castle falkenstein - a conspiracy in bohemia

A Conspiracy In Bohemia An Adventure-Entertainment For Castle Falkenstein By Mr. Nicholas Impey esq.

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A Conspiracy

In Bohemia

An Adventure-Entertainment

For Castle Falkenstein By

Mr. Nicholas Impey esq.

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To challenge an Unseelie foe!

“Release the Prince at once, he is not your play thing!” The Faerie Lord’s commanding voice rang about the ruined castle. His valiant

companions warily searched every moonlight knock and crevice for the kidnapper and her mortal allies.

Her seductive voice floated back, seeming to come from every corner of the ruined fort at once.

“He is mine Elf-Lord, Mine! I will have my revenge for what his forefathers did to my family and not even

Auberon himself will stop me!!”

??A diabolical plot to bring the kingdom of Bohemia to its knees! ??The cunning Prussian’s in league with an ancient Faerie Lady! ??A dark vengeance generations in the making! A stranger in distress brings the valiant agents of The Second Compact to the small but ancient kingdom of Egria, seat of the Kings of Bohemia. There they find international politics and ancient vendettas entwined to form a conspiracy against the crown itself.

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A note from the author

This tale of Heroic Achievement is a prequal of sorts to the tale “A Scandal in Bohemia” as written down by Drs John Watson and Arthur Conan-Doyle (who’s works this author cannot heap enough praise upon). It is set in the spring of 1871 and begins in London though both of these facts can be easily changed. However if the date is changed to fit the needs of your particular clique of “Role-Players” it must be born in mind that the age of the young victim of this conspiracy must also be changed. As a rule of thumb consider that the king described himself as “But thirty now” when he met the Great Detective in roughly 1888 (I acknowledge the debt I owe to Mr. Martin Fido’s excellent reference work “The World of Sherlock Holmes” in setting this date) and adjust accordingly. This humbly offered adventure-entertainment is meant for approximately four dramatic personas that have between them some talent for Perception, Stealth and be able to defend themselves in a fight. The presence of a Faerie in the group will be found to be beneficial to the endeavour. There is little need for Sorcery or Steam Tech skills in this tale, though those of imagination and wit can always find an outlet for there talents in the most unlikely of places. It is helpful if the Heroes are members of The Second Compact.

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Dramatise Personae in Order of Appearance Mr. Rupert Kaufmann (a gentleman) Globe trotting dilettante and gambler who receives, in that order, a cry for help and a grisly death The Phookas (deadly assassins of the Unseelie Court) Constantly shape -changing creatures of remorseless death set upon Mr. Kaufmann’s trail. Athletics: Gr., Etherealness: Pr, Fisticuffs: Exc, Glamour: Pr, Perception: Gd, Physique: Gr. Shape-changing: Gd, Stealth: Gd, Take Animal Form: Exc (one can become a fearsome tiger and the other a giant wasp) Prohibitions: Iron, Prayers, Cannot cross on to sacred ground Miss. May Kaufmann (an innocent lady of virtue) The young ward of General Fritz Kaufmann and sister to Mr. Rupert Kaufmann. She believes that her uncle is involved in Something Sinister and begs her disgraced brother to return to save him. Charisma: Exc, Comeliness: Grt, Connections: Gd, Social Graces: Grt General Fritz Kaufmann (a valiant soldier and puppet of the Unseelie court) One of Egria’s greatest heroes and the fencing master to Wilhelm Von Ormstein. A widower he has taken his late brother’s children Rupert and May as his wards. Recently he has fallen under the sway of the Vampire Ravenmoon. Due to her confusing influence he had become prone to violent mood swings. Athletics: Gd, Charisma: Gd, Connection: Grt, Courage: Exc, Education: Gd, Exchequer: Grt, Fencing: Exc, Fisticuffs: Grt, Marksmanship: Grt, Perception: Gd, Physique: Gd, Social Graces: Gd Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond Von Ormstein (a young man of High Birth) Soon to be made Crown Prince of Bohemia in an ancient ritual. He is a high-spirited boy of fourteen who most respects feats of strength and martial skill. Athletics: Gd, Connections: Exc, Courage: Gd, Education: Gd, Exchequer: Exc, Fencing: Grt, Fisticuffs: Gd, Marksmanship: Gd, Physique: Grt, Social Graces: Gd, Mr. Derek Ottoman (a ignoble bachelor) An ambitious nobleman of Egria with designs on the lovely Miss May. Charisma: Pr, Comeliness: Gd, Connections: Grt, Education: Gd, Exchequer: Grt, Marksmanship: Gd, Social Graces: Gd, Stealth: Gd Grubber and Smit (Prussian Secret Agents) Two of three Prussian secret agents posing as businessmen on a hiking holiday. Their first duty is to protect Dr. Zola but they will aid Ravenmoon if they are required. Athletics: Gd, Courage: Gd, Education: Gd, Exchequer: Gd, Fencing; Gd, Fisticuffs: Gd, Marksmanship: Gd, Perception: Gd, Physique: Gd, Stealth: Gd Dr. Zola (Steam Engineer) A loyal Prussian scientist sent to Egria to locate potential sights for Prussian artillery emplacements capable of shelling Bayern sites. Education: Gd, Exchequer: Gd, Fisticuffs: Pr, Invention: Gd, Perception: Grt, Tinkering: Grt

