carroll telephone · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear...


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Page 1: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone
Page 2: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone




. " J • ~ ••



JULY, 1924



S. II. \\IA.LlrnR, Pres ident :·v1. \ ,VALl\E<R, 'Prea urer


Cll AS. A. C.\ R'J'\VR1GI 1'1', Secy. and General Mgr.


Delphi Exchange, 111 ~ E. Main St..


Offtce Phone, No. 82 Supply Room Phone, No. 3 Delphi Journal Print.

Page 3: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone



Speak dis tin ctly, ta lk into th e m outh piece. If yo u do not nllow th e sound waves to e nter the mouthpiece, the nce to the transmitter. how can you expect the r eceiving party to hear your conversation ?

Reme mber this: No community ever reall y e nj oyed flrs t-clasl) telephone se rvice unles the T elephone Com pany had the intelli ­gent and hearty co-opera tion of its subl'cribe rs nnd th e publi c.

Speak gently, rem e mber your voice i th e sounding board of

your soul.

Golden Rule-Answer calls promplly as you expect to be ans·

we red.

.Repor t n am es of ha bitua l borrowers o f telep hone service. We w ill see them a bout in tailing telephones for the ir own use.

Li s ten care full y to th e numbe r the Ope rator re pea ts to you, a fte r yo u have giveu yo ur ord er; she may have misunderstood your order.

An swe r you r bell promptl y, a ring means a fr iend ca lling yGu . cio not make hi m wait, fail ulre on you r pa r t lo a nswer a t once may be th e mean o f ca u ing your par ly to ha ng u p the receiver; if ·uch i the ca e th e Operalor has no way o f telling wh o called.

Call b~· r~u muer onl y. Be brie f, but co urteo11 s lo the Operator ·-we req uire th e m to he o lo yo 11 . They hn,·e nu lim e lo conven;~ with you; lhey do not know ub cribers na me ·, t hey deal e ntirely

wi th numbers.

Compl a ints of orvice o f th e ope m li on or you r lele phorHl should be made to th e Troubl e De k.

f<'or a ll changes or r•cmovul " n otify 1l' l'O t1bl • l)osk or· Long Dis­ta nce a nd when leaving t he city, • o a r·ecord can be made and the Operalor will kn ow w hy yo 11 do nol ;ui ,.; we r cn ll s .

Cidl Bookkee per I) -.k for irrformalio n rrgarding telephone

re ntul:" a 11d con I rncl:".

In c'a :-e of lir·e . f'all Cc11lra l, a nd gi \'e di ,.; lin · U~· lhe lo alion of

the Or > arid 1111mlrP 1' 11f ~11111· rn::idr 111·c : IJc ;;11re ·ou a re correclly

undel',.; lnnrl 1rernre ~ 1>11 len ' e lhe te lephone. T he Fire Depart-

ment will Ile 11 oi il1ed.

lf y11111· tl'On lilr 111· 1·11rn pl nin t · nr· no t a.Llended lo promptly

and snl i:'l'adnriJ y. pl1•a-.c l'epo rl lo lh e otlh'e ~1auager, ·o 02.

8 11 b;;cl' ihe1·,.; nl'e ,.,, ... pu11:'ill le fo r· ul l lul l r hal'ge , fo r me . ages

so ul fro m Lhc ir• 1·t':- pt•1· I h·e inst 1· 11 111 c 11 ls an d ~ h o 11 ld re fer all un­

- 011lhoriz l•d per,;;011 ;:; 11> pay slalin11 for ,.;11ch service.

A tlrnrge wi ll he mnd1' fo r 1·e1rni l'i11 g broke n leleph on • cover­

ing arl11 al 1·0:- I of nrnlc•l'i nl a nd lahor.

Do nol exped p ' l'fl' c· I io11 in I lephone ~er,· i ce . Telephones

like people, ha,·e I heir wraJ...n e . C"· The re a 1·e alway-, L111·cc po. rli cs lo a tele phone cull-lhe per

son call i11 g, lhe lelrphone Ope rator a nd lhe per:-::on called- a:l are

huma n, all m11 ,.l n >-ope 1·nle-ro11rtcRy 'vi ii help al l.

U:-e l11 c IJ ir·ed ory- do no l tr· lo r me mber nnmber , do not

g11 eR , look ii 11p.

Do not 11:-e the telephone during o ,.. Lorm.

Hello mean . no thing. Plea e s tale eith er lhe Lele phone num­

ber, the na me of lhe Orm or th e pa rty an · wering. It will save

valuable lime a nd needle ()ue lion by doing o. You will hel p

your e n ·ire. Cu lll't .;y, like \'irl11 e, i it · own reward, bul pays

EXTRA JH \' .IDE~ Din 1·011neclion wilh Lele phone ervice. 'l'RY IT.

P. S. By lhc wa~·, wh c 11 you know tha l a fal e call is due entire­

ly to yo ur care! "s 11:-e o f Lhe wrong numbe r, why not acknow­

ledge it lo the iunoce 11 t by ·tan de r who an ,,·er" th e call ? ·why

leave the Opc r·alur lo . lto1ilder all th e 1.Jl ame.

Page 4: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

:{ :i 37~ 23rl-2 ~{~)~

f '"' 2:1:-1 10:i '1~ '1

27X H~li

1 ~:? 2fl:i a:1 11

CALL 95-When you want to know what the program is for the evening. The Manage­m ent spares noth i ng in secur­ing, for your entertainment, the "PICK 0' THE PIC­TURES"-and GOOD MUSIC.

A .\ 11:- fr ·; wl Cumpa 11 ~·-_____ ()fl if-e ---------- - C:t111rt H o11 e .\ dtl'''"'· .I. \\· .. ____ ___ Ht' '. ----------- 1 :12 \\'. SorLh .\ rtnm'. Br~Te . ____ _____ Il e'. _______ ___ I I I s. \Vi bou .\ ken; , .\ . L .. __________ nl',.. . ___________ xo7 :-\. l lli11o i .\ llC'11. !Jr .. I. II .. ____ ____ n c~. ____ ______ 2 1:i K. l11rl ia11a

.\ mcr·i c·n 11 A u lu T11p Co.,_Olli l'e ____ I 0~>:1 :\. \\' a-,hi11gto11

.\ 11drrw, l~oll l ., _______ _ l l t"·· ____________ 00:1 E. ~fai11

.\ rm~fru11g, J efl'rr:-:011 ___ H r ~. ____________ 10;-, f-'. l 11io11 Arm~ t1·u11 g . ' I'. \\' ., _____ H(•s. __________ 220 K. l 11din11a .\ rno ld, Oro., ___ ___ ____ M t'~ . --------- 'r22 I·:. Fru 11klin .\ rn ulcl, ll ;11·1·y. _______ _ Re,.. __________ 12 1 -:\. I nd iana

.\ rrwl I, ~ f nrli ,.:c > 11. _______ Ht•,... --~------202 F:. • 11 mmitt lki11:-ui1, Frn11 k, - ------H es. _ ________ 2 17 E. F m 11 kli11

. \ ~· r· r:-.. \l or·ri~. __ ___ ___ _ n c:-. __ _________ _ 2:12 S. ll igh

--------------------------·--- -----------------------

32'1 2tW 2 't!l 1ino 4 30- I 30'1



202 11 !Hi-2 312

B Buer , i-:,·r r·e ll, ---- -----R e:-. _________ _ /iUO N. J11 dia11a

Bncr, .lult11 , ___________ He' . - ----- 12 1 :\. \\'t1:-; hi11 glo11 Bark er''!' ~l 11 diu ___ _ ___ ___________ _ I l '1 .'\ . \\·f1;; hi11 gL011

Rn1·11 l' l l1 ~ ' '" • • te 1111ie __ _ lh·--. ___________ 2 10 \ \'. l•' r·o11t

Bri l'lllto rl F f' rlili?.c r Go., __ _______ ____ __________ R11 ra l

Ra11 m , Eclw., ---------- Fl11ri "I --------- I I 17 I~· M ain Barrm. Eclw.

1 ____ ______ n e~ . -------~-- 'r2 I I ~. Fr•t1 1kl i11

Ba11m. ll a r r~-. _ __ ______ n, ..... ___ ________ 12 1 \\'. Fru11 t Ba11111. Hnhf.. _________ _ Feet.I S l11n• __ :? 1:1 ~. \,\ 'n .~ lr i11 gt1111

13ealt'. (it- t •., _______ ____ R t>:- . ___________ :lO!I \\' .~urLll ll l'rrr , .Jo., 111r , ___ _______ H e'. ______ ____ __ 11 ~. E. fi'ruul

Interest Rates Paid on Deposits nn $1.1100 or mon •: on Cl.'t' tlflca te irnl>Ject t o w l t hd 1·R wa 1 o r o n

:H'cou nl Ruhjec t to t· het'k. ro r .., ve n mnn ths. 4 pe r cent.. 011e ~·ear 4 '.i: 11t•r C'c nt. : 1 J epo~l t ed ror one ~-1;n.r, no t s u b jec t t o w llhclrnwal. 5 per c~ nt L ess t h~ n $ 1.000: on cer t ltlcr\le subject lo w lthd r n wa l. o r 011 a ccount ~ ubj,•cl t<> !'hee l<. for even months 3 pe1· c en t .. o ne ~·ear 4 per <'< nL. de1a 1Kl1e<I f <11· " "'' ) 1'111' n o t Kullj .. c l t o wllhcl rn w nl 4 '" pPr <'t'lll. N o Jn t t:-r~s t a r1~r unt> ~ca r u u l(1 HR ''01nrut· t tM r(•newt·~l .

A. T. Bowen & Cet., Bankers

'iil5 Bt•1111l· fl .. ~f r · '. El lert . __ __ Re:-. -----------~ 2x :\. 11io 11 :lr>O Re--1. 1:ha:-. , __ __ ____ ___ Rrs. _________ r; I :i I~ . . M o111·ue

2!">2 Br'-1. .l oh n _____ _____ __ Ht> ,; . ------------ i :J I K ~1ui n

(i8 B i ltl1i11--. Fra1 1I-.. _ _______ Re.;. _________ _ 2 18 -:\. 111d ia11a

'10 FJ Bla1·k . ~ ' ""· Emm a _____ Rei'. ________ 21 :3 Collnge :h e.

1,°Rr> H l~· l l ll' , l•~dw. , _ _________ R s. ---------21H \V. H11 m rni t t

'10 B l ~ the. ~I i~" l. illia11, __ __ Re:-. ____ ___ n2 1 H. \ V a -- hinglon

72 Blythe & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking ___ E.Main 57 Rlid.i' nslalf, l lr'. E:. K ___ Denli~t ------Sla le B n 11 k B ldg .

3 8rl-:3 Ali1·k t1 11 sl a lr. I Jr·. K K ___ ReA. ----------------- Rural

206 Bogan & Jaques Co. _____________ 220 West Main 11 1 11 A1111rn•ll. :-\. t:. , _____ ___ _ R e1'. ___ :._ ___ ____ 300 Vv. ~fain

:3 15- 11 B111ilh r·o~·d , AlfrcJ , _ ____ R e~ . - ----- -----~2't . . ll l i no is 11/i!J R11 11ll1 ro~cl. t• r·•d, ______ Res. _____ ___ __ :;J:; ~. Jndia11a



Jli f)

80 2,

Jlt 0 2311- 11

11 /1 q ;3 "/1 :1

112 HHi 178 2:10 I 2:l 3 1

Bo\\ (' 11, Ahll CI', _______ _ Res. ------ - --52'1 E. Fra11klin

Buwr11 , A. 'J'. & Co., ----Bank ----------- -i25 E. Mahi Bu" en. E. \V., __ ___ ___ R es. ----------- - - '0111 h Side Buwt' n. ~fr;;. ':\. \ V., ____ R es. ____________ 4 011 K M ain

Boyd &. J 11lien, ___ ______ Attorn eys ______ __ _ Gro Bldg.

