carload shipments of fruits and vegetables from …


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  • - -

    2 8 2 5 2 8 2 5~~ 111 . _ 11 11111 . :~ 11111 . 11111 ..50 1=1.0 1.0

    11111W' lilll~~ 2.2 JJ.& 3.2. I" I".":':- 136 .';. ~1~2! ~ L:.i I"

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    1 .. 1&"L4 ~'-Li. --

    111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6




    . UPOATA 1981 --I


  • .'

    ~ I _


    Washln~on, D. C. February, 1927* r-~-----------------'------'----------------------~I


    For the CalendarYl~ars 1924 and 1925

    Prepared by the Bureau of Agricultural EcoTUlml"


    Introduction. .. . . . . . . .. . . I Total United States by eommodities .. .. .. . . . .. .. 2 Tables of Shipments of-

    Fruits PAge Vegeta(,~cs

    Apples. " 2 Asparagus. 69 Apples, Dried. '.' 20 Bcans, Dry 70 Cantaloupes 20 l3eans, Strir.g 75 Cherries ...... .. 24 Cabbage . 77 Cranberries .. .. 25 Carrots 85 Grapefruit. .. .. 26 Cauliflower 87 Grapes. 21\ Cc~e ..y . ~9 Lemons .. .. ... .... 31 Cucumbers 91 Melons, Miscellaneous 32 Eggplant 94 Mixed Citrus Fruit. 33 Lelluce 94 Mixed D~ciduous Fruit. 34 Mixed Vcgetablc~ 98 Oranges 36 Onions 104 Peaches 39 Peas, Green III Peaches, Dried 47 Peppers 112 Pears .. . ......... .. 47 Potatoes 113 Plums and Prunes 52 Potatoes, Sweet 144 Plums and I'lunes, Dried 54 Spinach '. 149 Strawberries. ......... . 55 1omatoes 150 Watermelons. .. .. 59 Turnips . 156



    if UPDATA 1981


    THE BULLETINS of the statistical series will contain available _ statistics on one or more commodities, annual, monthly, or weekly, on production, movement from the farm, receipts at markets, reship1eJ,lts, farm and :market prices, exports, ~~ports, produ~~ion in ici~eign countries, and foreign market prices, for the current year, together with comp.~fl;l.ble dat~ for earlier' years. ,

    At the present time (February, 1927) statistical bulletins have been issued or are now in pres~ follows:

    1. Cold-storage holdings, 1923. 2. Seed statistics. 3. Sheep, lamb, mutton, and wool statistics. 4. Cold-storage holdings, 1925. 5. Horses, mules, and moi;or vehicles. 6. Grain futures: Daily dl1,ta. 7. Shipments and unloads of certain fruits and vege

    tables, HIl8-1923. 8. Carload shipments of fruits and melons, 1920-1923. 9. Carload shipments of vegetables, 1920-1923.

    10. Statistics of potatoes and sweet potatoes. 11. Hay and feed statistics. 12. Wheat and rye statistics. 13. Cold-storage holdings; 1926. 14. Prices of farm products received by producers: North

    Atlantic States. 15. Prices of farm products reccived by producers: North

    Central States. . 16. Prices of farm products received by producers: South

    Atlantic and South Central States. 17. Prices of farm products rereived by prorlucers: Moun

    tain and Pacific States. 18. Statistics of. hogs, pork, and pork products. 19. Carload shipment.s of fruits and vegetables from stations

    in the United States, 1924-25. Prospective additions to the list are:

    , Statistics of cattle, calves, beef, veal, hides, and skins. Statistics of fats and oils. Statistics of vegetables. Statistics of fruits. Stttt,istics of tobacco. Statistics of corn. Statistics of oats, barley, rice, buckwheat, sorghums, and flax. Statistics of cotton. Statistics of hogs and pork. Statistics of dairy products. Statistics of sugar. Statistil)s of nuts.

    (~ UPDATA 1981




    The fruit and vegetable industry has grown remarkably during thelast six years. Oarload shipments have increased from approximately700,000 cars in 1920 to nearly a million in 1925. In adclition, increasingly large quantities are hauled by auto truck, the use of whichhas developed very rapidly dl1.:ing recent years.Efficient marketing of perishable commodities requjres informationregarrung the origin of such crops. .An increasing demand for specialtabulations of such information prompted the Bureau of .AgriculturalEconomics to issue StaVlstical Bulletin No.8, "Oarload shipment.s offruits and melons from stations in the United States for the calendaryears 1920, 1921, 1922, and 1923," and Statistical Bulletin No.9,giving the C:lame data for vegetables.The combined information contained herein supplements that inStatistical Bulletins Nos. 8 and 9, bringing it up to date under onecover. Mixed citrus and mixed deciduous fruits, miscellaneous melons,and green peas have been added to the formcr list of commodities.Shipments of green peas are shown for 1925 only. Tangerines arecombined with oranges in this bulletin.There is listed for each commodity the number of cars billed duringthe calendar years 1924 and 1925 from every station handling 10 ormore cars in either year, grouped by States and counties. The information has been compiled from monthly mail reports furnished tothe bureau by about 15,000 station agencies of railroads, express, andbeat lines. Wherever possible these reports have been checkedagainst daily telegraphic reports rendered by the operating departments of the carriers and against all other available sources of information. .Acknowledgment and thanks are again offered for the continued coope~fition and valuable assistance given in this work by thecOrnmon carrIers.Statjans originating less than 10 cars of a given commoruty aregrouped together and listed as "Others" in their proper counties.Oounties originating less than 10 cars of a given commodity aregrouped together and listed as It Other counties" in their proper State."Conductors' waybills" cover movements from nonagency pointsforwarded on waybills made out by conductors. Where possible,such shipments have been grouped under the proper county; otherwise they are addcd to the State total. .

    1 Compiled by Mary Hull, of tho Fruit nnd Vegl'tnb1c .Division.~ 12228--27----1

    ,..:,_''*'ttfil""""" "l"~"..;


    "Boat reports" coyer movements by boat reduced to car-lot equivalents. In some instances it has been possible to credit such movements to the originating point; in other cases it is credited tel either county or State.

    Summary of total United State8 shipments of fruit8, melon8, and vegetables, 1924 anti 1925

    Oommodlty 1924 1925 Commodity 1924 1925

    Apples_________ .,_._________ _ Beans, dry___________________ 15,872116,183 118,034 17,640Apples, drled_____ .___ ___ _ Beans, string____ ______ ___ 4; 6281,576 1,338 5,224Cantaloupes._._________ _. __ 28,929 30,165 Cabbage__ ___ ____ ._._.__ 41',114 39,956Cherrles________ ._ _______ __ _ Carrots______ ____________ .___ 3, OS22,046 2,304 3,491

    2,112 2,014 5,288Oranberrles_________________ _ Caullflower_.___ ".___ ___ __ ._ 4,650Grapefruit___________ ____ ._._ 19,931 19,726 Celery.________ ___. 18, 591 21, lOS

    69,938 81, a65 Cucumbers___ _______ _. 7,182 8,492~::=::::::::::::::::::: 13,552 11,590 Eggplant. ___ __________ _... 230 367 Melons, mlscellaneous___ ___ _ 2,565 3,654 Lettuce. _____ _____ _._._. 30,935 37,3OSMixed citrus fruiL __________ _ 5,497 4,878 Mlxcd vcgetablos___ _ __ .__ 28,352 32,211MIxed deciduous fruit _______ _ Onions_ ______________________ 31,9225,773 7,165 31,072Oranges_________ ._.______ Pees, green _________________ "__________ _16,'254 56,961 2, 707 Peaches. __.__ 39,497 40,858 Peppers______________________ 2, 271 2,372 Peaches, drled ___ _._ 1,561 624 Potatoos______________________ 252,097 241,523Pears__ ._.________________ __ _

    16,253 21,015 Potatoes, sweet_______________ 14,853 18,571Plums and prunes_________ _ 3,978 5,195 Splnach______________________ 7,537 7,955 Plums and prunes, drled__ __ 7,664 7,927 Tomatoes_ ___________________ 28,817 28,221Strawberrles_________________ _ 18,973 12,246 Turnlps______________________ 1,323 1,709,Watermelons___________ ____ _Asparagus___________________ _ 45,745 44,184

    1,235 1,906 972, 718 978, 764

    Carload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 1925


    State, county, and shipping 1924 ' State, count.y, and shipping1925 IG24 1925point point

    United States_________ j=1=16=,=183=I==1l=8,=03=4 ARKd::,~~~g~~::t~~~:_:____ 0 27

    19 20 Searey: Leslie ___________ _ '==='=== 4 15 Dekalb: Fort Payne______ 2 14 Washington _____________ _Madison: Harvest________ 15 2 1,507 1,047 Other counties____________ 2 41 Elklns_______________ _ 12 7

    ARIZONA_ ____________________ === 6 Farmlngton__________ 43 830 Fayette 1unction____ _ 14 o FayetlAlville_________ _ 95ARKANSAS ___________________ _ 1043,414 3,146 1ohnsons____________ _ 103 33Llncoln______________ _Benton __________________ _ 192 237

    1,831 1,957 Prairie Grove________ _ 9 13Sprlngdale___________ _AvoCll _______________ _ 985 641Summers ____________ _67 70 24 15Bentonvllle__________ _ 321 418 West Ford___________Centerton ___________ _ 12 20Others_______________ _224 330Decatur_____________ _ 9 3 Gentry______________ _ 91 71

    159 131 Other countios____________ j========n:Gravette____________ _ 197 113 177 120 CALIFORNIA ________________..! 4,882 2, 536Hlwasse______________ LowelL _____________ _ 288 248Rogers______________ _ 281 430 In o______________________ i___32____60_ySiloam Springs _______ 17 17Others______________ _

    9 91 Kearsarge _______ ___ _ 14 24Laws________________ _lloone___________________ _ .r 22Lone Pine___________ _55 9 11Others_______________ _ 5 :\ Alpena_______________ 27 9 =::z=:==Kern _________________ .___ 14 Harrlson_____________ 15 25 Belleronte__ ._________ 0 21

    Others__________ ,_____ 2_ 0 'l'ehuchapl ___________ _ 14 oOthers_______________ _ o 1Carroll _________________ ._ 27 Los Angelc.~_____________ _ == 23Berryvllle___________ _ 3 15Grcen Forest ________ _ Los Angeles_________ _24 17 22 1Others_______________ _ Others_______________ _o 2 1 0

  • ------

    Carload shipments o} fruits and vegetables for caJendar years 1924 and 1925-Con~ APPLES-Continued

    State, county, and shipping

    point 1924 State, county, and shippingpoint 1924- 1925

    CALIFORNIA-Continued.Monterey________________ COLORADO-Continued.132 103 Garfield___________

    Soledad_____________ _------ 36 62 40 41 Grand Valley ____ ___ _ ------

    WatsonvllIe Junction_ 19 1844 24 New Castle__________ _Others_______________ _ Sllt________________ _ 12 16 Others_____ _________ _ 2 12

    48 38

    NapB.____________________ 36 - 27 3 6 Larimer________________ _Napa_____________ _ ----- 19 4

    1 2 Fort COllins_________ _ Others________________ 34 25

    Otbers_________ _____ _ 13 2SaCl'Blllento_______________ 6 22 13 Hood_______________ _ ------ Mesa _____ ___ 594 734 Otbers_______________ o 10

    2 8 Clltton_._.__ ____ .___ 237 156---:::--San Benito______________ _ = Fruita______ __ .______ 43 20

    60 8 Grand Junction __ .___ 2

  • --------




    Carload shipments of fruits and vegetables f01' calendar years 1924 and 1925-Con.


    State, county, and shippingStMe, county, and shipping 1924 1925 1924 11125 pointpoint Twin Falls-Continued.JIabershnm_______ -- .----- 390 106 Kimberly._______ ._. 100 20 155 501Baldwin______________ 150 26 'l'wln Fulls..-..--

    Clarkesville__________ 59 13 - 136 617 Cornelia__ ____________ 159 65 Washington: Welser ___ __ -

    Ro11ywood___________ 12 S Other countieR ___________ _ 33 22Others________________ 10 4 ILLINOIS _____________________ _ 5,831l 6,70SRebun___________________ 8~ 1 34

    Adams__________ _______ _ 446 2184 Olayton ------------- ---13-1---- ------- :Mountain City_______ 01 22 Coatsburg____________ 20 7 Othors________________ 12 8 Full Creek____________ 80 118 ]

  • --------


    Oarload 8hipments of fruit8 and vegetables for calendar years 1921,. and 1925-Con.


