capturing personality william sims bainbridge, ph.d. goal:...

Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. wsbainbridge Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar travel

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Page 1: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Capturing Personality

William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D.

Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar travel

Page 2: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Computer-Administered Questionnaires


1992A background of computerprogramming of social andbehavioral science software and authoring methodology textbooks!

Page 3: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Personality CharacteristicsBasic tendencies

GeneticsPhysical characteristicsCognitive capacitiesPhysiological drivesFocal vulnerabilitiesPersonality traits (5 factors)

Characteristic adaptationsAcquired competenciesAttitudes, beliefs, and goalsLearned behaviorsInterpersonal adaptations

Self-conceptImplicit & explicit views of selfSelf-esteemIdentityLife story, personal myth

McCrae, Robert R., and Paul T. Costa, "Toward a New Generation of Personality Theories," pp. 51-87 in The Five-Factor Model of Personality, edited by Jerry S. Wiggins (New York: Guilford, 1996).

Objective biographyOvert behaviorStream of consciousnessLife course

External influencesDevelopmental influencesMacroenvironmentMicroenvironment

Page 4: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Personality Capture Modules from the Bainbridge Laboratory

Name Area Items Status

The Year 2100 Predictions of the future 4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Beliefs Agree-disagree statements 4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Beliefs II Agree-disagree statements 4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Wisdom Agree-disagree statements 4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Emotions Situations that might elicit one of twenty common emotions

4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Experience Experiences a person may have 4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Taste Preferences for foods 4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Association Judgments of the connections between pairs of words

4,000 (2 × 2,000) Released

Action Preferences for various actions 4,800 (2 × 2,400) Released

Self Adjectives describing oneself 3,200 (2 × 1,600) Released

Self II Public domain surrogates for standard psychology measures

4,000 (2 × 2,000) Beta testing

ANNE Emotional reactions to events 100,000 (20 × 5,000) Under development

STM Capacity of short-term memory 5,760 (48 × 120) Experimental

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I included an open-ended question asking respondents to write in their predictions for the year 2100...

About 20,000 responded!

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The Year2100

The Year 2100 has three main goals. It seeks to be:

1. An interactive book of the future based on the thoughts of thousands of people around the world, thus a time machine for the imagination.

2. A system for recording a person's opinions about issues that challenge decision makers today, thus a time capsule to preserve an important aspect of that individual.

3. An educational system for preparing essays concerning the major trends of our times, thus a method for consciousness expansion at both home and school.

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Cross Input Method

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Block Input Method

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Personality traits (5 factors+)

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15 Psych Tests with 310 Scales

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Sample Group Analysis

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Ideals to Strive for

Page 14: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Emotional Ratings of Life EpisodesANNE: ANalogies in Natural Emotion, an advisor system, based on ratings of thousands of actual and hypothetical experiences in terms of 20 emotions: anger, boredom, desire, disgust, excitement, fear, frustration, gratitude, hate, indifference, joy, love, lust, pain, pleasure, pride, sadness, satisfaction, shame, surprise .

What other experiences were like THIS one? What did you do? What happened?

What does it mean?

Page 15: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

STM measures your short-term memory:(1) error rates, and (2) response time

STM● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

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Videogame Play Recording

Page 17: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Continuous CaptureThis is an alternate, passive approach, based on ubiquitous or pervasive computing, that constantly captures aspects of the individual’s personality, actions, and experiences, as he or she goes about everyday life.

The technology is being developed by many researchers in a fragmentary manner at the present time, for a large number of purposes that are usually limited in scope.

Even after continuous, passive methods for personality capture have been developed to an advanced level, it will still be essential to employ active methods based on scientific principles, such as questionnaires to measure traits, attitudes, and beliefs.

Following are a few examples of passive capture...

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Page 19: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Virtual Lifetime Tutor“A personal tutor that understands what a user knows and does not know, provides just-in-time tutoring as needed, adapts to a user’s learning style and knowledgelevel, and is initiated by either the user or the tutor.” Dr. Jean Scholtz, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

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Page 23: Capturing Personality William Sims Bainbridge, Ph.D. Goal: preservation, enhancement, transfer to new media, and interstellar

Personality Capture Guidelines1. Simplify the task by finding commonalities among superficially

different aspects of personality.

2. Distinguish core features of personality from peripheral ones.

3. Begin with a low-fidelity record of a personality, then gradually increase fidelity as technology and other resources permit.

4. Concentrate on features that are essential for a given, well-defined goal.

5. Conduct personality capture as a byproduct of accomplishing other things.

6. Give priority to the qualities that reflect the person's subjective identity.

7. Employ an interative process to capture an aspect of personality: emulate it, evaluate the emulation, use the results to refine capture.

8. In the light of other criteria, be guided by cost-benefit analysis.

Select the most appropriate guidance given the goals and context.

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NBIC Convergence“...advances in genetic engineering, information systems, and robotics will allow archived human beings to live again, even in transformed bodies suitable for life on other planets and moons of the solar system.”Bainbridge, W. S. (2002). The spaceflight revolution revisited. In S. J. Garber (Ed.), Looking backward, looking forward (pp. 39-64). Washington, D.C.: National

Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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“In the first Converging Technologies report, computer engineering pioneer Warren Robinett agreed that human personalities could travel through space at the speed of light in the form of information transmitted by radio or laser, an idea I had explored in a 1993 essay. Other writers have proposed that deep-space exploration would be carried out by intelligent machines, and that humans will soon be succeeded by machines as the dominant intelligent species on this planet . I suggest that machines will not replace humans, nor will humans become machines. These notions are too crude to capture what will really happen. Rather, humans will realize that they are by nature dynamic patterns of information, that can exist in many different material contexts, some of which are suitable for travel to the stars.”“Converging Technologies and Human Destiny” by William Sims Bainbridge, forthcoming.

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