Bu~ d, L. IJ. , ___________ Re . ----------v2J E. M onroe

Brarken ridge, \\'. T. ___ _ R es. _______ ____ _ 3 12 E. ~fain

Rrad~hnw. \\' . 11. , _____ _ Re . ______ 2 12 1'\. \Va!'hing lon Rragr1 11i e1·. \V. I I., ______ R e, . _________ __ 4 J 5 W. li'rn11t B rag11 11iCI', \\ '. ll ., ______ Plumbi11g ho p __ 11 S. M a1·ket R1· 'i11i11 g, :\Jr-.. \V. A., ___ R e- . __________ 2J 0 . . I ndiana Br·ew Pr'. A. II. , --------- hoe lore ___ ___ 10 \V. M ain Rrew <' t', A . ll. , __ _______ Re . ____________ /107 W. M nin

Brewer', Har 1·y '., ______ Re - ----- - -- --'101 vV. Pront Bri11ry, C111'l, __________ Re ______ 4 02 N. \Va. hinglon B1· i11 C ~', M arion , ________ !Re _________ I 3 1 E. 8 11mmi U

Page 5: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone


JO J-2 117 (I 1100- L 20~

107 Hi!"l - 3



Office 391---PHONES---Residence 179

lkrrncll if·k. Fra 11 k, ______ H r:-:. ---------- '10't J\. l11 J i;111 u lfrooke. Fra11k. _______ _ Rr:<. ----------------- ll11 1·al Bl'O\Yll , "\V m .. _________ HC ". ____________ I I (l E. F ro11l B11tha 11 n11 , A. (i .. _______ Re:-. ___________ I 12 \\' . ~orlh B11 l'klry. Chn :-:., _______ Re>'. ---------207 Collage Ave. B11rr, \Ir·~ . • Jo lr11 LI ., ____ R e:-: . ___________ I l :i \V. l•' r orr l B1 1lle1·. i\ifr . . fi l c• ll n. _____ Re:< . _________ 203 ~~ \V. l•'ron l


r ------------------------------------------------------

c ao l C:1r11 e~' , 111·. C. K . ______ Ull it·c· __________ !\. of' µ , Bldg.

77 (~a rn ~y. J)1·. t:. E .. ____ __ Ftr~ . ___________ 42!~ \ ·\ ' . Frou t 80 C:ul'llry,. 11 1· . • Jo h11 , ______ 0 11 11·<· __ ____ 2 1 (i. '. \\"11:-h i11glo11 80 Car11 c~·. !Jr .. loh 11 , _ ____ _ He:-. ____ ______ ;) l (i E. ~1 0 111·00

00 Cnr·rol l C1111 11 l~ l.ttll ll ~ 'l' rn,.. 1 1:11., B<111k . ____ I l I K i\ lain

452 Carroll Co. Lumber & C:>al Co. __ Wabash & Monroe 02 Cnrroll T l' lr pl11111 (• C:11 .. Bto 11 l\t• ••p t•1· ll t':-k . I J 1 11:! K !\l ai11 fl2 C<1 r1' u il ' l1e l<' ph1 111 C' Co. , ~l a ·111" t·1·',. ( IJl kl' . __ I I I ~:! K Mai n

:\ C:nl'ro ll ' r c lt•p h<lll<' r.o .. _ _ S 11ppl ~· H11u111 __ I I ~ P. . F rn 11 klin :J Car roll •r c·le ph o 11 <' Co .. ___ W irr Clri l'f l1C' :1 k. J J J Y:i i-;. Mnin

118 Cn rlwright, Cha ., ______ Res. ______________ So11 lh ide H>7 Ca1·tw 1 · i ~h l , ~Ir·:-:. ( iro .. __ Re:;. __ __________ I I :~ \\ ' . .'\ o l'l,h 102 Ca l'l w ri g h l, .loh11 IL. ___ fRe:-:. __________ 10 :{ \. J11 d in11a :11:1 Chapmon, Mri'. ' 1.e ll a, __ R e . __________ 610 K Mo nroe :rn I Ch nrle .. An ro 11 . ___ __ ___ He,.:. __________ <10 I N. l 11rlia111\ 117 1 l:h i:;:-om. Cl o11d P. ____ __ Jl p, , __________ _ :1112 :'\. l11 di u11a


WELCOME TO USE OUR PHONE W e have Lhe onl y public prival e phone boolh i n Lhe c i ty. W e

invi te you to use I h i s booth when phoning. Safely Oeposl t Boxes ror r ent. Be!:lt s cu r ed In t he county.


IJ7 -~l7

117 R2 ;'">I


Cily Clt•1·h. ~ ' l'1·t·a,1 11·t·1· _ ________ ________ 107 8. l l11ion

Cit~· Firl' lh'('al'l ll1P11L- - - --- ------------- 107 8. Un ion Cit~· ~l n1·,lra l ___ ________ _______________ 107 S. l111io11 t: i ly ~l a~ 111 · ______ ____ _ Dll il'f' _ _______ _____ Re'l Bldg.

Cil~ · \\' :111•1· \\'111·1,, ____ _____________ ____ 8011 l h lf11 io 11

0 1 Cili :1.c1 11 ',. .\a l i1111n l H;i 11 k ________ ____ 12:; '. \V11:-: hi11 glon

14 The Delphi Citizen, Printing Office ______ [. Franklin 2:n-'1 :Hill

:mo !\/17 1, I :l 2 00 117 tl 1, I ;;

124 7 :J

2;)7 1188- I 27{) ::\:1 1 11 2 1'i fl /102 270 I :10 70 70

Clark (• .. l t•'l'Jlh .\ .. _____ ll t• :-. ____ _____ 22 1 K F n111kl i11

CLn11 :-e' 1'. ll r .. \ . !:. , _ _. ___ _ ( llli1 ·1· ------ --- I J (i 1 :i E. ~l ai11 Cl a 11 ,..<· 1·, IJI' . . \ . t: . ____ __ 11 t•:-:. ____ _____ __ 22i1 \\'. No1·lh Cla11 :-c1 1· t:111tl C11 ., _ _____ () fl i1· t• ___ _____ 2 1 '1 \\'. F r;111k li11 Cli11 1:--l·r. ll 11 .. _________ n 1•,.:. _________ 022 ~~. ~l11 11rne

Cla\,·:o:l111. 0 ri n, ----- ---RI:':<. _______ __ __ _ 2 I ;) :\. II ig h l:l n\\'>' 1111 , \ ' 1·1·111·. ____ ___ n{' :-. ___________ 2011 ~ . ~1n rke l

CliffOl'd .. \ 111li1·0..:r . ~----~ t' "'· ____ _____ 't{l!l \ \' . ~1o111·oe

Clifford's Grocery ____ _________ lOl W. Franklin CliITc11·1I. .I . II .. ___ _____ _ Il e•'. ______ :-1 0 I \. \\"u:-: h i11 glo11 c1 ~· 1H·. ' I' .. 1. , ________ __ n t•,... ____ ____ _ 1, 1\1 F: . Fr11 11 kl i 11 t:ori l ..:. Rtild .. _______ ___ l·h•,... _______ __ I 10 E. 8 11 n1mit. t Col ill:' Bl'll ,; .. ____ ______ Oll i1·c· ____ I o:-) 11..! 8 . \V 11ro.:h i11 g lon Coltl t>, R. K. ______ __ __ Re:-. __________ _ I I n W . 1-'1·011l Got'l11·n11c, ~I r:-:. I. ~. ____ fl l' '" ____ ______ ::10:1 F:. ~ l u111·oe

Cogh la n. ~fr:- . 1-:. l\ l., _ _ _ _ He:-. __ ______ __ __ 2 1 f> S. l l11 iu11 Cuh·i11 . T. \ V., ___ ______ He·'. ______ _____ I I 0 S. ~l : 11 ·k l.) l

Go 11 du11 , ' l' intul hy. ______ Re,.: . __ ___ _____ :;n 11 E. ~1 111 11·00

Co 1111 , nu hl. _______ ____ M:lt'h i11 r Hl1t1p. -- ~· \ Va :-: hi 11 g to11 Cu rn-Yay, 111·. P . \ V., ____ Ollit ·t• _ ______ Odd l•'f:' ll ow Bldg. t:o11way, IJI'. I' . 'W., ____ Re'. ____________ I 07 P.. North

Page 6: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

Crone & Shelly - DEALERS IN-

Fresh and Salted Meats Phone 162. DELPHI, IND.


2'1 :l I 0 '1- I 2 ~

2'i2- I

O!l no I:!

a10 II I

3!1 1 17!)

28 't 2:n-:~

H!l !J :! 25

215 3 0 :3 :-l2<H :mo 11 !)

:rn8 187

16 l Oli

:3 l l 420

CtH ltlll' Y •. \J r:-: .. la me,; II . lh,,. , ______ :!0 11 .\ . \\'u,. hi11 g ln1i Co1'(' llt'n11, .\II'>'. \\'m. , ___ H e,.. -------------728 .\1 ill St. Ct11·11 ,., \\· 111., _ ________ _ ll r ... _____ _______ 2 12 K .\1 ai 11 Cu 111'1 11e~. Edw., _______ Ht>". --------------- - - R ui:a l

CO ~'I'Y < ll·' F lt :Es t :111111 l ~ :\ge11 t _________________________ t:u11 1·L 11 0 11 -;e

Cu1111 l~ Sh ' r iff --- ---------------------t:o11rl ll u11"e Co 1111ty She l'i lf _____ ___ He,.; . __________ _ :~()(; v\". Mai n t:o 1111t ~· S111·,·cyu r __ ___ __________________ Co11 1·L l1 011se .l 11cll!'e' ,. l~ h n.nilJer _ _________________ ____ C1>11 1·L l1 011se

Cow'tli 11 , \V. L., ________ Plumbing Shop , 115 \V. l<' 1·11.11 klin Cuwdi11 , \V. (, , , ______ __ He:;. _______ ___ __ :313 W. Main Cox, .\! rs. Ca 1·1·i e, ____ __ R es. _________ ;-,03 E. 1"rn11kli 1t Cox, l~dga r L. , ________ H e,.;. ---------2 L1 K l•'ranklin Crnmplo11 , UI'. C. C., ____ Ofl kc ____ I I ;)~~ ' . \Va. hi11 glu 11 l :1·;rn1plu11, D1·. C. C., ____ H e ···----------2 18 K Mon 1·oe t:n1wfo1·d Bros. , _ ______ Groct•ry ____ 107 , . \Vas h ingtn11 Crnwl'ord Bro"., ______ __ R e . . ------------ 1 :3/i E. ~ol'lh

Crawford, Bru ce, ______ R e . - ----------- " J :3 E. l\'lain Cl'i)lt'. Cha:-1., __________ tRe · . ________ _ 2 17 Co llage A,·e. Cru11e, ll e nl'y, ______ ___ Grocer ---------L OO E . .\1 a in Cl' O l l(', ll e n r ·, __ _______ Res . ------ "20 Pl'ill l'e v\.i ll ia m C1·11111.\ II. .\-1. ( 811lt h er ) _H e~ . ____ __ :3 1:J ~. \\ as hi11 glo11 l:rn11 e. R ub l. , __ ________ Re~. ------------ i16 E . .\l ain

Crone & Shelley, Meat Market_ ______ l 12 E. Main Cro;.h~·. E. A ., _________ ll ole l ______ 11 L ~ . V\"a8 hi11 g lo n Culp, A. C. , ____ _______ Re~ . - ----------21Hl W . F rnnL C11lp, \Y m., __________ _ Re:-. ________ __ 5 1 ~ .\. Jn diaua


.. I

160 :mo 20 ! 1108- l 2fi6 11 I (i 10(1

1:1x :~2 1

:I 't 11-2 :\2:' 220 374

86 11 ;{

218 I (i:1


!Hl8 280-'t 1108-2 :1:rn-:{ 2 10 2~~\)

1, '15 2 !0'1-2 In:~

11 ~ fl-2 I :}2-:1 !'.lfl5-2 ~H15-:l I :\!I


IJ11mc . .\I r:- . K JT ,, _ _____ La u11dry -------2 10 Vv. \ Va le r !Jame k c Cre um Pnrlor _______ __ ___ _____ ,11 'i 8 . .\l n1·k.c L fJash er . .\fr.;,.; S11~ie. ____ R e::-. _________ 2 1 !! 1 ~ .__·. 111di a11 a ll:"·ie:-, .\t 1·s .. \ lite• C., ___ He:-. _______ 20;) 1:! \\ . F1·:111 k.l i11 l!n\' ic•:- O il Co .. _________ Oflire ________ \ , \\' u:-h i11glo11 l>a,·i:-. Fu1·1·l•,. 1. ________ H e~. -----------• 02 .\. 11i c111 l l;i\'i:-. \\' 111 .. _____ __ ___ He•,.. ________ ___ :11:-1 \\ '. l"l'll 11 l

l ll' l'I' t:l'l'Pk ll:ti1 · ~ ______ ,.., ------------Coll i!"'(' .\ \ t' ,

l ll•rle 1'. .\ I. II .. _ __ ______ H1•:-. ---- ----'1:2:l \\ '. l-'t'f111kli 11

