case reports comparison of osteosynthesis using plates and

Modern Medicine | 2016, Vol. 23, No. 4 308 Comparison of Osteosynthesis Using Plates and Screws Versus Kirschner Wire Fixation for Unstable Metacarpal Fractures: a Retrospective Clinical Study Tiberiu Paul Neagu 1,2 , Ion Cocolos 3 , Mirela Tiglis 4 , Ioana Cristina Grintescu 1,4 , Mazen Elfarra 6 , Ioana Teona Sebe 1,2 , Cristian Radu Jecan 1,5 , Ioan Lascar 1,2 1 “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania 2 Department of Plastic Surgery and Reconstruction Microsur- gery, Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bucharest, Romania 3 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bucharest, Romania 4 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bucharest, Romania 5 Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania 6 Department of Vascular Surgery, “Sfantul Ioan” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania Corresponding author: Tiberiu Paul Neagu Emergency Clinical Hospital, 8 th Floreasca Avenue, Bucharest, Romania. E-mail: [email protected] Summary The hand is both a motor and sensory organ, and in terms of society, it is an organ of defense, of creation and an organ of expression. This is why hand surgery is very important and studies regarding the functional results of di- fferent treatments in order to treat injuries are necessary. In this paper, we presented the results of a retrospective clinical study in order to compare osteosynthesis using plates and screws (n=36) versus xation using Kirschner wires (n=32) in order to treat metacarpal fractures of 68 patients. The functional outcomes where assessed using the DASH and the TAM score measured at two and twelve months from surgery.The DASH scores were lower (showing better results) in the PS group compared to the KW group, with a mean difference of 20.53 after two months and 6.41 after twelve months, while the TAM scores were higher (235° at two and 261° at twelve months in the PS group compared with 218° at two and 257° at twelve months in the KW group). Therefore, we concluded that osteosynthesis using plates and screws leads to better functional recovery than osteoynthesis using Kirschner wire. Keywords: DASH, TAM, osteosynthesis, metacarpal fractures, periosteum Rezumat Mâna este un organ motor, dar și senzorial, astfel încât din punct de vedere social este un organ de apărare, de cre- aţie și de expresie. Din aceste motive, chirurgia mâinii reprezintă un domeniu foarte important și prin urmare, studii cu privire la rezultatele funcţionale ale diferitelor tratamente cu scopul de a trata leziuni la acest nivel sunt necesare. În această lucrare, vă prezentăm rezultatele unui studiu clinic retrospectiv realizat cu scopul de a compara osteo- sinteza cu placă și șuruburi (n=36) cu broșele Kirschner utilizate în scopul de a reduce fracturi de metacarpiene pe un lot de 68 de pacienţi. Rezultatele funcţionale au fost evaluate prin prisma scorurilor DASH și TAM măsurate la 2, respectiv 12 luni. Scorurile DASH au fost mai mici în grupul PS comparativ cu grupul KW, cu o diferenţă medie de 20,53 la 2 luni și de 6,41 la 12 luni, în timp ce scorurile TAM au fost mai mari (235° la 2 luni și 261° la 12 luni în grupul PS comparativ cu 218° la 2 luni și 257° la 12 luni în grupul KW). În concluzie, osteosinteza cu placă și șuruburi duce la o recuperare funcţională mai bună comparativ cu osteosinteza cu broșe Kirschner. Cuvinte cheie: DASH, TAM, osteosinteză, fracturi de metacarpiene, periost CASE REPORTS

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Page 1: CASE REPORTS Comparison of Osteosynthesis Using Plates and

Modern Medicine | 2016, Vol. 23, No. 4


Comparison of Osteosynthesis Using Plates and Screws Versus Kirschner Wire Fixation for Unstable Metacarpal Fractures:a Retrospective Clinical StudyTiberiu Paul Neagu1,2, Ion Cocolos3, Mirela Tiglis4, Ioana Cristina Grintescu1,4, Mazen Elfarra6,Ioana Teona Sebe1,2, Cristian Radu Jecan1,5, Ioan Lascar1,2

1 “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

2 Department of Plastic Surgery and Reconstruction Microsur-gery, Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bucharest, Romania

3 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bucharest, Romania

4 Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Emergency Clinical Hospital of Bucharest, Romania

5 Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu” Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest,Romania

6 Department of Vascular Surgery, “Sfantul Ioan” EmergencyClinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Corresponding author:Tiberiu Paul NeaguEmergency Clinical Hospital, 8th Floreasca Avenue, Bucharest, Romania.E-mail: [email protected]

