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CA ERwin ® Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition Integration Guide r7.3

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Page 1: CA ERwin Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio … ERwin Data...The CA ERwin DM-VSTS Database Edition integration lets you use your existing data models, data modeling skills, and

CA ERwin® Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition

Integration Guide r7.3

Page 2: CA ERwin Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio … ERwin Data...The CA ERwin DM-VSTS Database Edition integration lets you use your existing data models, data modeling skills, and

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CA Product References This document references the following CA products:

■ CA ERwin® Data Modeler

■ Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals

■ Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition

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Contents 5


Chapter 1: Overview and Installation 7 How CA ERwin Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition Work Together ................................................................................ 7 Installation Considerations ..................................................................... 8 Install VSTS Database Edition and CA ERwin DM................................................. 8 Add VSTS Database Edition to an Existing Installation of CA ERwin DM ............................ 9

Chapter 2: Work with CA ERwin DM Models in VSTS Database Edition 11 Workflow Scenarios........................................................................... 12 Add a CA ERwin DM Model to a VSTS Database Edition Project................................... 13 Update a Model Already Associated With a VSTS Database Edition Project ........................ 16 Associate an Existing CA ERwin DM Model With a VSTS Database Edition Project.................. 17 Import Objects to a Model Already Associated with a Visual Studio Project........................ 18 Work With a Data Model Outside VSTS Database Edition ........................................ 18 Save a CA ERwin DM Model in VSTS Database Edition........................................... 19 Warning Message - One Model Per Project...................................................... 20

Chapter 3: Data Model and Database Project Synchronization 21 Synchronize a CA ERwin DM Model with a VSTS Database Edition Project......................... 21 Understanding Complete Compare Results ..................................................... 22 How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog .................................... 23

Resolve Differences Standard Toolbar ...................................................... 23 Resolve Differences Impact Analysis Toolbar................................................ 24 Resolve Differences - Known Differences Toolbar............................................ 25 Resolve Differences - Standard Filters Toolbar .............................................. 26 Resolve Differences Navigation Toolbar..................................................... 27

Search the Resolve Differences Dialog ......................................................... 28 Generate a Comparison Report ................................................................ 29 Work With Snapshots in the Resolve Differences Dialog ......................................... 30 Manage Model Snapshots ..................................................................... 31

Index 33

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Page 7: CA ERwin Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio … ERwin Data...The CA ERwin DM-VSTS Database Edition integration lets you use your existing data models, data modeling skills, and

Chapter 1: Overview and Installation

This section contains the following topics:

How CA ERwin Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition Work Together (see page 7) Installation Considerations (see page 8) Install VSTS Database Edition and CA ERwin DM (see page 8) Add VSTS Database Edition to an Existing Installation of CA ERwin DM (see page 9)

How CA ERwin Data Modeler and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition Work Together

CA ERwin Data Modeler (CA ERwin DM) simplifies the design, generation, and maintenance of high-quality, high-performance databases, data warehouses, and enterprise data resource models. It also enables developers and IT architects to more readily visualize the optimal structure and design of their databases and other applications based on their organization's information requirements and business rules.

Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition (VSTS Database Edition) delivers a database development product designed to manage database change, improve software quality through database testing, and bring the benefits of VSTS Database Edition and life cycle development to the database professional.

The CA ERwin DM-VSTS Database Edition integration lets you use your existing data models, data modeling skills, and data-modeling tools to streamline the data modeling and schema generation process as follows:

■ Use existing CA ERwin DM database designs to jump-start the creation of managed objects in VSTS Database Edition.

■ Use the design visualization, task automation and advanced modeling features of CA ERwin DM to fine-tune schemas.

■ Reuse data models across the IT environment.

Chapter 1: Overview and Installation 7

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Installation Considerations

Installation Considerations You must have a copy of Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition installed to enable the CA ERwin DM-VSTS Database Edition integration.

Both the CA ERwin DM and VSTS Database Edition products must be installed on the same PC to use the integration features. To simplify the installation process, install the VSTS Database Edition software (including the Power Tools) first, and then install CA ERwin DM.

However, if you install CA ERwin DM first, you can modify the CA ERwin DM installation later, after you install the VSTS Database Edition components.