I IC In 1 tt· ~· . .\ 11 d n•w. - ----He:-. - ---------- 112

11 .\. ll 11 it>n

l l 1' l:t111·~ .. l11lt11. _ _______ Ill·'· --------- ~)tl2 \\ '. Frn 11 k li11 Url(lll£' . . 1:11 11 1' ' .\ .. __ ____ Il e:-:. ----------~1 !1 E. .\lo11 1'1)e IJ rlph i B ;illl'I'~ !-\ lnl i1111 _______ ___ _____ 207 \\·. F' rn 11kl i11 Delphi Garag·~, H inkle & Ayres, Prop., 118-22 E. Franklin Delphi Ice Coal & Suppl yCo., ______ ____ ____ N, W ilson l!t'lphi L1111il11•1· (:11 .. ____ _________ I J 1) I .\. \\'a ,hi 11g lo11 Delphi State Bank ____ ____ __ Cor. Wash in~·ton and M ain ll l'lphi \\'ag1111 \\'11l'k ' __ flflln• __ ____ :l I :l !-\. \\' a:-:hi11 g lu11 l!elphi \\'n111I \\"t11·k i11;.r t:1 > .. --------'1ll2 .". \\'u,. hinfd tlll llel'll. !-\ilas. _ _ ___ ______ n t''· __ _ __ _ ___ _ :{In .\. l 11 di111 m l> i!'k i,1111, .I. B .. ________ Il e·'· ___ _______ I OR S. \\":d1a ,.h 1Ji1·ki11:-u11 . .I . C .. ___ __ __ l1t•:-. ___________ 12 1 .\ . .\l ttl'kel Uimmill, fl o,,., ___ _____ Hl':-. _ ___ ____ 2 18 \\'. F1·a 11 k li111o Dn1·k, C: ha ,. ., __________ ll t•'. ___ "'.., ___ 82'1 S. \\· a ~hi11glo11 lh111l1t•1·k. l·'.d\\'., __ _____ ll t•'. _________ 10 1;'.") 8. ~l onr o Uo11l1N' k, Fl't'd . _ ____ ___ n (':<. ____ __ _____ 7 Ill :\. Ll11iu11 l lu 1·t•111 11,., F 1'n11k , ______ He:-. _____ __ __ ___ 1302 R. Mui11 l lu\.\'t:' , Huy. ___ __ __ __ __ H es. __ _______ ___ !"\:l2 i\. l111io 11 n c1w 11h a11 1, Roy, ________ R es. - ---------------- H 11 rnl l)n\\' 11 ,.. Ed\\'., _________ H e .. _________ _ 307 \. J11 ui u11 <\ lJo\Yll:-< . .\1 1·:-. 1-' r lel', ____ R e ·. ------------ P twkel r\ \' r. Drape1·. (i L' 11 ., _______ _ __ R e . ---- ------------- H111·al ll l'rir11,. , .\11·::; . S(lp hi n. ___ !Rel'. ____ ___ ___ 1,22 K .\-l t111 1·11e


E :27>\J l':IJli i1q;l 11111 ,., II . T .. _____ R e ____ ___ ____ 32 \Y. or·Lh I I 0 l~('k h al'I . 11 . L . .\l11tu1· Co.,----------- ------ 122 . E. Main 186 Ecklrnl'I. Hubl. L .. ____ . __ R e . ___________ 108 vV. Front 55 Eik e 1 1ii l' l'I'~· •. J. I\ ., Pa,.1u1· l3 l'e lh re 11 Cl111rc h _012 ~ .,lT 11 io11

::1:rn Eledl'ie ~hup __ __________________ 200 S. \Vn:-h111glon 2 1 i E lle:::-: , 11. 1"., _________ _ B e:-. ___ _________ _ F>27 l:i. l\t a in

Page 7: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone


The Durant and Star Cars(. Sales Agency .


ENGLE'S GAIAGE Phones: Garage 15 Residense 360

Delphi, Indiana

27 Ell e 6' Orr __________ llr11ggii-L;: _______ I 12 \ V. ~1ai11

38:3 Ell is, Roy, _______ _____ Re:;. _________ __ I 02 Lara~· etlo

J 02 l~m bree, K W., ________ Gorringe Hhnp __ 12:3 K l•'nt11 kli11 3 l Emrit:k, J . B. , _________ Re,.. _________ :3 13 E. :\1ou roe i !lO Emrick, Jul111, _________ R e;:. ----------~ J O E. :\lonroe 132- l Engle, Fred, _______ ___ Re -. __________ 'tJO :\.I ndiana 300 Rn.,.l e, James, _________ Re,;. ____ ____ 1 16 \\". S ummitt 37fl l~n gl , R11 ~.'c ll , ________ Re:;. ________ J 15 \ V. '11 m milt

15 Engle's Garage _________ Corner Market and Main 24 . Enl'i 11 ger, Ruy, ________ Res. ____________ 3 10 :-./.Union

/ Ja~/ :;~· }1~·)1: · ______ Res. -----------1 13 N. Un ion


F 197-3 Fea ther., Wm., ________ Re . . ___________ 51)2 ~. Union 453-3 Fe rling, Fred, ________ He . . ________ J:31 \ V. 11 mmiLt 2 0-3 Fer rier, Edw., ________ _ Re,.. __________ 101 , . ·wabash 320-2 I;'e rri er, Mis:) Myr li e, ___ Re ·. __ _________ 12'3 Robi nson 31 -'• F i fe, Shern1an, ________ Res.------------709 N. U nion

97 F' i re DeparlmenL ---------- ------------ - 107 S. Unio n 2 7 Flora, Frank, Lunch and Billial'cl Roo m, J 17 \ V. F'ranklin 199 Pru ,.ho111·, 1<'runk, ______ R ,:;. _______ 203 ~~ \ V. Frankli n



Page 8: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

G ~Hi Gardner, .I. M ., ________ Re . ---------41 8 Y2 W. Main 00 Gardner, Mrs. Retla, ___ Res. - - ----------2 18 N. Ohio

-486- l Gardner, Hoy, _________ Re;:. ----------30 N. Jndian11 108 Gardne r, , V. H., ____ ___ Res. __ ______ __ 221 X. Indiana

300 422 "370 200

2c;a :rn


204 22 1

r; I 488-2 2 110 2~3

Id 47n 1, 08-!1 li33-1

17 3:rn.2 ~177

202 1;; 1

Gnrrnrd, Percy, ________ Re:::. -----------'•04 "\V. Main Gny, LVl r . Geo. , ____ ____ Res. -----:-------303 ,V. ~1ain Gee. 0 , C'ar, ________ ___ Re.;;. __________ 021 E. Monroe

Oc nrirh, Chas., ________ Re . -----------700 N. U11ion Gerard , K L., _________ n es. -------~LON, \\'n:;hington

Gi 11 g ri1·h & Cu., G1·ocery and l\Jenl .\larket __ 120 W. Main Gi1111, l~lm e 1· , _______ ___ H es. ----Cur. Mo.l'ket & Monroe Goff, Jame. A. , ________ Re . __________ f1 10 E. l\l onroe

Good, lt enry J >. , ________ Res. -~----------2 1 7 N. Ohio Gcwhf'110111·

1 Dr. ''"· \V,, __ tie 11 t ist __________ 20/i E. l\ l ain

Goche11011 r, lJr. \\·. \\'., __ Re~. _________ 101 E. Summitt G1·u11lhnm, L c\\'is, ______ n e:::. ---------~23 K Frankl i n Great \Vc:;l e rn Cu1111i11g Co., ------ I l lO N. \ Yu·:l1i11glon G1·er11 walt, Mr;:. Bnr!Jar a, ncs. _________ 2 12 E. Franklin Gregg, G . .\ 1. , __________ Hes. _________ J 06 \\' .• 11mmitL Orillilh, i\Ji::; ~~va, _____ Re ·. __________ 115 N. i\JarkeL Griflilh, Fred , _________ Res. ________ 2 1 '• \\'. Summitt Griffilh, i\ l i:;s Lat11·a, ____ Re~ . _________ 1 J2 V2 \ V. Main Grill ll h, \\'m ., _________ Re,-. ____________ 20/i E. North G1·imm, Atl am, _______ _ R e:- . ___________ /ill \ V. Front Gri mm, E. . , _________ Res. ____________ 42 L E. l ain

Cli'imm. Lore11z, ______ _ Re~ . - --------------- E. M ain

73 Grimm & Sons, Furniture & Undertaking ___ ..: __ _ ___________________________ Market and Main

3'16 Gru:::. Cha ., __________ Re~ . __ ________ I 14 N. I ndiana 2!13 Oro:;, vVm., ___________ Res. ____________ 223 E. l\ l ain 33(i •ll ::-la,·el, .\Jr" . Ch us., ___ Re . __________ 200 N. Marke l




Page 9: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

Stop and Think Fire takes $500,000,000 toll yearly. Think of the years of loll

and sa\'lng It takes to get a home and you can lose It lu fifteen minutes when fire takes its toll. Isn't it worth protecting In every possible way?

Service will protect you--All old line companies

Huntsinger' s Insurance Agency East Side Square DELPHI, IND. Phone No. 209


2 18


322 . () 1127


2nn 38!'J- f

f 211:; 1, 00- f 3 15-2 300 1/18

11f2 :\~ !)

2!'J f 4:-l 2-:~

180 -:~

" 3 1j- !t :n 11

Hl2 f 1, 7 2'17

H Hall's Meat Market_ ____________ l 17 E. Franklin JJ nll, Geo., - -----------Re::;. __ _________ :3 f I} W. M ain

ll nll. 1111 A., ----------R P". __________ :WO R Monroe

ll a niil l on (iron•1·y ____ __ _______ _______ I 02 s. Connell

II n nrl i Iii·~. .I uh 11 , ------- n l''· _ _ _ _ _______ UH \V . .. , !'Oil t

ll amlinp-.. John. _______ _ P1111 I R110111------- 12 '1 8. M ain

ll anna ~ l lnll _____ ___ _ .\lf111 '1ll' Y" __ 1:i t i :1.r 11 ,.; Bnnk Bldg.

lf a1111 a, J ohn 1,., ____ ___ Be,.. . ___ ________ 202 !':. \ orlh

ll nnna, J1>,.;cph, ____ ___ n r,.. . _________ 1; I o K l•' rn11 kli11

I l nl'IPy, Gell. , ____ ___ ___ He.-. ___ __ ______ 12 1 \. Union

ll nl'ri ,:, L. tl., _______ __ _ Ht'' . ___________ :l 1:l \.Union

ll o1·1· i ,.; t111. \\' m ., __ __ ____ H r.;. ----------------- R11 ral 11 11 11 ;.th Cu1l f r.n ., ____ ___ ( l fli r l' _______ ___ _ 2 1 ll \V. Main ll n 11 gh, .\I r ,:. Har1·y, __ __ Rt•'. ____ __ _____ 20!1 \\ '. l•'rn11L

lf a11 g h . .\11·,.; . .\I .. _ _____ Re-:. -----------'1I 0 \ . Ylai11 H a ·ne. , 8 111·11 :-: id c. __ ___ Re,.;. _____ ____ 52:> \\'. H11mmiLt

If Prl eng, Bel'lli c. _____ __ Re.- . ----------------- R11l'al ll Pl' l e11 :• Br·o :-: . , ________ H11ke1·y ---------- ff 1 E. M ain ll e fl c 11 g, Lf' o. _________ nl'"· --------- '12!1 \ \/. F'rnnklin Hdl t• 11 g, \\' 111 .. _ _____ _ _ H1' ' . ___________ ll Hi :\.Union

If p fner . .\fol'f . --------- R f',... ______ _ _____ 2:~ 0 ~. Ohio Hl' mmel'li11 7 . .\1i :-:,.; .\l a1·~·, _R t':<. __________ li f ll \. I ndiana ll e11d 1·il'k ,:on, Ben. ___ __ Re.-. _________ :321) \ V. 8 11mmilt

ll e11d1·i r k ,.;c)ll , Cli n:-:., ____ Rf':-: . ----------------- Ru ral Hinkle & A y re , __ _____ Gal'age ____ J f -22 \\/. lcr anklin ll i 11 kl ~, ~ I r ::.· O l'l, ______ Re,.; . _____ ______ 11 2 8. Illin ois

H oo~ i e r Cl11 h - ------- - -- ------ ----- - ------W. Mai11 ll uover·, Or. C., _ _______ Re:-. ----------'• I :; E. l•' 1·a11kl i n




54 272

52 fi2

:i J 8-3 180- 1 235-3 3 (; 1 nn J(I!)


