c au i of the

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 10 IMtfi h nu n r 5 NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA Brief Happenings From Various Sections of State THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS Transpiring in The Land of Flowers Things Boiled Down to Suit the Busy Reader Items of Interest to All Classes Lamont hoe added two mow free de- livery rural routes Peasacola will have a genuine Spin ish street It will be an alleyway made over Alex X lio of Pentacola has been appointed riceconsul by the King of Norway at that port JBO A Graham candidate Legislature from Manatee county He Is a men of tine abilities Strawberries are being ihipped from Blarke at the rate of 200 bushels daily This beats all previous records At Winter Park Wednesday Ormond defeated Rollin College by a score of 8 to 2 in a teren inning tame of base ballThe fellows who ride bicycles at night in St Aagiutire hut a light on their machine or pay fiddler Monroe Brjs McDonald owners of the llortethor fart at Pmr hare enlarged their orange grove by the ad dition of several The Sibel Brother dog and puny show parade at Tampa Tuesday mademore exciting by two of tin pony teams running away No eriou dam ageThe pastor of the German Lutheran Church at IVnsacoIa to snake a change but as the members of the church would not give their content under the ruling of the denomination he obliged to remain Clarence King A well known negro was tabbed in th heck twice in a trimming crap in a hall at Miami Monday night Charles Lan caster been as the guilty party The tab were in the left shoulder and the blade of the knife entered the pleural and ititticttd a pretty serious wound Jim Moiely and Frank William the two negro charged with killing an- other negro named Malloy at a festival near Welborn an account of which appeared in The Democrat last week were taken to Welborn and tried and held to await the aetbn of the grand jory in the turn of 1000 IVith fur niched the required bail and were re leased from custody Live Oak If the Baoy is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy Mrs WIllow Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething It soothes the child softens the tams allays all pain cores wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea Twen yflve cents a bottle A Ierrvlt W I Blake 6 A PERRETT ft CO TINNING AND PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT UNION STREET117 Miss Nora Nsrleu LADIES NOVELTIES- and FANCY GOOIS WATCH MY W1MIOIV It maj pay it TI r i n r- lIKK tlrt that will to yn slut JAMES F SMITH UNK fAliKLIs I T 4 1 I r I mutt desired 11 EST I DONT If t I t r r r In ro- t IP I I II- II 11 iI r4 U6 co h I I II n TL II rr In I forth the h serve was vas dance has wrested Dem- ocrat G sec Y t rP r f1Ute- e J n 4rt air ar r iia trt rrd la rtrrt u r- tor t rue F tUr6 I t r i r tr td urt wrtrtle- Dt theu t pwy Soul Crtahli hrd I147 ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° The Food That Docs Good RM Cod User Oil EnuUion Pr CtetOtnet lo- tCg1uC ls letteMU BrattcMtto La Grip Test ee4 CcUrrk Pnm onta- Drttftltta two Stan Me and ft TRIAL tOTTLE FREE BY MAIL I eU seaetac BMM addrcM to- BEOMUUIOMCa H Ha Seres New Yera lush a Life Sentence Shr veort La March 9 Dr Al- bert It Bush of Bossier parish was convicted of murder In the district court and given a life term In the pen- itentiary In December Bush and bin isy win Madden came to Shreveport The former was drink- Ing and it Is alleged quarreled with J 15 Juice who he railed on his son to shoot The son obeyed firing two bullets Into Gulcea back producing almost Instant death On account of lllnt a the trial of the son was until next term of court Tragedy in Putnam County Eatonton la March 9 John Ray- a white man living near Wesley chap- el in this county shot and killed Dump Alexander a negro a day or two ago The shooting occurred near n negro church Under the Influence of whisky Hump approached a group of negroes in which was John Ray and flr l or twice into the crowd hut without effort Ray pulled gun and shot Pump through the heart Cured Consumption Mr P W Kn write My hurbarid lay tick for month The doctors raid he tal quick consumption We prccurfd bottle of Mallard Horehound Syrup nd it cured him That wa ix years gj and teen we slays Kept a Dottle in W wihout it For cniighn and Midi it ha no goal 15 oVV and 11 Sold by W M Johnson Francis Harper Succeeds Brother Chluo Mnrrh t Robert Francis Haiti r