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Page 1: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as


Page 2: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

© Copyright 2014 The Fit Body Bootcamp.

All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmittedin any form or means whatsoever without the prior consent and written permission of the author.

Medical Disclaimer

The recipes within these pages are for information purposes only and in no way supercede any

prior advice given by a medical practitioner, registered dietician or nutritionist. Should you cook

and consume these recipes, you are choosing to do so of your own free will, without coercion and

in the full knowledge that the recipes have not been personally designed for you and that should

you suffer from a medical condition of any kind or suspect that the ingredients may cause you a

medical problem of any kind whatsoever that you should speak to a qualified medical practitioner

for advice.

Further, if you choose to cook and consume these recipes and feel that you are experiencing any

adverse effects, then you should cease using these recipes immediately and consult your doctor.

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BreakfastCrunchy cottage cheese 11

Crunchy quinoa 11

Spiced apple power porridge 12

Bacon & egg frittata 13

Breakfast burrito 14

Summer fruit pancakes 15

Fruit & nut porridge 16

Egg in a cup 17

Thai coconut quiche 18

Piled-high protein brekkie 19

Allowable English brekkie 20


SmoothiesStrawberry & melon cooler 01

Alkalising tonic 02

Melon, orange & kiwi cooler 03

Pina colada 03

Refresher cooler 04

SnacksRefreshing cucumber salad 05

Blueberry crunch 06

Banana yoghurt 07

TreatsBanana-berry freeze 07

Carrot cupcakes 08

Banana & lemon loaf 09

Nut butter cookies 10


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DinnerBuzzing beef curry

Mediterranean salmon

Chicken, rice & pepper pot

Authentic chicken curry

Spaghetti courgetti

Lentil & sweet potato curry

Chickpea chicken

Fragrant Thai fishcakes

Chilli con cauli

Fragrant fish stir fry

Salmon Italiano

Thai red Chicken

Sizzle steak

Cheating stir fry

Turkey Thai hot pie

Easy Thai green curry

Fragrant mince

Turkey yam soup

Hot & tasty chicken

Satay spice kebabs

Lime chicken fajitas


Lentil, sweet potato &

coriander stew

Turkey taco salad

Egg drop soup

Coconut stew

Dill & caper salmon burgers

Cauliflower chicken

Zingy turkey kebabs

Sesame chicken

Chicken meatballs

Summery chicken salad

Salmon asparagus

Steak strip salad

Tuna & sweet potato

crunchy salad

Lentil pepper soup

Egg & ham salad

Hambled eggs

Mackerel salad

Tomato & basil soup

Protein rich omelette

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Let me Introduce myself, my name is Richard Morris and I'm the founder of

The Fit Body Boot Camp, creator of the 21 Day Drop a Jean Size Detox Program

and also have my own organic supplement range. I have been in the health and

fitness profession for over 15 years now and after helping hundreds if not

thousands of people transform their bodies and their lives, I now want to give

you an insight into how I can help you become slimmer, leaner and finally

feeling healthy and energetic.

I have written this book using all of my beliefs on health and nutrition and by

following a system that will eliminate certain foods from your diet to help rid

unwanted toxins from the body.

But if you’re looking for a magic pill that will burn fat while you sleep, then this

isn't the book for you. The Fit Body Fat Loss Blueprint is not a diet it is more of a

healthy eating plan that if followed will strip body fat, help detoxify your body

and make you look and feel fantastic.

If you follow the content of this blueprint alongside a proven exercise plan like or you will

soon be waving goodbye to unsightly body fat for good.

A lot of my clients will lose as much as 20lbs in the first 4 weeks by following the

systems I’m sharing with you in this book. These people are not celebrities, they

are people with jobs, families, varying commitments but they also have one thing

in common with you... they only have 24 hours in their day.

By owning this blueprint you too have the exact same system that I use with my

Training clients. So the choice is yours, commit and follow my plan 100% or quit

and go back to how you were eating before.

Hello and welcome to the Fit Body Fat Loss Blueprint. This book will be your bible over the coming weeks!

In case you didn't know, nutrition willcount for around 80% of your results.

Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction [email protected]

The first thing I want you to do before we start on your nutritional plan to make

sure you stay on track is to get your mind right and think positive, if you're not

focussed you are going to struggle to reach your goals

You MUST understand that you simply cannot out-train a bad diet. It is estimated

that for anybody that embarks on a fat loss plan or looking to get a lean body

mass 80% of all of the results are achieved from the correct nutrition. This makes

it the single most important factor. So remember you can train and train and train

but what you eat must be correct if you want to see great results.

The first thing I need you to do to make sure you stay on track is to empty your

cupboards of all of the following:


Processed foods – Remove all foods that have been packaged to extend the life of

foods or contain artificial additives, preservatives, colourings, E numbers, sugars or

sugar substitutes.

Why: All of these foods are packed with additives, preservatives, colourings,

flavourings and emulsifiers. These chemicals have been linked to some serious

medical problems. They overload the body with toxins which has no choice other

than to be stored in our body fat. The food also contains practically zero nutrients.

This will cause poorly operating digestive organs and the lack of nutrients

consumed over a long period of time does have several health implications.

More to the point most of these foods will be stored as fat and cause unbalanced

sugar levels and starch cravings.

Note: Cravings are usually your body telling you it’s starved of important

nutrients that can only be obtained in fresh, natural, wholesome foods.

Getting a Fit Body is pretty difficult if you are suffering cravings frequently.

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Caffeine – Remove all caffeine type drinks including coffee, and artificial energy

type drinks.

Why: Caffeine is an extremely potent adrenal stimulant. This means every time

we use it our bodies induce a ‘stress style’ response and the energy producing

adrenal glands go into overtime mode. This continual excitement will eventually

lead to a complete fatigue of these adrenalin producing glands. This results in

huge energy fluctuations, tiredness, poor quality sleep and sugar cravings.

Without optimal operation of the adrenal glands the body will not drop fat as

the correct operation of the adrenal hormones is vital in dropping body fat.

Dairy – Remove cows milk, cheese and yoghurts from your diet. You may still

consume organic butter and live yoghurt if you wish but whilst they are better

they are still ‘questionable’ as far as optimal health is concerned. Eggs are great

however I would recommend having organic or free range as other eggs are very

poor quality and will do almost nothing for your health and goals.

Why: Approximately 70% of us stop producing lactase, the enzyme needed to

digest ‘lactose’ (milk sugar) after we have been weaned as babies. Cow’s milk is

produced for calves for exactly the same reasons mother’s milk is produced for

babies – it’s designed specifically for them, to nourish them as an infant.

The milk we buy from shops unfortunately is not the same as the milk that

comes from cows. It goes through processing stages such as pasteurisation and

homogenisation. The process of pasteurisation involves heating the milk for a

short period of time at over 70 degrees Celsius. This kills all the pathogenic

bacteria within the milk which means it kills potentially harmful bacteria.

However, although this sounds like a good thing, it also kills all the bacteria that

our bodies would have needed to digest the milk. This and the fact that most of

us stop producing lactase at a very young age, make milk almost completely

indigestible to nearly all of us. This can lead to several problems and a very

sluggish digestive system, which will inevitably cause you to store fat easily

and make it difficult to break down many other foods which will cause you to

become bloated.

Note: Rice, Coconut and Almond milk are a great healthy alternative to cows milk.

Introduction [email protected]

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Wheat – Avoid bread, cakes, biscuits and cereal bars. Most people will have some

sort of intolerance to wheat so this can lead to all kinds of intestinal and digestive

problems that can cause weight gain, hormone disruption, IBS, and celiac disease.