Jloo,·er, Or. 0., ______ __ Veter in arian - - ----E. f'rank.lirl

Hoshaw Barber Shop _________ l 15 S. Washington H oshaw, H ar\'e, __ __ __ _ Res. - - - - -------306 N. Un ion H o t pot Ga ·01i11e Co. , __ Fi lli11g Sta ti011 , __ 102 . M ark et ll oL Spo t Cia!'ol ine Co., __ \Varc ho11~c -- - ----\ V . .Monroe H o11k, Adolph, ____ ___ __ R e::. ____ __ _____ 6 15 N. n iOl't

!l ow . ~ I r:- . i\ J ,, _______ Rc". ---------- - 2 11 \ V. ~orlh ll11 liliard, Gra11\'ill •. ____ He ·. ________ :HJ8 \V. 11 mmi tt Hug hes, Earl , ____ _____ Re:-:. __________ 222 :\ . I11 di

ll 11nl er , Jlr'. C. \\'., ____ _ R ' "·------- ---- f 10 \V. F'ro11L H1111f er· & Hunter· ______ Chiropr·aC'lo rs, Odd Fe ll o\Y~ Bldg. 1l1111t:-: i11ge1:, . ll e11, ____ _ R t>~. ________ ____ 1, f f) \ V M ain


- -----------------------------------------------------I

.li 7 l nd iarrn Bu1Jrd 6.: F i l ler Co., __________ _______ __ ll ural

f 11 ~ .l 11 l c1·11rba11 .·talion.------------------- 8 . \\'A,: hi11 g l o11 2 f /1 h·e;., .\ I r'"· i en .. _______ Ill'".----------- 12r, \\'. Xorth :1 0 he~ . .\I r !' . . l, 1' .. ________ Rp.;, ---- - - - --- ff 'i 0 . .\IClrkeL 2n I h ·e:-: , .\I~ r 11 11 . __________ Ill''· ___ ___ ____ fi 10 P. . .\Inn roe


~\2 0-:l

I :~ !) ()

n 1 ' 7

:rn:>-2 173 17 1

2:12 f :1 '1

2 0 7

22 I :12-2 O f 7 11

J .l n1·k ;.t111. B . B ., __ __ ____ R e . _____ _____ __ 1 I '16 K \ lain J ail ______________ ___________ _______ 30(1 vV. .\I Ai II .Jnkr-. . .\fo.~ .\l ahc l. _____ R es. __________ __ I I G 8. ~nr lh

.l oh11 :-:u 11 . ~;a rl. ________ R e" _______ . ___ QJG \ . l 11tlia11a Jo h11 H111, li;d\\·., ________ Re . . ------------7~~ R. M ain Jo h11 H 111 , Gu!-, _________ R e • . ----------- - ----- R11ral .l o h11 ,..0 11 . .\ I r ;.. ll enry .\l. , _ R l'~. ___ ______ 1 22 1 ~ \\' . .\Ja in .John :-:0 11 . ~ I i:-:- i\uomi, __ R e . . ____________ 30 f X . U 11i o11 .Jo 11 e!'. Oa11 . ___________ R es. ------ ---- - - --\\' . .:.\ l ar kct Jord on, Roy. ____ ______ R e . . ___ _______ 00 11 K ,:\ l u11 roc

J or don & \ \ ' i lber· CloLhing .:tor e ____ 10 1 S. \ Y a:- hi11 gto11

Journal Printing Office __________ 205 W. Franklin· J11l ie11 .' Fl o~· d . _________ R e . _____ _____ 42 1 i\ . J111Jiu11a· .J 11lie11. Geo. \\· .. ______ _ R es. __________ :~ I ::.i E. l ~ r n11k li 11 "

.l 1rl i 11 ". C:. 0., _____ ____ Clolh i 11 g ,' l ore. __ 1uv ~. \ V n h. ·

Page 10: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

107 .J1il i11 · , C. 0., __________ R e- . ___________ 2112 \V. orth . 8~ J11l i 11 s, Mr,; . ~I. , _______ R e:-:. ___________ J Iii VI. ror•Lh



'177 20 1-2 10 I - L

12 2

32 (}/1

112 1 f!)



K l\ cc11 , D. L., __________ Res. -r---------02 L l'i. Union l\cever, ~Ji :-; Sadie, ____ Re,;. ___ _____ .!_2 1 r; E. M onroe

J\ empf, Pel er·. ---------Re,;. --------------.- --Well s 1\.erli11 , C. M., _________ Re,;. ------------~22 W. Main J<erlin Elevalor -------------------------- H amilton l\ crlin , John , __________ Re,;. ____________ 227 N. Oh io J<imbcl'lin , R. ., J.> a,;lo r ~I. E. t:hJ11•1·h, ___ I 18 N. Union l<irkpatrirk, Carl~• l e C., __ H e,:. _________ HI (l E. M adi on l \il'kpatrir·k , ~J r,;. E. E. , __ Rl''· __________ 11 l fl -:-\.Wil son l\ile, Grover'. ________ R1'"· ___ ___ ___ :l 12 K F'ranklin I\. M P. Jl all , __________________ Cnr'. ~l n 1·kr t n11d M ain



:128 :rn

1 ~ I

2i1 "811-:J ~n 0 -2

2 1 J :302 30:l- J

3 /i 2(1(1 :l5:J /1!~8

21) '173 Hl7 '133 207

L Lamh, Miss A11n a, _____ H e,;. ______ 1, 1 ~ ~- \ Vash i11 g l o 11 Lan di~, Noah, _________ Re,.;. __________ :108 \ V. 'orth Landis & Q1ri1·k , ___ ___ Clothin g- Hltll'1' ____ I 1)2 R. M ain Lnne, Be1·l , ___________ H e,;. - -----------'120 V.1. Mnin La11lz, M1·s. Lucy, ______ R es. ___ ________ :1 17 ~- M arket Lnrnnder, ll nrry l"., ____ Re,.: . _________ 2 11 \ . Praoklin Legal Loan Co., ___ ____ _ Ollke ______ 11 :> 1;2 \V. Pra11klin Lehn ert, Chas., _____ ___ Re:::. ___ ______ I 18 \\ . M onroe Leopold, F.l'tlesl , _______ R e~. ----------------- Rural Lesh, \V. 11., ----------Hes. ________ ___ lJ 27 E. Main Lrs l ie. \\'al l e1'. ____ __ __ Re·. __________ _ ()ll'i :'\. Union Lewis, J . 1', __________ _ Re;;. ________ ____ 112:> ~1 aso 11 ic

Lewis, Quinn, _________ Re,.:. -----··--- 12 L \\ . 811mmiLt L ibrary, P11blir, ----------- -------------222 F.. M ain Lister, ~fr . . E .. I ., ______ Re,;, _________ 200 8. fi'ranklin Litwiler, E. C., _________ n e,;. ____ _____ __ 1202 E. M ain Love, Robt , __________ H e,.;. ------------12:1 E. M ain Loy, Qeo. c. Roofing Co., ________ Cor. Madison &:. Union \


207 L uy, Oen. C., __________ R e . . -----------320 N. Union I Q I l,111•11,., \\"i l:,on 8., ______ R es. __________ :)!)I R. :\I O!ll'OC

~~ 2n L~·on . F1·a11k A. , _______ Re:-'.------------ ·I 2 J :--1 I~. ~f ain 22? Lynn, Gen. P., _________ Res. -----------"I '1 \V. F l'on t

20 L ·011. C. R, ___________ l l nrdwnre _______ I I 0 \V, :\1 ain

-------------------------- ---------------------------


Mc 02 ~fr Cuin & Rowen ______ omce _______ $lale Bank Bldg.

1i1):3 J\frCoin , C. N., _________ Res. ---------- ------- R11 1·a.l 151) l\frCnin, ~dw., ___ ______ R es. ------------\V. Ji'rnnk l in 220 .\It-Cai n, J. Reid, ___ ____ Re,;. ------------321 R. Main 20!) :\1rt.:ai11, ::vlrs. La11 ra, ___ Re:-:.--------- ~02 K F'ru11kli11

20 ~ ll'Ca i11, l. 11lhcr, _______ J ewcl 1·~· .' tor e ____ \V. F'rank l in 25.' ~kCnin, l.1rt hcl', _______ n c:-;. -----------228 ~ .lligh I ::l:{ ~rc C01·mi1• k , .l oh11 ______ R es. _________ 3 J O E: Franklin 07 .\1'-Corn1i(·k, 'r hnma,.;, ___ n e:;. _____ 20 y2 • \ Va hingl on

227 .\l 1·C11lley, \\' m., ______ _Re . ----------- '102 E. :\Journe I 112 ~l r.Uo11n ld, IJnn, _______ R e,;. __________ J 11 S. \Vo ha. h

153 McFarland, C. C., Quali'ty Grocery_ll9 W. Franklin 2:H-2 .\lt-Fnrla11c, :\l i,;s •. . J. , ___ R e . ____________ 3 1 (} E. :\lain 40 L ~frGrceve~· , .lohn A., ___ Res. ____________ 2 J 5 :'\.Union 3!>/i lVl r l.1 11· a~ , .\l i:-;~ J o,.: 1 ph i11 e, Re . . ____________ !)01 E. M ain



l18tl-2 311:1 fi!}6 283 17/i 158 20:1

18 3i 2 27 ·1 500

M M abbiLl, M1·s. Jam e. , ___ Re . _______ __ J23 \ V. M adi. on

M agn-ert, 1.etha , - - ------~1i l lin ery -------- \ V. Franklin Mahanna, Wm., -------Res. _______ 5 J3 ·. \ Va hington :\1ahon e ~" \Vm., - ------Re . . __________ 413 W. :\1onroe :\ll alia, Tom, __________ Re . . -----------" t 6 N. Union .\1argowsk~, \V. S., _____ Druggist ---1 03 S. \i\fa ~hinglo n M arn-owsk1, \V. ., _____ Re ·. ----------222 E. :\1onroe :\1arlin, Pred C., ______ _ R e . ----------5 Lo E. M onroe ~fart in, Lewi , ________ R e . ------------2 t O E. l\orth M arlin , Reo, Pa. lor Presby terian Ch1m·h ____ 21 ::> R. M ain M a ooir 'l'emple ------ - -----------2 15 S. Washington

Page 11: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

:133 2 12 :!117 -1. 3 15-3 3 35 470 1, LO 1'l8 11 I !I /165-3 2~!'i 24

/18 l 2!10

1:1 1125 2 70 327 :~ '• 0-li

M ayhi ll , B. B., ________ R es. ___________ 30 'i W. F1·ort t M ear s, John A., ________ 'Res. ________ 50 i W . f rankl i11 M errill , John, _______ __ R e . ---------------- - Rural M e sick, W . A., ____ ____ Re . _________ 423 W . S11mmitt M eLhodisl Chu r ch Parlor, _____ __ Cor. M onroe and 11ion Miami Produce Co,, _________________ 217 W. Franklin Mill'Oy, H ar ry, _____ ____ R es. ----------------- Rural M onon R ailway SLaLion, ____ ___ ___ ____ 222 N . .\1arket M oo1·e, C. \ V. , _________ R e . __________ 803 E. M o11 roe M oor e, .lohn D., _______ 'Res. ___ ______ t 37 PorkeL Ave. M oor e, Sam, __________ Re . ____ ___ ____ 10 I. S. l1 rri on Mount & Son, __ ______ _ H ardware ____ 104-108 W. Main MouuL, H aug hey, ______ R es . ____________ 300 E. M ain M otrnL, Jo h11 , _ ___ ______ R es . _____ _______ :~07 K M ain M11~1m cr~ Willi , ______ Sheriff - -------,; 3_06 W ; M ain Mirr p hy, t..h a . . , ________ R e . --------- - 10.3 R 1\ l onroe l\1111 ··el m an, o. L ., & on, Ins. & R eal E~l. I 03 Y:! S. W ash. M ye r, .Jo hn, ___________ R e '. ____ _____ 3 15 \ \'. l~ru11k li 11

.M~rer, Will. ____ _____ __ R es. ___ ______ 5 1 !1 \ V . Franklin




N 200 :'\a C"e, Mr~. J. II. , ______ Re . __ _______ I 022 P.. M onroe

384 Nelson Motor Sales _____ ______ 210 West Franklin J HJ N ew Yol'I< tol'e, The -------------------\V. }Pr1t11klin iR0-2 Nickel. , A lva, __ ________ Re. --------'• 13 \ V. 811mmi Lt 225 Niewerlh , L ewis, ___ __ __ R es. ____________ I J 7 K Fron t


0 221i Obear. J am e,; 0. , ______ R e=-. ___________ :{22 V\' . Front 11 :~ ' 011 nor . . John C. , __ ___ ne .. __ ______ __ 22~ E. ~1o11roc 654 Od ell J oh11 C. , ____ ____ R e::. _____ ____ 322 \V. F'rn11 kli n !140 Orld fi'el low. L odge No. 28 Cl11h Room ---S. \Va~ hi n glon 800 Odd F'ell ows L od""e No. J 74 Cl11b R oom, ------ K M ain L18:3 Ol'r, C. TT. , __ __ ______ __ iRe . ----- -----74fl M i ll , ' lreeL. 207 Orr, F'ore:"t, __ _____ __ __ R e-. __________ f>OO E . M onroe






