call center talk

10 Call Center Interview Questions you MUST be Prepared For December 16, 2013 by Laran Joseph 8 Comments Working at a call center is a rewarding experience with lots of opportunity for social interaction – with your peers as well as with people at the other end of the telephone line. Most call center jobs offer convenient hours, tons of benefits and a high-tech workplace that is comfortable and safe. In addition, the growth prospects at a call center are tremendous. Starting at the agent level, you can work your way up the ladder to senior executive, team leader, group leader, program manager and then senior manager operations. The pay is great and the opportunity is fantastic. Here are some basic call center courses you can take to prepare you for the interview: Cold Call 101: How to Cold Call like a Boss! Customer Service Training Below, you will find questions related to outbound sales and inbound customer service. These are the two major categories in call center jobs. Some are more specialized than others, but these questions will cover whatever you need to know to

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10 Call Center Interview Questions you MUST be Prepared ForDecember 16, 2013 by Laran Joseph 8 Comments

Working at a call center is a rewarding experience with lots of opportunity for social interaction – with your peers as well as with people at the other end of the telephone line. Most call center jobs offer convenient hours, tons of benefits and a high-tech workplace that is comfortable and safe. In addition, the growth prospects at a call center are tremendous. Starting at the agent level, you can work your way up the ladder to senior executive, team leader, group leader, program manager and then senior manager operations. The pay is great and the opportunity is fantastic.

Here are some basic call center courses you can take to prepare you for the interview:

Cold Call 101: How to Cold Call like a Boss!

Customer Service Training

Below, you will find questions related to outbound sales and inbound customer service. These are the two major categories in call center jobs. Some are more specialized than others, but these questions will cover whatever you need to know to successful attend a call center interview for the position of customer service/sales executive.

Inbound Customer ServiceThese questions will cover the basics of phone customer service, call etiquette and other essentials of inbound customer service call centers.

1. Why did you leave your last position?

This is a tricky question because “anything you say can and will be held against you!” Be careful and only answer with a positive tone. You can say that you didn’t find the job challenging enough for your skills, or that the workload was sporadic and you spent, say 40%, of your time

on ‘idle’ mode. Never speak ill of your last employer because it shows that you will do exactly the same once you leave this one! Protect the image of your previous employer, and your current one will respect you for it.

2. How would you handle an angry call from a customer?

First, you need to allow them to vent their anger. If they are abusive, tell them you’re willing to listen, but only if they stop using profanities. Next, hear what they have to say and note down key points. Third, re-state the main points so both of you are clear about the situation. Fourth, find a solution that fits within your company’s policies and can redress the customer’s problem. Fifth, confirm that the problem has been solved and that the customer is satisfied with the solution. You may not be able to do all of this in one phone call, but this is the essential process. The important part is to keep your cool at all times, and genuinely try to find a solution that will make the customer happy.

3. Have you ever had conflict with your team leader or manager?

This can be your answer: No, my work ethic is strong, so there’s been no reason for conflict. However, at times I have had disagreements on how to resolve a particular problem for a customer, but I have always been able to talk it out and find a solution that my team leader has supported.

4. Are you able to work with multiple phone lines?

Your answer: Yes, this has been part of my training, and my previous job entailed handling several lines. I have good multi-tasking skills and my previous employer can vouch for this.

5. How would you handle a high pressure environment?

Your answer: I am highly organized, and I prioritize my workload so that everything gets done on time and with high quality. I also leave room for urgent tasks that might be assigned to me so that my schedule is basically unaffected by emergencies.

Outbound TelemarketingThese questions are often asked of candidates aspiring to a position as a telesales representative.

6. How many calls per hour can you make on an average campaign?

Make sure you do your homework/research before you answer: My average call handle time was about X minutes at my previous job. On a similar campaign I can typically make 60/X calls per hour. On a predictive dialer I can usually make 10 to 20 percent more calls.

To improve your sales skills, try this online course – Sales Skills by Learning Motion

7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Your answer should be relevant to telemarketing, so you could say: I have the ability to talk effectively and persuade people. I am a good listener, and that helps me identify customer needs so I can sell more effectively. My one weakness is that I sometimes get too involved with customers, but I have counseled with my previous manager on this and I believe I no longer have that problem.

8. What are your goals as a telemarketer?

Your answer: My goal is to have a very short learning curve on this particular product portfolio. By doing this, I can aim to be among the top performers in the next 3-6 months. After showing consistent results for another 6 to 12 months, I will aim to become a team leader in the same company because I believe that growing with the same company will give me a strong foundation for my career growth.

9. How do you handle a customer who starts yelling at you as soon as they pick up and  find out that you are a telemarketer?

Your answer: Not every customer is in the right mood for a sales call, and I understand that. Irate customers are part of the game, and I can easily calm them down with an apology; however, I will usually attempt to get a callback time so a valuable potential customer doesn’t lose out on the great benefits your products can give them.

