cac packet february 12, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District. Citizen’s Advisory Committee 7:00 PM, Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - Capitol Region Watershed District Office Agenda 7:00 I) Welcome, Announcements and Updates Introductions 7:05 II) Public Comment for issues not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person) 7:08 III) Approval of the Agenda 7:09 IV) Approval of Minutes Approval of the January 15, 2013 Minutes 7:10 V) District Initiatives A) 2013 Partner Grant Program Overview and 2014 Partner Grant Projects, Elizabeth Beckman/Lindsay Van Patten B) CRWD BMP Database Gustavo Castro 8:15 VI) CAC Initiatives A) Discuss the Development of CAC Orientation Packet B) Discuss basic elements of fall 2014 “Event” 8:45 VII) Project and Program Updates A) Lowertown Ballpark Update (Doneux) 8:50 VIII) CAC Observer Update 8:55 IX) Discussion A) New & Old Issues B) Identify CAC Observer future Board of Managers Meetings C) March 12 th CAC Agenda Overview D) 2014 Meeting Schedule 9:00 X) Adjourn W:\05 Citizens Advisory Committee\Agendas\2014\February 12, 2014 CAC Agenda.docx Materials Enclosed

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Page 1: CAC packet February 12, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

Citizen’s Advisory Committee

7:00 PM, Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - Capitol Region Watershed District Office


7:00 I) Welcome, Announcements and Updates – Introductions

7:05 II) Public Comment for issues not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)

7:08 III) Approval of the Agenda

7:09 IV) Approval of Minutes

Approval of the January 15, 2013 Minutes

7:10 V) District Initiatives

A) 2013 Partner Grant Program Overview and 2014 Partner Grant Projects, Elizabeth

Beckman/Lindsay Van Patten

B) CRWD BMP Database – Gustavo Castro

8:15 VI) CAC Initiatives

A) Discuss the Development of CAC Orientation Packet

B) Discuss basic elements of fall 2014 “Event”

8:45 VII) Project and Program Updates

A) Lowertown Ballpark Update (Doneux)

8:50 VIII) CAC Observer Update

8:55 IX) Discussion

A) New & Old Issues

B) Identify CAC Observer future Board of Managers Meetings

C) March 12th

CAC Agenda Overview

D) 2014 Meeting Schedule

9:00 X) Adjourn

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Page 2: CAC packet February 12, 2014


Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 – 7:00 p.m.

CAC Members Present:

Gwen Willems

Michelle Ulrich

Steve Duerre

David Arbeit

Bill Barton

Katheryn Swanson

Mike MacDonald

Pat Byrne

Members absent: Janna Caywood, w/notice

Ted McCaslin, w/notice

Michelle Ulrich, w/notice

Richard Weil, w/notice

Others Present:

Mark Doneux, CRWD

Michelle Sylvander, CRWD

Stephanie Herbst, CRWD

Britta Suppes, CRWD

Joe Bischoff, Wenck

Welcome, Announcements, and Updates

Mr. Arbeit opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with a request for any announcements.

Ms. Swanson shared that she has information about an internship/volunteer undergraduate program. Ms.

Swanson will forward this information to Administrator Doneux.

Public Comments

Mr. Duerre asked if there were any updates from the City regarding salting applications. Administrator

Doneux replied that he attended a meeting with the City to discuss winter street maintenance. After a

challenging snow fall the media quoted the City as using 800 pounds of salt per lane mile on residential

streets. The media failed to report how the city has certified training for plow truck drivers and that

experimental snow plowing blades have been installed on some of the plow trucks in addition to sensors for

detecting the temperature of the pavement.

Mr. Barton shared a flyer for a film titled Growth Busters. The film will be shown at the Gloria Dei

Lutheran Church at 700 South Snelling Avenue on Thursday, February 27th

at 7:00pm. This event is free

and co-sponsored by the Wetlands and Water Committee North Star Chapter Sierra Club.

Approval of Agenda

Mr. Arbeit asked for any additions or changes to the Agenda. There were no changes.

CAC 13-031 Motion: To approve the CAC January 15, 2014 agenda.


Unanimously approved

Approval of the December 11, 2013 CAC Minutes

Mr. Arbeit requested any changes or corrections to the minutes.

CAC 13-032 Motion: To approve the CAC December 11, 2013 CAC Minutes with one correction as noted.


Page 3: CAC packet February 12, 2014

“Our mission is to protect, manage, and improve the water resources of the Capitol Region Watershed District.”



Unanimously approved

District Initiatives

A) CRWD Administrator, Doneux introduced Joe Bischoff with Wenck Assocaites, Inc. In

early January 2013, CRWD hired Wenck Associates, Inc. to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the four

CRWD lakes water quality data collected by Ramsey County to better understand temporal, seasonal and

climatic trends and the factors driving these trends. Specifically, CRWD sought answers to several questions

for each of the lakes including: 1) Is the lake water quality data generally getting better or worse; 2) What are

the trends; and 3) What factors are driving these trends. Mr. Bischoff reviewed statistical and graphical

analysis of CRWD lake water quality data, trend analysis of selected water quality parameters, and a

qualitative assessment of potential trend drivers.

