calendar’’ ’ ’ ’ 2’ times%past%times%% % % % % % % % %...

Past Times Volume 7, Issue 10, June 2016 Past Times A Publication of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc., celebrated 40 years as a genealogy society in 2015. Dear Members, With summer approaching so rapidly, I would like to remind you that we take the months of July and August off. That means that June is the last month of chapter meetings for this membership year. Also, there will be no Past Times newsletters sent for July and August. During this time we reflect on the Society’s wellbeing, review our involvements, and continue work on our commitments. Chapters will be doing the same as they prepare for the next year’s chapter meetings and programs. Involvements/events keeping you and us busy over the summer months and into next year are: The deadline to submit your entry for the Writing Contest is August 15, 2016. The Nominating Committee is preparing for the upcoming officer elections. Annual Meeting preparations have already begun. So, save the date of November 5, 2016. We’ll see you at the Marlborough President’s Message Calendar 2 Memberships & Renewal 2 Conversations with Leaders 3 Writing Contest Deadline 3 Nominations Due July 31 st 4 Legacy QuickGuide Experiences Wanted 4 Webinars Season Two Preview 4 State Board & Officers 5 Annual Meeting 2016 6 6 Country Club. (A reminder to members, you enjoy free attendance to the annual meeting and only pay for food.) NERGC 2017 is not that far away. April 2017 will be here before you know it. Are you planning to attend and volunteer? What will you be doing over the summer months? Are you ready for the summer? Do you have your research list made up for what you want to accomplish? Perhaps you have a project or two you are considering. For example, it’s a perfect time to visit those areas where your ancestor lived. The libraries, historical societies, and archives are waiting for your visit. It might be a time to scan those pictures and precious family documents. In my case, I have to finish transcribing a diary from 1899 and organize my work area. Another thing you might consider is attending a conference or attending a long overdue educational course. Take time to do those interviews with family members, especially at family gettogethers or family reunions. During the summer, take the time to add your name to the MSOG Surname List. Join the MSOG Facebook page, LinkedIn, and Twitter to keep in touch. And, remember to take time for yourself to just relax and enjoy what is around you. You might take time to make a little history of your own so your descendants will have something to search for and write about. One last reminder. We are now receiving membership renewals for the year September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017. Don’t wait to renew your membership or become a member. You don’t want to miss out on anything. I hope you have a wonderful summer. Patricia StanoCarpenter President

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Page 1: Calendar’’ ’ ’ ’ 2’ Times%Past%Times%% % % % % % % % % Volume’7,’Issue’10,’June’2016’ The’Massachusetts’Society’of’Genealogists,’Inc.’ P.O.Box!215!

P a s t   T i m e s                     Volume  7,  Issue  10,  June  2016  


Past  Times  

A   P u b l i c a t i o n   o f   t h e  


M a ss ac hu set ts S oc i e t y o f G ene alo g i s ts , In c . , c e l eb r at ed 40 y ea r s as a g en ea lo g y so c i e t y in 20 15 .


Dear  Members,  

With  summer  approaching  so  rapidly,  I  would  like  to  remind  you  that  we  take  the  months  of  July  and  August  off.    That  means  that  June  is  the  last  month  of  chapter  meetings  for  this  membership  year.  Also,  there  will  be  no  Past  Times  newsletters  sent  for  July  and  August.  During  this  time  we  reflect  on  the  Society’s  well-­‐being,  review  our  involvements,  and  continue  work  on  our  commitments.  Chapters  will  be  doing  the  same  as  they  prepare  for  the  next  year’s  chapter  meetings  and  programs.  

Involvements/events  keeping  you  and  us  busy  over  the  summer  months  and  into  next  year  are:  

• The  deadline  to  submit  your  entry  for  the  Writing  Contest  is  August  15,  2016.    

• The  Nominating  Committee  is  preparing  for  the  upcoming  officer  elections.    

