canis painting

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


    Ok, apologies for the wait, particularly to those who have already been to this thread and seen no


  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


    Since he's the majority of the model, I decided to paint Fangir first. I've based his colour scheme on a

    Timberwolf pelt I came across while trawling through Google Images for such an item.

    The Timberwolf pelt whose picture I found showed that their upper area seems to be of varying shades

    of grey with a predominant black stripe or two, particularly down the centre of the spine. The underside

    of the coat is much lighter, heading towards white. I tried to mimic this in the painting of Fangir.

    You'll notice in the first picture of the model that there appears to be a three-layer transition from black

    along the uppermost ridge of the mane through a mid-grey along the neck and shoulders to the much

    lighter grey/white of the chest and underbelly. This was achieved by first painting the whole neck area

    and upper sides of the flanks and tail with a mix of AdeptusBattlegrey and Chaos Black, and wetbrushing

    the edges of the top parts of the mane itself. To this mix was added Elf Grey - an old colour which ismore suited to this shading/highlighting than Astronomican Grey, which I feel has a yellowish tinge to it.

    This highlight was only used on the neck areas and the tips of the mane.

    The lower sections were initially painted with Astronomican Grey, to which Elf Grey was added to form

    the highlight colour. The entire model was then washed in Badab Black. The upper tail, neck and mane

    areas were done using several coats of neat wash, whereas the lower section was done with fewer coats

    of a diluted (1:1) wash.

    The Elf Grey highlights were reapplied to the upper areas, and Skull White was added to the lower areas

    in two coats; the first being 50/50 Elf Grey and Skull White, the second 75/25 Skull White. This actuallymade the fur a little too bright at the edges, so another watered-down Badab Black wash was applied all

    over the model to achieve the result you see in the pictures. Bear in mind too that the flash has

    lightened the model slightly; the white areas are not quite so glaring in real life!

    The teeth, tongue and eye were the next job, following the rather rapid and simple efforts to paint the

    muzzle, nose and forehead while doing the fur. The tongue was painted with Tentacle Pink (latest flip

  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


    top colour) and highlighted with Old Tentacle Pink (in the hexagonal bottle - it's a l ighter colour by about

    one shade! Perfect for highlighting), followed by a wash of Baal Red. The teeth are the old standard

    Bleached Bone x2 coats, followed by a wash, followed by a touch-up of Bleached Bone.

    The eye was done using a dot of Bleached Bone, then painting over that with Golden Yellow. Chaos

    Black on the end of a Size Zero brush was used to form the pupil. Fangir's eye is so well sculpted that this

    was a very easy process indeed. Normally I end up screaming because the model's eyes are not open

    enough, but this one was really simple.

    Tonight's plan is to attack some of the armour plating and get it at least basecoated. Yay. Shadow Grey

    here we come.


    Ok, so I got my sorry butt off the computer and put some armour onto Canis last night.

  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


    Basecoat: Shadow Grey

    Mid tone: 60/40 Shadow Grey - Space Wolves Grey, well watered down to make it a bit more

    transparent (I believe it's called underpainting?)

    Highlight: extreme highlight of straight Space Wolves Grey.

    Wash: 75/25 of Asurmen Blue - Badab Black, with a 1:2 ratio of wash to water. Liberally all over the

    armour areas to darken down the highlight and to deepen the recesses a little. The lines down Canis'

    thighs in the bottom picture were meant to represent reflected light from the upper surface of the

    armour. Not sure if it worked or not, but hey - this is only for table-top quality, not Golden Demon!

    I also decided not to be a total sheep and follow GW's "golden edges" on the armour plates. One of

    Eigle's Radical Moments.....

    Planning to get a bit more done tonight.


    Did a little bit more on the Pup last night; I began the fur side of Canis' cloak with Khemri Brown

    basecoat and lashings of undiluted Devlan Mud, as well as the scrolls and skulls (Khemri Brown

    basecoat, Bleached Bone mid tone and Bleached/Skull White 50/50 for top highlight, then Gryphonne

    Sepia 1:1 with water), but not a lot otherwise so I won't waste anyone's time with pictures for such a

    small set of details.


