case report rett syndrome without mecp2 …...targeted next generation sequence can be helpful to...

CASEREPORT ABSTRACT Rett syndrome is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disease which mostly affects females but has a lethal impact on males. Rett syndrome is mostly caused by mutations of Methyl CpG binding protein-2 (MECP2) gene located on chromosome Xq28. A 7-year girl from a consanguineous Pakistani family presented with history of abnormal social behavior, tonic colonic seizures, limb'sataxia, intellectual disability, growth retardation and speech abnormalities. Physical and neurological examinations established likely clinical features of Rett syndrome with abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG). Genetic testing of MECP2 gene did not identify any functional nucleotide variation indicating the involvement of another gene mutation in this patient. A consanguineous case of Rett syndrome did not carry the mutation of MECP2 gene. Due to heterogeneity of the phenotype, it is proposed that there might be involvement of another locus for this disease. In future, targeted next generation sequence can be helpful to identify the causative mutation in this patient. Key Words: MECP2, Pakistan, Rett Syndrome, Seizures. How to cite this: Dad R, Sawal HA, Ahmad A, Ullah MI. Rett Syndrome without MECP2 Mutation in a Pakistani Girl. Life and Science. 2020; 1(2): 83-85. doi: GRIN1 and KIF1A and cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) have been demonstrated in congenital RTT 4,5 and as pathogenic genes of early seizures. The most common causative gene for Rett syndrome is MECP2 (NM_001110792) which is located at candidate region on chromosome Xq28; however, recently some other genes have been identified for 4 this phenotype. A number of mutations in MECP2 have been reported in different ethnic groups and 6,7 populations. According to various reports, 70%- 80% cases of Rett syndrome show mutations in MECP2 gene while other cases are associated with 8 other genes. Depending on the cell type and development phases in the brain, MECP2 imparts variable effects in these processes. RTT is reflected to the failure of functions at different levels, like gene regulation and expression, synaptic function and neuronal circuitry, and during developmental 9 stages. In the present study, we ascertained a consanguineous family with one affected girl who showed classical features of Rett syndrome and mutation screening of MECP2 gene did not reveal any nucleotide variation. Thus establishing the basis of heterogeneity of this disorder. Case Presentation A 7-year old girl visited the hospital, with a history of hyperactive behavior, delayed milestones, Introduction Rett syndrome (RTT; OMIM 312750) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder with prevalence of 1 1 in 15,000 in females. Clinical features include ataxia, loss of speech abilities, seizures onset, intellectual disability, severe developmental delay, cognitive impairments, breathing and swallowing difficulties, chewing and teeth grinding issues and sleep 2 disorders. Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene is responsible for typical RTT in 95% patients 3 and with different RTT feature in 73.2% patients. Other genes like forkhead box protein G1 (FOXG1), Rett Syndrome without MECP2 Mutation in a Pakistani Girl 1 2 3 4 5 Rubina Dad , Humaira Aziz Sawal , Arsalan Ahmad , Muhammad Ikram Ullah , Muhammad Jawad Hassan Correspondence: Dr. Muhammad Jawad Hassan Associate Professor, Biological Sciences National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi E-mail: [email protected] 1 Department of Applied Biosciences Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Islamabad 2 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi 3 Division of Neurology Shifa International Hospital Shifa Tameer e Millat University (STMU), Islamabad 4 Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences Jouf University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 5 NUMS Department of Biological Sciences National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi Life & Science 2020 Vol. 1, No. 2 Rett Syndrome in Pakistani Girl Funding Source: NIL; Conflict of Interest: NIL Received: Oct 14, 2019; Revised: Feb 19, 2020 Accepted: Mar 02, 2020 83

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Page 1: CASE REPORT Rett Syndrome without MECP2 …...targeted next generation sequence can be helpful to identify the causative mutation in this patient. Key Words: MECP2, Pakistan, Rett


