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Page 1: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our





Page 2: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our

Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our clients to make sound financial and investment

decisions. All valuation services are prepared, or reviewed, by fully accredited members of the Appraisal Institute of Canada. Since inception, our

firm has earned a reputation for providing clients with professional and practical advice of the highest calibre. Principals and senior staff have

decades of experience related to appraisal and the real estate industry. The diversity of our client base attests to our ability to apply critical

analysis to the task at hand.

Our areas of expertise include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

*For more information on our Seniors’ Housing Group, please download our profile at:

An Exceptional TeamG,"<,/(,C,"-3)-"%:2"+,%+/,")2,"%:2".(&,*-")**,-M""9GN9K*";%)/"%."2,$2:(-(&;O"-2)(&(&;")&0"2,-)(&(&;"-3,"3(;3,*-"$)/(<2,"(&0(C(0:)/*"$%&-(&:,*"-%,A+)&0"%:2"=&%1/,0;,"<)*,M""P:2"-,)'")**,'</,*"+2%.,**(%&)/*"(&"*+,$()/(Q,0".(,/0*"-%"*,2C,"&($3,"')2=,-*"(&$/:0(&;"H,&(%2*K"7%:*(&;O#A+2%+2()-(%&")&0"N%2-.%/(%"F**,-"R)/:)-(%&M""S3(*"*-2,&;-3")&0"<2,)0-3"%."-)/,&-"+2%+,/*":*".%21)20")&0"(*".:&0)',&-)/"-%"%:2"*:$$,**M

Overview9GN9"(*"%&,"%."9)&)0)K*"'%*-"*:$$,**.:/O",A+,2(,&$,0")&0"/)2;,*-"$%'',2$()/")++2)(*)/")&0"+2%+,2-?"$%&*:/-)&$(,*M""G,"+2%C(0,"(&I0,+-3)++2)(*)/")&0"$%&*:/-(&;"*,2C($,*".%2")//"+2%+,2-?I2,/)-,0"')--,2*M""S%"<,--,2"*,2C,"%:2"$/(,&-"<)*,O"1,"3)C,"%..($,*"&)-(%&1(0,"(&"R)&$%:C,2OSurrey and Toronto.

ValuesWe convey a passion for excellence and will deliver the highest standards of integrity and fairness. We accept accountability. We utilize

technology to deliver market leadership. We share a sense of urgency and responsiveness with our clients. We seek to earn and always be

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independent real estate adviceCWPC

VANCOUVER 201­958 West 8th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Z 1E5 604.730.8889

SURREY 203­5455 152nd Street Surrey BC V3S 5A5 604.583.8889

TORONTO 701­141 Adelaide Street West Toronto ON M5H 3L5 416.607.5545

Mission Our mission is to be a nationally

active and recognized leader in

valuation, feasibility and market

(&-,//(;,&$,".%2"9)&)0)K*"2,)/estate sector. We aim to provide

the most useful and ethical

real estate services in


Page 3: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our

Why Hire UsOur clients appreciate our professional integrity, combined with our philosophy that listening nourishes success. We listen to their concerns

and insights. Our clients have commented that it is our attention to detail, excellent quality reports and service that stand out as reasons why

we are hired.

independent real estate adviceCWPC

VANCOUVER 201­958 West 8th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Z 1E5 604.730.8889

SURREY 203­5455 152nd Street Surrey BC V3S 5A5 604.583.8889

TORONTO 701­141 Adelaide Street West Toronto ON M5H 3L5 416.607.5545

Who Hires Us CWPC is retained by a diverse range of clients including:

!"Canada’s major lending institutions (chartered banks and credit unions)

!"Developers, investors and private property owners

!"Government agencies at all levels (federal, provincial and municipal)

!"Pension Funds and REITS

!"Public corporations and regional authorities

!"Law and accounting firms

!"Non Profit Groups

Diverse Province­Wide ExpertiseOne of the greatest advantages of diverse experience is that the knowledge and expertise gained in one area of real estate can be of significant

benefit to others. This insight has proved crucial to many of our clients to make sound investment decisions.