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Ravenmoon aka Mrs. Susan Webber (a Glastig Vampire) A ruthless Faerie with connections to Egria’s past and vengeful plans for the Ormstein dynasty. To this end she is working with the Prussian secret service and has beguiled General Kaufmann. She is masquerading as an English widow come to Egria to take the air. NOTE: As a Glastig Ravenmoon has the lower body of a goat rather then a mortal woman, though that can easily be hidden by clothing. Allure: Grt, Athletics: Exc, Charisma: Exc, Comeliness: Grt (can be increased to Ext using Glamour) Courage: Gd, Etherealness: Gd, Fisticuffs: Gd, Glamour: Exc, Perception: Grt, Physique: Gd, Shape-change: Av, Stealth: Ext, Take Animal Form: Pr (A raven) Prohibitions: Iron, Inverted clothing, Cannot cross running water unaided, Holy symbols/sites/prayer Bloody Bob (a Goblin) Ravenmoon’s Unseelie hench-faerie. A skilled shape -changer with a fondness for vicious pranks but at heart is a coward. He is currently passing himself off as (among other things) Mrs. Webber’s elderly maid Archery: Gd, Athletics: Grt, Courage: Pr, Etherealness: Grt, Evil Eye: Pr, Fisticuffs: Gd, Glamour; Gd, Physique: Gd, Shape-changing: Exc Prohibitions: Iron. Inverted clothing, Holy symbols The White Stag of Egria (a Faerie Beast) The loyal protector of the Ormstein dynasty and servant of Auberon. On the evening before the coronation ceremony the stag is hunted by moonlight by the heir to the throne of Egria. Athletics: Gd, Courage: Grt, Etherealness: Gd, Fisticuffs: Exc, Glamour; Gd, Perception: Grt, Physique: Exc, Rule the Animals: Exc, Stealthy Tread: Av, NOTE: His antlers inflict 4/5/6 damage) Prohibitions: Iron, Holy Symbols/prayer cannot free himself if tied And a cast of sundry characters too numerous to name. God Save the Queen!

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It may well be the case that the Heroes know little of the noble state of Egria, where much of this tale is set. If a Player enquires as to what their Dramatic Persona knows of the country have them make an Education check. The base level for this check is Great but can be reduced by one or more levels if the Hero has a Germanic background or consults a good Gazetteer. Based on this check the Hero will know: Spectacular Failure: “Egria” is one of the states of America situated on the eastern coast. Failure: No information known or gathered. Partial Success: “Egria” is a small Germanic nation that borders Bayern, not far from Carlsbad. Total Success: As above plus the facts that it has only one city of any size, the capital Falstag, picturesque forests and mountains, its main industries are paper and glass making and that the Ormstein family has ruled it for hundreds of years. The Current Grand Duke is of ill health and bed ridden. The ruler of Egria also holds the honorary title of “The King of Bohemia”, a Germanic super-nation which fell apart hundreds of years ago. Spectacular Success: As above plus the facts that to become the crown prince the heir must take part in a moonlight ceremony after first hunting the immortal White Stag of Egria. The Hero also knows that the Ormstein dynasty was briefly interrupted three hundred years ago when the King’s champion Baron Wallenstien, inspired by his gypsy wife, took the crown only to be overthrown a short time latter and die by his own hand. If the Heroes are cosmopolitan types they will find Egria’s capital, Falstag, to be very small and rural. The splendid Castle Falstien overlooks the capital with a pair of mighty waterfalls cascading down from either side of the castle and forming a river that runs nearby. It is clear that Falstag is in the middle of a celebration; bright bunting hangs from every building and criss-crosses the streets. Fun fairs with steam organs are set up on the green during the day and people flock to the taverns for all night drinking sessions once the sun has set. Every one is wearing their best cloths and best smiles. The Heroes will find that the Egrians are friendly, hospitable and simple. If they ask the Heroes will told that all of the country has been celebrating the Grand Duke’s son, Wilhelm Von Ormstein birthday a few days ago. They plan to continue to celebrate till his swearing in as the crown prince in three nights time (and then for a few days after that).

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Chapter One

What Has Gone Before

The small Germanic country of Egria, called by some the seat of the King of Bohemia has become of vital strategic importance to the Prussian Government. If it could be controlled it could be used as the site of secret, long-range artillery emplacements which could rain explosive shells over the boarder into Bayern doing terrible damage, possibly even destroying Castle Falkenstein itself. To secure control of Egria, Bismarck has turned to his Unseelie allies and they in turn have sent for the Vampire Ravenmoon. Three hundred years ago Ravenmoon inspired her mortal lover Baron Wallenstien, Egria’s greatest warrior, to seize the throne from the Ormstiens. In an infamously bloody battle the usurpers were defeated. The Baron and his household were found guilty high treason and crimes against the crown and the people of Egria. But due to his past valiant deeds they were offered exile rather then death. The Baron and his (mortal) family, in their pride, chose to take their own lives rather then live by the charity of the Ormstiens. Now the Vampire has returned and wants her revenge on those who killed her children, targeting her vengeance on the brash young heir to the throne Wilhelm Von Ormstein. With the rising of the first full moon following his fourteenth birthday, in accordance with tradition, the boy will be made crown prince. If for some reason the ceremony does not take before the sun rises he will loose all claim to the throne. She has also become enamoured with General Fritz Kaufmann in whom she sees Wallenstein’s courage and manly nature. Ravenmoon has secured a small cottage on the General’s estate in the guise of English widow Mrs. Susan Webber and has used her powers to beguile him. Unfortunately the old-soldier’s loyalty to the crown has stopped him from open rebellion but she has prompted him into making alliances with some of the more politically minded nobles of Egria to ease his rise to power in the chaos which will follow her plans. Egria will be hers again and through her the Prussians!