10. What do you do if the dialer puts a Do Not Call number through to you by mistake?

Your answer: As soon as I know that this is a DNC number, I will apologize at once to the customer for the error and assure them that their number will be immediately included in our internal DNC list. I will also make a note in the CRM application so even if the system error happens again the next agent won’t be forced to deal with an escalated problem. I will also report the problem to my team leader or manager as soon as I hang up.

If you’re looking for expert sales training online, then you can sign up for this amazing course by Mike McCormac, a leading sales expert – Eight Keys to Sales Success

Common Call Center Interview Questions in the Philippines Spontaneity in communicating in English is one of the biggest requirement to become a call center agent here in the Philippines. But it doesn’t mean that if you’re good in speaking the language you’ll ace every call center application that you’ll go through.

There are different factors from which they hire an applicant. Aside from the good command of using English language; Character plays a big role in every employment application. So, to gauge the characteristic of an applicant; the interview process takes place.

The interviewer’s goal is to know if the applicant is qualified for a position and analyze if that person can represent the company they’re working at. They need to know if the applicant can pass the standards needed by the company and would have the capability in performing for the delegated position.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions during interviews when applying for a call center job:

1. Tell me about yourself.

In answering this question, you don’t have to give details on your resume. That is the most common mistake of an applicant. They give off information that is already in there resume like name, age etc...

What the interviewer would like to see is your spontaneity in answering and the things of your interest that will relate to the job you are applying to. Also, because this is the initial question, try to give an answer that will leave a positive impression on you.

2. Why did you leave your last job?

Try to answer this in the most honest way you can without bad-mouthing your last company. Of course we have something to say about the company we’ve been with right? But the recruitment would not want someone who back stabs other companies even if they are competing.

Now, this is where your research pays off. What you need to do is just focus on the positive points of the company you are applying to. You can tell them that as an applicant you would want to be part of the best in the industry.

3. Why call center?

Don’t give off any sugarcoated answers for this one. Just give them the most honest answer you can give. It is practical to work on a call center. You get all the benefits like, HMO, night differential, allowances and not to mention the high salary.

(For a more detailed answer please read my article; “Why call center?”)

4. What are you weaknesses?

When answering this question you need to turn your weakness into strength or into something positive. Most common answer is saying that you are a perfectionist; this becomes a weakness for you because as a perfectionist, you are very particular to the quality of the result of the task given that it usually eats up your time to finish a job.

This example sounds a little cheesy and obvious so try to think of your own “Weakness.”

5. How do you provide EXCELLENT customer service?

We all know that when we say customer service is when we address to the client’s concern. When we say excellent customer service, we provide additional service aside from the inquiry of the client and at the end of the day; the client was pleased about the service provided. Exerting every effort we can give and empathizing to the client as if we are the one in need of help.

6. How do you see your self 5 years from now?

Now, don’t go saying you’re planning to be in abroad at that time. The last thing they want is an employee who has no intention in staying with them.

You need to tell them that by that time; you see yourself as one of the big bosses in that company, regardless if it’s manager or supervisor or on a different department. Anything that will tell them that you are serious in your job application, you are willing to stay for a long time and you have the dream to grow in their company.

7. How would you describe the color “red” to a blind person?

Now, this one is a little tricky. The interviewer is testing your spontaneity in answering and how you think.

We all know we have 5 different senses; Sight, Hearing, Feeling, Smell and taste. A blind a person is missing one, sight. So what we need to do in order to describe the color “red” is try to use other senses in describing the color. For example; the color red is like a loud noise, it is a very loud color.

8. Do you have any questions for me?

This is usually the last question in an interview. Even though it’s the last question, you as an applicant can still leave a great impression to the interviewer by asking more information about the company or even the next process of the application. This will show sincerity in your application.

Always remember that you need to answer interview questions honestly. If you will give any false information about yourself or your work experience; it can lead to the termination of your application and the worst is you may be black listed in their company.

For more tips and information in applying on a call center, you can check out my other hubs.

Today, the BPO industry is one of the biggest industries here in the Philippines. It provides millions of jobs. Not only that it gives employment opportunities, it is also considered as a high paying career. Many are now trying to shift careers due to the high compensation and better benefits offered from this industry. I am one of those who shifted careers to taste the benefits given by this job.

First, we need to understand;

What is a call center?

How does it work?

Why are they investing here in our country?

What are the usual job positions available and their job descriptions?

A call center is an office where the company communicates to their clients or customers.

Here in the Philippines, call center companies are contracted by other companies to hire, train, and manage employees that will represent them.

For example:

Company X will hire a call center in the Philippines. Company X would just have to give the specifications and requirements to the call center. The call center will now hire, train and manage employees that will represent Company X in communicating with their clients.

What would the companies get if they hire a call center?

