    each section

    Gauge your understanding by solving questions

    for each Concept

    Attempt extra practice problems on each concept

    to go to Pro Level. Finally, move on to actual past CAT questions

    to develop the CAT mindset

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Study Plan and Time


    Time is precious, while everyone has the sameamount of time, only those who manage it well

    crack the CAT.

    Budget your time Create a study plan to

    manage the time effectively and efficiently.

    Give plenty of time for each task and concept

    Use a calendar to set specific deadlines.

    Dont get nervous over deadlines; stay calm andkeep on track.

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Sectional Tests and exercises

    Start taking sectional tests and time basedexercises.

    At least 2-3 concept or sectional tests a week

    See where you stand and measure


    Analyze the tests in detail to check:

    Where have you gone wrong?

    Why have you gone wrong? Solutions to questions that you did not attempt to

    identify the ones that you could have attempted.

    Analyze your performance after every test you


  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Start acing mocks

    Start taking mocks once every week to frame afull proof strategy.

    Gauge your performance weakness and


    Mock scores will also help you identify your aim

    and strategy for the last few months before CAT

    Start your mocks even if you have not completed

    the chapters

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Evaluation and analysis

    All the tests taken must be evaluated properlyand analysed.

    Have a record on a spreadsheet of all the tests

    that you take

    Track your performance section wise and concept


    Create a flowchart which will help you know

    where you stand and how much improvement youneed in every section.

    Analysis should include your attempted, non-

    attempted questions. Silly mistakes and guess

    work attempts.

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Know your strengths, work on

    your weaknesses Discover the areas, where you are strong and where there is a room for


    Capitalize on your strengths and get rid of your weaknesses.

    Challenge yourself by re-practicing problems in weak areas

    Make stronger area into the strongest and work towards improving the

    weaker sections. Always keep yourself motivated; do not stress yourself, by studying all

    the time.

    Over dosage often, as they say kills.

    How to find your strength & weaknesses Simply pickup a past years

    CAT exam papers1. Attempt as many questions as you can without putting the time limit in one

    2. Attempt which ever you are confident of, don't make any blind guess for any

    of the questions and make calculated guess

    3. Check your answers and attempts.

    4. Write down your overall score, along with sectional score

    5. Repeat step 1-4 for 4 more past year CAT paper

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Accuracy and speed: the perfect


    CAT is not about solving 60 questions in 140minutes.

    It is about solving 40 to 45 questions with 85 to90 percent accuracy.

    Attempting all the questions is not the mark ofyour achievement in CAT

    Accuracy is a distinguishing factor among 99+percentile

    Focusing on accuracy may lead to spending morethan average time on the questions

    Spending more time on one problem could causepanic towards the end of the exam.

    An optimum mix of both accuracy and speed

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Shortcuts and strategies

    Try to find strategies and shortcuts for differentsections and concepts.

    Increase your speed, improve your accuracy and

    reduce time per question.

    Collective studies with your friends and exchange

    ideas and shortcuts with each other.

    A common pitfall is learning the tricks without

    understanding them. Best solution is to derive and develop tricks

    yourself from the basic principles.

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Time Management during exam Practice the element of TIME in problem solving Most problems in management institute exams do not require

    knowledge of rocket science.

    These exams are about

    Skill and knowledge

    Ability to manage time in the most efficient manner.

    How to solve problems in minimum time

    Focus on 2 more questions and get proficient in them -:

    a) How much time will it take me to solve this problem?

    b) Compared to the problems that I have seen what level ofdifficulty do I think this problem lies in?

    Important for candidate to decide

    Which questions to attempt and which questions to leave

    In which order - which might very well end up being the most

    important thing esp. in exams where time is the crunch.FACT-double








  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Plan your answering strategy These are few points you must plan out before taking

    the CAT-:

    What is your time allocation strategy?

    How much time do you plan to spend on each of the

    sections? In particular, do you plan to devote equal time to each

    section or slightly more time to the section that you are

    the strongest at?

    How will you respond to a differential marking scheme if

    that is specified? For example, if there are 2 mark and1mark questions, do you plan to attempt the 2 mark

    questions first?