Professional Affiliations!"#$$%&'(&)"*+(,',-,."/0"1&+&2&!"31"45$%/$%'&,'/+"#((/6'&,'/+!"7.&)"4(,&,."*+(,',-,."/0"3%','(8"1/)-9:'&";7*31<!"=+,&%'/">/+?"@.%9"1&%."#((/6'&,'/+!"=+,&%'/"7.('2.+,&)"1&%."#((/6'&,'/+";=71#<!"7.&)"4(,&,."1/-+6')"/0"#):.%,&";741#<!"A/%,?&?.">/&+("#((/6'&,'/+"/0"#):.%,&";A>##<!"*+,.%+&,'/+&)"7'?8,"/0"B&C"#((/6'&,'/+!"1/99.%6'&)"7.&)"4(,&,."B/9.+";174B<!"7/C&)"*+(,',-,'/+"/0"18&%,.%.2"D-%E.C/%(";7*1D<

CWPC has developed wide­ranging expertise in the following areas:

Property Valuation!"F&%,'&)",&G'+?H"0-))",&G'+?"&+2".5$%/$%'&,'/+!"1/99.%6'&)H"'+2-(,%'&)"&+2"'+E.(,9.+,!"*+(,',-,'/+&)"$%/$.%,'.(!"D.+'/%(I"8/-('+?!"7.+,&)"E&)-&,'/+(!"D'+?)."J"9-),'K0&9')C"2.E.)/$9.+,"$%/L.6,(!"M/,.)(N9/,.)(!"7.6%.&,'/+&)"$%/$.%,'.(!"O.E.)/$9.+,"(',.(!"#%:',%&,'/+"$%/6..2'+?(


Canada Wide ExpertiseSpecializing in the valuation and feasibility of seniors’ apartment buildings, retirement residences and long term care homes primarily in BC,

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.

The purpose of the assignments range from obtaining due diligence, suitable financing, equity takeout, partnership buy-out, quantifying investment

decisions, partial and full taking acquisition values for infrastructure projects and portfolio asset valuation.


Page 4: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our

independent real estate adviceCWPC

VANCOUVER 201­958 West 8th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Z 1E5 604.730.8889

SURREY 203­5455 152nd Street Surrey BC V3S 5A5 604.583.8889

TORONTO 701­141 Adelaide Street West Toronto ON M5H 3L5 416.607.5545

Unique AssignmentsWe have developed an exceptional ability to combine both qualitative and quantitative analyses to provide clients with accurate data and clear

insights. Our performance has led to an ever-widening range of clients to seek us out for appraisals, studies, or consultation on particularly

challenging projects and unusual properties. The examples below provide a sampling of the variety of assignments we’ve undertaken.

Studies and Analyses Canada wide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reasonable return from their real estate portfolios


Diverse Properties!"A-)"*(/3$")-57.*!"@0%-)'04$0./&")$*$)%$*"/01",')$*7')$!"E$0-')*+"7'9*-05"/01"()'($).-$*"*($3-,-3".'".7$"7$/&.73/)$ industry


Qualified PersonnelThe value of any firm’s service depends on the skills and attitudes of its

($'(&$R""HK>H+*"69*-0$**"(7-&'*'(7:"-*".'"*$$8"'9.".7'*$"=-.7"/"4-N"',proven professional expertise, a committed work ethic and well-honed

people skills, and equip them with the resources and on-going training

needed to provide the information, insight and integrity our clients


Page 5: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our


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@&469&';69J!716$C Partner B.Bus (L.Econ), AACI, P.App, Licensed Appraiser (RECA)Stuart is one of two partners at CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. and entered the industry in 1986. Stuart hasexperience in both the private and public sectors. He has acquired knowledge of all facets of real estate, withspecial expertise in unique consulting assignments. Accepted as an expert witness before the Supreme Court ofBritish Columbia, Federal Court of Canada and arbitration hearings. Stuart is licensed in the province of Albertavia RECA. (Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 1989)T 604 630 4822 | [email protected]

K69C6'@$AC$9 Partner AACI, P.App, Licensed Appraiser (RECA)Darla is one of two partners at CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. and has worked in the appraisal industry since1988. Trained in all facets of commercial real estate, she has experience in a wide range of asset classes and typesof valuation. Over the past several years, Darla has specialized in the seniors’ housing industry from a growingdemand in the marketplace. With CWPC’s three appraisal offices in BC and Ontario, she works nationally on aregular basis to serve this specialized market and client base. Darla has appraised numerous seniors’ apartmentbuildings, retirement residences and long term care homes primarily in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,Ontario and Quebec and is licensed in the province of Alberta via RECA. Areas of valuation specialty includehighest and best use analysis, proposed development concepts, land valuation, multi-family condominium and rentalprojects, expropriation and partial taking acquisitions. (Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 2003)T 604 579 1509 | [email protected]