    State, county. and shipping 1924 State, county. and shipping point 1925 192,1 1925point

    ILLINOIs-Continued. Greene-Contlnued.HUh'iew_____________ _

    Roodhouse__________ _ 311 474 27 2White HalL________ _Others________________ _ 15 54 o 4

    Hancock________________ _ == 24 14

    StillwelL____________ 9 10 Others________________ 15 4

    Henderson_______________ 14/ 3

    OIadstone____________ I3 3 Others________________ 1 0

    Jaekson___________________ 99 I 71 BoskydelL___________ 4 IO Pomona______________ 21 15 Maknndu.____________ 36 16 Murphyshoro________ 37 30Others____ ...__________ 1 0

    Jasper ___________________ _ = 17l 315

    Boos_________________ _ 4 15

    122 195

    Newt on ______________ West Liherty________ _ 37 69Willow HilL _________ 8 aoOthers. ______________ _ o 6

    J etrersoll.. ________________ _ 2 14 Dix__________________ _ Others_______________ _ 12

    2 lersey___________________ _ =

    100 320 Grafton______________ _

    121Jerseyville__________ _ lII7 69 123

    Johnson__________________ 157 I 369---_.-Gorevllle ____ _______ _ 4 33New Bnrnside _______ _Ozerk________________ 43 100

    62 143Tunnell HilL_______ _Others_______________ _ 43 78

    5 ]5

    McDonough: Macomb___ 24 I :; Macoupl n _______________ _

    62 100 Brighton ____________ 5 14 Carllnville____________ 40 :17

    Plalm'iew ____________ ]0 32 Others________________ 7 17

    Marlon__________ .________ ]58 I 319 Alma_________________ 45 109

    Cartter _______________ 0 ]0 Centralla_____________ 41 67 XeIL________________ H 29 Xinmund~'___________ 16 30 Patoka__ ____________ 7 12 Salern________________ 11 21 Sandoval.____________ 10 1 Tont!.._______________ 10 18 Others________________ 7 I 16

    Mason: Mason Clty______ 16 : 5 Montgomery_____________ 33 22

    Irvlng________________Others_______________ _ 29 15

    4 7 ==

    ILUNOls-Continued.:Morgan _________________ _ 23 C!

    ]\oferoc1osla___________ _ ------- 10 2

    Others_______________ _ 11 4 Wuvedy______________

    2 0 Plke_____________________ _

    ],165 891 Barry -~______________ 303 140

    ~~:n~~~~I:::==:::::=== m 12i Nebo_________________ 67 42 Ncw CllntoD_________ 46 47 New Salem___________ 13 2pearL..______________ 42 34 pittstMu __ .__________ 79 90 Plcusnnt HilI .._______ 16 32 Rookport_____________ 07 60 Valloy Cily___________ 295 306 Others________________ 10 I 12

    Richland ____ ..______________H_O_i~

    Clnr~lIJont.___________ 2 12

    Dunulls ________..____ 7 10 Oln~y_ _ __ ____________ SO 109 Pnrkers!Jm'g__________ 53 99

    Others_. _____________ 4 4

    SChl1yle,'__________________1 2t i 5 RuShville.____________ 20 i 5 Others________________ 1 , 0

    Scott .._________________..! 50 , 24 N nllles_. _---_________'/---16-'----;;Higb'Ston _____________ 25 1 Others_ ...____________ , 9 I 0

    Taze\\'t'II: Lilly ________.._ 2S i 11 ===,====Union -----_______________ 375 f 346

    Alto l'>lss. ____________ --rn1---- 871 121 Anna. ---------------- !J4Blll('om_______________ 10 10

    CobdlII_______________ J54 119

    Others.______________ 3 2

    I ,WushingtOIl: Hi('h\ilw. __ ~ 20 I 40 1"uyno ___________________I-- 7 - - 12

    Golden oato__________/---(-,1---1-1' Othersw .. __ .. ___ ........ ____ i r 1

    1-__ -.::;.= "'llllumson: CreUI-,Sprlngs.._____________ . 11 II 21

    ! --Otber counties ___________ .! 50 53

    INDl!NA_____________________ .r=~-;S;i 309

    Brown____________________I=---;,11 27 'I'revllle_______________ 21 I 25 Othel's________________ 3 I 2

    -.= Clnrk: Nubbs____________ 0 ! H Frunklin: LnureL ________ - 3S I 5


    Fulton___________________ 21 i 6

    nochester -- ..--- _____ ---11-1I 6

    Others___________..___ 2 , 0


    UPDATA 1981

  • d STATISTICAL :bULLETIN 19, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRiOuLTuRE CarlOlld shipm~nl8 of fruits and veuetab'zell for calendar lIears 19S4 and 1925-Con.


    State, county, Rnd shipping State, connty, and shipping 1924 1925 1924 1925 . point point

    lNDIANA-Oentfnuetl. IowA-Oontinued. Gibson___________________ 10 19 Wapello__________________ 13 25

    1---1--- Eddyville ____________ -----"11---2-1Dnckskin.____________ 10 15 OthcrS_________________~I 4others________________ 0 4 Knox____________________ _ other counties_______________3_9_1___40_

    DicknelL ____________ _ KANSAS ______________________ ~I~ 54 100

    6 19Vlnccnnes ____________ 43 79Others_______________ _ 6 2 Atchison________________ .. _ 96 I 167

    Lawrence_________________ I 23 I 59 Atchison_____________ ---90-'---148 Onk Mills____________ 5 11Others________________ . 0 8MltchelL____________ 19 53 1Others________________ . 4 6 1==Drown ______________________36_!___33_'==

    Orange___________________ 41 62 Horton_______________ 251 'nOrleaDS_______________ 16 --:10 Others_______________ 11 6Paoli ________________ _

    25 32 Ohose____________________ 141 0==

    WBShington: Norriss_____ 10 Streng Oity ---------- ---1-3-1---0Boat reports. ____________ _ == . 026 Others________________ 1 0

    == Other counties____________ 39 76 """'oY__________________ '" I ' IOWA_________________________ ===23=2=1====29=8 ArkaDSos City________ 15 0

    Others________________ 5 0== Des :r.roines _____________ _ 10 18 Doniphan________________ 791 . 776==

    Floyd: West Charles_____ 10 I 9 Dlnir_________________ lOS 99 Fremont__________________ ,___29_____9 Sevemncc____________ 7 10Tloy_________________ 363 399

    Hamhurg_____________1 23 7 '1'ro)' JunctIon________ 27 24 Others________________ 6 Wathenll_____________ 269 229

    Others________________ 17 16Harrison_________________ _ == 51 16 == Jackson: Holton__________ 0 16

    Missouri Valiey _____ _ 18 0Mondamin __________ _ 23 16 Jefferson__________________ -1=1017Others_______________ _ 10 1 Perry_________________ 12 0Henry___________________ _

    17 Others________________ 6 10 IOWIl ____________________ _ == ==

    17 Leavenworth_____________ l21 126 Williamshurg________ _ 6 17 Lansing______________ 62 64Others_______________ _

    2 o Leavenworth_________ 8 10 Lowemont___________ 4 12

    Johnson: Iowa Oity _____ _ o 11 Tonganoxie___________ 47 39Others___________________0_1___1== Jefferson: FairOeld_______ 11 Linn _____________________ ---5-1---1-5Lee______________________ _

    53 32 Parker_______________ ---5-1---1-4 Fort Madlson _______ _ 15 8 Others________________ 0 1Montrose____________ _ 18 . 10West Point __________ _ 5 10 Sedgwick_________________ 11"1~Others_______________ _

    15 4 == Sumner__________________ ~1___7LonisB-__________________ _ o 17

    Delle Plaine__________ 144 7Morning Snn_________ 0 12 Othe)"!,. ______________ 5 0 others________________ 0 5

    =p===-- Other counties ____________ - 34 I 11 Madison__________________ 14 3 Marion: Knonille_______ 1 10 KENTUCKY _u________________ 891 ~ ==Van Buren_ ______________ 3 03

    Henderson _______________ - 671 421---1---Bonaparte____________ 0 52

    Henderson_ __________ 65 42 Others________________ 3 1 Others________________ 2 0Stockport_____________ 0 10


  • ---






    OARLOAD SHIPMENTS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 7 Carload shipments of fruits and vegetable8 for calendar years 1924- and 102S-Con.


    State, county, and shipping State, county, and shipping pOint 19M 1925point

    19M 1925

    -----------1----1----11---______._____ _ KENTUCKY-Continued.

    le1Jerson: Lonls~llle_____ _ 12 2Other countles___________ _ 10 6 MAINB_______________________ 2,014 = 1,407

    Androscoggln.___________ 345 = ]1i7 Auburn ______________ ---

    Greene______________ _ 37 30 Lewiston__ __ _____ _ 63 29

    21 12Livermore Falls _____ _ 97 36Mechaulc Falls____ __ 15 7Strickland. ____ __ . __ _ 15 6West Mlnot.____ ___ Others__ ____________ _ 65 19

    42 18 Cumberland ____________ _ -=

    136 138 Cornish. ____________ _ -- a5 44Harrlson ___________ ,1.6 9Mattocks__ ___ 7 11New Gloucestor__ _ 2'.' 20Sebago Lake.._. 18 20Steep Falls__ ___ _ 15 17

    11 10

    West Baldwin________ Others._._._________ _ 12 7

    J'mnklin_.__________ 125 = North Jay.__________ _ ------


    56 33West Farmington ___ _ 48 49 Oth~rs ._.__ ________

    Wilton_. ____ ___.____ _

    18 22 3 2

    Kennebec________ _ ----243 162 AnDabessacook ______ _ Belgrade_._.__ __ __ 12 23 13 4Chlna._ __._____ 18 7Gardiner __________ _ Monmouth._. _______ 28 28 72 29Readfleld._. _________ _Wlnthrop___________ _ 15 13 Others___________ _ 48 42

    37 10 Knox.______________ ___ . = 96 73

    Cawden_ __ ________ Rockland____________ _ 2926 Unlon_______________ _ 19 12 Others_______________ 51 30

    0 2 Llncoln_________ __ ._.__ _ = = 31 22

    Head Tlde __________ _ Others_______________ _ 11 12

    20 10 Oxford __________________ _

    510 375

    Bates_________________ 86 61 Buckfleld _________ 63 48 Canton______ ____ 43 22 East Hebron_. ___ .___ 99 6{ East Sumner___ ._____ 17 22 Hartford _____ ._______ 20 14 Norw~y.. --.--.____ ... 65 36

    Oxlorp __ __________ ._ 22 5 SoutH Parls__________ !l4 85 Others________________ 10 18

    Penobscot _______________ j 112 63

    Bangor ______________ _ Corlnna _____________ _ 12 16 Etnt ________________ _ 18 7

    15 \lHerman Pond _______ _ 32 7North Bangor_______ _Others_______________ _ 19 10 16 10

    MAlliE-Continued.Sagadahoo_______________ _

    30 9_._---Bowdolnham________ _Others_______________ _ 29 7

    1 2 Somerset_________________ 15 49

    North Anson_________ 1 14 Skowhegan___________ 3 20 Others________________ 11 15

    Waldo_____________ :______ 278 202

    BeJfast.______________ ------66124 Brooks_ --------___ ___ 33 18Waldo_____________ .. __ 17 7 Wlnterport.__________ 87 110 Others________________ 17 11

    = York_ ------------________ 76 39 Bmdbury ___________ _ --- 14 Eastwood ___________ _ 9 Eliot. _______________ _ 11 1

    18 11 Springvalo___________ _ 1 North Berwlck______ _ 11 Others_______________ _ 10 7