They would be saving money. The company would not have to buy office equipment, they wouldn’t have to use their own facilities, they wouldn’t need to advertise for the job posting and they wouldn’t be paying the standard salary in their country. All they have to do is hire the service of a call center and let them do almost everything.

And because the call center agents are not directly employed by the company that hired the call center, all benefits that would be given to the agents or representatives will come from the call center company.

We also have the in-house call centers. These call centers are part of the company itself. Instead of them hiring the service of a call center, they would just open their own call center.

What would they get from this?

They would also be saving money from the salary given. Instead of them paying the standard salary in their country, they would will just open an overseas call center and get lower salary rates for their employees.

For example:

A local from their country gets $8-$12 an hour while an overseas call center representative will get $2-$4 an hour only.

Now, if you’re planning to go to this career. You must have an idea what the job is about and what are the usual positions.

INBOUND Agent- This means you as an agent will RECEIVE the call or ANSWER calls.

OUTBOUND Agent- This means you are the one who would call customers or clients.

Customer Service Representative addresses customer or client’s queries regarding the service or the product they represent.

Technical Support Representative addresses customer or client’s queries about the technical aspect of a product or a service they represent.

Sales Representative offers products or services to clients or potential customers. Basically, they sell stuff.

Collections Representative collects payments or unpaid balances from clients or customers from the product or service provided by the company.

Chat/Email Support (non-voice) addresses customer or client’s queries through chat or e-mail.

NOTE - * The Collections and Sales representatives usually work with a specific number of quota or goal. They would have to hit these goals in order for them to be considered as efficient agents.

Right now there are a lot of different companies offering different positions. Most of the companies here are always open for walk-in applicants.

I hope this shed some light for those who are interested in becoming part of the call center industry. Next time I'll try to write tips on applying and what to expect during call center applications.

Call center application tipsOn my first two hubs, I discussed the "BASICS OF CALLCENTERS IN THE PHILIPPINES" and answered the question, "WHY CALL CENTER?"

Now in this hub, I'm going to share some tips in applying on call centers.

1. First, you need to know what position you want to apply on and be familiar on the job description of that job. It would be a big turn-off for the recruitment if you don’t have any idea on what are the responsibilities and description of the job. Also, choose what you think you're comfortable doing because this can be a very stressful job.

2. Before you apply on different companies, try to do some research about them. Know what makes them different among other companies, what are the benefits they offer, what are the positions available...etc. This will also help you on your interviews.

Try to check out call center forums and guides. It will help you get the information you need. (Example is Pinoy Exchange)

3. If possible, try applying on companies near your place. Convenience will really help if you want to stay in this career.

4. Look and apply for jobs online. This may sound lazy but it would be more convenient applying online and just wait for their call compared to walking-in a company. It will also save you resources and energy.I know call centers prefer walk-in applicants but aside from saving resources and energy, you can also see the minimum requirements for a certain job online. If you think your qualifications are enough then you can submit your resume and wait for them to call you.

I remember applying in a company where it was rumored to offer higher salary than the one I was working with. So, I went there after my shift to apply (coming from a graveyard shift. Application starts in the morning). I have no idea what position they are looking for, all I know is it was a call center and they are looking for agents. After passing the initial interview I was told that the next step is a typing speed test and I need at least 50 words per minute. I knew I had no chance knowing that my average typing speed is only 28-32 words per minute. In the end I failed my application. They were looking for IP relay agents. I would not have wasted time if I knew what they were looking for.

Applying online also helps you manage and prioritize the company you want to go to first.

5. As much as possible, don’t apply on Recruitment Agencies. It will just waste your time and energy. They will let you undergo this screening process with the initial interview, test, final interview and then they will just endorse you on a company and you would still undergo the company’s process. Apply directly on companies. You can immediately spot if it’s a recruitment agency; they have lots of ads on different job portals and they are looking for agents for different locations. Research before you apply.

6. Try practicing your typing speed. Most companies require applicants to have at least 25 words per minute or for some, 50 words are required so exercise those fingers...

7. Make a resume that will highlight the skills needed for the position. Make it plain and easy to understand. Don’t put unnecessary things that are not related to the job position you are applying to.

8. Always bring extra resume when you are applying. You’ll never know when you’re going to need it. And always bring a pen. I really find it annoying when applicants borrow other applicant’s pen. You are going to fill up application forms or maybe the job offer itself so you better bring your own pen.

9. Wear decent clothing. Dress to impress. I know it's common to see call center applicants wearing t-shirt and jeans. But that still reflects to the personality and character of an applicant. The recruitment team might have the impression that you are not taking your application and the company seriously. It never hurts to dress properly for an interview. This also may help you get a positive impression from the onset of your interview. They will see that you are sincere in your application and you are respecting them by dressing for the occasion.

10. Bring jacket. Call center lobbies tend to become really cold after you’ve been waiting there for such a time. Remember that as much as possible you must be comfortable when you are applying.

