campus support services

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  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    1. Introduction

    Campus Support Services refers to valuable, supportive and integrated services within the

    campus, aimed at enhancing the campus experience and creating a vibrant university

    community. These services encompass so many departments in the campus and thus

    create an array of core services and amenities in support of campus life. Each department

    is responsible for delivery of its services to students, faculty, staff and guests of the

    campus. Organizationally, most of these departments are considered auxiliary to the

    university s core academic mission and are, therefore, expected to operate in an

    entrepreneurial manner covering all expenses with revenue earned.

    The various divisions of campus support services include the following!

    2. Academic Advising Services

    "cademic advising refers to a series of intentional interactions with a curriculum, a

    pedagogy, and a set of student learning outcomes #$illispie, %&&'(. "cademic advising

    synthesizes and contextualizes students) educational experiences within the framewor*s

    of their aspirations, abilities and lives to extend learning beyond campus boundaries and

    timeframes #$ordon, +abley, and $rites, %&& (.

    The -aculty "dvisor provides academic advice and support to students from her or his

    discipline or school #+arrison, %&& (. "cademic "dvisors in the Campus "dvising Center

    provide developmental advice to all undecided first year students, and to any student in

    transition/ that is, any student who is unsure about his or her decision to ma0or in a

    particular discipline. #Croo*ston, %&&1(.

    "cademic "dvisors in the Campus "dvising Center are also available to new faculty

    advisors as mentors as they develop their advising practices. The "dvising Center

    provides resources and support to all students and faculty #2ohnson and 3organ, #%&&4(.

    The following is a brief summary of the expectations of academic or faculty advisors.


  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    The -aculty "dvisor or the "cademic "dvisor is expected to guide the students on!

    a. Choosing or changing their program or ma0or b. 5nderstanding their degree audit and degree re6uirementsc. 5nderstanding academic regulations and proceduresd. "dding, dropping, or withdrawing from a coursee. 7eveloping a plan to deal with academic difficultiesf. 8eviewing their academic progressg. 8eferral to other relevant campus servicesh. 5nderstanding the 5niversity Core Curriculumi. 7eveloping a program outline #to include internships, co9ops, study abroad,

    practical and other options that are specific to the ma0or( 0. 8eading degree audits.

    "cademic advising is shown to be more successful when advisors hold face9to9faceappointments with the students #$illispie, %&&'(. :articularly with regards to topics li*e

    future classes, and careers. -ace9to9face interactions ma*e advising more meaningful for

    the students. "dditionally, students place more importance on the supportive and caring

    nature of their relationship with their advisor than on the particular approach to advising.

    :articipation in academic advising has been shown to increase student satisfaction and

    mitigate students feelings of isolation or disconnection from the institution as a whole,

    both of which according to ;roadbridge #on9campus institution and institutions

    which offer courses and?or entire programs through online?virtual formats #;roadbridge,

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    +igher Education @nstitutions #+E@( place high priority on the public safety of the

    campus community. @t is the duty of the Campus Security guards to provide a safe and

    secure environment to all students, staff, faculty and visitors by providing a %hour presence on the campus to respond to routine and emergency calls for service.

    " campus security officer promotes and maintains safety in a college or university. The

    campus security officer performs many of the public safety functions of law enforcement.

    $enerally, a high school education and additional 0ob training are necessary to become a

    campus security officer. Some employers prefer to hire candidates with prior wor*

    experience in the security field #;romley,

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    4. Campus Athletics and Recreation Services

    Campus recreation services contributes to the academic mission of the 5niversity and

    enhances the 6uality of campus life by providing a student9centered environment and

    experiential opportunities which foster healthy, active lifestyles through involvement in

    and?or use of recreational facilities, programs, and services. Supporting the values of

    student success, the campus athletic and recreation program strives to promote integrity,

    responsibility and leadership s*ills while maintaining a balance between physical,

    emotional and social growth of students #Bamath, $olebiows*i, and Baiser, %&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    !. Campus Accommodation Services

    The campus provides a range of accommodation services including allocation and

    property management activities to students, prospective students, and other clients. The

    campus accommodation service center is responsible for activities associated with

    commercial boo*ings, both during term time and vacation periods. This department is

    also responsible for carrying out all administrative and financial processes associated

    with the provision of residential accommodation to students and other clients #2ohn,


  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    since living physically closer to classrooms is often preferred, particularly for first9year

    students who are yet to get ac6uainted with the campus environment. 5niversities may

    therefore provide priority to first9year students when allocating this accommodation.

