caribbean studies essays

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  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays



    1. Locations and Definition of the Cariean Re!ion and its Dias"ora

    • Geographical location:

    (i) Names of territories;

    (ii) Sub-regions, for example, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Bahamas;

    (iii) Position of territories in relation to the Caribbean Sea, Atlanti !ean an"

    the ontinental lan" masses#

    • Definitions of the Caribbean Region:

    (i) Geographial;

    (ii) Geologial;

    (iii) $istorial;

    (i%) Politial;

    (%) &iaspori#

    '# “The ideal way to describe the Caribbean is by using political andhistorical definitions.” With the use of exaples! discuss the extent to

    which you agree with this stateent. "#$%& ' () ' &$ ar*s+

    #. The $istorica% &rocess

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • ,igratory o-eents an" the establishment of patterns of settleent

    by  "ifferent groups ithin the Caribbean from pre-Columbian times to


    +# Describe the aor effects of sla-ery /R indentureship on Caribbean

    society and culture today. "#$$# ' 0% ' #$ ar*s+

    +# 1sing exaples fro the Caribbean! explain how Caribbean people

    throughout history ha-e responded to oppression. "#$$2 ' 0# ' #$


    +#  3ssess the role of /45 of the following in the foration of Caribbeanidentity: "i+ 3frican6Caribbean culture "ii+ 7ndo6Caribbean culture. "#$$2 '

    0) ' &$ ar*s+

    +# Describe 8 ways in which indigenous people ha-e contributed to the way 

    of life in the Caribbean. "#$%8 ' 0% ' #$ ar*s+

    +# To what extent can it be argued that genocide and re-olution are central

    thees in Caribbean history9 "#$%% ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+

    +#  3ccount for the changing role that race! colour and ethnic affiliation play

    in Caribbean society and culture. "#$$ ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+

    • ,igratory o-eents ithin an" outsi"e the region from '* to

    present "a reognition of "iaspori ommunities, for example, Santo

    &omingo, Panama an" Lon"on#

    # Describe how the igration of Caribbean people to the 1nited ;tates!

    Canada and the 1nited

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    # ;oe coentators see the ipact of foreign influences on aspects of

    the society and culture as a continuing issue in the Caribbean. To what

    extent do you agree or disagree9 "#$$# ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+

    # Describe the ,3=/R igrations into the Caribbean that greatly ipacted 

    society and culture. "#$%$ ' (# ' #$ ar*s+

    • .he "e%elopment of systes of production slash an" burn,

    enomien"a, sla%er, in"entureship, the plantation sstem#

    ''#“The history of the Caribbean is a history of the exploitation of labour.”

    Discuss with reference to TW/ of the following labour systes: "i+5ncoienda "ii+ ;la-ery "iii+ indentureship "#$%%>#$$9+


    • Responses to oppression and genocide the Caribbean people

    resistane, re%olution, "e%elopment of peasant groups#

    '+# Describe the contribution of peasant groups to the de-elopent of

    Caribbean society in the period after eancipation. "#$$? ' 0% ' #$


    • ,o-eents toward independence

    (i) Politial enfranhisement;

    (ii) A"ult suffrage;

    (iii) /nternal self-go%ernment;

    (i%) 0onomi enfranhisement;

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    (%) 0ntrepreneurial ati%ities, inlu"ing shop1eeping an" sa%ings soieties#

    '*# “7nternal self6go-ernent was the ost iportant o-eent

    towards independence in the Caribbean.” Discuss the extent to whichyou agree with this stateent. "#$%) ' 0@ ' &$ ar*s+

    *# Characteristics of Societ' and C(%t(re

    • ;ociety:

    (i) Share" ommon purpose;

    (ii) A "efine" territorial spae;

    (iii) Continuit o%er time an" spae;

    (i%) Citi2enship ithin a spae#


    (i) Learne" beha%iour ommon to all human beings;

    (ii) Customs an" tra"itions;

    (iii) Norms an" %alues hih pro%i"e a gui"e to beha%iour;

    (i%) /nstitutions hih presribe beha%iour;