See the following installation procedures to review both cases.

Install VSTS Database Edition and CA ERwin DM This procedure describes the simplest approach for installing the products and establishing the integration. You first install the VSTS Database Edition software, then install CA ERwin DM. If you are using downloaded software rather than an installation CD, click the setup file to begin the installation.

Note: Before you begin the installation, close all open applications, including VSTS Database Edition and CA ERwin DM.

To install VSTS Database Edition and CA ERwin DM

1. Insert the installation CD for VSTS Database Edition in the CD Drive.

The VSTS Database Edition installation wizard opens, and provides prompts to complete the setup process.

2. Insert the CA ERwin DM installation CD in the CD Drive.

The CA ERwin DM installation wizard opens.

3. Follow the instructions provided by the installation wizard. On the Setup screen you can review the program features that will be installed. All features are selected by default.

Click Next and follow the remaining prompts to begin the installation.

4. On the final install screen, select the option to link to the download site for the Visual Studio Power Tools. Click Finish.

Your default internet browser opens with a link to run the Visual Studio Power Tools Setup Wizard.

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Add VSTS Database Edition to an Existing Installation of CA ERwin DM

Add VSTS Database Edition to an Existing Installation of CA ERwin DM

If you installed CA ERwin DM before VSTS Database Edition, you need to modify your CA ERwin DM environment to install the integration components. This procedure describes how to modify an existing installation of CA ERwin DM to add the VSTS Database Edition integration.

To modify an existing installation of CA ERwin DM

1. On a PC that has an installation of CA ERwin DM r7.2 or later, insert the installation CD for VSTS Database Edition in the CD Drive.

The VSTS Database Edition installation wizard opens, and provides prompts to complete the setup process.

2. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and double-click Add or Remove Programs.

The Windows Add or Remove Programs dialog opens.

3. Select CA ERwin Data Modeler from the list of currently installed programs and click Change.

The CA ERwin DM installation wizard opens.

4. Click Next.

The Program Maintenance screen opens.

5. Select Modify, then click Next.

The Setup pane opens.

Chapter 1: Overview and Installation 9

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Add VSTS Database Edition to an Existing Installation of CA ERwin DM

10 Integration Guide

6. Expand the tree under the ERwin Data Modeler option and select the option to install VSDB for VS 2008.

Click Next.

You are prompted to begin the installation.

7. Click Install.

The installation runs and the final install screen displays.

8. Select the option to link to the download site for the Visual Studio Power Tools. Click Finish.

Your default internet browser opens with a link to run the Visual Studio Power Tools Setup Wizard.

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Chapter 2: Work with CA ERwin DM Models in VSTS Database Edition

This section contains the following topics:

Workflow Scenarios (see page 12) Add a CA ERwin DM Model to a VSTS Database Edition Project (see page 13) Update a Model Already Associated With a VSTS Database Edition Project (see page 16) Associate an Existing CA ERwin DM Model With a VSTS Database Edition Project (see page 17) Import Objects to a Model Already Associated with a Visual Studio Project (see page 18) Work With a Data Model Outside VSTS Database Edition (see page 18) Save a CA ERwin DM Model in VSTS Database Edition (see page 19) Warning Message - One Model Per Project (see page 20)

Chapter 2: Work with CA ERwin DM Models in VSTS Database Edition 11

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Workflow Scenarios

Workflow Scenarios Your work may take place primarily in VSTS Database Edition, or in CA ERwin DM. Four typical workflow scenarios exist for integrating VSTS Database Edition schemas and CA ERwin DM data models:

Add a CA ERwin Data Model to a VSTS Database Edition project

This is the most common workflow, and the one recommended for ease of use. You have an existing VSTS Database Edition project to which you want to add a CA ERwin DM data model. Your work begins in VSTS Database Edition, you add a data model to the project, and then use the integrated CA ERwin DM features to create, modify, and save a data model with the VSTS Database Edition project.

Update a data model already associated with a VSTS Database Edition project

After you add a CA ERwin DM model to the VSTS Database Edition project, you can edit the project using CA ERwin DM. Your changes to the data model are automatically synchronized with the VSTS Database Edition schema when you save and close the model. In addition, any independent changes made to the VSTS Database Edition project are copied to the CA ERwin DM model the next time you open it.

