california shore and beach preservation association – 2018 ... · relevant data into a gis...

SEABED CLASSIFICATION USING MULTIBEAM SONAR BACKSCATTER Chris Esposito and James Kulpa Foth / CLE Geophysical Surveys 10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 100 Novato, CA [email protected] [email protected] INTRODUCTION California Shore and Beach Preservation Association – 2018 Conference Multibeam echosounders (MBES) were originally developed for military applications. In the 1970’s, they were deployed commercially to provide swath coverage of the seafloor; and, in the 1980’s and 1990’s, higher frequency multibeam systems were developed for shallow water environments to improve the achievable resolution of the data. During this period, the sonars were used primarily to study the bathymetry of the seafloor, using the time it takes for the sound signal to travel from the sonar to the seafloor and back to calculate the depth. However, over the last decade, researchers and industry partners have begun to exploit the fact that the sonar also records the intensity of the returning acoustic signal, providing information about the type of substrate from which the signal returns. Nowadays, multibeam backscatter is becoming recognized more and more as an invaluable tool. Foth / CLE Engineering (Novato, CA) has taken advantage of recent advances in multibeam sonar and combined this technology with traditional bathymetric surveying technologies and precise Real- Time Kinematic GPS (RTK-GPS) on one survey platform. The result is the ability to concurrently map bathymetry, benthic habitat types, and seafloor geology in one pass of the survey vessel Multibeam backscatter is simply the amount of acoustic energy being received by the sonar after a complex interaction with the seafloor. This information, though, is highly useful for seafloor classification, as different substrate types reflect or scatter acoustic energy differently. For example, a hard bottom, such as a submerged carbonate reef, will reflect back a large portion of the acoustic signal compared to a softer bottom such as mud. These relative differences in intensity of the acoustic backscatter can be used to map the substrate and classify the bottom types on the seafloor. Depending on the need of the research team and the multibeam sonar being employed, different methods may be employed to record the backscatter intensity values: 1. Pseudo-Sidescan: produces an image analogous to sidescan sonar by combining the starboard beams and combining the port beams into two wide angle receive beams. 2. Beam Average: Each sonar beam’s footprint on the seafloor is reduced to a single value. 3. Snippets (Footprint Time Series): A series of intensities reflected from a beam‘s footprint on the seafloor, centered around each bathymetric detection point. Snippets data packets contain pertinent information such as time stamp, sequential ping number, sample rate, sound velocity and operator settings such as power, gain, absorption and range scale. Image Source: QPS (not dated) ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTER SNIPPETS The snippet records are typically the preferred backscatter products for seafloor classification, compared to the other backscatter products listed above. As the wavefront from the multibeam's transmit array propagates through the water column and finally strikes the seafloor, the multibeam first processes the bottom detection information for the bathymetry. It then looks at the fragments of backscatter data, that surround the bottom detection information, for each individual beam, their amplitude and their reflectivity information. These 'fragments' of data are known as snippets. From this data, seafloor characterization and classification of the substrate and geomorphology can be derived. Indeed, the time-series intensities are directly co-registered with a portion of the bathymetric detection point and thus easier to correct for slant-range. Likewise, the footprint time-series data provides finer across-track resolution of the imagery than the other methods. Thus, each beam from a multibeam sonar’s ping provides not only a bathymetric detection point of the seafloor but also a backscatter snippet record of the time-series of intensities for that beam. The two data types are co-registered, i.e., geographically co-referenced, ensuring the backscatter snippet imagery will always be positioned accurately on the seafloor. This positional accuracy is an improvement over traditional sidescan sonars. Though sidescan sonar backscatter imagery is still widely regarded as an excellent tool for seafloor classification, the multibeam sonar provides both bathymetry and accurately positioned backscatter imagery, making it a popular choice for seafloor classification. Furthermore, sidescan sonars are often towed in the water column to acquire data at a specific angle from features on the seafloor. Towing the sonar not