hroilir of tin late President William K Harper of University of Chicago has been appointed by the trustee of the university as acting head of the department of Scmetlc- larwiams and lltiraiure left vacant by the death of President Harper Professor who IB an authori- ty on his department will begin his new duties at once A Scientific Wonder The earl that stand to its credit make Bueklens Arnica Salve a scien- tific wonder It cured E R Mulford lecturer for the of Husbandry Wayne boro Pa of a distressing case of piles It heals the worst burns sorts boil ulcers cuts wounds chil- blain and salt rheum Only 25c drugstore They Were Released Am rlcus ia March 3 Mrs Ber- tha Frenrh anal rompanlon Hobbs the Fitzgerald ronpk detained here at police headquarters were discharg- ed several hours later the Fitzgerald authorities telegraphing there were no warrants for them there They are supposed to have left Americus immediately as admonished by the po lice The Best Cough Syrup S L Apple ei probate judge Ot- tawa county Kansas writes This in to say that I have used Ballards Horehound Syrup for years and that I do not hesitate to recommend it as the best cough syrup I have ever used 26c 60a and 1 Sold by W M Johnson Will Not Offer Amendment Washington March Sonator man Mtll TVnrsliy h did not propose to off r a ropulMnn to attend the rnllr atl Invos- MgaMiin In aT r lanr with the sug- gestions of the president He says the resolution i ullleit tit to mert the olij Intended he illangreog with the vl w of th i rA nt Committee Visits Augusta Ati tii Mar li r The rivt rs and harbors romniHt lamer of rep resi nifl lv arrive berg They were met by Mayor and a lo- cal dfl sai n and will bo exs nsivtlv ont rt m all dav They lfr at ovimk MI in real train for MM Seaboard Parlor Cars The fir Line operate buf- fet care ietwf Waldo nnd Tampa rn tram levins Waldo that connects with the morning train from Gainesville I I I t I C all hIoaarr AU last post- poned his tic do the Harper t- all Till l that JIll I I t IIi I tit the the cob Sere Lem s tke sad Dtaeaees eel Gets old once Evans Ckarwster three t bare the house can- not r1 Thursday p Seaboard ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > ¬ WOODEN WALKS ABOLISHED Fltrgeratd Council Orders t e Wooden Sidewalks Torn Away Flii ild ia March D V t s T t tin it i adopted a ti to the ft ct that xvK i li MI UUKH n r Muni d as they XM n unslgnt ly iin inltnr curd dang rou Ml- projKiM huller having wnodui side- walks abutting their proptrty wi ri plv en thirty days to remove them and put the walks In gcxxl condition The matter of establishing a pall pre department has been agitated for some time and Is now before the city fathers In tangible shaK Three fires within past week have aroused the cltlztnft to the need of store adequate protection than that provided by the volunteers especially as there are no horncH to pull the hose wagons The water and light plant Is being extended preparatory to Installing a aew dynamo and engine Social Candidate In Ware Waycrosn a March new kind of a Democrat has budded forth in Ware county M H Connor who claimed to br a socialist democrat haw announced for the legislature against Dr W H Buchanan for tho unexplred term of Dn J M Spence The election comes off on Wednesday March 14 There has bees some talk In Wnycross for the past few days of the Socialist party putting out a can- didate for governor from Ware county ant a well known brick mason has been of as the man who will make the race Choate Attorney for Committee Now York March 9 It has been of- ficially announced at the once of the Mutual Life Insuraance company that Joseph H Choate had accepted the of attorney to the Mutuals self investigating committee recently va cated by James B Dill and others when Stuyvosant Fish left the com- mittee It Is understood that Mr Choate Insisted on assurances that tht Investigation would be thorough In every line of the companys affairs and that he would lie absolutely un trammeled in his work as counsel Drank Poison then Cut Her Throat Ludowlcl a March 9 Wednes- day morning while her husband was absent from the house Mrs J B Scott a lady who with her husband recently moved here from Florida af- ter taking a phial and a halt of laud anum took a razor and made a most desperate attempt to end her life Three Midshipmen Resign Annapolis Mil March 9 Midship teen D McDaniel and William Wallace Sercey both of Texas and I W T Waller Jr the Patter of Wisconsin appointed by the