Why: Many of us cannot properly digest Wheat or Gluten. This can place a lot

of stress on the digestive system leading to a slowed metabolism and food

intolerances. Wheat is also responsible for large rises in blood sugar and therefore

has almost identical fat storing effects to sugar.

Alcohol – If you’re seriously looking to torch that unwanted stubborn body fat

then I would eliminate alcohol full stop, however I know you may still want a life

whilst following this program so if you do still want a drink I would limit it to just

2-3 units per week.

Why: Alcohol is a known toxin. It places great stress on your liver and kidneys.

Your body has to work extremely hard to remove these toxins. If you look at

alcohol from a molecular level it is a simple sugar, which again causes unbalanced

blood sugar levels and fat storage. Alcohol has also been shown to unbalance the

body’s natural hormonal balance and in particular the levels of the testosterone

and oestrogen hormones in men and women. A well balanced hormonal system is

essential for achieving fat loss – simply put if your hormones are out of balance

you will not get into shape. Testosterone is a vital hormone in growth, repair and

maintenance within the body. The suppression in testosterone caused by alcohol

creates an unbalanced relation to oestrogen. For women this regularly causes the

body to store fat in the legs bum, thighs and back of the arms, for men it will

store more around the mid section causing beer bellies and man moobs!

Sugar or Natural Sweeteners – No white sugar, brown sugar, fructose, dextrose,

maltose, sucrose or any ‘oses’ and none of the other natural sweeteners like

maple syrup.

Why: Sugar is particularly harmful and causes fat storage. It creates a large surge

in blood sugar levels, which then triggers a hormonal insulin response. The insulin

secreted into the body then acts as a key to unlock fat cells and draws the sugar

in, to be stored as fat. Most peoples diets contain so much sugar that this response

happens far too frequently which then leads to energy fluctuations and fat storage

particularly in the ‘love-handle’ sites of the body.

Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction [email protected]

Simple Rules

Don’t Starve Yourself

This is where a lot of people go wrong. You also need to be

eating carbs, just not with every meal.

Be aware that hunger and thirst signals are generated simultaneously by the brain,

so before eating a meal drink a pint of water to quench your thirst, and you should

find that you won’t want as much food had you sat down at the table in a

dehydrated state.

If you fail to rehydrate, you will constantly be thirsty but mistake it for hunger

leading to overeating and body fat increases.

Where ever possible try to buy organic, free range sources of meats and fish only

or you'll be taking on board the various steroids and antibiotics used to rapidly

fatten these animals and guess what will happen to you as a result?

Have a Plan

The easiest way to stay on track is to have all of the food that you need for the

week in your cupboards, so each week you will need to plan what food you need

to buy.

Stick to the recipes in this blueprint and stay away from all of the tempting

things that you normally put in your trolley (It will be hard to do at first but it’s

easier to avoid temptation if it’s not staring you in the face every time you look

in the cupboard)

Another good way to do your shopping is online; this will help you resist a lot of

the temptations when shopping in the supermarket.

Keep a Record of Your Results

Write your goals down on a piece of paper, take your measurements and photos

and put them somewhere that you will see every day.

Just simply seeing your goals like this every day will make them 100% more


Page 10: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Introduction [email protected]

Take Photos

You may feel uncomfortable taking photo’s of your body if you’re your trying to

lose weight however this is one of the most powerful ways to measure results,

stay focused and motivated. Take one picture of your whole body from the front,

one from the side and one from the back. Put the pictures somewhere that you

can see them regularly for motivation. Also try to wear as little clothing as

possible so you can see changes you are making.

Take Your Weight

Take your weight at the start of the program. Make a note of the time that you

weigh yourself and then weigh yourself the same time 7 days later. Please do not

get too caught up in weighing yourself every day - many people can become ob-

sessed and I think you’ll agree, you would rather look slim and lean than weigh

less wouldn’t you? If you’re not dropping huge amounts of weight but the other

measurements are falling, then this is a sign you are still dropping fat. ‘Weight’ has

so many different variables it is not always the most accurate reading of what is

going on within your body.

Tape Measurements

Using a tape measure take the circumference measurements at the

following points.

Waist – at the belly button line, Measure the total distance of your waist at the

belly button line and record the measurement in inches.

Hips / BumWith your feet together measure the whole distance round at the

widest point. Record the measurements in inches.

Legs – Measure each of your legs at the centre of your thighs. Measure the full

circumference and record the measure in inches.

You may find that you need somebody else to take the measurements for you.

Make it a clear objective to re take these measurements every 7 days to monitor

your progress.

If you really want to be held accountable for your results please send your photos

into me at [email protected] and I’ll help you keep you on track.

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There is an important lesson to be learned from the story below...

You see I used to have a client, let's call her Lisa. Now Lisa trained very hard and

never missed a single training session and so with all this effort and dedication to

her training she thought that the scales and the measuring tape would really be

moving in the right direction at her weights and measurement day.

I will never forget the look on her face when she found out that she lost only 2lb

and an inch from her waist. She was disappointed and so was I. "You have read the

information on the importance of nutrition and you have been using the recipe

book I gave you?” I asked. “Kind of, but I never know what to cook.” It turned out

that she never really read it because she thought she knew it all already and had

tried the typical fads and diets before and didn't get anywhere so chose not to

read this.

Sometimes we learn the hard way! I'm pleased to say that once Lisa had become

fully aware of the importance of nutrition for fat loss, we were able to make some

important changes. 28 days later she was 14lbs down and almost 2 dress sizes

smaller. As the saying goes, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”,

and you are ready! That's why you are reading this! Right?

Introduction [email protected]

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Below is the last word on nutrition for health and fat loss. If anything you read,

see or hear about deviates from any of these seven principles below then you can

dismiss it immediately as a fad diet. This is a way of eating that will enable you to

achieve both fast and permanent results in a way that is 100% sustainable. You see

this change has to be permanent so it has to be both straight forward and enjoyable.

The good news is that our recipe book will show you how quick, easy and tasty

eating this way is. Get ready for 7 educational points.

Introduction [email protected]


1. It’s not Calories In vs Calories Out – It’s your hormones that will dictate

where those calories go and what they are used for.

2. Balancing blood sugars by consuming less processed carbohydrates in

general and making sure that those carbohydrates that we consume are

fibrous and low GI (controlling the fat storage hormone insulin and

increasing the fat burning hormone glucagon).

3. Eating more vegetables and some low sugar fruits because they are rich

in antioxidants and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

4. Eating plenty of protein for repair and maintenance of lean tissue

(main contributor to metabolism), and to keep us feeling full (protein

satisfies the appetite more than any other macronutrient.

5. Eating plenty of healthy fats from fatty fish, nuts, avocados, coconut

and olive oils (healthy fats are an essential part of a balanced diet).

6. Drinking plenty of water for naturally detoxifying the body, keeping the

brain and body hydrated so it can function properly (green and herbal teas

count towards this water intake).

7. Avoiding processed foods and artificial sweeteners and preservatives.



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This healthy eating cookbook is your first step on the road to success. Once you

embark on your new journey you may need a little help along the way. If you do

need the support and guidance then we can help you every step of the way.

You see we are all about getting results for our clients, so if it's weight loss,

fitness, nutrition or health we are hear to help you achieve your goal. We have

been transforming bodies, melting body fat and getting people Insane results

for over 12 years. Here are a few ways we can help you attain your goals:

1) Our Blog

Here you will find lots of free information on health, fitness, weight loss,

nutrition and mindset.

2) 21 Day Detox Program

This detox program is ideal for anyone who can't attend our sessions but wants the

structure of an exercise programme that can be done at home with videos and a

full nutritional program for 21 days to get you into fantastic shape.

