candidate written manifestos · 2020-03-12 · y y 2020 aat rtt ato 2 youth mayor candidates...

Candidate written manifestos

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Page 1: Candidate written manifestos · 2020-03-12 · Y y 2020 aat rtt ato 2 Youth Mayor candidates written manifestos Imaan Abdi ‘Home is where the heart is’. RBKC has been my home

Candidate written manifestos

Page 2: Candidate written manifestos · 2020-03-12 · Y y 2020 aat rtt ato 2 Youth Mayor candidates written manifestos Imaan Abdi ‘Home is where the heart is’. RBKC has been my home

Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


Youth Mayor candidates written manifestos

Imaan Abdi‘Home is where the heart is’. RBKC has been my home and a place of comfort and happiness throughout the sixteen years of my life. Through three simple changes, I will endeavour to make this true for everyone who lives and studies in the borough. How annoying is it when you wait ages for the bus and there’s no room on it? My first change will improve exactly that. I will be introducing school buses for everyone in the borough that will improve the commute for students and residents. What’s your favourite part of the morning? Break! What’s your favourite part of Break? Food! What’s better than food? Free Food! I will now give you the option to receive your lunch at break for free! And finally; Old friends you have lost touch with and new friends you have yet to meet await you at my new Interschool Enrichment days! In this new scheme schoolchildren from neighbouring schools can come together to learn, have fun and enjoy healthy competition away from the normal school environment. If you vote for me I’ll make all of this happen and promise to keep you updated via social media.

Thank you.

Paige CartledgeHello, my name is Paige Cartledge, I’m 13 years old, I’m from the Philippines and Britain, in 5 years I hope to become an artist. I am the ideal candidate because of my communication skills and ability to work in groups. I aspire to represent smaller communities, that are discriminated against, to make people aware of the diversity within our community and encourage people to be accepting of themselves. Furthermore, I hope to decrease the amount of air pollution in our community to improve our health. I will try to extend time in work experience, add more work placements in the summer, from the ages 14 or over, to improve chances of employment and build on their experience. As a young mayor I will be reliable, willing to learn and able to work in a team. I want to make the community a more enjoyable place by adding more activities, events and workshops. Additionally, I want to decrease air pollution. And finally, make the community safer.

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Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


Anna ChauvetMy name is Anna. I’m running for youth mayor and this is why I am the ideal candidate to become the next Youth Mayor of RBKC. I have recently acquired British citizenship. I was born in London, in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea. And this borough is and always has been the place I call home. I would like to be youth mayor so that I can give back to the community of Kensington and Chelsea what it has given to me. So that I can help develop projects that will make it an even better place for the youth living or studying in this borough. As youth mayor I would help organise sports events in which school teams can meet up and compete. I would organise seasonal reunions for young people such as Easter egg hunts, art festivals in which everyone can have a chance to make art and then sell it to profit chosen charities and a Christmas market organised by the youth of RBKC. As youth mayor I would also be open to any suggestions and would be more than happy to help develop interesting projects proposed by everyone.

Please vote for me.

Alexander Clarici GrobAbout me: 16 years old, passionate about the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea where I was born, lived ever since and where I go to the school. Studying: 4 A-levels: Maths, History, Geography and French at Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle.

Why me? With my diverse background, interests and the fact that I attend a multinational school, I am an ideal representative for the modern, cosmopolitan youth living in the Borough. I would like to help young people’s voices to be heard and their needs to be better met.

My Manifesto:

• More Youth Clubs and places to meet to have fun, but also to study together, tutor each other, get help with CV writing and support each other

• Introduce Youth Mentorship whereby older youth can mentor younger ones in particular those who may face a problem of any kind

• More jobs and internships for young people – fund-raise and work with corporates to offer more training and internships to the youth.

Communication: You will hear from me through social media and email as well as regular meetings to report the progress and simply to meet, get to know you, gather feedback and exchange ideas.

Page 4: Candidate written manifestos · 2020-03-12 · Y y 2020 aat rtt ato 2 Youth Mayor candidates written manifestos Imaan Abdi ‘Home is where the heart is’. RBKC has been my home

Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


Anas DayehMy manifesto gives us all a genuine chance to create meaningful change in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. from tackling the climate emergency, bringing the community together and increase funding for vital services that young people rely on. Today’s youth face new challenges, from rising levels of knife crime, mental health, and chronic levels of loneliness. I’ve spoken to many young people who are driven with various unique gifts and talents with potentials to achieve greatness in our society, but no opportunity to showcase them to the wider community. By enhancing the representation of young people, we can work together on developing better policies that will transform the lives of young people and change our beloved borough for the good.

My three main objectives are:

1. Collaborating with local councillors and the MP to address the issues facing young people especially knife crime and help to strengthen the bridge between the local police and the youth of the community

2. Promoting youth centres and unleashing the borough’s youth potential, giving them the opportunities to be creative and talented and develop these skills that’ll guide them through their journey of life

3. 70% of Young people have had mental health problems but had no appropriate intervention or support. With the help of the local government, we can establish services within the borough where young people can have the space where they can get a break from the pressures and worries in their lives.