    Do you plan to spend some time at the completion of the

    exam, cross-checking or verifying some of the answers,especially of those questions that you are not really

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Find your strategy - Experiment:

    Till you have found a rhythm/strategy keepchanging things

    The target number of questions you want to


    The time you spend on each section etc.

    This kind of experimentation will prepare you

    for any surprise that you may find on D-Day

    Perfect the optimum CAT-solving strategy

    Strikes the right balance between speed and


    Ensure that you clear all cut-offs and as

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Attention : Interviews and

    GD/WAT Start preparing for the interviews and GDs from beginning Candidate needs to show that he/she has a well rounded

    personality in complete admission process

    Start orienting on this aspect six months before even applying to

    the b-schools.

    Know and Understand different question asked in interviews

    Pick up a hobby,

    Project something to be your hobby in an interview,

    Good understanding of history, personal association, ground

    details, rules, current news items related to it and finally yourviews on its future etc

    For GD/WAT preparation,

    Keep updated on General Knowledge/ General Affairs

    Get a taste of the real thing

    Preparing in groups of friends for GD/Essays is a good

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Current Affairs General Knowledge

    Interview/GD/WAT Essays requires that yoube aware of your surrounding and current


    Read at least one good newspaper daily anda weekly magazine on current affairs (and 1

    business magazine preferably) regularly.

    Most publications from same media houses

    would be a bit biased in some respectA variety of views from different media houses

    would strengthen your knowledge of the

    subject and help you especially in GD/WAT


  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Train Your brain Entire CAT evaluation (including GD/WAT/PI) is designed for

    people who can work for longer periods of time without breaks

    Train your brain for working effectively and efficiently for longer

    periods of time

    Build Mental stamina

    Mental fatigue is real and it tends to snowball

    At end of a exam, mental fatigue will cause him/her to think

    more slowly, it will force you to re-read or re-calculate,

    Spending longer on each question will only serve to fatigue

    you even more.

    Mental stamina is required to perform efficiently and to get a

    good score

    If you need to warm-up for an hour before beginning to be able to

    concentrate and study productively, now is the time to break that

    habit. You need to be able to start concentratin almost immediatel

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Work life balance

    Keep yourselves distressed

    Balance your work/study with preparation.

    Be genuine to yourself and spend time every day

    regularly in a systematic manner

    Take it slow and do not garble all the information.

    Work your way through different types of

    problems and keep track of your performance in

    every possible area Its about You and you know better about

    yourself; device a strategy that works for you

    Keep fine tuning the strategy, until you get better


  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Final Words CAT is a tough exam and you need to train your brain

    for it.

    The key to success is training your mind to think


    Get acquainted with both the content and the length ofthe test.

    CAT is not rocket science; it just requires a lot of


    CAT is a very logical exam and if you are good withlogic you should be able to do reasonably well.

    The challenge is not to master all concepts, or to do

    all problems rightly; the challenge is to maximize the


  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    About SPANEDEA

    Every learner is unique, and so is every learning situation! SPANEDEA is an interactive learning platform through live

    video and audio and a virtual blackboard

    Founded in 2011 by IIM Bangalore 1998 batch alumni

    Sanjay Bhadra, Nitin Bansal and Rajat Sharma

    Based in Mumbai, India

    Get more information at:
  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Why Learn Online Customized learning from the convenience of their location.

    Sessions/course customized to particular students need

    Convenience - Convenient timing Comfort - At the comfort of your place, Spend less time on

    traveling and more time to learn

    Teachers personalized teaching -1on1 live teaching throughinternet,

    Modular course content ebooks, interactive and customizedcontent/ courses

    Qualitybest quality teachers Availabilityqualified teacher available all the time

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    Benefits to students Choice

    chose teachers, select courses,

    Precisionexactly what is required, instead of needless 'full' Personalizationmy weaknesses at my pace, customize your

    own course

    Doubt clearing

    interactive discussion required for doubt


    Tutor provides comfort provides the invaluable hand-holding

    Sufficient practice

    pre and post session quizzes, full exams

    More focus on concepts concept building

  • 7/28/2019 CAT Preparation Strategy for Repeaters


    For more information on CAT - India Pvt. Ltd., 703, C-Wing, Mangalya, Andheri (E), Mumbai-400059, India

    www spanedea com