22{) :vio-:~

17'1 !Vi

Ii Ii :l ~ 4 0-/i 125 4 fl:3-2 357 53

127 78

105 472 282-3 25:3 3:32

p Pafc, Earl. _____ __ ____ Re~ . ----------522 K Xlunroc Pw~c, .Jah.. c. _________ _ n r ". --------=->tn \V. 1 ~1·n11kli11

Park>'. Clla ~ .. ___ _______ Rt>--. ------ '•0 I °:'\. \\"a..;hi11gton PeH 1·,.011 .. \ I r ~. C l111l" i l~",--Re,. . ---------'11l5 m. l •'run klin Pea 1·~011, t:. (:., __ __ ____ H e~ . ___________ J 22 \ V. fi'ronL

('i I IJ . ~. -------- tl!F· -----------------~ Pen 1·~011, \\' n1., --------Rt•:- . ----------300 .'i . M arke t. Per lman, Jacob & Sons __ Junk Shop, ____ 117 N. Wabash P hl' IJ11 ~, \\ ". JI .. _____ ___ l~l' ". _______ ___ _ 20:1 \/\/. l1'roul Phil li p,., Euw. , _______ _ R1'" · ______ ______ /i3 t :"I. Uo ioo

P letch er , L . M., __ _____ Hardware _______ 1'14 W. Main Plell'her. I. . ~ I. , _______ Ill'"· _ __________ 2 J.'i .'i. Wil son

Pu llard, C<11'l\\"1'i"" l1 t. c \\ · .,,. .. 11, . \ll u1 · 11 c~·:::, 1 1:n~ Fi. M aia Purl 'I', \ "idur .r.,, s: :.i1cl.u·d Ui l .\ g 1rl ______ (jU I .'i. Union Pre~l o 11, (; ha,;., -------- H ' ::;. ________ ___ ,223 \\ ". M aiu t.>1·1wlu1· .. J c ,. ~, _______ __ n0,.. ______ ____ 120 \,~ W. ~'lain

Pr11ill, t<; . E. , __ ________ :.\Llur11ey __ ___ _ J JO 'l:.! \V . ~'l ain

Pr11ill1 ~t r ,,. l ,ell ic, __ ___ Ill:',.. _________ ()Q:J t•; . l<'l'ank lin


--------------------------- ---------------------------

Q 417 Q 11ick, Paul, __ ________ Re~ . ___ _______ __ 22 1 i\. JJ igh

38 Q11 ick, Dr . \.V. R., __ ____ Ofll ce _______ _ t Ofi Y2

W . M ai n 38 Q11i ck, D r . \V. H., ______ Re,.: . _______ _____ 121, E. l•'ron ~

164 Q1Ji 11 n, F1·n11k. ____ _____ H es . ---- ------" 12 ?-J. I ndiana 400 Q11i1111, Juh 11, ----------Il e..; . ------ ·'i.:33 S. \\'a hinglon 155 Q11 i 11 11 , :\l ill nrd, --------Re..;. _ _________ fi03 E. M o11 roe 207 Q 11 i1111 , 'rl'lly, --------- - Rl'.~ . ______ _ 32:3 :'\ .\Va h i11g lon



I 27:l ~4

l 1 ~ 7-2 ( 107-4

R R1url1111 , .l ames, -------'~ e,; . ______ _____ 1, 0:1 S. Il linois RPed ~ Adflm". __ __ ____ 11 1· 11 ~1f i " t" ___ I I !J :::;. \V as hingl on RPed, Mr.:: . Ann. ____ ___ R e-. ________ __ uo11 :~. Indiana H eed, ll urr·)' , ----------Res. ____ _______ 5 J l 1• U11 ion

Page 12: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

264 Ree , Frank ~ .• __ ______ Iles. _________ 222 W . Frank lirt

30 R ed M ens H all ---------------------------w. Ma in 1 3 R edd ing, W. C., _______ Res. _______ __ 323 E. M ad i oa

305 TicifTert, W. F., __ _____ R es. ------------902 E. M ain 320 R etherford El erLric Shop, _______ ___ __ _____ i 10 E. Main 326 n elherrord, Je I __ _ ___ Res. -----------'•20 w. Pronl Hi6 R eynold • Levi, ________ Re taura11L ____ 21 1 K M arket 453-2 Rhode, Theo., __ _______ Res. ---------234 W . ummill 250 R ichardson, Mr ·. Sylvia,_Res. ____ _______ 22 1 \ V. Fr'O l'lt 208 R hineharL, E. 1. , _______ R es. _ __________ 12 L W . fron t 310 Roach, Geo., ____ ______ R es. _ _________ 422 ' . J.ncl iana

37 R oac h, JI. E., __ _______ Bakery __ __ __ 1_03 \V. F ranklin 474 R oach, H arry, ________ Res. ____________ l 11 N. Ohio

3110-1 R oach , Joh11 , R es. _________ -103 Vl. M onroe 430 Roach, :\Jrs. ~ l ary, _____ R es. ___________ 3 1 \\". FronL 128 Roach , Mr . Wm., _:_ __ _ R es. _____ ._ ____ 21 N. Wil::on 4;)1 Roberlso11 , Mr .. :\I in uic,_Re. __________ 5 13 F:. l~ rnnklin

2 Robin~ o n , Dr. F. IT., ____ R es. ____________ 322 E. :\lain 82 Robinson, DI'. F'. 11., ____ Office _____________ He>: l Bldg.

373 Robinson, l\lr . \ V. IL.' __ R e . _________ 016 E. :\lonroe 222 R o:.: ku ' k i, .lohn ________ R es. ___ .. ____ __ 503 r\. I ndiana 1 G Ro thenberger, L e\'i , ____ Res. __________ GOO E. l\ Ionrotl 1 Ruffing, Edwin, ________ R e . _________ 604 E. F1·anklin 203 R1dTing, Ju ·eph , _______ R os. _________ 20 1 E. fi'nrnklin

46 Ruffing, J. E. & Son, Ruffing Shop _____ 105 S. Wash. 26 Hrtnkle, W . Z,, _________ R e . --------221 \\'. Columbia 4 'tO Ryan , l\I i=-s Gencvie,·c, ___ R e ____________ 22 1 N. Oh io 101 R ran, T. J. , ___________ Re . ____ ___ __ 502 R ft'rankl in



i 31 307-3 108

21 317 i 35


s Sale , Cha ., __________ R e . ______ 422 N. W a h inglon

ale . , Mr . T om, _______ Res. - ---------------- Rural Sander , J . C., _________ R e . _______ ____ 2 1 G \ V. FJ'ont

Sar gen t & Ba elt Tire Shop _____ Cor. M ain and :\1arket argent, W ill , _________ R e . ___________ 43'1 ·. U nion

Scales, 0. L ., _______ __ R es. __________ 322 E. M onroe chi lling, Geo., ____ ____ Res. ___________ 2 Hl ·. Union




'/ 5) rl /f ~ tJ 'L

30 Sch lo 5er Bros., Cream aHd Egg ll!tatiO'll - t OO E. Frankl in

:325 S ·ltn epp, Arlh11r, ______ R es. ____________ 208 J;"}. F'l'on l

275 Sc•hncpp. Chas .. _______ Re . __ _______ 222 E. Frankli n

122 Sclluol Bldg., J11nim ll igh

8 1-2 chool Bldg., Prindpal Offi ce E. M o11ore

8 1-3 Scl1ool Bldg., H11 per·i 11 l en<l e11l On1re --------- 1~. M onl'oe

:303 ehwc iger. R eed, ______ R es. __ _________ 415 S. Jllinois

.300 8('()ll, M i. ,. .\fal'y, ______ R e . . ---------317 F.. M tHJ i~on

205 hnffer. C. R., _________ Re ~ . ___________ n07 E. M ain

20.-\ t:lhafTel', Ciadic ld, ______ He!<. __________ 4 l 4 K ~I oriroe

3:~8 ShafT<.' r', Lee, _________ Re . ___________ 111, S. Jlli11ois

"3'12 4 30

ehaffcr. :\I r:-. Naril'y, ___ R e::-. -----------215 W. ~l ai n Shnlfcr, \\'m., _ ________ R e • . ___________ 311 \ V. Frou·l

4 (18 Rh11r' r· cr, 1> 1·. \V. Ii'., ____ Re~. ----------110 S. \ V i lson

'• fl0-:3 Shcngley. \\'m. , _______ Re . . ___________ 310 \\·. Fron t

Li (l/1 ' h eulc~', :\fo.; • .J osc ph i ne,_ R e=-. ___________ 2 l G ._'. \\' il~on /ilHV1 Shelley. 11 <•H'Ol', _______ nt•,; , _______ __ 1 on P.. 811 r11miLt

4.60-2 Shepard. Frank R., __ ___ R e;.. _ ______ ____ -11 G \\._ ~'ro11 l

170 Shigl<·~· . l l n1·,·c., _______ Re:.: . ------~~rn '" · v\'ll:- hi11gl.1rn 83 Shirk .. l ame~ A., _______ R e '-. ____________ 1,07 !<:. :\Iain

2=>'• . hor·kl'Y, P.lmcr·. ____ ___ R C='. ____________ 806 Ri 11 rltart

104-'• f\ho1· kl'y, .\ I r::-. 1\ alhry111

_ _ Rcs. ____________ !3 l I Ri11 rhart

10 1-3 Shue~· . Ol Lu, _________ _ R e". ---------- - - ----- W ell 1 l<i h11ll z. IJr· . . ). .). , ______ _ Ofl il'c ________ l :2Ci E. Franklin

1 I Cl ... hn l lz. fl r. J .. 1. , _ ______ He:,. __________ 200 S. l 11d ianu

i't O Sibl1itl, .\11· ... . .\l uy. __ ____ Res. __________ I 1:1 R. T11 cJianu .aao.:3 Sine>-, Brn1·e , _________ Re,;. ______ ___ 200 K 811 m111 ilt 121) Smil h. Ea rl IJ.. ________ Re=-. ___________ 42(l \\' . :vt ain

"302 Srnil h. Fr'l'd . __________ H I' .... _________ :;20 r.. Frank lin

lt80 ~milh. Clcu· .\I .. ______ _ A llor·11 C'y _______ J22 \\'. l\l ili r1

380 Smill 1, (it' t\. '.\I.. _______ n l':- . __________ I 0 11 \\' . l'\llrLh

2Hi Sm i l h Clr·uc· c ry __________________ _ 12 1 .. \\·a=-hi 11glon

4 (Hi-'• Smilh, Ciwi1111. ________ Hc:-1. _____ ____ 80'1 R. ll ;:1111illon

4 '1 \) fim i lh, ll owanl. _______ Rt"·· ___________ 3 l:l :'\. ll11 iun

2 10 8 rnilh . .\Ir·,.. ,l am e,:. ____ R e,.. __________ 002 \. \Vilson

1 ~! l -'1 Rmilh , Lawrc 111·r, ______ Hl'"· _________ :~:l:~ \\' . H11mrn iLL

270 Smith. 111·. L. II. . _______ I JP11l i ~ l ______ Odd Frllo w Bldg 2711 mith, l\ l r·;.. ' l'orn. ______ Hp;., ____ _______ 220 K. \\' il"lon

22:! Sni i lh , \\ '. C., _________ H r~. ________ __ 12 11 \\' . \VnLer

1100 Smilh. \\'. <..:. , _________ Allorn e~· ____ ____ __ Re:-1 Blug.

~20 ._ 75

147 41, I .3!'l7

,'mi ll1 , IJr. L. 11. , _______ Re ... . ___________ 10(1 E. North .'m i lh. \\'m. Clte;. l er, ___ n t'"· __________ :1? I E. :\lo11roe Srn il h. H r\'. \\'m. Ci ra 11 l._ He:-. _________ 12' \\'. S11mmiLL Smil h, \\'m. ~I. , _______ Re,:. ________ :11 :> L:ol lage Ave. Rmilh. \\'m. R .. ________ Rr;.. ________ __ _ 22:! W . li'1•on l

Page 13: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

.. ) , · ) 1

- i-· · » ' • I' I :-- n, 1 .. 1-. , , , \\. , _________ Jh .,. ------------1:27 I·~ . . \ t!l' l h ~'1 :2-:2 S m wk. U t'n., _ _____ ___ Ht' :-. ______ ______ I 17 1.;. ~0 1·t : 1

: l:~ Smcwk , . l ;1n 1t' ~ 1:., ___ __ _ Ht' " · _ __ _ ___ __ __ J22 \\'. :\Ol'IJ t

45 11 - ~ S1 111cld~ . S . .\I .. ___ ______ Hp,;, - --- - -------- - --- H111·a l

li 118 :-' 11~dt> 1 '. ~'1 1 · -.. . . \ 11ua, ____ _ n, .... . _______ 72 11 H. \\'a -.. hi11 g lo 11