    "ccording to 2enny #%&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    " campus dinning?cafeteria is intended to offer myriad and diverse menu choices, with

    exciting and nutritious choices that fit in with the students lifestyle. These cafeterias can

    be a part of a residence hall or in a separate building #"my,

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    supplies for study at a post9secondary educational institution! a professional school,

    community college, four9year college, or university #+eller,

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    @t is the duty of the college? university to provide a healthy studying environment and

    also ensure that all safe wor*ing practices are followed. E6ually, everyone connected to

    the campus has the responsibility to comply and ensure they ta*e care of themselves and


    The campus fully accepts the responsibilities to strive for and to achieve a healthy

    environment for the students, staff and visitors.

    11. +oo store

    The Campus ;oo*store is a division of Campus Services that provides valuable,

    supportive and integrated services to enhance the campus experience of the students andcreate a vibrant campus community #;rown and ;rett,

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    )reserve) #meaning that they are loaned out only on a short9term basis, usually a matter of


    "cademic libraries offer wor*shops and courses outside of formal, graded coursewor*,

    which are meant to provide students with the tools necessary to succeed in their

    programs. These wor*shops may include help with citations, effective search techni6ues,

    0ournal databases, and electronic citation software. These wor*shops provide students

    with s*ills that can help them achieve success in their academic careers #and often, in

    their future occupations(, which they may not learn inside the classroom #Chinwe,

    "nunobi, @feyinwa, and O*oye, %&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    directors and other student affairs personnel have reported an increase in the mental

    health needs of college students, with issues li*e eating disorders, alcohol and drug

    abuse?dependence, severe depression?anxiety, suicidality, and sexual assault becoming

    more prevalent in this environment #Bitzrow, %&&'(.

    Services are provided by :sychologists, Clinical Therapists, 8egistered Durses, and

    3aster)s9level graduate students #Koel*er, %&&'(. The center generally offers a variety of

    services including individual and group counseling, psycho9diagnostic testing, alcohol

    and other drug counseling?evaluation, crisis assistance, campus outreach programs,

    consultation services, and graduate student training. Though services primarily target

    mental health problems #i.e., anxiety, depression(, students also utilize counseling

    services to enhance areas of their life, including relationships, career?vocational choices,

    academic and athletic performance, and exploring psychological strengths #3ay, %&&'(.

    @f a student has a need for long9term counselling support or specialized mental health

    services, the 5CC may provide referrals to assist the student in accessing resources in the


    14. Students rienting Students /S. .S.0

    The S.O.S. comprises a group of motivated and enthusiastic student volunteers who assist

    with orientations that help new students ad0ust successfully to campus life. There are also

    various teams and committees for volunteers to 0oin, in order to stay involved throughout

    the academic year. S.O.S. allows student volunteers to develop and enhance their s*ills in

    communication, leadership, and teamwor*, all while adding stellar volunteer experience

    to their resume, co9curricular transcript, and graduate school applications. Kolunteershave the opportunity to ma*e new friends and gain valuable campus contacts.

    15. *uman Resources Services


  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    Students wor*ing on campus is a great option because the campus employers are often

    more flexible about scheduling the students wor* hours around the students class

    schedule, thus transportation and travel time are seldom a problem.

    The various departments of the campus employ students in all sorts of 0obs. Students

    wor* as intramural sports referees, library assistants, aerobics monitors, veterinary or

    medical assistants, and in clerical and administrative positions all over campus.

    Studies show that students who wor* a moderate amount tend to ma*e better grades,

    learn to manage their time efficiently, are more persistent in their goal to graduate, and

    may borrow less in loans to help pay for college expenses.

    The campus usually offers exciting, challenging and rewarding 0obs to those who see*

    opportunities to grow and succeed. On9campus 0obs offer flexibility and helpful resources

    to accommodate student needs.

    "dvantages of Student Employment!

    a. Conveniently located near classes b. Supervisors are sympathetic to class schedulesc. :rofessional development opportunities to expand your s*ills and prepare for your

    career d. S*ills obtained can be applicable to course wor* e. -aculty and staff interaction and involvementf. ;e part of a communityg. Competitive payh. Gowers student loan expensesi. "ccess to programs and resources

    Students who wor* on campus have a variety of opportunities to help prepare for

    professional wor* after graduation. Campus 0obs are a learning experience for students.

