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Caleidoscop lingvistic Happy Holidays! Joyeuses Fetes! Buone feste! Forhe Feiertage! Ediție de sărbători Numarul 1 Decembrie 2012

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Joyeuses Fetes!

Buone feste!

Forhe Feiertage!

Ediție de sărbători

Numarul 1

Decembrie 2012

Colectiv de redactie

Tudor Remes

Olivia Dimitriu

Diana Chis

Madalina Maier

Luiza Gheiceanu

Paula Strat

Alexadra Borzos

Madalina Leordean

Alexandra Pau

Profesori coordonatori :

Cristina Nagy

Lia Suciu

Camelia Parchirie

Tehnoredactor: Theodora


Pentru sugestii sau

intrebari scrieti-ne la

[email protected]

Tipografia Filotib Sighisoara


Caleidoscop Lingvistic





JOKES - glume

travel guide ghid de cĂlĂtorie




corner – ColȚul

de creaȚii

Istorie Și


Fashion police


Traditions around the world

Christmas Traditions

in Great Britain

Christmas is Britain's most popular holiday. People decorate their homes with holly, ivy,

mistletoe and other evergreens, and they also decorate the Christmas Tree.

The day before Christmas is very busy for families in England. They wrap presents, put

them under the tree, bake cookies, and hang stockings over the fireplace for Santa Claus (Father

Christmas) to fill in. Then everyone gathers around the tree as someone tells the favorite story, "A

Christmas Carol". After hearing their favorite Christmas story, children write a letter to Father

Christmas with their wishes. They toss their letter into the fire so their wishes can go up the


Carols are often sung on Christmas Eve by groups of singers to their neighbours and

people give the carolers treats, such as little pies filled with nuts and dried fruits.

Christmas Day sees the opening of presents and many families attend Christmas services

at church. Then, they have a dinner at their houses which consists traditionally of a roast turkey,

goose or chicken with stuffing and roast potatoes. Later in the day, a Christmas cake may be

served - a rich baked fruit cake with marzipan, icing and sugar frosting.

The pulling of Christmas crackers often accompanies food on Christmas Day. A cracker is a

brightly coloured paper tube, twisted at both ends, which contains a party hat, riddle and toy or

other trinket. When it is pulled by two people it gives out a crack as its contents are dispersed.

Another traditional feature of Christmas afternoon is the Queen's Christmas Message to the

nation, broadcast on radio and television.

The day after Christmas is known in Britain as Boxing Day, which takes its name from a

former custom of giving a Christmas Box - a gift of money or food inside a box - to the deliverymen

and tradespeople who called regularly during the year. This tradition survives in the custom of

tipping the milkman, postman, dustmen and other callers of good service at Christmas time.

Ursprünglich kommt das Wort “Advent” aus der lateinischen Sprache

und kommt von “advenire” was Erwartung oder Ankunft bedeutet. So

handelt es sich beim Adevent also übertragen um eine Vorbereitungszeit auf Christus Geburt.

Zu Anfang hatte diese Zeit der Vorbereitung fünf oder sechs Wochen geduert.

Im Jahr 524 wurde auf dem Konzil von Lerida dann eine vier Wochen andauernde Fastenzeit festgelegt

und angeordnet. Diese Zeit sollte der Besinnung und dem Nachdenken dienen.

Die traditionalle Kirchenfarbe für den Advent ist Violett, die für Trauer und Buße steht.Noch heute haben

die Kerzen mancherorts die liturgische Farbe oder Adventssonntage: drei violette Kerzen für den ersten

zweiten und vierten Sonntag sowie eine rosa Kerze für den dritten Adventssonntag. Gerne werden auch

die Farben rot und grün verwendet.Grün repräsentiert in den dunklen,kalten Nächten des Winters die

Hoffnung aus Trost und Kraft.Mit rot wird die Freude auf Jesus Geburt dargestellt.

Unabhängig von den Farben und deren Bedeutung ist heute erlaubt was gefällt.Kränze aus Wurzelwerk,

Metall,Glas oder Porzellan besteckt mit Moos,Tannenzweigen,Ketten und Schleifen. Der Phantasie sind

hier fast kein Grenzen gesetzt und genau das präsentieren Ihnen die Gartnereinen alljährlich an dem

Wochenende des Totensonntages. Der Adventskranz kommt Grundsätzlich aus der evangelischen Kirche

hat aber auch in der katolischen Kirche Eingang gefunden.