1,:\~ S1 •n1·!-:-, R rad l <-' ~ - _______ n(':-. _ _ _, _ ___ ____ _ 227 \ . ll igh

10 1- 11 H('ht·~. l·' r n11k . ----- -- - Re . . -- ------------ --- H11 l'l\ l

172 Hlaudard O il Fi ll ing • la l i. 11 1 _ ___ _ __ (:u r. 11io u a11d .\1ai11

:~ ! Ii - :? Sl a11k;11·d. \\ ' m .. _______ Ht" '· _ _________ ___ _ 2 1 X \Y cJI ._

:~ Ofi-!{ Sl ;il e ll ig lt\\·a~· Oan1ge __ _____ _ _ ___ ____ >:. \\'nsh i 11 ir l o 11

150 Sl c rli11 g . .\11·..: . .\I .. ------ " ""· _ ___________ 11 I :> K :\1l o i 11

10:1 S tew art, 1:1ia-.. ., _______ _ n r..: . __ ___ __ __ 7>2:> E. F r :111kl i11

282- 11 Hlo 11 l. Ci . \\ '., Sc1·0 11 d I l and Stor e __ __ 2 18 S. \ Va:-; h i11 g l o 11

70 Hl ra 11 a lta 11 . F rn 11 k, ____ _ R Ps. _ ___ ___ _ _ :) I ft K Fr a11 k l i11

/i5 S11 ~n 1 · Row l --------------- ------------ I 17 K .\t uin 1, r,o H11 rnm ill , ll e 11 1·y, _ ___ ___ R es. _________ oon K 1~ ra 11 k l i 11

1, 7 ."wn ll ,;, I•' . .\I. , __ __ ___ _ _ Hes. _____ ______ :30:1 \ V. P r out

12 1 ~wall:- , F' . .\I. , S er vi ce ta l ion _ ______ __ I 2 1 \\-. F r ankli n


--------------------------·------------------------- --

I :32 -11 1,04

1, I

305- 11

2:30 1 51i

411 :350 45H 120 1 t '• 104 . :1 2uG-4 8 14 31, t

I rr et er , J . A., _______ ____ Res. -----------4 i 7 N. Union ' l ' haye1·, B. F., __ ____ ___ H es . _ __ _____ _ 11 5 K :::l ummiLt Thoma:-, .I. \ V. l~. , _ ___ __ Re.;;, ___________ 32 1 \V . l"ron t Tl1 t1rnp-..0 11 , Earl , _ __ _ ___ Re.:. ___ _ ____ __ 8 f)/i K M o 11 1'1)e

Thnm p,.;on. L. A ., ____ __ B e.-. -------- --- ~ 0:3 ~ . Un ion Thn m p,.; 1111 . V. C., _ __ _ __ Rt'"'· __ _________ 2 1):> ~ . M a rk e t

T hum 1H 111 . \\·. P., _ ____ R1•,.:, - ------ - - - - 2 10 \V . li'1·0 11 t T i tlow , .\I i ,.: ,., A l i re, _ ___ _ Re,.;. ______ 204 \ . \\' ai; hi11Hl o n 'l'i tl uw , .\1ead, _ __ _____ .:R e,.:. _ ______ ____ J208 E. M i:1 i11 T odd , .10 1111 , ___ ____ ____ Re . -------- - --20 1 Vt/. Nol'Lh T o11gh mn 11 . :\l i s,.: L. , __ __ R ,.:, _________ 1 11 F,. Pranklin

T nt1·ltl , ~I r ,.: . I. . P .. ____ _ Re ·. ----- - - - -- - l 13 \J E. \ T rnl1a 11 g h. C la11d c, __ __ _ Re,.:. ________ 330 V•/ . umm i ll T ro ltn 11 g h. R oy, ______ _ _ Re~. ____ __ __ 424 W . Sum milt T rc.l1a 11id1, \\' m., __ _ _ __ _ rl ,.., __ ______ _____ 2 t 3 Arn0l rl

"'1 2 ~ ~{ :1 5


Troxell , M rs. ~fury, _ ___ R es . _ ___ __ _ ___ 4 I (} E. Pra ukli n Turne r , .Ja m e, , ________ R e . __ ____ 408 N. \ V a:;;h 1ngloa T y ler, R 11sse ll , __ __ _ ___ Res. _________ :1 10 Collage Ave


u Ulm, Buel , ____ ___ _____ Re UI m, Leo, _____ ___ ____ Re

_________ __ __ 1 l O '. Jligh

------ ----52 1 K M o 11 r oe


" x'2- I \ ' '1," 11c·o. Jo l1r1. R - 2l I 11

• \\ ' J -:. .. ------ - -- e,... ----- • 2 , . a-. 1i11glon

- ----------------------------------------=------------

I 0 R

I !10 11:\ 11

'107 110 11-2 2 ;) fi - l :HH

1n ~ I :~

1,20 2X0-2 112:1 2 (I:;

137 /108-3

2:1 :t:W- 1 :no : ~ : rn-'t

w W ahtt!- h II. H . Fl'c igh l O fl i r·c _ ________ :12 :{ \ .\". l•'l'n11 kli11 \ VnlJa,.; h H . R. f-> ;i;;,. e 11 gr1· Hl al i1 111 _ Co r. J\ l o11 rne ~ .\1n 1·ke L \Ynlkc r , .\I i :- :- .\ln l'y _ ____ R r :- . __ ____ __ __ I J 0 S. l 11c1i :i11a. \\'nil , Cl a 11 cle . .\!. . ______ ( i ro 1·r1·y ___ :{ 12 :\. \\'a :-:hi11gl on \ V nl tc• 1·;;. fi . II .. _ __ _____ Re,.; . ______ 2 1 ~' :\. \ V n;; lt i 11 .,.ln11 \ V nnrfr i, .\ .. J .. ____ _____ Rr~. __ ___________ 1 2 :~ l. i 111·o ln

\Var d. t:. 11 .. ____ _ __ ___ H\;' :- . - --------- -~22 \\' . \ orth \ \ 'n.Hrn .• Jn m t•,: P .. - - - - _ R r,.. . ____ __ ___ __ '• o '• \\'. l•'rr11J L \V f\Sl ll l . " " H .. ________ He,.. , __ __ _____ __ 11 ox \\ '. F 1·u11t \\' a,.: 0 11 . \\' . IL _______ _ S lorc ___ ___ I I :~ R. \\'nshiugto n \\."u l:w 11, .1!1>- ep lt . _ ____ __ Re-..------- ----- '• I !l \\' . .\lai n \Vall. .\11·:-. El in . ______ _ He,.;. ___ ______ :11 o \\'. l•'1·n 11 kl in \\'Hkr l' I ~· . Fru 11 k, ---- - - H l' "'· ___ _____ _ :{ l fi Co t Inge .\ v9 \ V eid 11 c r , .I . \\' . - ------ - H e,.. , __ _____ ___ __ 11 u:1 \ V . .\ ln i 11

Weidner, J. W., Office ________ l 13V2 W. Franklin \ V eil, .\1 1':-. T lt 11 m n>- . _ __ _ He-.. ____ __ __ ___ 200 \ . .\ l a l'ke t

\ Y rl('(l n1c 11111 t:n rr - - ------- - ---- - - ---- -- t ox K .\fai n \\' e ll ,.:, 1-: . C .. - - -- - ---- - 11 e:-. _ ___ ___ illX ~. \\'a ,.; h i 11;.;t o11 \\' ell:- , O,;e(•. ----- - ---- He:-. ------------ ififi I·~ . .\l a in W t- II-., Yt1 11 li ' . _________ He-.. _ ___ ________ 122 P.. \ ol'lh

\ V cs l ern L 11 in 11 T r l l" "Taph Cu. ,-__ __ C:u1'. .\Ju 111·op c... .\l a1·ke t \\'e:; t fa ll , \ V m ., _____ __ He'-'.- ------ -------- -- n 11 ral \\'lti l t l r ..:r~· . \ ' l'r11 011 , _ ___ Hr >-. _ ___ _______ ! I X .\ . :\l a1·ket

Page 14: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone


I write a ll kinds or Insu rance, includ ing Fire, Tornado, vVorkmens Compensation, Bonds, Automobile, Speci11! Policies, full Jnsurancc> to value. Car is in sured a t oil times l'or its actual cash va lue Policy is r einstated a fter settl ement of loss without additlonai rha rge.




I O!l 1, 1, ()

'10 I 11 7 2~1i Ii 0 ,, _;~

:3 !I (j

3 1:;- 1 2:Hl 11 !) I 372


4 7

21, 1-:1 JOO H5 Ii 3.2·.2

\\'h i lt>mn11 Hro .,. & Co., _______________ N. \ Vas hi11 glon \\' h il<'111n 11 , G1·1J\'Ct' _____ nl'°'· ___________ 2.27 ?\. \Vibon \\'h il ' nia11 .• I. L. , __ _____ He,;. ____________ .2:1 1 N. Jl igll \\'i ll1111 ', nn 1 ~ 1 011, _______ Re..: . ___________ 2013 \ V. l~rn11l

\ \ "i lll111·, ~ 11 ·~- '!". B., _____ nes. ----------- 100 \ V. F1·onl \\"ikc>xi11, ' l 'o 11 y, _______ H s. _________ 7:3 1. \ \!. l•'1·n11kli n \\'ill.i1 1:-u11, Chns. L., ____ Res. _________ 20:3 E. H11rnniiU Willi am s, Albc rl11 s, __ __ H es. _____ _____ J 12/i :. ll li11 o i: \\'il :-: 1111, .Miss Be: · _____ He,;. _________ ft 10 \ V. l•'1·an kli11

\\"ils1)11 , F1·1u1 ci ::1, __ _____ Hes. ----- - ----737 E. ~1011roe \ \ "i h1111, l l c u1·y B., ______ Res. __________ 20:1 E. ~1on1·oe

\\" il:-un, II . R11 :s, ______ H es. --------- 322 K l•'rn11kli11 Wingerd's Grocery ___________ _____ l09 E. Main \\'i11 g ' 1'd , l•'1·nnk, _______ Bes. ---~-------2 1 7 W. ~01·l ll Weil re, ~J 1·s. Elizabeth, __ Res. - - - - ------62 1 ?\. Indiana \\"u lfe, ~frs. J 1111ie, ____ R es. _______ __ ___ !)28 E. ~ui11

W ood, W i l l J 1. , _______ _ R e . . ___________ _____ _ s. Side \ 1JcH lr11 lr, 1:. Ci., _______ Re::: . __________ 6J3 N.






z Z ook, John A., ____ ____ Res. ~----------216 w. Pro 11 l

Zook, John A., Meat Market_ ____ l 13 W. Franklin \



To Our Business Subscribers

Ne~ fam il ies \ll'C cum in;• lo n11 r c·il~· ancl co 11 11 ly. '1'11 •. a1·c

~lra11gcr-. wi l h i 11 0 111· 1rnl ' :-..

Every family, evuy mau, c,·cr~· 'vuma n. t'\ c1·y rhild, n1 1hl !)II · 11ppl 1es (JI all 1' 111<1..:. The t101·l11r m 11:-I lw c'lli l 1 cl , lhe allc>1·11t•y con·

·11i l ed and the ni :11'"t'h " ·ulr h l'rl.

Eae h ramil y 111 11,1 h;l\e ih p1·111' el', ii" h111c' her, ils hak e1·. dl'llg­

gi 1, i l s m ilkman n 11cl it" c·crnl -n1a11. Tl I KY ~I . " I' 1\.\0\V YOU, 1111d hy ad,·erti ,i11g i11 I ht' IJirrl"lury Lhey wil l , a11d ·out• i nterests

wil l he ud\'n11c·ed cll'el'li,l'l y n11d 1111 1,.. l ·n1111J1nit-n ll y.

Th' Ui1·cc·to1·y i ..: a 1·c1111plt•lc' li11~i11e-;..; an d ~ uC' i a l g11 icl " H i:­

Lh e hand book ur I ll ' leil'pho11' 11:-in·• p 11 hl i c·. His k cpl 1Jcc·n 11se il

1111 · a11u act 11al 11 'l'1l. 11 i ,; 1·111 1:- icl 'l'ed tl:-. h;n·i 11 g :H;;:i insel'lio1n· a

year and bcre·" a Jlui11I y 1111 ,;ho1 ild 11ol cJ\' •1·luok.

Carroll Telephone Co.

Party-Line Subscribers Are Urged To Hold The

T elepbone Only Five Minutes

t<'J J.j .M i l\ ' l'I~. · i :-. 11s1i;tlly sc1 1l i ·i •11 1 l u 1·0 111pl •Le an 111·cli11a1·~1

b11si11 es. L1·a11:- :1 1'liu 11 h~· l l•lcpl 1 011t~ .

