caea v145 update acp (1) 0

Agenda 9:00 Welcome 1:00 - Computing Utilities 9:00 Welcome Introductions What is new at CAEA 9:15 - Mechanical Demonstration CAD ti tiliti ( ithi th CAD 1:00 Computing Utilities HPC GPU RSM HPC Parametric Pack) CAD connection utilities (within the CAD API) Mechanical setup Rigid Bodies, Joints, contact, meshing Using the Mechanical model as a template HPC Parametric Pack) 1:30 - CFD Update Design iteration/optimization using CFX Shape optimization using Fluent Using the Mechanical model as a template. Submodeling (parametric mesh refinement) 10:30 - Break 10:45 - Result evaluation: What do I do i h hi ? 1-way FSI 3:00 Break 3:15 – ANSYS Customization Toolkit What is ACT? with this stress? Fatigue calculation Automating the process Direct Optimization What is ACT? Examples (acoustics, wind load, DYNA drop test. 4:00 Engineering Knowledge Manager 4:15 ANSYS Composite Prep Post RSO(robust design, DFSS) Fracture 12:00 – Lunch 4:15 ANSYS Composite Prep-Post 4:30 MAPDL 1

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  • Agenda

    9:00 Welcome 1:00 - Computing Utilities 9:00 Welcome Introductions What is new at CAEA

    9:15 - Mechanical DemonstrationCAD ti tiliti ( ithi th CAD

    1:00 Computing Utilities HPC GPU RSM

    HPC Parametric Pack) CAD connection utilities (within the CAD API)

    Mechanical setup Rigid Bodies, Joints, contact, meshing Using the Mechanical model as a template

    HPC Parametric Pack) 1:30 - CFD Update

    Design iteration/optimization using CFX Shape optimization using Fluent

    Using the Mechanical model as a template. Submodeling (parametric mesh refinement)

    10:30 - Break 10:45 - Result evaluation: What do I do

    i h hi ?

    1-way FSI 3:00 Break 3:15 ANSYS Customization Toolkit

    What is ACT?with this stress? Fatigue calculation Automating the process

    Direct Optimization

    What is ACT? Examples (acoustics, wind load, DYNA

    drop test. 4:00 Engineering Knowledge Manager 4:15 ANSYS Composite Prep Post RSO(robust design, DFSS)

    Fracture 12:00 Lunch

    4:15 ANSYS Composite Prep-Post 4:30 MAPDL


  • ANSYS Composite P /P tPrep/Post

    ANSYS v14.5 Update SeminarSeminar

    CAE Associates Inc. and ANSYS Inc. Proprietary 2013 CAE Associates Inc. and ANSYS Inc. All rights reserved.

  • ACP Background

    ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP) is an add-on module to existing ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP) is an add-on module to existing structural solver licenses (Professional and above) dedicated to the modeling of layered composite structures.

    First introduced in v12 it has gone through many updates and now First introduced in v12 it has gone through many updates and now incorporates seamlessly with Workbench at v14.5


  • Typical ACP Usage

    A shell element model is developed in Mechanical A shell element model is developed in Mechanical Meshing shell geometry, applying loads and boundary

    conditions. Can be in ANSYS Mechanical or Mechanical APDL Define materials (Engineering Data, or APDL)

    Import the models in ANSYS Composite PrepPost Define Composite Fabrics:

    Fabric: a material and a thickness Laminate: an assembly of fabrics (with orientations) Sublaminates: an assembly of fabrics and laminates (with

    orientations) Define the element orientation (so as to properly orient

    materials) Define the ply sequence for groups of elements (usually

    corresponding to faces of the geometry)corresponding to faces of the geometry) Solve the model - computed by the standard ANSYS

    solver, in batch mode. Post-process the results in ACP: deformations,


    Post process the results in ACP: deformations, thicknesses and failure criteria.

  • Incorporation into WB Architecture

    Starting with v14 0 ACP is incorporated directly into the WB architecture Starting with v14.0 ACP is incorporated directly into the WB architecture.Define composite material

    Import/Generate f

    material properties

    surface geometry

    Generate Shell Mesh

    Set-up composite material fabric definitions, element orientations, ply layup, etc


  • Composite Materials

    In Engineering Data there is now a In Engineering Data, there is now a composite materials library. Show Libraries

    Material does not need to be assigned toMaterial does not need to be assigned to bodies in Mechanical. Material assignment is done in ACP.