11. Be honest in answering interview questions. As explained in the "WHY CALL CENTER?" hub, the interviewer will know if you are being untruthful, unsure or even not qualified for the position.

12. Prepare yourself for a 1 day application process. When I say one day, it's really one whole day. Some call centers pride themselves with this type of application process. You can bring a book or you can play games on your cell phone to pass time. Each process in the application has long waiting hours. The worst is waiting for the final interview. You would have to wait for the account manager. These guys are directly connected to the clients and because of their busy schedules; you would have to wait for them until you are interviewed.

13. Follow up your application. Not only that this shows your seriousness for the position but also this may clarify if you passed or didn’t.

14. Finally, don't lose hope. If ever you get negative results with your application just try again. There are lots of different centers and opportunities out there. I know some people who got their first job on this industry after failing from several applications. You can also work on your weaknesses so the next time you apply you will have better chances. So, don’t give up!

The call center industry really provides good opportunity for everyone. If you really want to get on it, simplybe prepared.

Tips in answering, "Why call center?""Why call center?", a simple question yet many fails to understand the simplicity of the answer for this (I am one of those who failed). I remember my first application to a call center company. During my initial interview, I was asked the same question.

"To practice and improve my communication skills." I replied with conviction.

To be honest, I wasn't really expecting that question so I tried to answer it in a way I thought would give the interviewer the impresion that I want to grow in the industry. But I was wrong.

From the moment I finished my answer, I can see the sudden change of expression from the interviewer. She told me that the they are not looking for people who are just here for practice and improve their communication skills. She also added I could have done that at school or on an English training class.

At that point, I knew I flunked my interview. It really messed up my confidence. When I was told that I would just receive a call and just keep my lines open, it just validated my apprehension.

First, we must understand that this question is not a trick question. It's a question that does not need sugar coated answers. You should be honest and truthful.

Let's discuss the reasons why people go to this industry and sometimes leave or shift careers;

SALARY - Here in the Philippines, the average salary of a starting professional is $220-$250 a month. While a call center agent with no experience can start from $350-$500 a month.

This is the most honest answer that you can give, you earn higher in this industry compared to the local ones. My mom has been a teacher for more than 15years and yet my salary in my first call center is a LOT higher compared to hers.

BENEFITS - 10%-20% night differential, 10-20 days of sick leaves/ vacation leave a year, Health Card(HMO), payed over time, transportation allowance, signing bonus and much more.I even heard that some even offer rice allowance, clothing allowance. You won't get that on most local companies or jobs here.

PEOPLE - Because this is a new industry here in the Philippines, most of the employees are young and fresh graduates. We can say that the environment is fun and the atmosphere is very fresh.

TIME OF WORK - I'm not saying that all centers here in the Philippines offer nighttime schedule, but because most of the employees are young, they prefer working on night shifts. I think this has got to do with them coming from a day shift school schedule or a day shift job before. Nightshift is something different and a new experience for most of them, it is a COOL idea to work night time and sleep duringthe day. Also, the night differential plays a big role for this, the 10% to 20% night differential on their salary really adds up.

JOB AVAILABILITY - Now, this answer is a little tricky, it could play well or it can lead you to a disaster of follow up questions. We all know there is no special course or degree needed to work on call centers. The interviewers will try to see if you are really serious in your job application, they would want to know if you are going to stay or is this just for temporary basis. They know that most of the employees are there because they can't find a job on the degree they graduated from. Of course they would want to hire an employee who would stay longer.

These are the most honest answers that can help you with the question. You don't have to sugarcoat every answer. All you need to do is answer in the most honest way you can so the interviewer will feel the sincerity of your application.

14 Most Common Call Center Interview Questions and Answers

The call center industry is one of the fastest growing in the country these days. As recently as ten years ago, there were only a few call center agents and the word call center was hardly ever used in the country. Today, almost every family has at least one member working in the call center industry. The reason for this boom is partly economics. In the Philippines, low paying jobs are very notorious and while the call centers set up shop here because of our low labor costs, Filipinos decide to work for the call center industry because they get paid higher than average wages there. Consider this: if you are an average worker with an entry level position, you probably are getting paid seven to ten thousand a month (take home); meanwhile, an average employee in the call center industry with an entry level position will get around fifteen thousand pesos a month (take home) plus free dental and health coverage. Call centers also will pay your SSS (Social Security), PAGIBIG (home building fund), and PhilHealth (health insurance) from day one in the job. It is no wonder then that almost every day, you see hundreds of applicants in the top call centers in the country. If you are reading this post, then you are undoubtedly one of the many Filipinos aspiring to work as a call center agent. Even though the demand for call center agents outpaces the availability of qualified workers, having the qualifications to become a call center agent alone does not guarantee you a job in this competitive industry.

Furnishing a resume is easy, then the hardest part begins: the job interview. Some people who are very much qualified to become call center agents seem to question at times why they aren’t able to pass call center interviews. The answer is simple. They are most probably not giving very good answers to the interview questions directed at them.