• Annual  Meeting  preparations  have  already  begun.  So,  save  the  date  of  November  5,  2016.  We’ll  see  you  at  the  Marlborough  


P r e s i d e n t ’ s  Me s s a g e  

Calendar           2  

Memberships  &  Renewal       2  

Conversations  with  Leaders       3  

Writing  Contest  Deadline       3  

Nominations  Due  July  31st         4  

Legacy  QuickGuide  Experiences  Wanted   4  

Webinars  Season  Two  Preview     4  

State  Board  &  Officers       5  

Annual  Meeting  2016         6  



Country  Club.  (A  reminder  to  members,  you  enjoy  free  attendance  to  the  annual  meeting  and  only  pay  for  food.)  

• NERGC  2017  is  not  that  far  away.  April  2017  will  be  here  before  you  know  it.  Are  you  planning  to  attend  and  volunteer?  

What  will  you  be  doing  over  the  summer  months?  Are  you  ready  for  the  summer?    Do  you  have  your  research  list  made  up  for  what  you  want  to  accomplish?  Perhaps  you  have  a  project  or  two  you  are  considering.    

For  example,  it’s  a  perfect  time  to  visit  those  areas  where  your  ancestor  lived.  The  libraries,  historical  societies,  and  archives  are  waiting  for  your  visit.  It  might  be  a  time  to  scan  those  pictures  and  precious  family  documents.  In  my  case,  I  have  to  finish  transcribing  a  diary  from  1899  and  organize  my  work  area.  Another  thing  you  might  consider  is  attending  a  conference  or  attending  a  long  overdue  educational  course.  Take  time  to  do  those  interviews  with  family  members,  especially  at  family  get-­‐togethers  or  family  reunions.  


During  the  summer,  take  the  time  to  add  your  name  to  the  MSOG  Surname  List.  Join  the  MSOG  Facebook  page,  LinkedIn,  and  Twitter  to  keep  in  touch.  And,  remember  to  take  time  for  yourself  to  just  relax  and  enjoy  what  is  around  you.  You  might  take  time  to  make  a  little  history  of  your  own  so  your  descendants  will  have  something  to  search  for  and  write  about.  

One  last  reminder.  We  are  now  receiving  membership  renewals  for  the  year  September  1,  2016  to  August  31,  2017.  Don’t  wait  to  renew  your  membership  or  become  a  member.  You  don’t  want  to  miss  out  on  anything.  

I  hope  you  have  a  wonderful  summer.  

Patricia  Stano-­‐Carpenter  President  

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P a s t   T i m e s                     Volume  7,  Issue  10,  June  2016  

                     The  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.  2  


Saturday,  June  4th,  10:00  AM  Round  Table  Discussion  Sessions  Georgetown  Peabody  Library  

2  Maple  Street  Georgetown,  MA  


Saturday,  June  11th,  1:30  PM  Dick  Eastman  

“Personal  Privacy  and  Storing  Your    Genealogical  Research  Online”  Acton  Memorial  Library  

486  Main  Street  Acton,  MA  


Tuesday,  June  14th,  6:00  PM    Sneak  Peak  Productions  

“Under  the  Petticoats:  Just  How  Did  Those    Colonial  Ancestors  Live  and,  Thankfully,  Survive?”  

Dinner  Meeting  Dino’s  Restaurant  13  Lord  Street  Worcester,  MA  

Reservations  Due  By  June  4th  


Saturday,  June  18th      Local  Historical  Societies  Forum  11:00  AM  Business  Meeting    11:30  AM  Member  Sharing  

12:00  Presentation  Somerset  Public  Library  1464  County  Street  Somerset,  MA  


Tuesday,  June  21st,  7:00  –  8:30  PM    Diane  Brooks-­‐Sherry  

“What  Is  the  Digital  Public  Library?    How  Do  I  Use  It  for  Genealogy?”  

For  Members  Only  Register  at  

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P a s t   T i m e s                     Volume  7,  Issue  10,  June  2016  

The  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.                   3  

Conv e r s a t i o n s  w i t h   S o c i e t y   L e a de r s  The  following  is  the  eighth  in  an  occasional  series  that  introduces  Society  Board  Members  and  Committee  Chairs.  