    (%) Gen"ere" praties, for example, hil" rearing, emploment#

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    '3# Describe TAR55 different ways in which the ter “culture” is

    used. Refer to exaples fro Caribbean society and culture to illustrate

    your answer. "#$$? ' 0# ' #$ ar*s+

    '3# 5xaine! with reference to Caribbean society and culture! how cultural

    habits and -alues affect health issues. "#$$# ' 0@ ' &$ ar*s+

    '3# Describe B/1R ways in which Caribbean society and culture ipact

    upon the econoies of extra6regional countries. "#$$@ ' 0# ' #$ ar*s+

    '3# “There is no single Caribbean culture.” Do you agree9 ro-ide

    arguents and exaples to support your answer. "#$$ ' 0@ ' &$ar*s+

    '3# 1sing TAR55 exaples fro the Caribbean! explain the relationship

    between culture and society. "#$%% ' 0% ' #$ ar*s+

    3# Identit' and Socia% )or*ation

    Cultural Di-ersity:

    (i) Positi%e an" negati%e effets of ultural "i%ersit; ethni an" ultural

    "ifferenes; the aommo"ation ma"e among "ifferent ethni groups ith

    respet to spae, politial an" eonomi poer an" soial %isibilit#

    '4# Discuss the challenges for Caribbean society as it see*s to

    achie-e national unity in a context of a cultural di-ersity. "#$$& ' 0@ '

    &$ ar*s+

    '4# “5uropean cultural institutions continue to ipact Caribbean society and 

    culture in the ar*etplace period.” To what extent do you agree with this

    stateent9 "#$%% ' 0 @ ' &$ ar*s+

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • ;ocial ;tratification:

    (i) Plantation soiet an" its impat on Caribbean soial stratifiation (that is,

    rae, olour, an" mone as ma5or fators in soial stratifiation); e"uation as

    a basis for ne lass formation an" upar" mobilit;

    (ii) Conepts suh as plantora, intelligentsia, mi""le lass, bourgeoise,

    or1ing lass, un"erlass, aste#

    +'# Describe the causes of social stratification in Caribbean countries.

    "#$$860%6#$ ar*s+

    +'# “;ocial ;tratification continues to be a *ey feature of Caribbean society.” 

    1sing exaples to support your answer! discuss the extent to which you

    agree with this stateent. "#$%# ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+

    +'# To what extent do the social challenges faced by people in the region

    hinder Caribbean unity9 "#$%$ ' (@ ' &$ ar*s+

    +'# “,ore woen than en are achie-ing higher education in the

    Caribbean. Discuss the significance of this de-elopent for social

    stratification in Caribbean society.” "#$$$60@6&$ ar*s+

    +'# 5xaine B/1R factors that prooted social obility in the Caribbean.

    "#$%) ' 0# ' #$ ar*s+

    Creolisation and Aybridisation:

    (i) Proess of ultural hange in the Caribbean aulturation, plural soiet;

    reolisation as argue" b 0"ar" 6amau Braithaite; "ouglarisation,


  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    (ii) 7aial a"mixture an" olour in the formation of Caribbean soiet an"

    ulture, for example, terms li1e mulatto, mesti2o, "ougla, reole;

    (iii) 0rasure, retention an" reneal of ultural praties#

    +8# “Cultural erasure! retention and renewal are processes found in

    all societies as they e-ol-e.” Discuss the ways in which these processes

    ha-e helped to shape the Caribbean society.” "#$$$ ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+

    +8# “Cultural practices are ne-er erased: they are transfored.” 1sing

    exaples fro the Caribbean! discuss the extent to which you agree

    with this stateent. "#$%# ' 0@ ' &$ ar*s+

    +8# 1sing exaples fro the Caribbean! explain TW/ of the following

    concepts: "i+ Cultural erasure "ii+ Cultural retention "iii+

    Cultural renewal. "#$$2 ' (% ' #$ ar*s+

    +4# Discuss the -iew that a Caribbean identityE is ore clearly e-ident aong Caribbean nationals who eet outside the region than it is

    aong nationals in the Caribbean itself. "#$$8 ' 0) ' #$$8+

    +4# Drawing on your own experiences! discuss the extent to which the

    concept of “Caribbean 7dentity” is a yth or a reality. "#$$) ' 0@ ' &$


    +4# “3ll ah we is one.” Discuss the social challenges faced by Caribbean

     people in achie-ing Caribbean unity. "#$$@ ' 0@ ' &$ ar*s+


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    9# I*"act of +eo!ra"hica% &heno*ena

    9# 5xaine B/1R ways in which settleent patterns in the Caribbean ha-e

    been influenced by the physical landscape.