In this blog post, I will be discussing the most common and hardest to answer call center interview questions. I also would be equipping you (our dear readers) with valuable tips on how to answer these call center interview questions.

While call center interview questions will mostly resemble interview questions found in job interviews in other industries, the way that one answers them will have to be different and tailor made for the needs of the industry. Job interviewers in the call center industry will be primarily on the lookout for skills such as flexibility, customer service, multitasking, good communication, and critical thinking.

This blog post featuring call center interview questions and answers will be presented in a question and answer format. The answers will be given in a script format. This will be followed by a short explanation on each call center interview question and answer.

Call Center Interview Question 1: Tell me something about yourself.

Call Center Interview Answer 1: Well, I can say that I am a person with varied interests. During my spare time, I like to sketch anything that I see on the street such as a dog passing by or a little girl buying candy from the neighborhood store. These things fascinate me. I guess I like to observe people. On Sundays, I do volunteer work at the orphanage in Mandaluyong. My volunteer work consists of encouraging wealthy people to donate money to the orphanage. What we do is we go to the upscale subdivisions in the city and tell them about the orphanage. When I have the time, I also like to read novels, and play basketball.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 1:

This call center interview question is probably one of the most neglected and least prepared for by interviewees. The question seems very simple and direct to the point. Your answer though to this question will set the course of the interview. From this very simple question, interviewers can likely guess at whether you are a good candidate or not so please do not take this question for granted.

Most applicants will answer this call center interview question with information that is already found on their resume like their name, address, and school information. Do not make this mistake. When being asked this question, you are supposed to answer with information that is not found in your resume. Why would the interviewer want to know about your name, age, and address when this information is already on your resume?

A very good answer to the call center interview question would be to talk about your hobbies. When you do talk about hobbies, remember that by doing this, you are also providing the interviewer with information about your skills. For example, if you say that you play sports like basketball or baseball, this tells the interviewer that you are competitive. If you say that you like to play chess, this means you’re analytical. If you tell the interviewer that you are involved with various organizations, this spells leadership and people skills. So do not take this call center interview question for granted. Make sure to answer this question by giving the interviewer an idea that you are who they are looking for. If you do not have any “good hobbies” (like all you can say is watch HBO, eating, and sleeping), another approach you can take is talking about your family. Describe your relationship with your family. Talk about your brother, the pilot, or your mom, the actress. Say that you are very close to your family, that you guys go to church every Sunday and watch a movie afterwards. If you like to watch TV, amuse your employer by saying something like I’m addicted to Lost. I watch all Lost episodes on DVD every day. If all you have in your arsenal is reading, then make it sound better and more interesting by saying that you are a voracious book reader. Rack your brain. Make sure that when you tell something about yourself, it sounds interesting and will make you shine.

Call Center Interview Question 2: What is your idea of a call center?

Call Center Interview Answer 2: My idea of a call center is that it is a place where people take calls from customers and deliver superb customer service experience. I know that the people who work for call centers are extremely flexible people who adapt to different cultures, different people, and different schedules all at the same time.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 2:

This call center interview question aims to gauge how correct your expectations of a call center job are. Answer this question by giving out your general expectations of a call center job. Describe the work (selling if it’s a sales account, instructing callers if it’s a technical support account, etc) or the people working in call centers. This call center interview question would only be asked if you don’t have any call center experience yet.

Call Center Interview Question 3: Why do you want to work in a call center?

Call Center Interview Answer 3: I’d like to work in a call center because I have the skills to match the ones needed for this job. I graduated as a nursing student and during our on the job training, I learned a lot about communication skills and how to deal with people. As a nursing graduate, I became skillful in dealing with difficult people and patient in working with irate clients. In my course, we were also taught how to be good listeners which I know is a very valuable skill in this industry. Another reason why I want to work for a call center is because I know that the benefits and pay in the call center industry is better compared to those in other industries. I also know from my friends that the chances of career growth in this industry are high. In the past, I have heard of people getting promoted overnight.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 3:

This is another question which would only be directed to applicants without any call center experience. Please do not answer this call center interview question by saying that you want to improve your English or that you need money to help your parents. By applying for a call center position, you should already be confident with your communication skills in English. The interviewer also wouldn’t want to hear that you are in this just for the money. The above response is a good example on how you can relate your college degree to a job in a call center. I purposely chose to give a response that a nursing graduate could give to this call center interview question because of the many nursing graduates out there trying to look for a job in the call center industry.