only reduces positioning accuracy but also produces shadow zones (i.e., data holidays) from ensonifying the side of the seafloor feature. Multibeam backscatter, however, does not produce as many shadow zones, as the sonar transducer is typically mounted on the survey vessel on the surface of the water, ensonifying the seafloor features from a higher angle. ACQUISITION Only relatively minor improvements can be made to backscatter quality during data processing; thus, the quality of the backscatter is mostly dictated by the quality of the vessel mobilization and the techniques employed during data acquisition. It is important to employ a high quality sonar with a proper motion sensor and install it properly on the survey vessel. If the sonar will be mounted to an over-the-side pole, it is imperative that the pole is stable and robust enough to avoid any flexion in the pole mount that could de-couple the motion of the sonar from the motion sensor. Likewise, the research team must accurately measure the equipment offsets and lever arms from the vessel’s center of motion during the mobilization process. Furthermore, during vessel mobilization, the research team must perform proper calibrations of all equipment, including a calibration of the best settings to optimize backscatter quality. Once these settings are determined, the research team should maintain these settings with minimal changes. Thus, during multibeam data acquisition, the following heuristics should be observed: • Do not mix or change sonar frequencies from line to line. The frequency of a sonar affects the backscatter results, so the research team should choose the correct frequency for an area and maintain that frequency throughout. In some situations, due to changes in water depth across a survey area, the team may need to change the frequency of the sonar. However, proper line planning mitigates the effects of this change on the backscatter. (It can be useful for seafloor classification to intentionally acquire multibeam backscatter data at three different sonar frequencies, such as 100-kHz, 200-kHz, and 400-kHz, to create a false color image of the variations in intensity returns. However, in this scenario, the different sonar frequencies are pre-planned and acquired in an organized manner.) Do not mix Frequency Modulated (FM) pulse settings with Continuous Wave (CW) settings. • Input realistic absorption parameters into the multibeam sonar during acquisition (or at least overwrite the absorption value during processing with a more accurate value – though it is preferred to enter the correct value during acquisition). In the past, it was a standard process in the industry to enter a default absorption value in the sonar. However, it has been shown that a more accurate estimate of absorption improves the quality of the backscatter. • Avoid saturation of the intensity returns. When the backscatter values become saturated during acquisition from high power and/or gain settings, the system is no longer measuring the true echo level. Thus, the processing of the data over corrects for these power and gain settings, introducing artifacts into the mosaic. To avoid this issue, monitor the real-time amplitude values during acquisition. • Keep power, gain, and pulse length settings consistent. If a change to sonar settings, such as gain, needs to be made, then the change is made during a turn instead of the middle of a survey line. Similarly, the pulse width should remain consistent. (This heuristic is dependent on the model of the particular multibeam sonar.) CORRECTING MBES BACKSCATTER DATA The backscatter (snippet) signal received by the MBES system can be influenced by various parameters, which can be categorized into system settings (power, gain, pulse length), acoustic propagation conditions (absorption and spreading loss), beam geometry (range, incident angle, foot print size) and seafloor properties (roughness acoustic properties). It is important that the received backscatter signal is fully corrected so that it is invariant to system settings, propagation conditions and beam geometry so that changes in the backscatter can be attributed to changes in the seafloor properties, and thus, be used to derive information about the substrate and geomorphology of the seabed. SEABED CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGY For seafloor classification, the multibeam bathymetry and snippet backscatter maps are typically used in conjunction with seabed samples as a means of ground-truthing the changes in intensity levels displayed in the backscatter mosaic. Since the backscatter intensity from the seafloor varies with the angle of incidence of the acoustic signal at the seafloor at the time of data acquisition, a statistical normalization of the backscatter data is performed to produce a proper backscatter mosaic. Otherwise, the variations in the backscatter imagery may be due to factors other than changes to the