The detox plan runs through a private group on Facebook which is where you get

the support from everyone else doing the plan with you. You get food plans, recipes,

workouts, nutritional videos explaining why we are doing certain things plus you

get the guidance of everyone else that's on the program with you. Most people will

lose between 10-20lbs on this 21 day program.

So If you want to detox your body and get in shape fast using a proven formula to

get results then visit:

Introduction [email protected]

Find Us...

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3) The Fit Body Bootcamp

Our 28 day Bootcamp consists of 3 X 45 minute High Intensity group personal

training sessions per week where you will be working out with other like-minded

people all melting away the pounds with our fat burning workouts. You also get

access to our members website where you will receive our 'Nutritional Formula'

book, cook books, in the kitchen healthy eating videos and home workout videos.

We even offer a full money back guarantee if you don't lose at least a clothes size

in 28 days.

4) Richard Morris Nutrition

This is where you will be able to purchase my own range of organic health

supplements which will help you on your journey to a healthier, happier body.

My supplement range is free from any use of chemicals whether in the form of

herbicides, pesticides, additives or preservatives as these can be harmful to our

health. Instead all of my products will help rid unwanted toxins and maximise

nutritional benefit.

Email me: [email protected]



Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction 13

Clients’ Success

[email protected]

Sara: Lost 9lbs and 8 inches in 21 days

Amy: Lost 11lbs and 14 inches in 21 days

Andy: Lost 18lbs and 10 inches in 21 days

Here are just a few of the clients who have followed mynutritional information, most of the clients below havegot these amazing results in just 3 weeks by followingmy online 21 Day Drop A Jean Size Detox Program,others Program.


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Introduction [email protected]

Katen: Lost 9lbs and 7 inches in 21 days

Jessica: Lost 10lbs and 12 inches in 21 days

Dan: Lost 7lbs and 7 inchesin 14 days




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Katharine’s Story

In April '13 I swore I would lose weight and sort myself out before my 40th birthday in January. In my true style I continued to put on weight until I realised I was running out of time, so towardsthe end of last year I finally decided to give Richard Morris's 21 day drop a jean size detox programa try. I first did the detox at the end of November 2013, again after Christmas and March is my third time.

When I started in November '13 I was a large size 14 however after Bootcamp, sticking to thedetox for the 1st two and pretty much following the 80/20 rule in between I am now a size 8, having lost 3 stone, I have surpassed my initial weight loss goal,

I have been this weight before a long time ago but I have never been so toned as i am now. I feel so much better, so much fitter and way more confident.

So thanks to Rich for the detox and his pushing me at The Fit Body Bootcamp and the supportfrom all my fellow detoxers and Bootcampers who aren't shy with the compliments which reallyhelps to spur me on. I will probably detox with some of you again in the future, you've all donegreat and keep going it works x

Katharine Buchan

Introduction [email protected]

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Laura’s Story

Laura has been a typical ‘yoyo’ dieter just like many people and has tried nearlyevery diet out there to lose weight. Trying the latest fad diets and so called slim-ming clubs. She would lose a few pounds but then gain a few more pounds once thediet had finished.

Sounds familiar? That’s probably happened to you too right? That’s because ‘Diets’ don’t work!!

You see reducing calories, counting calories and living of processed ready meals andslimming shakes is not the way forward, it’s certainly not good for health and it’snot sustainable either.

Laura asked me for my advice and I told her she needed to stop dieting and focuson eating real foods just like the foods that are in this book for you. Foods that arein their natural state, foods that haven’t had anything added to prolong life or makethem taste better, I also advised Laura to make small lifestyle changes that shecould do moving forward.

I suggested Laura try my 21 day detox program so I could advise her what foods toeat and help educate her on healthy eating whilst helping her to fully detoxify herbody and reset her body’s fat burning hormones.

Laura said “I was nervous and not sure whether the 21 day detox program was forme, but 6 weeks later I can honestly say it’s the best ever thing I have spent mytime and effort on. I still can’t believe my results until I look at my pictures and goclothes shopping, I feel so much fitter and happier too.

My journey over the past few years has been like a rollercoaster up and down onmany occasions. I started getting comfortable when I met my partner and as our relationship grew so did I. I gained weight and clothes sizes. I have tried every dietfrom Weight Watchers, Slimming World and Diet Chef in the past and results havelasted a couple of months and then the weight crept back on.

After just 6 weeks I have lost over 2 stone and totally changed my body shape.Thank you Richard Morris for changing my health, lifestyle and the way I now thinkabout food.

So you see Laura was like most other people, she was always looking for that quickfix or magic pill to lose weight but what Laura really needed was the solution togetting her body back, she needed the right guidance along the way.

Laura Bennett

Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction [email protected]

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Introduction 21

Below are a few hints and tips to help you along the way. We suggest you spare a few minutes to read this before you get cooking.

Let’s get started...


With so many different fats and oils available, it’s important

to be aware of their correct usage. For cooking and frying at

high temperatures, the following are safe to use, as they

remain stable at higher temperatures, thus pose no danger

to your health. These are coconut and ghee (clarified butter).

Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, a fatty acid that is anti-fungal,

anti-bacterial and anti-viral.

Although often perceived as unhealthy, when used in moderate amounts, butter is

a much better option than a highly processed vegetable oil spread or margarine.

It’s a great fat to use on top of fish or meat in the oven, or in stews or slow-cooked

meals at lower temperatures.

For salads, use cold pressed extra virgin olive oils, sesame or peanut oils.

There is also a variety of fats and oils that should be avoided completely. All

hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are bad for you and can contribute

to a range of serious health problems such as cancer, heart disease and immune



A gluten free alternative to normal flour. This is a versatile

ingredient, which can be used in baking and cooking. Also makes

great pancakes! (See recipe on page 15).

[email protected]

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Introduction 22


Sugar gets a lot of bad press these days due to the negative

effects it can have on your health. For example, excessive

consumption suppresses the immune system and reduces

insulin sensitivity. However, we believe it is important to

consider the for and against, and not just react to what we

see in the news. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced,

varied diet, and enjoy moderate regular exercise, then there

really shouldn’t be cause for panic. The occasional bit of sugar

in your diet won’t wreck your progress or make you ill.

Within the huge category that sugar spans, are a range of good and bad food

choices. If, for example, you cut out all fruit for the rest of your life (because fruit

contains sugar), you might well miss out on some key nutrients. Plus you might

feel deprived.

Our advice to you is that it is your choice if you consume sugar and/or sugar

alternatives. But what is probably more important is to consider that worrying

about the matter could be equally bad or even worse for your health. Instead, why

not try to look at sugar and sugar alternatives as a ‘treat’ rather than a necessity.

This should encourage you to make more sensible food choices overall.

In some of our recipes we use stevia – pictured above right. This is a plant-based

sweetener which has been around for many years. Many research studies have been

conducted on its safety, and while no definite links have been made to any negative

health effects, overall the evidence for and against it is still inconclusive. This also

applies to most other sugar substitutes out there. If you’d prefer to swap the stevia

in our recipes with another sweetener or sugar then that is fine to do.

[email protected]

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Introduction 23


Green tea has lots of amazing health benefits; it is high in

antioxidants and contains about half the amount of caffeine

than normal tea. It is widely available in supermarkets, health

shops and online.

Similarly, Tulsi Brahmi (caffeine free) is another healthy

alternative with healing properties, as well as also being a

rich source of antioxidants. Both teas have shown to reduce

the risk of many cancers and heart disease.

Of all herbal teas, licorice tea is arguably one of the most

beneficial yet under-appreciated herbal teas. Licorice tea can

help the liver to rid unwanted toxins, can relieve constipation,

is used to treat low blood pressure, Helps to lower cholesterol

and is an anti-allergenic so is helpful for hay fever and

conjunctivitis sufferers.