    12 10 = Other counties____________ 8 7

    MARVLAND___________________ 1,342 1,327

    AlleghanY'________________ 165 96

    Cumberland _________ _ ---

    63 Oldtown_____ : _______ _ 21

    112 75 Caroline__________________ 39 26

    Goldsboro ___________ _ ----

    Preston______________ _ 20 6 Others_______________ _ 147

    12 6 CarroIL__________________ ==5450

    New Windsor _______ _ ----Others_______________ _ 40 44

    10 10

    Dorchester..______________ 24 2

    Rhodesdale__________ _ ---

    21 Others_______________ _ 2 3 o

    Frederlck________________ _ 41

    Frederlck____________ _ ----63 Others_______________ _ 20 50

    21 13 Harford_________________ _1===1===

    23 51

    Havre de Grace_______ 20 43 Others________________ 3 8

    I===F===Kent.. ----------__________ 17 3

    Lumbson_____________ ----313 Others________________ 4 0

    'l'albOL_________________ .'- 119 89

    Chapel_.____________ _ ------ Cordova_____________ _ 40 30 Easton ______________ _ 21 19

    58 40 - == Washlngton______________ 726 812 Ohewsville__"_________ 4 48 Edgemont____________ 47 36 Hagerstown__________ 191 1691

    . . _.',' . ' -'...... .,'; ~' ~ d~,,--


    CGfload shipments offmits and vegetables for calendar years 1924- and 1925-Con. APl'LES-Continued

    Stllte, county, lind shipping State, county, Bod shipping1024 1925 1924 1925point point

    MASYLAND-Continucd. MICHIGAN-Continued.Derrien__________________ _Wa.qbington-Continucd. 34S 324Hancock_____________ _ 397 371 K~dyavillo__________ _ Benton H",-bor ______ _3 29 220 93Pearro_______________ _ 18 Berrien Springs ______ _ 3 1117Smitbsburg__________ _ ColoIDa______________ _39 52 40 113Weverton___________ _ Derby_______________ _7 12 1 11Sodus _______________ _Williamsport________ _ 0 39 35 52Others_______________ _ Saint Joseph _________ _20 39 25 10W atervJiet___________ _

    Wlcomico___________ ,___ _ = --- Otbers_______________ _ 12 9 34 12 25 Salisbury____________ _ ------

    22 Branch__________________ _

    26 11 3 10Others_______________ _ Calhoun_________________ _8 11 13 18Chnrlevolx- _____________ _ Worcester_______________ _ ---= 7 19 97 105 ------ Cbeboygnn_______________ 21 96

    Berlin________________ fill I 67 Cheboygan___________ ---21-1---94-Snint Martins________ 11 22 Snow Hill____________ 27 11 Others________________ 0 \1 Others________________ 0 fi

    Enton____________________ 16 I 23Other counties ____________ - 7 -, 4

    Eaton Rapids ________ -lsl---2-1 MAssAcnt'sETTs______________ 500 I 323 Others________________ () 2

    Berkshire: Pittsfield ______ \ 11 I 0 Emmctt.:~_______________ 5 1_ 16 Essex_____________________ =-- 12 I 7 Geneseo__________________ Jl I 32 Franklin_________________ 415 I 262 Flushing_____________ 11 31

    Others._______________ () 1 Charlemont__________ 77 \ 27 == Greenfield____________ 47 32 Grlllld Traverse__________ 272 277 Shelburne Fl\lIs_______ 284 203Others______________,__ 7 0 Old Mission__________ 11 0

    Traverso City ________ 257 267 Hl!lIlpshiro_______________ -10 i 20 Others________________ 4 10

    HUlsdalo _________________ - 9 ! 52Amherst______________ 0 \ 11 Haydenville__________ 30 5

    Alleo_________________ 3 10~ll~~~~_s_~~:~::======= 19 ~ Bunkers______________ 1 12

    Hillsdale_____________ 1 13 Middlesc:r. _______________ \' 34\ 18 North Adams________ 4 12

    Olhers________________ 0 5 Lilt1~ton_____________ 1:1 9 Others________________ 21 \l Huron____________________ . 15 I 5

    ===-Worcester________________ 48 16 Ingham___________________ =,-" 451 68 Fitchbtlrg ____________ ---1.-1 ---1-4 ! Leslie_________________ 40 62 Giloortv!l1"'___________ 14 1 1 Otbers________________ 5 6Otbcrs__________________ ___1._~

    Ionia_____________________ 123 I 79 MICHIGAN -------------------J~I~'=,= Belding_______________ 39 45

    AlIagl\n___________________ 3:17 530 Ionin_________________ 42 33Muir _________________ 27 0 Allegan______________ _ 12 34 Portland_____________ 12 1Fennville____________ _ 295 457 Others________________ 3 0

    5 22~SR~d~~===:::=:=::=:: 10 10 Jackson__________________ 31-~Others_______ -________ , 6 7 Parma________________ 1 13

    Antrim___________________I"" -zr- 5\1 Others________________ 2 13 Bellaire_______________ R 13 Kalamazoo_______________ 341 13 Elk Rapids___________ 17 31

    Kalamazoo ___________ ---30-1---1-0 Others________________ -t 3

    Otbers________________ 3 15 Benzie____________________1 145 248

    Knllmska_________________ - 10 I 7 Deulah_______________ F2 100 Frnnkfort.____________ 62 82 Kent_____________________ 2621 353 Others________________ 1 0

    .. 1=== Orand Rapids________ 201 240

  • --





    Carload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 19M-Con.


    State, county. Bnd shippingpoint 1924 1925 State, county. and shipping

    point 192-1 1925



    , Kent City____________ 13 10 LoweIL______________ 1 14 Moseley______________ 0 15

    ~~~~~==:::::::::::::: 4~ 6~ Lapeer___________________ 251 11

    Attica________________ 11 2 Others._______________ 14 9

    Leelanau_________________ 70 53

    Glen Haven _________ _ ------

    Northport___________ _ 14 o Others_______________ _ 36 45

    20 8 Lenawee_________________ _

    11 13 Manistee ________________ _

    97 232 Henry_______________ _ ------

    21 Manistee ____________ _ 43 Norwalk_____________ _ 44 133 Others_______________ _ 15 49

    17 7 Mnson___________________ _

    175 004 Custer_______________ _ ------

    Fountain ____________ _ I 54 Free SoIL _____,______ _ 4 41

    0 21

    Ludln~on------------Scottville____________ _ 117 366

    53 122-,Mecost,,_________________ _ Montcalm_______________ _ 2 15 12 7 Mllllkegon_______________ _

    247 301 Bailey_______________ _ ----

    Brunswick__________ _ 39 42 Cnsnovla____________ _ 38 49 Muskegon___________ _ 140 202 Others_______________ _ 22 1

    8 7 Newaygo________________ _

    108 173 FremonL ___________ _

    Remnnn _____________ _ 94 139 Others______________ _ 12 24

    2 10 Oakland_________________ _


    NO'l"I.________________ --130 Others_______________ 9 0

    1====1=Oceans___________________ 330 721

    Hart. _______________ _ ---

    ,Mears_______________ _ 101 277 New Ern___________ _ 9943 Shelby______________ _ 4 33 Otbers______________ _ 176 309

    6 3 Ottawa__________________ _

    52 120 Conklln _____________ _ -Goodlng_____________ _ 2 26 Holland _____________ _ 17 30 Otbers______________ _ 33 62

    0 2 Van Buren ______________ _

    297 557 Bangor______________ _--- Bloomlngdale_______ _ 102 104 Breedsville_________ ._ 6 18 Harteord_________ ._ 10 22

    37 68

    MICHIGAN-Continued. Van Buren-Continued,

    Ribble__ ---__________ 9 41 Lncota_______________ 7 11 Lawrence____________ 10 .60 Paw Paw-- -_________ 3 13 South Haven_________ 97 207 Otbers..______________ 16 13

    Wane____________________ 8281_ ' NorthVlllo_ ___________ 19/ 4 Others__ --___________ 9 4

    Other counties ___________ . 36 I 68 Boat reports ______________ - 612 , 820

    MINNESOTA__________________ 44 54 Houston ____ ____________ _

    21 34

    La Cresccllt._________ 12 32 Othcrs_______________ 9 2

    Saint Louis_~_____________ 121 1 Dulutb_______________ 11 1

    Others__ --___________ I 0

    Other counties____________ 11 I 19

    M:.:::~::::::::=:::::::: _'. ~~I "';

    Amazonia.___________ 11 0 Savllnnuh____________ 20 7 Others_______________ 6 2

    AUdrnin: MOIlco_________ 11 11


    Exeter_______________ _ Monett______________ _ 66 87 Purdy_______________ _ 4 14 Sellgman ____________ _ 3 11 Washburn___________ _ 0 20

    ]WheRton ____________ _ 15 24 Others______________ _ 28 0 1

    Booue___________________ _ 84 57

    McBnine____________ _ ------Rocheport___________ _ 65 41 Others______________ _ ]9 14

    0 2 Bucbanan_______________ _

    304 237 Agency______________ _------

    De Kalb ____________ _ 20 32 Easton ______________ _ 61 50 Hnlls ________________ _ 16 2 Rusbvlllo ___________ _ 2'.126 Snlnt JOsOlJh ________ _ 25 ]0]20 Saxton ______________ _ 105 WlIlow Brook ________ 9 16 Otbers______________ _ 12 0

    15 0Oarroll__________________ _

    56 43 Carrollton___________ _ -------

    De WltL___________ _ 17 3 W akendn _____________ 24 22 Otbers______________ _ 4 ]0

    11 '8 Cnss: Clevelund _________ _ }S 6

    UPDATA 1981

  • ------










    Carload shipments oj fruits and vegetables Jor calendar years 1924 and 1925-Con. APPLES-Continued

    State. county. and shipping State. county. and sblpplng 1924 1925I1924 1925 pointpoint-----,1---------1----11-------------- MI/lSouru-Contlnued.

    Oharlton.___ 39 17

    Brunswick. ____ _. 12 7

    Dalton-- 21 9

    Others._._ ____ _ 6 1

    Ohrlstian: Billings ____ _ 22

    Cooper_______.__________ 17 I 22 Boonvllle__ __________ ---14-1---16 Otbers____________ 3 6

    Dade: Everton. __________ - 19 I 24

    Davless ___ _______ .__ 14 i__

    Pattonsburg__ _____ 11 0Others______ __ ___

    -3 6.

    De Kalb: Amity -- ______ _ 0 12

    == Gentry_______ _________ _ 21l 22

    Darliugton__. ___ _ 5 11Stmwberry__________ _ 12 3Others____ , __ , __ , __ ,_ 12 8

    Green ___ ____________ _ 263 198

    Ash Grove __________ _ 25 20Haseltlne____________ _ 128 71

    Republlc_. __ _______ 76 78

    Sprlngfleld__ _______ _ 12 6WiIlard ____________ _ 1I 16

    Others_ ___________ 14 S-= Holt______________________ 205 SO

    16 6

    ~~~~s::::::::::::::: 40 19Forest City _________ _ B27

    Fortescuo___________ _ 42 13Mound Clty____ ___ _ 65 26

    Oth~rs____ _________ _ 15 9

    Howard. ______________.. 84 62

    FranklIn___________ .. _ -----

    23 11Glasgow___________ ._ 12 0Nllw Fnmklln _______ _ 49 41


    HoweIL ____........__ 13 15

    Brandsvllle._.__ ___._ 10 6

    Others_____ a 9

    == Jackson __ --._ ___ 63 23

    Leos Summit.___ ._.__ 11 6

    Sibley.___._ 27 14

    Others________ 15 4

    == lasper: Bercoxlll. __ _____ _ 1 10

    le1ferson: PevelY_ __ 16 6

    = Laclede__ __ __ __ 12 16

    Phillipsburg_ ______ _ 10 10

    Others_. __ __ 2 6

    == Lafayette_ _._____._ 200 260

    Corder_________._._._ 1 19

    HIgginsville. ______ 11 4

    Hoage.____ 72

    LGInaton--- . t~ o

    MISSOURI-Continued. Lafayette-Continued.