    9# "#$%) ' 0% ' #$ ar*s+

    9# 1se /45 Caribbean country as an exaple to show how the physical

    landscape has influenced selected aspects of its society and culture.

    "#$$$ ' 0% ' #$ ar*s+

    9# Describe how the physical landscape has influenced settleent patterns

    in the Caribbean. "#$$& ' 0# ' #$ ar*s+

    9# 5xplain TAR55 ways in which the physical landscape has influenced

    settleent patterns in the Caribbean. "#$%% ' 0# ' #$ ar*s+.

    • late tectonics:

    (i) "efinition;

    (ii) loation an" mo%ement of the Caribbean plate an" its interation ith other 


    (iii) earth:ua1es an" %olanoes threat of tsunami, soial "isplaement#

    &?. 3ssess the easures that Caribbean countries can realistically underta*e

    to iniise the danger posed by earth(ua*es.

    • Aurricanes  soial an" eonomi onse:uenes#

    • ;oils  erosion, onser%ation#

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    *# Describe 8 easures that can be ta*en to iniiFe the ipact of soil

    erosion in the Caribbean. "#$%8 ' 0# ' #$ ar*s+

    • Coral reefs  oastal protetion, sustainabilit of fishing in"ustr#

    *4# Describe the iportance of coral reefs to the culture and society

    of the Caribbean. "#$$%60%6#$ ar*s+

    *4# Describe the -alue of coral reefs to Caribbean society and culture.


    *4# 5xaine B/1R factors which ha-e caused coral reefs in the

    Caribbean to be threatened with extinction. 7nclude exaples in your

    response. "#$%&6(%6#$ar*s+

    *4# 5xaine TAR55 easures that Caribbean countries can ipleent to

    iniise the danger posed to coral reefs in the region. "#$$ ' 0% ' #$



    • Droughts and Bloods  soial an" eonomi impat#

    3*# “The Caribbean is unprepared to cope with natural disasters such

    as -olcanic eruptions and earth(ua*es.” 5-aluate this stateent. "#$$%

     ' (@ ' &$ ar*s+

    3*# 5xaine TAR55 strategies that Caribbean countries can use to

    iniise the ipact of earth(ua*es in the region. "#$%# ' 0# ' #$


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    3*# Discuss the social and econoic ipact of natural disasters on

    the Caribbean. "#$$2 ' 0@ ' &$ ar*s+

    3*# “Blooding is caused by a cobination of natural and an6ade

    factors.” Discuss the extent to which flooding is a ,3=/R

    en-ironental haFard in the Caribbean. "#$%$ ' (@ ' &$ ar*s+


    8# I*"act of Societa% Instit(tions on Cariean &eo"%e

    Baily fors suh as nulear, exten"e", %isiting#


  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • Religion Afrian, Asian, 0uropean "eri%e", snreti#

    9'#  3ssess the extent to which religion continues to doinate the life of

    Caribbean people. "#$$? ' 0@ ' &$ ar*s+


    • =ustice ;yste: polie, ourts inlu"ing Caribbean Courts of =ustie,


    9+# 5xaine at least B/1R challenges being faced by the ustice

    syste in Caribbean society and culture today. "#$$@ ' 0% ' #$ ar*s+

    9+# 5xaine TAR55 ways in which the ustice syste! as a social

    institution! ipacts on society and culture. "#$$ ' 0# ' #$ ar*s+

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    99# During the past three decades Caribbean usic and Caribbean

    festi-als ha-e gained widespread acceptance internationally. 3nalyFe the

    nature of this ipact for the Caribbean. "#$$& ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+

    • $uman an" ultural de-elopent -ia the arts#

    • Contributions ma"e b indi-iduals, for example, 7ex Nettlefor", Louise

    Bennet, Berl >Burnie, Paule >arshal, Aubre Cummings, >artin


    •  3rt Bors in the diaspora, Carni%als, for example, Notting $ill, Caribana

    an" the ?est /n"ian &a Para"e#

    9# Describe the factors that ha-e led Caribbean igrants li-ing in

    etropolitan countries to create a “hoe away fro hoe.” "#$$&60%6

    #$ ar*s+

    # Cariean,+%oa% Interactions

    Caribbean influences on extra6regional countries:

    94# “Caribbean igrants in the 1nited

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    8# “Caribbean festi-als such as Caribana in Canada! 4otting Aill Carni-al

    in 5ngland and abour Day in Hroo*lyn! 4ew Ior* ha-e a positi-e effect

    on the econoics o the host countries.” Discuss. "#$$%6 () ' &$ ar*s+.