ABSTRACTRettsyndromeisarareinheritedneurodegenerativediseasewhichmostlyaffectsfemalesbuthasalethalimpactonmales.RettsyndromeismostlycausedbymutationsofMethylCpGbindingprotein-2(MECP2)genelocatedonchromosomeXq28.A7-yeargirlfromaconsanguineousPakistanifamilypresentedwithhistoryofabnormalsocialbehavior,toniccolonicseizures,limb'sataxia,intellectualdisability,growthretardationandspeechabnormalities.Physicalandneurological examinations established likely clinical features of Rett syndrome with abnormalelectroencephalogram (EEG). Genetic testing of MECP2 gene did not identify any functional nucleotidevariationindicatingtheinvolvementofanothergenemutationinthispatient.AconsanguineouscaseofRettsyndromedidnotcarrythemutationofMECP2 gene.Duetoheterogeneityofthephenotype,itisproposedthattheremightbeinvolvementofanotherlocusforthisdisease.Infuture,targeted next generation sequence can be helpful to identify the causative mutation in this patient.

KeyWords:MECP2, Pakistan, Rett Syndrome, Seizures.

How to cite this: Dad R, Sawal HA, Ahmad A, Ullah MI. Rett Syndrome without MECP2 Mutation in a Pakistani Girl. Life and Science. 2020; 1(2): 83-85. doi:

GRIN1 andKIF1A andcyclin-dependentkinase-like5(CDKL5)havebeendemonstratedincongenitalRTT

4,5andaspathogenicgenesofearlyseizures.ThemostcommoncausativegeneforRettsyndromeis MECP2 (NM_001110792) which is located atcandidate region on chromosome Xq28; however,recentlysomeothergeneshavebeenidentifiedfor

4thisphenotype. AnumberofmutationsinMECP2havebeenreported indifferentethnicgroupsand

6,7populations. According to various reports, 70%-80% cases of Rett syndrome show mutations inMECP2genewhileothercasesareassociatedwith

8other genes. Depending on the cell type anddevelopment phases in the brain,MECP2 impartsvariableeffectsintheseprocesses.RTTisreflectedtothefailureoffunctionsatdifferentlevels,likegeneregulation and expression, synaptic function andneuronal circuitry, and during developmental

9stages.In the present study, we ascertained aconsanguineous familywith one affected girlwhoshowed classical features of Rett syndrome andmutation screeningofMECP2 genedid not revealanynucleotidevariation.Thusestablishingthebasisofheterogeneityofthisdisorder.

CasePresentationA7-yearoldgirlvisitedthehospital,withahistoryofhyperactive behavior, delayed milestones,

IntroductionRett syndrome (RTT; OMIM 312750) is a rareneurodevelopmentaldisorderwithprevalenceof1

1in15,000infemales. Clinicalfeaturesincludeataxia,lossof speechabilities, seizuresonset, intellectualdisability, severe developmental delay, cognitiveimpairments,breathingandswallowingdifficulties,chewing and teeth grinding issues and sleep

2disorders. Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2)gene isresponsiblefortypicalRTT in95%patients

3andwith different RTT feature in 73.2% patients. OthergeneslikeforkheadboxproteinG1(FOXG1),

RettSyndromewithoutMECP2MutationinaPakistaniGirl1 2 3 4 5RubinaDad ,HumairaAzizSawal ,ArsalanAhmad ,MuhammadIkramUllah ,MuhammadJawadHassan

Correspondence:Dr. Muhammad Jawad HassanAssociate Professor, Biological SciencesNational University of Medical Sciences, RawalpindiE-mail: [email protected]

1Department of Applied BiosciencesAtta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB)National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Islamabad2Armed Forces Institute of PathologyCombined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi3Division of NeurologyShifa International HospitalShifa Tameer e Millat University (STMU), Islamabad4Department of Clinical Laboratory SciencesJouf University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia5NUMS Department of Biological SciencesNational University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi

Life&Science2020Vol.1,No.2 RettSyndromeinPakistaniGirl

Funding Source: NIL; Conflict of Interest: NILReceived: Oct 14, 2019; Revised: Feb 19, 2020Accepted: Mar 02, 2020


Page 2: CASE REPORT Rett Syndrome without MECP2 …...targeted next generation sequence can be helpful to identify the causative mutation in this patient. Key Words: MECP2, Pakistan, Rett

generalizedtonicclonicseizures,(onsetat6-monthage).Her familyhistory showedaconsanguineousrelationship betweenher parents (Fig 1). Shewastreated previously with medication and remainedasymptomatic,followedbya period of relapse. She had remained stable for 2-3 years. Sincepastthreetofouryears,shehadbecomeaggressive.