Wossen sie? Der Tannenbaum wurde zum ersten Mal in Deutschland geschműckt. In dem ersten Sonntag im Dezember beginnt der erste Advent.Der Adventkranz wird aus Tannenzweigen mit Weinachtsschmuck und vier Kerzen dekoriert.Jeden Sonntag des Advents wird eine Kerze angezűndet.

Die traditionellen Weinachtsmärke öffnen mit der Adventzeit ihre Tore.Ein traditioneller Christkindmarkt zeichnet sich durch Stände mit Christbaumschmuck,Krippenfiguren,Tee,Keramikwaren,Kerzen und Weinachtsspezialitätenwie Stollen und Früchtebrot aus.

Ein traditineller Weinachtsbaum ist mit Äpfel und Süβigkeiten geschmückt.

Der Kölner Karneval

Der Karneval ist Kölns "fünfte Jahreszeit". Er ist weltbekannt als fröhliches, buntes Volksfest und zieht alljährlich mehr als eine Million Gäste in die Stadt.

Den Karneval feiert man in Köln seit 200 Jahren. Man vermutet, der Karneval habe seinen Ursprung bei den Griechen und Römern, die Dionysos und Saturn zu Ehren fröhliche Frühlingsfeste feierten. Auch die Germanen feierten jährlich die Wintersonnenwende als Huldigung der Götter und zur Vertreibung der Winterdämonen.

Später haben dann die Christen die heidnischen Bräuche übernommen. Die vorösterliche Fastenzeit wurde mit dem Fasching und dem Karneval (carne vale = Fleisch lebe wohl!) eingeläutet. Im Mittelalter dann nahmen die Fastnachtsfreuden oft drastische Formen an. Ein feuchtfröhliches Treiben war Karneval also damals schon.


Der Martinstag am 11. November (in Altbayern und Österreich auch Martini) ist der Gedenktag des heiligen Martin von Tours. Er ist in Mitteleuropa von zahlreichen Bräuchen geprägt, darunter das Martinsgansessen, der Martinszug und das Martinssingen. Die verschiedenen Bräuche wurzeln in zwei wohl zusammenhängenden Umständen. In der von Byzanz beeinflussten Christenheit lag der Martinstag zunächst am Beginn der vierzigtägigen Fastenzeit ab dem 11. November, die vom Mittelalter bis in die Neuzeit hinein – in den orthodoxen Kirchen teilweise bis heute – vor Weihnachten begangen wurde. Am letzten Tag vor Beginn dieser Fastenzeit konnten die Menschen – analog zur Fastnacht – noch einmal schlemmen. So wird noch heute beim rheinischen Karneval die neue „Session“ am 11. November ausgerufen. Daneben war der Martinstag auch der traditionelle Tag des Zehnten. Die Steuern wurden früher in Naturalien bezahlt, auch in Gänsen, da die bevorstehende Winterzeit das Durchfüttern der Tiere nur in einer eingeschränkten Zahl möglich machte.

Heilige Drei Könige

Mit dem Begriff Heilige Drei Könige bezeichnet die katholische Tradition die in der Weihnachtsgeschichte des Matthäus-Evangeliums (Mt 2 EU) erwähnten Weisen aus dem Morgenland, die durch den Stern von Betlehem zu Jesus geführt wurden. Im Neuen Testament werden sie nicht näher beschrieben. Bereits im 3. Jahrhundert entstand jedoch eine umfangreiche Legendenbildung, aus der sich ihre Zahl, ihre Bezeichnung als Könige und – im 6. Jahrhundert – ihre Namen herleiten. Ihr Hochfest in der katholischen Kirche ist der 6. Januar, der umgangssprachlichDreikönigstag, auch Dreikönig genannt wird. In der Liturgie heißt das Fest Erscheinung des Herrn, bzw. Epiphanie oder Epiphanias. Die Weisen aus dem Morgenland mitphrygischen Mützen und ohne Königsinsignien, Mosaik aus dem 6. Jh.,Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna


Die Großmutter zur Enkelin: "Du darfst Dir zu Weihnachten von mir ein

schönes Buch wünschen!"

- "Fein, dann wünsche ich mir Dein Sparbuch."

Travel guide- Ghid de calatorie

'Anyone who has ever built sandcastles will feel an

immediate affinity with Bodiam, it looks like the work of a

giant bucket and spade.'(Gervase Jackson-Stops)

Il Castello di Bran

Il Castello di Bran č un monumento nazionale della Romania. La fortezza sorge sull'antico

confine tra la Transilvania e la Valacchia.