There are plenty of simple ways to make your food

taste good. Why not keep your cupboards stocked

up with a handy supply of spices and rubs, which

are generally very cheap to buy, simple to use,

and a much healthier alternative to the artificial

flavourings, additives and sugars found in many of

the processed sauces available.


We recommend having proper meals and not snacking

but if you are a bit peckish and a meal is not at hand we

have some great ideas to keep your hunger at bay.

[email protected]

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Earth & Ocean Is a powerful all In one organic alkalising,

cleansing and detox formula, which combines the best

nutrient-dense foods from both the ocean and earth’s soil.

The ingredients that have been blended in these capsules

include iodine and antioxidant-rich food: seaweed

(Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus), artichoke,

chlorella, green tea leaf, spirulina, rhubarb and cayenne.


Organic Greens is no ordinary greens drink! Organic Greens is

packed full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from 15 organic

super foods, including wheatgrass, barley grass, spirulina, acai

berry, quinoa, pre-sprouted barley, spinach leaf, kelp plus many

more organic super foods.

There are also over 70 beneficial nutrients and over 20 natural

enzymes which makes Organic Greens one of the most

nutrient-dense organic super food greens drinks available.


Our Omega 3-6-9 essential oils are a balanced blend of healthy

fats (including essential fatty acids) in ideal ratios for the

human body, for all-round support of good mental and physical

health, a healthy heart, circulation and cholesterol levels.

Derived from fish oil, sunflower seed oil, flaxseed oil and

vitamin E. The high-strength, high quality Omega oils in this

product are in an easy-to-swallow gel capsule form.

Buy Now

Introduction [email protected]



Buy Now

Fish oil, Flaxseed oil, Sun flower seed oil itamin El, and V

Buy Now

Page 29: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Strawberry & melon cooler

1 medium slice watermelon, chopped roughly12 medium strawberrieshandful ice cubes300ml spring water (more or less, depending on desired consistency)


Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz

until smooth. Serve in a glass.

Smoothies 01




[email protected]

Page 30: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Smoothies 02

handful fresh spinach2 kiwis, halved2 tbsps Organic Greensjuice of half a lemon2 tbsp liquid chlorophyll (optional) diluted in 300ml spring water (more or less, depending on desired consistency)


Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz until

smooth. Serve in a glass.

Alkalising tonic 5M




[email protected]

Page 31: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 medium slice watermelon, chopped roughly1 small orange, peeled1 kiwi peeled and chopped roughlyhandful ice cubes200ml spring water (more or less, depending on desired consistency)


Smoothies 03

Melon, orange& kiwi cooler

Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz until

smooth. Serve in a glass.

2 slices pineapple, peeled and chopped roughly1 tbsp coconut creamhandful ice cubes


Pina colada

Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz until

smooth. Serve in a glass.







[email protected]

Page 32: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Smoothies 04

50g fresh mangohandful fresh spinach1 tbsp Organic Greenshandful cucumber, chopped roughly2 kiwis, peeled and dicedhandful ice cubes


Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz until

smooth. Serve in a glass.

Refresher cooler




[email protected]

Page 33: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 cucumber, halved lengthways then cut into long strips1 tbsp olive oilhandful fresh mint, chopped finelypinch of sea salt


Snacks 05

Prepare a medium grill. Place the cucumber

strips onto a baking tray and lightly drizzle

with olive oil.

Grill for 5 minutes until the cucumbers have

softened slightly.

Serve with a sprinkle of mint and sea salt.


Ideal as a quick snack or as an

accompaniment to lunch or


Refreshingcucumber salad 5M




[email protected]

Page 34: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Snacks 06

100g plain yoghurt50g fresh blueberries15g chopped hazelnuts


Place the yoghurt into a bowl.

Top with the blueberries and hazelnuts.

Blueberry crunch

60g plain yoghurt1 medium sized banana, chopped15g flaked almonds1 tsp acacia honey


Place the yoghurt into a bowl.

Top with the banana, almonds and honey.

Banana yoghurt







[email protected]

Page 35: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 banana300g frozen raspberries 100g plain greek yoghurt1 tbsp acacia honey1 sheet parchment / baking paper


Cut the banana into thin slices, and place on a lined

tray. Freeze for one hour.

Remove bananas from the freezer and place in a

food processor with the frozen raspberries.

Leave for ten minutes to soften up. Add honey and

yoghurt and pulse until creamy. If the processor gets

stuck, wait a few minutes for the mixture to soften

up before continuing.

Serve immediately or freeze for a later date.

Remove from the freezer 15 minutes before serving.

Treats 07


Healthy dessert packed full of

antioxidants, ideal for when

entertaining health-conscious


[email protected]

Page 36: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

70ml olive oil 70ml coconut oil 2 tsp vanilla essence120ml coconut cream115g coconut flour2 tsp stevia2 tsp cinnamon1⁄4 teaspoon cloves, ground finely11⁄2 tsp baking powder1⁄4 tsp salthandful chopped pecans, plus some left whole for decorating170g grated carrot5 eggs, separatedhandful raisins (optional)

For frosting: (optional)75g total greek yoghurtfew drops vanilla essence1⁄2 tsp steviapaper cake cases


In a separate bowl, sift flour, stevia, baking powder,

cinnamon, cloves, and salt. Stir mixture. Add the

chopped nuts.

Stir the wet mixture into the dry mixture. Whisk in

the egg yolks.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff

peaks form. Add some of the whites to the cake

mixture, then fold in the remaining whites.

Spoon the mixture into the cake cases, taking care

not to over fill them as this can prevent the cakes

from rising. Cook for 20-25 minutes, until the cakes

spring back when a light pressure is applied.

Cool on a cake rack.

For frosting, add the yoghurt, vanilla essence and

stevia to a bowl and mix thoroughly. Add the frosting

to top of cakes and decorate with a pecan nut.

Carrot cupcakes

Treats 08

Preheat oven to 170˚C. Line a cake tray with

cake cases.

In a bowl stir together the oils, vanilla essence and

coconut cream. Add carrots.

[email protected]

Page 37: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

150g coconut flour125g brown rice flour (or use coconut flour, if unavailable)3 tsp baking powder1⁄2 tsp salt110g coconut oil, melted110g butter9 tsp stevia3 ripe bananas mashed4 large eggs1⁄2 tsp vanilla extract 1⁄2 tsp cinnamon2 tbsp acacia honey 1 tbsp lemon juice4 tsp stevia (for the topping)


Preheat oven to 175˚C

Sift flours with baking powder and salt.

Beat the coconut oil, butter, stevia and bananas

together until smooth and then briefly stir in the

eggs. Add the vanilla extract, cinnamon and honey

and stir well.

Stir this gently into the flour mixture until blended.

Pour into a loaf tin and bake for about 11⁄4 hours or

until a skewer comes out clean and the cake is just


Cool for 10 minutes and then mix the sugar with

the lemon juice and drizzle over the top.

Banana & lemon loaf

Treats 09

Healthy baking - fun for the


[email protected]

Page 38: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1⁄4 tsp apple cider vinegar1 egg11⁄2 tsp vanilla extract3 tbsp acacia honey60g brown rice flour or coconut flour1⁄4 tsp sea salt1⁄4 tsp baking powder3 tsp stevia1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon60g cashew or almond butter

MAKES 10 COOKIESPreheat oven to 180˚C.

Combine all wet ingredients in a large bowl and mix


In separate bowl, mix together dry ingredients, then

pour in the wet ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Drop teaspoons of batter on parchment lined baking

tray and flatten gently with a fork.

Bake for around 10 minutes until golden.

Nut buttercookies

Treats [email protected]

Page 39: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Serve the cottage cheese in a bowl, topped with

the kiwis and almonds.

