camd manual-1 orthographic

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  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    Acharya Institute of TechnologyComputer Aided Machine Drawing-10AU4A

    IA Marks : 25 Hrs/week : 04(1 Hrs. Theory & 2 Hrs Practical) Total ect!re Hrs : 52 "#a$ Marks : 100

    PART A

    I%tro!ctio%: 'eiew o *ra+hic i%terace o the sotware. 'eiew o ,asic sketchi%* co$$a%s a% %ai*atio%al co$$a%s.

    -tarti%* a %ew rawi%* sheet. -heet sies. a$i%* a rawi%*. rawi%* !%its *ri a% s%a+. 2Hrs

    %it 3 1: -ectio%s o -olis: -ectio%s o Pyra$is Pris$s !,es Tetrahero%s o%es a% yli%ers resti%* o%ly o% their ,ases (o

    +ro,le$s o% a#is i%cli%atio%s s+heres a% hollow solis). Tr!e sha+e o sectio%s.

    rtho*ra+hic iews: o%ersio% o +ictorial iews i%to ortho*ra+hic +ro6ectio%s o si$+le $achi%e +arts with or witho!t sectio%.

    (7!rea! o I%ia% -ta%ars co%e%tio%s are to ,e ollowe or the rawi%*s) Hie% li%e co%e%tio%s. Precee%ce o li%es. 8Hrs

    %it 3 2: Threa 9or$s : Threa ter$i%olo*y or$s o threas 3 7- Threa -ellers threa I- Metric threa s;!are a% Ac$e

    threa. o%e%tio%al re+rese%tatio% o threas. 9aste%ers: He#a*o%al heae ,olt a% %!t with washer (asse$,ly) s;!are heae

    ,olt a% %!t with washer (asse$,ly). Ty+es o 7olt heas s+ecial ty+es o %!ts locki%* o %!ts -t!s set screws *r!, screws.


    PART B

    %it 3 oi%ts: Ty+es o =eys otter a% k%!ckle >oi%ts 'iete >oi%ts: la+ 6oi%ts? si%*le a% o!,le

    rie@e la+ 6oi%ts ,!tt 6oi%ts with si%*le/o!,le coer stra+s (hai% a% i*a* !si%* s%a+hea riets). 8Hrs

    %it 3 4: A!to$otie o$+o%e%ts: l!tch leer -+ark +l!* I "%*i%e ale Bale ta++et leer cra%k leer rocker ar$ yli%er

    li%er yli%er a% yli%er hea o two stroke +etrol e%*i%e ra%k shat a% ca$ shat st!,a#le lha$Cs co!+li%* a% !%iersalco!+li%* (HooksC >oi%t) 8Hrs

    PART C

    Asse$,ly rawi%*s (Part rawi%*s sho!l ,e *ie%)

    Asse$,ly rawi%* o ollowi%* $achi%e +arts (

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic



    are done to



    perpendicular Planes i!"#

    $ertical plane% &ront ie'

    Hori!ontal plane%Top $ie'

    Perspectie Plane (Side Plane)%Side ie'

    Arran*ements o+ $ie' in &irst an*le Projection"

    $ie's must ,e perpendicular to each other"

    Ri*ht ie' must ,e placed on -e+t side o+ the +ront ie'" -e+t ie'

    must ,e placed on Ri*ht side o+ the +ront ie'"

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    Acharya Institute of Technology

    Department of Mechanical !ngineeringT.PES O& -INES

    Acharya Institute of Technology

    Department of Mechanical !ngineering



  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    Aligned system of Dimensioning

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    Acharya Institute of Technology"or the gi#en machine component Draw an $rtho %raphic &ro'ection and (how

    1" &ront $ie' 2" Top ie' 3" Side $ie'

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic



    Use "I+(T A)%,! &ro'ection only

    All DIM!)(I$)( are in mm

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    -ectio%al iews

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    The $!lti?iew rawi%* (rtho*ra+hic +ro6ectio%s) eectiely co$$!%icates the i%or$atio% a,o!t sha+e a% sie o a%

    o,6ect i% which the i%ter%al etails are re+rese%te ,y hie% li%es. Howeer i% e%*i%eeri%* +ractice there are $a%y

    o,6ects which are co$+licate i% their sha+es. As a res!lt their $!lti?iew +ro6ectio%s may contain too many hidden

    lines. I% s!ch cases it ,eco$es ery iJc!lt to i%ter+ret or rea the rawi%*s. To make the task easier, the objects are

    assumed to be cut by a plane called a section plane or a cutting plane.The sectio% +la%e is take% +arallel to the +la%e o

    +ro6ectio%. The +ortio% o the o,6ect which alls ,etwee% the sectio% +la%e a% the o,serer is co%siere to ,e re$oe

    a% a corres+o%i%* %ew iew is raw%. This iew is calle sectional viewa% hel+s to i%ter+ret the i%ter%al etails

    $ore clearly. The +art o the o,6ect which is c!t ,y the sectio% +la%e is $arke with e;!iista%t +arallel li%es calle

    sectio% li%es or hatchi%*. The sectio% li%es are !s!ally $ae at a% a%*le o 45K with the reere%ce li%e. o hie% li%es

    are raw% o% the sectio%al iews !%less it is ery esse%tial or i$e%sio%i%* or or clearly escri,i%* the sha+e.

    -ectio%al iews are %ecessary or a clear !%ersta%i%* o co$+licate +arts.

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    Parts not SectionedTo i$+roe clarity sta%ar +arts will %ot ,e sectio%?li%e ee% tho!*h the c!tti%*

    +la%e +asses the$. These sta%ar +arts are solid shafts, bolts and nuts, ribs and spokes of wheels,and webs.

  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic



  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


  • 8/11/2019 CAMD Manual-1 Orthographic


    1.raw the ollowi%* iews o the o,6ects. A) -ectio%al ro%t Biew ,) To+ iew c)sie iew