    • .he ipact of igrant labour  on the metropolitan ountries#

    (ii) .he ipact of Rastafari  on ountries throughout the orl"#

    8'# Describe the ipact of Rastafarianis on cultural practices

    beyond the Caribbean region. "#$$% ' 0# ' #$ar*s+

    8'# Describe B/1R ways in which the Rastafarian culture hasipacted the societies of etropolitan countries. "#$%&60#6#$ ar*s+

    8'# 5xaine the ipact of Rastafarian culture on the etropolitan

    societies of 4orth 3erica and 5urope. "#$%$ ' ( ) ' &$ ar*s+

    8'# “The igration of Caribbean nationals to the 1< and 4orth 3erica

    ha-e benefitted these countries ore than the Caribbean.” Discuss.



    • 7nfluences of extra6regional societies on the Caribbean

    89# 5xaine the extent to which diasporic counities influence the

    foration of Caribbean identity. "#$%8 ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+

    (i) Consuption patterns remittanes, goo"s an" ser%ies;

    (ii) 3rt fors  impat of olonialism musi, theatre arts, %isual arts;

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    (iii) 5ducation impat of olonialism; the information age; language;

    urriulum reforms#

    (i%) olitical influences

      ?estminster Sstem,

      7ule of la,

      0letoral proesses,

      Labour the influene of migrator labour;

    (iii) ;port    ri1et, soer, bas1etball, tra1 an" fiel";

    (i%) Religion  tra"itional an" non-tra"itional religious praties#

    88# To what extent do 5uropean cultural institutions continue todoinate Caribbean society and culture "#$$) ' 0) ' &$ ar*s+



    '# Conce"ts and Indicators of Dee%o"*ent

    • Concepts:

    • Sustainable "e%elopment;

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays



  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • 7ndicators:

    (i) Gross &omesti Pro"ut (G&P);

    (ii) Gross National Pro"ut (GNP);

    (iii) per apita;

    (i%) Gini oeffiient;

    (%) $uman &e%elopment /n"ex ($&/);

    (%i) Pro"uti%it;

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays



    • olitical ideologies and popular o-eents.

    3# 5xplain! using rele-ant exaples! how political ideologies ipact on the

    de-elopent of Caribbean countries. "#$$# ' 02 ' &$ ar*s+

    • Distribution of wealth and resources.

    9# 5xplain how the distribution of wealth in a Caribbean country

    ipacts on its de-elopent. "#$$? ' 08 ' #$ ar*s+

    9# Describe how the distribution of wealth in the Caribbean hinders

    de-elopent in the region. "#$%$ ' (8 ' #$ ar*s+


    • Changing class boundaries.

    • 5ntrepreneurial dri-e and acti-ity.

    • 4atural and huan6ade disasters.

    • Go-ernent policies.

    • 1se of technology.

    (i) Global on"itions#

    (5) ualit an" rele%ane of e"uation#

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • Bacilitators of globalisation and de-elopent , for example

    (i) ?orl" .ra"e !rganisation (?.!);

    (ii) 0onomi Partnership Agreement (0PA);

    (iii) /nternational >onetar @un" (/>@);

    4+# Discuss B/1R ways in which structural adustent prograes

    ";3Es+ ipact de-elopent in the Caribbean. "#$%) ' 0& ' #$ ar*s+

    (i%) ?orl" Ban1;

    (%) .ransnational organisations;

    (%i) .ehnolog;

    4*# Describe B/1R ways in which technology facilitates globalisation

    in the Caribbean. "#$$2 ' 08 ' &$ ar*s+

    (%ii) /"eologies soial, gen"er, eonomi, politial#

    43# 5xaine TW/ ways in which 53CA of the following organisations

    facilitates de-elopent in the Caribbean: "a+ The World Han* "b+ The

    World Trade /rganisation "#$%&60&6#$ ar*s+


    • 7pact and Response to Globalisation

    (i) /n"ustr an" ommere;