L9$#'G400$&& B.Comm (Hons), AACI, P.AppFred has over 25 years of experience in the appraisal industry in both the private and public sectors. He alsoprovides appraisal services to government agencies, municipalities and law firms for full and partial takings for roadand utility right of ways, park, school and other institutional purposes. He has been accepted as an expert witnessat arbitration and BC Expropriation Compensation Board hearings.(Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 1989)T 604 579 1502 | [email protected]

2C60#6!9'M89#8" Dipl. Surv, AACI, P.AppAlasdair entered the industry in 1972. Alasdair has experience in the valuation of investment properties forprivate and public sectors. Accepted as an expert witness Supreme Court of BC, arbitration boards and BCExpropriation Compensation Board. (Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 1985)T 604 630 4829 | [email protected]

Page 6: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our


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;19!0'J4&&8" BSc (Hons), MRICS, AACI, P.AppChris entered the industry in 1989. Chris has residential and commercial real estate experience spanning brokerage,asset management and appraisal work in the UK and Canada. He is a Member of the Royal Institution of CharteredSurveyors. He served on the national Council of the Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers in England.(Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 2004)T 604 579 1512 | [email protected]

K81"'H8 B.Comm (ULE), AACI, P.AppJohn has worked in the real estate industry since 2002 following the completion of the Bachelor of Commercedegree in Urban Land Economics/Real Estate through the University of British Columbia. John has worked extensivelyin consulting assignments for various government clients and is involved in the valuation of commercial property inthe lower mainland, interior of BC and Calgary. (Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 2004)T 604 630 4823 | [email protected]

L1!C!%'I6M B.Comm (ULE), AACI, P.AppPhilip joined the firm in 2004 after completing his Bachelor of Commerce in Urban Land Economics/ Real Estatethrough the University of British Columbia. Philip currently specializes in the appraisal of industrial and commercialproperties in Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. In addition, Philip has experience in the appraisal of retail,office, multi family and mixed use development sites and other types of land valuation and consulting assignments.(Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 2006)T 604 630 4830 | [email protected]

G$N6"'G7O69C6"$ B.Comm (ULE), AACI, P.AppMegan has worked in the real estate industry since graduating in 2002 with a Bachelor of Commerce degree inUrban Land Economics/Real Estate from the University of British Columbia. She completed the PGCV Program atUBC in 2009. Megan has experience in the appraisal of retail, office, industrial, seniors housing, multi-family and mixeduse projects, as well as other types of land valuation and consulting assignments in the Lower Mainland and acrossCanada. (Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 2009)T 604 630 4828 | [email protected]

DA96'I47P1490& B.Comm, AACI, P.AppTyra graduated with distinction from the University of Victoria in 2004 with a Bachelor of Commerce. Following this,Tyra received a Post Graduate Certificate in Property Valuation with first class standing from the University of BritishColumbia. Tyra has acquired experience completing a diverse range of assignments which include senior housingvaluations, expropriation and partial takings in addition to a variety of unique, rural and remote properties.(Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 2010)T 604 630 4497 | [email protected]

Page 7: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our

independent real estate adviceCWPC

VANCOUVER 201­958 West 8th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Z 1E5 604.730.8889

SURREY 203­5455 152nd Street Surrey BC V3S 5A5 604.583.8889

TORONTO 701­141 Adelaide Street West Toronto ON M5H 3L5 416.607.5545

Susan Alford AACI, P.App, Licensed Appraiser (RECA)

Susan offers our seniors’ housing clients a unique combination of skills and experience. Susan has worked in the

industry since 1987, and her background in the seniors’ housing market includes positions held at a national appraisal

services company, a Crown corporation, a Canadian life insurance company and a Canadian chartered bank. Susan’s

experience includes valuation, due diligence and mortgage financing across the country.

T 416 607 5545 | [email protected]

Paul D. Marsh B.Comm (Finance & ULE)

Paul has been in the industry since 1996 and has experience in seniors' housing development nationwide. He has

worked with many seniors housing developers and operators across Canada as well as for a national appraisal firm,

specializing in seniors' housing. Paul specializes in market demographic and feasibility studies to strategize in the

repositioning of existing retirement residences and to identify opportunities for new seniors' housing projects.