Crunchy cottage cheese

Cook the quinoa according to packet instructions.

You might prefer to do this the night before to save

time in the morning.

Cool the quinoa with cold spring water.

Drain and serve in a bowl topped with yoghurt,

almonds, prunes and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Breakfast 11

Crunchy quinoa






READY IN175g cottage cheese1 kiwi diced15g flaked almonds


60g quinoa50g plain yoghurt20g dried pitted prunes15g flaked almonds1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon


[email protected]

Page 40: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as


soaking the oats overnight, for

at least 12 hours, makes it much

easier for the body to digest.

this also speeds up the cooking

process, ideal for when you

have less time in the mornings

Breakfast 12

Place the soaked oats into a sauce pan

and cook over a medium heat for several

minutes, stirring continuously.

Add the diced apple and cook for several

minutes. Stir in the flax seed.

Spoon the contents into a bowl, and

sprinkle with cinnamon.

Spiced applepower porridge




40g porridge oats, soaked overnight in spring water1 medium sized apple, diced15g flax seeds, ground1 tsp ground cinnamon


[email protected]

Page 41: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Breakfast 13

Preheat oven to 175˚C.

Beat the egg whites in a bowl, until stiff

peaks form.

In a separate bowl, beat the yolks and

butter together.

Gently melt the butter in a pan and set


In a medium sized skillet, fry the bacon

until crispy. Remove from pan.

Bacon & egg frittata

Gently fold the egg yolks and

bacon into the egg whites.

Pour the batter back into the

skillet so that it covers the base

of the pan evenly. Cook on a

medium heat for 2 minutes,

then bake in the oven for

15 minutes.

Remove the souffle gently from

the skillet, loosening with a


Garnish with a sprinkle of

parsley (optional).

3 eggs, yolks and whites separated7g butter2 rashers bacon, diced


[email protected]


Only use unprocessed bacon, preferably

cured with natural ingredients, that has

no added artificial ingredients and

preservatives. Ideally sourced from a

local butcher rather than supermarket.

Page 42: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Breakfast 14

Whisk the egg whites.

Melt half of the coconut oil in a lightly

warmed skillet. Pour half the egg whites

into the pan, swirling to spread them

evenly. After 30 seconds, cover and cook

for 1 minute. Use a spatula to loosen and

slide onto a plate. Repeat this process

with remaining egg whites.

Sauté the onion with the remaining oil

for one minute then add tomato, chilis,

pepper, coriander and meat. Whisk egg

yolks and pour into pan, mixing into the

other ingredients.

Add avocado then spoon half of the

filling onto each egg white. Roll the egg

white up into burritos.

Breakfast burrito

Ideal for a treat at the weekend

10MI N U T E


READY IN3 eggs, yolks and whites separated5g coconut oilhalf a red onion, finely chopped1 tomato, finely chopped1 green chili, finely chopped1⁄2 yellow or red pepper, dicedhandful fresh coriander, finely chopped60g cooked meat e.g chicken or beefquarter avocado, cut into small chunks


[email protected]

Page 43: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

3 tsp coconut flour2 eggs1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon 2 tsp stevia1 tsp coconut oil1 tbsp plain yoghurt100g mixed berries and fruit, chopped into small pieces


Place the flour, eggs, cinnamon and stevia in a

blender and mix until smooth. Add more flour if

necessary to achieve a medium consistency

(pourable but not runny).

Heat the coconut oil in a pan to a medium / high

heat and then pour in a small amount of the mixture

into the centre of the pan (around 50ml). Move the

pan around gently to even out the mixture into a

circular shape. When small holes appear in the

pancake, turn it over and heat on the other side for

1-2 minutes. Repeat with remaining batter.

Serve with yoghurt and fruit.


keep this delicious meal lower in carbs,

by choosing low or medium-sugar fruits,

such as berries, kiwis, nectarines and

strawberries, rather than high-sugar

fruits, such as bananas, apples and


Breakfast 15

Summer fruit pancakes

[email protected]

Page 44: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Breakfast 16

Fruit & nutporridge

Place the soaked oats into a saucepan and cook

over a medium heat for several minutes, stirring

continuously. Stir in the stevia.

Spoon the contents into a bowl. Add the kiwi,

almonds, and prunes.




overnight soaking required

40g porridge oats, soaked overnight in spring water1 tsp stevia1 kiwi, diced15g flaked almondshandful dried prunes, chopped


[email protected]

Page 45: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Breakfast 02

2 eggs2 oatcakes5g buttersalt and pepper


Boil the eggs in a pan of salted water

for 10 minutes. Place in cold water for

one minute to cool, then peel.

Place in a cup with butter and season

with salt and pepper. Mash thoroughly

with a fork.

Spread thickly onto oatcakes.

Egg in a cup

Breakfast [email protected]

Page 46: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

[email protected] Breakfast 18

Preheat oven to 200˚C.

Butter a 10-inch round or 13x9 inch square baking

dish. Cook the broccoli in boiling water for 4 minutes,

then drain. In a blender, mix together the remaining

ingredients. Stir in the broccoli.

Pour the mixture in a baking dish and bake in the

oven for 20 minutes or until set in the middle.

Thai coconutquiche

handful of broccoli, chopped into medium sized pieces6 eggs15g melted butter2 salad tomatoes2 shallots1 garlic clove1 stick lemongrass400ml light coconut milk1⁄2 tsp chilli flakes


Page 47: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

2 eggslarge handful of spinach15g plain cashews1⁄2 tsp salad shaker seasoning


Boil the eggs in a pan of salted water for 10 minutes.

While they are cooking, steam the spinach gently for

3-4 minutes, until wilted.

Piled-highprotein brekkie

Breakfast 19

Remove the eggs from the heat, and cool down for

one minute with cold water, before peeling.

Serve the eggs sliced over a bed of spinach. Add the

cashew nuts and sprinkle with seasoning.

[email protected]

Page 48: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

[email protected] Breakfast 20

10g ghee or coconut oil 4 rashers unsmoked baconhandful mushrooms, chopped2 tomatoes, halved4 eggs


Next, fry the tomatoes gently for several minutes on

each side. Remove pan from heat.

Break the eggs into a jug and whisk gently. Cook the

eggs over a medium heat in a saucepan, stirring all

the time. When the eggs are cooked, remove from

heat, and transfer to a plate with the bacon,

mushrooms and tomatoes.

In a pan, heat the ghee or coconut oil to a medium /

high heat. Fry the bacon rashers on both sides until

crispy. Add the mushrooms and fry for several

minutes. Remove from pan.

AllowableEnglish brekkie


Only use unprocessed bacon, preferably

cured with natural ingredients, that has

no added artificial ingredients and

preservatives. Ideally sourced from a

local butcher rather than supermarket.

Page 49: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

B.C.T.A. (Bacon, Chicken, Tomato, Avocado)

Lunch 21

In a frying pan, melt the butter or ghee over a

medium heat. Fry the bacon rashers on both sides

until crispy. Remove from pan and put to one side.

Pan fry the chicken for around 6-8 minutes until

cooked through. Add the spring onions and fry for

one minute. Remove pan from heat.

Arrange the items on a plate in a stack, starting with

a piece of chicken as a base, and finishing with

another piece of chicken as a ‘lid’.

10g butter or ghee2 rashers unsmoked bacon2 spring onions, chopped2 chicken breasts, halved2 beef tomatoes, cut into sliceshalf an avocado, mashed


[email protected]


Only use unprocessed bacon, preferably

cured with natural ingredients, that has

no added artificial ingredients and

preservatives. Ideally sourced from a

local butcher rather than supermarket.