Associate an existing CA ERwin Data Model with a VSTS Database Edition project

When you have an existing CA ERwin Data Modeler model that you want to associate with a VSTS Database Edition project, you can use the Complete Compare features in CA ERwin Data Modeler to import objects and properties into a new model you create in VSTS Database Edition.

Import Objects to a Model Already Associated with a Visual Studio Project

You can import objects to your model already associated with a VSTS Database Edition project using VSTS Database Edition or CA ERwin Data Modeler. You can import objects to your model using the existing features of CA ERwin Data Modeler.

Work with a data model outside VSTS Database Edition

You can work on a data model in CA ERwin DM that has been integrated with a VSTS Database Edition project. You do this by opening the model in a standalone copy of CA ERwin DM. You can save your changes and synchronize them with the VSTS Database Edition project the next time you open VSTS Database Edition.

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Add a CA ERwin DM Model to a VSTS Database Edition Project

Add a CA ERwin DM Model to a VSTS Database Edition Project

As you work with a schema in VSTS Database Edition, you can add a CA ERwin DM model to visualize and manage the schema. Before you add the model, be sure your VSTS Database Edition project is free of error messages or warnings.

To add a CA ERwin DM model to a VSTS Database Edition project

1. Start VSTS Database Edition and open or create a database project. Click Add ERwin DM Model on the Project menu.

The Interaction Status dialog displays as you connect to CA ERwin DM.

Chapter 2: Work with CA ERwin DM Models in VSTS Database Edition 13

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Add a CA ERwin DM Model to a VSTS Database Edition Project

Then the New VSDB Model - Select Template dialog opens.

2. Change or accept the following options for the new model:

Model Type

Select Physical or Logical/Physical. A Physical model contains only the physical model objects from the script. A Logical/Physical model includes both the physical objects, and the logical representation of those objects in a combined model. The default is Physical.


Select a blank template or a custom template from the Templates list.

Click OK.

The schema objects from your VSTS Database Edition project are imported into a new data model.

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Add a CA ERwin DM Model to a VSTS Database Edition Project

If parsing errors or messages are encountered, the Reverse Engineer From Script dialog opens. The following options are available in the Reverse Engineer From Script dialog:

Script Name (read-only)

Displays the full path and name of the script you reverse engineered. The default is the name and full path of the open database in VSTS Database Edition.


Saves the messages generated during the reverse engineer. You are prompted to enter a file name and location.


Displays additional information related to a failed transaction. For long messages, use the Details feature to display complete information for a selected advisory message.

Click Close.

The Reverse Engineer From Script dialog closes and you return to the main CA ERwin DM workplace.

Use the full suite of features in CA ERwin DM, such as design layers, naming standards, reverse engineering, forward engineering, and reporting to modify your model.

Chapter 2: Work with CA ERwin DM Models in VSTS Database Edition 15

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Update a Model Already Associated With a VSTS Database Edition Project

Update a Model Already Associated With a VSTS Database Edition Project

After you add a CA ERwin DM model to a VSTS Database Edition project, the model and project are linked. This simplifies synchronization when you next open the model or project, and also prevents you from adding more than one model to a project. This procedure documents the typical synchronization scenario you encounter when you open your model after revising your VSTS Database Edition project. You can either automatically update the model, or use the CA ERwin DM Resolve Differences dialog to review and resolve differences to complete the synchronization.

To update a model already associated with a VSTS Database Edition project

1. Start VSTS Database Edition and open a database project. Click Edit in ERwin DM on the Data menu.

VSTS Database Edition detects that a model is already associated with the project and displays the Interaction Status dialog.

Note: If differences are detected between the project and model, the following message displays: "Do you want ERwin DM to automatically update the ERwin model based on changes made to the Visual Studio Database project?"

2. Click Yes to update the model without reviewing the changes (recommended).

Click No to open the Resolve Differences dialog. Resolve all differences to correctly synchronize the model and project. Work with features in the Resolve Differences dialog to review rows that are not equal. Objects and properties from your CA ERwin DM model display in the left column, and those from the VSTS Database Edition Project appear in the right column. Use the icons and display filters to resolve all differences.

