c20 workshop

Getting Started With Community Kellie Parker, SEGA Connie Bensen, Techrigy Dave Peck, LSF Corp Community 2.0 Conference Workshop May 11, 2009

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Community 2.0 Workshop


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Getting Started With Community

Kellie Parker, SEGAConnie Bensen, Techrigy

Dave Peck, LSF Corp

Community 2.0 Conference WorkshopMay 11, 2009

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Kellie Parker Twitter: @kellieparker Email: [email protected]

Connie Bensen Twitter: @cbensen Email: [email protected]

Dave Peck Twitter: @davepeck Email: [email protected]

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Morning Agenda

9:00 AM – Welcome and Introductions

9:15 AM – Overview of the Day

9:30 AM – Types of Communities (Dave)

10:00 AM – To Join or To Build? (Kellie)

10:30 AM – Break

10:45 AM – Community Mgr’s Toolbox (Kellie)

11:30 AM – Metrics & ROI (Connie)

12:15 PM – Questions

12:30 PM -- Lunch

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Afternoon Agenda

1:30 PM – Community Culture (Kellie) 2:45 PM – Break 3:00 PM – Internal Matters (Connie) 3:45 PM – Questions 4:00 PM – End of Day

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Types of Communities

Dave Peck

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Typical Online Communities

Brand Loyalty (B2C) The brand/product is the focus of content Community is owned/managed by company.

Shop Talk (Communities of Practice) Focus on exchange of information around a topic How do I…” and “Where do I…” questions

Professional Collaboration & Learning (B2B) Very controlled private space for collaboration Usually internal or subscription-based

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B2B & B2C and Traffic Driving

B2C Target general public SEO, blogger outreach, & advertising drives traffic Accept and celebrate all who join

B2B Target highly defined memberships Invitations and WOM drive traffic Clear membership guidelines Membership acceptance criteria

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Community is at the Center

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Figuring Out Your Goals

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Some Typical Goals

Break down geographical barriers globally Connect people in different ways via interaction

Allow detailed & sustained conversations Deepen members’ relationship with the brand

Offer interactive access Relevant content & tools are a must for success

Build trusted relationships Provide better communication for members

Generate revenue or business returns (ROI) While ultimately serving member needs

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Accomplishing Your Goals

Integrate Interaction How do you interact online in a way that serves both the

company’s & the members’ needs? Expectations are changing. People no longer want to be

passive recipients of information

The Real World & Trust Need transparency and evangelism Your community manager must be visible

Be clear about your goals before starting a community

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B2B vs. B2C Needs & Traits

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Typical Needs & Traits

Consumer Communities Large numbers Users share an experience Focus on low-touch

services Forums, ratings, self-serve

offerings Quick to scale, users have

weak ties Business model: scale =

financial success

Enterprise Communities Number can vary Members shape purpose Focus on higher touch

services Specific membership

offering Slow to scale, users have

deeper ties Shared mission Business model: hybrid

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Join or Build?

Kellie Parker

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The Question Feels Like This

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… But Is More Like This

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Before You Start a Community

What is already happening on the web around your brand or product? Look at Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr,

Twitter, Websites, Forums, and others

If brand/product evangelists exist, equip them If they don’t exist, build them

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Social Media and Community

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Break Time!

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The Community Manager’s Toolbox

Kellie Parker

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There Are Lots of Options

… and many more!

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It May Feel Like a Jumble…

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The Key: Get a Strategy & Stick to It

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The Community Toolbox

Don’t use a wrench if you need a hammer Use each tool to its best advantage Know your available tools Know what each tool is good for Figure out what tools you need Select the toolbox (vendor) with those tools Select a vendor whose people you like & trust

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Meet the Tools

Forums Chat Blogs Wiki Groups Facebook Twitter And many more…

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Good For: User-to-user support Open discussions Putting users in control

of discussion Light participation from

company reps

Not Good For: Press releases Collaboration on a

central item Real-time Q&A

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Good For: Real-time Q&A Customer Service Special Occasions (ask

the expert, etc) Real-time events

(watching an event together on TV)

Not Good For: Big conversations Collaboration on a

central item

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Good For: Composed thoughts Explaining things Sharing web links and

media Keeping customers


Not Good For: User-to-user interaction Collaboration on a

central item Real-time discussion

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Good For: User collaboration on a

central item Knowledge Sharing How-To documents

Not Good For: User-to-user interaction Opinion pieces Real-time discussion

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Good For: User segmentation Loyalty Niche interest sharing

