carrie greene

THE TOP 5 MISTAKES Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Broke And How You Can Avoid Them! By Carrie Greene Business Coach

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Carrie Greene The Top 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Broke and How You Can Avoid Them!


Page 1: Carrie Greene


MISTAKESEntrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Broke

And HowYou Can Avoid Them!

By Carrie GreeneBusiness

Page 2: Carrie Greene

The TOP 5 MISTAKESEntrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Broke

and How You Can Avoid Them!

WELCOME!I’m thrilled that you won’t make the top 5 mistakes entrepreneurs make that keep them broke.

Over the past ten years I’ve spoken to thousands of entrepreneurs and what I’ve discovered is that entrepreneurs often go into business to follow a dream and do something, or provide a service that is hugely important to them. Unfortunately, being an expert in your given field does not mean you are an expert business owner. Couple that with the fact that entrepreneurs tend to be incredibly creative and want to do everything, and things can get pretty crazy, really fast.

Included in this report are the top five mistakes I see entrepreneurs making every single day. Every time they make one of these mistakes, it chips away at their potential profits and even more sadly, their self-confidence.

Entrepreneurs then find themselves in a cycle of overwhelm and hopeless-ness. They don’t earn the money they want and deserve. This impacts the way they feel about themselves and the way they present themselves to the world.

The good news is that with this information you won’t fall into this trap!


P. S. If you have any questions after you’ve read this report, or need more support, please reach out to me directly by sending an email to [email protected].

© Copyright 2013 by Carrie Greene Coaching. All rights reserved.

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MISTAKE #1 Entrepreneurs try to do it all.

There’s a sense that every idea you have MUST get done. There’s a sense that you have to follow every recommendation you get or see. Then when you try to do it all, either you finish nothing OR you do it all, poorly.

If you were to take action on ALL of your ideas both you and your prospects would quickly get confused and overwhelmed.

SOLUTIONFollowing all your ideas, and trying to take ad-vantage of every opportunity, leads to confusion for both you and your market. Your confusion is due to your attention, energy and focus being split among a variety of things. Every time you get going on one thing, you shift gears to something else. You should be aware that doing this is also confusing to your customers. Could you imagine Apple coming out with five new products at the same time? They wouldn’t because then they wouldn’t have a single clear message to share with their customers and prospects. Choose the idea or direction that is in alignment your goals.

© Copyright 2013 by Carrie Greene Coaching. All rights reserved.

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MISTAKE #2 Entrepreneurs don’t market consistently.

Cold, hard truth here…if you don’t tell everyone you know, AND spread the word to people you don’t know on a VERY REGULAR basis, you will not have a business.

Every marketing strategy you follow needs to be consistent with your goals AND something

SOLUTIONThere are so many options when it comes to mar-keting your business. You could send ezines, create Facebook ads, go to networking events, do presentations, get involved with joint venture opportunities, build social media networks, direct mail, and so on. All of these are good ideas. There are two things to remember here. Make sure that whatever marketing strategies you choose fit with what you enjoy doing, are in line with the goals and image you want for your business, and, here’s the big one…make sure it is something you will do consistently.

Unless you are out there sharing information about you, your business and what you have to offer, no-body will know you are there. And, if you share in-formation sporadically, the impression prospective clients will get of you (if they remember you at all) is that you don’t show up consistently or reliably.

© Copyright 2013 by Carrie Greene Coaching. All rights reserved.

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MISTAKE #3 Entrepreneurs don’t take themselves seriously.

Somehow entrepreneurs think that just because they don’t “have a job” and report to themselves they don’t have to follow any rules. There’s a tendency for entrepreneurs to spend their days doing all sorts of busy work and not focusing on their number one business priority. If you were in a “job” situation, could you imagine telling your boss that you did everything other than the one report that she wanted? I didn’t think so, yet this is what entrepreneurs do all the time.

Spend at least one hour every day doing something to grow and market your business.

SOLUTIONTake a look at your number one business goal. Is it to bring in additional clients, revenues, or leads? Is it to find new speaking opportunities or create a new product? Is it to create a more flexi-ble schedule or spend more time with your family?

Pick the one activity you have on your to-do list that supports that goal and spend at least one hour of your time every day focusing ALL of your attention there.

© Copyright 2013 by Carrie Greene Coaching. All rights reserved.

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MISTAKE #4 Entrepreneurs don’t ask for the business.

I liken this to having a store full of great products but keeping the door locked and not inviting people in. I know it can be uncomfort-able (at least until you get used to it) but unless you open the doors, invite people in AND ask them to work with you, or to buy from you, they won’t.

You will never get a client if youdon’t ask them to work with you.

SOLUTIONYou went into your business to serve people. Un-less someone buys from you, you can’t serve him or her. Is it fair to the people you speak with that they continue to have a problem because you don’t offer them a solution?

Here’s the thing. You won’t get clients unless you ask them to be your clients. If you can help someone, go ahead and tell them. If they want your help, they’ll accept it. If they don’t want your help, that’s okay too. It’s their choice. Open the door and invite them in. Don’t leave them outside looking in.

© Copyright 2013 by Carrie Greene Coaching. All rights reserved.

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MISTAKE #5 Entrepreneurs don’t ask for help.

Just because you went into business for yourself does not mean you have to do it all yourself. Too often entrepreneurs get stuck trying to do things that they simply aren’t good at. In addition, many en-trepreneurs often feel like they can’t delegate anything that they know how to do. The result is that they end up spending their days doing things that need doing, but are not necessarily the things that are their unique skill set.

Ask for help. Just because you own your own business does not mean you have to do it alone.

SOLUTIONAsk for help. Delegate the tasks that you are not an expert in, or do not require your specific expertise. Hire a mentor or a coach to help keep you on track and accountable to your goals. Join groups to help grow your influence and get you out of your office. And before you say … “But I don’t have the money for that.” Consider this, how much more effective would you be if you focused your time doing what you are good at? What impact would that have on your business and your income?

Remember this… just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should.

© Copyright 2013 by Carrie Greene Coaching. All rights reserved.

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CARRIE GREENE is an expert in business strategy and productivity and author of the book, Chaos to Cash: An Entrepreneurs Guide to Eliminating Chaos, Overwhelm and Procrastination So You Can Create Ultimate Profit!After earning her degree in economics, Carrie spent fifteen years working on Wall Street at major brokerage firms, and the New York Stock Exchange. In 2002 Carrie took her business and productivity skills and started CarrieThru Business and Productivity Coaching. Her business has always been profitable.Carrie has seen first-hand how procrastination, indecision and overwhelm can paralyze even the most brilliant business owner and prevent him or her from reaching his or her potential.To help make sure that you’re reaching your potential, Carrie offers a variety or programs and services that are designed specifically for the unique needs and concerns of today’s entrepreneurs. These programs are all based around Carrie’s unique SPAsm system, which enables her clients to create powerful Strategy, effective Plans and purposeful and consistent Action!For more information about Carrie’s products, group workshops, Intensive SPAsm program and individual and group coaching please contact Carrie at [email protected] and let’s explore how working together will help you carry through and create the business (and revenues) of your dreams!

© Copyright 2013 by Carrie Greene Coaching. All rights reserved.

Contact Carrie Greene [email protected]