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    (ii) &istributional setor (supermar1ets, "epartment stores);

    49# Discuss 8 ways in which the distribution sector in the Caribbean

    could contribute to the o-erall growth and de-elopent of the regionand its diaspora. "#$%8 ' (8 ' #$ ar*s+

    (iii) Labour;

    48# 5xplain how globaliFation affects labour and trade in the

    Caribbean. "#$%$ ' (& ' #$ ar*s+

    (i%) .ehnolog

    (i%) /"eolog;

    (%) Popular mo%ements Caribbean Assoiation for @eminist 7esearh an"

     Ation (CA@7A), ?omenDs Ation for Ne &iretions (?AN&), 0n%ironmental

    an" Soial =ustie Non-Go%ernmental !rganisations#


  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • Describe how globalisation ay lead to the deise of enterprises that

    were once -iable in the Caribbean. "#$$# ' 08 ' &$ ar*s+

    • Describe B/1R ways in which the process of globalisation is affecting

    the de-elopent of the Caribbean. "#$$@ ' 0& ' #$ ar*s+


    3# The Inte!ration Moe*ent

    • The 5-olution of the 7ntegration ,o-eent:

    (i) ?est /n"ies @e"eration (?/@);

    (ii) Caribbean @ree .ra"e Assoiation (CA7/@.A);

    (iii) .he Caribbean Communit an" Common >ar1et (CA7/C!>);

    • Discuss the extent to which the Caribbean Counity "C3R7C/,+! in

    its present for! is capable of responding to the econoic challenges of

    globalisation. "#$%) ' 02 ' &$ ar*s+.

    • “The ultiate goal of C3R7C/, is to institute a single Go-ernent for

    C3R7C/, eber states.” 7f this goal becoes a reality! discuss the

    ways in which this de-elopent ay help /R hinder the o-eent

    towards Caribbean integration. "#$$ ' 0? ' &$ ar*s+

    • Discuss the -iew that freedo of o-eent is the *ey factor hindering

    integration in the Caribbean region. "#$%% ' 0? ' &$ ar*s+

    (i%) !rganisation of 0astern Caribbean States (!0CS);

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    (%) Assoiation of Caribbean States (ACS)#

    '9# Describe TAR55 factors that encourage Caribbean integration

    and assess the ipact this integration is li*ely to ha-e on social! political and econoic de-elopent of the region. "#$$? ' 02 ' &$ ar*s+

    '9# “C3R7C/, cannot last for fi-e ore yearsJ” Discuss the extent to

    which you agree with this stateent in -iew of the challenges faced

    by C3R7C/,. "#$%#6026&$ ar*s+

    '9# Discuss the -iew that a aor challenge to the integration

    o-eent in the Caribbean is the wide disparity in le-els of

    de-elopent aong eber countries of Carico. "#$$8 ' (? ' &$


    '9# “Breedo of o-eent poses the greatest challeng to

    establishing the C;,5.” To what extent do you agree with this

    coent9 "#$$@ ' 0? ' &$ ar*s+

    '9# Describe the e-olution of the Caribbean integration o-eent

    fro %)2 to the present tie. "#$$$ ' 08 ' #$ ar*s+


    •  3chie-eents and challenges of the following:

    (i) .he Caribbean Communit an" Common >ar1et (CA7/C!>);

    (ii) .he ni%ersit of the ?est /n"ies (?/);

    (iii) Caribbean 0xaminations Counil (CEC);

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    (i%) ?est /n"ies Cri1et Boar" (?/CB);

    • “West 7ndian cric*et! once the pride and oy of Caribbean sports6fans

    worldwide! has in recent years often lac*ed copetiti-eness in testatches.” 3ssess the ipact that this “lac* of copetiti-eness” will ha-e

    on regional cric*et in general 34D on the regionEs de-elopent

    specifically. "#$$? ' 0? ' &$ ar*s+

    (%) Caribbean /nstitute of >e"ia an" Communiation (CA7/>AC);

    (%i) CA7/C!> Single >ar1et an" 0onom (CS>0);

    (%ii) 7egional Seurit Sstem (7SS);

    (%iii) Caribbean &e%elopment Ban1 (C&B)#

    • “1nless there is political harony and social ustice! integration as

     proposed by C3R7C/, is only a drea.” 5-aluate this stateent. "#$$%

     ' (2 ' &$ ar*s+

    • 5xaine how freedo of the press ipacts on de-elopent in the

    Caribbean. "#$$) ' 0? ' &$ ar*s+


    9# Contri(tions of S"ort

    • Generation of incoe.