    Mayvlew_____________ 15 58

    Waverly_______ . ___._ 108 97

    Others._ _____ ._ 2 0

    == Lawrence_____ _._.____ ~I~ Aurora _______.--.---- 166 187

    Marionville______ .__ 498 583

    Miller ._.___ ____ .____ 6 35

    Pierce Olty_._________ 15 12

    Otbers___ .______ 2 7

    == Llncoln_ _______ _ 14 13

    Elsberry. ____....._._ 14 11

    Otbers___ ._.________ _ 0 2


    Linn: Brookfield ___._._._ 12 3

    = Llvlngston__ ._.___.__ 47 7

    Utlca_________ 36 7 Others ___ _ __._ 11 0

    McDonald _____________ _ 42 17

    Anderson____________ _ 24 4

    Goodman _____ __ 12 8

    Otbers___ __ ___ ._ 6 5

    Macon: Macon ___--- 24 14

    Marion ________ - - 13 0

    == Newton ________________ _ 60 89

    Neosho.________ _ 47 79

    Otbers_______ __ ._ 3 10

    = N odaway. ____ ________ _ 27 66

    Skidmore.__.__._. 21 42

    Others___ ____ ._ _ 6 14


    Oregon: Koshkonong ____ _ 9 13

    Pettis: aedalla. _________ 10 1

    Pbelps: Rolla __ _______ _ 0 = 33

    Plke__ ______ .-.--.,-. 218 100

    Ashburn. ____._._ __ 20 9

    Olarksv!1le__ _. 198 175

    Others___ ._.___ 0 6

    = Platte ____ ._ _____ 88 87

    Dearborn_____._.____ o 27

    Iatan_ _____________ 15 13 Parkvllle--. 43 5 Weston__ _ 26 42

    Others.____._ __ .__ 4 o

    Ralls __._._______-- 19 20

    Saverton__ ___" 17 19

    Others____ ._ ___ ___ 2 1

    = Ballne___ _________._.. 22 39

    Grand Pass _________ 12 18

    Marshall___ _._. II 18

    Others___ ___ ___ _ 1 3

    = Salnt Charles_ _.____ _ 7 16

    Stone: Omne ______ 2 18

  • __


    Carload 8hipment8 oj j"uitsand vegetables JOT calendar year8 1924 and 1925-Con.


    State. county, and shipping point 1924 1925 State, county. and shipping

    point 1924. 1925

    Ml8soulIl-Contlnued.Webster_________________ _ NEW HAlII'BWRE-Contd.66 171 HllIshQrough-Contd.MarsbJIeld______ ._.__ ------ Hollis_______________ _

    2 17 New Boston _________ _ 16 11RogersvlJ]e_ _. __Seymour____ _ __ 6 23 South Byndeboro~__ _ 17 1

    58 Wilton______________ _ 26 12131 Others_______________ _ 100 73WrlghL______ _ __ 54 102_ == 39 28

    Cedar Gap __________ _ ------ Marrimack_______________ 179 = 13146 82Mountain Grove ____ _Others_______________ _ 8 19 Boscawen ___________ _ ----- o 1 Bradford____________ _ 28 Other countles ____ ______ _ - Canterbury_________ _ IH12

    59 45 ContoocoOk _________ _ 12 3 Halcyon_____________ _ 20 24MONTANA____________________ 217 = 39 Henniker____________ J 11 11

    Carho.ll__________________ _ ------- Plttsfield ____________ _ 18 19 11 4 _ 21Warner______________ 33

    Others_______________ _ 8 12Flathead_________________ 2:l = 4 37 22 KallspeIL ___________ _ ---

    11 ROckingham_____________ 161 = 75Somers __________ __ 2 11 2 Breakfast HilL._____ _ -------Derry_______________ _ 12Lake: Polson _______ ___ _ = 8 11 o Epping_______ ______ _ 15 11

    MlsaouIs________________ _ =:.= Greenland___________ _ 19 12 28 Newflelds________ __ _ 1633

    De SmeL ___________ _ ------14 Newlngton __________ _ 12 0 Mlssoula____________ _ 10 12 North Ha.mpton_____ _ 13 0

    2Others_______________ _ 16 Others_______________ _ iO 10 2 o 1847

    Rave11L __ : ________ ____ 142 16 Stratford _______________ _ = 91 29 --r---HaruIlton____________ _ ------ Barrlngton______ ___ _ 30 0 Gonlc_______________ _ 20 9Stevensville___~__ __ _ 12Victor_______________ _ 50 10 New Durham _______ _ 6

    11 Others______________ _ aa 4 Others______________ _ 24 2 Woodside ___________ _ 20 0 :aochester________ __ _ 4

    24o 2 8 Other countles ____ .....___ 3 = Other counties ____ .____ _ 13 = 8

    NEBRABKA___________ ____ __ = NEW JERSEY_____ __ ._._____ 135 400 358 212

    Burlington_____ ________ _Nemaha__________________ = 196 78 36 161

    Auhurn_____________ _ 11 ------ Beverly______________ ----21Brownville __________ _ 20 4 Burllngton___________ 3 26Howe _______________ _ 56 31 Rlverton_____________ 9 31Nemsha_____________ _ 26 7 Moorestown____ 12 7045Peru __________.___ _ 25 Others________________ 1 1349 11

    Otoe_________________.___ 21 = 15 Oamden__________________ 19 1= 89 Nehraska Clty______ _ ------ MercbantvllIe _______ _Pavonls _____________ _Others_______________ 20 15

    --1 0 Oumberla.nd_____________ _IUcbardson__________


    Fa1Is City___________ _ ------117 Brldgeton___________ _ Shubert_____________ _ 25 24 Others_______________ _ Others_______________ _ 83 83

    14 10 G louccster _________ _____ _ Other countics ___________ _ -- Glassboro ___________ _19 2 Others_______________ _

    NEVADA_____________._.___ o MO'lIl1outh______ _______ _ = Sussex___________________ _NEW HAKPBBIRE___ _ 797 509 Warreu._________________ _

    Balknap__________________ 18 = 20 Other countles ___________ _

    Gralton __ ----____________ 12 11

    HIllsborough_____________ - 323 = 235 Antrim_______________ ------1913 Goffstown____________ 15 8 Greenfleld____________Greenvllle____________

    10 17

    8 16

    :=::::::::::::: ~ ~

    NEW MEXICO________________ ===91=3=1===1=,=10=7 Chaves ~1-__51_1___________________

    Dexter----- ___ _____ 44 31 Hagerman____________Lake Arthnr _________



    RosweIL_____________Othel'l. .____________ 3950 4671


  • -----



    Carload shipmenls of fruils and vegelables for calendar yeaTs 19!31, and 1925-Con. APPLES-Continusd

    State, county,. and shipping 1924 ~92,1 State, county, and shippIng 1924 1925pomt point -11--------------------1------

    NEW MEXIco-Continued. NEW YORK-Continued. De Baca: Fort Sumner ___ 1 155 Colnmbia-Continued.Linllthgo____________ _=---- Ni verville ___________ _ 96 132 Dona Ana________________ 1 85 22 52Stockport____________ _ Y8 82Las Cruces __________ _ Stuyvesnnt__________ _o 84 26 27Others________________ Stuyvesnntl!'nlis_____ _1 1 74 92Others_______________ _ 22 31Eddy: Artesin___________ _ 102 31 Cortland ________________ _Lincoln: Cnpitnn ________ _ 12 098 102 Delawnrc________________ _ 34 0Otero____________________ _

    103 Dutchess________________ _ 785 808Alamogordo _________ _ 60 93CloudcrorL__________ _ Barrytown __________ _Ii 10 202 222Othol's_______________ _ Beacon ______________ _2 o 39 13

    Jackson Corners _____ _ 6 10 _Rio Arriba: Espanols ____ ==- 45 I 5 Poughkeopsic________ 53 18Poughqullg__________ _ 16 6Red Hook ___________ _San Jusn _________________I'- 124-, 115 153 259RhinrclilT ___________ _ 54 52Tivoli ~ ______________ _Aztcc_________________ 15\ 46 209 186Others________________Farmingtou__________ 109 60 53 42 Otber counties ____________1 3 I 0 Erie_____________________ _ 13 15

    NEW yonK ________________ --'~1 24,425 Derby_______________ _ 12 1Others_______________ _ 1 14

    Albany___________________ 12-t I 91 Essex____________________ _ 76 76Albany_______________ -----48-1-----0

    Ravona_______________ 50 68 Crown PoinL _______ _ ~---

    38 34Ticonderoga_________ _Voorheesville_________ 14 4 17 18others________________ 12 19 WiIIsboro____________ _ 10 12Others_______________ _ 11 12Broomo___________________ ( 10 T 0

    Genesee _______________ , __ -------,== 55i 629Cattaraugus______________ 1 3S I .. 3 Batavia_____________ _ --------

    12 50cattarnuglls __________ i---lill----a Bergen ______________ _ 0 30RondolpIL ___________ . 12 0 Byron_______________ _ 1 31Othors ______________ -' 10 0 Elba_________________ _ 4. 19East. Bethnny _______ _ 33 95cayug"--_________________ (=~~1~1 25 Enst Pembroke ______ _ 0 10 1'--'--- 441 2mLeroy _______________ _ North Darien ________ _cnyllg~---------------1 61 11 I Oakfield_____________ _ 5 11JlIomvln______________ 10 0 4 38Pavilion_____________ _Others._______________ 15 14 44 15

    13 37Others_______________ _

    cballtall'llm_____________ -:~~= r,:;1 40 Greene __________________ _ -------,------------ 592 559

    Ripley__ -------------, 171 0WaUs Flats__________ fi 10 Athens_______________ 20 24 Westfield_____________ 20 27 CatskilL_____________ 220 159Others________________ . 15 I :I Coxsnckle____________ 260 278 New Baltimorl'_______ 32 29West Athens_ _ _______ 55 69chcnnngo---------------.i:=:JD=_ 0 OtherL______________ 5 0

    Norwich______________ 10 I 0 Livingston________________ =- 881 80

    ~T!?~~~~_~:=======::=:: ____ ~t_____g ---I-a-I----2LeiC

  • --------


    Carload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924- and 1925-Con.


    State, county, and shipping 1924 1925point

    NBw YORK-Continued. Monroe-Continued.

    Pittsford...... 6 45 Rochester.. 258 240 Speneerr.ort. 82 187 Uptouvlllo... 8 37 Walker..... 29 113 W ~bstor..... 105 213 Others.... 7 17

    Appleton.. '" (}! 62 Darker....... 887 035 BurL....... 451 503 Elberta...... 43 50 OnsporL.... '" 367 584 LowistmL.. 281 101 LockporL... 761 8liO Middleport..... 500 501 Model City .... 51 26 Newfano.... 271 400 Olcott....... 61 .u Ransom ,llIo. 250 182 Sanborn... 10 54 Wilson..... 185 200 Wrights....... 17 42 youngstowll.. o 161 Others...... 1 5

    Onondaga................ 65 I 45 Symcllso........ ---64-1-- 4-5 Others................ 1 0

    Ontnrio................... 7fi~.J 811

    Alo'luin.............. 11 28 Canndngllll........... fi9 75

    ONll\Vn.._____________ 185 112 Gorhum.............. 20 2 Rull.................. 187 164 llolcomh. _.......... 44 3:1 0 2'2 Phelps................ 29 34 Sencca Cnstle......... 193 2014 Shortsvitlc............ 3\ 15 Victor..__. 9 51 Others....__ .. ]9 31

    Orango......_________ - 81 I 39 East Wniden......... 10 I 1 Newburgh.. "'" 45 29 Others......_., 26 9

    Orleons...___ 4,535 6,033

    Alhion....._...... 70:1 90g

    Ashwond............. 184 27:1 Drico................. 69 240 Carlton............... 226 H4 Eagle Rarbor......... ]2 oa Fancher..... '" S:l 145 Rolley................ 480 686 KendolL. ..._...... 370 458 Knowlosvlllo......... 85 116 Lyndonvillo.......... 447 703 Medlna.__.. '" 719 093 Mlllors ___ .. '.. 124 207 Morton..._...... :J65 498 Wotorport.. ___ 578 628

    Oswego......____ . J2 I 24 Oswego.... __ .... 271 19 I Others.... __ . __ 1(; 5 !