There is, however, one problem. The General’s niece and ward, the beautiful May Kaufmann is worried about her uncle’s behaviour. Her attempts to talk with him have only worried her the more and in desperation she has sent a letter to her brother begging him to return home and help. Unfortunately Ravenmoon has learnt of this and her Unseelie masters have despatched a pair of phookas to London to kill him.

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Chapter Two A Cry for Help

In which Fate brings our Heroes to the scene of a vicious attack, a starling discovery is made and a cry for help is answered. The Heroes are travelling through the pre-dawn streets of one of London’s more fashionable districts when a lone figure runs out in font of their chosen mode of transport. What are the Heroes doing out at this time of the morning? A tale for another time no doubt; perhaps one of their number has just fought an early morning duel, perhaps they have just completed some vital and sensitive mission for the Second Compact or perhaps they are just very late back from The Club. The figure is hard to make out through the ochre tinge of a London smog, but he appears to be being savaged by a large bird. Before the Heroes’ eyes the bird becomes a many-headed wolfhound which sinks it’s teeth into the man’s leg while what appears to be crystal bat swoops down upon the man, who has now fallen. Have every Hero present make a Great Education feat (if a Hero has particular reason be knowledgeable about Faerie, like being one, reduce the difficulty to Good or even Average). Spectacular Failure: The ignorant Hero will remember that such creatures were said to be created by the Temple of Ra, a Sorcerous Order and are said to be indestructible. Failure: The Hero does not recognise the beasts. Participial Success: The Hero recognises the constantly shifting creatures as phookas. Full Success: The hero will further know that they are the dreaded assassins of The Adversary. Spectacular Success: The Hero will also know all the above plus one or two of their weaknesses. If the Heroes try to intervene (and what True Champion of Right wouldn’t) one of the Unseelie will attempt to deal with them while the other tears away at the downed man’s cloths. It will take only a round to find what it is looking for, a letter, and then it will help its brethren. Vicious as these nightmarish creatures are the Heroes should be able to overcome them and either kill or drive them off (in the latter case they will drop the letter in their hurry). The man is beyond mortal help and will expire after croaking the name “May” over and over again. Optional Plot: If one of the Heroes is young, reasonably dashing and not married it will come as a shock to all that, when they get the victim into better light, he is the spitting image of that hero! The victim is dressed in the remains of what was once a rather dashing suit, if a season out of date. On his person is a cigarette box, some rather rumpled calling cards identifying him as “Lt. Rupert Kaufmann (3rd Egrian Household Cavalry)”, a

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deck of cards and several bank notes, mostly continental. There is also a battered photograph (a younger Rupert in his cavalry uniform and a rather plain girl (May)) and, of course the letter. The letter is written in German and requires a Good Education check for anyone whose first language isn’t German to understand. The letter reads as follows:

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Miss May Kaufmann Kaufmann Estate

Egria 15th February 1871

Dearest Rupert I dearly wish that this letter were one of those childishly innocent ones where I would ask you about your travels and enquire about the state of your health. But there is a far more important reason for me to contact you then the love of a sister for her elder brother. I am terribly, terribly afraid for our Uncle. He seems to have changed so much over the last few weeks it’s as if he were another man altogether. It feels wrong to speak ill of a man who has fed and clothed me, furnished me with an education and seen to it that I want for nothing, but I feel that I must confide my fears with someone else I might explode. He never had a temper (except perhaps where you and your gambling were concerned) but of late he has thrown fits of rage that have been so violent and sudden that many of the servants are afraid to go near him least he lash out. Indeed I fear he almost struck me during one such black spell. It is a small blessing that he never reacts in such a manner in company, Wilhelm Von Ormstein idolises him so and I would hate for Uncle to fall in his estimation. And then there are the secret meetings. Perhaps I am being over dramatic calling them such but you know that Uncle has never had much time for the Ottomans and the Brooches but of late he has taken every opportunity to invite them to the manor and woo their favour. The way that the

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odious Derek Ottoman looks at me I shudder to think what promises Uncle has made. There is more I would tell you but if you were to see it in writing you would think that I was being a silly goose so please, for the love we share, put aside your argument with Uncle and return home as quickly as you can. Please do not wire ahead. If money is a problem if have sent a second letter to the Dover offices off the White Star company with sufficient funds to bring you to me. Yours with hope and sincere love


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Chapter Three The King and the General

In which our Heroes reach the ancient country of Egria, and meet a General, a Damsel and a Duke and see for themselves the substance of Miss Kaufmann’s fears. (NOTE: From this point on many of the people that the Heroes meet will have German as their native tongue. Few of the Egrian peasants speak English but most of the middle and upper classes do. Making ones-self understood in German is a Good Education check for those from New Europa or America but will be harder for those from more exotic backgrounds.) The Heroes journey is a safe one that can be accomplished in a few days. If any of their number has been seriously injured in battle with the phookas they will encounter a charitable member of the Order of St. Boniface who, recognising their inherent heroism, will cure their ills. The most likely way for the Heroes to enter the country is to catch a train from Strasbourg to Egria’s capital Falstag. Before they reach their destination they will spy through the train window an imposing but ruined castle high up on a mountain. A train guard who is checking on the Heroes if they are in a private carriage (or a fellow traveller if they are just travelling 1st Class) will inform them that the castle was the home of Baron Wallenstien the Traitorous. The Baron was once the king’s champion and most trusted comrade but “the fires of his ambition were stoked by his gypsy wife” and he seized the crown three hundred years ago. The Heroes will arrive in Falstag late at night. They should be encouraged not to head straight for the Kaufmann Estate but spend the night in one of the taverns and leave in the morning (locales will tell them that some of the mountain roads can be dangerous in the dark and that wolves roam the forests at night). Instead our Heroes should take the opportunity to sample the local hospitality. If the optional plot is being used and one of the Heroes looks like Rupert Kaufmann he will be warmly received by the citizens of Egria. Someone may, in faulty English, comment that he has lost his accent but put it down to the time Rupert spent travelling the continent (an excuse the Hero may want to re-use later). No one will challenge the Hero to a game of cards knowing that it was the reason for his falling-out with General Kaufmann (unless of course the Hero is an expert gambler himself). On the morning the Heroes will be able to get a dogcart to the Kaufmann Estate with little problem. As they leave Falstag a sharp-eyed Hero (Good Perception check required) may spot the name “Kaufmann” on the plaque beneath a bronze statue of a noble looking soldier. The entire plaque (in German) reads:

General Fritz Kaufmann Hero of the Battle of Helga Pass

1819- Unless they plan to break-in the Heroes will have to stop at the lodge which is built into the outer-wall which surrounds the manor grounds and speak to the elderly lodge keeper. If one of the Heroes is masquerading (intentionally or not) as the late Rupert then the Heroes will be let through though the servant will warn then that Ge neral Kaufmann is currently entertaining the young Von Ormstein. Alternately the Heroes may, on a Good Connections check, ask for a note to be sent to Miss Kaufmann. If the note mentions her brother or the original letter at all she will have them brought to her. If the Heroes rely purely on their good names to secure entrance then on of their number will need to make a Spectacular Success

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on a Great Connections check, a Full success will simply ask them to return tomorrow (the General is after all entertaining the next King of Bohemia!). If the Heroes have sent a note ahead to May she will be waiting for them as they arrive at the manor. Alternatively she will come down to see who the visitors are while they wait in the sitting room for the General. If one of the visitors is the spitting image of her dear brother she will be overjoyed at his return. May Kaufmann has grown into a young lady of tremendous beauty and innocent charm, a delight for any red-blooded man (or Faerie) to behold, anyone pretending to be her brother may find her sisterly affectation a little…uncomfortable. If the Heroes make it clear that they have come to help her she will only have time to go over the information she outlined in her letter before she is interrupted by the arrival of her uncle and Wilhelm Von Ormstein. If “Rupert” is amongst the Heroes General Kaufmann will be of mixed emotions. If the Hero indicates that he has learnt his lesson he will graciously accept him back. Otherwise the General will grudgingly put aside their differences “in the spirit of the occasion”. Either way he will offer him and his companions lodging in the manor for the duration of their stay. However he will find an opportunity to confront “Rupert” in private and tell him that his “gambling and loud behaviour” will not be tolerated. If the optional sub-plot is not being used the General will be civil but distant towards the Heroes and do his best to make sure they do not outlive their welcome. Miss May will however suggest that they could attend “the dinner” that evening. Though he is only fourteen years old Wilhelm von Ormstein is as tall as a fully-grown man and has an athletic build. He will take a keen interest in any of the Heroes who are wearing military uniform or an obverse military bearing. He will be smitten with any comely ladies in the Heroes’ group, particularly if they are also clever and witty (a habit which will get him into trouble in the years to come). He will mention that he and the General have just been practising at the manly art of (choose a combat Trait that one of the Heroes is rather good at, preferably Fencing) and enquire if the Heroes indulge at all? If one or more off the Heroes reply in the affirmative he will challenge them to a Boxing Match (Fisticuffs), a Fencing Match (Fencing) or some target shooting (Marksmanship, the challenged Hero may choose between pistols and rifles). If the contest is fists or swords (not to the death, clearly) the it is considered a Duel (as per Page aa of the Falkenstein rule book), if it is with firearms as series of targets will be set up at differing ranges for the competitors to shot at. If the Hero beats him, or at least puts up a good show, the young man will invite him and his companions to ride with him on the traditional Hunt of the White Stag of Egria before taking his leave. If the Heroes are not staying the General will politely ask the Heroes to do like wise, saying that he is looking forward to their company that evening. If they are staying the General will soon disappear. With an Exceptional Perception check a Hero may notice him riding off across the estate. He has gone to visit his lover “Mrs. Webber”, a quick thinking Hero may follow him to her cottage with a Stealth check against the General’s Perception, but this should not be encouraged. Miss Kaufmann will be very busy organising domestic matters and will not have time to talk to the Heroes but will promise to speak after the dinner. The General will return before evening, which will give the Heroes an opportunity to witness one of his displays of temper. They will here a crash and raised voice coming from a nearby room and, should they investigate, witness the General beating one of his servants. If they do not intervene themselves May will beg her uncle to be calm, receiving a back-handed slap for her pains. The shock of this action will bring the General to his senses. Whatever the outcome the servant will leave the manor at once (May will give him money to keep the reasons for his departure a secret) and the General will lock himself in his study until the guests arrive.