    :rofessional s*ills gained in part9time wor* contribute to future career success.


  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    1!. In ormation echnology Services /I S0

    The @nformation Technology Services #@TS( department of colleges and universities

    wor*s to facilitate, coordinate or implement information technologies that effectivelyenable the institutional missions of research, teaching, learning, and outreach. This is

    accomplished by identifying systems, services, and capabilities that will have a

    substantive impact on the community and delivering them robustly and at scale #Chandler

    and 3unday, %&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    1". Campus ediation Services

    5nless individuals live in virtual isolation, they are bound to experience conflict in their

    interactions with others. Conflict must be ac*nowledged as a part of everyday living onthe campus and its surrounding community #Gynch, %&&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    1#. ccupational *ealth Sa ety

    @t is the responsibility of the campus to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment

    for its employees, students and visitors. The 5niversity is committed to preventing

    occupational illness and in0ury in the wor*place, continually improving health and safety

    practices and performance and believes that all tas*s can be accomplished in a safe

    manner and in compliance with relevant health and safety legislation, codes, standards

    and practices. The 5niversity is also committed to promoting healthy living. This is

    usually done by establishing programs such as the Student +ealth :romotion program.

    These programs encourage students to identify the benefits of and need for healthy

    lifestyle choices, through promotion of comprehensive mind?body wellness. The

    5niversity also offers drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs in addition to other

    wellness initiatives through the Student +ealth :romotion program. Students are re6uired

    to comply with the 5niversity +ealth and Safety :olicy. @ndividual schools may have

    their own health and safety procedures relevant to particular activities, e6uipment or

    protective clothing, which students will be made aware of at induction and ?or during the

    course of their studies where it is applicable.

    "dmitted students are re6uired to submit documentation of specific immunizations before

    matriculating at the 5niversity. These immunizations are re6uired for admission.

    1'. Peer Support Centre

    The :eer Support Centre #:SC( is a Students) 5nion service that offers a free,

    confidential, and non90udgemental place to tal* to someone for support #Foung, %&&=(.

    Trained volunteers offer peer support, crisis management, information and resources, aswell as a safe and confidential place to tal*. The volunteers will listen to help the students

    uncover some steps they can use to improve their situations, no matter the enormity of the

    issue #:hyllis, %&& (.


  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    The :SC comprises a group of dedicated student volunteers who provide welcoming and

    empathetic peer9based support to students. The :SC comprises an inclusive and safe

    space in which students will be able to share their worries without apprehension. Some

    students may find it easier to connect with a person who is at a similar life stage and whomay be experiencing similar life challenges #Shubert and ;or*man,

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    S7S provides classroom accommodations to all students on campus who disclose a

    disability, re6uest accommodations, and who meet eligibility criteria #Turnbull, %&&%(.

    Students with disabilities are served in much the same way as other students on campus.

    S7S facilitates services and accommodations so that students with disabilities en0oy the

    same exceptional opportunities as their peers with the greatest degree of independence

    possible. S7S is responsible for!

    a. Establishing and disseminating criteria for disability services/ b. 7etermining eligibility for disability services through review of documentation

    and assessment of individual student need/c. -acilitating academic and environmental accommodations and services/

    d. Educating the campus community about disability issues #;os and Kaughn, %&&4(.

    22. Conclusion

    Campus support services play vital role in improving the experience of the student, staff

    and visitors by delivering services that help ensure the smooth day9to9day running of the

    campus. The campus support services gives the student a rewarding and fulfilling

    experience, both physically, socially, psychological and academically while at the


    R $ R 6C S


  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    "my, L. #

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    Chinwe, K., "nunobi, 5., @feyinwa, ;., O*oye, C. #%&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    $illispie, ;. #%&&'(. +istory of "cademic "dvising . D"C"7" Clearinghouse of

    "cademic "dvising 8esources. Dational "cademic "dvising "ssociation.

    8etrieved %&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    Gauren, C. #%&

  • 8/19/2019 Campus Support Services


    Turnbull, 8. #%&&%(. Exceptional Gives! Special Education in Today)s Schools #'rd ed.(.

    3errill :rentice +all. Dew 2ersey.

    Koel*er, 8. #%&&'(. 3ounting student depression taxing campus mental health services.

    2ournal of the "merican 3edical "ssociation, % 1, %&449%&4=.

    Ailson, C. #%&