After all differences are resolved, the Object View pane appears empty.

Click Finish.

Important! You are required to reconcile all differences before you click Finish. If you click Cancel in the Resolve Differences dialog before you reconcile all differences, the Resolve Differences dialog closes, and the interaction between CA ERwin DM and VSTS Database Edition is broken.

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Associate an Existing CA ERwin DM Model With a VSTS Database Edition Project

Associate an Existing CA ERwin DM Model With a VSTS Database Edition Project

You may have an existing CA ERwin Data Modeler model you want to associate with a VSTS Database Edition project. You can use Complete Compare features in CA ERwin Data Modeler to import objects and properties from an existing model into the new CA ERwin Data Modeler model you create from within a VSTS Database Edition project.

The process consists of the following steps:

1. Open your project in VSTS Database Edition.

2. Add a new CA ERwin Data Modeler model.

3. In CA ERwin Data Modeler, use Complete Compare to locate the existing CA ERwin Data Modeler model you want to associate with the VSTS Database Edition project.

4. Use the import feature in Complete Compare to import objects and properties into the model you created from VSTS Database Edition.

5. Save and Close the model in CA ERwin Data Modeler.

Your changes are synchronized with the project in VSTS Database Edition.

Chapter 2: Work with CA ERwin DM Models in VSTS Database Edition 17

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Import Objects to a Model Already Associated with a Visual Studio Project

Import Objects to a Model Already Associated with a Visual Studio Project

You can import objects to your model already associated with a VSTS Database Edition project using VSTS Database Edition or CA ERwin Data Modeler. You can import objects to your model using the following features of CA ERwin Data Modeler:

■ Complete Compare

■ Add Model Source

■ Link Model Source

■ Metadata Integration Bridges/Import

As you work in CA ERwin DM, use the online help to learn about these modeling features. A CA ERwin Data Modeler Integration Guide is provided in PDF format and is installed to the \Program Files\CA\ERwin Data Modeler\Doc\ folder on the PC where you installed CA ERwin DM.

After you import model objects to your ERwin model, your changes to the data model are automatically synchronized with the VSTS Database Edition schema the next time you open the Visual Studio project.

Work With a Data Model Outside VSTS Database Edition You can work with a standalone data model you already associated with a VSTS Database Edition project. For example, you can work with CA ERwin DM modeling features, such as design layers and naming standards without opening the VSTS Database Edition project.

To work with a standalone data model, do the following:

■ Start CA ERwin DM from the Start menu or from the icon on your desktop.

■ Open the data model you already associated with a VSTS Database Edition project. By default, the data model resides in the same folder as the database project.

■ Use modeling features to modify the data model.

■ Save your changes to the local copy of the data model.

The next time you launch CA ERwin DM from within VSTS Database Edition, your changes are detected and you are prompted to review and synchronize the differences.

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Save a CA ERwin DM Model in VSTS Database Edition

Save a CA ERwin DM Model in VSTS Database Edition When you add a CA ERwin DM model to a VSTS Database Edition project, a default model name is automatically created in the folder where your VSTS Database Edition database resides. For example, if you work with Database1 in the C:\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Database1 folder, then add a model, the default model name is Database1.erwin.

To save a CA ERwin DM model in VSTS Database Edition

1. Click the Save icon on the main toolbar in CA ERwin DM.

Your changes are saved to the CA ERwin DM model. While CA ERwin DM and VSTS Database Edition are connected, you can continue to revise and save your model in CA ERwin DM as you work. It is important to know that the changes are only saved on the CA ERwin DM side, and are not automatically synchronized with VSTS Database Edition until you close the model.

2. Click Exit on the File menu.

The Close Model dialog opens.

Important: Be sure to select the option to save your model on the Close dialog, or the model closes without saving the changes to the VSTS Database Edition project.

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Warning Message - One Model Per Project

20 Integration Guide

3. Click OK.

The model closes, a permanent association with the VSTS Database Edition project is established for the model, the synchronization with VSTS Database Edition completes, and the connection closes.