Il Castello di Bran ha ispirato la descrizione del castello di Dracula nel romanzo di Bram

Stoker, ma non č il vero maniero storicamente appartenuto al voivoda Vlad III di Valacchia. Il

vero Castello Dracula č l'ormai distrutto Castello di Poenari.


La prima menzione di un luogo fortificato sul sito ove sorge oggi il castello di Bran risale ai

primordi del XIII secolo. In quel tempo i Cavalieri Teutonici iniziarono a costruire sulla cima nota

come Dietrichstein un fortino in legno a guardia della valle che da secoli permetteva il transito dei

mercanti dalla Valacchia alla Transilvania. Nel 1242 la primitiva struttura, non si sa fino a che punto

rimaneggiata, venne distrutta dall'incursione dei Mongoli. Il 19 novembre del 1377 Luigi I d'Ungheria

riconobbe alla popolazione sassone della citts di Brasov la liberts di erigere a proprie spese una

struttura fortificata in pietra che sarebbe poi divenuta il Castello di Bran; il limitrofo villaggio

chiamato Bran sorse in concomitanza con l'erigenda. Sin dal 1378 la nuova rocca servě al Regno

d'Ungheria come baluardo contro le incursioni dell'Impero ottomano. L'importanza strategica del

castello ne fece uno strumento prezioso anche per i potentati cristiani che regnavano sui Principati

danubiani: Bran venne infatti temporaneamente occupato ed utilizzato sia dal voivoda Mircea il

Vecchio (Mircea Cel Batrân) che da suo nipote, Vlad l'Impalatore (Vlad Tepes).

A partire dal 1920, il castello di Bran divenne residenza dei sovrani del Regno di Romania. Vi

soggiornarono a lungo la regina Maria di Sassonia-Coburgo-Gotha, che ristrutturň massicciamente gli

interni secondo l'allora gusto art and craft rumeno, e sua figlia, la principessa Ileana di Romania. Nel

1948, quando la famiglia reale rumena venne scacciata dalle forze d'occupazione comuniste, il

castello venne occupato

Le Château de Cheverny

Découvrez Cheverny, le plus

magnifiquement meublé des Châteaux de la Loire !

Le château de Cheverny est un château de la

Loire français situé en Sologne, sur la commune

de Cheverny, dans le département de Loir-et-

Cher et la région Centre.

Philippe Hurault construit le château entre 1624 et 1630. Il a été conçu par Jacques Bougier,

un étudiant de Salomon de Brosse, qui a conçu le palais de Luxembourg. Le Château de

Cheverny, reconnu comme l'un des "must" du Val de Loire, vous étonnera par la richesse de

son ameublement et le charme authentique et raffiné de sa décoration. Armures, meubles

précieux, tapisseries et tapis contribuent à créer l'atmosphère unique qui règne à Cheverny. Habité par la même famille depuis sa construction (1610), Cheverny possède une âme à part.

Dressé au milieu d'un splendide parc naturel, Cheverny est aujourd'hui encore habité par les

descendants de la famille et n'est pas un musée froid et austère. Promenez-vous parmi les

arbres centenaires, et les deux superbes nouveaux jardins, découvrez les magnifiques pièces

du château et savourez l'esprit des lieux...

Top 10 recommendations this month:

1.Hawksmoor is a 1985 novel by the English writer Peter Ackroyd. It tells the parallel stories of Nicholas Dyer,

who builds seven churches in 18th-century London for which he needs human sacrifices, and Nicholas

Hawksmoor, detective in the 1980s, who investigates murders committed in the same churches.

2.Memoires of a Geisha written by Arthur Golden

3.Vampire Lestat written by Anne Rice

4.Atunci i-am ars doua palme written by Lucian Dan Teodorovici

5.The legacy written by Katherine Webb

6.Lord of the rings written by J.R.R. Tolkien

7.Game of thrones written bt George R.R. Martin

8.Oceanografie written by Mircea Eliade

9.Die Weisse Massai written by Corinne Hofmann

10.Madame Bovary written by Gustave Flaubert


Top 10 movie recommendations:

1.The Raven is about a madman who begins to commit horrific murders inspired by

Edgar Allan Poe's works. A young Baltimore detective joins forces with Poe to stop

him from making his stories a reality.

2. Jeux d’enfants- What can one make of this movie? It is a fairy tale, a tragedy,

a dlice of true life, a great mith: idealistic,depressing- and ye invigorating.