bottom characteristics of the seafloor. Due to this normalization of the data, the intensity variations displayed in a backscatter mosaic are relative, providing the ability for qualitative interpretation. However, to correlate the intensity variations on a backscatter mosaic to quantitative levels, such as specific sediment grain sizes, researchers typically perform a series of sediment samples as a means of ground truthing. The required number and geographic spacing/ pattern of sediment samples is traditionally determined after an initial review of the backscatter mosaic to ensure areas of interest are sampled. Once the multibeam backscatter is acquired and processed, the process for creating a seabed characterization map will involve combining multibeam bathymetry, multibeam backscatter, sediment grab samples, sediment core samples, and any other available relevant data into a GIS software platform. Polygons, polylines, and points are typically created to delineate appropriate feature types. Using the variety of datasets, individual seabed characterizations can be made corresponding to specific macro- or micro-habitat classification descriptors, such as sand, unconsolidated sediment, coral, and rock. Colors are typically assigned to indicate the hardness or softness of the seabed as well as the general age. Often, these colors are modelled after standard geologic maps. For example, yellow or orange colors may represent geologically younger sediments (10,000 years or younger) while darker colors, such as red and purple, indicate older sediment (older than 10,000 years). Each type of bottom texture classified during the analysis can include a number of attributes. Often, texture descriptions and codes are attributed to the classifications, such as the Folk Sediment classification system. The seabed classification process includes an analysis of multibeam bathymetry grids at the highest resolution possible, including artificially sun-illuminated relief images at varying angles and azimuths, slope-shaded relief models, and bathymetric contours at varying intervals and depths. These datasets help define the geologic features. The products derived from the surficial analyses of multibeam bathymetric datasets in a GIS will aid in the interpretation of the seabed characterization map by revealing diverse seafloor topography, enhancing areas varying in slope and providing lines of constant depth. In a GIS, slope values may be assigned to areas of the seafloor with varying slopes. Likewise, seafloor features such as wavelengths and heights of sand wave fields or rocky outcrops can be measured. The morphology of a seafloor feature allows the interpreter to make a determination of the characterization for the feature such as sediment wave versus rocky outcrop. Analysis of a sediment wave field also provides information on the area itself and can be used as an indication of a dynamic water environment. Backscatter data is interpreted by analyzing areas of high and low reflectivity, delineating fine-grained and coarse-grained sediments. The sediment grab and core samples are used to verify interpretations of the backscatter intensity. These data sets provide information regarding the location and extent of a variety of geological materials and textures, including rock and sand that lie above the bedrock. Sediment sample data may also include biogenic material, such as shells, indicating animal habitat on the seafloor. All available data including multibeam bathymetry, multibeam backscatter, sediment grab and core samples, as well as the knowledge of the geologic history and physical oceanographic conditions of the region, will be used to make the characterization for the creation of a seabed classification map. Grain size analysis aids in this characterization when paired with the backscatter data, thus indicating fine- and coarse-grained sediment. The beam pattern of a sonar is a radiometric distortion of the backscatter resulting from unique anomalies in transmit power. Think of it as the sonar's signature on the backscatter. If we can determine the pattern for our sonar's transducers, we can correct for this distortion. Most hydrographic survey software packages have the ability to analysis and correction for beam pattern distortions. CONCLUSION Seabed classification technology is advancing. There are new procedures for measuring multibeam backscatter as a function of true angle of ensonification across the seafloor. This process can potentially use backscatter measurements as a way to remotely characterize seafloor properties. Indeed, new developments in GIS platforms can aid in determining the changes of seafloor properties and provide a means to verify the seabed characterization map. Wheeler North Reef – San Clemente, CA. Multibeam Bathymetry Collected by CLE Engineering MBES Backscatter Chart – Dark Areas are Reef, Lighter Areas are Sand MBES Backscatter Chart Seabed Classification