Can contain many of the other tools within the group structure

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Good For: Loyalty (“fan of”) Information updates Asset spreading Light user interaction Bringing people to your

site or community

Not Good For: Heavy user interaction Real-time discussion Community home

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Good For: Short updates Quick sharing of info Light user interaction Bringing people to your

site or community

Not Good For: Heavy user interaction Long bits of content Community home

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… and more

Photo galleries Video galleries Status updates Comments Favorites YouTube Flickr MySpace

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Buy vs. Build

Building may seem tempting Don’t re-invent the wheel Think about future updates and maintenance Tools are only half the battle

In most cases, buying is better than building

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Determine who your users are, what they need/want to do when they get there

Find a platform with tools and options that best fit your needs

Determine your technical needs and resources Start small, build for future growth After launch, re-evaluate as your community


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Metrics & ROI

Connie Bensen

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Metrics & Measurement

Step 1: Identify Business Objectives Step 2: Decide on Priorities Step 3: Choose What to Measure & Tools

Quantitative Qualitative

Step 4: Benchmark Step 5: Identifying Trends & Reporting

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Business objectives

Generate more word of mouth Increase customer loyalty Bring outside ideas into organization Increase product/brand awareness Improve new product success ratios Improve public relations effectiveness Reduce customer acquisition costs Reduce customer support costs Reduce market research costs Reduce product development costs

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Monthly Reporting

Use a template including the following :

Ongoing review of goal accomplishment Quantitative + Web analytics, Social Media analytics Qualitative Quotes – Use for marketing Benchmark based on previous report Report on Trends Recommendations

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Activity on site Number of visitors & repeat visitors Number of registered users versus active Frequency of posting & number of comments Types of searches

Number & type of content created Number of relationships created Usage of features Number of subscriptions via email & rss Increase in SEO rank

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Web Traffic Google



Social WebTechrigy SM2

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Gather testimonials Marketing use Product development & use cases Identify brand advocates Appreciation for customer service

Document link to source for follow-up

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Identifying Trends

Ongoing Note & report customer requests needing immediate assistance Identify topics requiring FAQ’s or blog posts

Monthly Marketing /Public Relations Feedback on connection of messaging Identify sites for potential partnerships Report on time periods of high traffic Feedback on brand sentiment

Executive/Management Overview of brand sentiment & competitive analysis Offer insight/suggestions on future trends & key industry topics

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Social Media Monitoring Tools

Blogs Google Alerts, Yahoo Alerts

Comments Backtype

Message Boards Board Reader, BoardTracker

Twitter TweetBeep, TwitterSearch

Social Bookmarking StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Delicious

Social Media Search Engine

SocialMention, Serph, Keotag

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Social Media Monitoring Tools

Multimedia Search YouTube, Flickr

Custom Feed Social Media Firehose, Yahoo Pipes

Professional Tools Trackur, Techrigy SM2, Radian6, Visible Technologies

Website Traffic Google Analytics, Quantcast, Alexa, Compete

Blog Traffic & Backlinks

Technorati, Wordpress

Overview Xinu

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Building Brand in Networks

LinkedIn Groups Facebook Groups PostRank FriendFeed Twitter Identica, Plurk Ning Communities

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Community Culture

Kellie Parker

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Culture Defined

The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

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Community Forms Culture

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Linked In

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I Can Has Cheezburger

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Survivor Sucks

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Rules & Standards

Every community needs them Should be in plain “layman” language Should clearly state what is and is not ok Should be tailored to your community All users should agree at registration Moderators should use them as a guide Look at other sites’ rules to get started Refine over time

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Common Rules

No profane, sexist, or racist language No personal attacks No profane or pornographic images No discussion of illegal activities No copyright infringement No spam No viruses, trojans, or malicious files

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Culture is More Than Rules

What tone of conversation do you want? What kind of “energy” do you want there? What do you want users to tell their friends

about your community? What do you want to be known for? What do you want to discourage? How will

you do that while reinforcing culture?

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Setting Culture from the Beginning

Set up infrastructure to promote culture Mods & staff model culture at all times Enforce rules fairly and consistently Recognize users who demonstrate culture

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Internal Matters

Connie Bensen

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Internal Influence

Change Agent MetaCustomer Provide innovative & unconventional ideas Provide a new perspective Plant seeds of change

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Executive Sponsorship

Community is a long term commitment Value for the brand ROI of Community

Business requirements Stakeholder

For Success Active Engagement Embrace & support culture change

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A Community Manager is a: Relationship expert Translator Communications hub Resource Center

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Internal Web 2.0 Ambassador

teach peers about social media tools advocate for their adoption increase awareness inside company of

customer’s needs & attitudes facilitate communication

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Kellie Parker Twitter: @kellieparker Email: [email protected]

Connie Bensen Twitter: @cbensen Email: [email protected]

Dave Peck Twitter: @davepeck Email: [email protected]