cape biology 2014 u2 p1

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2014 CAPE Biology Unit 2 Paper 1


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    FORM TP2014143TEST CODE 02207010

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    MA YIJUNE 2014




    Iinp(H' 01

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  • refers to the following graph whichshows the effects of increasing light inten-sity on the rate of photosynthesis.

    Iteml refers to the following diagram whichshows the structure of a chloroplast.

    ~.:;e2 ..~1. The photosystems are located inwhich of the

    structures labelled I to IV? .



    2, TIH~ role of the antenna complex inPhotosysterns I and It is to


    produce oxygenregenerate RuB?produce carbohydratescollect light energy

    3. Which of the following occur in the Calvincycle?





    Fixation of carbon dioxide andproduction of ATP

    Fixation of carbon dioxide andregeneration of RuBP

    Oxidation of NADPH andproduction of ATP

    Re d u c t ic n of NADP andregeneration ofRuBP

    02207010/CAPE 2014






    III 7

    IVLight Intilri8Uy

    At which of the stages labelled 1,II, III andIV would light be a limiting factor?



    Mitochondria in muscle have more cristaethan mitochondria in skin cells. What is thesignificance of this?

    (A) Increased surface area forabsorption of pyruvate for ATPproduction

    Steeper hydrogen ion concentrationgradient in-the mitochondria

    Increased surface area for Kreb'scycle reactions

    More Al'Pease for ATP production




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    - 3 -

    Items 6-7 refer to the following diagram which shows an outline of glycolysis.

    Stage 1


    Stage 2

    Triose 3,..phosphate

    Stage 3


    Stage 4

    Acetyl coenzyme A

    6. Which of the following is the name of Substance X?


    7. Which of the following correctly identifies the location of Stage 4 in a eukaryotic cell?

    (A) Cytoplasm(B) Cristae of mitochondrion(C) Matrix of mitochondrion(D) Inter-membranal space of mitochondrion

  • '-

    Items 8-9 refer to the following diagram which shows a simple respirometer.

    X Syringe

    JPnr"mndrop =0..Q,~l... ~emF IIfJ;5QJ~g:\ [[5::=:Glass Germinatingtubing beans

    8. The chemical at X is MOST likely 9. Which two of the following MOST likelyexplain the movement of the paraffin droptowards the syringe?(A) sodium chloride

    (B) sodium carbonate .(C) potassium hydroxide(D) potassium carbonate

    I. Oxygen is used by the beans.II. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by X.Ill. Oxygen is absorbed by X.IV. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the


    (A) I and II(B) I and Ill(C) II and IV(D) III and IV

    Item 10 refers to the following diagram of energy flow in a food chain.

    1 X 10' kJsolar energy

    ... 1000 kl 200 kJ Primary 40 kJ SecondaryAutotrophs Herbivore ... ....;" ". carnivore ",. carnivore9000 kJ 800 kJ 160 kJ

    \'1 \It \11

    I Energy lost as heat, water products and uneaten parts I10. Which of the following would represent the total amount of energy acquired by the producer?

    (A) 10 kJ(8) 1000 kJ(C) 10000 kJ(D) 100000 kJ

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  • ~ I

    ~ 5 ~

    it. The way in which the specific environment is exploited by an organlsrn is HI) appropriate definitionfor

    (A) 11 habltut(El) sn eccsystem(C) a trophic level(D) an eoologlcel niche

    [tem 12 refers to the following information.

    Ticks are parasites of cows. A single cow can be parasitized by several thousand ticks.A possible food chain involving ticks is as follows.

    [.0;;;]12. . Which of the following would represent a pyramid of numbers based on the above food chain?

    (A) ~ --- ..

    . ".'


    (B) ...' ~.. - . .. -. _. , .. -.

    . -"" . -'- .. - ." - ,.'



    ,'."' -'''' .....

    . -". . "' ..' . ~.- ,.

    '". ..,' ,- , -.' ..._.

    (D)g-",... -~ . . . . -, " ,... ' ..... ' ..

  • 16. Which of the following substances are cor-reetly paired for the cells given in the table?

    Item 13 refers to-the following diagramwhich shows part of the nitrogen cycle.

    Nitrogen gas in .3~ the atmosphere --l.....

    / Protein inNitrate plantsiuns.. . ~

    ~ Nitrite Protein in.. .-ions' dead plants

    13. Which of the following shows the types ofbacteria that are involved in Steps 1, 2 and3?

    Nitrogen-fixing Denitrifying NitrifyingBacteria Bacteria Bacteria

    (A) 1 3 2...- -.- _. -- .'- .