I’ve  been  doing  genealogy  off  and  on  for  a  long  time.  My  paternal  grandmother  first  introduced  me  to  genealogy  as  a  child,  and  it  was  like  coming  home  when  I  came  back  to  the  study  as  an  adult.    I  first  bought  Family  Tree  Maker  around  1990  when  it  was  a  pretty  new  product.    

My  father’s  family  has  both  New  England  and  Southern  roots,  while  my  mother’s  family  has  largely  New  England  origins.  Some  of  my  lines  go  back  before  the  1600’s  into  England.  While  most  of  my  ancestors  were  from  England,  there  are  some  lines  from  Northern  Ireland  and  Scotland.  I  have  found  it  much  easier  to  gather  information  about  the  New  England  lines  than  those  who  emigrated  to  Virginia  and  worked  their  way  down  to  North  Carolina.    

I  joined  the  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.,  after  I  saw  a  fellow  librarian,  Connie  Reik,  at  a  library  conference  and  she  recommended  the  Society.    MSOG  members  were  welcoming  to  me  and  to  my  husband,  Walt  Howe,  from  our  first  meeting.  Before  I  knew  it,  I  was  working  on  building  a  website  for  the  group  and  attending  board  meetings.  In  MSOG  I  found  a  great  group  of  like-­‐minded  genealogists.        

When  I  first  started  with  the  paperwork  that  my  grandmother  had  on  her  family,  there  was  the  mystery  that  she  wrote  on  her  printed  family  chart  that  her  grandfather  was  born  in  1813  in  “a  small  town  in  Vermont.”    Those  were  her  words  on  the  chart.      I  spent  quite  a  while  digging  (during  the  early  Internet  days)  before  I  was  able  to  confirm  that  his  family  must  have  come  from  Groton,  Caledonia,  Vermont.      Taisey  is  not  a  common  surname.    After  a  visit  to  the  town,  I  was  perplexed  because  I  could  not  be  sure  of  the  identity  of  my  Mathew  Taisey’s  father.      Then,  I  found  a  Vermont  newspaper  notice  that  gave  me  a  clue;  a  Robert  Taisey  listed  Mathew  Taisey  as  his  son  and  declared  that  he  was  not  going  to  be  responsible  for  any  of  his  debts  after  he  turned  21.  Both  Mathew  and  Robert  were  blacksmiths.  I  know  that  Mathew  married  in  1834  (at  age  22)  and  almost  immediately  left  Vermont  on  a  westward  trek  through  Michigan  to  Minnesota.        

While  I  can  go  back  further  with  most  of  my  lines,  I  also  have  brick  walls.    One  is  my  great-­‐great-­‐grandfather  Thomas  Nelson  who  was  born  September  18,  1819,  in  Boston,  Suffolk  County,  Massachusetts.  He  was  a  mariner  when  he  married  Avis  Macy  Hazzard  in  1850  on  Nantucket.  I  can  track  him  through  to  his  death  in  Malden  in  1883  and  have  his  will  but  am  not  able  to  find  more  about  his  parents  than  their  names  and  approximate  birth  dates  and  places.  

My  favorite  activities  revolve  around  family  and  technology.    I’ve  been  fortunate  to  combine  my  love  of  technology  with  genealogy.  I  love  learning  how  to  do  something  new  and  then  sharing.    In  addition  to  pursuing  our  genealogy  research,  my  husband  and  I  go  to  Sanibel  Island  on  the  west  coast  of  Florida  each  year,  where  we  enjoy  bicycling  around  the  area  and  especially  visiting  the  Ding  Darling  Wildlife  Refuge.  

 Hope  Tillman,  



Send  your  submission  to  [email protected].    