Note: The model name is also added as an object in the Solution Explorer for your project in VSTS Database Edition.

Important! For future synchronization to be successful, do not move the CA ERwin DM model from its default location in the folder with the VSTS Database Edition project. If you move or rename the CA ERwin DM model, VSTS Database Edition will create a new model the next time you invoke the synchronization feature within VSTS Database Edition, and your originally synchronized model will not be used.

Warning Message - One Model Per Project You can only associate one CA ERwin DM model per VSTS Database Edition project. You can add a model in any of the following ways:

■ Click Add ERwin DM Model in VSTS Database Edition on the Project menu

■ Click Edit in CA ERwin DM on the Data menu

■ Right-click an object in the Solution Explorer, then click Add, ERwin DM Model in the submenu

If VSTS Database Edition detects that a model already exists in the project, the following warning message displays and you are prompted to open the model already associated with the project:

Click Yes to complete the interaction process and open the model.

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Chapter 3: Data Model and Database Project Synchronization

This section contains the following topics:

Synchronize a CA ERwin DM Model with a VSTS Database Edition Project (see page 21) Understanding Complete Compare Results (see page 22) How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog (see page 23) Search the Resolve Differences Dialog (see page 28) Generate a Comparison Report (see page 29) Work With Snapshots in the Resolve Differences Dialog (see page 30) Manage Model Snapshots (see page 31)

Synchronize a CA ERwin DM Model with a VSTS Database Edition Project

When you add a data model to a VSTS Database Edition project, all of the schema objects are automatically imported to the data model. After you make changes to either the data model or the VSTS Database Edition project, your changes are synchronized when you save the model or the schema.

However, there are times when you are required to manually synchronize the data model and the schema, such as when you modify the data model outside of VSTS Database Edition.

When synchronization is required, the (Complete Compare) Resolve Differences dialog opens, allowing you to review the differences and synchronize the model and schema.

Chapter 3: Data Model and Database Project Synchronization 21

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Understanding Complete Compare Results

Understanding Complete Compare Results After processing your models, the Resolve Differences dialog opens. You can quickly review differences displayed in the Object View.

The Standard Filters toolbar affects the display in the Object View. By default, the options to show rows that are not equal and not aligned are selected.

Items (rows) that are the same (equal) are not displayed by default, since this would add unnecessary information to the comparison table. Items that are resolved (on which a compare action has been performed) also do not display. When you resolve a difference, that row also disappears from the display.

You can include both of these display options, equal and resolved, when you click the relevant icon on the Standard Filters toolbar.

Differences are easy to see in the Object View because they are marked with one or more identifying icons.

A column displays between the model object label and the object list for the

left model in the Object View table. Rows that are not equal display the icon in this column.

Each model also includes columns that list the model objects. For rows that are not equal, and for which an object appears in one model but not the other,

the missing object is identified with a cell marked with cross-hatches .

When you select a row in the Object View, the Property View is automatically populated. Although the rows in the Property View may be read-only (the synchronization action must be performed in the Object View pane), you can use the Property View to display details about the properties of the objects that do not match.

You synchronize the models simply by moving objects from one model to the

other, using the copy icons.

When the models are synchronized, the comparison rows (using the default standard display filters described above) appear empty.

To save your synchronization changes, click Finish. Your changes have been made in real-time, and both the model and the project are updated.

22 Integration Guide

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How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog

How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog The toolbars in the Resolve Differences dialog give you quick access to all the compare features. When you select a row in the Object or Property View area, the relevant toolbar options become active.

Resolve Differences Standard Toolbar

The following lists the buttons that you can use in the Resolve Differences Standard toolbar and describes the purpose for each button.

Copy item to the left

Moves any items that do not match, from the right model to the left model.

Copy item to the right

Moves any items that do not match, from the left model to the right model.

Match two items

Matches two items. Use this feature to override automatic matching. You first select an object, click the match icon, then click an object or property with which to match the first object. The items then appear on the same line in the Object View.

Unmatch two items

Unmatches any items that have been matched.


Undoes the last operation.


Redoes a previous undo operation.

Show Report

Opens the Report Dialog to generate a report of the differences between the left and right models.