SummaryThe hand is both a motor and sensory organ, and in terms of society, it is an organ of defense, of creation and an organ of expression. This is why hand surgery is very important and studies regarding the functional results of di-fferent treatments in order to treat injuries are necessary. In this paper, we presented the results of a retrospective clinical study in order to compare osteosynthesis using plates and screws (n=36) versus fi xation using Kirschner wires (n=32) in order to treat metacarpal fractures of 68 patients. The functional outcomes where assessed using the DASH and the TAM score measured at two and twelve months from surgery.The DASH scores were lower (showing better results) in the PS group compared to the KW group, with a mean difference of 20.53 after two months and 6.41 after twelve months, while the TAM scores were higher (235° at two and 261° at twelve months in the PS group compared with 218° at two and 257° at twelve months in the KW group). Therefore, we concluded that osteosynthesis using plates and screws leads to better functional recovery than osteoynthesis using Kirschner wire.Keywords: DASH, TAM, osteosynthesis, metacarpal fractures, periosteum

RezumatMâna este un organ motor, dar și senzorial, astfel încât din punct de vedere social este un organ de apărare, de cre-aţie și de expresie. Din aceste motive, chirurgia mâinii reprezintă un domeniu foarte important și prin urmare, studii cu privire la rezultatele funcţionale ale diferitelor tratamente cu scopul de a trata leziuni la acest nivel sunt necesare. În această lucrare, vă prezentăm rezultatele unui studiu clinic retrospectiv realizat cu scopul de a compara osteo-sinteza cu placă și șuruburi (n=36) cu broșele Kirschner utilizate în scopul de a reduce fracturi de metacarpiene pe un lot de 68 de pacienţi. Rezultatele funcţionale au fost evaluate prin prisma scorurilor DASH și TAM măsurate la 2, respectiv 12 luni. Scorurile DASH au fost mai mici în grupul PS comparativ cu grupul KW, cu o diferenţă medie de 20,53 la 2 luni și de 6,41 la 12 luni, în timp ce scorurile TAM au fost mai mari (235° la 2 luni și 261° la 12 luni în grupul PS comparativ cu 218° la 2 luni și 257° la 12 luni în grupul KW). În concluzie, osteosinteza cu placă și șuruburi duce la o recuperare funcţională mai bună comparativ cu osteosinteza cu broșe Kirschner. Cuvinte cheie: DASH, TAM, osteosinteză, fracturi de metacarpiene, periost


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Comparison of Osteosynthesis Using Plates and Screws Versus Kirschner Wire Fixation for Unstable Metacarpal Fractures

Modern Medicine | 2016, Vol. 23, No. 4 309

INTRODUCTIONHand surgery is considered to be the biggest challenge for every plastic surgeon. Th e social value of the hand is appreciated by any individual, butmostly by plastic surgeons which are, par excellence, hand-working per-sons. When a hand injury is treated you must consider the Hippocratic concept which states that „healing is a matter of time but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity”. Th e hand forms a functional unit with the forearm which is a high-precision machine, with multiples levers, who has tactile intelligence that ensure its auto-mechanism, being able to grab and maintain, in any spatial position, large and small tools invented by human genius. Th e hand is both a motor and sensory organ, and in terms of society,it is an organ of defense, an organ of creation and expression. Th is is why hand surgery is very important, both in medical and social terms, and any research in this domain has one purpo-se: improving the treatment of hand injuriesin order to obtain functional results closer to the genetic scale of the divine creation. Th e purpose of this study was to assess diff erent osteosynthesis techniques in order to establish which one is better in matters of functional results.

MATERIALS AND METHODSOur research was a retrospective clinical study in or-der to compare the functional outcomes after the sur-gical treatment of the metacarpal fractures using two of the most used surgical techniques in hand fractures. Between 2013 and 2015, 68 patients were treated for closed displaced and unstable extra-articular metacar-pal fractures. One of this two osteosynthesis methods were used after open reduction of the fracture: os-

teosynthesis using plates and screws (n=36) or Kirsch-ner wires (K-wires, n=32). Th e data was collected from the patients, from the surgeons and from the statistical database of the Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bu-charest. Th e following criteria were mandatory in order for the patient to be included in the study: age betwe-en 16 and 65 years old, closed displaced extra-articular metacarpal fractures, fractures treated using one of this two methods, displaced, rotated or angulated fractures, without any history of hand fractures on the same side, removing of the K-wires no longer than 8 weeks and the plates after at least 3 months, data regarding the number of recovering sessions, the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score and Total Active Motion (TAM) at two and twelve months was recorded, no complications were recorded except arti-cular stiff ness and extension lag, radiological proofs to confi rm the diagnostic and the postoperative aspect of the reduced fractures.