    All materials in Engineering Data are ate a s g ee g ata a ebrought into ACP.


  • Starting ACP from WB

    Once shell mesh is generated and materials defined ACP can be started Once shell mesh is generated and materials defined, ACP can be started by right click: Edit


  • Solving and Post-processing

    Once the model is setup in APC(Pre) it can be linked to whatever type of Once the model is setup in APC(Pre) it can be linked to whatever type of analyses you need to solve:

    Then connect ACP(Post) to the Solution of that analysis.Then connect ACP(Post) to the Solution of that analysis.


  • ACP Modeling Capabilities

    Multiple oriented element sets allow for multi-laminate build-up Multiple oriented element sets allow for multi-laminate build-up.


  • Parametric Modeling of Composites

    Since ACP is integrated into Workbench the composite data from ACP will Since ACP is integrated into Workbench, the composite data from ACP will be updated with any parameter changes in WB.

    Example below shows parametric changes of doubler width shown in red.


  • Efficient post-processing of composite-specific results quantities

    Post-processing of Composite Results

    Efficient post-processing of composite-specific results quantities. New Sampling Element post-processing.

    Plot worst case failure criteria over all layers.Pi k l t d t / t i d f il th h th thi k Pick element and see stress/strain and failure through the thickness


  • Post-processing of Composite Results

    Make thru-thickness stress plots and account for interlaminar normal Make thru-thickness stress plots and account for interlaminar normal stresses with shells.

    Traditional shell approaches can not account for interlaminar normal stress (shown in blue curve)(shown in blue curve)

    ANSYS Composite PrepPost can predict these base on the work of Roos, Kress, & Ermanni

    ThruThicknessILS&ILNStressPlots SolidsCriticalStressesinBend


    ThruThicknessILS&ILNStressPlots Shells

  • Post-processing of Composite Results

    Sandwich Construction Post-processing Sandwich Construction Post-processing. Wrinkling

    Local buckling of a face sheet under compression Failure indicator available using shell modeling of sandwichFailure indicator available using shell modeling of sandwich

    Core Failure Local failure of core in shear or tensile loading Failure indicator available using shell modeling of sandwichg g


  • Advanced ACP Capabilities

    Fiber orientation prediction and modification Fiber orientation prediction and modification. Use internal ACP draping simulation to compute orientation changes due to

    geometry curvature, develop flat pattern. Interface with Vistagys FiberSimInterface with Vistagy s FiberSim. Modify the fiber orientation to something that is actually observed on the

    manufacturing floor through alignment with local rosettes.


  • Advanced ACP Capabilities

    3D Solid Modeling: 3D Solid Modeling: If a composite part is thick and bulky a shell mesh may not be sufficient to

    predict accurate results. One of ACP(Pre) strengths is that the 2D shell mesh can be extruded into a 3DOne of ACP(Pre) strengths is that the 2D shell mesh can be extruded into a 3D

    solid model. CAD support: STEP and IGES geometries can be imported to define thick

    cores or use as guides for 3D extrusions. R14 Improved solid model extrusion, transitioning, and drop-off capabilities


  • Advanced ACP Capabilities

    Even more Even more Map composite thickness and angles through table look-up. Build complex assemblies including contact.

    Customize layups using scripts and tables (Filament winding) Customize layups using scripts and tables (Filament winding) Multiple solid models can be combined through links to MAPDL. 2-Way FSI with composites


  • ACP v14.5 Enhancements

    Workbench now has the capability to operate directly on the extruded solid Workbench now has the capability to operate directly on the extruded solid model from ACP in Mechanical.


  • ACP v14.5 Enhancements

    In addition multiple Mechanical models can now be combined in In addition, multiple Mechanical models can now be combined in Workbench, so the composite solid can be combined with the metal solid.

    Composite Shell Model

    Composite Solid Model

    C bi d

    Metal Solid Model

    Combined Model


  • ACP v14.5 Enhancements

    New functionality to publish parameters in ACP Pre and Post for the use New functionality to publish parameters in ACP Pre and Post for the use within the Workbench parameter manager.

    Ply thickness, ply angle, number of layers, etcBoolean parameters: Layer Active /inactive Boolean parameters: Layer Active /inactive


  • ACP Demo

    CAE Associates Inc. and ANSYS Inc. Proprietary 2013 CAE Associates Inc. and ANSYS Inc. All rights reserved.