    01:scf,0.............____ .12 .( a : =;=1

    Stato, connty, Bnd shipping 1924 1925point

    :NEW YORK-Continued. Ronssalaor..... 38 66

    Shodack Landing ... 33 44 Van Roescn ... 2 16 Others._.__ 3 6

    == Schollnrie . __.. 67 29 Middleburg. ' . 32 15 Schoharie... 29 14

    Others..__ . 6 o

    . = Schuyler...__ ._ 53 2

    Denver Dam .... ]5 o

    Reading Center .. 11 o Watkln8........ 11 o Others.... 10 2

    J== Sonecn_ __ I~~

    Covert............... 11 12 Interlaken.. '" 46 24 Junius................ 7 13 :MacDollgali.. '" 0 :n Waterloo............. 10 46 yale.................. 10 13 Others................ 19 4

    Skuben..__. /= 53 I 0 Wailace..........._... ]0 1 0 Others................ 34 0

    SllllivanC-- :;;1 10 cOchecton1 10 I 0Narrowsburg......... 11 1 Others................. 10 9

    rromPkins......! 12 I 14 U1ster.__ ______.i 505 508

    Clintondalo.....:. III 46 Oarden............... 26 0 HIghland............. ]04 149 Kingston............. 25 -J9 Marlboro..~.. 6.1 31l lIIilton................ 131 167 Modena.............. 31 50 New Plotz............ 45 26 Ulster Park........... 20 24 WallkilL............. 21 0 others.._......... :13 18

    Wayno._.___..,=-- 2.600 I 3, no

    Aiton.......~ ---15- ----84

    ~~~~viiiiliilisoii.~~=== {gg ~ggFruitland._..... li5 167 Lyons................ JOS 157 Marlon............... :18 85 Newark. .......... 4 20 North Newark....... 18 3 North Rose.......... 52-1 600 Ontario.............. 159 205 Port Gibson.......... 2 10 Red Creek........... ]23 96 Savannab............ 12 7 Sodus... ..... 351 636 Sodus Conter......... 21 45 Sodus PolnL......... 12 5 Wallington........... 1-10 1iO Wnlworth............ 9 00 Wltiiamson_...1 549 668 Wolcott.. .... 110 251 Othors.... ' .1 24



  • 14 STATISTICAL BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRIOULTURE Oarload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 1925-Con.


    State. county. and shipping 1924 1925 State, county, nnd shipping point 1924 1925point

    -----------1.-:.--11-------- _______ NEW YORK-Continued. OmO-Continued.

    Wyoming 308 330 Athens. ................... 101 102 Castile............... 118 90 COOhillO._ ....../ 43 36Pearl Creek.......... 31 28 Glouster.............. a 14Perry................. 25 25 Palos................. 14 7Warsaw.............. 15 14 Torch HiIL........._ 21 29

    Others.......... !1 20 16~h~~~~::::::::::::j 17~ 1~ Columbiana............ __ _ 81 I 36

    Yates....................1 257 191 ,------ East Palestine........ 13 7Bellona...............' 26 19 Lisbon ____........... 13 IBenton............... 14 24 New Waterford .... __ 27 19BranchporL......... 16 S Rogers.......________ 1'1 2Dundee.............. 41 1 Others................ 11 ;EarL ................ 18 20

    Glenora.............. 23 17 nimrod.............. 12 8 Oallia.. ..i 2031 156 Penn Yan........ 331 53

    Rushville............. 22 S Gallipolis............. ~I~

    Starkey...... ........ 22 19 Others................ 6 3 others.~............. 30 14 =,=

    Jackson.................. 46 98 Other counties ............, 28 1 9

    Coalton.............. o 15 NORTH CAROLINA.....,~I~ Jackson... _.......... 8 16

    Oak HilL ..""'''__ 37 66 ,AVery..................../--4I~ Otbers................ 1 I

    Cranberry............ ---3-,---1-1 -1=. Lawrence ................. ___4_1____3_2IElk Park............. 1 12 Coal Grove..........., 12' 3

    Buncombe..........1 24 I 22 Ironton............... 20 2g Craggy...'---17-'---I-S Meigs.._......... 101 I 106Others............... 7 4

    Carpenter............ 13 15Haywood................ 144 1 94 Dexter............... 5 IS Dyesville............. IS 0Canton.. 20 o Langsville............ 30 0Hazelwood... 16 20 Middleport........... 7 16Waynesville. 79 63 RutiRnd.............. 2S 56Woodrow.. 26 2 Others................ 0 1Others................ 3 o. =

    Henderson................ 12 I 3 Ottawa.... 36 39 Hendersonville... ---10-,---3 Oak Harbor .......... 5 24 Otbers................ 2 0 Port Clinton .. ____... 18 4

    Others................ 13 . 11= Jackson . : 10 I 13 Ross.. 154 115

    MitchelL................ ' 61_ 21 ChlJlicothc.. ......... 50 39

    Alto Pass............. 5 1-14 Frankfort.. .......... i3 I 61 Others...............: 1 L--.! RoxnbeL ............. 10 9

    Others................ 12 i 6 Surry..................... 193 1--w2 =

    Union: Milford C~nter... oi 11Mount Airy.......... 186 i 160 Others................ ; ! 2 . Washington.............. 145 I 15.~

    yancey................... 13 I 3 Little Hocking . ---40-:---53

    ~~:s~~I!~:=:::::::::=:~!---~ ~~~~~~(C:==:=====: I~ ,I rg= Others.... ... 11 9

    Other counties............ 27 I 3 w' W o. - 1 I' " ayne: oos""r..... 1

    NORTH DAKOTA..... , 0 I 1 =, _ tl

    OHIO.,- 1.042, 916 Other counties ..... ___58_:___5_1

    Ashtahula................1=====s' 11 II OKLAHOllA. .................. 11: : 22 Conneaut............ Ii ' 10 Adair: Westville......... 19 {lthers..: 0 I 1 Other counties............ 4 , 8


  • -------


    Oarload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 1925-Con.


    Statll, county, and shipping 1924 1925 Stato, county, and shippingpoint 1924 1925point

    1----1/OREGON______ ____________ _

    6,061 4,594 PENNSYLVANIA-Continued. Benton______ ._._________ _ == Adam's-Continued.

    122 67 Falrfield.____________ _ 4 Alplne._._____________ 13 IS Gettysburg__________ _ 13 47 ,Corvallls_____________ 27 Ii ISO 158

    Gardners ____________ _ 16

    Guernsey_._.______ Monroe _. ___ _____ 82 44 21 76Orrtanna____________ _ 31 58

    Douglas__________________1 153 61 Sevensters._______ __ _ 14 57Others_______________ _ 1 II

    Dillard_______ __ 10 0 Bedford_ ______ = = Roseburg_________ 120 48 10 12 Sutherlln_____________ 17 8 Blair. _____ __________ __ = Others_ _____________ 6 5 7 26

    == Roaring Sprlngs _____ _ 0 26Hood River: Hood Rlver_ 4,272 2,311{ Others______________ :_ 1ackson__________________ _ == -:-7 0 224 073 Bradford ____ _______ __ _ = 1142

    Ashland______________ 7 25 Canton. ___________ __Medford__.___________ 214 456 11 7New Albany________ _ 11 2 Roguo Rlver_._______ 1 29 Gold Hill.____________ 1 60 Others.__________ ___ _

    20 2 others.______ _______ 1 3

    Carbon: Lehlghton. _____ _------ lO 6 1osephine: Grants Pass._.l---14----63- Center________________ _ =

    26 12 Lane_________ _________ ._,' 77 11 Sandy Ridge ____ __ 21 10

    CreswelL.___ .________ 55 5 5 2 Eugene.______ ____ __ , 22 6 Cumberland._________ __ _=

    Othe s _________ ____ _

    134 200 Malheur________________ _ 70 321 Bowmansdale______ _ 21 16Longsdorf___________ _Brogon _______________ ,' 39 141 22 53Newvllle____________ _Nyssa. _______________ 13 93 Peach OIen._________ _ 11 25 27 19Ontarlo.______________ 12 65 Shippensburg_______ _

    Vale._________________ 6 22 Others_______________ _ 35 67 18 20== =Marlon: Salem___________ 47 1 Franklln_______ __._.__ ._ 739 896 Multnomah_____________ _ ==

    11 3 Chambersburg______ _ 155 150Conboy_________ ___ _Umatllls________________ _ == 2 23330 581 Fayetteville _____ ___ _ 18 51Fort Loudon ____ ____Freewater___________ _ 17 46 Hermlston___________ _ 39 60119 155 Greencastle__________ _Xau1fmans_.________ _o 26Mllton_ ____ _____ ___ 9 28Stanfield____________ _ 204 340 Marlon. __ __ _.__ 16 37

    7 59 Midvale___ .___ _._Others___ ._.__ __ _._ 10 38o 1 Mount Alto. __ _. 46 29Quincy_______ __ Unlon ___________ _______ _ == 97 64467 313 Rlchniond.__ _____ __ 2 11Scotland ____ __ ___ ._Elgin. ________ ,,_____ _ 58 7448 74 Waynesboro._. __ ___ _Imoler______________ _ 256 277299 181 Others_____ ._.___ __ .,La Grando __________ _ 14 19

    105 36Union Junctlon ______ _ 15 22 Lycoming. ________ 20 23 Wasco. _________ .'. _______ _ ==

    156 145 Trout Run __ ._. ___ .__ 18 23 Dufur _______________ _ Others_.______________ ~~.' 0 Mosler________ _____ _ 1 13

    133 115 Perry_._______________ .___ 4 14 The Dalles_. ________ . 22 17 Washington _____________ _ == Newport.____________ .{ 12Others__ ._____________ 0 :.I YamWll _________________ _===

    10 10 1====1====Potter__ .______________ 11 0

    Newberg____________ _ ====c:::::::= 89 42

    Snyder --_________________ 22 9Sherldan____________ _ 43 33 Others.______________ _ SellngsK1'ove_________ ---14- ----832 8 14 1 Others______________ 8 1

    == Other countles____________ 19 9 == Susquehanna________ ______66_____6 PENNSYLVANIA _________ ____ _ Foster___________ ___ 13 0

    ~= Montrose_____ ___ .___ 20 01,971 2,449

    Adama ___ __ _......... 621 005 New Mllford_________ 10 1------ South Montrose_._... 13 0B~!i\dersvUle O~hers__ _. 10 ........:


  • ----------



    Carload shipments of fruits and tegetables for calendar years 1924- and 1925-Con.


    State, county, and sbipping 1924 1925 State, county, and sbippingpoint 1924 1925pOint

    PENNSYLVANIA-Continued.Tioga.___________________ _ UTAH-Contlnned. 73 7 Cacho____________________ 39 41

    Middlebury_________ _ 12 0Sabinsville__________ _ 10 0Wellsboro ___________ _ 32 2 10 5

    Wayne __________________ _ == Others_______________ _

    47 20 Honesdale ___________ _ 31 5WaymurL__________ _ 10 7Others_______________ _ 6 8

    == Wyoming_______________ _ 87 60 FaUs ______ _________ _~

    33 31Laceyville___________ _ 13 16Meshoppen__________ _ 11 4

    Tunkhannock ________ 10 IVosburg_____________ _

    20 8 == York ____________________ _ 112 135

    Brodbeck____________ _ 1 14Delta _______________ _ 8 20Dlilsburl:____________ _

    J4 23

    Hanover Junction ___ _ 4 23New Park___________ _

    4 12StoW1lftstown _______ _ 18 11 Other_______________ _ 45 15

    York________________ _

    18 17 otber counties___________ _ = 40 17

    = SOUTH DAIWTA _____________ _ !! 2 == TENNESSEE _________________ _ 130 44

    Haywood________________ _ == 10 4 13 2

    Maury__________________ _ == Lincoln__________________ _

    U 2 ---.---Colum bin ___________ _ 10 2 1 0

    Sumner _________________ _

    otbors_______________ _

    11 0 Portland _____________

    10 oOthers_______________ _ 1 o

    == Wliliamson_______________,_54_21 Ewells_______________ 40 21'others___ _____________ 14 0

    Othor countles __________ ..! 40 15 ==

    TEXAS_______________________ 17 42 1

    El Paso__ ________________ 0==24 Ysletu_______________ _ Othors_______________ _ o 15 o 9

    == Presidio: Murfa _________ _ oOther counties __________ _ 1l UTA11._______________________ _ ==

