carer engagement inclusion say and engagement care team

Inclusion and Engagement Team Directory Carer Engagement Friends & Family Test Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Having Your Say Peer Experience Listening Service User & Carer Involvement Spiritual Care Youth Participation Volunteering

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Inclusion and

Engagement Team


Carer Engagement

Friends & Family


Equality, Diversity

& Inclusion

Having Your Say

Peer Experience


Service User & Carer


Spiritual Care

Youth Participation


About us

We help to facilitate the inclusion and engagement of service users, carers and staff. We do this by being a central point of support and guidance around good practice for improving people’s overall experience and recovery journey as well as providing direct support to individuals. Call us to find out how we can support you on 01727 804418.

Management and Administration

Leadership for the Inclusion and Engagement Team

Strategic lead for Carers, Equality and Diversity, Involvement and Service Experience

Support for services re: making continuous improvements to services in relation to inclusion and engagement

Design, delivery and/or commissioning of training courses in relation to key areas of responsibility

Contact point for the NHS Accessible Information Standard.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.



James HollandInclusion and Engagement Team Manager 07770 701543

What I do...

General Admin for the team.

Room Bookings.

Petty Cash.


Holiday/sickness records.

Ensuring payments and recording of service user and carer time sheets, queries, invoices, cheque requisition.

Point of contact for service users and carers for any queries, transport bookings etc.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.



Karen ReedTeam Secretary01727 804418

What I do...

Service User and Carer Involvement

Leah JohnsonService User & Carer Involvement Manager 07500 065848

Involvement Project Support Worker.

Updating involvement list.

Supporting service users and carers at meetings.

Enrolling service users and carers on to the peer support training course.

Assisting in supporting with co-production, “all councils together” meeting.

Assisting in hosting events.

Start-up projects such as older people/dementia projects.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

Michelle McKenzieAdult Involvement Worker 07795 236506

What we do...

Ian PearceAdult Involvement Worker (bank) 07824 626176

Involvement – responsibility for developing, supporting, arranging and advising on expert by experience input to HPFT projects and services, including management of involvement dept.

Supporting service user and carer networks (including service user and carer councils)

Supporting development of Peer Experience Listening (PEL) within HPFT.

Innovation - development of new ways of involving service users and carers in a way that supports ongoing recovery journeys.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

What I do...

Service User and Carer Involvement (continued)

Promote HPFT Carers Strategy 2013-18 across HPFT services.

Manage and deliver projects that involve supporting, providing information and signposting carers to help and advocacy.

Supporting HPFT staff and services to include and involve carers in promoting recovery of service users.

Planning and delivering national and local events (Carers Week, Carers Rights Day, World Mental Health Day, HPFT Carers Conference, WRES Conference).

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

Sachdev Singh SeyanCarer DevelopmentWorker 07909 930414

What I do...

Supporting teams trust wide to gather feedback from service users and carers to improve and develop services.

Recruiting, training, mentoring and coordinating Peer Listeners.

Ensuring co-production of projects.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.


Rebecca SternPeer Experience Listening Lead07788 586243

What I do...

Support young people to get involved in service development, through participation activities for CAMHS and trust services.

Support Participation reps, within the CAMHS clinics to carry out participation activities locally in their teams.

Feed into national participation agenda for CYP-IAPT.

To facilitate the running of the HPFT youth council.

To link in with the wider children and young people’s agenda for health and social care within Herts.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.


Kelly Seaman Young People’s Participation Lead07766 608580

What I do...

Support projects trust wide to gather feedback from service users and carers to improve and develop services.Recruit, train, mentor and coordinate Peer Listeners.Ensure co-production of projects.Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

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Caroline HoganProject Support Worker Peer Listening/Service Experience07825 713955

What I do...

Equality and Diversity (E&D)

Provide Equality and Diversity Support to Trust both to people using our services and to staff, managers etc.Ensure equality and Human Rights is built into functions and processes.Partnership working with voluntary sector to develop methods of targeting hard to reach groups.Ensure appropriate responses to inequalities are developed including work on the Workforce Race Equality Standard.Provide assurance that Trust is meeting legal obligations and celebrating excellence.Increase visibility of protected groups and in particular unmet needs.Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

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Samantha SlaytorE&D Lead07879 677529

What I do...