3. Hunger games-The Hunger Games takes place in a nation known as Panem,

established in North America after the destruction of the continent's civilization by an unknown

apocalyptic event.

4. Mister Nobody -A tale that spans different time zones of the 20th and 21st centuries.

5. Wiker Park- A young Chicago advertising executive believes a woman he sees

in a café is his long-lost love. His conviction leads to obsession, as he puts his life on

hold to trail her.

6. Dorian Gray- A corrupt young man somehow keeps his youthful beauty eternally, but a

special painting gradually reveals his inner ugliness to all.

7.Dirty Dancing- Spending the summer in a holiday camp with her family, Frances "Baby"

Houseman falls in love with the camp's dance instructor Johnny Castle.

8. Orpan- A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9-year-old girl who is not

nearly as innocent as she claims to be.

9. Forrest Gump- Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many

historic moments, but his true love, Jenny, eludes him.

10. Ruby Sparks- A novelist struggling with writer's block finds

romance in a most unusual way

music Actuale:

1. Avolation- Sail

2. 30 Seconds to Mars-

Closer to the edge

3. Coldplay- Paradise

4. Maroon 5- One more night

5. Alex Clare- Too close

6. Kesha- Die young

7. Robin and the

Backstabbers- Soare cu


8. The Script- Hall of fame

9. Muse- Feeling good

10. Kings of Leon- Closer

Mai vechi:

1. Desirelless-Voyage,Voyag e 2.The Eurythmics -Here comes the rain 3.Cat Stevens-Wild world 4.The Cranberries-Zombie 5.The rolling stones-Satisfaction 6. Kansas-Carry on my wayward son 7.Eric Clapton –Layla 8.Savage garden-To the moon and back 9.Leonard Cohen-First we take Manhattan 10.Empire of the sun-We are the people



Patricia Kaas est une perle dans la musique moderne française. Née le 5 décembre 1966, elle est une chanteuse

française connue pour son succès dans les principaux pays francophones, germanophones et en Russie. Ses albums

sont commercialisés dans une quarantaine de pays.

La chanteuse est connue, aussi, pour sa voix grave caractéristique d‟un contralto. Avec un timbre

légèrement rauque, Patricia Kaas a été souvent comparée à Marlene Dietrich et Edith Piaf.

La chanson que je veux vous présenter est “Mademoiselle chante le blues”, l'une des chansons les plus

emblématiques de la chanteuse. Certains disent que c‟est probablement une allusion à la chanson “Lady Sings the

Blues” de Billie Holiday.

Cette chanson parait en avril 1987 et elle est récompensée par le prix „Charles Cros‟. Elle est incluse dans

le premier album de Patricia Kaas, “Mademoiselle chante…”, qui rencontre un grand succès en France et en


« Mademoiselle chante le blues » décrit les préoccupations des femmes, dont la plus convenable est celle de «

chanteuse de blues », qui « a du gospel dans la voix et elle y croit ».



Legenda anotimpurilor

Pentru a întelege mai bine mitul succesiunii anotimpurilor trebuie mai întai să ne amintim cine e Persefona in mitologia greaca.

Persefona ( cea care curmă lumina) este zeița care stăpânește in timpul iernii alături de Hades lumea umbrelor, iar pe timpul verii este considerată zeița fertilității. Mama sa este zeita roadelor, a porumbului, a cerealelor,si a recoltelor. Atunci cand Hades o rapeste pe iubita sa fiica Persefona, agonia o determina sa paraseasca muntele Olimp plecand in cautarea ei. Pe unde trecea ea pamantul devenea infertil, sterp si arid. Prin urmare Zeus si Hades au facut un legamant ca 6 luni din an sa stea cu Hades si 6 luni din an impreuna cu Nimfele si mama ei Demetra, haladuind : prin campiile cu florile, si “lanurile cu holdele”. Persefona gustase dintr-o rodie, crescuta in Infern ( obicei pastrat pana in zilele noastre in tarile arabe, ca mireasa sa guste in ziua nuntii dintr-o rodie si sa nu-si mai poata parasi barbatul. )

Asa cum Persefona sta jumatate de an cu mama ei pe Pamant si cealalta jumatate in lumea subpamnteana cu cel pe care I l-au harazit zeii de barbat, tot la fel bobul de grau, cel ce ne da paine noastra cea de toate zilele”,coboara in pamant toamna si renaste primavara, verde si viguros asigurandu-ne hrana si amintindu-ne de vremile de bejenie cand Demetra isi jelea fiica pierduta si se razbuna pe oameni prin arsita si foamete.