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Page 1: California Shore and Beach Preservation Association – 2018 ... · relevant data into a GIS software platform. Polygons, polylines, and points are typically created to delineate


Foth / CLE Geophysical Surveys 10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 100

Novato, [email protected]


California Shore and Beach Preservation Association – 2018 Conference

Multibeam echosounders (MBES) were originally developed formilitary applications. In the 1970’s, they were deployed commerciallyto provide swath coverage of the seafloor; and, in the 1980’s and1990’s, higher frequency multibeam systems were developed forshallow water environments to improve the achievable resolution ofthe data. During this period, the sonars were used primarily to studythe bathymetry of the seafloor, using the time it takes for the soundsignal to travel from the sonar to the seafloor and back to calculatethe depth. However, over the last decade, researchers and industrypartners have begun to exploit the fact that the sonar also recordsthe intensity of the returning acoustic signal, providing informationabout the type of substrate from which the signal returns. Nowadays,multibeam backscatter is becoming recognized more and more asan invaluable tool.

Foth / CLE Engineering (Novato, CA) has taken advantage of recentadvances in multibeam sonar and combined this technology withtraditional bathymetric surveying technologies and precise Real-Time Kinematic GPS (RTK-GPS) on one survey platform. The resultis the ability to concurrently map bathymetry, benthic habitat types,and seafloor geology in one pass of the survey vessel

Multibeam backscatter is simply the amount of acoustic energybeing received by the sonar after a complex interaction with theseafloor. This information, though, is highly useful for seafloorclassification, as different substrate types reflect or scatter acousticenergy differently. For example, a hard bottom, such as asubmerged carbonate reef, will reflect back a large portion of theacoustic signal compared to a softer bottom such as mud. Theserelative differences in intensity of the acoustic backscatter can beused to map the substrate and classify the bottom types on theseafloor.Depending on the need of the research team and the multibeamsonar being employed, different methods may be employed torecord the backscatter intensity values:1. Pseudo-Sidescan: produces an image analogous to sidescansonar by combining the starboard beams and combining the portbeams into two wide angle receive beams.2. Beam Average: Each sonar beam’s footprint on the seaflooris reduced to a single value.3. Snippets (Footprint Time Series): A series of intensitiesreflected from a beam‘s footprint on the seafloor, centered aroundeach bathymetric detection point. Snippets data packets containpertinent information such as time stamp, sequential ping number,sample rate, sound velocity and operator settings such as power,gain, absorption and range scale.

Image Source: QPS (not dated)


SNIPPETSThe snippet records are typically the preferred backscatter productsfor seafloor classification, compared to the other backscatterproducts listed above. As the wavefront from the multibeam'stransmit array propagates through the water column and finallystrikes the seafloor, the multibeam first processes the bottomdetection information for the bathymetry. It then looks at thefragments of backscatter data, that surround the bottom detectioninformation, for each individual beam, their amplitude and theirreflectivity information. These 'fragments' of data are known assnippets. From this data, seafloor characterization and classificationof the substrate and geomorphology can be derived.

Indeed, the time-series intensities are directly co-registered with aportion of the bathymetric detection point and thus easier to correctfor slant-range. Likewise, the footprint time-series data provides fineracross-track resolution of the imagery than the other methods. Thus,each beam from a multibeam sonar’s ping provides not only abathymetric detection point of the seafloor but also a backscattersnippet record of the time-series of intensities for that beam. The twodata types are co-registered, i.e., geographically co-referenced,ensuring the backscatter snippet imagery will always be positionedaccurately on the seafloor. This positional accuracy is animprovement over traditional sidescan sonars.

Though sidescan sonar backscatter imagery is still widely regardedas an excellent tool for seafloor classification, the multibeam sonarprovides both bathymetry and accurately positioned backscatterimagery, making it a popular choice for seafloor classification.Furthermore, sidescan sonars are often towed in the water columnto acquire data at a specific angle from features on the seafloor.Towing the sonar not only reduces positioning accuracy but alsoproduces shadow zones (i.e., data holidays) from ensonifying theside of the seafloor feature. Multibeam backscatter, however, doesnot produce as many shadow zones, as the sonar transducer istypically mounted on the survey vessel on the surface of the water,ensonifying the seafloor features from a higher angle.