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P a s t   T i m e s                     Volume  7,  Issue  10,  June  2016  

                     The  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.  4  



NOM I N A T I O N S   F O R   E X E C U T I V E   B O A RD  

D U E   J U L Y   3 1 S T  

The  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.,  relies  on  its  members’  volunteer  efforts  to  maintain  its  success.    Across  the  state,  many  members  volunteer  for  their  chapters  or  present  via  Society  webinars.    Consider  contributing  your  skills  to  the  MSOG  Executive  Board.  

The  fall  elections  will  elect  candidates  for  two-­‐year  terms  for  the  offices  of  President,  Vice  President,  Historian/Archivist,  Corresponding  Secretary,  Recording  Secretary,  Membership  Director,  and  Treasurer.    Each  officer  is  expected  to  attend  quarterly  board  meetings  and  has  monthly  duties  that  vary  by  office.    Descriptions  of  each  officer’s  duties  are  included  in  the  Bylaws  and  in  the  Policies  and  Procedures  Manual,  both  of  which  may  be  found  in  the  Members’  Only  area  of    

If  you  or  someone  you  know  has  questions  about  the  duties  of  any  office,  email:  

Karen  Trearchis,  Nominating  Chair,  at  [email protected],  

or  mail  them  to:  

MSOG,  Inc.,  Nominating  Committee,  P.O.  Box  215,  Ashland,  MA  01752-­‐2015.  

Or  speak  to  any  of  the  following  Nominating  Committee  members:    

Kathleen  Rubano,  Bristol  Chapter;  Deborah  Stewart,  Middlesex  Chapter;  Charlene  Key  Sokal,  Worcester  Chapter  


Are  you  one  of  the  members  who  enjoyed  this  year’s  webinar  series?    If  so,  you  will  enjoy  next  year’s  lineup.  

Would  you  be  willing  to  share  your  research  and  talents  with  others?    Presenters  are  still  needed  for  April  and  June.    Please  send  your  proposal  to  [email protected].  


October  18,  2016   Mary  Roddy   “A  Decree  of  (Temporary)  Divorce:  My  Life  Without”  November  15,  2016   Jake  Fletcher   “Young  and  Gifted:  Researching  Your  Ancestors  in  Massachusetts  School  Records”  December  20,  2016   Dave  Robison   “Mining  the  Rich  Resources  of  Western  Massachusetts”  January  17,  2017   Margaret  R.  Fortier   “Catholic  Records  in  Massachusetts”  February  21,  2017   Hope  Tillman   “Wikitree  for  Genealogists”  March  21,  2017   Sara  E.  Campbell   “Married  Women’s  Business  Certificates”  April  18,  2017      May  16,  2017   Erica  Dakin  Voolich   “Taken  with  a  Large  Grain  of  Salt”  June  20,  2017        

Have  You  Used  the    

Legacy  QuickGuide?  

 The  QuickGuide  is  a  joint  publishing  effort  between  the  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.,  and  Legacy.    More  than  one  hundred  resources  are  included  in  the  QuickGuide.    A  large  number  of  copies,  both  paper  and  PDF,  have  been  purchased.      

Please  let  us  know  how  you  have  used  it  so  we  can  share  your  experience.    Send  your  story  to  [email protected].    

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P a s t   T i m e s                     Volume  7,  Issue  10,  June  2016  M a s s a c h u s e t t s   S o c i e t y   o f   G e n e a l o g i s t s ,   I n c .  

Past  Times  Information • Past  Times  is  published  monthly  (except  for  July  &  August)  by  the  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.  

Membership Information • The  newsletter,  Past  Times,  is  on  the  MSOG  website  free  to  all.  Members  also  receive  free  issues  of  MASSOG,  free  queries,  

access  to  webinars,  and  participation  in  the  Member’s  Surname  Project.  • Membership  is  from  September  1st  to  August  31st,  with  membership  renewals  due  by  July  1st.    INDIVIDUAL  dues  are  

$25.00  per  year;  FAMILY  dues  are  $30.00  per  year.    Membership  applications  received  July  1st  and  thereafter  will  be  applied  to  the  following  year’s  membership.  