Page 50: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

[email protected]

2 tbsp oil (preferably coconut)1 red onion, chopped finely1 carrot, chopped finely1 garlic clove, chopped finely1 tsp ground coriander1 tsp celery salt1⁄2 tsp ground cumin350g red lentils, soaked overnight1 bay leaf1 litre spring water2 medium sized sweet potatoes,peeled and diced1 tin tomatoesjuice of half a lemonhandful coriander, chopped finely1⁄2 tsp salt1⁄2 tsp black pepper4 tbsp plain yoghurt for serving


In a large saucepan, heat the oil over a medium

heat. Add the onion and carrots. Cook, stirring

occasionally, until softened. Add the garlic, ground

coriander, celery salt and cumin and cook for

30 seconds. Add the lentils, water and the bay leaf.

Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover and

cook for 10 minutes. Add the potatoes and cook for

a further 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are

just tender.

Stir in the tomatoes and cook for several minutes

until warmed through. Remove the bay leaf. Stir in

the lemon juice, coriander, salt and pepper.

Spoon into a bowl and top with a spoonful of


Lentil, sweet potato & coriander stew

Lunch 22

Page 51: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Lunch 23

Drizzle half of the oil lightly over the romaine

lettuce, tomato, onion, pepper and avocado.

Mix remaining oil with the spices and salt and coat

the turkey thoroughly.

Heat a large skillet to a medium temperature.

Add the turkey to the pan and spread the vegetables

and romaine evenly around it. Cook for 3 minutes,

then turn all the ingredients.

Cook for a further 3 minutes, then remove the

turkey, romaine lettuce and all vegetables, except for

the onion and peppers. Grill the onions and peppers

until softened.

Cut romaine into small chunks. Serve in a bowl

topped with the turkey and cooked vegetables.

Add salt to taste and garnish with coriander.

Turkey taco salad10g coconut oil1 romaine lettuce, halved lengthwise1 tomato, diced roughly1 red onion, cut into chunks1 green pepper, diced roughlyhalf an avocado, peeled, pitted and diced1⁄2 tsp ground cumin1⁄4 tsp paprika1⁄4 tsp chilli powder1⁄4 tsp salthandful fresh coriander, chopped finely (optional)200g turkey, diced


[email protected]

Page 52: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

[email protected]

500ml chicken stock (see recipe on right)200g chicken or turkey fillets, cutinto strips300g chopped fresh vegetables, or frozen (broccoli, carrots, sweetcorn, beans, etc)2 eggs, beaten3 spring onions, sliced finelysalt and pepper


Egg drop soup

Lunch 24


Chicken stock is very easy to make and so good

for you! Place a whole chicken carcass in a large

pan full of water. Season well with salt and

pepper and a bay leaf if you have one.

Simmer for 2 hours. Remove from heat and allow

to cool completely, then drain the liquid from

the carcass. Discard carcass and bay leaf.

The stock can be frozen or kept in the fridge

for several days.

In a large saucepan, bring the stock to a gentle

simmer. Add the raw meat and vegetables. Simmer

rapidly for 5 minutes.

Pour eggs into the soup in a steady stream, then stir

gently while the egg cooks. Season with salt and

pepper to taste.

Spoon into bowls, and garnish with spring onions.

10MI N U T E



Page 53: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

[email protected] Lunch 25

In a food processor, blend the shallots, fresh coconut,

garlic and jalapenos for one minute until finely


In a large saucepan, warm the coconut oil and

add the shredded mixture to the pan. Sauté for

2 minutes.

Add the chicken, if using, plus the cucumber,

cauliflower, carrot, spring onions, green beans,

turmeric and cumin. Sauté for one minute then

add coconut milk and bring to a rapid simmer.

Reduce heat slightly, cover and cook for around

8 minutes until vegetables are cooked.

Add salt to taste. Remove from heat and stir in

the yoghurt.

Coconut stew2 small shallots, roughly chopped75g fresh coconut, grated2 garlic cloves, finely chopped3 jalapeno peppers, seeded andhalved1 tbsp coconut oil300g chicken, diced (optional)1 large cucumber, peeled, seededand sliced1 small head of cauliflower, brokeninto florets1 carrot, peeled and sliced2 spring onions, finely chopped60g green beans, ends removed1 tsp turmeric1⁄2 tsp ground cumin1 tin light coconut milksalt to taste150g full fat greek yoghurt


Page 54: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

[email protected] Lunch 26

350g salmon fillets1 tsp dijon mustard1 tbsp dill, finely chopped1 tsp capers, drained1 jalapeno pepper, seeds removed,finely choppedhalf a red onion, finely chopped1⁄4 tsp rock saltlemon wedge to garnish1 tsp coconut oil or ghee


These taste great with a grilled cucumber salad. See recipe on page 5

Cut the salmon into chunks and put quarter into

a food processor with the mustard. Pulse into a

smooth paste. Add remaining salmon and ingredients

and pulse to break up salmon into small chunks,

rather than a smooth paste.

Shape the salmon into two burgers. If the burgers are

very moist, brush lightly with coconut flour.

Heat a skillet over a medium heat. Add the

coconut oil or ghee and fry the burgers gently for

3-5 minutes until firm and easy to flip. Turn and

repeat. Serve with wedges of lemon.

Dill & caper salmon burgers

Page 55: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Lunch 27

1 head cauliflower, grated1 tbsp ghee600g boneless chicken thighs, cut into strips1 onion, finely chopped1 jalapeno pepper, finely chopped2 garlic cloves, finely chopped1 green pepper diced1 red pepper, diced1 tin (400g) tomatoes150ml chicken stock (see recipe on page 24)1 tsp ground cumin1 tsp salt100g frozen peas


Grate the cauliflower or whizz in a food processor.

In a large saucepan, heat the ghee over a medium /

high heat and add the chicken. Cook for 4-6 minutes

until browned all over. Add more ghee if needed,

then add the onion, garlic, jalapeno and peppers and

cook for several minutes.

Add tomatoes, stock, cumin, salt and cauliflower.

Stir well. Simmer covered for 10 minutes, then add

peas and simmer for 2 minutes.


[email protected]

Page 56: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Lunch 28

In a bowl, combine the yoghurt, lime juice, ginger,

garlic, cumin, turmeric, pepper and salt. Add the

turkey and marinate in fridge for 30 minutes.

Coat an oven tray with a small layer of melted

coconut oil or ghee and prepare a medium / hot grill.

Thread the turkey onto the skewers. Grill, turning

occasionally for 10-12 minutes.

Zingy turkey kebabs100g plain yoghurt2 tsp fresh lime juice1 tsp fresh ginger, chopped finely1 garlic clove, chopped finely1⁄2 tsp ground cumin1⁄2 tsp turmeric1⁄2 tsp ground black pepper1⁄2 tsp rock salt4 turkey breasts, cut into 11⁄2 inchthick pieces1 tbsp coconut oil or ghee, meltedbamboo skewers, pre-soaked for 30 minutes


These taste great with a grilled cucumber salad. See recipe on page 5

[email protected]

Page 57: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Lunch 29

Melt half of the coconut oil or ghee gently in a pan.

Season the chicken with salt and pepper and mix

with the melted oil. In a skillet, melt the remaining

oil or ghee over a medium / high heat. Cook the

chicken for 10 minutes. Set aside to cool slightly.

In a jug, combine the tahini, olive oil and sherry


In a bowl, mix the chicken with carrots, radish and

parsley. Drizzle the tahini dressing on top and mix

well. Garnish with sesame seeds.

