
中中中 By: Brian David, Mark Tunrquist, and Wayne Chen

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Post on 07-Nov-2015




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By: Brian David, Mark Tunrquist, and Wayne ChenOriginsDuring Ancient China, the worshipping of the moon began with the emperors, which eventually grew in popularity. A folk story about Houyi the archer and his wife Change was made-Because of Hou yi, both him and Change were sent to Earth as mortals for shooting down 9 out of ten sons and removed their immortality. Longing for it once again, he sent out to get an elixir to return to heaven and restore their immortality. Change accidentally drinks all of it, unaware of the consequences of drinking it whole, and floated up to the moon. Once people heard this, they began to pray for Change in which led to the worshipping of the moon.

Lunar Year Date: The fifteenth day of the Eighth month.

Solar date: Various dates; usually around September.

Customs/Traditions/TaboosThis time of year is an occasion where families have reunions. Where they eat moon cake and watch the moon. The moon cake is cut into pieces according to how many people there are. Children make lanterns that float in the river. Men go to the hills and shoot finches. Young women go to lakes and ponds to catch fish. Grandmas pound rice and cook various sizes of food. Once the moon rises over the mountain they fire shotguns to honor Yan Jian the hero. All family members will sit around the little square table and taste food. They wouldnt have enjoyed themselves until they are full to the max. These are some things the Dai Ethnic people.

Modern Day EvolutionPast

Appreciating the MoonPresent

Also appreciate moon. After having dinner they would talk about work, future plans, and also about their children and how they are. Might go to a park to see decorations.

StoriesChang e and Hou Yi:There were 10 suns in the sky, which killed a lot of people, crops and plants. One day a hero named Hou Yi shot down nine of the 10 suns. The queen of heaven gave Hou Yi the elixir of immortality. Hou Yi didnt want to be immortal so he could stay with his wife Change. One day, a disciple of Hou Yi tried to steal the elixir, Change drank the elixir so the corrupt disciple wouldnt have it. Change is now at the moon and people pray to her for fortune and safety. During the Mid Autumn festival people send her lots of foods.

Jade Rabbit:Three immortals reincarnated themselves into mortals and begged three animals for food. The fox and monkey gave them both food but the rabbit didnt have food so the rabbit said they could eat him. The immortals were so moved by the rabbit that they sent the rabbit to the moon to become an immortal jade rabbit. Ever since, the Jade Rabbit stayed with Chang e at the moon to pound medicine for the immortals.

Cultural SignificanceImportance: The Mid Autumn Festival is important because its a time for families to get together and eat food and celebrate. Considered the second most important holiday.Culture: It affected the way the Chinese people view the moon. Chinese people always gaze at the moon during the Mid Autumn festival. The people ate moon cakes during the festival. It has been celebrated since the early dynasties and even in many other countries in Asia.

Why is the Mid-Autumn Festival Important?

What are some of cultural customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival?

What is the Lunar year date of 1. its a time for families to get together and eat food and celebrate. Considered the second most important holiday.2. Children make lanterns that float in the river.3. The fifteenth day of the Eighth month. The End




Bibliography (http://soundofhope.org/news_images/2013/9/9/zhongqiu_festival.jpghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1QKi1H9IEMdpX1PxkeZZByv3FhDvrvA3fdzVNgu3Kf3JDjjLK http://www.5068.com/uploads/allimg/140812/26_140812181346_1.jpghttp://pic.pimg.tw/midogcat/1410096185-1972553235.jpghttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10689801_856989574311469_1128775041612088587_n.jpg?oh=5d981f533c965fe0dfdec9d34dbdd308&oe=54975D6C&__gda__=1418938589_7a292474abc813eb432a6ae4826feb4ahttp://b.zol-img.com.cn/desk/bizhi/image/3/960x600/1379469719654.jpghttp://b.zol-img.com.cn/desk/bizhi/image/3/960x600/1379469742488.jpghttp://www.33lc.com/soft/UploadPic/2012-9/20129281562153973.jpghttp://img5.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=134638415,233120574&fm=23&gp=0.jpghttp://b.zol-img.com.cn/desk/bizhi/image/3/960x600/1379469725201.jpghttp://img.ivsky.com/img/bizhi/t/201408/08/zhongqiujie.jpghttp://img.bizhi.sogou.com/images/2013/09/13/385147.jpghttp://www.bz55.com/uploads/allimg/140823/138-140R3110943-50.jpghttp://www.aliexpress.com/popular/river-lanterns.htmlhttp://www.thewackyduo.com/2013/09/mid-autumn-festival-2013-in-singapore.htmlhttp://www.10wallpaper.com/down/Chang-e_flies_to_the_moon-_Mid-Autumn_Festival_special_edition_wallpaper_05_1920x1080_wallpaper.html

http://www.slashgear.com/chinas-change-3-lander-and-jade-rabbit-rover-land-on-moon-14308846/http://patchedpillow.blogspot.com/2013/12/a-chinese-white-rabbit.htmlhttp://patchedpillow.blogspot.com/2013/12/a-chinese-white-rabbit.html http://bigsistergang.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-mooncake-festival-d.htmlhttp://www.followmefoodie.com/2012/10/mid-autumn-festival-moon-festival-in-hong-kong/http://blog.xuite.net/charles.weic/wretch/179329055-%E4%B8%AD%E7%A7%8B%E7%AF%80%E5%BF%AB%E6%A8%82+~~+%26+%E5%81%9C%E8%AA%B2%E9%80%9A%E7%9F%A5

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