On recent clinical examination, she was mentallyslowwithpartiallossoffluencyofthelanguageandspeech. She also developed stereotypic handmovements bilaterally. She had disturbance inbreathingwhenawakeandshowedimpairedsleeppattern.Shehadgrowthretardationandwithsmallhands and feet. She was having inappropriatescreamingspells,withintenseeyecommunication.Neurological examination revealed normal cranialnerve functions.Manualmuscular testing showedweakness of limband abnormalmuscle tone.Herdeep tendon ref lexes were normal andsymmetricallypreserved.Herplanterresponsewasequivocal on right side and flexor on left side.Electroencephalogram (EEG) showed frequentgeneralized spikes and wave discharges withmildbackgroundsloppingandCTscanofheadwithchestshowedbi-frontalatrophy (Fig2a,b, c).Urine formucopolysaccharidosiswasnegativeandBenedict'stestforurineglucosewasnegative.Thesetestswereperformed to rule out mucopolysaccharidosis, asthere is symptoms overlap. She was givencarbamazepine 100mg twice a day with calciumsupplements.GenetictestingofMECP2genedidnotidentify any functional nucleotide variationassociatedwiththisphenotype.Fig1:Pedigreerepresentationoffamily.Filledcircle



DiscussionRettsyndromeisarareneurodevelopmentaldiseaseof childhood. It presents with diverse clinicalfeatureslikeabnormalsocialinteractions,seizures,ataxia, microcephaly, speech and swallowingabnormalities,intellectualdisability,delayingrowth

Life&Science2020Vol.1,No.2 RettSyndromeinPakistaniGirl


Page 3: CASE REPORT Rett Syndrome without MECP2 …...targeted next generation sequence can be helpful to identify the causative mutation in this patient. Key Words: MECP2, Pakistan, Rett

and loss of motor movements at later stage of10disease. Mutationsmay be present inMECP2 or

otherrelatedgenesincludingCDKL5, FOXG1,GRIN1andKIF1A.5,11

In the present case,we report a girlwho showedhyperactivesocialbehavior,fitsandseizure,lossofspeech abilities, limb weakness, intellectualdisabilityandgrowthretardation.HerEEGshowedabnormal wave discharge confirming epileptic fitsandCT-scan showedatrophic changes. Supportivediagnosis of Rett syndrome included breathingdifficulties, abnormal EEG and seizures, spasticityandataxia,microcephaly,intellectualdisabilityand

12delayingrowth.Genetic testing in the present case did not findmutation inMECP2 gene althoughmost common

3mutations reported worldwide are in MECP2. Mutations in genes other than MECP2, including CDKL5,FOXG1, arealsoreportedinGRIN1andKIF1A,families with Rett like features due to genetic

5,11heterogeneityofthisdisease.In Pakistan, very few reports with Rett syndromeepilepsy have been described. Although, diversefeatures make differential diagnosis verycomplicated, molecular studies established

13-15mutations inMECP2 and FOXG1 inourcountry. Nextgenerationsequencingisaremarkabletoolforidentificationof causativegenes inheterogeneousdisorderslikeRettsyndrome.

ConclusionThis is the fourth case of Rett syndrome reportedfromPakistanandthiscaseiswithoutMECP2genemutations. In future, other known genes will besequenced to identify the pathogenic variantthroughnextgenerationsequencinginthisgirl.


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Life&Science2020Vol.1,No.2 RettSyndromeinPakistaniGirl