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Chapter Four Dinner, Politics & Passion

In which our Heroes discover more about Miss Kaufmann’s suspicions and make an enemy. (NOTE: Much of this scene, with the exception of May’s suspicions about “The English Widow” are incidental to the plot and can be skipped over or omitted all together if needs be.) The Ottomans, consisting of Lord John, his wife Gertrude and his son Derek, arrive at seven that evening and, after a glass of sherry proceed to dinner. Lord Ottoman is a pompous ass who seems to know little of the world beyond the borders of Egria but everything which goes on inside them (or so he thinks) and Lady Gertrude is a woman of fading beauty and very little intellect. Young Derek is arrogant and snide and has his heart set upon May being his bride, something the General has hinted at agreeing too. During the meal he will do everything in his power to dominate May’s time and attention, at the Heroes expense if nessary. If one of the Heroes is passing himself off as Rupert, Derek will take an instant dislike to him. He will make insinuations about his rift with uncle Fritz and some of the “disgraceful” (others might say “dashing” or “high-spirited”) activities Rupert got up to during his short time in the 3rd Egrian Household Cavalry (something which might leave the impersonator a little wrong footed). If the optional sub-plot is not being used Derek will simply take a dislike to the most handsome or charismatic male Hero, seeing him as a rival. Getting through the dinner without making any social blunders requires a Good Social Grace’s check, Derek will be quick to pick-up on any blunders a rival makes. Changing Rooms: After dinner the men will head to the smoking room for cigars and brandy while the ladies go to the Drawing Room. ??Any female Heroes in the Drawing room will have to put up with the gossiping of

Lady Ottoman and may miss one of the servants entering and passing May a note (Good Perception check). She will consider it for a few moments before penning her reply and handing it back to the servant who leaves. Unless stopped May will slip away a few moments latter. If a Hero asks she will be reluctant to discuss what the note was about, telling them it is an unimportant, private matter. It will require a Great Charisma check for her to admit it was a message from Derek and she is going to meet with him and set him straight.

??The General and Lord Ottoman will excuse themselves almost immediately. If a

Hero follows them, matching his Stealth against the General’s Good and Ottoman’s Average Perception, he will discover that they retire to the host’s study where, behind closed doors they will discuss Derek’s and May’s wedding. The General will be the active party in these discussions saying that the two families are stronger together then apart, that despite their noble blood the Ottomans are not popular at court while the Kaufmanns are and that this is important as “who knows what could happen in the future”.

??Before his father returns De rek will receive a note from a servant and also leave

the Smoking Room after throwing the note into the fire. A quick acting Hero can save the note from the fire if he makes a Good Courage check (Dwarves, due to

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their natural immunity to flame will not flinch and needn’t make the check). The note is written in two hands (May’s and Derek’s) and says:

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My Daring May, I must meet with you and discus your future as my

cherished wife. Simply name the place and time and I will be

there on Eros’s wings. Yours DO

Meet me by the Oriental Pond as soon as you

are able

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Following Derek will require a Stealth check against his Average Perception. If no one interrupts the rendezvous May will begin by telling Derek that she does not and could never love him. Derek will refuse to take her seriously saying that his father and her guardian have all but agreed the dowry and then plant several hard kisses upon her. The virtuous May will slap him but this serves only to enflame his passions. If one or more of the Heroes have followed on of the pair to the meeting Derek will begin to take liberties with Miss Kaufmann (surely a True Man will interject at this point!). If the pair is truly alone May will somehow escape from Derek’s lecherous clutches and flee in a torn dress ba ck to the house where she will turn to the Heroes for help. There will no doubt be raised voices between the Heroes and Derek, perhaps even a challenge to a duel. This will bring the General who will be furious at the Heroes, demand that they apologise and may even decided to chuck them out of the house! It will take a Great Charisma check to calm the General. Not surprisingly this will end the evening and the Ottoman’s will be off. Whether the Heroes spend that evening in the manor or back at a tavern May will find a way to speak to them late that night. She will tell them that her uncle began to act strangely shortly after an attractive English widow and her elderly maid came to stay in a cottage on the General’s estate, she does not know the ladies name and refers to her as “The English Widow”. She has noticed that her guardian visits this woman several times a week and that his black moods are worse when he returns. After a moment’s pause she will also add that her uncle has been sleeping badly of late (she knows this because her bedroom is directly above his) and on one occasion she is sure that she heard him call out “Spare him, spare him! He is just a boy!!” and “Forgive me, my King!!”.

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Chapter Four Spies on the Doorstep

In which the Heroes investigate The English Widow, encounter some suspicious tourists and, through wit and daring, discover them to be agents of a foreign power. The next morning the Heroes should pay a visit on The English Widow. If they are wise they will not travel all the way by dogcart or horse but make the final approach by foot. It is an unseasonably warm morning and as the Heroes approach they will see the black clad widow in a wicker bath chair talking to two men (Dr. Zola and one of his bodyguards). If they can get close enough to get a good look at the pair any Hero with an interest in Steam Tech will recognise Dr. Zola of Prussia on a Good Perception check. Like wise any Hero with connections with an intelligence service (The Second Compact does count) will recognise Smit as a member of the Prussian Secret Service on a Great Perception check. Before the Heroes can get much closer the pair will wonder off across the open meadows. Talking to the English Widow “Mrs Webber” will be surprised to see visitors but not inhospitable, offering them refreshments. She speaks with a weak voice and her hands shake, she wears a long black gown with a black veil, though the face behind it is of a handsome woman apparently in her thirties. Her maid, Claire, will always be near to hand fetching and carrying for her mistress. Some lines of enquiry the Heroes are likely to take include: ??Why is she staying in Egria? She will seem reluctant to speak about her background or reasons for being in Egria. If pressed she will tell the Heroes that her nervous health deteriorated after the sudden death of her husband and her doctor advised her to seek the clear air of Bohemia. ??Has she seen much of General Kaufmann? She will lie and say that she first met the General when she came of live on his estate but, though he occasionally he rides by, she hasn’t really spoken to him since. ??Who were the two men she was talking to just now? Mrs Webber will claim that she does not know them, they were simply a pair of Austrian tourists who had become lost and wanted directions. If one of the Heroes is passing himself off as or just looks like the late Rupert Kaufmann she will be shocked to see him (a Great Perception feat to notice her momentary lapse) and will try to steer the conversation around to what he is doing here. Otherwise during the conversation any Hero who makes an Extraordinary Perception check (her Exceptional Charisma plus one rank for the heavy veil) will come to the conclusion that she is lying at several points. The Heroes’ interview will be ended by the arrival of General Kaufmann on horseback. He will be clearly embarrassed to see the Heroes and stiffly formal in greeting Mrs Webber claiming that he is on a tour of the estate. Unless the Heroes are really in the General’s bad books he will keep up his ruse and invite them to come with him. Mrs Webber will suggest that he leave his horse at her cottage and send a servant for it later. For her part the widow will say that so many visitors have tired her out and ask Claire to wheel her back indoors for a lie down.