president have seat la their resignation SCIENCE PREVENTS BALDNESS The Fatal Gars ad Urn Rewedy a Fart el SHeac It Is the rare thing In the rvouJ for a man to l e nor nr ly fold No man hair 1 not at the roots nerd he UiM if In will U NtwliroM Hrrj tide the now Mip ntitJv ptic Hrrpl- cllo th nn that cuts the hrI- t rit the nvl cleHH the pcalp of ilMtiliirr and I MC It In a porfetly h tatty ror lt n Mr Mannett In the HI k Hour M it wns tlr ly liiJ In I i than a month Htrjl haJ r morel the umlin of hair and nat ring his hoail with thlrk hair an inch K and In six wcpk IIP a normal suit of hair Sod t y adlriK druirnlntw tend K c In amp for ample to H rplcliie Co l trolt Mich H B Siferd A C MKttel a T HARRIS DEALER IX Fresh and Salt Water FISH i Vlibrulfd Vdar Key H h and UjrotiTv t Mr Viler Street PHONE 03 GOOD BREAD AIDS DIGESTION ITS YOUR OWN FAULT KEYSTONE BAKERY rhone It T SC1IA1KK unit mint I I the I 9A spoken dead root f1I its hy I had J t- aJ f I I I lrr1 r Il I r nt- t r 01 r dol I II lnI J irb po- sition er who destroys Mar Ind cite growth did work core The Iornrr anti t 1 t eeI- tor r t r tS ry > > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > > + + Mrs Mary Man 43 College Ave E PitUlmrg Pa the etoctor fsr eme time lilt Je mklu i iiww mm rwfi im eWBBBj eVJ- aWotyteti ateiJ IvrtmU wet ay- srfca I wm trtuf4 But tfcftftJrateftofWM lam mew e Penum I keep avsne ft f Mtfs MRS MAfY MAQ Saved From i Threatened 1q 1 of M Lungs By Taking MAlT MU 1- A i 1- Il J t t tif 4 H xj LMt very all N III MIa r 1 of Se lit Ole advb Mr IM4 the I8IIW I lie wit M tIN r cold 4 Catarrh the w 0 I 4t MIS Perucal- x s 145r- po writes r aprIag I ibd a deverte whk ft sa ttPy Moe d swat mr a jfU- arbg fad the per naea Ma1 Ma vm a PEntttae i d- cMe1 try k assd tfa are tee wrWa M iMfiaa Mr I wt begs now aaHr y ttitlteU- LDer fMg Prea I was ae t wa wa OMN I ttatalsll ttN N w r and aoa1- MaefYad bud acbedan0I csN oswgb la rlsleg wsdti hr at Most tla asM Y jsed AerlMa I was l Nf k a > NKULKOTFD rold Is generally the first cauw of catarrh Women an especially liable to colds colds occur more fn qnently dur- ing tho wet sloppy weather of winter and spring than any other time of tho- m mmm mmm mnmemm year Often they WOMEN SNMJLB are But considered BEWARE T serious and so are CATCHING CBIB to run on or they are treated In a way an to only palliate the pymptoms while tho cold becomes more deepseated and tho patient finally awaken to the fact that she has a well developed case of catarrh Ity reason off their delicate structure lit lung art frequently the of a cold especially if there In the slightest weakness of organs The treat- ment of catarrh of the lungs Is also more dlftVutt and diocouragiBR than catarrh of any other organ of the body A These allowed Hat such these ¬ ¬ It would be wine therefore to sraard It by everyjaiweaBttoB poasible- Peruaa haa been the mot re- liable of all remedies for eoagheoldfl and catarrh by reason of the tact that- It goes at oace to seat of the trouble It searches out every crevice every duct of the body ll quickens sad egad lie the elreula mMHn lion of the blood fC4NI MA thus relieving the THE BCMCtV congested BiBcoas rSftCAf membranes It ex IMC UMM a healing lmnamam a i- aad eoothlag sleet apes the BHWO- BneaabraaeA ao matter whether they are the nor ezpoaed BseBtbraMa of the ter whether they Has the remotest cells of the laafa A word to the wise woeaaa swlkteat Take Peraaaat the lest appearaBee at a cold hut the very ere IIroe how d i r heal sad 1 EAST TELEPHONE Heal 0 re fJalamvlllf Fl COMPANY This Company has with the fel lowing aa4 men will make mobey by using these liaee ia traa tiag aXMlateaj Evinstoa Fort White Park Hagoe- Hayaesworth Hawthorn High Springs Kanapaha LaCrosse Meredith MoBtbreek- Merrietoa MelBtath Lake Palmer Prairie Greek Raleigh Reehalle Rocky Palau wwBBBw j Rei- Sawaaaee Elver Waeaaaata B F JORDAN RIB UIIAIB INSURANCE vn PORTER BLOCK GAINESVILLE s 1 N V- Ifc THE BEST MACHINE ON HIE MARKET Has Tabulator ON- i Every Machine- I Kvt t shift Lightest The Chi ijj JH Writer of the World 1 Hj1hwit More Fay Shil r in tj in ii Mf7i other mnuhiiM THE SUN Gainesville Fla FLORIDA Tell aU cOD lom Alaehu Lake 01 JM Archer Arredoado Bland fJronoD Camprille Tee Clark Tyler Clyatt iluttun T ell Double Sink Will EYe t 1 II1II p FFaySholes Typewriter t KfTDOAKD I Speed I Ii FCII alt 1 1 q U se RtMIt l rwa Muse Its iMafe ieaIaese Grove l ICCYiii a wi ACE OWLEDUEH liii DC A I liii IIflI any h1 > = +