2 tbsp coconut oil or ghee350g chicken, cut into stripssalt and pepper1 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp tahini1 tbsp sherry vinegar1-2 carrots, grated12 radishes, slicedhandful parsley, roughly chopped1 tsp sesame seeds to garnish


Sesame chicken

[email protected]

Page 58: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as


These are great as a snack, or served

with an accompaniment, such as a salad

and sweet potato, for a main meal.

Put everything except for the coconut oil or ghee

into a food processor and whizz into a smooth paste.

Using your hands, form 20-24 meatballs.

In a large pan, melt the coconut oil or ghee over a

high heat. When the oil is hot, put the meatballs in

the pan and cook for 2 minutes. Roll each meatball

over and cook for a further 5 minutes. Reduce to a

medium heat, cover the pan and cook for a further

6-8 minutes.

Chicken meatballs

Lunch 30

350g chicken breasts, choppedroughly1 carrot, grated2 garlic cloves100g fresh coconut, grated1 egg2 tsp curry powder1⁄2 tsp salthandful parsley or coriander10g coconut oil or ghee


[email protected]

Page 59: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Lunch 31

handful fresh spinach leaves3 spring onions, chopped roughlyhandful cherry tomatoes75g cucumber, chopped roughly150g cooked chicken breast2 tsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp balsamic vinegarsprinkle salad shaker seasoning


Place the spinach leaves in a bowl.

Assemble the spring onions, tomatoes,

cucumber and chicken on top.

Pour the olive oil into a jug. Add the

balsamic vinegar, then spoon the

dressing onto the salad. Sprinkle

with salad shaker.

Summerychicken salad 10M




[email protected]

Page 60: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

4-6 asparagus spears1 tbsp butter2 x 150g salmon steaks1⁄2 tsp himalayan or rock saltpepper to season15 cherry tomatoes2 lemon wedges


Salmon asparagus

Lunch 32

In a heavy skillet, melt the butter over a medium

heat. Add the salmon and cook for around

10 minutes (turning halfway). Season with the salt

and pepper. Add the cherry tomatoes to the pan,

and cook for 1-2 minutes. Check that the salmon is

cooked through (the meat should now be a lighter

colour all the way through). Remove pan from heat.

Serve the salmon with the asparagus and tomatoes.

Garnish with a wedge of lemon.

Bring a small pan of salted water to the boil.

Add the asparagus, reduce heat and simmer for

around 3 minutes. Drain the asparagus and cool in

cold water.

[email protected]

Page 61: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Steak strip salad

Lunch 33

1 tbsp coconut oil or ghee100g stir fry steak, cut into stripshandful fresh spinachhandful cherry tomatoes5 radishes, cut into small pieces75g cucumber, chopped roughlysalt and pepper1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp organic balsamic vinegar


Heat the coconut oil or ghee

in a frying pan to a medium /

high heat, and add the steak.

Season well and cook for 3-5

minutes on both sides, until

cooked. Remove pan from


In a bowl, add the spinach,

tomatoes, radishes and

cucumber. Top with the steak.

Pour the olive oil into a jug.

Add the balsamic vinegar,

then spoon the dressing

onto the salad.

10MI N U T E



[email protected]

Page 62: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

10g butter1 small onion, diced1 tin tuna chunks, drained1 medium sized sweet potatohandful mixed leaf lettuce75g cucumber, chopped roughly1 red pepper, sliced1 beef tomato, diced2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp balsamic vinegarjuice of half a lemon


Tuna & sweet potato crunchy salad

Lunch 34

Melt the butter gently a frying pan and add the

onion. Cook over a medium heat until softened.

Remove from heat and place in a bowl. Add the tuna

and mix well.

Pierce the potato with a knife and microwave on full

heat for 6-8 minutes. When cooked, mash in a bowl

with a fork. Place the potato in a serving bowl. Add

the lettuce, cucumber, red pepper and tomato.

Pour the olive oil into a jug. Add the balsamic

vinegar, then spoon the dressing onto the salad.

Top with tuna and drizzle with lemon juice.

10MI N U T E



[email protected]

Page 63: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

250g red lentils2 pints spring water or chickenstock (see recipe on page 24)½ large white onion, chopped3 garlic cloves, chopped1½ teaspoon cumin½ teaspoon ground coriander½ teaspoon paprika1 bay leaf3 medium carrots, peeled anddiced1 red pepper, diced1 red onion, thinly slicedjuice of half a lemon¼ teaspoon black pepper


Lentil pepper soup

Lunch 35

In a large saucepan set over high heat, bring lentils

and stock / water to a boil. Stir in white onion, garlic,

spices and bay leaf. Reduce heat to medium / low


Cover and simmer. Stir the carrots and red pepper

into the soup. Continue simmering, covered, for

around 15 minutes until carrots are very tender.

Stir in red onion, lemon juice and black pepper.

Cook for a further 10 minutes.

Serve immediately.

[email protected]

Page 64: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Egg & ham salad

Lunch 36

10 green beans, ends removed2 eggshandful lettuce leaves2 slices ham8 cherry tomatoes75g cucumber, sliced3 spring onions, chopped1 tsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp balsamic vinegarsprinkle salad shaker seasoning


Bring a small pan of salted water to the boil.

Add the green beans and simmer gently for

3 minutes. Remove from the water with a

serrated spoon.

Return the pan of water to the boil. Add the eggs

and simmer gently for 10 minutes. Remove from

heat and cool with cold water for several minutes.

Peel eggs and slice.

In a bowl add the lettuce, ham, eggs, tomatoes,

cucumber, beans and spring onions.

Pour the olive oil into a jug. Add the balsamic

vinegar, then spoon the dressing onto the salad.

Sprinkle with salad shaker.

[email protected]


Only use unprocessed ham, preferably

cured with natural ingredients, that has

no added artificial ingredients and

preservatives. Ideally sourced from a

local butcher rather than supermarket.

Page 65: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

2 eggs2 slices ham, halvedhandful cherry tomatoessalt & pepper


Hambled eggs

Lunch 37

Crack the eggs into a frying pan over a medium heat.

Add the ham and tomatoes and stir continuously

with a wooden spoon. Season well.

When the eggs are cooked, remove from heat

and serve.

[email protected]


Only use unprocessed ham, preferably

cured with natural ingredients, that has

no added artificial ingredients and

preservatives. Ideally sourced from a

local butcher rather than supermarket.

10MI N U T E



Page 66: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

handful lettuce leaves5 cherry tomatoes5 radishes, chopped1⁄2 pepper, any colour75g cucumber, sliced3 spring onions, chopped100g peppered mackerel1 tsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp balsamic vinegarsprinkle salad shaker seasoning


Mackerel salad

Lunch 38

In a bowl add the lettuce,

tomatoes, radishes, pepper,

cucumber and spring onions.

Using your hands, gently tear

the mackerel into large chunks.

Add to the salad.

Pour the olive oil into a jug.

Add the balsamic vinegar,

and spoon the dressing onto

the salad. Sprinkle with salad


10MI N U T E



[email protected]

Page 67: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Lunch 39

1 tsp butter11⁄2 onions, chopped finely2 garlic cloves, chopped finely2 small sticks celery, chopped2 small potatoes, peeled and diced2 carrots, peeled and chopped2 medium tomatoes, diced1 pt chicken or vegetable stock (see chicken stock recipe on page 24)1 tin (400g) chopped tomatoes1 sprig fresh basil, roughly choppedsalt and pepper


In a large pan, gently melt the butter and

cook the onion until softened. Add the

garlic, celery, potato and carrots and cook

for 3 - 4 minutes. Add the diced tomatoes

and cook for a further 2 minutes.

Add the stock and tinned tomatoes.

Simmer over a gentle heat for 45 minutes.

Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Add the basil, and season well with salt

and pepper, then whizz everything in a

food processor for just long enough to

get the big lumps out.