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If one or more of the Heroes manage to sneak into her cottage at any point they will find nothing at all which links her to the Prussian conspiracy. Ravenmoon will be suspicious of their motivation unless the Heroes have been extremely careful (if in doubt, match the Charisma of the Hero who did most of the talking against her Perception) and set Bloody Bob on their trail. If one of the Heroes is Rupert there is no way they can escape this fate. The Goblin will follow them using his Etherealness and Shape -changing to get close to them. Perceptive Heroes may occasionally sense that thy are being watched but they will never be able to catch the spy or determine his identity, only scare him away. If he determines that they are enemies of Prussians Bob will pull a few dangerous pranks on them (pushing them down stairs, sending a run away coach in their direction, causing rock slides when the Heroes travel on mountain roads, etc.) up to the day of the Hunt. Following the Prussians Zola and Smit head to the mountains that form the boarder with Bayern (a Good Education check will bring this to the Heroes’ attention). Following them requires a Stealth check against the Prussian’s Perception, Great for Dr. Zola and Good for Smit or Grubber. They will hike apparently aimlessly through East Egria during the rest of the day stopping every now and again for Zola to produce surveying and wind measuring equipment or to sketch stretches of the countryside. He is in fact calculating ballistic trajectories and drawing sketches of the proposed artillery base in. If the Heroes talk to the group they will claim to be tourists from Austria on a hiking holiday, however on a Great Education check (lower for a Hero familiar with Austria or Prussia) the Heroes will be able to tell that they do not have Austrian accents but Prussian. If asked about the measuring equipment Dr. Zola will claim that he is a keen amateur Natural Historian. Unless stopped by the Heroes the Prussians will arrive back Falstag mid afternoon and head to the inn where they are staying to meet with Grubber. They spend the rest of the evening in their inn eating, drinking and, in the Doctor’s case, playing chess (if any of the Heroes want to challenge him to a chess match treat it as a Duel using Perception, the first person to score 15 points wins). Grubber and Smit will take it in turns to guard their room over the course of the evening. The next day will be the same except they will not visit Ravenmoon, and Smit and Grubber will change jobs. If they are still at liberty on the afternoon of the Hunt Smit and Grubber will leave Dr. Zola at the inn and head for the ruins of Castle Wallenstien but the Heroes will probably be at Castle Falstein by then. If any of the Heroes gain entry to the Prussian’s room have them make a Great Perception check with the following results: Spectacular Failure: Before he can find anything the Hero clumsily knocks over a jug of water with a resounding crash. Failure: The Hero finds nothing out of the ordinary. Partial Success: The Hero finds Dr. Zola’s satchel and inside his sketches and calculations. It takes a Great Education check to work out what the notes are for but the sketches are self-explanatory.

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Full Success: The Hero finds a book of Prussian Secret Service codes hidden in the lining of Smit’s trunk and a slip of paper with the date of the Hunt written on it. Spectacular Success: The Hero finds cunningly concealed compartments within Grubber’s shaving kit are the parts of a Telegraph key while hidden in the sole of Smit’s spare shoes is a collapsible, two shot pistol. The Heroes may well attempt to thwart the trio of Secret Agents either by doing-away with them or exposing them to the Egrian authorities, there’s certainly enough evidence. If they do the latter they will be invited to join the Hunt if they have not been already. They may also use the opportunity to cast suspicion on Mrs Webber. Here the Heroes must be more careful as they have no evidence just insinuation. It will take an Exceptional Charisma check to get the Egrian authorities to move against the widow and on a Spectacular Failure their accusations will be considered so baseless as to jeopardises their position on the hunt. If they succeed Bloody Bob will warn his mistress and the authorities will arrive to find “Claire” morning her dead employer, who has passed away in her sleep (in fact a Glamour of Mrs. Webber created by Ravenmoon).

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Chapter Five A Very Wild Hunt Indeed

In which our Heroes take part in the Hunt for the White Stag of Egria, an event made all the more exiting by a jealous lover and the Faerie Tricks of Bloody Bob and his Dark Mistress. The famous Hunt for the White Stag of Egria takes place an hour before sunset two days after the Heroes first meet Wilhelm Von Ormstein at the General’s manor. There is a good chance that the Heroes have been invited to ride with the soon to be Crown Prince. If the Heroes have been too busy indulging in sleuthing and intrigue to ask for themselves the history of the ritual will be explained to them by one of the Grand Duke’s servants. “Following the ambush in which the traitorous Baron Wallenstien had killed the Grand Duke and stolen the crown of the King of Bohemia the heir to the throne, a boy barely fourteen summers old, was left lost, alone without food or water in the forest. When it looked like he would die he spied a mighty White Stag. The Stag spoke to the young man and told him to hunt him down. If he could catch him and struck the fatal blow not with a sword or knife but a branch or rock not only would he have food but, if he dug where the stag fell, he would find water. The young man did as the stag had said and everything occurred as he was told. Fed and watered he was able to find the scattered remains of his father’s army and lead them to victory against Wallenstien. On the night of their final victory, in the light of the full moon the brave young man was crowned ruler of Egria and the King of Bohemia. Years latter, when the new Grand Duke took his son on his first hunt the same White Stag appeared to him again. It told him that he would appear again on the evening of his son’s crowning and if he hunted him again, using weapons only of wood or stone, the Stag would watch over him during him reign. This ritual has carried on till this very day.” Worldly wise as they are the Heroes may well suspect that the White Stag of Egria is a Faerie creature but the citizens of Egria are simply grateful for its existence and see it as divine providence. The Heroes will be given horses for the occasion and a sling of finely carved wooden hunting spears (To use as a weapon will require Fisticuffs for close up work and Athletics for throwing, they inflict 0/1/2 and have a range of 10 yards). This is only symbolic though, as it will be the Grand Duke who kills the Stag. They will be asked on their Honour to leave any metal weapons behind. As well as the Heroes and the young heir, the Hunt consists of General Kaufmann, Mr. Derek Ottoman and two royal servants. The servants have hunting rifles (range 140 yards, damage: 4/5/6) in

