care for your customer, customer will care for you

 Care for your Customer, Customer will care for you 1 Any organization is established to produce and sell a product in the market. Organizations are by the people and for the people. The people who produce it are producers, who sell are sellers and who buy are the buyer. All are important in their place of work. But the most important is the person who buys the product. The happy customer spread prosperity and happiness in the entire product chain. The product which is liked most by the customer is sold most and that become Star player for the organization. It may give the organization less revenue, bu t still a star performer. Similarly organization considers the customer who buys more, a Star. Here organizations make the mistake. Every customer who buys the product is important and should be treated in the same importance as the “A” class customer. Every customer has the potential to become “A” class customer. Therefore organizations should treat all customers as a star customer. Give the best treatment to each and every customer, What are ways by which any organization keeps the customers happy, fulfilled and retained, is a big question in this dynamic and tough competition? Here we will discuss the same in brief. 1) Welcome the customer    Once the customer is in, he should feel at ease. He should get a VIP treatment. He should be welcomed with a warm smile on the face and polite words like, You are welcome to our establishment., May I help you Sir/Madam. He

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Care for your customer, Customer will care for you. It is all for improving customer care.


  • Care for your Customer, Customer will care for you


    Any organization is established to produce and

    sell a product in the market. Organizations are by

    the people and for the people. The people who

    produce it are producers, who sell are sellers and

    who buy are the buyer. All are important in their

    place of work. But the most important is the

    person who buys the product. The happy

    customer spread prosperity and happiness in the

    entire product chain. The product which is liked

    most by the customer is sold most and that

    become Star player for the organization. It may give the organization

    less revenue, but still a star performer. Similarly organization considers

    the customer who buys more, a Star. Here organizations make the

    mistake. Every customer who buys the product is important and should

    be treated in the same importance as the A class customer. Every

    customer has the potential to become A class customer. Therefore

    organizations should treat all customers as a star customer. Give the

    best treatment to each and every customer,

    What are ways by which any organization keeps the customers happy,

    fulfilled and retained, is a big question in this dynamic and tough

    competition? Here we will discuss the same in brief.

    1) Welcome the customer Once the customer is in, he should feel

    at ease. He should get a VIP treatment. He should be welcomed

    with a warm smile on the face and polite words like, You are

    welcome to our establishment., May I help you Sir/Madam. He

  • Care for your Customer, Customer will care for you


    should feel an enjoyable shopping environment at your premises

    and should be comfortable in discussing his requirement.

    2) Understand your customer The

    customers attending executive should

    be humble, polite, attentive and

    supportive. First and foremost thing is

    to understand the need of the

    customer. For understanding, first of all listen to the customer

    carefully and do understand, what the customer wants. Once it is

    understood, 80% job is done.

    3) Give what the customer Wants Once customer has expressed

    his choice, show him the product, and define the product and its

    usage, so that customer feels proud of his decision. In case the

    same product is not available, try to show him the nearest

    product defining the similarities of the product customer wants. If

    he is convince, job is done. In case, he is stick with his choice, give

    him the tentative time of availability and write down his contact

    details for further processing the lead.

    4) Delivery on time Once the order is placed; ensure it is

    conveyed in time to the concerned department

    with tentative time limit for delivery. Ensure

    the material is delivered in time, as committed

    to the customer. A satisfied customer always

    comes back with multiplication.

  • Care for your Customer, Customer will care for you


    5) Safety of material The goods should be adequately packed. The

    packing should not be dirty, damage or in a shabby condition.

    Even though packing is of no use for the usher once it is

    unpacked. Packing is always thrown in the dustbin. But nobody

    likes to buy a goods in damaged, dirty and shabby packing. So

    packing matters. For example, we throw away the packing carton

    of the shoes as soon as we remove and start wearing the shoes.

    But no one is ready to buy shoes whose carton is torn or dirty.

    6) Instructions for unpacking and

    Installation In case of electronic or

    functional articles, instructions for

    unpacking the goods and installation of

    the goods/equipment should be written

    in English and in regional language.

    Customers always feel happy to see the

    instructions and guidance on the

    packages. This gives a confidence in the

    company and the product they buy.

    7) Quality of the product Quality of the product matters most. The

    product should have an aesthetic look, good finish and functions

    as desirable. Functionality of the production is must and should

    perform as per the literature and claim of the company.

    8) Take feedback - If you are a retailer, take the feedback of the

    Happy and as well of unhappy customers. Happy customer

  • Care for your Customer, Customer will care for you


    motivates and encourages

    improving more and unhappy

    customer leaves a lesson to be

    learned. In both the cases

    organization is benefited.

    9) Call Back Once the product is delivered, call the customer and

    enquire, if he is facing any problem with the product. If he is

    satisfied, then say word of thanks for purchasing the product. And

    in case he is facing any problem, extend after sales service to the

    customer. Resolve the problem.

    10) Intimate the Sales - Take your customers email, whats-up and

    facebook information. Intimate the customers of special occasion,

    inaugurations, special product launch or Special offer sales. This

    special invitation and information makes him feel special.

    Walt Disney said it best, Do what you do so

    well that they will want to see it again and

    bring their friends.

    For more articles on Customer service, Customer Care, Improving

    productivity, Capacity Utlisation, 5-S, Kaizen, 6-Sigma and other

    Re-Engineering Articles and Tools, visit us on

  • Care for your Customer, Customer will care for you


    About author

    Rajinder Singh Mann, B.Sc., PGDCS, MBA, MPhil. Having Experience of 25 years

    in S&OP, Education, Logistics, SCM. Has worked in diverse industries like

    Publishing, Fasteners, Paints and Varnishes, Food Processing, Education and

    Training, Steel wares and Table-wares. Presently associated with Ceramics

    Industry heading Supply Chain Department.

    Notice of Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. For getting permission for reprints and excerpts, contact online to to send a message via the website.

    Notice of Liability: The information contained in this Article and on the accompanying website is distributed on an as is basis, without warranty. Every precaution has been taken in writing this article, the author shall not have any liability to any person or entity if any damage or loss has been caused directly or indirectly by any contacts of this article.

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