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Page 1: C AU I of the



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Brief Happenings From VariousSections of State


Transpiring in The Land of FlowersThings Boiled Down to Suit theBusy Reader Items of Interest toAll ClassesLamont hoe added two mow free de-

livery rural routesPeasacola will have a genuine Spin

ish street It will be an alleywaymade over

Alex X lio of Pentacola has beenappointed riceconsul by the King ofNorway at that port

JBO A Graham candidateLegislature from Manatee county HeIs a men of tine abilities

Strawberries are being ihipped fromBlarke at the rate of 200 bushels dailyThis beats all previous records

At Winter Park Wednesday Ormonddefeated Rollin College by a score of8 to 2 in a teren inning tame of base

ballThefellows who ride bicycles at

night in St Aagiutire hut alight on their machine or payfiddler

Monroe Brjs McDonald ownersof the llortethor fart at Pmr hareenlarged their orange grove by the addition of several

The Sibel Brother dog and punyshow parade at Tampa Tuesdaymademore exciting by two of tin ponyteams running away No eriou dam

ageThepastor of the German Lutheran

Church at IVnsacoIa to snake achange but as the members of thechurch would not give their contentunder the ruling of the denominationhe obliged to remain

Clarence King A well known negrowas tabbed in th heck twice in atrimming crap in a hall atMiami Monday night Charles Lancaster been as the guiltyparty The tab were in the leftshoulder and the blade of the knifeentered the pleural and ititticttd apretty serious wound