De la povestea fiicei pierdute, oamenii au extrapolat si si-au explicat, evadand in imaginar ciclicitatea anotimpurilor.

De l’amitié à l’amour

Aujourd‟hui il y a des gens qui apprécient l‟amitié plus que l‟amour. Il y a tant

de définitions pour ces deux belles choses. Elles sont précieuses et rarement


A mon avis, l‟amitié suppose tout d‟abord l‟estime mutuelle, mais aussi la

confiance, la tolérance vis-à-vis de l‟autre, accepter ses défauts. Aussi une

amitié ne peut se construire qu‟avec le temps, petit à petit. C‟est comme un

édifice qu‟on construit de ses mains avec minutie pour lui donner une bonne


En revanche l‟amour c‟est une raison de vivre, c‟est partager un sentiment fort

avec une autre personne, c‟est aussi une espérance face à des événements

souhaités, de rêves qui peuvent devenir réalités. Une vie sans amour, c'est une

vie sans soleil

La différence entre l‟amitié el l‟amour est simple. Notre sensation intérieure

est différente. Cependant, je crois que l‟amour est plus fort que l‟amitié pare

ce que l‟amour peut nous rendre complètement fou. Aussi l'amitié finit parfois

en amour, mais rarement l'amour en amitié.

En conclusion, l‟amitié et l‟amour nous rendent vulnérables et nous

encouragent à céder. Pourtant, dans la vie, on ne peut pas vivre seul.

Maier Madalina

Quand ils sont petits

Tout comme les fourmis

Les enfants apportent dans une famille

Du Bonheur, de la fierte et debons amis.

La march, le parler et le comportement

Ont le role principal

Pour avoir une vie normale

Et un success claironnant.

Longtemps après

Quand l’enfant sera un adolescent

Les parents seront obliges

De leur offrir les meilleures idees

En ce qui concerne les problems de la


Le temps passé et passé

Maintenant les enfants sont adultes

Comme la musique d’une contrabasse

Ils pensent a l’avnir a chaque minute.

La formation d’une nouvelle famille

C’est un reve accompli

Chaque goutte de pluie

C’est a present un motif de sourire.

Desene de

Andreea Onea

Miros de narcisă

Îmi invadează trupul,

Şi-n gând o şoaptă precisă

S-a ridicat duhul.

Mă-nghite floarea de mac

Mă pierd în humă şi tac

Azurul îmi şade deasupra,

Nu mi-a rămas nici umbra…

Plouă rar

Vântul abia mai adie,

O lacrimă-n zadar

Şade pe-o frunză de viţă de vie…

E linişte,

Aştept clipa să vie.


Oră solemnă de seară

Amurgul de purpură se-ntoarce alunecând pe frunzarele tolănite,

Castelul plânge nisip din marginile crăpate de veacuri acoperite acum de barba

morbid şi sură a vecinicului moşneag înzăpezit , muntele.

Se-nvăluie valea de-o fantomă de sticlă ce bântuia cărările pe care mergeam azi-

vară desculţ, de spaima timpului oprit, de viteya fierbinte a unei raze de lumină ce

mi-a lăsat înmiresmat în suflet amintiri.

Ceasul zilei se topeşte-acum în tăcerea deplină întruchipată în gheata.

Spumegă râul, razbate cu ultimele pulsuri în cadrul sublime al orei de cristal prin

care cerul se mai oglindeşte.

E pustiu, ceaţa se coboară în lacrimi opace acoperind orizontul de parc-ar fi

infinit (Anonim)