    Ok, so I didn't go with the blow-by-blow pictorial account! Probably wise, actually, otherwise I wouldn't

    have got this guy finished (well, bar a couple of tiny details, like making the snake look less like a huge

    dog poo. Perhaps painting a rattlesnake in its true colour of brown was a bit of a mistake!)

    Ok, so here is Poodle Pup: General pic, rear quarter and from behind.

  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


    This model was actually a great one to paint. Plenty of detail without there being too much, and is

    certainly an impressive size.

    Painting details:


    Khemri Brown basecoat, Bleached Bone mid-tone, Ogryn Flesh wash and Bleached Bone top highlight.

    Straightforward and easy.

    Wolf Claws and jewels:

    Claws: I followed the methods explained in the recent White Dwarf article. This seemed to work ok,

    except that I didn't bother with the washes of Turquoise/Bleached Bone at all. I just used Asurmen Blue

    wash instead, but watered it down about 2:1 water to wash since I didn't want to lose the blue-green

    tinge of the Hawk Turquoise.

  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


    Jewels: Very straightforward again; this time I did follow the article suggestion to the letter.

    Cloak: Inner parts were basecoated with Scab Red, followed by first highlight of Red Gore and final

    highlight of Blood Red. The whole was then washed with Ogryn Flesh several times to get the depth of

    colour saturation in the folds.

    Outer part was basecoated with Khemri Brown and heavily washed with Devlan Mud. Khemri was

    reapplied to form a kind of highlight, and then Dheneb Stone was used to make the first proper

    highlight. Skull white was added progressively to the Dheneb Stone, and a final wash of Ogryn Flesh was

    given to dampen down the white top highlight.

    Brass areas:

    Very straightforward, with a basecoat of Tin Bitz, followed by Brazen Brass. End of!

    The "rug":

    Khemri Brown to start with, followed by Bestial Brown and Snakebite Leather. Leprous Brown may have

    been used as a top highlight but I can't remember for certain (dopey here forgot to write down such

    details ). The whole was washed with Ogryn Flesh.

    The Hair:

    This was a pure experiment! I decided that I didn't want Canis to have grey hair, so I started with

    Leprous Brown as basecoat, then highlighted this with a straight application of Bleached Bone. A tiny bit

    of Skull White was added to the Bleached Bone, and when all was dry I used Badab Black wash liberally,

    at least two coats being applied. This turned a horrendous hair colour into the one you can see in the

    picture; much more of a flaxen colour but not 'yellow' either.

    The Face:

    How the heck do you do "leathery, weatherbeaten skin?" Well, I didn't know so I chose to go with nice

    pink healthy.........oooh, hang on...this is a Space Wolf I'm talking about...*looks over shoulder nervously*

    Ok, so I started with Tanned Flesh basecoat, followed by a mix of 50/50 Tanned Flesh - Dwarf Flesh, and

    finishing with a top highlight of Dwarf Flesh. No wash was used because I was happy with the way things


    The eyes were easy. Some folks suggest that you draw a thin line of white on the eyeball area, and then

    dot in the iris. Me, I just l ike to do things differently and I dot two tiny spots of white in the eyeball area,

    leaving a black bit in the middle. That way I tend to be able to get my model actually looking in the same

    direction with both eyes, rather than "one eye looking at you, the other looking for you".

    Well, it works for me...!

    Anyway, barring the one flippin' jewel which seems to have evaded my paintbrush and having to rethink

  • 8/6/2019 Canis Painting


    the snake, that's Poodle Pup done and (more or less) dusted. C&C welcomed, of course.


    Canis' eyes were done by painting two dots of white either side of where I wanted the iris to be. That

    way I can control the direction of the look much more easily.

    Fangir's were basecoated black, then Bleached Bone was painted carefully onto the eyeball. Thankfully

    the eye has been well sculpted and so this was an easy task. Next is a coat of whatever yellow you feel

    like using. Woles' eyes seem to be a sort of golden colour, so I opted for a weak layer of Golden Yellow.

    The iris/pupil was then painted in, remembering to put it towards the front since this guy is a hunter,

    therefore has binocular vision, and also is looking ahead.

    Very straightforward indeed, and just required a steady table and a Size Zero brush.