ACQUISITIONOnly relatively minor improvements can be made to backscatterquality during data processing; thus, the quality of the backscatter ismostly dictated by the quality of the vessel mobilization and thetechniques employed during data acquisition. It is important toemploy a high quality sonar with a proper motion sensor and install itproperly on the survey vessel. If the sonar will be mounted to anover-the-side pole, it is imperative that the pole is stable and robustenough to avoid any flexion in the pole mount that could de-couplethe motion of the sonar from the motion sensor. Likewise, theresearch team must accurately measure the equipment offsets andlever arms from the vessel’s center of motion during the mobilizationprocess. Furthermore, during vessel mobilization, the research teammust perform proper calibrations of all equipment, including acalibration of the best settings to optimize backscatter quality. Oncethese settings are determined, the research team should maintainthese settings with minimal changes.

Thus, during multibeam data acquisition, the following heuristicsshould be observed:

• Do not mix or change sonar frequencies from line to line. Thefrequency of a sonar affects the backscatter results, so the researchteam should choose the correct frequency for an area and maintainthat frequency throughout. In some situations, due to changes inwater depth across a survey area, the team may need to change thefrequency of the sonar. However, proper line planning mitigates theeffects of this change on the backscatter. (It can be useful forseafloor classification to intentionally acquire multibeam backscatterdata at three different sonar frequencies, such as 100-kHz, 200-kHz,and 400-kHz, to create a false color image of the variations inintensity returns. However, in this scenario, the different sonarfrequencies are pre-planned and acquired in an organized manner.)

• Do not mix Frequency Modulated (FM) pulse settings withContinuous Wave (CW) settings.

• Input realistic absorption parameters into the multibeam sonarduring acquisition (or at least overwrite the absorption value duringprocessing with a more accurate value – though it is preferred toenter the correct value during acquisition). In the past, it was astandard process in the industry to enter a default absorption valuein the sonar. However, it has been shown that a more accurateestimate of absorption improves the quality of the backscatter.

• Avoid saturation of the intensity returns. When the backscattervalues become saturated during acquisition from high power and/orgain settings, the system is no longer measuring the true echo level.Thus, the processing of the data over corrects for these power andgain settings, introducing artifacts into the mosaic. To avoid thisissue, monitor the real-time amplitude values during acquisition.

• Keep power, gain, and pulse length settings consistent. If a changeto sonar settings, such as gain, needs to be made, then the changeis made during a turn instead of the middle of a survey line.Similarly, the pulse width should remain consistent. (This heuristic isdependent on the model of the particular multibeam sonar.)

CORRECTING MBES BACKSCATTER DATA• The backscatter (snippet) signal received by the MBES system canbe influenced by various parameters, which can be categorized intosystem settings (power, gain, pulse length), acoustic propagationconditions (absorption and spreading loss), beam geometry (range,incident angle, foot print size) and seafloor properties (roughnessacoustic properties). It is important that the received backscattersignal is fully corrected so that it is invariant to system settings,propagation conditions and beam geometry so that changes in thebackscatter can be attributed to changes in the seafloor properties,and thus, be used to derive information about the substrate andgeomorphology of the seabed.

SEABED CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGYFor seafloor classification, the multibeam bathymetry and snippetbackscatter maps are typically used in conjunction with seabedsamples as a means of ground-truthing the changes in intensitylevels displayed in the backscatter mosaic. Since the backscatterintensity from the seafloor varies with the angle of incidence of theacoustic signal at the seafloor at the time of data acquisition, astatistical normalization of the backscatter data is performed toproduce a proper backscatter mosaic. Otherwise, the variations inthe backscatter imagery may be due to factors other than changesto the bottom characteristics of the seafloor. Due to thisnormalization of the data, the intensity variations displayed in abackscatter mosaic are relative, providing the ability for qualitativeinterpretation. However, to correlate the intensity variations on abackscatter mosaic to quantitative levels, such as specific sedimentgrain sizes, researchers typically perform a series of sedimentsamples as a means of ground truthing. The required number andgeographic spacing/ pattern of sediment samples is traditionallydetermined after an initial review of the backscatter mosaic toensure areas of interest are sampled.