Call Center Interview Question 4: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Call Center Interview Answer 4: I am a very patient person capable of dealing with irate and demanding customers. I can think out of the box so I have exceptional problem solving skills. I have good English

communications skills and I can learn how to operate new computer programs very fast. I am a team player and I get along with people very well. Those are my strengths. As for my weaknesses, I guess my biggest weakness is working too much and not knowing when to stop. I would say that this is a weakness because at times I would render too much overtime that it becomes detrimental to my health.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 4:

The call center interview answer 4 is pretty much self explanatory. With this call center interview question, you would want to enumerate skills that would be needed as a call center agent. These includes (but are not limited to): flexibility, adaptability, good communication skills, good listening skills, patience, proficiency in Microsoft Office programs, good typing speed, and excellent multi tasking skills. Of course when it comes to your weaknesses, you don’t want to say that you don’t have any as this will make you look egotistic. So make sure to be prepared to come up with at least one weakness which isn’t too negative. Examples of weaknesses which aren’t very negative are: being workaholic and being too friendly. Answer this call center interview question with a lot of confidence.

Call Center Interview Question 5: What makes you qualified to work in a call center?

Call Center Interview Answer 5: I am qualified to work in a call center because I possess qualities which makes one a good call center agent. I am very flexible; I don’t have complaints with working at nights and with split days off. I am willing to learn and I am not intimidated with learning new things. I am very patient and I know how to deal with stress. I believe that these qualities make me qualified to work in a call center.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 5:

Answer this call center interview question by just reinforcing your answers to the previous call center interview question presented. You can also answer this question by expounding on your strengths and good qualities.

Call Center Interview Question 6: Why do you want to work for our company?

Call Center Interview Answer 6: I have heard nothing but good things about this company from people who have worked here. People say that the accounts here are very stable, the management is kind to its employees, and everyone is friendly.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 6:

In answering this call center interview, simply cite the company’s positive attributes.

Call Center Interview Question 7: What has been your most significant achievement?

Call Center Interview Answer 7: My most significant achievement would have to be graduating from college. I say this because for four years, I have labored so much to get good grades and recognition and it all culminated into my achievement of a college diploma.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 7:

This call center interview question aims to look at how you see yourself as a person. Most of us would apply for a job at the age of twenty and at that age, it is presumed that you already have some sort of achievement even if it is only to your own right such as motherhood, marriage, and etc. Rack your brain. You’ll think of something.

Call Center Interview Question 8: Give me one quality that you have which will not make me not hire you?

Call Center Interview Answer 8: A lot of my friends say that I am a perfectionist. I never consider something done as long as I don’t find it perfect. In my previous job, I sometimes would go on overtime just to make sure that I complete all my tasks and they are done to perfection. I show up for work every day and I am never late. I remember that when I was still in school, I never missed an assignment or a project. I also remember that whenever we were tasked to come up with a play, I would always be the one who would be insisting that we practice three times a week and all my classmates would complain and get mad at me saying that they only want to practice once a week. Being a perfectionist can be bad

especially when the people around you are lazy but I believe that in certain situations, it can be a valuable trait.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 8:

This call center interview question is tricky and will stump a lot of people. In effect, this question is asking you for your weakness. Do not say that you don’t have any qualities which are negative. If you do this, you would look proud and conceited to the interviewer. The best approach to answering this call center interview question is to present a trait of yours which is not that negative. Examples of traits which are bordering positive and negative are being perfectionist, overly friendly, too loyal, and workaholic. Of course, reinforce your answer by explaining this trait of yours to the interviewer. Make sure as well that you know how to turn your negative attitude into a positive one (just like the interviewee did in the response provided above). Remember to answer this question with a lot of conviction and confidence.

Call Center Interview Question 9: How do you see yourself five years from now?

Call Center Interview Answer 9: I see myself working for this same company but with a higher position.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 9:

In this question, the interviewer wants to know if your goals in life are in line with the company’s objectives. It is good to be honest with the interviewer on this question so that expectations will be properly set.

Call Center Interview Question 10: What are your goals in life?

Call Center Interview Answer 10: My short term goal is to have a stable job with this company. After working for a couple of years with this company, I would like to see myself take on more responsibilities

like maybe become a supervisor or a trainer. Meanwhile my long term goal is to have an upper management level position with this company.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 10: This call center interview question is almost the same with the previous one presented.

Call Center Interview Question 11: What do you know about this company?

Call Center Interview Answer 11: I know that this company is one of the leading companies in the call center industry. You have several sites in the country, one in Cebu, and four in Metro Manila. You have several accounts but most of them are medical and financial accounts. I also happen to know that most of the accounts in this call center company are very stable because this is what my friends who work here tell me.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 11:

This call center interview question is simply for the interviewer to know if you know anything about the company. It isn’t necessary to know when the company was established or how much they made in the last quarter. You can answer this call center interview question by just giving out general and insignificant information about the company. Of course if you know tidbits like the name of the company president or a recent merger between the company and another call center, then by all means, do impress the interviewer with this information. So as not to be caught empty handed, it is advisable to do some research about the company before the interview. Obviously, please avoid telling anything negative about the company.

Call Center Interview Question 12: What is your idea of quality customer service?