    (B) 2 1 :3--(C) 3 1 2,-.- .. _ ... _-(D) 3 2 1

    .. - - - .-,- ..

    14. Which of the following does NOT explainhow deforestation might increase the fiskof flooding?

    (A) The water cycle is disrupted.(B) Tree roots bind soil particles

    together.(C) Tree canopies prevent rain beating

    down on the soil.(D) Soil nutrients are lost through

    leaching and run-off water.

    15. Which of the following is NOT aconservation method used to maintainbiodiversity?

    (A) Sperm bank(B) - Botanic garden(C) Protected reserve(D) Genetic engineering

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    ~. -". -- - ._---(A) Endodermls 1 and II-. --(B) Guard cells I and IV

    - ".",' ...

    (C) __ Xylem II and III-

    (D) Phloem III and IV

    17. In a study of water movement in plants,the cut end of a leafy shoot is placed in adilute solution of a dye. After a few hours,deposits of the dye accumulate in the leaves.

    The rate of movement of the dye up the stemis NOT increased by

    (A) humidity(B) wind speed(C) temperature(D) darkness


  • -7-

    Items 18-19 refer to the following diagramwhich shows a representation of an electronmicrograph of a transverse section of twocells in the phloem tissue of the stem of aplant.


    I II

    18. The cell labelled I is a

    (A) fibre cell(B) companion cell(C) parenchyma cell(D) sieve tube element

    19. Which ofthe following isNOT an indicationof how Cell II is specially adapted to itsfunction?


    It is very active metabolically.The walls are impregnated with

    lignin.The end walls are perforated by

    plasmodesmata.It has an exceptionally high density

    of mitochondria.



    20. Which ofthe following processes faei litatesthe loading of sugar into phloem vessels?

    (A) Osmosis(8) Endocytosis(C) Active transport(D) Facilitated diffusion

    lt~ms 21:--22 refer to the following graphwhich shows blood pressure changes in theheart during the cardiac cycle.


    Blood 14pressure 12 r -(kPa) 10


    2~ ~r'''' "~''h"' ""'.~ .' ..o I .........o 0.1 O.S0.6 0.7 0.8 0:9

    Time (5)

    ~Ill~.- - - -

    Key-- Left ventricle

    'j::- Left atrium- - Aorta

    21. The atrioventricular valves open at



    22. At which of the following stages are theheart sounds, 'Iub' and 'dub' produced?

    (A) I and II(B) I and III(C) II and III(D) II and IV

    23. Which of the following structures must bestimulated to increase heart rate?

    (A) Vena cava(8) Sinoatrial node(C) Cardiac muscle(D) Atrioventricular node

  • 25. Which of the following is an example ofpositive feedback?

    .S 100 80(II..c:l.....c1:1-3 60

    iI>liI> 40I)!)

    ~~ 20Il-I

    Item 24 refers to the following graph whichshows the oxygen dissociation curvesof haemoglobin at three different partialpressures of carbon dioxide.

    Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (mm Hg)----------~~---------( --- -- '\15

    o 80 10040 6020Partial pressure of oxygen (mm Hg)

    24. From the graph, it can be deduced that

    (A) at high partial pressures of carbondioxide, the rate of release ofoxygen from haemoglobinincreases

    (B) at low partial pressures of carbondioxide, the rate of release ofoxygen from haemoglobinincreases

    (C) at low partial pressures of oxygen,the rate of release of oxygenfrom haemoglobin decreases

    (D) at high partial pressures of oxygen,the rate of release of oxygenfrom haemoglobin increases

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    (A) Temperature regulation(B) Blood glucose regulation(C) Generation of an action potential(D) Regulation of water levels in the

    body by ADH

    When a decrease in normal blood glucoseconcentration is detected, Hormone X issecreted. What is Hormone Xand preciselywhere is it produced?

    Hormone LocationX Produced

    (A) Insulin a cells in pancreas

    (B) Insulin P cells in pancreas(C) Glucagon a cells in pancreas

    (D) Glucagon ~ cells in pancreas


  • -9 -

    Item 27 refers to the following diagram of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule of a nephron.


    27. If the diameter of the blood vessel is made smaller at X, a possible outcome is that

    (A) the rate of ultrafiltration will be increased(B) the rate of ultrafiltration will be decreased(C) water re-sbaorption will be decreased(D) the rate of urine production will be reduced

    Jtern28 refers to the following graph whichshows the sodium ion concentration as 'fluidpasses along the kidney tubule.