B) CRWD Water Resource Technician, Ms. Herbst reviewed a power point presentation of the

Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program. The program is an education and certification program developed

by Audubon International that seeks to minimize the potentially harmful impacts of golf course operations.

Golf courses that choose to partake in the program are held responsible to implement a plan that will address

key environmental components. Como Golf Course and Highland Golf Course are both members of the

Sanctuary Program. The golf courses are responsible for implementing a set of environmental management

practices that target six key areas: environmental planning, wildlife and habitat management, chemical use

reduction and safety, water conservation, water quality management, and outreach and education.

Documentation is required, and designation as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary is awarded by

Audubon International upon meeting environmental management standards in each area. In 2012, Capitol

Region Watershed District (CRWD) entered verbal agreements with the Highland Golf Course and the

Como Golf Course stating that CRWD would lead efforts for the golf courses’ water quality monitoring

programs. A Guide to Environmental Stewardship on the Golf Course, the official guide for the Audubon

Cooperative Sanctuary Program, describes the purpose and procedure of water quality monitoring. As

outlined in the guide, CRWD collected samples once a month for four months (June- September) that were

analyzed for physical characteristics and nutrient concentrations.

Based on the 2013 data, the parameter of greatest concern for both golf courses is total phosphorus (TP).

Total phosphorus relates to dissolved oxygen (DO) because an excessive amount of TP could lead to

eutrophication, a process in which excessive aquatic growth depletes oxygen supply. According to A Guide

to Environmental Stewardship on the Golf Course, baseline testing should be conducted four times per year

during the first two years. 2013 marks the end of the baseline testing. For future years, sampling twice a year

is considered sufficient, unless problems such as algae blooms, fish kills, or unusual wildlife behavior arise.

CAC Initiatives

A) Develop Outline of 2014 Meetings

Administrator Doneux reviewed the scheduled CAC meeting dates for 2014. Action items and items for

review/comment that were requested by the CAC members, were drafted into the calendar. The tentative

schedule of items includes:

February or March - Visit from Ellen Anderson, how to effectively communicate with the Legislature

May – Update on monitoring program

June – Site tour of CRWD projects

August – 2015 Budget review, complete a new member packet

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“Our mission is to protect, manage, and improve the water resources of the Capitol Region Watershed District.”


October - A large event with a guest speaker

December – reappoint CAC members

B) Discuss the Development of CAC Orientation Packet

Administrator Doneux asked the members of the CAC their feelings about outsourcing the orientation

packet. Additional discussion on this item has been moved to the February 12th


C) Follow up discussion from December 11th

CAC meeting

This item has been moved to the February 12th


Project and Program Updates

A) North and East Groundwater Management Area (Doneux)

Administrator Doneux attended a meeting with the DNR. The DNR is developing three groundwater pilot

programs. CRWD is located in the area where one of these pilot programs will take place. Further meetings

are scheduled with more details.

CAC Observer and Board of Managers Update

Mr. Arbeit attended the December 18th

Board of Managers meeting. Prior to the meeting a social hour was

held with staff and guests. Administrator Doneux presented a review of the 15 year history of CRWD. He

reviewed selected projects and the impact they have had on stormwater. Time was dedicated to awards

presented to staff member Bob Fossum, Board of Manager Mike Thienes for his fifteen years of service.

Family & Friends of Jerome Wagner attended for a special presentation of a memorial plaque in his honor.

Discussion –

A) New & Old Issues

There was no discussion.

B) Identify CAC Observer for January 22nd

Board of Managers Meeting and the February 5th


2014 Board of Managers Meeting

C) CAC Agenda Overview

Adjourn –

CAC 13-033 Motion: To adjourn.


Unanimously approved

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Sylvander

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Capitol Region Watershed District

Citizen Advisory Committee

2014 Agenda Plan

Updated: February 6, 2014

Pervious Parking Lot

Permit Program Update

Education Program Update

Groundwater Management Pan Update

W:\05 Citizens Advisory Committee\Agendas\2014\2014 CAC Agenda Plan 2-6-14.doc

CAC Meeting Date District Initiatives CAC Initiatives

January 15, 2014 Lakes Analysis

Audubon Certification

2014 CAC Meeting Plan

February 12, 2014

Partner Grant Review

BMP Database Review

CAC Orientation Packet

Discuss 2014 “Event”

March 12, 2014

-Stewardship Grant Program Updates

-Adopt CAC Duties and


How to Be Effective with the


April 9, 2014

Awards Program Development Election of Officers

May 14, 2014

2013 Monitoring Program CAC Orientation Packet

June 11, 2014

Tour of District Projects

July 16, 2014

2015 Work Plan Development CAC Orientation Packet

August 13, 2014

CAC Orientation Packet

September 10, 2014

October 8, 2014

November 12, 2014

December 10, 2014

2015 Reappointment


Page 6: CAC packet February 12, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

DATE: February 6, 2014

TO: CRWD Citizens Advisory Committee

FROM: Lindsay VanPatten, Education and Administrative Assistant

RE: CRWD Partner Grant Program Overview


CRWD Partner Grants support organizations who share in our mission to protect, manage and improve

water resources. Grants are awarded once a year, and typically range from $2,000 to $20,000. Partner

Grants have been awarded since 2007 to help further education and outreach goals of CRWD.


