can diabetes be managed by medication alone?

Can Diabetes Be Managed By Medication Alone?

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Post on 14-Aug-2015



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Can Diabetes Be Managed By Medication Alone?

Can Diabetes Be Managed By Medication Alone?

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which there are high blood sugar levels for a long period of time. It is

one of the fastest spreading and most commonly diagnosed diseases in the past couple of years with not

only adults but even young people getting affected by it.

The most common cause of diabetes can be attributed to the lifestyle choices we make because of our

stress filled lives, unhealthy food we eat and the lack of physical activity. Many physicians and even

people feel that the only way to control blood sugar levels is only through medication but that is not

true. Diabetes can be easily controlled, especially type 2 diabetes, by making a few lifestyle changes. If

you have type 1 diabetes, you will have to take insulin shots everyday as the body loses its ability to

produce insulin on its own.

Taking medicines is not the only way to treat diabetes. Sometimes, heavy medication can make the

ailment worse. Too much medication over a period of time will make the patient resistant to medicines,

even insulin, and when that happens, it is very hard to manage the disease. It is commonly believed that

medicines are more than enough to manage sugar levels but that is a wrong perception. Medicines only

help to a certain extent to control the symptoms but to lead a normal life, many lifestyle changes need

to be made.

Medicines For Diabetics

“A metabolic disorder, Diabetes cannot be handled just by popping in different pills or insulin

intake. The only way to control one’s sugar levels is only by combining medicines with

necessary lifestyle changes.” –Dr. Ravi Sankar Erukulapati, Clinical Lead & Endocrinologist,

Apollo Sugar Clinics Ltd, Hyderabad

The easiest way to treat diabetes is by:

Nutritious, healthy diet

Daily exercise

Mild medication

Maintaining a healthy weight

Stash away all your medicines and follow these methods to control your blood sugar levels:

Diet - Increase the amount of fibre you consume by eating more fruits, vegetables, skimmed

milk, beans, lentils, fish, lean meat and unsalted snacks. Avoid butters, processed meat, chips,

cakes and other fatty foods.

Manage your weight - If you are already overweight, it is time you started getting fit. Set small

targets to lose weight so that you actually achieve them. Workout for at least 30 minutes a day,

every day. Keep track of when you exercise, the intensity of your exercise and the duration of

the exercise. Do not do the same exercise every day, try different things like yoga, pilates,

aerobics, weights, biking and others.

It is possible to manage diabetes without medication but it is not for everyone. Some people’s

bodies do not respond very well to lifestyle changes but need medication to keep it going. Contact

your physician before giving up medication if you already are taking medicines to control diabetes.

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