    367 1,163 == Box Elder _______________ _ 88 157

    Fremonton __________ _ 100IIonoyville __________ _Others_______________ _ 12

    16 ==

    1----(----Logan_. ______________ 2 2Y Wellsvllle____________ 10 0 Otbers________________ 27 12

    n"i,__ -------------- " I " BountifuL___________ 0 13 Clearfield_____________ 12 15 Otbers________________ 2 8

    Emcry: Green RiveL____ == 3110 Juab: NephL____________ 37 23

    == Balt Luke_________________ 17 142 Granger _____________ _Murray_____________ _ 7 64 Riverton ____________ _ 0 15

    0 16Salt Lake City ______ _ 3 14

    ~~~~is~==========::::= 3 18 = 4 ----15 Tooele: Stockton ________ _ .12 21 Utah ____________________ _ -- 124 629

    American Fork ______ _ 8 Goshen______________ _ 33 Loh!.. _______________ _ 30 46

    4 11Pleasant Grove _______Payson______________ _ 11 89 Provo _______________ _ 6 12

    48 405Spanish Fork ________ _ 12 10 Others_______________ _ Springville__________ _ 3 19

    2 4 Weber___________________ _ ---= 10 83

    Ogden_______________ _ -------

    Roy_______________ : __ 10 70 Others_______________ _ 0 12

    0 1 Other countles ___________ _ 16


    VEltllONT____________________ _ 317 325 Addison_________________ _==

    126 149 Middlebury__________ _ 43 48North Ferrisburg____ _ 14 12 Vergenncs ___________ _ OrweIL_____________ _

    27 29 Others_______________ _ 31 50

    11 10 Dennington______________ _==


    Bennington___________ 12 15 Manchester___________ 21 15 Others________________ 6 0

    Chittenden_______________ - 251 5 Charlotte_____________ 15 1 Shelburne_____________ 10 4

    = Grand Isle________________ 21 30 Grnnd Isle ___________ _ 10 15South liero__________ _ 10 14

    1 1 Rutland_________________ _ ==

    Others_______________ _

    43 45 Hyde"ille____________ _ 19 32

    11 9

    Poultnoy_____________ _ Othors_______________ _ 13 4




    Oarload shipments.of f1'uits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 1925-Con.


    State, county, and shipping 8tate, county, and shipping point 1924 1925 1924 1925point

    VERliONT-Oontinued.Windham __________ __ VIRGINIA-Oontinued. 57 Clarke-Oontinued.

    Wadesville_______ ___ 2 12Brattleboro__________ 12 19 White Post ______ .____ 19 34Westminster__________ 16 31 Others________________ 19 7 Oulpeper: Oulpeper ______! 262 208

    Other counties ______ ___..! 10 I 9 Fauquier_______ ._.___ .___ 178 99 VIRGINIA______________________ 13,045 8,144 --------I I Markham____________ 144 80

    Alhemarle________________ ' 1,570 I 907 Warrenton____________ 32 16 O~hers-----------.-- 2 3

    Arrowhead____________ 19 15 Franklin__________________ / 101 117 Charlottesville________ 77 38 CrozeL______________ 620 478 Boone lIm!.._________ 148 107Covesville____________ 385 219 Others_____ __________ , 13 10 Greenwood___________ 229 84 Ivy___________________ 110 35 Frederlck_____________ .___

    , 2,431 2,309

    Mechum River_______ 13 1 North Garden________ 93 22 Olear Brook__________ 79 155Red HilL____________ 22 14 Middletown__________ 42 50Others________________ 2 1 Stephens______________ 23 58

    Amherst_________________ _ Winchester____ ______ , 2,287 2,046191

    Giles______________________ , 22 10Amherst_____________ _ ----56 Lowesville___________ _ 09 20

    05 27 LOudoun_____________ ____ 1 180 150Monroe______: _______ _ 14 8. W oodson ____________ _

    Others_______________ _ 33 1 Bluemont.___________ 18 5 10 0 Clarks Gap___________ 56 17

    Augusta________________ _ Leesburg______________ 37 571,948 857 PurceUvllJe___________ 53 52

    Ohristians___________ _- --- Others________________ 16 19 140 13Cold Springs _________ _Crimora_____________ _ 11 0 Montgomery______________! 60 25 9 28Fishersville__________ _

    Greenville___________ _ 222 105 Ohristfllnf,burg________ / 30 13 Lyndhurst___________ _ 07 11 Shawsville____________ 21 11

    42 Others________________ , 9 134Mint Spring_________ _ 88 0Mount Solon ________ _ 46 Nelson_________ __ _______ , 1,572 4650Mount Sidney_______ _ 308EottswoOd__________ _ 13 2 ACton________________ _8 aunton ____________ _ 0 526 164741 336 Arrlngton____________ _Stuarts DrnfL______ _ 297 34375 111 }'nbcr~~~~.~_____ ~ __ ~~_Swoope______________ _ 83 5039

  • ------



    Carload shipments of fruits Gnd vegetables for calendar years 1924- and 192o-Con.


    State. county, and sbipping State, county, and shipping 1924 1925 1924 '1925point point

    VmoINIA-Continued. WASIDNGTON-Continued. Roanoke.................. 438 343 Ohelan-Oontlnued.------- Ohelan............... 1,745 1,197

    Bonsacks __..._ 31 4 Dryden.............. 623 572

    Rolllns..__...__...__ 85 35 EntlaL_ 1,059 798 Roanoke.............. 89 230 Leavenworth 89 96 Salem................. 125 11 Monitor.............. 811 813 Starkey............... lOS 63 Peshastin............. 873 678 = --- Wenatcbee.........__ 5,858 5,405

    Rockbridge............... 133 17 ------ Oolumbia: Dayton ______ 104 275 Fairfield.............. 97 10 Lexington............. 16 3 Douglas.................. 133 282 Othel'S................ 20 4

    Pallsades...........__ 131 282 Rocklngbam.............. 801 5Z1 Others__... __......... 2 0

    Bridgewater.......... 10 2 Franklin: Pasco ...~ .._... 76 15 Broadway............ 144 181 Dayton............... M 6 Grant __................ 474 837

    Elkton............__.. 13 12

    Barrlsonburg______ __ ------311 137 Adrian............... Linville............... 71 M Coulee............... Penn Laird........... 10 0 Ep);rata.............. Pleasant Valley ....... 53 22 Marlin ..........__... Timbervllle ,. 196 lOS NeppeL.__........... Others..__............ 20 6 Qulnoy____...........

    = Soap Lake ......... __ Shenandoah.............. 670 702 Stratford.............------- Trinidad............. BOWUlaus............. 10 5 Wilson Oreek .. _..... C~on Ro.d__ ........ 12 15 Others. -- .......--... ====f.===~E nburg............. 22 34 Fishers HilL......... 10 15 Kittitas.................. Maurertown..__ 21 25 -------

    Mount Jackson....... 377 433 Ellensburg........... 5 18

    New MerkeL...____ 15 13 ThralL....__......... 71 167 Qulcksburg.__........ 10 11 Others__ ............. 4 3Strasburg....______ 19 17 ==.= Strasburg Junction ... 9 17 Klickitat................. 621 318 Toms Brook .......... 50 32 ------

    Woodstock........... 106 176 Goldendale........... 21 It

    Lyle.................. 75 51 Smyth..................... 59 24 White Salmon __...... 5:M 251------- Others. __........... 1 2

    Chilhowie. __ ..__..... 43 21 ---= Marlon.... __......... 12 3 Lincoln. _................ 66 150Otbers................ 4 0 Oreston.............. 54 53Warren................... 919 409 Davenport........... 2 97

    Ashby................ 9 14 Bentonvllle........... 17 0 Okanogan................ 2,515 2,681 Front RoyaL......... 664 283 ------Brewster............. 298 402Linden..............., 229 il2 Malott............... '194 228= Okanogan............ 545 40SWytbe.................... 1021 81 Omak................ 7'9 666 Cripple Creek ........'---10-'---6 Oroville.............. 91 156 Rural Retreat. ....... 11 5 Pateros............... 500 534 Wytbevllle...... __... 67 63 RIverside............. 0 20 Others................ 8 7 Tonasket............. 138 264 Others................ 0 3j=

    Other counties............ 29 1 16 == Skamania: Underwood 211 175

    WA8lIINOTON.................I 31, 249 30,825 = Spokane................ .. 1,197 445

    Benton................... 665 1,517 Deer Park....__...... 15 9

    Benton City .......... 102 1M Dishman............. 184 76 Hanlord........ __.... 55 159 East Farms__ ........ 179 130 Kennewick........... 307 617 Greenacres......____ 69 22

    Prosser............... 101 261 HlIIyerd...____....... 62 25 White BluJIs ......... 100 324 Irvln..............__ 10 14 Others............... o 2 Otis Orcbards ........ 3:0!2 69

    Spokane.............. 333 87 Ohelan................... 13,238 11,302 Valleyford............ 10 0------ Others................ 18 13

    Ouhmero ,180 1,743 =====


    Carload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924- and 1825-00n,


    state, county! and shipping State, county, and shipping 102-1 1925 1924 1925POint point ---------1---1----11 ----------------W ASBJNGTON-Contlnued. WEST VIRGINIA-Continued.Stevens._________________ _ 208 226 Hardy: Moorefield ______ _ 16 15

    J efferson _________________ _ == Marcus_______________ 83 57 560 673 Moyers Falls_________ 157 163 Springdale___________ 53 0 Charles Town _______ _ 362 338Otbers______________ 5 6 Duffields_ . __________ _ 3 38Kearneysville_______ _ 57 141Rippon______________ _Walla walla______________1 122 631 58 22

    ShenllJldoab Junction 28 47 State Llne____________ 0 53 Shepherdstown______ _ 27 50 Toucbet______________ 3 13 Summit Polnt _______ _ 17 24Waltsburg___________ . 36 157 Others______________ _ 8 13Walla Walla __________/ 75 394 Mason __________________ _Otbers_______________ 8 14 50 32

    Whitman________________ == 14 Mason City _________ _ 1417 15Point Pleasant ______ _ 22 10Yakima_ _________________ 11,442 Others______________ _11,768 14 7

    Buena________________ 668 782 Mineral _______________ o__ 1 84 106 Donald______________ 32 7 ------Keyser_______________ 82 70 Granger ______________ 34 64Grand Vlew__________ 680 1,188 Others_______________ 2 36 Harrah_______________ 43 8.~ M8bton______________ 0 47 Morgan _________________ .! 360 441 Naches_______________ 287 333 Outlook______________ 5 16 Berkeloy Sprlngs ____ _ 125 '54Parker__ _____________ 11 3 Cherry Ruo _________ _ 5 23Hancock____________ _Sawyer_______________ 15 42 43 53Pew Paw____________ _Selah_________________ 519 515 185 306Ot11ors_______________ _Sunnyside____________ 44 88 2 5Toppenish__ _________ 78 106 Wood ___________________ _Wapato______________ 336 602 15 28 WhIte Swan__________ 8 34 BellevUle____________ _Yaklma______________ 7,810 6,733 7 17Others________________Zillah________________ 854 1,123 8 11

    Other counties ____________ ====Ol~ Wayne: Kenova ________ . 18 4Other countles __________ _ 24 19WEST VIRGINIA ____________ .'__ 3,961 4,118 WISCONSIN _____ ____________ _ 252 424Berkeley________________ _ ~

    1,448 2,119 Bayllcld_________________ _ 53 15Bedlngton___________ _ o 10Inwood______________ _ 451 641 Bayfield______________ 48 15Martlnsburg________ _ 623 685 Others_______________ 5 0 North Mountain ____ _ 164 203Ridgeway___________ _ 60 145 I chlppewa________________1 3 37Snyder______________ _ 30 170Tabler_______________ _ 100 245 Chippewa Falls______ 3 36Others _______________ 2 11 Others________________ 0 1

    CabelL __________________ _ 1== 612 230 Crawford_________________ 1 18

    Gays MiIIS___________ \---O ---1-8Cox Landlng_________ 103 51 Others _______________ , 1 0Guyandotte__________ 70 13 Huntlngton__________ 430 175 ,==

    Door: Sturgeon Bay ______ ' 160 283 Grant: Petersburg_ ____ __ 20 I 17 Richland ________________ _ 19 Hampshire_______________ 611 I 339 !