Patients with open fractures after high-energy in-juries were not included in the analysis because of the complex variables related to the soft-tissue lesions. Th e patients were divided in two groups: osteosynthesis using plates and screws (PS group) and osteosynthesis using K-wires (KW group). In the PS group, 2.0 mm or 2.5 mm locked or unlocked low profi le compression plates and 2 mm or 1.7 mm screws were used. In order to install the plate, a small portion of the periosteum was removed in order to facilitate the contact between the bone and the plate in order to increase stability of the fracture site. In the KW group, the fractureswere reduced using 1.5 mm or 1.1 mm K-wires which were placed in an intramedullary, crossed or bouquet man-ner (Figure 1). Th e surgical procedures were performed according to the AO methodology.

Figure 1.

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Tiberiu Paul Neagu et al.

Modern Medicine | 2016, Vol. 23, No. 4310

Th e database included the following information: name, age and sex of the patient, admission and dis-charge date, the department of admission (Plastic or Orthopedic Surgery), the type of displacement and fracture (simple or comminuted), the aff ected part of the bone (shaft, neck or base), osteosynthesis method, number of recovery sessions, number of days of immo-bilization. Th e DASH and the TAM score were calcu-lated after 2 and 12 months from the surgery in each group. Th e data were analyzed using Microsoft Offi ce Excel 2016 and IBM SPSS Statistics 3. We used test of normality for the distribution of the data, Shapiro-Wilk, non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, Chi-squa-re test, T Test, Levene test to assess the homogeneity of the variances, and the Pearson Correlation Test. Ma-inly, we assessed which of the osteosynthesis methods off ers better functional results based on the DASH and TAM scores.

RESULTSTh e results are summarized in Table 1. Th e DASH sco-res were lower (showing better results) in the PS group compared to the KW group, with a mean diff erence of 20.53 after two months (Figure 2) and 6.41 after twel-ve months (Figure 3) while the TAM scores were hi-gher (235° at two and 261° at twelve months in the PS group compared with 218° at two and 257° at twelve months in the KW group) (Figure 4,5). Th e diff erence between the two groups regarding the TAM (Mann-Whitney U, U=197.5, z=-4.656, p<0.001 at 2 months,

t test forequal variances, p<0.001, 95% Confi dence in-terval 2°-6° at 12 months) and DASH score (Mann Whitney U, U=23.5, z=-6.808, p<0.001 at 2, Mann-Whitney U, U=102, z=-5.842, p<0.001 at 12 months), was statistically signifi cant. Th e associations between the number of days of immobilization and the DASH (positive correlation,Spearman r=0.644, p<0.001 at 2 months – Figure 6; r=0.543, p<0.001 at 12 months – Figure 7) and TAM (negative correlation,Spearman r=-458, p<0.001 at 2 months; r=-412, p<0.001 at 12 months – Figure 8), the number of immobilization days and the number of recovery sessions (positive cor-relation, Spearman r=0.521, p<0.001, Figure 9), were

Osteosynthesis using plates and screws – PS group (n=36)

Osteosynthesis using K-wires – KW group (n=32)

Mean Age (years) 30.41 (SD 10.46) 30.17 (SD 10.63)Gender 9 female, 27 male 3 female, 29 maleDepartment of Plastic Surgery 6 patients 17 patientsDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery 30 patients 15 patientsFracture site




Number of metacarpals involved one – n=30two – n=5four – n=1

one – n=27two – n=5

Mean DASH score at 2 months 16.13 (SD 4.08) 36.66 (SD 9.1)Mean TAM score at 2 months 235° (SD 11°); 33% values between

240-245°218° (SD 18°); more than 25%, values

between 230-235°Mean DASH score at 12 months 3.88 (SD 4.11) 10.29 (SD 3.52)Mean TAM score at 12 months 261° (SD 3°); 50% values between 260-

265°257° (SD 4°); 43%, values between 255-

260°Number of days of immobilization (mean value) 17 (SD 6.23) 28.44 (SD 7.41)Number of recovery sessions (mean value) 16 (SD 4.4) 21 (SD 4.95)+SD – standard deviation, +n = number of patients

Table 1. Summary of r esults

Figure 2.

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Comparison of Osteosynthesis Using Plates and Screws Versus Kirschner Wire Fixation for Unstable Metacarpal Fractures

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statistically signifi cant. Th erefore, wearing a cast for a smaller period will lead to better functional results (lower DASH score and higher TAM score) with the necessity of a fewer recovery sessions. Th e following correlations between age, sex, side, fracture site and the type of osteosynthesis were statistically insignifi cant.

DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONSAfter performing the data analysis, the postoperati-ve evolution and recovery of the patients treated with plates and screws, compared to those treated with K-wires was better, as shown by the better DASH and TAM scores in the PS group. Th erefore, using an os-teosynthesis method that is less stable in order to pre-serve the periosteum (K-wire) is associated with poo-rer results compared to an osteosynthesis method that implies limited periosteum removal but off ers greater stability of the fracture site (plates and screws).

Regarding the immobilization time, the patients in the PS group required a smaller amount with a mean of 17 days, more than 60% of themregaining function

Figure 3.