    'tl~~... ~ta ~... ~ 5o ""~ ~~'a ~~ 0

    ~~0 .~ .9



    ~n~I~rLOLI ~ _

    Region of tubule

    28. The region of the descending loop of Henleis



    !.tew 29. refers to the followingphotcm lcrograph of 11 human blood smearshowing erythrocytes and leucocytes.


    29. The blood cell labelled X is


    all erythrocytefl. granulocytea lymphocyte11 rncnocyte

    n(l (11-..1'T(I 'TUp 1-..ICV'T PA nc

  • '(

    Item 30 refers to ,the following diagram which shows a synapse, The numbered arrows representmovement of substances across the neurone membranes,

    ,rr.",ynaPHC neurone

    "7","=' XX" ~

    Direction of transmission of action potential

    30. Which of the following correctly identifies the substances moving across the membranes at points1,2,3 and 4?

    1 2 3 4. - ..

    (A), K+ Cn2+ Cah Na+- ... . ---",(8) " K+ Na+ ,Acetyloholin,e, CaH. _ ..(C) Na+ K+ Ca2+ Acetylcholine(D) Na+ Ca2+ Acetylcholine Na+

    Item 31 refers to the following tablewhich shows the number of cases ofdengue haemcrrhagic fever (per 100 000inhabitants) reported in the Americas for200 I and 2002.

    32. Which of the following BEST describesantigens?

    2001 I 2002(A) CelI surface proteins that trigger an

    immune response(8) Proteins in the cytoplasm that

    trigger an immune response(C) Substances produced by pathogens

    that trigger an immune response(D) Substances produced by the .body

    in response to an infection

    5 000 lS 000

    31. Which of the following represents theincidence rate for the period 200 1 to 2002?

    (A) 0.05(B) 0.10(C) 0.15(D)' 0.20

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  • The presence of a hormone is used as thebasis for a pregnancy test. Which of thefollowing hormones is present in the urineof a pregnant woman?

    33. A highly malignant tumour linked toultraviolet radiation is a

    (A) sarcoma(B) melanoma(C) lymphoma(D) papilloma

    34. T-lymphocytes mature in the

    (A) bone marrow(8) lymph nodes(C) spleen(D) thymus

    35. The monomers that make up the heavy andlight chains of an antibody molecule arejoinedby

    (A) peptide bonds(8) hydrogen bonds(C) glycosidic bonds(D) disulphide bonds

    36. Which of the following is a possibleresponse of the immune system to aninvading pathogen?

    (A) T-Iymphocytes produce antibodies.(8) B-Iymphocytes produce antigens.(C) T-lymphocytes become activated.(D) B-Iymphocytes phagocytose the


    37. Passive artificial immunity is effective butonly for a short time. Which ofthe followingis the BEST explanation for this?

    (A) Antigens are rapidly destroyed.(8) Antibodies are rapidly broken

    down.(C) Phagocytes have a short life span.(D) Memory cells have a short life


    - 11 -





    (A) Oestrogen(8) Progesterone(C) Follicle-stimulating hormone(D) Humanchorionic gonadotropin

    Cerebral haemorrhage MOST likelydescribes

    (A) stroke(8) angina(C) hypertension(D) coronary heart disease

    Which of the following is NOT a healthbenefit of exercise?

    (A) Enhanced utilization of fat(8) Speeding up of atherosclerosis(C) Improved resistance to infection(D) Reduced risk of coronary heart


    One per cent of the human population isnot susceptible to HIY. This is due to

    (A) phagocytosis of the v irus bymacrophages .

    (8) the development of .antibo diesagainst the virus

    (C) a mutation preventing binding ofHIV to T~cells

    (D) a mutation preventing binding ofHIV to B-cells

  • A poster describing the life cycleof the dengue virus

    Ensuring that all water storagedrums are securely covered

    Introducing fish into garden pondsRegular personal use of insect


    IJ" , s,~2. Whichofthe following BEST describes the

    disease atherosclerosis?Which of the following is likely to be theMOST effective in preventing a person from >.becoming infected with.the dengue virus?






    Extensive damage to the endotheliallining of the arteries

    Formation of large blood clots inarteries

    Build-up of plaque in the walls ofarteries

    Calcification ofthe walls of arteries




    The progressive decrease in response toa drug as the human body adapts to itspresence is called





    45. Which two stages of alcoholic liver diseaseare reversible?


    (A) Liver becomes swollen and fatty;and liver cirrhosis.

    Liver becomes swollen and fatty,and inflammation of the liver.

    Liver cells are replaced by fibrousscar tissue, and inflammation ofthe liver.

    Liver cells are replaced by fibrousscar tissue, and liver becomesswollen and fatty.






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