capm y efficient markets

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  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Ingenieria FinancieraEfficient Market Theory, Market Risk and CAPM


  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    financial markets are "informationally efficient


    price of stocks and financial assets already

    reflect all known information, and instantly change

    to reflect new information (equilibrium)

    Efficient Market Theory


    100,000 or so full-time, highly trained, professional analysts and traders in

    the market

    fewer than 3,000 major stocks

    each analyst follows 30 stocks, on average 1,000 analysts following each stock

    SEC disclosure requirements and electronic information networks get new

    information to the 1,000 analysts to evaluate it at about the same time

    Therefore, the price of a stock will adjust almost immediately to any new


    Two proposals:

    1. that stocks are always in equilibrium and

    2. that it is impossible for an investor to consistently beat the market.

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 2

  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Levels of Market Efficiency

    Any information that comes from past stock prices is rapidly

    incorporated into the current stock price.

    Current market prices reflect allpubliclyavailable information Information from annual reports and any good or bad news has been priced

    in when it was first announced

    However, people withprivate information can earnconsistently abnormal returns

    Also, whenever new information is released, prices react if

    the information is different from expectations

    Current marketprices reflect all information, whether publicly

    available or privately held

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 3

    Weak Form






    Source: 5 Minute MBA, Corporate Finance

  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Pre-Announcement Abnormal Volume (Target and Matching Firm)

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 4

    Source: Rumors and Pre-Announcement Trading: Why Sell Target Stocks before Acquisition Announcements? Yuan Gaoa, * and Derek Olerb

  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 5

    Cost of Equity (Ke)


    Rate of return required of a specific Stock, given its


    Ke = Rf+ (RM Rf)

  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Beta relevant risk of an individual stock

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  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Calculating Wal-Marts beta

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  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Market Risk and Diversifiable Risk

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 8

    Source: 5 Minute MBA, Corporate Finance

  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Risk Free Rate must be matched to our cash-flow horizon

    Typically, long term

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 9

    3.75% - 4.5%

  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Disneys Beta

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  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets


    Required Rate

    of Return

    (discount rate)

    In this case, Ke

    Long term


    BondsRisk Free Returns




    Premium(RM - Rf)

    Calculating Disneys Ke through CAPM

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 11

    Beta = 1.10

    Disneys Ke = 4.5% + 1.10 (8.5) = 13.9%

    5.4% to 8.5%(US)

    3.75% to 4.5%

    (US, 10-30y)

  • 7/29/2019 CAPM y Efficient Markets



    Risk can be defined as the chance that some unfavorable event will occur.

    Riskier assets must have higher returns

    An assets risk consists of

    1. diversifiable risk, which can be eliminated by diversification, plus2. market risk, which cannot be eliminated by diversification.

    A stocks beta coefficient,, is a measure of its market risk.

    measures the extent to which the stocks returns move relative to the market.

    A high-beta stock is more volatile than an average stock, while a low-beta stock is less volatile than an

    average stock.

    An average stock has = 1.0.

    The beta of a portfolio is a weighted average of the betas of the individual securities in theportfolio.

    9/14/2013 Ingenieria Financiera Primavera 2010 12