c o n f i d e n t i a l madrid socialismo en españa

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  • 8/7/2019 C O N F I D E N T I A L MADRID socialismo en espaa


    C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 MADRID 000961




    E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/18/2014



    REF: A. MADRID 881

    B. MADRID 919

    C. MADRID 812

    Classified By: Acting Deputy Chief of Mission Carol J. Urban,

    reasons 1.4(B) and (D).

    1. (C) Summary: The Socialist Workers Party of Spain

    (PSOE), surprise victor in March 14 elections, is a

    center-left party in the European social democrat tradition.

    Since the end of the Franco regime and the beginning of

    Spain's modern democracy in 1977, PSOE has generally

    advocated comprehensive social programs and limited defense

    spending, as well as a reduced domestic role for the armed

    forces. In practical terms, members of Zapatero's inner

    circle have been careful to say PSOE will make no significant

    changes to the Aznar government's successful economic

    policies. We expect static or reduced defense spending under

    PSOE, increased social welfare programs, more "green"

    environment policies, a greater focus on Spain's role in the

    EU (including increased adherence to French and German

    leadership), and distancing from the Spain's close

    relationship with the United States that Aznar fostered. End



    Mainstream Socialists


    2. (SBU) Founded more than 120 years ago, the PSOE espouses

    as its main goals liberty, equality, solidarity and social

    justice. Communists broke with the Socialists after the 1917

    Russian revolution and formed their own party (now the United

    Left, or IU). PSOE renounced any connection with Marxism in

    1979, reaffirming the democratic and federal nature of the

    party. Since the end of the Franco regime and the beginning

    of modern Spanish democracy in 1977, PSOE has advocated

    comprehensive social programs, limited defense spending and a

    reduced role for the military in Spanish life.

    3. (SBU) The Socialists governed Spain with Felipe Gonzalez

    as President from 1982-1996. Though the Socialists lost power

    in 1996 amidst a swirl of corruption scandals, Gonzalez is

    credited with having strengthened the foundations of Spanish

    democracy and governmental institutions during his time as

    head of government. Spain joined the European Community and,

    in a national referendum, reaffirmed its membership in NATO

    under Gonzalez, a position PSOE had originally opposed.Gonzalez called the latter a "triumph of the people of

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    Spain." The Socialist government under Gonzalez also updated

    Spain's agreement with the United States for American use of

    Spanish military bases.


    Zapatero's PSOE


    4. (C) President-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero took

    over as PSOE's secretary general in 2000, narrowly edging out

    party "baron" Jose Bono. In 2003 the party issued a

    resolution outlining its political program designed "to

    increase freedom and the decision-making power of ordinary

    citizens over their own lives; to reduce crime; to allow

    citizens to develop their talents and abilities to the

    fullest; and to ensure individuals are not abandoned to their

    own fate." Following is a summary of PSOE positions in major

    issue areas:

    -- Foreign Policy: See Ref A for a discussion of PSOE's

    likely foreign policy goals. PSOE's general foreign policy

    outlook was summarized well by Manuel Marin, the party's

    international affairs spokesman in Congress: "Aznar wanted

    to make Spain a great nation among the great nations, but

    Spain lacks the means and capacity for that role. Spain

    cannot be a determinative force in great international

    conflicts. We do not have the political or economic weight

    for that, nor the internal security and defense capabilities

    that would be necessary." In general, we expect PSOE to

    conduct more of its foreign policy via Brussels and to hew

    closer to Franco-German positions. Zapatero's comments have

    also indicated he plans to distance Spain from the close

    relations the U.S. enjoyed under the Aznar government.

    -- Economy: The outlines of PSOE's economic platform are in

    Ref C. Close associates of Zapatero have been careful to say

    that the incoming PSOE government will not make significant

    changes to the PP's successful economic policies. Some

    business leaders have voiced the same expectations with us.

    PSOE will work to decrease unemployment (currently over 11

    percent and one of the highest in the EU) and convert jobs on

    temporary contracts (currently one-third of new jobs created)

    into permanent positions which carry full benefits.

    President-elect Zapatero has stated his government will focus

    significant attention on calming the rapid rise in housing

    prices and has already announced the creation of a Ministry

    of Housing. The PSOE also advocates more investment in R&D

    and training for workers. They have promised to simplify the

    tax system, resulting in decreased taxes for many Spaniards,

    while maintaining a balanced budget and fiscal discipline.

    -- Social Programs and Issues: PSOE has pledged to: include

    more health services in the nation's health plan and reduce

    the maximum wait time for operations; increase pensions and

    improve health care for the aged; raise the minimum wage;

    lengthen legally mandated paternity leave; change the civil

    code to allow gay marriages; mandate gender-based affirmative

    action for government jobs; and devote more attention to the

    problem of domestic violence.

    -- Education: Zapatero has said PSOE will lengthen the

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    school day, increase bilingual education (one-third of

    classes will be taught in English), improve computer access,

    and increase grants for students who go on to higher


    -- Environment: We can anticipate more "green" environment

    policies. PSOE officials have made clear they plan to scrapthe PP's hugely controversial north-south water transfer

    plan, replacing it with a new water policy to be based on

    better water management, increased reliance on underground

    water supplies and greater investment in desalination. PSOE

    has pledged Spain's complete compliance with the Kyoto

    Protocol, despite rumblings from Spanish industry that

    emissions cuts agreed under the EU umbrella will severely and

    negatively affect competitiveness. PSOE's campaign platform

    called for a formal moratorium on nuclear power within five

    years, but recent pronouncements have indicated that the

    party might simply deny renewal of current licenses.

    5. (C) Zapatero has not explained how he plans to pay for

    increased social programs while cutting taxes at the same

    time, except to suggest he may trim defense spending to pay

    part of the bill. His inner circle have suggested some

    revenues may come through greater government efficiencies,

    without specifying programs or jobs that would be eliminated.




    6. (C) PSOE is a mainstream European socialist party.

    Although Zapatero has led PSOE for four years, he has never

    held a government position, and since PSOE has been out of

    power for eight years, neither have many of those around him

    (see Ref B for a discussion those surrounding Zapatero).

    PSOE and Zapatero will have a steep learning curve to climb

    upon taking power. Given the need to appeal to his large

    anti-war constituency, Zapatero will distance Spanish foreign

    policy from Aznar's close relations with the U.S.

    Nonetheless, we are hopeful that once PSOE grasps that it has

    won and Zapatero is in office, Zapatero will come to realize

    that while he may have differences with the U.S., it is still

    in Spain's interest to cooperate with us on a number of