• Membership  choices  are  BR/Bristol,  MV/Merrimack  Valley,  MX/Middlesex,  WR/Worcester.  • Chapter  affiliation  is  at  the  complete  discretion  of  the  member,  regardless  of  residence.  (The  membership  application  is  

on  our  website  at  Send  your  application  and  check  to  The  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.,  P.O.  Box  215,  Ashland,  MA  01721-­‐0215.    Address  any  questions  to  the  appropriate  email  address  below.  

S t a t e   O f f i c e r s   &   B o a r d   o f   D i r e c t o r s   2 0 1 5 -­‐ 2 0 1 6  President Patricia M. Stano-Carpenter [email protected] Vice President Margaret Fortier [email protected] Treasurer Diane Laferriere [email protected] Corresponding Secretary Robert J. Bartlett [email protected] Recording Secretary Elizabeth “Liz” Grube [email protected] Membership Director Janice “Jan” Murphy [email protected] Historian/Archivist Vacant [email protected] Bristol Chapter Kathleen Rubano, President [email protected] Merrimack Valley Chapter Karen Trearchis, President [email protected] Middlesex Chapter Deborah Lee Stewart, President [email protected] Worcester Chapter Seema-Jayne Kenney, President [email protected] MASSOG Editor George D. Martin [email protected] Past Times Editor Diane Brooks-Sherry [email protected] Webmaster Hope Tillman [email protected]

C omm i t t e e s   &   C h a i r s  

Annual Meeting Margaret Fortier [email protected] Audit Robert Farmer [email protected] Research & Education Seema-Jayne Kenney [email protected] Technology Hope Tillman [email protected] Writing Contest Editorial Board [email protected]

De l e g a t e s  

FGS (Federation of Genealogical Societies) [email protected]

MGC (Massachusetts Genealogical Council) Charlene Sokal and Karen Trearchis

[email protected]

NERGC (New England Regional Genealogical Consortium, Inc.)

         Margaret Fortier, Seema-Jayne Kenney, and Charlene Sokal

[email protected]

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P a s t   T i m e s                     Volume  7,  Issue  10,  June  2016  


The  Massachusetts  Society  of  Genealogists,  Inc.  P.O.  Box  215  Ashland,  MA  01721-­‐0215  

SAVE  THE  DATE  -­‐-­‐  SATURDAY,  NOVEMBER  5TH  Vice  President  Margaret  Fortier  and  the  Annual  Meeting  Planning  Committee  have  been  working  diligently  to  plan  this  year’s  Annual  Meeting.    They  are  seeking  additional  help  to  create  the  program  and  volunteers  to  serve  as  photographers  during  the  event.    The  committee  is  proud  to  announce  the  list  of  speakers  and  topics  listed  below.    Family  Histories  and  American  Culture  Kendra  Field  Assistant  Professor  of  History  and  Africana  Studies,  Tufts  University  Her  research  and  teaching  areas  include  race,  slavery,  freedom,  migration,  and  social  movements  in  the  long  nineteenth  century;  African-­‐American  family  history,  memory,  and  public  history.  She  is  Interim  Director  of  the  Center  for  the  Study  of  Race  and  Democracy  at  Tufts.      Our  Whaling  Ancestors    Mark  Procknik  Librarian,  New  Bedford  Whaling  Museum  His  expertise  includes  collections  archivist  for  genealogical  studies.  Mark  has  presented  at  the  Museum’s  lecture  series,  to  the  Museum's  2015  Cartography  Conference,  the  Rhode  Island  Library  Association's  Annual  Conference,  and  at  an  international  conference  in  Iceland.  On  the  Job:  Ancestors  Who  Worked  in  the  Public  Sector  and  the  Amazing  Records  They  Left  Behind  Margaret  Sullivan  Manager  and  Archivist  for  the  Boston  Police  Department  Her  research  includes  documenting  line-­‐of-­‐duty  officers,  early  African  American  officers,  and  pioneer  women  police.  She  is  a  Fellow  at  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society  and  former  Vice  President  of  TIARA,  The  Irish  Ancestral  Research  Association.