By voting for me, Anas Dayeh, you’ll be part of this change. So let’s put our hands together and make the youth of today, the leaders of tomorrow.

Kamran HasteeiMy name is Kamran Hasteei, I would like you to vote for me to become your first youth mayor. I not only want to give children and young people a voice but plan to address the variety of issues they face within RBKC. Some examples of the improvements I would like to make are: Bereavement support - I want those grieving a loss of a family member or close friend to have better support whether that’s a club they can attend with others who have similar experiences or a forum to talk about their feelings so they know there’s always going to be someone there for them 24/7. I also want to give extra support to those with mental health or learning difficulties by launching clubs and activities across the borough that provide training, advice, guidance and additional services to help young people have successful futures.

Lastly, I feel it is important to keep our youth off the street and in safe places to help lower knife crimes and criminal activities by creating opportunities in the community for young people to learn, create, experience new things and fulfil their potential. Be part of the change and vote for me.

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Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


Georgia HuntingWisdom doesn’t come with age it comes with experience. I grew up in council estates for the first part of my life. I have been to two primary schools, four boarding schools and a special education needs school. lived in 14 places. I have grown up with extreme advantages and disadvantages this has given me a unique perspective on life which I will bring to my role as Major. For young people living on a council estate can be a scary life to live. Being socialised in a toxic environment where that doesn’t teach you right from wrong and social norms are completely different. Young people are not the problem; they are part of the solution. I would put investments into young people services to channel emotions, boredom. Being socialised in these environments leads to a increase of knife crime which needs to be tackled as adults don’t seem to be doing much to help. Regardless of your situation, everyone has good and bad situations that you cannot avoid. Everyone, no matter what you have done or what has happened to you; never forget you have a valued voice with me! I am very determined, ambitious, hardworking and I get what I want done. I will get whatever the young people of K&C done. My experience and skills combined would make me an excellent candidate,

Solutions I will provide:

• investing in young people’s services (boxing, mentoring, socialising, late night closing at youth centres)

• a pop in clinic for young people in crisis

• tackling youth homelessness (halfway houses, youth hostels) no matter how old you are.

Mohammed JumahMy name is Mohammed Jumma, I am 17 years old and I am from Sudan. I have been living in the UK since June 2019. Since I was a child, I had always wanted to be a doctor. This is not a stereotypical child’s dream, but one stemming from my strong desire to help and support people. I also have the passion for fostering

relationship with my peers and this has always urged and shaped my life personally and academically.

My statement

I believe young people’s progress and achievements require professional mentorship, personalised and consistent planning, whilst it also important to give individual attention, differentiation and meet the diverse learning needs of all young people. My perceptions on mentoring have been shaped by Howard Gardner’s theory. He argues that young people possess multiple intelligences and that every young person has a potential to be gifted, but this can present itself in many varied ways. Hence, it is vital for teachers/adults to know and consider that all young people have the

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Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


need to be mentored which best suits their career aspirations. Drawing from my experience, I have come to the conclusion that, there are lack of mentors in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea for young people and I believe it is crucial to make learning creative, collaborative, and an encouraging process for young people especially, for young peoples who want to go into higher education.

My Goals: Greater and frequent trips such as trips to historical and cultural places to give young people better understanding of the world, learn British culture, tradition, customs, and have a greater insight. Trips to universities to give them motivations, empower, and pathway to higher levels. Ensure that young people are represented equally in terms of their views and beliefs. Listening to young people’s voices, being and taking active measures to initiate the changes they want to see. More clubs and group formed to empower young people in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. To increase participation and awareness of creativity and talents for young people to develop their talents. To do so I will create a club to improve activities for the young people. I want to set up open forums, working groups and awareness mechanisms to support them. Furthermore, the development of more social, sporting and recreational spaces will be a priority. To make myself more accountable to young people by allowing opportunities to ask questions and contribute on matters that affect them. I believe that our community will improve by this change because I believe in young people’s ability and positive mentality. To achieve this goal needs to require professional mentorship, personalised, consistent planning, collaborative, and team work, determination and respect each other by Ensure that young people are represented equally in terms of their views and beliefs. Listening to young people’s voices, being and taking active measures to initiate the changes they want to see.

