c-sap e-learning forum: learning theory and rlos

Learning Theory and RLOs: The REQUALLO Experience Graham R Gibbs, Dawn Clarke, Andrew Teal Centre for Research in the Social Sciences, University of Huddersfield (with Ann Lewins (U. Surrey) and Colm Crowley (U. Greenwich))

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Page 1: C-SAP e-learning forum: Learning theory and RLOs

Learning Theory and RLOs: The REQUALLO


Learning Theory and RLOs: The REQUALLO


Graham R Gibbs, Dawn Clarke, Andrew Teal

Centre for Research in the Social Sciences, University of Huddersfield

(with Ann Lewins (U. Surrey) and Colm Crowley (U. Greenwich))

Graham R Gibbs, Dawn Clarke, Andrew Teal

Centre for Research in the Social Sciences, University of Huddersfield

(with Ann Lewins (U. Surrey) and Colm Crowley (U. Greenwich))

Page 2: C-SAP e-learning forum: Learning theory and RLOs

REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201022


HEA funded6 exemplars based on real

researchersAcross disciplines and methodsProduce RLOs - reusable learning


HEA funded6 exemplars based on real

researchersAcross disciplines and methodsProduce RLOs - reusable learning


Page 3: C-SAP e-learning forum: Learning theory and RLOs

REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201033

The First ChallengeThe First Challenge

Much learning theory assumes that the teacher or designer has total control over learning environment.

BUTRarely true for most teachersEspecially not true for designers of

OERs and RLOs

Much learning theory assumes that the teacher or designer has total control over learning environment.

BUTRarely true for most teachersEspecially not true for designers of

OERs and RLOs

Page 4: C-SAP e-learning forum: Learning theory and RLOs

REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201044

RLOs (= Resusable Learning Objects) usually found in:

RLOs (= Resusable Learning Objects) usually found in:

Concrete, factual based, non-contested topicsChemical properties and reactionsBeams in engineering

BUT QDA more likePhysical skill (gymnastics)Creativity (textile design)Contested (philosophy)

Concrete, factual based, non-contested topicsChemical properties and reactionsBeams in engineering

BUT QDA more likePhysical skill (gymnastics)Creativity (textile design)Contested (philosophy)

Page 5: C-SAP e-learning forum: Learning theory and RLOs

REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201055

Second Challenge:Teaching CreativitySecond Challenge:Teaching Creativity

Doing qualitative analysis is a creative process.

E.g. grounded theory - produce a novel explanation.

Or data are novel so they need different interpretation

So teacher must encourage creativity in students - not simple routines.

Doing qualitative analysis is a creative process.

E.g. grounded theory - produce a novel explanation.

Or data are novel so they need different interpretation

So teacher must encourage creativity in students - not simple routines.

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REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201066

Responses to the design challenges

Responses to the design challenges

1. Multiple entry points2. Vicarious learning3. Support to do things differently4. Focus on process

1. Multiple entry points2. Vicarious learning3. Support to do things differently4. Focus on process

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REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201077

Multiple entry pointsMultiple entry points

Provide a number of entry pointsSome guidance to learners about which

to useMake it easy to move to other points

(good UI)Allows for undergrad and postgrad usersGuidanceAcademic on analysis = advanced

Provide a number of entry pointsSome guidance to learners about which

to useMake it easy to move to other points

(good UI)Allows for undergrad and postgrad usersGuidanceAcademic on analysis = advanced

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REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201088

Vicarious learningVicarious learning

This is learners learning by seeing or experiencing others’ learning.

Done via case studies of students describing their own, sometimes hesitant, even chaotic learning

Frances on trying to sort out analysis

This is learners learning by seeing or experiencing others’ learning.

Done via case studies of students describing their own, sometimes hesitant, even chaotic learning

Frances on trying to sort out analysis

Page 9: C-SAP e-learning forum: Learning theory and RLOs

REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 201099

Support to do things differently

Support to do things differently

Support learners to move away from the familiar and formulaic

Be creative by dealing with things differently, something new.

Try to discourage steps or stagesOffer a variety of approaches, no ‘best’Weeding example

Support learners to move away from the familiar and formulaic

Be creative by dealing with things differently, something new.

Try to discourage steps or stagesOffer a variety of approaches, no ‘best’Weeding example

Page 10: C-SAP e-learning forum: Learning theory and RLOs

REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 20101010

Focus on processFocus on process

Learning to be creative means focussing on process not outcome.

Teacher cannot specify final product or even provide a pro forma

Examples are not provided to be copied

Video on role of theory.

Learning to be creative means focussing on process not outcome.

Teacher cannot specify final product or even provide a pro forma

Examples are not provided to be copied

Video on role of theory.

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REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 2010REQUALLO - C-SAP e-learning conference Jul 20101111


RLOs can support teaching about creativity May not be as responsive as human teacher can

be, but is always available. User Interface and multiple entry points to

deal with different learning needs Short narratives/lessons to avoid too much

fragmentation Resources open and available (for re-use) RLO not perfect, BUT usable with large


RLOs can support teaching about creativity May not be as responsive as human teacher can

be, but is always available. User Interface and multiple entry points to

deal with different learning needs Short narratives/lessons to avoid too much

fragmentation Resources open and available (for re-use) RLO not perfect, BUT usable with large