    • Aealth and fitness.

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • 5ducational opportunities.

    • De-elopent of Caribbean identity.

    • Discipline and orale.

    • 7nternational recognition.

    • ;ports touris.

    • Describe the contribution ade by sports to regional integration and

    econoic de-elopent. "#$$% ' (8 ' #$ ar*s+

    • Discuss the extent to which sports ha-e contributed to the de-elopent

    of Caribbean identity regionally and in the diaspora "#$%&6(?6&$ar*s+

    • To what extent do sports in the Caribbean pro-ide educational

    opportunities for Caribbean people as well as a route to Caribbean

    nationalis9 "#$$@ ' 0 2 ' &$ ar*s+

    • Bor one naed Caribbean territory! exaine its coitent to huan

    de-elopent through sports. "#$%$ ' (? ' &$ ar*s+

    • “;ports ha-e ade a aor contribution to de-elopent in the

    Caribbean.” To what extent do you agree with this stateent9 "#$$& '

    0? ' &$ ar*s+

    • Discuss B/1R challenges that are faced by Caribbean go-ernents in

    using sports as a eans of facilitating de-elopent in the region. "#$$

     ' 08 ' #$ ar*s+

    8# Inte%%ect(a% Traditions

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    8# Discuss B/1R ways in which popular o-eents in the Caribbean ha-e

    shaped the regionEs political identity. "#$%) ' 08 ' #$ ar*s+

    !b5eti%es an" impat of the folloing

    •  3frican Caribbean thought  Pan Afrianism; negritu"e; 7astafari;

    • 5conoic and political thought  in"ustrialisation b in%itation; >arxism;

    "epen"en theor;

    '+# Discuss the extent to which the dependency theory is still useful

    in explaining Caribbean de-elopent in the #%st 


    "#$%8 ' 0? ' &$ ar*s+


    • Caribbean feinist thought  an" theories of gen"er;

    • 7ndo6Caribbean thoughtK

    • 7ndigenous perspecti-es#


  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • Promotion of ultural experiene an" exhange#

    • 7espon"ing to ultural imperialism#

    • Promotion an" "efene of rights an" iti2ens#

    • “Breedo of the press is a necessity in all Caribbean countries.” Do you

    agree9 ro-ide arguents and exaples to support your answer. "#$$2

     ' 0? ' &$ ar*s+

    • “The ass edia in the Caribbean is pre6occupied with sensational

    news reporting such as crie and -iolence ' rapes and burglaries ' with

    little focus on the regionEs econoic! educational and other

    de-elopental issues. Gi-e arguents for 34D against this stateent.

    "#$%$ ' (2 ' &$ ar*s+

    '+*# Describe how political interference has affected the ass ediaEs

    ability to contribute positi-ely to the de-elopent of the Caribbean

    region. "#$$& ' 08 ' #$ ar*s+


    # Socia% /(stice

    • 6nole"ge of ompeting onepts of soial 5ustie, for example,

    reognition of natural rights, elfare an" mutual a"%antage#

    • &isrimination on the groun"s of age, gen"er, ethniit, rae, lass, an"

    sexual orientation; polie brutalit#

  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    • Discuss the ways in which discriination in the Caribbean on the basis

    of ethnicity and sexual orientation can liit de-elopent. "#$%8 ' (2 '

    &$ ar*s+

    • “,any Caribbean people continue to experience discriination in their

    own countries.” Discuss this stateent with reference to age! ethnicity

    and class. "#$$2 ' (2 ' &$ ar*s+


    • /n"iators of "e%elopment affete" b breahes of soial 5ustie

    (i) le%els of soial ine:ualit;

    '+8# Discuss the extent to which the ine(uitable distribution of wealth

    in Caribbean countries can be regarded as a breach of social ustice.

    "#$$8 ' (2 ' &$ ar*s+

    (ii) pro"uti%it le%els;

    (iii) :ualit of life;

    (i%) "emorati rights#


  • 8/17/2019 Caribbean Studies Essays


    thesel-es and is also an ipedient to the de-elopent of the

    countries of which they are citiFens.” Discuss this

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