Desene de Patricia Leordean


‘’Stop! Just leave me alone!’’, the little girl shouted at me. I had met Mihaela maybe fifteen minutes earlier during one of the meet and greet sessions at a local shelter, where I was volunteering.Mihaela was not the first friend that I met at the shelter, however she was the first human trafficking victim I have ever met. And although she spoke about her experience very rarely, the nightmare she must have gone through gives me the shivers, even as I stand here before you today.I often find myself asking how something like this could happen. I felt frustrated that I knew so little about human trafficking. This inspired me to do some independent research. From the research I ‘ve done, it is estimated that roughly 40.000 people are trafficked, From Southeastern Europe every year. I know it sounds like just a number. But 40,000 people is roughly one half of the city we are currently in. Imagine, half of the people you know, just vanishing, never to be seen again, knowing that horrific things are happening to them. That is a reality these victims live in.There are ways for people to protect themselves, but there is no official program for potential victims to access. 40,000 people. I know it’s a hard number to grasp. So often, facts and figures are thrown out as if they’re supposed to mean something, but it’s hard to wrap your head around until you actually meet someone who’s life has been destroyed by trafficking. This is not to suggest that there has been no awareness risen on behalf of victims. For example organizations like World Vision International have implemented programs aimed at trying to counsel victims of trafficking and attempting to offer a second chance at life. They’re trying to mend the broken, and their efforts are commendable. However, what about those of us who aren’t victims, yet? We can no longer wait until our mothers, daughters and sisters become victims in order to help them deal with the horrors of human trafficking. That’s why I am here to suggest a new way of thinking. It’s time we quit looking at the problem of human trafficking through a retrospective lense. If we want a future where our younger populations can have opportunities that we ourselves haven’t received, then it’s high time we give them the necessary skills to protect themselves , and that includes formal education aimed at raising awareness of the potential threat of human trafficking. This national awareness campaign could be taught in schools because everyone, both men and women, need to know the dangers involved in the trafficking of humans. Human trafficking has the potential to effect all of us and today,as I stand here before you ,I’m asking you to embrace this call for action.The power’s within our hands to make the right decisions. We can protect each other! We can prevent it! It is time we do everything we can to stop this criminal industry and offer a more prosperous future to our younger generations.

Winning speech on the annual Public

Speaking competition, Edition 2009

Madalina Leordean

Photo by Theodora Tanczos

Photos by Theodora Tanczos Desene de Dani Miron

Asa da !

Colantii nu sunt pantaloni !

Observam o continua crestere a numarului de fete care prefera colantii

drept pantaloni si asta nu e tocmai in regula, mai ales in incinta liceului,

unde exista uniforma obligatorie. Intelegem ca vreti sa atrageti atentia

accentuandu-va formele purtand colanti, insa nu la scoala, va rugam ! Ei nu

reprezinta o piesa constitutiva a uniformei si categoric nu inlocuiesc

pantalonii .

Guler, nu “gat” !

Un exemplu de “asa nu” il reprezinta inlocuirea camasii cu helanca.

Trebuie sa intelegem ca aceste doua piese de imbracaminte nu au grad de

comparatie, din niciun punct de vedere. O camasa va arata mult mai bine si

mai elegant decat ceea ce ne reprezinta aceasta poza. Fetelor, dar si

baietilor, helanca este un “nu nu” in sezonul de scoala !

“Cravata” cu stil

Am avut placerea de a vedea tranformarea unei cravate intr-un mic si

dragalas papion. Idee buna si creativa, spunem noi, insa speram ca si

conducerea sa fie de acord. Gingasul accesoriu reprezinta un mod discret

de a aplica “moda” pe uniforma .

Categoric DA !

Un foarte bun exemplu de imbracaminte adecvata liceului nostru il da

acest tanar domn, care reuseste sa adune toate piesele uniformei intr-un

mod placut vizibil, spunem noi. Pantaloni de culoare albastra, camasa

potrivita si din gama de culori a uniformei, sacou si cravata si nimic

extravagant . Se poate si asa !

Poliția modei

What is your holiday personality


1. Which of these holiday activities do you enjoy the most?

a) Watching a holiday movie

b) Wrapping presents

c) Decorating the tree

d) Sending cards

2. What's your gift giving philosophy?

a) Give of your time and talents

b) Make sure everyone on your list gets something

c) Give something from the heart

d) Participate in as many gift exchanges possible

3. It's not the holidays without:

a) Snow

b) The whole family

c) A roaring fire

d) Christmas carols


Mostly a) The holidays give you a chance to stay busy and have fun with your friends. You love

each and every holiday activity.

You are a truly social creature, and other people make the holidays special for you.

Mostly b) Your holidays are all about connecting and sharing. This is a sacred time of year, and

you like to spend it with those who are special to you.

You like to make sure everyone around you is comfortable, full of love (and goodies!), and


Mostly c) It doesn't matter if you're religious or not... the holidays carry deep spiritual meaning

for you.You like to take this time to reflect on your life.

You act deliberately and conscientiously during every day of the year - and even more so during

the holidays.

Mostly d) The holidays mean that you need to get a lot of things done, and you're up to the


You love shopping for gifts, sending cards, baking, and decorating. It's all about making things

festive for others.