    Richland Center ____ _ 1 13Others ______________ _French_______________ 81 0 o 6IRomney______________ 507 306 Sprlngfield___________ 10 32 Sauk___ .-----------------, 2 ltOthers______________. 4 1 Trempealeau _____________ , 11 1

    == Other counties ___________.! 21 40Haneock_ ________________ 164 86 WVOMING ____________________ 1 8 0

    New Cumberland ___ _ 98 83Others_______________ _ o 3

  • ___


    Carload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 1925-Con.


    state, countYj nnd shipping state, county, find shipping 1924 1925 1924 1925 po nt point

    United Stntes__________ 1,576 1,338 NEW YORK-Continued.Niagara _________________ _ 13 68

    ARKANSAS____________________ ~ 11;0' J40 Bnrker______________ _

    =--.=.-,--:::= = 5 15Benton_______.___________ 97 72 BurL______________ _ o 21Middleport._________ _ o 12 12 2 10A "OCB ____ ._ __ __ Ransom ville. ________ _Others_______________ _Bentonville__ __ ._._ 5 22 6 10Centerton. _. ______ __ 6 12Gentry__ _. __________ Ontario.____________ .. _____ -;-, 12to 5Rogers __________ ___ 64 26Others ______________ _ 10 :J Orlenns___________________ 47 93

    Washlngton ______________ - ---'~'"7.;;~I='68 J,yndonvilio__________ 6 13 Medinn______________ 6 30

    Faycttevillc _________ ---40-,---4-:J lIIillers_______ _______ 8 18 Llncoln ______ ._.__ 10 8 Others.______ .________ 27 32 Springdnlc._____ _._ 0 17

    Wayno __ .________________ == 338511 OALIFORNIA __ _. ___________ -'~~300T 233 1

    Santn Cruz_. ______ _____.1=-- 2i5 127 ~~~~n,,;iijj;;mson~:::_: i~ 2g -------- Fruitland___ __ ._____ 14 5

    Wnisom'ilIe__________ 1 207 124 Ontnrio______________ 1 15 Others_________ .______ 8 3 Red Creek___________ 59 62 == Sodus~_______________ 334 177

    SonoOln __________________ ! 162 104 Williamson___________ 35 23 -------- Wolcott______________ 8 14

    SebastopoL __________ 1 140 ' 90 Others________________ 13 14 Others________________ 13 ' 5 1==

    ="",--=== wyoOling________________1 0 I 13 Other counties____________ J3 2 yntes____________________ 10 81

    [DAUO----- .. ------------------r 0.'- 3;=- I.j Other counties ____________ , 28 17 . ,-- -~~.~-- . NORTII CAROI.INA __________ -L...?L___6

    pnlette__________________ , .10 11 I -------.--- ----- OREGON: Wnsro-'l'.,eDnlles.1 25 i 0

    Pnyette______________ 25 10 I < 1-0..."'==Others _______________ ,'_ ,==}. " I PENNS\'l.\'ANIA _______________ =_-= ~~! 5

    ILLlNO.'s----------------------l. _ =_~5 =--_~ IVIRGlNIA _____________________I 36_1___2_2 MICUlGAN ____________________ , 1 ' 1 Augusta: Stnunton_______ 11 I 3 , 1=--==- = '" :1 Other counties __________ 25 I 19 NEW 1:0nK__________ _______ i ___ ~(~ __~~ ,I, . . 1==-==

    I" -"---"--~- " ASlllNGTON_________________ 51 I 67 Oenesce __________________ L=,""'_~~,=.:; Ynkimn __________________ '-- 4~1 59 Monroe__________________ 1 2-10 I 268 ----'"--- ------- Yakimn______________ 31 47

    HOllllin._____________ 26 104 .Others.______________ 14 12 Rochester____________ 142 130 = Webster -----_________ 48 10 Other counties____________ 61 8 Others_______________ 21 9


    United 8totes__________ 28, 920 I~ :ARKANSAs-Continued.C1ark__________________ __ 8 30ALABA1IA ____________________ ---3-1----1 Amity _ _ _____________ 0 18

    ARIZONA ___________________ ~_ 1,864 I 3,057 Arkndelphia__________ , 8 12 Maricopn________________ 1,8571 2,780 Craighend ________________ 1 170 I 333 ,--------Bny__________________, 24 63Olen druc ______ - _____ l.55il/------;;a50

    Mesa_________________ 206 200 Black Oak___________ 30 65 Pcorin________________ 0 46 H(lrmull______________ 47 97 Phoenix______________ 92 116 Lake City____________ 0 43

    Lunsford_ ____________ 12 0 Monetto __ ___________ 57 65Yumn: yumn____________ 70 ! 276

    Other counties __________ _

    ARKANSAS___________________ 1,052 i 1,215


    cra:.. ::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1: II 1:: Denton: Rogers___________ 14 " 0 Mulhorry____________ 13 23

    =j= Rudy________________ 33 8.5



    Carload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years.1924- and 1925-Con.


    State, cOUllty, Bnd shippingStnte, county, and shipping 1924 19251924 1925 polotpoint

    1-. CAUFORNu-Contlnued.

    OrnwCord-Continued. Keyes ________________


    Stanislaus-Continued.Van Durcn __________ _ 124 112101931 Salida _____________ -__ 5 12= - Turloek ______________

    H~mpstend______________ _ 410 38.1 1,485 1,542Others _______________ 0 3 Delton_______________ 23 24 === = Tnlaro__ _________________ 5 188Blevlns______________ 76 73 Hope_________________ 9 Richgrovc ___________ _ 15

    228 I o 1882McCaskIlL__________ ' 4i~ii Othors _______________Toklo_______________ _ 5 o Washington _________ _ =-==5 Other counties __________ _ 2 7Conductors' wltyb!lls_ 241 195 == OOLORADO___________________ 2,654 3,224Little Rivcr: Wintbrop__ 15 1 15

    Dent. ___________________ _ == Nevnda __________________ 0 I 11 366 332 = Rusty_ _____________ _ 79 0Fort I,yons __________ _ 287 332

    Orowley_______________ -- 903 1,137sevi~~~K~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~ ::i \i Ordwny ______________Loekcsbnry_________ _ 5 11178: 903 1,135Others ______________ _ SeoIL____________________ 0 I 12

    o =


    Mesa.____________________ 22 24 Waldron_____________ 0 [' 11 ----1----Olifton.._____________ 20 0Others ______________ _ 0 1 - -- Orand Junetlon______ 2 24

    Other countics___________ 3 I 3 Otero ___________________ _ = 1,318 1,1198 OAUYORNIA__________________ 18,202 I 16,496 Oberaw _____________ _

    ==-== 23 0La J :I.ntn ____________ _Butto____________________ = 0 1- 11 144 323Mnnznnoln __________ _ o 71Rocky Ford _________ .Ooll1sa: Williams_________ -- 0 \ 52 722 l!t\3

    SWink________ --__ --- 356 350Vroman ______________Fresno___________________ 971 54 73 91 == Fresno _______________ ---7s-l---s2 Pueblo: Avondale _______ _ 44 33Otber counties ___________ 1 0

    Others_______________ 3 2 = M~ndota_____________ 16 0

    DELAWARE _________________ _ 511 657 ImperiaL_______________ 15, 755 \~ = - ====' - Kent: Felton ____________ _ 13 0

    Brawley______________ 7,5M 6,876 Sussex___________________ _ = Calexlco______________ 736 435 498 657 Onlipntrlll____________ 0 92 Bridgoville __________ _ = EI Centro____________ 4,483 3,488 105 159Delmar _____________ _Heber________________ 2,208 2,177 116 173Laurel ______________ _Uoltvtno_ ,_ __________ 200 151 127 136Oak Orovo __________ _ 13 12ImperiaL____________ 560 I 180Othors ______________ _ Seaford ______________ _ 137 1745 2 Otbers ______________ _ o 11

    Kern _____________________ =WI 555 FLORIDA ____________________ _ == 7 4 Dakersfleld _. ________ _ 120 08 = Dolano ______________ _ 20 o ' OEOItGlA_____________________ 586 117 Famosll ____________ ._ 17 Oi == McFarland__________ _ 61 Ben Hill: Fitzge ald _____ _ 14 051 Wnsco____ ----_ ---- --- 307 393 == 3 Brook."__ _________________ 54 0Otbers ______________ _ 2

    ::::'.O.'=~'::::.I------:-:---I:-: ~~h~;i~::::::::::::::'I---~-1-i----g

    Cook_____________________ 12 0

    .Atwater______________ 0 J3 == Dos Palos____________ 0 60 Dougherty _______________ 35 12 Los Banos____________ 0 26 1----1---Others_______________ 0 7 Albany_______________ 21 12I---= Others_ _____________ 14 0

    San Joaquin: Stockton ___ ,___50_I___6_2 == Stanislaus ________________ I~I~ Orady. ______________________18_____0_1_ Whigbam____________ 15 0

    Denair _______________ 125 314 Others_.______________ 3 0 Hugbson_____________ 37 44 =

  • -----


    Cllrload 8hipment8 of fruits and vegetables for calendar year8 1924 and 1925-Coo.


    State. county! snd shipping pomt 1924 1925 Sta.te, county, a.nd shipping

    point 19251924

    GEORGIA-ContinuNl, rOWA__ ___ __._Lowndes ____. 79 8881 21,----1----ValdostB-__.........__ .. ___ ~ 69 15 Muscatine__ ______79 79 Others. __ _. 12 6 Cone._.________ _ 2 39

    Fruitland. ___....... 65 19Mltchell__ 146 16 Muscatine__ __ _ ]2 21

    Crunilla___:..... 2l ' 0 I Other counties __ ___ 0 9Pelhllm._. __ __ _.... 74 0 Sale Clty_............ 44' 16 ! KANSAS: Kearney-Lakin____ 17 18

    - l KENTUCKY: Logan-Russell Thomas-- --.... 50 0' ville._.___ ____ 10

    Meigs _._. __ ---- LOUlBIANA-___________________ 7 1228 oOchlocknee_ 10 o MARYLAND._ _. __ _ _._ 69) 1,116Pavo___ 12 o 1===1=="",Turner: Ashburn _._ Baltimore section _...... 45 2913 Worth____ _ _ __ 148 48 Caroli nc_._ __ ._ _

    1----1--------- Federalsburg. ___Sylvester -_._ 128 42 47 1 Warwlck__ _ 10 0 0 66Goldsboro__ Preston.___._ _Others _ _._....... 10 6 13 34

    Dorchester _ _ _ __ ___ 232 29821 7 EBSt New MarkeL __ 77 822 Ellwood _. ___ _ 10 0Hu,lock _ __ 104 144

    45 126 41Rhodesdale _ __ 68Others.............__ 0 4 4 10 WicomIco_ _ 336 638

    Union -.-_,___38-1.___1_08 FruitlancL......._ 8 36Mardela Springs_._ 17Anna. __.___._. 3~ M Rockawalkln_. 29 Balcom._.____ 0 21Salisbury__ 311 5li3 Other counties ..........._ 3 8 Other counties._ __ 3 15- Boat reports.__ _ 23 35INDIANA._ __ ._.......... ll22 1,087 = MrcHI1AN__ 114 146Gibson. ____ _ __ 218 283 Berrlen_._ 15 14Antioch __ _ 0 36Johnson ___._ ___ Benton Harbor ___165 186 39 14

    15 15 16 0Owensville. ___. __ Saint Joseph ......__ Patoka_.__._ _ 34 44 1===1'===Others_ other counties _..... 2 04 2 Boat reports.__._ 57 132

    Jackson _. _"" ___ 12 13 MISSOURL...___________ II 31 Vallonis_ 12 12Others _ __ Dunklin: Holcomb_...... 0 II 160 I ScotL._ _._._ _. __ _ 11 16

    KnOL_ 379 510 NEVADA___ 231 - 346------ 1Decker.-............. 154 217 ChurchilL _ _. __._ 167 189 Vincennes _. 108 255 Fallon___._ -us-mOaktown __ _........ 27 37 Others.._............. 0 1 Hazen._.__ _._ _ _ 49 77


    Posey_I~~ Clark,: Moapa__._ __ __.! 33 U5 Lyon. Fernley ____ _._., 31 42 New Harmony __ 3 10 NEW JERSEY ___Poseyvlle _ 184 244 70 147