Figure 6.

Figure 4.

Figure 7.

Figure 5.

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However, the groups had uneven number of patients and the randomization of the method was absent.

In this study, 8 presented fractures of the fi fth meta-carpal neck of which 3 were reduced using plates and screws and the rest using K-wires. Th e mean value of the TAM score for those within the KW group was 254°, while in the other group was 260°, showing better results where plates and screws were used. However, a clinical study on 38 closed neck fi fth metacarpal frac-tures published by Facca et al.2 showed no signifi cant diff erence between the TAM values recorded in each group in order to compare T-shaped plate with intra-medullary K-wire.

According to recent studies, using plates and screws in order to reduce metacarpal fractures, up to 36% of the patients have complication, of which, stiff ness is the most common (76% of the patients with compli-cations) and it is associated with a TAM value smaller than 220°3,4. In this study, a signifi cant loss of function was associated with a TAM score smaller than 240° which was encountered in 56% of the patients where plates and screws were used. However, after recovery sessions, at 12 months, all of the patient had greater values than 240°. Our results are diff erent from those reported in the specialized literature due to the absen-ce of recent studies regarding diff erent osteosynthesis materials with low profi le and high stiff ness in order to treat hand fractures. Unlike other fracture sites where plates which occupies a larger volume could be used, for the hand fractures it is important to use thin plates. In a recent study regarding absorbable plates used in order to treat metacarpal fractures of 12 patients, the results were satisfying with a mean of TAM score of 234°5, taking into account the absorption process that could lead to tendon adhesions and extension lag. In our study, low profi le plates with round or oval holes were used, perfectly shaped in order to fi t to the meta-carpal curves and to reduce the impact on the extensor tendons6.

To gain strength, the bone should be dynamically loaded because in order for a fracture to heal the absen-ce of the bone continuity must be felt. Ilizarov proved the importance of dynamic loads transmitted in the axial direction for posttraumatic osteogenesis7. Howe-ver, in hand bones, the axial load is not as important as resistance to fl exion, torsion and shear. Th e thin profi le of plates, as well as the materials are made of, allow the existence of micro movements at the fracture site being more rigid than the others, but keeping a minimum degree of elasticity. Designing a plate which allows mi-cro-movements at the fracture site in order to mimic a healing closer to the biological one would be ideal.

after 20 days, while in the KW group, the mean time was 28 days, with regaining of the function soon after this period. Th erefore, the number of recovery sessions was higher in the KW group due to the greater number of days of immobilization. Economically speaking, on the short term, using the plates and screws technique is more expensive than Kirschner wires, but on the long term, the KW group needed more days of recovery compared to the PS group which is associated with late professional reinsertion and higher costs for the em-ployer and the National Health Insurance Company.

In the specialized literature, there are few compara-tive studies regarding this two osteosynthesis methods. Many of them are used in order to reduce fractures of the forearm, clavicle, tibia and metatarsals. In Decem-ber 2008, Ozer et al. published1 the fi rst prospective study in order to compare osteosynthesis with low con-tact dynamic compression plates with intramedullary fi xation using K-wire in order to treat metacarpal frac-tures. From a total of 52 patients, 14 were treated using plates and screws and the rest using K-wires. Statisti-cally, there was no signifi cant diff erence regarding the TAM and the DASH score between the two groups.

Figure 8.

Figure 9.

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screws is possible, with great results even in the absence of a part of the periosteum corresponding to the area of osteosynthesis material. Th ereby, the tubular bones of the hand might be genuine sources of periosteum with utility in regenerative medicine, easily harvested and with minimal comorbidities.

In conclusion, our study has shown the superiority of the functional results after osteosynthesis using plates and screws in order to treat metacarpal fractures des-pite limited periosteum removal, compared to Kirsch-ner wire fi xation, where to periosteum was preserved. Th e development of a prospectivestudyprotocol, could provide information of interest regardingthe treatment ofhand fractures and the eff ects of periosteum removal, in order to establish the best option according to the confi guration of the fracture.

In this study we compared two osteosynthesis methods, one that involves preserving the periosteum (KW) and one that involves a limited area of perioste-um to be removed (PS). Th e results in the PS were better, thus limited periosteum removal do not infl u-ence signifi cantly the functional outcomes. Nowadays, the periosteum shows increasingly more interest in bi-oengineering studies, due to the presence of cambium which, under some stimuli, is able to off er a substan-tial source of stem cells, especially chondrocytes pre-cursors8,9. Th erefore, the periosteum grafts can be used to reconstruct the articular cartilage10, in autologous chondrocytes transplantation11, in non-union fractu-re treatment12, in restoring patellar joint13 or in bone transplant obtained by bioengineering for maxillary sinus augmentation14. According to our study, hea-ling ofthe metacarpal fracture reduced using plate and

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