calculations e book


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Performing calculations is a core design function. Yet,

engineers have been forced to compromise in their choice of software calculations tools for years. However a new type of software specifically built for

engineering formulas has arrived. And there are serious implications for the team and




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Given today’s massive Maker Movement, powered by the idea that anyone can invent and make a product, the difference between engineers and makers is fair to consider, don’t you think?

One difference, at least, is easy to discern. Makers rely on creativity, iteration and luck to find designs that work. Engineers do that as well, but rely more on predicted performance than luck to make decisions. Put simply: it’s more about prediction than chance. And at the core of that important distinction lie engineering calculations.

In years past, engineers performed calculations in paper notebooks. They were often full of equations with corresponding sketches, notes and pictures. Of course, a lot has changed since then. The engineering office caught up in the digital revolution, just like every other department. After the dust settled, engineers could perform calculations in one of two kinds of software: spreadsheets or mathematical modeling solutions. Neither do much to curb the inherent volatility of engineering work. This has serious implications for both the organization and the engineer.

There is, however, reason for hope. There are software applications purpose-built for engineering calculations. What exactly do they do? Do they resemble engineering notebooks of the past? What are the implications for the business? That's where this eBook comes into play. Here, you'll find more on the calculation needs of today's engineers, today's technology compromise on calculations, new calculation tools built for engineers and implications for the team and individual.

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There is little doubt that performing calculations to predict performance is a core engineering function. But how exactly are they used? Let’s look at some use cases before looking at how today’s software tools support them.

Conceptual!Feasibility!and!Trade!Studies!Before 3D models are created in CAD, engineers use quick and detailed calculations to determine if new product concepts are feasible. In addition to helping with those types of ‘go or no-go’ decisions, engineers also employ calculations to compare and contrast different characteristics or parameters of a design before proceeding into detailed design.

Detailed!Design!Decision!Making!and!Sizing!Once in detailed design, engineers perform calculations to work out some of the finer details of products. They drive component selection decisions, which materially affect the form, fit and function of the design. Engineers also run calculations to spatially size parts and assemblies as well. These efforts are often done in parallel with the creation of a 3D model in CAD.

Validation!of!Performance!Before!Testing!Even when a design is relatively mature, engineers need to validate that it performs as expected. CAD models often exist at this point, so that existing information can be leveraged in the calculation. This is often the case in verifying that requirements are satisfied, where traceability is also important.

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When it comes to software tools that engineers use to perform calculations, the choice is simple: they can use spreadsheets or mathematical modeling. Here, we'll dive into the details and drawbacks associated with each.

Spreadsheets:!Getting!Lost!in!Translation!Spreadsheet tools, along with document and presentation tools, are some of the most widely proliferated types of software in the business world. Make no mistake: engineers use spreadsheets to perform calculations every single day. However, a problem exists in the language that spreadsheets use for engineering calculations. Confused? Let me explain by asking a question.

How do engineers build calculations? They use the language of math. They define variables that are then used in equations. They use mathematical operators like integrals and functions with special symbols that are specific to calculus and differential equations.

Now, how do users build calculations in spreadsheets? They use something that looks, acts and feels like working in a programming language. They drop in mathematical operators based on text, not special symbols. They reference specific cells, not variables. As a result, there are a few drawbacks for engineers.

• Translating on the Fly: When engineers build calculations in spreadsheets, they must translate their mathematical formulas into the corresponding programming required by spreadsheet software. It’s an extra step in the process that can introduce errors along the way.

• Hidden in the Cell: Once a calculation is captured in a spreadsheet cell, an engineer can only see the result of the formula, not how it was generated. An engineer has to select the cell to see the program-written calculations, which requires some translation back into the language of math.

• Watch Your Units: Engineers deal with variables that appear in a confusing mixture of units. Spreadsheet cell values can be assigned units. However, they are not unit aware. That means that if an engineer asks the spreadsheet to add millimeters to inches, the spreadsheet will perform the task, even if the result doesn’t make sense formulaically. That, in turn, can lead to terrible design errors.