• · Lhe le lepllu11 e cumpa11 y ,;a,·e: w01·k wll c11 pa1·l lines a1·e

.. tied up" for to11 g periods while people a1·e talki ng, l h ' puli1·y i: unfair lo i l::; o lhcr pn l rn11,; and lhe pr;1c-lice is di scou 1·agecf.

Jt i :5 no t a kind ad lu c· umpel yo111· 11 eighho1· lo w ait mor e lha11

FlV~ M l ' UTE.' whi le ~-cJ11 hold lhe line-a l'all Jor a do tor 01·

an i mporl anl lrn :-,i11e:-s ln.111 sac lio11 m ay IJe ll 'la~·ed.

"Do 1111lo o l11 c 1·s n: you '"01ild have

them d o 11111 0 ~·ou," i s a good ru le.

I ' Carroll Te! ephoae Co.

Page 15: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone


A 800 Animals dead or alive are taken away by Lhe Delph l Fer..

Llllzer Company. ·

20-12 1 20-222 L 27-2 12 ;11-22 2:)- 111 2 2:>- 1.22 l \1-52 2:>- 11 2 :{2-2 111 20-222 1 32-J.2 L

AllJerl:., Charle:: A I be rl;;, .\I 1·~ . .Vl a rietla All e n, B11ntall All en, Frank A11de1·:rn11 , ~fr:-: . l·!va Mae A11 dei-,.;u11 , 111· . . lo h11 JI. A. A11 uer:-:011, L. K A l'll old, .Jamr,.; A::- h ua, 1J a11I A ::; lilrn, n. L. A~hha, \ \ "m.



6 00

B Buys live animals-The Delphi Fertilizer Company.

I !1-2222 Dai rd, 0. ·. a:~-22 L Ball, I I ow a r d 22-2 11 Ba r·k er", .l. \ V. 10-22 1 Barke r, .\-1 r·s. R. 11. 2 7-22 Ba 11m, l l ar r y 28-2.22 Ba 11m, T. 1-1 . :18-:>2 Bla11 c·hart..I, II . P. :1:1-J 2 Boo11 e, Dnxid :I0-12 1 Buo 11 c, Marl J rl-2 1 Ro.., l ellcr', .J u h 11 ·10-222 Boy les . C. S. 33- 22 Brewer , F . .\I. :~:'- 11 2 Brim'y, .\ lfr·r d J0-222 B1•ook1Ja11k , .\Ir':-. II. :w-212 BrLioke. \'e1·11r 2:!-222 1 Brown . Ham 2:1-2222 L H1·11w11 , \\ ' ick li f 27-!?222 1 8111111 el I. (ireer :l:l-222 B11rk lwld r t'. ..-\ . 1,. 1:1-12 IJ11 ~ h. Jb~· nH1nd

------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------- __ ____ ::, .. _ - -- ------- - - - -- ----------- \


c Cholera Hogs, as well as any other dead sLock, removed i n a sanitary manner according to law by the Delphi Fer tilizer Company.

18-:2 11 2 :{:>-:? I I 3fi-212 20-2:22:2 20-222 :J J- 12 1 2!1-222 27-:2222 2!>-•>-2 :1ri-221 1 !i-22 2:~-22 28-2222 1 Hi-2221

Cain. \\': ill e1· C:al\('f' I, B~1·011 t:ah·er·l. F. :\. 1 :<1n1rl1t•ll, o. H. t:nn1p TC l' ll l11"' h t:h i luel':o', .J ohn I :luw,:11 11 , C. I~. t:lnw~1 11 1 , Ucrn ld Clnw;.u 11 , Hnrry Cnl r, t:IHl'l'llC C:u lc, \\'m . l :o1111ly Fa.rm (:ox, (1l'(J. l:uhlc, LaR 11 1'




D Day or night, an imals removed by the Delphi Fertilizer Company.

27-2 1 2!i-2221 40-222 1 17-(i-2 17-:222 :rn-1:? 2:1-2 1:2

IJa,.; her\ .\l ol'~llll • I ltl\·icl:-'0 11. C: lark. IJny, n aymo11d l lull hi11:-:, T hor11lon I l11l tl 1i 11,:. \\ '111 11 •1· ()11 fl'. :\ . r.. IJ 11 fT, Rn~ 111111 1rl

E Every call wi ll be promptly attended Lo by 'The Delphi Fer ­Lil izer Company.

2!1-221 I 20-112 20-2222 1

Eik c11 bel'rv, Chnr·I -Ell ioll, Oo'ra E11,.in ge r Bro.;; .

F Give us your dead stock as we are "Johnny on Lhe Spot." Delphi Fertilizer Company.

10-2'2 12-:?1 I I J li- 2 1 31-21 28-22 11 12-2 1

Fa 11llr1·, \Val l cr F i11rh e 1\ Fr·n.nk Fi :-hor, .J o h 11 F'ranklin, B. B. l ~ raser P.dw. l ~ ri .;; IJee, Ma·~ . J.

Page 16: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

G -800 Get the Delphi Fertilizer Company when you have any

dead stock. 28- 222 J Gtt rTa.rd , ,J. W . 22-2222 1 Garri:--on .J oe 37- 12 Gerard, Bern e 110-J 11 2 Ge rl>e rr , Arrdrew 33-222 Gerue rr , M arti n 1 '1-5-2 Oec , J ohrr 10-22 1 (iii es, t\elson 17-2 12 Gi ll am, Rohert M. ~~5-2 l 12 Gingrich, l.1l\Yrence 20-2 12 Girrn , i\I. .I. 30-222 (lip:-011, L. D. Hl- 112 OonJorr , Mr' , . Will 38- 12 (1ra11lhnm, L11lher 38- 222 Grarrtham. \ Vilbur 17-2 L1 L (1rec 11 11 f) , \\'m. :n-2 1 L Gri ll ilh. ll arry 27-222 Gro:;, Ar'th11r 3 1-1 2 Gl'lther, LnrTy 37-21 Grr::hwa, AlberL

--------------------------·- --- ---------~..--.--0.00==-- -


800 Have our trucks take away your fallen stock. The Delphi Company.

1 ~-22 1 22-121 37-12 1 18-222 32-22 1 12-122 20-12

L12L 25-2 111 20-·12 1 22-2222 30-222 L ::l~-222 1 20-2 111 J :'-12 1 11 - 222 1 fl-2222 ~0-22 :lrl-21

11 a ll, (Jscu r Jlnll , Mrs. Stephan llanrahan Bros. ll a r l1' Y, Geo. Jl o:; Jel , Charles ll a. le l , \ V. S . l l nwl ey, \V. G. ll e 11dc1·so 11 , ll a1Ty 1 le nder on. Lee J le rr cler'son. W. C. ll e 11c\ 1·ick~o 11. Rohert llildel>rand, LeRoy l lilde!Jra11 c1 . L orenzo J l oaglan, \'i"m. J l oL claw, \Vill ard l lonan, 'l,om Jl uover', fl e rr ry l lornhef·k. ·O. •r. ll 11 fly, .I. J.

- ----------------------------------------------------

Page 17: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

I $00 In a sanitar~ manner we will remove your dead stock. The

Delphi Fertilizer Company.

20-22 20-2 112

I n ll <' r'. Frn11k I 11111•1·, \\'. .I.

J 800 Just as soon as you call us for the animal, we will do t he

rest. _The Delphi Fertilizer Company • -10-2 112 /10-2 11 30-2222 1:1-2 12 32-2 1

. l;11·k:-u11, 1:-;aac .ln1·h. ·011 . ll ecd .l e.- 11• 1·, ~Ir':-. ,\ol'a. .ll) l lll•Ull , Ad:t B. .l1il111-1111 , Hc• rii>Cll

-------------------------- ---------------------------K

SOO Kindly remember that promptness and sanitation Is our motto. The Delphi Fertilizer Company.

25-2222 I\ ilc. Edw. H>-1 2 l\ lrpi 11 ger, \\'m.

L 800 Licensed by the St.Jlte of Indiana to take care of dead1

animals. The Delphi Fertilizer Company.

2:3-222 111-2222 22-222 1 12- 12 Jl-22 18-2 12 Jli-22 1 1 -22 1 L 3 1-221 J7-2222 1

Ln11di :-:, l.;1wrc11 1·e L;11H', Rrr l La 11 e .. lohn Lc ll nerl, ~I r~. L11 cy Le i hrrman. O:;ca r L ielte l'I , f<r·ank Li rhe l'l, .lohn L owery, .J ohn l. ~· ll rook. Dm·id L~· llf'h, ll a1'\'e


i5-2Ji 16-21 12-5-2 35-12 1 34-22 11

Mc :\'lcCain, P erry l\ l cCormick .. John M r Cou ch, G. C. M r C011ch, John l\frCurdy, 'rhomas


Page 18: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone





M More sati sfaction- less bother with your d ead, The Del-phi Fertilizer Company. -

I '1-:?:? I I .\l :d1li ill, l·'.m111t•tf B. :? 'l- 11 1 :! .\ln 1·l 111 .. \ Iii<' , .l 11 l i e11 l•'nrm ) :li ·- :!:? I .\l 111'1i 11 . R 11 ~ ' :l i - 21 1 :! .\ l.t1 li11 . \\ ' 111 . :i :~-:-, . .:.> ~h1'" e\11. E. E. :l t - 2 1 1 :! .\ I"'" Pll. l.• •t• :1 1-:?:?:.? .\I :ix" l' II. .\I. 11. :1 1-2 I I .\ lwrn Pl l. \\'. T . :rn- ? I .\ ll'111·-.. Bt•i·I ! :'1-2 1:! .\l l•dl1•\. Ed\\' .. l \ t>1·li11 !•'arm) 11 - "7 -') .\ l pi'": •1 :g11 .. \J r·-.. Ed11 a : I ~1-'2 :? :! I .\ 1 ii t' \ . 11 a r n · B. I i-~1 - :! .\l ilil' I'. .1. >: I ti- ! "! .\ l 111111Pl I Br11'. :rn- 2:?:!:! .\l 111'l' i-. 1111 . . 1111111 11. I Ii-:?:? I I .\ l11lll'11dore. Ila\ id :l~-2 :? .\1 1111 .. 1111. Bnl :! .'{- :! I .\I 1 11 · 11!1~. li l'11.

!:!- :?:? .\1111\t•\, s. I\ . :?:?- '!I I :! -" ~Pl'' ( i l'lll'l'I'~

N No matter where the dead one is, we'll get him, The Del­phi Fertilizer Company.

:1 11- 11 :?2 2 ~-22i2 :{ ~1-:v2

\ c ff. Lttl'l' \ f'Wt• ll. ~: n 1 • I U. .'ii <· h I l'I'. .I 1 ilrn

0 Others have called the Delphi Fertilizer Company, when they have a cow, hog, sheep, or colt dead. Why not you?

12-222 O' l·'tm ·e ll , Jl a1-ry ;~ 1-2 12 Ch e rh ol:se r. J ohn

p Pay no one to dig a grave for your dead stock. Pay no phone calls. We do that. The Delphi Fertilizer Company.

:1 1-~1 -i I i i- I ll ~

:IX- 2 11 2 11- 2 12 l\1- i :U <! I :l\1- :-1 -? :111-2 1:! 2 ~-2:? 1 2?-2 1 :? ::- 2 1

IJ ;1fl l'. '1'1111111 ;1' J.' ;il lt111. Ed". P a l rirk. IJ r . J.' Pal '!- 11 11. \\' il li ;1llt P ed t' 11. Oli ,. Pel ('!',. , ll l•11r ~ J.' P ll' l''f lll . \\' . F. J.' it•l'i' l'. J illll(' ' J.'nlla r d . \\ ' m . 1'11\\ t'll . .\I 1·'· .J . E.

Q 600 Quit burning or burying your fallen stock. We will re­

move it from your premises. The Delphi Fertilizer Com­pany.