Jim Moiely and Frank William thetwo negro charged with killing an-

other negro named Malloy at a festivalnear Welborn an account of whichappeared in The Democrat last weekwere taken to Welborn and tried andheld to await the aetbn of the grandjory in the turn of 1000 IVith furniched the required bail and were released from custody Live Oak

If the Baoy is Cutting TeethBe sure and use that old and well

tried remedy Mrs WIllow Sooth-

ing Syrup for children teething Itsoothes the child softens the tamsallays all pain cores wind colic and isthe best remedy for diarrhoea Twenyflve cents a bottle

A Ierrvlt W I Blake




Miss Nora Nsrleu





it TI r i n r-lIKK

tlrt that will

to yn slut









11 EST


DONTIf t I tr r r In ro-



II 11 iI

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has wrested






t rP r f1Ute-

eJ n 4rt

air arr iia trt rrd la rtrrt u r-

tor t rue

F tUr6I t r i

r tr td urt wrtrtle-Dt theu t pwySoul Crtahli hrd I147






The Food That Docs Good

RM Cod User Oil EnuUion Pr CtetOtnet lo-tCg1uC ls letteMU BrattcMtto La Grip

Test ee4 CcUrrk Pnm onta-

Drttftltta two Stan Me and ftTRIAL tOTTLE FREE BY MAIL

I eU seaetac BMM addrcM to-

BEOMUUIOMCa H Ha Seres New Yera

lush a Life SentenceShr veort La March 9 Dr Al-

bert It Bush of Bossier parish wasconvicted of murder In the districtcourt and given a life term In the pen-

itentiary In December Bush andbin isy win Madden came toShreveport The former was drink-Ing and it Is alleged quarreled withJ 15 Juice who he railed on his sonto shoot The son obeyed firing twobullets Into Gulcea back producingalmost Instant death On account oflllnt a the trial of the son was

until next term of court

Tragedy in Putnam CountyEatonton la March 9 John Ray-

a white man living near Wesley chap-el in this county shot and killedDump Alexander a negro a day ortwo ago The shooting occurred nearn negro church Under the Influenceof whisky Hump approached a groupof negroes in which was John Rayand flr l or twice into the crowdhut without effort Ray pulledgun and shot Pump through the heart

Cured ConsumptionMr P W Kn

write My hurbarid lay tick formonth The doctors raid he

tal quick consumption We prccurfdbottle of Mallard Horehound Syrup

nd it cured him That wa ix yearsgj and teen we slays

Kept a Dottle in W

wihout it For cniighn andMidi it ha no goal 15 oVV and 11

Sold by W M Johnson

Francis Harper Succeeds BrotherChluo Mnrrh t Robert Francis

Haiti r hroilir of tin late PresidentWilliam K Harper of Universityof Chicago has been appointed by thetrustee of the university as actinghead of the department of Scmetlc-larwiams and lltiraiure left vacantby the death of President HarperProfessor who IB an authori-ty on his department will begin hisnew duties at once

A Scientific WonderThe earl that stand to its credit

make Bueklens Arnica Salve a scien-

tific wonder It cured E R Mulfordlecturer for the of HusbandryWayne boro Pa of a distressing caseof piles It heals the worst burnssorts boil ulcers cuts wounds chil-

blain and salt rheum Only 25c


They Were ReleasedAm rlcus ia March 3 Mrs Ber-

tha Frenrh anal rompanlon Hobbsthe Fitzgerald ronpk detained hereat police headquarters were discharg-ed several hours later the Fitzgeraldauthorities telegraphing there wereno warrants for them there Theyare supposed to have left Americusimmediately as admonished by the police