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case the party comes across wolves or bears (they both display Great Marksmanship) and the dishonourable Ottoman has a revolver and a dagger hidden about his person. As the Hunt rides out they have no idea that they are riding into Ravenmoon’s clutches. During the day she and her ally(s) have tracked down the White Stag and captured him. Unless the Heroes have been almost superhumanly careful and not raised Ravenmoon’s suspicions she will also have arrange for May Kaufmann to be kidnapped and taken to Castle Wallenstein. Bloody Bob will take the Stag’s place and lead the Hunt into his mistress’s clutches. The Vampire’s Plan: ??Ravenmoon will begin to weave a light mist around the hunt. ??Bloody Bob will lead the hunt into the lair of a pack of vicious wolves that have

been driven mad by the Vampire. She has used her powers of Glamour to give them a more terrifying visage; anyone seeing the creatures must make a Good Courage check not to lose the first round of action to fear. Those who do make it will have to make a Good Athletics check to control their mounts. (The wolves have 10 Health and attack with Average ability for 1/2/3 damage)

??With the Hunt in confusion Ravenmoon will thicken the mist into a fog worthy of London while Bloody Bob uses Glamour and Shape -changing to confuse everyone as to everyone-else’s location.

??An unexpected bonus to the Unseelie is that Ottoman will take advantage of the confusion to finish off his rival.

??The Heroes will finally be allowed to find what they think is Wilhelm Von Ormstein standing over the carcass of the White Stag. The stag is in fact another Glamour and the boy is really Bloody Bob. The real Wilhelm Von Ormstein has been whisked away by Ravenmoon; she could easily kill him but has far worse plans for the young man.

During the journey back to the castle it is possible that the Heroes may notice the substitution if they can overcome Bloody Bob’s Exceptional Shape-changing with their Perception. If discovered the Goblin will attempt to flee back to Castle Wallenstien. If the ruse is not discovered “Wilhelm Von Ormstein” and his entourage, including the Heroes will be escorted to the Great Hall of Castle Falstein where Egria’s nobility, including the allying Grand Duke, are waiting. However on route they may on a Great Perception check notice General Kaufmann slip away. (On a Partial success they will simply notice he is gone, on a Full Success they will see him depart.) If they follow the General they will notice that he seems to be in some form of trance, muttering over and over “I’m coming, my love”. He will find a horse and gallop off into the night to join Ravenmoon at Castle Wallenstien. The hall has a large rosette window through which the full moon beams and there the Bishop of Falstag will attempt to crown the young man he believes to be the next Grand Duke of Egria and King of Bohemia. The Crown of the King of Bohemia has a small amount of Star Iron crafted into it; something that any Faerie Hero will be able to sense. As it is brought close to the impostor anyone who makes a Good Perception check will see him start to look uncomfortable and nervous. As the ancient Bishop goes to put it on the young man’s head “Wilhelm” falls from his throne in agony, his form seems to collapse and after a few moments rebuilds itself as Bloody Bob. The nobles will be in up-roar. Answers will be demanded and someone will point out that if the true Wilhelm Von Ormstein is not back by the time the moon sinks below

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the horizon he will lose all claim to the throne of Egria. The Grand Duke will collapse from the shock. When ever the Goblin is revealed he will fly around the Heroes heads taunting them that the boy is in “Ravenmoon Von Wallenstien’s hands and she will never let him go!!” before heading off to join his mistress. NOTE: If Miss May Kaufmann has not been kidnapped she will be in the Great Hall. The brave young lady will insist on helping the Heroes if they head off to find the real Wilhelm Von Ormstein.

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Chapter Six The Vampire’s Vengeance