600 Remember tho Delph i Fertilizer Company, when you have a dead horse, cow, hog, sheep, calf or colt.

:~ 1- 2222 Hal l , 1,., a111· 22- 2 1 :2 Ha11tl•il. IJ t•11r,· I ~-:? 2:2 1 H t•dd i II P'. .I 11h


l1 20-1 I 12 RN ldi117. I,, \\'. Jli-22 11 id f' I'. F)(l\'d

· tri-2222 H ile~. IJH1i :\ 11- 12 1 Rt111rk. \\'i l l inm :W-221 R11l1h i11-.. ( i PO. :\ 1- 22:? I l1ulle1·l,llt1 . • Jnc I 't-222 H11 h ralin11gh, A. A. 12- 2222 Hol11'11lin11 g h. 1;-;. I ~ . :\:1-?:d Rohr:1l1a 11 gh, II . S . :10-'2'2:? Ho,e11hnr12"e r , Dr. L A Hl-2 1 I I notll . . l anH'!'l 1 2-2 2 I R 1111 k It'. .J nm e,:;



s Sheep, colts, calves, and hogs taken by the Delph i Fertil ­izer Company.

l:'i-222 21{-22 :12-2 1 1 t:\-2 11 2 :tl-2 11 2 /10- :2222 1 11-21 11 :1 11-122 :1 11- 2 11 tri- 12 20-22 1 27-2221 :l2-2222

'•IL 2ri-2 I I I 0-:2'2221 I '1-2222 1 20- 122 :rn-122 :l l-211 1

Rn~C'I'!' .. Jo h n :->1l1dfl'I', .J ohll.-\. :-i ltn ll'rr. Hil\· S lwn ;.!11'~" \\' m . . JI'. S he pa rd. F ra11 k S. :-ihirk . . l 11 111 r.- :\. Short. :\c\\'l :-> idenhr 11 df' 1\ Arlhu r l'iide 11 lil' 11d '" ~1Ji l'i . J o~ephinc Sim>-. .\1r"' . El in. N. Si m :: . . Jn. eph A . Si l l! ', Sam Sm i I h, F' rcd Hm il h & Ron, Gror•ery Smi th , T homa .. Spri ng. A mel S pri 11 ~'. ll omer S I i tH'. Oli o S! 11d eliak e1'. Be rl' S\Ya If . .J. E.


Page 19: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone

T 600 Tankage for sale by lhe Delphi Ferlilizer Company.

13-22 1 :l 1-:2:22:? I ;W-2:.? li-:2 I I :! 11-2:2 11

I '1- ::! ( I :! I '1- I I:! :!'!- :!.:..> I

'l'a ylol', ,Jes e Tlwma", \ \ 'u1·rc11 Tl111111p-.un. 11 iram 'rL•dd. Ci l'CI . Tru w i11 , fit•u.

T1·n " ·i 11 . u.1 rry ' l1 1·aw i11. nollrr l ' I~ il' I'. \\'. I..


u €G'O Unc!ertake;s for dead an i:: e:ls. Delphi Ferlilizer Company.

-------------------------- --------------------------

".!";1-:2 I ~ :t•.>-i l 1 l :{~1-:2:2 1

v \ ':i n ~ alla. lluliel'l \'an 0 :"lra11. Gt> O· \ 'iauro, Geo.

-------------------------- --------------------------w

600 When you lose an animal, forget us not. The Delphi Fer -tilizer Company.

2:{.- 12 \ \'uguu PI'. Clint :l:.?- ::!i \ \ '''i:l lll'I', .lr1hn I x-:2 I I I \\'1fftl 8 1'0>'. I 2-'2 I I \\'a rd. Lee I 1-2 I \\'ah-011. Geo. I ~~22 \\'ean• r , C. J . 17-12 I \\'ei l , Chn". :l:J-2 I \\'~ l dY .. Jn mes :n-t2 \\' hi-.·ll er. l.awl'cnre 20-22 \\' illi;im!<. Chas I :\-2 I \\' il:-:011 • .\fr;; .. l oscph 1-:-1- 122 " 'i 11gard. Clare11ce 17-2 1 vVi11gerd. LeHoy !1!1- 111 2 \ Vuod , \V. H.




600 You can rely upon us to dispose of your dead ani mals ac­cording to law. The Delphi Ferlilizer Company.

IX- 221 J~-2 1

z z, '' '"· Fr ;111 1, Z1111k. l.oyd

Page 20: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone




Schedule of Charges for Service Connection,

MoYes, Changes and Change of Names

F111· i11di' iclwtl a11 d pal'fy li11 • 't' l'\'ii-1' ------------------· :J.:)1)'

For rar:h exll'11, irn1 ,:la li o11 1·u11 11 p1· IPd wi th n11r r·la,:s of H' I'\ if' t• --------------------------:_ _________ ~.;)()

Fell' 11111\ i11 g- a lelepho11 e ;:el , f1'1)n1 n11c l<wnli n1 1 ln a 11 o l he1· _ ~ . 00

1•' 111· n111\ i11g a l l' lPph 1111c ,. p [. frnm 1111 0 l1H'nlio11 In n 11 ol he1· 1111 1 lw ,nme p1·e n1is c,.. ----------------------'-- 3.0 1)

Fo1· l'ii n1 11.rr i11 l~ · p1'. 01· ,: l ~· l r 111' l1•ll'pll1111t' "l' I ------------ ~.01)

1<c11· 1·l1n11;.?"r 11r 11am e . whe1·e sc i·, ir·c is ri ll'rn dy P:- l:dllis hcd__ .:Ji)

Telephone Service is Free to Subscribers Only and

Their Immediate Families

\\' he ll 11,..i11g t he "amc rur lh e i . pt•1·,..u 11al 1111 ,.. illt'"'"', "11h,..1·riber.:

who lnlk fo1'. tll' prrmil o lllC' l'S ll ia11 s 1i1 1s1TilH' 1·,.. Lo La lk. will Ile

char"e cl a le11 1·c11 I lul l. S11h;;1·1·il>r r ;; ;; hu1il cl not' iolnle lhis rn le.

All l'lll'll l s 1i11,..1Til1us mu ::: l giYc Lh c il' 11 0111e, nncl 1111mbe r , lo

th e ope 1·nlnr, wh e 11 1·: tll ing Ce11 t l'nl Olll ee furn :-:1 il1 :-;1·1·ib I' o r 11 n 11 -

su 1Js 1· ri lie r.

All r il y ,..11\J:-n ilie r:: mu,,,L g irn lh c i1· 1rnm cs lo th e operator

whc11 l'nll i11 g fol' n n1rnl s1 1(),:;r 1·il>e1· or n 11011 -:- 11h,:1-rihee.

Thi!- 1·onqrn 11 y 1'onl1':H'l :; l o furni:-;h L('ll'pho11 c :-;e1•\'ice Lo ub­

srrihrr" u11ly a 11d reser,·es lh e 1·ighl Lu refu,..e 1·u1111edio11 to non­

s11Ji ... 1· rilH•1·,.. , at :.rny lin1e. Yo11 ha\'e 11 0 righl lo a ll ow non-. 11b­

seriht>r:- lu ""' ~ u111· pho11e lo al lellll l-0 lh e il' a ffnirs.

tJeoplc w ho do 11ul ha ,·e Le l1' Jlhu11 rs, n1H.I wa11l lu u ·e ouc ·hould

be "illi11g lo pa~ fur it:-: 11" '" J l la kes mo11e~ to hold th e e rvi re

r eady Jo ht' 11,..ed , u11cl yu11 , as a s 1il iscTillc1·, s hu1il d 110L pern1iL bor­

ro w(•1·:- of l L•Jt• pli!lll E'~ lo ll SC Lll C S(' l'Vit'C.

I f Yllll permi t Sl ll' h pe 1·s1111 s In ll SC Lh e lele l'ho11 e, ro11 wi ll IJe· cxp<'l' ll'd 111 pa ~ lh e lull c ha1·v•s. ' f'h r :-.n m c will be c ha rged lo. y9ur nc1·0 1111t.

T elepbone Toll Rates

'I'O OUR J>.\TR 0:\8: '\'(1111' alll' 1dit111 i,.. 1·1illi>d 111 llll· atha11lagt''. a11d t>1·0 11 1111ii es

whir·h ni a~ he• had 1111dt•r 11111· Jll't''t'lll 11111 1·1tlt• :-1· h1'd11lt'. :-\lall' lo

the loll upt'r:tl111· J lw 1·la" 111' 't'1'\ i1·t• ~ 1111 ·Wi ,..h wlH:'ll mnh.i11g ~ lllll'


Station to Station Messages

A mort• c ll it· ie 11 I ""ti t·1·u111111 1il': il 11,:r ur l hl' lull l i11 e:-:. 'Yo11 are 1·N111 c.-;lecl wl1c11 111 :1ki11g ~t 1 11r "1tl l J(i du ,..(I c111 I lle lllu ::> I (•c·o 110111 ical

basis. \.V L· 111·gl' ~· 1111 111 II'!' llH· " .... la l io11 Ju slu l icJU ''. me" age whcn ­eve1· pm;,..ihle . Yt1111· u1·tln :-l1u1ild ;..pcril'y lhr lelepho11e :lulioo

called, ei ll1e1· !Jy ll'lt•p hu11t· 1111111l1rr, 01· h ~' JJ a m e or Ilic :-1il1,:(Ti1Jer ctl' th e 1-.d letl ,.1ali1111. ,..Juli11g." l will lnlk lo :111y1111r."

Chiu·ge..; for sln l it111 111 -1itli1111 mr ... , age:-; 1·c111 1w l hr l'evel',.;ed.

Person to Person Calls

Orde1·,.. l'or pe1'..,t111 111 1't•1·,1111 ,..t•n ire , Ul'l' u1·1·epled t11ily 1111de1·

lh e n>11d iliu11 lh nl a li1 11 il1·tl 1'11 argl': I 111 li t• k11t1\\·11 a - ;1 "repol'f <'hal'ge" ) \Yil l lie 111ad1 " \\' he11 I he u l'cler i, 111 l• ,.. Jahli,:h 1·un111111n ­ic-;tliu11 wil h :i p:1rli1·1ilnl' p1•r,1111 . u 11 d llw 1·011\' l'1·s:dio11 i:-: hrld, lhe.

' ' Pt' l'StHt Lu p1•1 ·,..11 11 '' 1·a l1 · :1pplit•,. Th i~ ,..e n ·ii-e l' t' q1 1i1·e~ a gn'aLel'

:1 111111111 1 111' u pc•1•ali1.1" !' 11'111'1. a11il l il t' II' !' 11 f Ilic 1· i1·1·11il ,..11 lh :tl rul e

fu1· :-; 111·Jt 1·;ill,_ j,.. ;1!i t111 [ llllt'-1'1 11ll'IJt <:-'l't'<tiP I' 111 :11 1 lh 1• ''.-(:t lll lll 111 :-lalio11 " 1'a lt'.

Report Charges

\V iii lie ni ndt• i11 I hl' l'ollow i11 f! rn,..r:-. wlH'l'l' ii i..: imp11,.. .- ililL' lu e ,..t a lll1sh rumm1111 i1 ·:tl1u 11 lt t•lwrr11 par li1·1ilar pc•1·..,011". a11d 1·111111ol he :-ern1·ed wilhi11 u11e l1u111'. .\ repol'I t ha rgC' appli e:-: . I ) \\' hen Jilt• 1·all pa l'l~ 1·cr11"C'"' lu la lk; \ 2 \\'h en the repol'l i ... l'elur11eo, and Lhe pe1·,.. u 11 eallcd i,.. "011 l." u1· •·u 11l, n11cl will l't' l 111·11 al a ,:pt>1 ·i­fled Lime," u r "011l, :i nd e uf re l11 1·11 u11k1111\Y11.'' 111· " alr,.. e11t rrum Lh t• 1 ·il~ ... T l1 i,.. 1· l111 1·;:t• i:-; lo !'U\·e 1· C\1111pe 11,.ali1>11 fllr lite upe nili 11 g Wtll'k 1H'l'l'!ll'l1H'd. n11tl 11,.:e ol' lttll ri 1·1· 11il ' . a1 1d i- ;1lr1rnL llllt'- fOl'l h uf 1 lh' ";o;lali 11 11 (11 ... la! i1111 " l'll l t'.

111 a11~· 1·a , e wh e 1·e n repu l'L ap pli e~ lhe rn i11i111 11111 1·hal'ge i..., ff\ I' I'!' 11 l.-'.

Page 21: CARROll TELEPHONE · 2019-12-06 · transmitter. how can you expect the receiving party to hear your conversation ? Remember this: No community ever reall y enjoyed flrst-clasl) telephone



Complaints are many tha l come io us of bor­

row~rs of t elephone se rvice. 'J'he paLron h as a.

t elephone in s tall ed in hi r esidence or in hi s office

f.or his own u e and 11 ot for public J' Urpo e If

you are a borrower o f te lep hone e rvice you

s hould slop a nd con ider, "Am I depriving the

s ubscribe!' of a. tel ephone call ?" Some one may

b e calli11g hi n11 mber and it is reported BUSY by

th e operator. You have caused th e merchan t Lo

lose a ale, or th e doctor to 10 ea call.

Jt i report ed contagio us di:,;;case have been

pread by l.>0rrowe l'" of Lelep hon c scn·ice calli ng

a doctor in case of ick 11 e ; by o doing yo u cause

Lhe ubscriber Lo s 11 ff er. Do not ann oy yo ur neigh­

bor, have a t elepho ne ins talled.