The Best Cough SyrupS L Apple ei probate judge Ot-

tawa county Kansas writes Thisin to say that I have used BallardsHorehound Syrup for years and thatI do not hesitate to recommend it as

the best cough syrup I have everused 26c 60a and 1 Sold by WM Johnson

Will Not Offer AmendmentWashington March Sonator

man Mtll TVnrsliy h did notpropose to off r a ropulMnn to attendthe rnllr atl Invos-

MgaMiin In a T r lanr with the sug-

gestions of the president He saysthe resolution i ullleit tit to mertthe olij Intended he illangreog

with the vl w of th i rA nt

Committee Visits AugustaAti tii Mar li r The rivt rs and

harbors romniHt lamer of rep

resi nifl lv arrive bergThey were met by Mayor and a lo-

cal dfl sai n and will bo exs nsivtlvont rt m all dav They lfr at

ovimk MI in real train for MM

Seaboard Parlor Cars

The fir Line operate buf-

fet care ietwf Waldo nndTampa rn tram levins Waldo thatconnects with the morning train fromGainesville





C all hIoaarr AU










Tilll that







tit the



Sere Lems tke sad Dtaeaees





Evans Ckarwster



barethe house can-
















> <




Fltrgeratd Council Orders t e WoodenSidewalks Torn Away

Flii ild ia March D V t s T t

tin it i adopted a tito the ft ct that xvK i li MI UUKH

n r Muni d as they XM n unslgntly iin inltnr curd dang rou Ml-

projKiM huller having wnodui side-walks abutting their proptrty wi ri plven thirty days to remove them and putthe walks In gcxxl condition

The matter of establishing a pallpre department has been agitated forsome time and Is now before the cityfathers In tangible shaK Three fireswithin past week have aroused thecltlztnft to the need of store adequateprotection than that provided by thevolunteers especially as there are nohorncH to pull the hose wagons

The water and light plant Is beingextended preparatory to Installing aaew dynamo and engine

Social Candidate In WareWaycrosn a March new

kind of a Democrat has budded forthin Ware county M H Connor whoclaimed to br a socialist democrathaw announced for the legislatureagainst Dr W H Buchanan for thounexplred term of Dn J M SpenceThe election comes off on WednesdayMarch 14 There has bees some talkIn Wnycross for the past few days ofthe Socialist party putting out a can-didate for governor from Ware countyant a well known brick mason hasbeen of as the man who willmake the race

Choate Attorney for CommitteeNow York March 9 It has been of-

ficially announced at the once of theMutual Life Insuraance company thatJoseph H Choate had accepted the

of attorney to the Mutuals selfinvestigating committee recently vacated by James B Dill and otherswhen Stuyvosant Fish left the com-

mittee It Is understood that MrChoate Insisted on assurances thattht Investigation would be thoroughIn every line of the companys affairsand that he would lie absolutely untrammeled in his work as counsel

Drank Poison then Cut Her ThroatLudowlcl a March 9 Wednes-

day morning while her husband wasabsent from the house Mrs J BScott a lady who with her husbandrecently moved here from Florida af-

ter taking a phial and a halt of laudanum took a razor and made a mostdesperate attempt to end her life

Three Midshipmen ResignAnnapolis Mil March 9 Midship

teen D McDaniel and William WallaceSercey both of Texas and I W TWaller Jr the Patter of Wisconsinappointed by the president have seatla their resignation


The Fatal Gars ad Urn Rewedy aFart el SHeac

It Is the rare thing In the rvouJ fora man to l e nor nr ly fold No man

hair 1 not at the roots nerdhe UiM if In will U NtwliroM Hrrjtide the now Mip ntitJv ptic Hrrpl-cllo th nn that cuts the hrI-t rit the nvl cleHH the pcalp of

ilMtiliirr and I MC It In a porfetlyh tatty ror lt n Mr Mannett In the

HI k Hour M it wnstlr ly liiJ In I i than a month Htrjl

haJ r morel the umlin of hairand nat

ring his hoail with thlrk hair an inchK and In six wcpk IIP a normal

suit of hair Sod t y adlriK druirnlntwtend K c In amp for ample toH rplcliie Co l trolt Mich