Call Center Interview Answer 12: My idea of quality customer service is going out of your way or going the extra mile to provide customer service or to help customers. It is not simply providing assistance according to what you are expected of.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 12:

This call center interview question is simply for the interviewer to know how you view good customer service. The idea when answering this question is to say that good customer service is going out of your way to help the customer.

Call Center Interview Question 13: What is your expected salary?

Call Center Interview Answer 13: Whatever amount you give to people with my qualifications is fine.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 13:

As much as possible, do not answer this question with a figure. The best way to answer this call center interview question is by saying that you are fine with whatever the company decides to give you. If the interviewer asks you to give a figure, then that is the only time that you should give a figure. Of course, make sure that you can defend your answer. Do not give a figure that is very small. The interviewer might think that you don’t value yourself and you have a low self esteem. A good practice is to come up with a figure that is a few thousands higher than the industry average or what you were given previously by your old company. When the interviewer asks why, then you can simply say that this is the average salary in the industry or that you want to have a job that pays more than your previous one.

Of course if you are in the position to dictate the salary you want the company to give you (meaning you have a lengthy experience in the call center industry already) then by all means, give them a figure right away when answering this question.

Call Center Interview Question 14: Why should we hire you?

Call Center Interview Answer 14: I have all the qualities that a good call center agent should possess. I am punctual, disciplined, patient, and flexible, and organized. You won’t have any problems with me when it comes to attendance, and my behavior. I have good communication skills, multi tasking skills,

and I am a fast learner. I can guarantee you that I will be able to deliver what is being asked of me and I will give my one hundred percent to this company. I know that I have what it takes to become a good customer service representative.

Explanation to Call Center Interview Question and Answer 14:

This call center interview question isn’t intimidating as it sounds. To answer this question, simply reinforce your position by enumerating your strengths and how these strengths can relate to being a good call center agent. Answer this call center interview question with a lot of confidence and conviction.

These call center interview questions and answers are not by all means perfect. They have been provided to you as a sort of guide.

Please do not just memorize whatever was written in this post and use it in your interviews. Do not be tempted to lie to the interviewer. Remember that interviewers will always try to catch you lying.

Most people say that it is not what you say, but how you say it. While it is true that how you deliver your answers to the interview questions hurled at you matters a lot, the content of your response would also be significant. So please do not dare to think that you can pass a call center interview with just confidence as your weapon.

One valuable tip that I can impart to you is to make a script. Yes, make your own script for the call center interview questions listed above. After making your own script, try to make an outline for each answer. Let’s take the call center interview answer 1 as an example. For this particular answer, your outline can be: varied interests, sketch, and volunteer. Memorize these keywords so that you will be able to deliver your answer smoothly. This will minimize the need for fillers like uhms and ahhs. Remember that fillers can make you look like you don’t have a chain of thought and can make you feel less confident. Try to sprinkle your response with some filler though. If you don’t have any fillers, you will look like you have just memorized all your answers. You do not want this to happen. This is why I recommend memorizing just an outline or the keywords of your response and not the entire response. This will make sure that you will still have some filler and pauses in between for responses while formulating your answers. It won’t be a big obstacle though, as you already have a ready outline of keywords in your head. Do not sound like a robot, just have a ready and organized response in your head.

Please remember as well to come up with answers to possible follow up interview questions the interviewer may have. If the interviewer asks you what you’re hobbies are and you say reading, then please expect the interviewer to ask as well questions like what is your favorite book or who is your favorite author and why.

When the interviewer asks an interview question that you haven’t prepared for, remain calm. Take a second or two to think of your answer. Two second pauses are definitely accepted. Pauses which are longer than two seconds though might give an impression that you can’t express yourself well in English

It is also a good idea to conduct job interview simulations or role plays. This will help you practice and gain confidence. Practice with your parents or with your friends. Make sure to act serious about it though (as if it were the real thing).

Always remember that the interviewer is on your side. The interviewer is not a wicked witch sent out to make you squirm. The interviewer wants you to pass. No matter how inquisitive the interviewer is, know that behind that wall of indifference is an office employee who has to meet a quota on hired applicants.

In the call center industry, it is very important to possess chain of thought and confidence. Why do you need confidence? Simple. You will be speaking with Americans. Remember that America is an industrialized and fast paced country. This means that most Americans are living with a lot of stress. When they will talk to you, they will be impatient. So when you deliver them bad news, you will have to be firm and confident.

In your call center interview, this is one of the many things that the interviewer will look in you. Will you be able to carry out this job? When the customer on the phone will shout at you, will you cower in defeat or will you stand your ground. When under pressure, will you lose your control or will you manage to uphold decorum gracefully?