In which our Heroes confront the mad Vampire Ravenmoon and her allies, flesh-and-blood and Faerie alike. Pursuing her even into the Faerie Veil in the efforts to rescue the heir to the throne of Bohemia. The Heroes will encounter no problems reaching the castle by whatever method they choose to employ. The castle is a ruined shell, only the four walls of the keep still stand and there are a few half-standing walls inside forming alcoves and recesses but nothing that could be called a room. It is situated on a mountain ridge (below which is the rail track from which they are likely to have seen the castle before) and the approach from sides is open, broken ground. If the Prussians are still at liberty, Smit and Grubber are on the castle’s crumbling battlements with rifles (range 140 yards, damage: 4/5/6) and will try and pick-off the Heroes before they reach the castle. Dr. Zola is waiting inside the gate with Smit’s collapsible pistol, which he will fire at the first Hero he sees before retreating into the darkness of the ruined castle. If the Secret Agents have been arrested or killed Ravenmoon will have hired four Petty Thugs (crude Arm-Breakers only distinguishable by their Good Physiques and Fisticuffs) to aid her. Two will be in Smit and Grubber’s positions (with the rifles) while the other two will be above the main gate ready to jump down on the first two Heroes who enter the castle and give them a good pummelling. If May Kaufmann is with the Heroes Bloody Bob will make use of the darkness and confusion (he’ll create a bit of confusion of his own if there isn’t enough) to snatch her from the group and escape. Ravenmoon herself has retreated to the Faerie Veil with her captive(s). Once the Heroes have finished with the Prussians/Thugs she will project a Glamour of her voice (which has none of the weakness of previous encounters) into the castle mocking them and saying that Von Ormstein is hers, fair trade for the children that his forefathers took from her. The entrance to the World of Faerie is located in a dry well in one corner of the castle, all they have to do is climb (or fly in the case of Faerie) down it to pass into the Veil. It requires sorcery or an Average Etherealness check to open. The Heroes will be able to learn of its location by questioning her mortal allies. If there are no Faeries amongst the Heroes and they are not familiar with the prohibitions of Faerie Portals as regards to iron, they will find The White Stag tethered near the well with a steel chain. He has been much abused but ready to take on the Vampire and will warn them not to take anything made of iron or steel through the portal. Ravenmoon’s domain on the far side of the portal is a reconstruction of Castle Wallenstien before it was destroyed three hundred years ago. Torches that burn with a crimson fire illuminate the castle. These shed both a bloody light and deep shadows around the castle. The castle is empty apart from the Great Chamber. On a dais at the far end are two thrones. On the larger of the two sits Ravenmoon, she is no longer pretending to be Mrs. Webber and is revealed in all her Vampiric splendour. If the General has beaten the Heroes to the castle he is sitting at her left hand apparently in a trance. Ravenmoon has used her Glamour to change his uniform for a set of 1500s attire and furnish him with a heavy sword (which may only be a Glamour but is real enough to kill). Unless the Heroes have already dealt with him, Bloody Bob is standing at her right hand. He is armed with a short bow and a quiver of Elf-Shot (Six arrows with 30

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yard range doing 4/5/6 damage, the additional effects are ignored because the Heroes are in the realm of Faerie). If the Heroes did not encounter the White Stag in the real castle he will be secured in an alcove of the room, ready to join the fray if the Heroes release him. What is most likely to command the Heroes attention is the drama being played out in the centre of the room. If the fair Miss May has fallen into the enemies’ hands she will be lashed to one of the columns which support the high vaulted ceiling while a twisted, lust-filled man beast advances on her. This unsightly mockery of a man is in fact Wilhelm Von Ormstein, his young body twisted by Glamours and driven from his wits by the Vampire till he is little more then a beast. Now is the time for the Heroes to prove their metal against the two Unseelie fiends and the two beguiled men! ??They will have a powerful ally in The White Stag when they free him but Bloody

Bob will do his best to make sure they don’t get the chance. Once free he will attack the Vampire. Freed or not he will use his own Glamour to create swords so the Heroes may defend themselves.

??The Man-Beast that is Wilhelm Von Ormstein will viciously attack anyone who gets between him and May Kaufmann. So changed is he that it will take a Great Perception check to recognise him as the noble young man they knew. Any Hero who makes an Exceptional Charisma or Courage check will be able to get-through to him. On a Partial Success he will be pacified for a few moments (A second attempt can be made at one difficulty less), a Full Success will result in him becoming catatonic until removed from the Faerie Veil and a Spectacular Success he will turn on his tormentors.

??If General Kaufmann is present Ravenmoon will command her “champion” to defend her, which he will do with his usual skill and courage. Only if Kaufmann is not present, already engaged in combat or incapacitated will she engage in combat herself. She will not keep silent while she fights and will vow that Ormstein “will never be crowned King of Bohemia!!” If she is “killed” the General will come to his wits and the Glamours on Wilhelm Von Ormstein will fade. Further more the castle will begin to slowly fade away as well. Eventually all that remains will be a void of shapeless energy, any mortal who stays to long here will loose his mind.

The Heroes may fight the forces of the Unseelie Court “to the death” (though they have no way of inflicting a True Death on the Faerie without iron-based weapons) or simply till they have freed Wilhelm (and the Kaufmanns). Once beyond the Vampire’s reach the future King of Bohemia will return to his normal self, if a little shaken. If he is free and alive The White Stag will carry him back to Castle Falstein unless the Heroes have a quicker way.

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Chapter Six The Epilogue

In which are King is crowned and thanks for a job well done given. The Heroes and associates will have no further misadventures on the way back to the castle and Wilhelm Von Ormstein will be crowned the new Crown Prince of Bohemia and heir to the kingdom of Egria. As he is invested a sudden wind will pick up the Heroes will hear a tormented wail blown upon it, Ravenmoon’s hasty promise that the ceremony would not take place has been her undoing. The new prince will invest the Heroes as “Members of the Order of Falstein”. If the Prussian’s involvement in the affair is brought to his attention the Prince will vow that no Prussian military force will set foot in his kingdom while he has the strength to stop them. Assuming the Heroes explain to him who the General was under the Vampire’s sway, Von Ormstein will forgive his favourite soldier. Jokingly he will add that it is a lesson all men should learn: not to let a pretty face over-rule one’s reason (ironic considering his later problems with the adventuress Irene Adler). If one of the Heroes is impersonating Rupert Kaufmann and his ruse has not be revealed already it is time he decided whether to break the news of his death to May and her uncle or let them live on in blessed ignorance, not an easy choice to make. God Save the Queen!

The End