Once the multibeam backscatter is acquired and processed, theprocess for creating a seabed characterization map will involvecombining multibeam bathymetry, multibeam backscatter, sedimentgrab samples, sediment core samples, and any other availablerelevant data into a GIS software platform. Polygons, polylines, andpoints are typically created to delineate appropriate feature types.Using the variety of datasets, individual seabed characterizationscan be made corresponding to specific macro- or micro-habitatclassification descriptors, such as sand, unconsolidated sediment,coral, and rock. Colors are typically assigned to indicate thehardness or softness of the seabed as well as the general age.Often, these colors are modelled after standard geologic maps. Forexample, yellow or orange colors may represent geologicallyyounger sediments (10,000 years or younger) while darker colors,such as red and purple, indicate older sediment (older than 10,000years). Each type of bottom texture classified during the analysiscan include a number of attributes. Often, texture descriptions andcodes are attributed to the classifications, such as the Folk Sedimentclassification system.

The seabed classification process includes an analysis of multibeambathymetry grids at the highest resolution possible, includingartificially sun-illuminated relief images at varying angles andazimuths, slope-shaded relief models, and bathymetric contours atvarying intervals and depths. These datasets help define thegeologic features. The products derived from the surficial analysesof multibeam bathymetric datasets in a GIS will aid in theinterpretation of the seabed characterization map by revealingdiverse seafloor topography, enhancing areas varying in slope andproviding lines of constant depth. In a GIS, slope values may beassigned to areas of the seafloor with varying slopes. Likewise,seafloor features such as wavelengths and heights of sand wavefields or rocky outcrops can be measured. The morphology of aseafloor feature allows the interpreter to make a determination of thecharacterization for the feature such as sediment wave versus rockyoutcrop. Analysis of a sediment wave field also provides informationon the area itself and can be used as an indication of a dynamicwater environment.

Backscatter data is interpreted by analyzing areas of high and lowreflectivity, delineating fine-grained and coarse-grained sediments.The sediment grab and core samples are used to verifyinterpretations of the backscatter intensity. These data sets provideinformation regarding the location and extent of a variety ofgeological materials and textures, including rock and sand that lieabove the bedrock. Sediment sample data may also includebiogenic material, such as shells, indicating animal habitat on theseafloor.

All available data including multibeam bathymetry, multibeambackscatter, sediment grab and core samples, as well as theknowledge of the geologic history and physical oceanographicconditions of the region, will be used to make the characterizationfor the creation of a seabed classification map. Grain size analysisaids in this characterization when paired with the backscatter data,thus indicating fine- and coarse-grained sediment.

The beam pattern of a sonar is aradiometric distortion of thebackscatter resulting from uniqueanomalies in transmit power.Think of it as the sonar'ssignature on the backscatter. Ifwe can determine the pattern forour sonar's transducers, we cancorrect for this distortion. Mosthydrographic survey softwarepackages have the ability toanalysis and correction for beampattern distortions.

CONCLUSIONSeabed classification technology is advancing. There are newprocedures for measuring multibeam backscatter as a function oftrue angle of ensonification across the seafloor. This process canpotentially use backscatter measurements as a way to remotelycharacterize seafloor properties. Indeed, new developments in GISplatforms can aid in determining the changes of seafloor propertiesand provide a means to verify the seabed characterization map.

Wheeler North Reef – San Clemente, CA.Multibeam Bathymetry – Collected byCLE Engineering

MBES Backscatter Chart – Dark Areasare Reef, Lighter Areas are Sand

MBES Backscatter Chart – SeabedClassification