In 2013, the Board approved staff to hire a consultant to develop an Education and Outreach Strategic

Plan for 2014-2015. Staff considered the goals and initiatives of the plan to help guide the 2014 grant

review process. Members of the CAC were part of the Partner Grant Review Committee. Staff will

review results of 2013 Partner Grant projects, provide an update on projects approved for 2014 as well

as give a general update on education and outreach work from the last year.

2013 Partner Grant Recipients

# Organization Project Name 2013




1 Alliance for Sustainability Faith community organizing $20,000 $10,000

2 Ce Tempoxcalli Mother Earth Fest event $20,000 $10,000

3 Citizens League/CLNN

Citizen network

development/action project $20,000 $10,000


City of Saint Paul Public


Snow removal equipment and

training $20,000 $10,000

5 Community Design Center Conservation intern salaries $15,000 $5,000

6 Fortin Consulting

Update winter maintenance

training materials $20,000 $5,000

7 Friends of the Miss. River Stewardship program $12,000 $12,000

8 Great River Greening

Science Area Teen Network

program $10,000 $10,000


Lake McCarrons

Neighborhood Assn.

Weed harvesting, AIS education,

boat launch plumbing $20,000 $10,000

$157,000 $82,000


February 12, 2014

V. District Initiatives

A) Partner Grant Program

Overview (VanPatten)

Page 7: CAC packet February 12, 2014


2014 Partner Grant Recipients

# Organization Project name 2014




1 Asian Outdoor Heritage

Outreach to Hmong community,

events and training $8,150 $8,000

2 Ce Tempoxcalli Chalchiutlique festival

$16,539 $10,000

3 Citizens League/CLNN

Citizen organizing and leaf

cleanup $20,000 $10,000

4 Friends of the Miss. River River stewardship programming

$14,635 $6,000

5 Frogtown Green

Citizen organizing, education and

signage $13,900 $12,000

6 Harambee Elementary

Teacher training, curriculum and

events $10,826 $9,000


Lower Phalen Creek


Refurbishment of Gateway

garden, signage $12,000 $5,500

8 Metro Watershed Partners

Adopt-a-Stormdrain smartphone

app $20,000 $8,000

9 Public Art Saint Paul

Artful rain garden at Western and

Marshall $20,000 $3,000

10 Urban Roots Youth internship stipends

$12,006 $12,000

11 Wisdom Dances

Citizen organizing and cultural

event $10,000 $10,000

$224,056 $98,500

Action Requested

No Action required. For information only.

W:\05 Citizens Advisory Committee\2014 Files\CAC Memo 2014 E&O and Partner Grant Updates 2-12-14.docx

Page 8: CAC packet February 12, 2014

Our Mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District.

DATE: February 6, 2014 TO: Citizen Advisory Committee FROM: Gustavo Castro RE: Stormwater BMP Database Update


CRWD has been providing BMP cost share grants since 2003, completing capital improvement projects since 2002, and issuing permits for stormwater management practices since 2006. To date, CRWD has managed the information related to the ownership and location of these BMPs in Excel spreadsheets. To better manage this increasingly large amount of data, provide opportunities to share information with the general public, and integrate mapping capabilities with BMP inspection, function and maintenance, CRWD is exploring new technologies to obtain, file, and use this data.

Purpose and General Parameters

The main purpose of the Stormwater BMP Database is to track costs, status, inspections,maintenance, and map location of stormwater BMPs within CRWD including:

o Private/public projects permitted by CRWDo CRWD Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs)o CRWD grant projectso City of Saint Paul’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), Residential Street

Vitality Program (RSVP), and Inspiring Communities Program projects whichinvolved CRWD

The system will incorporate the following basic characteristics:

o Web-basedo Mobile data collectiono Connectivity to document, plans, and photoso Automated QA/QC of data entry/editso Sort/filter projects using different parameterso Identify/search projectso Automated creation of editable forms and letterso Address lists and mailing labelso Intuitive user interfaces for non-technical userso Capability to display information in GIS layers using a variety of basemaps

February 12, 2014

V. District Initiatives B) CRWD BMP Database


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Timing CRWD intends to have a fully function system for the 2014 construction season.