T 416 607 5545 | [email protected]

David Hall BSc (Hons), AACI, P.App, MRICS

Since 1983, David has provided appraisal and consulting services to various government agencies, municipalities, utility

companies, private corporations and individuals. He is accredited with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

(MRICS) and the Appraisal Institute of Canada. He is a member of the International Right of Way Association and the

BC Expropriation Association. His professional experience includes land and right of way appraisal and acquisition for

major projects and property management work on commercial real estate.

(Appraisal Institute of Canada Accreditation: 1991)

T 604 579 1505 | [email protected]

Jessica Toppazzini B.A.

Jessica graduated from the University of Guelph in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Political Science and

History. Jessica is currently a Candidate member with the AIC and looks forward to completing the requirements for

the appraisal designation. Jessica conducts market research and provides support in the preparation of appraisal

reports and unique consulting assignments.

T 604 630 4498 | [email protected]

Courtney Eyre B.Sc

Courtney joined the firm in 2008. She holds a Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Victoria and worked

in Real Estate sales prior to joining CWPC. Courtney is a Candidate Member of the Appraisal Institute of Canada. She

is working towards her AACI designation and a Diploma in Urban Land Economics. Courtney has worked extensively

on a wide variety of appraisal assignments including multi-family, industrial, retail, office and mixed use properties, full

and partial land takings and development sites. Currently, Courtney’s work focuses on appraisal, feasibility and other

consulting work for the seniors housing sector.

T 416 607 5545 | [email protected]

Page 8: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our


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H6AC$A'/!CJ!$ B.Bus (L.Econ)Hayley joined the firm in 2010. She has her Diploma in Urban Land Economics and has completed the Bachelor ofBusiness in Real Estate. She is a Candidate member of the Appraisal Institute and is working towards her AACIdesignation. Hayley conducts market research and provides support in the preparation of appraisal reports.T 604 579 1514 | [email protected]

@16""8"'H89"$ Dip. ULEShannon joined the firm in 2005. She received her Diploma in Urban Land Economics in May 2010 and is currentlyworking towards her Bachelor of Business in Real Estate. Shannon conducts market research and provides support inthe preparation of appraisal and consulting reports. Shannon is working towards her AACI designation.T 604 579 1506 | [email protected]


Kristy joined the firm in 2007 and is working towards her Diploma in Urban Land Economics. Kristy conducts marketresearch and provides support in the preparation of appraisal reports. Kristy is working towards her AACI designation.T 604 579 1510 | [email protected]


With 15 years of experience in commercial real estate, Leanne assists in on-going market research and maintenance ofdatabank material, and also provides support in the preparation of complex appraisal reports.T 604 579 1516 | [email protected]

Page 9: CANADA WIDE - CWPC Property Consultants Ltd. | … Profile/CWPC Profile ALL.pdf · Summary We provide due diligence and accurate data in a timely personalized manner enabling our


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=C!06'H0!$1 B.Sc., MSEM

Elisa is part of the research and investigation team in the Vancouver office. She brings with her a respectedenvironmental science background which we have found useful in assisting our senior appraisers. Elisa received herB.Sc. in Environmental Science from UBC and the Master of Sustainable Environmental Management (M.SEM) from theUniversity of Saskatchewan. T 604 730 8889 | [email protected]


Brandy is our Surrey office manager. Aside from the general administration work associated with that responsibility,she also assists appraisers with the final set up and delivery of reports.T 604 583 8889 | [email protected]

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Aine is part of the administration team in the Vancouver office. Aside from the general administration work, she alsoassists appraisers with the final set up and delivery of reports. Aine received her Bachelor of Business Studies degreefrom the Institute of Technology in Carlow, Ireland in 2003.T 604 730 8889 | [email protected]


Alison looks after Human Resources matters for the company. She has over 20 years of experience in LineManagement and Human Resources, gained primarily in the financial services sector in the UK. Since moving to BC in2002, she has worked as an HR consultant, mostly with small to medium - sized companies, focusing on the design andimplementation of Performance Management systems, Performance Coaching and Recruitment.T 604 583 8889 | [email protected]