H B Siferd A C MKttel a


Fresh and Salt Water

FISHi Vlibrulfd Vdar Key

H h and UjrotiTv

t Mr Viler StreetPHONE 03





rhone It T SC1IA1KK


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Mrs Mary Man 43 College Ave E PitUlmrg Pa

the etoctor fsr eme time lilt Je mklu iiiww mm rwfi im eWBBBj eVJ-

aWotyteti ateiJ IvrtmU wet ay-

srfca I wm trtuf4But tfcftftJrateftofWM lam mew e

Penum I keep avsne ft f MtfsMRS MAfY MAQ

Saved From i



of M

LungsBy Taking



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writes r

aprIag I ibda deverte whk ft sa ttPy Moe d swatmr a jfU-

arbg fad the per naea Ma1 Ma vm a PEntttae i d-

cMe1 try k assd tfa are tee wrWa M iMfiaa Mr I wtbegs now aaHr y ttitlteU-

LDer fMg Prea I was ae t wa wa OMN I ttatalsll ttN N w r and aoa1-MaefYad bud acbedan0I csN

oswgb la rlsleg wsdti hr at Most tla asM Y

jsed AerlMa I was l Nfk



NKULKOTFD rold Is generallythe first cauw of catarrh

Women an especially liable to coldscolds occur more fn qnently dur-

ing tho wet sloppy weather of winterand spring than any other time of tho-

m mmm mmm mnmemm year Often theyWOMEN SNMJLB are But considered

BEWARE T serious and so areCATCHING CBIB to run on

or they are treatedIn a way an to only palliate thepymptoms while tho cold becomes moredeepseated and tho patient finallyawaken to the fact that she has a welldeveloped case of catarrh

Ity reason off their delicate structurelit lung art frequently the of acold especially if there In the slightestweakness of organs The treat-ment of catarrh of the lungs Is alsomore dlftVutt and diocouragiBR thancatarrh of any other organ of the body








It would be wine therefore to sraardIt by everyjaiweaBttoB poasible-

Peruaa haa been the mot re-

liable of all remedies for eoagheoldfland catarrh by reason of the tact that-It goes at oace to seat of thetrouble

It searches out every crevice everyduct of the body ll quickens sad egadlie the elreula mMHnlion of the blood fC4NI MA

thus relieving the THE BCMCtVcongested BiBcoas rSftCAfmembranes It ex IMC UMM

a healing lmnamam a i-

aad eoothlag sleet apes the BHWO-

BneaabraaeA ao matter whether theyare the nor ezpoaed BseBtbraMa of the

ter whether they Hasthe remotest cells of the laafa

A word to the wise woeaaa swlkteatTake Peraaaat the lest appearaBee ata cold


the very



how d



heal sad1

EASTTELEPHONEHeal 0 re fJalamvlllf Fl

COMPANYThis Company has with the fel lowing aa4

men will make mobey by using these liaee ia traa tiag aXMlateajEvinstoaFort White

ParkHagoe-HayaesworthHawthornHigh Springs




LakePalmerPrairie GreekRaleigh

ReehalleRocky Palau

wwBBBw jRei-Sawaaaee Elver





s1 N V-



Has TabulatorON-

i Every Machine-

I Kvt t shift Lightest The

Chi ijj JH Writer of the World1 Hj1hwit More Fay Shil r in

tj in ii Mf7i other mnuhiiM

THE SUN Gainesville Fla


Tell aU

cOD lom

Alaehu Lake 01 JMArcherArredoadoBlandfJronoDCamprille TeeClark TylerClyattiluttun T ellDouble Sink WillEYe









SpeedI Ii

FCII alt


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RtMIt l rwa Muse Its iMafe




ICCYiii awi


liii DC A Iliii IIflI