Finally, just a few last minute reminders before you on to that job interview. Please maintain eye contact no matter what. Maintaining eye contact will tell the interviewer that you are a confident person. When thinking about your answer, you can momentarily glance sideways, up or down, but make sure to make eye contact with the interviewer again when you begin speaking. Averting the eyes of the interviewer will give that person an impression that you are lying or that you are uncomfortable. Assume a good posture the moment you see the interviewer. This will make you look confident and sure

of yourself. Make sure that you sit up straight. No slouching. The next thing that you need to remember is to smile. Give your interviewer a warm and confident smile. You don’t know the wonders a smile could work on a job interview. Why is smiling important? Aside from the fact that it will make you look charming and confident; it will disarm your interviewer. In a job interview, you will want the interviewer to feel at ease and relaxed. Smiling will also calm your nerves down and will make yourself feel comfortable. Be sure to talk slowly and clearly. Enunciate. Do not mumble.

Watch how you pronounce the following: b, v, f, p, and th and please pronounce the letter h as ‘eych’ and not ‘ech’. Minimize hand gestures. Excessive hand gestures could make the interviewer feel uncomfortable especially if you look like you’re debating. Excessive hand gestures will also make you look like you are having a hard time expressing yourself. The same goes for mannerisms like cracking knuckles. Keep these in check during the job interview. Now when you meet the interviewer for the first time and that person introduces him or herself, don’t forget to shake that person’s hand. This friendly gesture works just like wearing a smile. It will disarm your interviewer and will make you look at ease and confident with yourself. My last reminder for you is to speak absolutely zero Tagalog. Do not let a single Tagalog word slip out of your mouth. You are most likely to utter Tagalog words or fillers whenever you are having a problem expressing your thoughts. Normally, job applicants would utter words like ano and parang when thinking about how to articulate their thoughts into words. When this happens and the interviewer heard it, you are a goner. Nevertheless, when this happens, carry on as if nothing happened. The interviewer might just let it go. Oh and by the way, please do not overdress. Dress casually.

Now I know that you’re nervous and you are probably losing hope already. But pray to God and remember that there are numerous call centers out there. If you don’t get into the first five call centers that you applied for, know that there are hundreds more out there. So relax, have fun, laugh. It is the company that needs you and not the other way around.

Call Center Job Interview Key Points: Final Interview

A one-on-one interview with the manager or in front of a panel.

A call center final interview is nerve-wracking, gut-wrenching and can make you lose your focus in just a blink of an eye. Applicants who aren’t fully prepared usually fail the final interview so you better make sure you’re 101% ready.

Focusing on the Interviewer

Listening and nodding your head isn’t enough to guarantee you the call center position you’re aiming for. You have to listen carefully and absorb the questions being thrown at you so you can compose the best possible answers in your head and be able to answer the interviewer without stuttering.

Preparing Yourself

If this is your first time applying for job in a call center company, then you have loads of things you need to be prepared of. You may have gotten through the initial interview and written exams smoothly but the final interview will determine the results.

You may find some of the questions in the final interview that you have already encountered in the initial interview, do not be troubled, it’s a test! Call center final interviews measures your behavior and attitude, this means you have to be on your best behavior when answering and make sure your answers on your initial interview matches your answers on your final interview.

Common Questions in a Call Center Job Application Final Interview:

1. What do you consider as your strengths and weaknesses?

2. How do you deal with stress?

3. How does your attendance describe you?

4. Do you know what the call center industry is all about?

5. Can you work on weekends/Shifting schedules/Do overtime work/Graveyard shifts?

Tip: Research more on the background of the call center company you will be applying at and how the call center industry runs.

Some Crucial Scenarios and Questions in a Call Center Job Application Final Interview:

1. Role-play: Sell an item or a service to the interviewer.

2. Role-play: Handle an escalated call from an unhappy customer.

3. What sets you apart from all the other candidates? Support your answer.

4. What have you done to promote great customer service? Can you give me a sample?

5. What types of coworker/supervisor do you like and the types you dislike? Are there some types of coworker/supervisor you do not like to work with? Tell me why?

Tip: It is better to back up your answers with examples based on your experience than just answering the interviewer with a yes or no.

If the interviewer shows lack of modesty or professionalism in front of you during the interview, do not falter, sit straight and smile. Sometimes interviewers use this strategy to lower your guard down when they’re about to throw you a difficult or awkward question. It is their way of testing how you mind operates under pressure.

Applying for a job in a call center company in the Philippines is a tedious task because the recruitment process usually takes one day with ten or more hours processing time. Some applicants waste their own time by being unprepared or by answering the interviewer with unrelated things and fillers (the “uhms” and “ahhs”).

The best way to ace your application in any call center recruitment process is being well prepared. Some may lack some necessary skills to pass the skills test, but skills can be acquired through trainings and seminars, while rotten attitudes and questionable behaviors could take years to adjust. That’s why many call center companies in the Philippines encourage inexperienced and undergraduate candidates to apply to them. They want to provide employment to entry level jobseekers that are willing to learn and improve themselves, and in return, they provide the call center company strength and growth.