Alycia MarquisAs youth mayor, I would make it my absolute priority to ensure that the voices of all people in Kensington and Chelsea, whether that be North or South, are heard. The hardships and struggles of the youth shouldn’t go unnoticed or ignored, which is why I am standing in this election as a strong and productive candidate to highlight the views of my peers. Having been a resident of the borough for my entire life, I have the desire to give something back to the community and especially help those in single parent households to feel empowered, for example with youth centres that offer further educational help. I’ve noticed that newsletters through people’s’ doors can be an ineffective way of engaging the youth in the events of their area. That’s why, if I am elected, I would like to start a social media network for the borough in order to feedback on the issues being raised and to advertise the events the youth can become involved in. Also, the youth council will be making consultations in schools and youth centres which would ideally be documented on social media to show how we are actively improving the borough. A large priority of mine is implementing

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Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


various bins to help tackle the climate emergency as demonstrated in other boroughs, for example by introducing the food waste only bin and a general increase in the distribution of recycling bins around the borough to encourage recycling, especially near schools. Hopefully, this will encourage other boroughs to do the same and it would be great for Kensington and Chelsea to be a role model borough. I believe that I am right for this role as I have the leadership, communication and organisational skills to effectively carry out the position. I am incredibly passionate about helping others, being a voice for them and gaining insight in what it is practically like to run a constituency as this is the career future I am striving for. I would deeply appreciate the opportunity to do so by becoming your Youth Mayor.

Jermiya McIntoshI believe my involvement as a member of the Children in Care Council also known as Future Union has given me experience in being able to identify issues for children and young people. I have taken part in consultations such as the children and young people’s strategy. I have also taken part in the young people’s interview panel for the recruitment of Social Workers and Senior Managers within the RBKC council. I feel that my experience has coupled with my passion to make a change within the borough makes me an ideal candidate for youth Mayor. If elected as your youth Mayor, I pledge to make the following improvements:

To ensure there are more activities for youth across the borough:

I will make sure that there are more activities and events occurring on a regular basis and advertise these via websites and newsletters, so young people are aware of what’s going on around the borough. Opening more Youth Centres around the borough: Open more Youth Centres across the borough to promote interaction amongst young people and break down any barriers. Giving young people the chance to make friends with others who might have similar issues and experiences.

Keeping you safe:

By reducing crime and providing support for those who have experienced tragic events such as knife crime, I will do this by:

• Creating supportive channels to report any incidents.

• Improve street lighting and CCTV.

• Create leaflets, guides and information with safety tips.

I am thoughtful and care about the needs of others as a whole and that’s why you should vote for me.

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Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


Amelie Wilson-SchaferI am the ideal candidate to become the next Youth Mayor of RBKC because:

I believe that I have the skills to gather ideas and information from my peers to make sure my ideas and campaigns are related to as many people as possible. If you vote for me, I would like to increase the daily amount of exercise young people are getting. I would do this by making better use of the wonderful green spaces Kensington and Chelsea has on offer, by developing and hosting a range of free exercise and sports clubs so there is something for everyone and the teaching of easy exercises that one can perform at home every day. These clubs would increase social activity and face-to-face conversation, which increases emotional well-being, this could also improve academic ability and selfesteem. I would like to create Study Hubs and Revision Areas with the relevant IT equipment that some young people might not have on offer at home. I would like to raise the awareness of the misuse of social media and put support to place to help with this. Another big issue I want to tackle is the pollution problem and I would like to introduce and create bike lanes in Kensington and Chelsea for an emission free way of transport, another way of lowering pollution levels would be to try and enforce air purifying plants into all public parks and spaces… If you vote for me, together we can make Kensington and Chelsea a more environmentally aware borough.

Ibrahim Yeski“I know what you are thinking, why should I listen to this person?” This young man is standing to bring the brightest future and the most positive changes you’ll ever know. My name is Ibrahim Yeski, I am 17 years old and I go to Southwark College. I am running for RBKC youth mayor 2020. Having been in the care of the RBKC I’ve seen clearly the unlimited potential which it has to offer. RBKC is diversifying and fostering a sense of unity between all people living and studying in it. In creating the position of youth mayor RBKC is recognising the importance of the voice of the youth, our borough is going to have its first youth mayor, this is an important step and for this reason, we need a strong youth mayor to be able to make the most of this opportunity and be prepared to bring change. I believe I best fit the criteria to be the young mayor of RBKC. I’m currently the sport and events officer of the student union for Southwark College and with my personal experience I understand very well how to strive forward to make RBKC a better place.

If elected

• I would like to introduce awareness workshops to help young people feel safer when they’re walking down the streets and teach them to recognise and avoid dangerous situations.

• I would like to create a small practical learning project for young people to be able to pursue their passion and reduce barriers between their passion and the real world.

• I would like to tackle youth unemployment by linking young people with companies that offer work experience opportunities.

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Youth Mayor 2020 Candidate written manifestos


This is a small part of a much bigger plan that I have I care about your interests because your interests are my interests. Our voice needs to be heard on both the local and national scale. I care about making sure our RBKC is a vibrant community, an incredible community a modernized Community, an integrated community and a peaceful Community. At first glance this may seem like a distant ideal. However, if you vote for me, I’ll ensure our priorities are top of the list and make our dreams become a reality. My interests are your interests and with the betterment of RBKC at the heart of all that we do we will ensure a strong, vital youth representation.