Ultimately, spreadsheet software was developed for any kind of user and any kind of generic application. It requires engineers to take extra steps to translate between the language of math and the programming language. Not only is that time consuming, but it can also introduce errors along the way that impact downstream product development processes.

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Mathematic!Modeling:!The!Realm!of!Experts!While less well-known but more powerful in capability, mathematical modeling tools are also an option for engineers to perform calculations. In comparison to spreadsheets, mathematical modeling software offers far more advanced functionality to represent advanced phenomena and behaviors. Such software can be used to develop complicated algorithms that are used repetitively for specialized applications like financial predictions, genetic simulations and far more.

Building calculations in these tools also looks, acts and feels like working in a programming language, only a far more complex one than the one spreadsheets use. As a result, the use of this software falls into the domain of true specialized experts like scientists and dedicated mathematicians. That’s where engineers encounter difficulty using these tools. The ramp up and ongoing use of such tools is far too high.

Furthermore, these tools lack integrations with CAD or other engineering software tools, making them hard to use during the detailed design or validation phases of product development.

A!Distasteful!Choice!In summary, engineers face a simple but distasteful choice when it comes to the software they can use to perform calculations. Theoretically, both types of software can get the job done. But neither uses the language of mathematics, either in building or representing formulas. In all honesty, these choices, at least to date, have simply been between bad and worse.

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In recent years, a third kind of tool has emerged to help engineers build their formulas: Engineering Calculation Software. This software is purpose-built for engineers specifically for design and product development applications. They have a number of important characteristics that differentiate them, including:

Natively!Speaking!the!Language!of!Math!The first, and probably most important, trait of Engineering Calculation Software is that it natively uses the language of math. Engineers start by defining variables that will be used throughout their equations. Next, they build formulas using mathematical operators used in calculus and differential equations, not programming functions that require translation. They also reference the variables they defined instead of referencing cells.

Another important capability of Engineering Calculation Software is the presentation of formulas. They are not hidden away inside of spreadsheet cells or represented in programming language. Instead, they are shown as if they were written on a sheet of paper in an easily recognizable form. This leaves little confusion in figuring out the engineer's design intent.

As a result of this more natural and familiar process, building equations is streamlined and less likely to contain errors that could lead to design mistakes. Other engineers that need to review the formulas can do so quickly and easily, eliminating the non-value added effort of translating another engineer’s equations.

Unit!Awareness!and!Intelligence!Another critical trait of Engineering Calculation Software is the ability to be aware of the units of every number and variable in every equation. For example, let’s say you wanted to add a measurement in inches to a measurement in millimeters and get the result in meters. The software will automatically convert each of the inputs into like units and then convert the output into the desired units.

But it goes beyond that as well. If you try to add a value in megapascals, a pressure unit, to a measurement in newtons, a force unit, the software will highlight the mixed unit error. All in all, the fact that Engineering Calculation Software is unit-aware and intelligent adds another safety check against design errors. Essentially, it manages units so you don’t have to.

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Close!Integration!with!CAD!Applications!Integration with CAD applications enables the engineer to build equations by using parameters, dimensions or measurements from the 3D model as variables. An important facet of this capability, however, is what occurs when the 3D model changes. The values get updated in the equations. So as engineers explore different iterations of the 3D model, the formulas are updated in an automated fashion. This associativity serves engineers well because the nature of design can be chaotic.

There is another advantage, however, in closing the loop and driving changes from the engineering calculations back into the CAD model. Engineers can run formula-based optimization and design of experiment routines and send the results back to the CAD model.

Standardization!and!Reuse!of!Calculations!During design, engineers certainly run into unique calculations relevant to a specific product or application. However, the bulk of their work is spent looking at very similar or slight variations on the same performance characteristics or measures. In that context, an important trait of Engineering Calculation Software is the ability to save and then reuse subsets or entire formulas. This lets individuals leverage past work instead of recreating it. It also allows the organization to define and apply calculation standards and practices.

Embedded!Plots,!images!and!Text!Performing calculations, however, isn’t all about the math. Engineers traditionally surround their calculations with other notations such as images and textual information that serve as notes and documentation. Furthermore, they need to graph out the results of their equations, often with variations in design characteristics. Engineering Calculation Software allow users to insert such information right alongside the formulas to make it all more visual and easier to understand.