Opens online help for the Resolve Differences dialog.

Chapter 3: Data Model and Database Project Synchronization 23

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How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog

Resolve Differences Impact Analysis Toolbar

The Resolve Differences Impact Analysis and Reporting Toolbar includes shortcuts to the following options:

Action Log

Displays a read-only version of the Action Log. The two-pane window tracks the actions made in the Resolve Differences dialog. You can use the Find feature to search through long lists of transactions. Click the report icon to open the Data Browser and create a report on the change differences.

Message Log

Displays advisory messages in the Message Log dialog if you encounter these messages as you work in the Resolve Differences dialog.

Left Alter Script/Schema Generation

Generates an alter script for the model in the left pane for a compare session that includes a database or script file. The Schema Generation Alter Script dialog opens, which guides you through the alter script generation.

Note: Schema generation is not available when you resolve differences between a VSTS Database Edition project and a CA ERwin DM model.

Right Alter Script/Schema Generation

Generates an alter script for the model in the right pane for a compare session that includes a database or script file. The Schema Generation Alter Script dialog opens, which guides you through the alter script generation.

Note: Schema generation is not available when you resolve differences between a VSTS Database Edition project and a CA ERwin DM model.

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How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog

Resolve Differences - Known Differences Toolbar

Use features on the Known Differences toolbar to mark known differences and work with snapshots. The Known Differences toolbar includes shortcuts to the following options:

Save Known Differences Into a Snapshot

Save known differences as a snapshot. The Save Snapshot dialog opens, where you can set options for saving the snapshot.

Load Known Differences From a Snapshot

Load a saved snapshot to your current Resolve Differences session. The Load Snapshot dialog opens, where you can select the snapshot you want to load.

Mark/Unmark a Row as a Known Difference

When you select a row, and then click Mark Known Difference, you hide the selected rows in the Resolve Differences display.

Click a row, or press Crtl+click to select multiple rows, then click the Mark Known Difference icon. You can save marked rows as a snapshot when you click Save Snapshot after you mark known differences.

Show Known Difference Items

Click this button to display known differences you hid using the Mark Known Differences option. This option is disabled when a snapshot is not active, or you have not marked rows as a known difference.

Show Differences that have changed since the last loaded Snapshot

If you loaded a snapshot, you can click this button to display the rows (either the left or the right) for which the property value has changed since the snapshot was saved.

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How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog

Resolve Differences - Standard Filters Toolbar

The standard filter buttons allow you to change the display of differences in order to refine the compare process. You can select any combination of filters. To show only the differences between the models, cancel the selection for the "Show Equal" and "Show Resolved Items" buttons and select the three remaining buttons.

Show Equal Items

Indicates that you want to display objects and properties that are the same in both models.

Show Resolved Items

Indicates that you want to display property and object rows that were resolved into equal rows during your Resolve Differences session. When you click this icon, the rows are marked with the change indicator color and the change indicator symbol in the status column.

Show Not Equal

Indicates that you want to display all of the differences between the objects and properties in both models. This filter is selected by default when the Resolve Differences dialog opens.

Show Unaligned Objects on the Right

Indicates that you want to display objects that do not exist in the right model, but are present in the left model. This filter does not affect property rows. This filter is selected by default when the Resolve Differences dialog opens.

Show Unaligned Objects on the Left

Indicates that you want to display objects that do not exist in the left model, but are present in the right model. This filter does not affect property rows. This filter is selected by default when the Resolve Differences dialog opens.

26 Integration Guide

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How Icons Identify Actions in the Resolve Differences Dialog

Resolve Differences Navigation Toolbar

The following lists the buttons that you can use in the Resolve Differences Navigation toolbar and describes the purpose for each button.

Go to Previous Difference

Highlights the previous object or property difference.

Go to Next Difference

Highlights the next object or property difference.

Find an Item

Searches for an object or property.

Find Next Item

Searches again, using the search parameters already established.

Expand all

Expands the lowest branch of the comparison tree.

Collapse all

Collapses the deepest level of the comparison tree.

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Search the Resolve Differences Dialog

Search the Resolve Differences Dialog Use the Find dialog to find text strings in the Complete Compare Resolve Differences dialog.