Supporting individual staff members facing discrimination issues.Currently Project Lead for Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES). Contribute to development of a culture of fairness through work around race equality and cultural awareness.Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

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Kor ChandWRES Programme Lead07786 915469

What I do...

Service Experience

Working with teams to empower service users and carers to have their voice heard. This is primarily through our Having Your Say surveys and the Friends and Family Test (FFT).Supporting teams to use their feedback to improve services and celebrate good practice.Advising colleagues about the best use way of seeking feedback for specific projects and advising on the use of the online survey system MES. Giving service users and carers the opportunity to take their stories to Board meetings and supporting them to do so.Submitting the Trust’s FFT monthly scores to NHS England.Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

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Lara HarwoodService Experience Lead 01727 80455507775 013558

What I do...

Input all Having Your Say forms and FFT postcards onto the Membership Engagement Services (MES) Dashboard.Label and send out Having Your Say forms and FFT postcards when requested by the teams.Pass any complaints to the Complaints Department.Recording compliments received on Having Your Say and FFT postcards on Datix. Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

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Tara BissService Experience Assistant 01727 804555

What I do...

Don’t forget that you can find out more about Having Your Say, including how to understand the results for your service, by contacting 01727 804555

Spiritual Care

Overall management for the HPFT Spiritual Care Service.

Development of Spiritual Care Service with local teams.

Development of relationships with local faith bodies.

With colleagues, the provision of generic chaplaincy services to service users, families and carers and staff.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

Richard AllenSpiritual and Pastoral Care Manager 07827 873094

What I do...

With colleagues, the provision of generic chaplaincy services to service users, families and carers and staff including:

regular inpatient ward/unit visiting

collaborative working with MDTs

offering religious care where requested

taking community referrals

specialist LD and dementia spiritual care

Specialist advice on the relationship between religion and mental health.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

Yasmin HamidChaplain 07824 100841

What we do...


Terry SeasmanChaplain 07824 100843

Hertfordshire Wellbeing College

Are you promoting the Hertfordshire Wellbeing College to staff, service users and carers? Visit for more information.

Employment & Vocational Support

Support service users with community mental health teams to find a work placement within HPFT.

Use an Individualised Placement Support (IPS) model in identifying suitable work placements for people.

Work closely with all other vocational advisers in HPFT.

Deal with referrals for work placements in HPFT.

To refer someone for a work placement contact me at [email protected] or [email protected]

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

What I do...

Lucy Anson-GoldingSenior Employment & Vocational Adviser (work placements) 07766 997324


Coordination of volunteer recruitment.

Support for teams who want to develop volunteering opportunities.

Support for volunteers.

Lead for volunteer induction.

Promoting the importance of Trust values at all times.

Clive Saunders Volunteer Coordinator (bank)07770 223352

What I do...

We are here to help!Everything that the team is involved in is designed to better support the experience of service users and carers within HPFT or to support front line services in doing this.

So if you have an idea or would like to develop a new project or activity just give us a call. We might be able to help you take the next step.

Contact usAs well as contacting individual staff members on their email and by phone there are a number of other ways to contact us:

General Enquiries 01727 804418

Equality and Diversity [email protected]

Involvement Enquiries [email protected]

Having Your Say [email protected]

Carer Projects [email protected]

Volunteers [email protected]

Need to book an expert service user or carer for an activity?

All booking requests are received by the Inclusion and Engagement Team Monday – Wednesday. All bookings are taken online at:

Minimum notice of 10 working days is usually required.

Following a booking request, all documentation (e.g. job descriptions for interview panels) should be sent to: [email protected]

Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust works toward eliminating all forms of discrimination and

promoting equality of opportunity for all.

We are a smoke free Trust therefore smoking is not permitted anywhere on our premises.

www.hpft.nhs.ukReviewed September 2018