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So far, we've talked a lot about the technical needs of engineering calculation tools. But we haven't talked about the advantages and benefits to the organization and team. Next, we’ll take a look at that important topic.

Schedule!and!Budget!Savings,!Winning!Products!How do the advantages of performing engineering calculations better affect the organization? There are multiple benefits, but they stem from the same activity. Because engineers can perform their calculations more frequently and more accurately, they make better decisions. That in turn translates into:

• Avoiding the Costs and Delays of Errors: Better decisions means that engineers can get it right the first time. Better decisions eliminate errors that frequently proceed downstream and turn into change orders, multiple rounds of prototyping, scrap and rework. That’s saved time in the schedule and money in the budget.

• Winning with Better Designs: Better decisions mean that engineers don’t just find a design that works, but the best design. That, in turn, translates into products that can compete and win in the marketplace.

There are real benefits of performing equations faster and more accurately to the organization. In today’s hyper-competitive environment, companies need every advantage they can get.

Working!Normal!Hours,!Work!Fulfillment!When the benefits of using a certain type of software are defined, the emphasis is almost always placed on what it means to the organization. However, for Engineering Calculation Software, there are just as many benefits to the individual engineer as there are to the team.

• Get Your Life Back: Mistakes in the design come back to haunt engineers in a big way. A change order against a product close to product launch disrupts their entire day. They have to de-prioritize their current design projects and return their attention to a design they worked on months ago. Furthermore, they often have to stay as long as necessary to fix the problem, even if that means working through the night or weekend. Performing calculations more frequently and accurately bolsters an engineer's ability to avert those errors in the first place and the design disruptions associated with them. That saves engineers’ nights and weekends.

• Fulfillment in Engineering: Ponder this question: how many engineers went into the profession to program spreadsheets or build mathematical models? Very few. Ultimately, an engineer's job is about designing products. Building and interacting with equations more naturally lets engineers focus on engineering, not on becoming spreadsheet power users.

When all is said and done, Engineering Calculation Software can make a positive impact on an engineer’s personal and professional lives.

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Chad Jackson is the Principal Analyst for Lifecycle Insights and co-host for the

Tech4PD show. He researches and writes about software that enables engineering.

He can be reached at (512) 284-8080, email, twitter or LinkedIn.


In this eBook, we’ve covered a wide range of topics related to engineering and calculations. Here’s the recap.

Calculations:!A!Core!Engineering!Function!Engineers perform calculations to assess the performance of products in a number of different phases during the product development process, including:

• Concept Feasibility and Trade Studies

• Detailed Design Decision Making and Sizing

• Validation of Performance before Testing

Today’s!Compromise!on!Calculation!Tools!Today, there are two kinds of software tools that engineers can use to perform calculations: spreadsheet software and mathematical modeling software. Both are problematic because they use something akin to a programming language instead of the language of math. This reality can lead to errors or misuse.

Engineering!Calculation!Software!In recent years, a third kind of tool has emerged to help engineers build their formulas: Engineering Calculation Software. It has three important traits:

• Natively Speaking the Language of Math

• Unit Awareness and Intelligence

• Closely Integrated with CAD Applications

• Standardization and Reuse of Calculations

Implications!for!the!Team!and!Individual!There are a number of benefits associated with building formulas using Engineering Calculation Software as opposed to other alternatives, including:

• Benefits to the organization stem from one improvement: engineers perform calculations more frequently and more accurately make better decisions. This translates into avoiding costly errors and winning with better designs

• There are also real benefits to individual engineers as well. Performing calculations more frequently and accurately bolsters an engineer's ability to reduce errors that turn into design disruptions later. That means engineers can avoid working nights and weekends. It also means they can focus on design work as opposed to programming spreadsheets or mathematical models.

Performing calculations has been and likely will continue to be a core part of an engineer’s job. But now, there’s no reason it can’t be done better and faster.

For more information on Engineering Calculation Software, visit the PTC Mathcad site. Underwritten in

part by PTC, all concepts and ideas developed independently, © 2012 LC-Insights LLC.