    Oumberland: Maurice. fSullivan.................. 2~ 26 town_ _. ___ ... ______ 0 13

    Oarllsle............... ---13 ' , = 25 G1ouccster-----o70 134Others..__ 0 13 Mickleton ---3-~ Other ooWltlea = Swedesboro........... 55 116 Others................ 12 3Jo=-=-=-==I'--=-

  • ------




    Carload shipments oj Jruits and vegetables Jor calendar years 1924- and 192/J-Cori. OANTALOUPES-Oontlnued

    State, county,and shipping 1924 1925point

    NEW MEXlCO.______________ 518 574

    DoneAne: Las Oruces __ _ 517 574oOther counties___________ _ 1

    NEW YORL_________________ _

    2 3

    NORTH OAROLINA___________ _ 401 655

    Cumberland______________ 18 20

    Fayettevllle _________ _ o 16Others_______________ _ 18 10

    Duplln __________________ _

    67 60

    Calypso _____________ _ ----- 49 48Falson_______________ _ 18 10Others_______________ _

    0 2

    RobesoD.________________ _ ----- 17 30

    SCOtland_________________ _ = --

    237 421

    Glbson______________ _ -----

    47 21

    61 153

    .Tohns________________ _ Laurlnburg__________ _ 125 239Others_______________ _ 4 8

    Warren: Ridgeway ______ _ 34 88

    Wayne__________________ _

    28 30

    Mount Ollye _____ __ _ 21 22

    7 8

    O][LAHOllA__________________ _

    Others_______________ _

    34 64

    Carter: Ardmore ________ _ 9 12

    McOurtaln______________ _ 11 20

    {daool _______________ _ 11 17Others_______________ _ o 8

    Muskogee: Muskogee ____ ==O=U

    ~qnoyBh----------------- 0 12

    Tulla: B!J:by_____________ 11 8 Other countles____________ 8 1

    == OBllGON______________________ 0 1


    SOUTH O.uOLlNA_____________ 115 83

    Barnwell_________________ === 28102

    Blackvllle___________ _ Othero_______________ _ 90 28

    12 o ==

    Other countles____________ 18 5

    TllNNlll!8J:ll__________________ _

    55 184

    Gnes: L)'llllvllle__________ == 7416

    Maury___________________ 89==107

    Pleaaant GroYl_______ 89 89 SPrina Hill___________ 0 18

    State, county, and shipping 1924 1925point

    TENNESSEE-Oontlnued. Other counties____________ 0 3

    TEXAS________________________ '====1==== 416 469

    = Ccoke: Galnesville ______ _ 12 3

    'El Paso__________________ _ = =

    160' 235

    Clint ________________ _ ---

    0 --

    24La Tuna ____________ _

    Tornillo _____________ _ 160 161

    0 92Ysleta_______________ _ 0 8

    Hldalgo__________________ _ =

    103 33

    Misslon______________ _ ----

    30 --

    0Pharr________________ _ 33 20Sam Fordyce________ _ 40 9 6 4

    Hudspeth_______________ _ = ----Others_______________ _

    70 120

    McNary_____________ ------

    0 120

    70 0


    NuIo________________ _

    35 0 EvermaD. ____________ 15 0Kennedale__________ _ 11 0

    9 0Others _______________

    == Webb: Laredo___________ 2 12 Wlee: Boyd______________ 20 0 Other countles___________ 14 lU

    UTAlI_____________~ __________ _

    == 2

    VIRGINU. (largely Nor(olkseotlon)_______________________ _ 23 30

    ===== W ASHINGTON_________________ 298 221 = Benton___________________ 24 26

    Hover _______________ _ 16 oKennewlck __________ _ . 9 26

    Franklin: Pasco__________ === 914


    17 8 Dishman _____________ Others________________ 10 1

    7 7 ..


    243 168

    Grand View__________ ---

    40 --

    0Granger____ _________ 10 18 29 54

    Mabton ______________ Sunnyolde____________Toppenlsh____________ 36 0 Wapato_______________ 7 15 .Otliero________________ 108 83

    13 3 == Other countles____________ 0 10

  • _____________ _

    24 STATISTIaAL ,BULLETIlIT 19, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Oarload shipments of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 1925-Con.


    State, county, and shIpping

    point 1924 1925

    United States___________ 2, 046 2,304 ARIUNaAS___________________ _ ==

    7 o CALIFORNIA _________________ _ ==

    839 719 Alameda________________ _ == 27 o

    Centerville__________ _Others_______________ _ 12 o

    15 o N!lpa: Napa _____________ _ == 20 23 Placer___________________ _ ==

    40 08 Auburn_____________ _ N ewcastle ___________ _ 7 10 Others_______________ _ 23 76

    10 12 Sacramento______________ _==

    34 38 Sacramento__________ _

    Others_______________ _ 34 36

    o 2 '= San Joaquln______________ 207 242

    Lod!..________________ ------2430 Stockton______________ 150 162 youngstown__________ 16 56 Others________________ 2 0

    1= Santa Clara_______________ 340 195

    San Jos~ Othors_______________ _ 339 105

    1 o = Soluoo____________________, 84 73

    Cordellu_____________ _

    Sulsun_______________ _ 21 40 Vacaville____________ _ 37 2 Others_______________ _ 25 30

    1 1 Sonoma_________________ _

    63 2 SehastopoL_________ _

    Others_______________ _ 62 2

    1 o Sutter: Yuba City _______ _ = Other countIcs ___________ _ 9 41

    6 7

    OOLORADO____________________ 0 = 19 Delta____________________ _ ------

    Other counties ___________ _ 0 12

    0 7 IDAHO_______________________ _ =

    74 107 Gem: EmmetL _________ _ ------

    Latah ___________________ _ 19 22

    15 6Nez Perce: Lewlston ____ _Other couotics ___________ _ 38 79

    2 0 ILLINOIS _____________________ _lowA ________________________ _ 2 0

    3 0MARYLAND: Dorchester-Rhodesdale________________ _ 16 0

    MICHIG AN___________________ _ 221 285

    Benzle___________________ _ = 14 15

    Berrlen__________________ _ = 56 0

    Beoton Hnrhor ______ _ 28 0 28 0

    Salot Joseph _________ _

    State, county, and shipping

    point 1924 1925

    MICHIGAN-Continued. Manistee_____ ~ ______ .... __ _

    18 o Onekama.___________ _

    17 oOthers_______________ _ 1 o

    Mason___________________ _ == 37 28

    Ludlngton___________ _

    Others_______________ _ 31 28

    6 o Van Bumn: South Huveo == o14 Other counties ___________ _ Doat reports _____________ _ 28 14

    31 206 NEW YORK_________________ _ ==

    259 213 Columhia________________ _ ==

    139 76

    Germuntown________ _

    Hudson_____________ _ 98 30 Llnllthgo____________ _ 14 19 Others_______________ _ 25 17

    2 1 Dutchess________________ _ =

    23 34

    ~~rr~town-----------'I !Volt_______________ _ 11 14 12 20

    Nlngnra_________________ _ = 58 49

    Bnrker_______________ _ Mlddleport__________ _ 34 20 Others_______________ _ 8 19

    16 1 Ulster___________________ _ =

    10 30 MUtoo______________ _ Others_______________ _ 5 :20

    5 10 Wayne__________________ _ =

    28 19 Sodus_______________ _ Others_______________ _ 28 17 o 2

    = Other countles____________ 5 OHIO ________________________ _ =

    2 5 OREGON_____________________ _ =

    262 196 = Hood River: Hood Rlver_ 14 9

    Lane____________________ _= 36 2

    Eugene______________ _ Others_______________ _ 36 o o 2

    Marlon: Salem __________ _ = 56 17

    Multnomah _____________ _ 12

    Portlnnd____________ _

    Others_______________ _ 10 1

    2 0 Umatllla________________ _ ==

    3 78 Freewa!er___________ _

    MUton ______________ _ o 27

    3 51 Unlon ___________________ _ =

    34 21 Union _______________ . Others________________ . 28 3

    6 l!l Wasco___________________ _

    79 67 Graod Traverse: Traverse Clty___________________ _ The Dallcs __________ _

    23 22 Others_______________ _ o 62 o 5= =--==

  • _____


    Carload shipme7f

  • ------



    26 STATISTIOAL BULLETIN 19, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRIOULTURl!I Carload 8hipment8 of fruits and vegetables for calendar years 1924 and 1925-COD.


    State, oonnty, Bnd shipping State, county, Bnd shipping1924 1925point 1924 1925.polnt

    NEW YORK____________ ___ _ WASHlNGT9N______________ _o 1 2 OREGON________ ,,____ ___ ___ _ == WISCONSIN--_________________ 150 733 34 ==

    Olatsop__________________ _ == 3 11 Jackson_. ____._ 10 8Warrenton__________ _ ------ Juneau: Mather___. 35 153 10 Monroe.__ ___ __ _.Others________ _._ 18 60 1 Price: Phillips_ ____ 25 12

    Multnomah_.________ ._. = ---- Wood: Wisc.::nsin Rapids. 51 260 23 Other counties._ _ 11 8 Albiua___ o 21

    "Others _......__ o 2


    United States _____ ._ ""1==19=,=93=1=1===19=,=72=6 FLORIDA.-Continued. Broward __ _._......... 42 40

    ARIZONA___.. 182 148 --1--'-Maricopa._________ _____ _ == Fort Lauderdale___ 35 40

    174 141 Others_ ___ 7 0 ----.-- Phoenix __ ._ 174 140 = Charlotte: Punta Gorda_. 6 16Others.___ _.__ o 1 Dade._._______________ _= = == 1,147 889Other counties _ 8 7

    Cocoanut Grove _____ _ == 327OALIFORNIA.. __ _............ 445 447 Goulds. _____________ _ 206 231 176Homestead.______ __ _ 224 266Larkiu _____________ _ ,.,,,,,,,,---- m _____ ----- n I " 9 28MiamL_______________ 160 58EI Centro __ 3i 15 Narnnja_ _________ _ 172 72ImpariaL............ 33 59 Perrino_.___ ______ __ 0 24Others ___ _ 4 10 Princeton__________ _ 24 32== Conductors' waybills_ 0 27Los Angeles ___ 21 26

    De Soto__ ._.____________ _ = = ------ 741 458San Dimas __ 14 15Others_, ,_ _ 7 13 Arcadia_._. __________ _

    ----- 567 372Brownville. _________ _ = 23 28Rlverside___ _._._ 59 42 Fort Ogdon__________ _ 97 44

    Corona____ Nocatee______________ ------ 20 2419 20 Conductors' waybills_ 34 0High Grove _ 11 3 -- Rlverside._ 18 11

    Others __ 11 8 D~lf~: __~~~_t~_~~:~~~~~_ I 207 o San Bernardino_ = 66 83 Hardee_._ ._____ .__ = 149 143

    East Highlands_._ 15 25 Bowling Oreen_ __ 4 13Highlands___ 25 16 Ona. ________ .______ 37 1 Redlands___ _. 13 8 Wauchulll___________ 62 120Rialto_.____ 4 12 Others._. __ ___ ____ 14 9Othors _ __ Conductors' waybills. 32 0---

    9 22

    Tulare _ ___ 206 192 Hernando: Brooksville_ '===88=i'===I=04

    Dlnuba__ 10 3 Highlands. _. _.___ == 476 442Eleter.__ 15 21 Lemon Oove 65 34 Avon Park ___ '_' 267 184Liudsay ___ 34 44 206 249 ,Porterville _ 61 49 ~~~~~~.:::::::::::::: 3 9Woodlake_ 13 24Others___ === 8 17 HilIsborough _...... 320 556

    Other counties = 22 18 Brandon__. ---15- -----u Knlghts ___ __ _. 17 21 PIllnt Olty ___ __ 46 11319,137 18,482FLORIDAe Seffner___ .__ 10 18'l'nmpa _______ ____ ._ 12 41Brevard_ 485 530 Thonotosassa___ __ 44 26

    Olty Point._ 13 0 Valrico. ___ _____.. 84 166 COCOIl. ___ ___ Others_ __ ._._____ ._ 13 1304 318Eau Oullio. ____