To search the Resolve Differences dialog

1. Click the Find icon on the Navigation Toolbar of the Resolve Differences Dialog

The Find dialog opens.

2. Select from the following search options:

Find What

Indicates the text string that you want to locate. Click the drop-down arrow to find a text string you searched previously

Find Next

Searches for the next occurrence of the text string.

Match Case

Indicates that you want the search to be case-sensitive (for example, CREATE does not find Create). By default, this check box is cleared, so that default searches are not case-sensitive.

Match whole cell

Indicates that you want to search against the text string in each cell of the Resolve Differences display and only return identical matches. By default this check box is cleared, so that string fragments return a match.

Expand Hidden Branches

Indicates that you want the search to include all branches of a tree, including hidden branches. When you clear this check box you limit your search to only those branches that are expanded in the display. This check box is selected by default.

Search Up

Indicates that you want to search for the text from the bottom up. The default is to search from the top down.

Deep Search

Indicates that you want to search all rows in the Resolve Differences display. When you select this check box you override the Expand Hidden Branches search option, which is then dimmed.


Indicates that you want to search for changes of a specific type.

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Generate a Comparison Report

Left model

Indicates that you want to include the left model in the search.

Right model

Indicates that you want to include the right model in the search.

3. Click Find Next.

The first occurrence that matches the criteria you specified is selected.

Generate a Comparison Report As you work in the Resolve Differences dialog you can create a report that provides a snapshot of the compare tree.

To generate a comparison report

1. Click the Show Report icon on the Standard Toolbar of the Resolve Differences dialog.

The Report dialog opens.

2. Choose one of the following formats in which to display the report:

■ Default Internet Browser (*.HTML)

■ Microsoft Word Document (*.doc)

■ Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls)

Click OK.

Your report is generated and displays in the chosen format.

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Work With Snapshots in the Resolve Differences Dialog

Work With Snapshots in the Resolve Differences Dialog While you work in the Complete Compare Resolve Differences dialog, you can mark a row as a "known difference" and save your selections as a snapshot. When you mark a row as a known difference, you remove it from the list of differences displayed in the Resolve Differences dialog, effectively filtering it out of the compare scenario.

Before you can save a snapshot of known differences, you first select the rows

you want to include in the snapshot, then click the Mark Known Difference icon. When you mark a row as a known difference the row and all dependent rows disappear from the display.

You can click the Save Snapshot icon to name and save the list of known differences you selected.

You can load a saved snapshot to refresh the Resolve Differences display with

the list of known differences you saved. Click the Load Snapshot icon to apply the snapshot to your current compare session.

30 Integration Guide

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Manage Model Snapshots

Chapter 3: Data Model and Database Project Synchronization 31

Manage Model Snapshots You use features in the Manage Model Snapshots dialog to work with snapshots you created during a Complete Compare session.

Note: Since a snapshot is saved with the model, open the model that contains the snapshot before you begin this procedure.

To manage model snapshots

1. Click Complete Compare, Snapshot on the Tools menu.

The Manage Model Snapshots dialog opens.

2. In the Name list, select a snapshot with which you want to work.

The dialog is populated with information from the saved snapshot. The following features appear in the dialog:


Deletes the selected snapshot.

Left Model/Right Model

Displays the path (read-only) for the model with which the snapshot is saved.


Displays the description of the snapshot. Use the tools above the text entry area to cut, copy, paste, or edit text.

3. Click OK.

Your changes are saved and the dialog closes.

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Index 33


I installation

modify an installation • 9 new installation • 8

integration concepts add a CA ERwin DM model in VSTS

Database Edition • 13 save a CA ERwin DM model in VSTS

Database Edition • 19 update a model already associated with a

VSTS Database Edition project • 16 work with a standalone model • 18

S snapshots

in the resolve differences dialog • 30 manage snapshots • 31

synchronizing a data model and database project • 21 generate a comparison report • 29 impact analysis toolbar • 24 known differences toolbar • 25 navigation toolbar • 27 resolve differences dialog • 22 search the resolve differences dialog • 28 standard filters toolbar • 26 standard toolbar icons • 23

W workflow scenarios • 12