caput sextum derivatives


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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Caput Sextum Derivatives


Page 2: Caput Sextum Derivatives

Cibarious: edible

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Mesa: a high plateau with steep sides.

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Equinox: the time when the sun crosses the equator making day and night of equal length in all parts of the earth.

Nocturnal: active during the night.

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Page 6: Caput Sextum Derivatives

Vine: plant with a long, thin stem that grows on the ground or a support.

Vinegar: sour liquid made by fermenting cider or wine.

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Vineyard: land for cultivating grapevines.

Vintage: a crop of grapes from a particular season.

Wine: fermented juice of grapes.

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Bib: cloth tied around a child’s neck at meal time.

Imbibe: to drink.

Beverage: any liquid for drinking.

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Gustatory: sense of taste.

Disgust: a sickening dislike.

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Recumbent: lying down.

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Assume: to take on the appearance or role of.

Consume: to use up.

Presume: to take for granted; suppose.

Resume: to take or occupy; to continue.

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Annul: to do away with.

Null: of no value.

Nullify: to cancel out.