The soup can be reheated to serve,

or frozen.

Tomato & basil soup

[email protected]

Page 68: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Lunch 40

3 eggs1⁄2 tsp ghee 1 rasher bacon, cut into small pieces5 mushrooms, peeled and sliced75g cooked chicken breast, cut into small pieces1 beef tomato, slicedhandful spinach


Break the eggs into a jug and beat with

a fork.

Melt half of the ghee or oil in a frying pan

and cook the bacon over a medium / high

heat until crispy. Remove bacon from heat

and set aside.

Reduce pan to medium heat. Add the

mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and set aside.

Add the chicken pieces to the pan and cook for

several minutes until heated through. Remove from

heat and set aside.

Add the tomato to the pan and cook gently for 1-2

minutes on each side until softened.

Remove any bits from the pan and melt the

remaining ghee or oil over a medium / high heat,

ensuring there is an even glaze over the base of the

pan. Add the eggs and allow to cook for 3-4 minutes

until the edges of the mixture start to crisp.

When the centre of the omelette starts to cook, add

the bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, chicken over one

half of the egg mixture. Add the spinach. Cook for

several minutes.

Using a wooden spoon with a flat edge, turn the

empty side of the omelette up and fold over the

spinach. Remove the omelette from heat and serve.

Protein rich omelette

10MI N U T E



[email protected]


Only use unprocessed ham, preferably

cured with natural ingredients, that has

no added artificial ingredients and

preservatives. Ideally sourced from a

local butcher rather than supermarket.

Page 69: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Dinner 41

1 tbsp cumin seeds2 tbsp ghee or butter5 medium sized onions, diced1 clove garlic, chopped finely2 tbsp ginger chopped finelyhandful green finger chilis, chopped finely600g beef, diced2 tbsp ground turmeric1 tbsp garam masala1 tbsp meat masala1 tbsp rock salthandful curry leaves (optional)1 tin (400g) tomatoes50ml spring water60g per person brown or whitebasmati ricefresh coriander (optional)


In a large pan, heat the cumin seeds gently for

30 - 45 seconds, until you can smell them roasting.

Add the ghee and heat until melted, then add the

onions. Cook on a medium heat until softened.

Stir in the garlic, ginger and chilis. Cook for one

minute. Add the beef and cook for two minutes.

Add the spices, rock salt and curry leaves. Stir well,

coating the meat in the spices. Add the tomatoes,

and water and simmer for 1 hour. Add more water if

necessary. Cook for 1 hour on a medium heat, until

the meat is tender.

Meanwhile place the rice in a large saucepan of cold

salted water and bring to the boil. Simmer gently

until cooked and drain well.

Serve the curry on a bed of basmati rice and garnish

with coriander.

Buzzingbeef curry


Brown rice contains more fibre and minerals

and digests more slowly than white rice.

It also has a slightly nutty flavour. Brown rice

is the healthier option, but it’s not the end of

the world if you prefer white rice. Just watch

your portion size if you are trying to lose fat.

[email protected]

Page 70: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

10g butter2 cloves garlic, chopped finely1 red onion, chopped finely1 tin (400g) chopped tomatoes1⁄2 pt chicken stock (see recipe on page 24)125g bulgar wheatsalt and pepper2 salmon fillets (around 150g each)handful fresh coriander, chopped finely wedge lemon to garnish


Meanwhile, heat a skillet over a medium temperature.

Melt the remaining butter and fry the salmon for

8-10 minutes turning half way. When the flesh is a

pale pink all the way through, remove from the heat.

Remove the bulgar wheat mixture from the oven.

Stir in the coriander.

To serve, spoon half of the bulgar wheat mixture

onto a plate. Add the cooked salmon and garnish

with a wedge of lemon.

Preheat oven to 150˚C.

In a large pan, melt one third of the butter

over a medium heat and cook the garlic

and onion until softened. Add the tomatoes

and cook for 5 minutes. Add the stock and

continue to cook.

Meanwhile, melt half of the remaining

butter in a frying pan over a medium heat.

Gently fry the bulgar wheat for one minute.

Pour the bulgar wheat into an overproof

dish. Add the mixture from the large pan

and stir well. Season well with salt and

pepper. Cook in the oven for 15 minutes.

Dinner 42


[email protected]

Page 71: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp ghee or coconut oil1 whole chicken, jointed, or 8 chicken pieces 1 large onion chopped1 small stick celery chopped finely1 red pepper chopped roughly3 garlic cloves, crushed1 tbsp tomato purée1 tbsp dried thyme11⁄2 pts chicken stock (see recipe on page 24)300g long grain rice (dry weight)salt and pepper


Heat the ghee or oil over a medium / high

temperature in a large saucepan. Brown the chicken

pieces on all sides - you may have to do this in

batches. Remove from the dish and put to one side.

Lower the heat, add the onion, celery and pepper and

gently cook for 10 minutes until softened. Add the

garlic and cook for a further 2 minutes. Stir in the

tomato purée and cook for 1 minute.

Return the chicken pieces to the dish along with

the thyme and stock. Bring the liquid to a boil, cover

the dish with a tight-fitting lid and lower the heat.

Cook for 30 minutes.

Tip in the rice and stir well. Cover, set over a low

heat and cook for a further 15 minutes, or until the

rice is cooked and has absorbed most of the liquid.

Remove from the heat and leave the dish to sit for

10 minutes to absorb any of the remaining liquid.

Season to taste.

Chicken, rice & pepper pot

Dinner [email protected]

Page 72: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp cumin seeds2 tbsp ghee or butter5 medium sized onions, diced5-10 garlic cloves, chopped finely1 - 2 inch piece fresh ginger,chopped finely5 green chilis, chopped finely600g chicken breast, diced2 tbsp ground turmeric1 tbsp garam masala1 tbsp meat masala1 tbsp rock salt1 tin (400g) plum tomatoes50ml spring water60g per person brown or whitebasmati ricehandful fresh coriander (optional)


Stir in the garlic, ginger and chilis. Cook for one

minute. Add the chicken and cook for two minutes.

Then add the spices and rock salt. Stir well, coating

the meat in the spices. Add the tin of tomatoes, and

the water and simmer for ten minutes. Add more

water if the mixture seems too dry.

Meanwhile, add the rice to a pan of cold salted water

and bring to the boil. Simmer gently until cooked

and drain well.

Serve the curry on a bed of basmati rice and garnish

with coriander.

Authenticchicken curry

In a large pan, roast the cumin seeds gently

for 30 - 45 seconds. Add the ghee or butter,

then when melted, add the onions.

Cook on a medium heat until the onions

are softened.

Dinner [email protected]

Page 73: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp ghee or olive oil3 onions, chopped finelyfresh basil leaves and stalks,chopped roughly500g beef mince100g mushrooms, sliced1 salad tomato, diced1 stick celery, chopped finely1⁄2 green pepper, diced4 cloves garlic, chopped finelydollop of tomato purée3-4 large courgettes1 tin (400g) chopped tomatoessalt and pepper to seasonsprig fresh basil to garnish


In a frying pan, heat the ghee or oil to a medium

heat. Fry the onions until soft. Add the chopped

basil and fry for 30 seconds.

Add the beef mince and season well with salt and

pepper. When beef is browned, add the mushrooms,

salad tomato, celery, pepper and garlic. Cook gently

for 5 minutes. Add the tin of tomatoes and tomato

purée. Cook on a medium heat for 20 minutes.

Chop the courgettes into fine spaghetti strips, or

wider tagliatelle size strips. Bring to the boil in a pan

of salted water, and simmer gently for several


Serve the sauce on a bed of courgette spaghetti.

Garnish with a sprig of basil.


Dinner [email protected]

Page 74: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

2 tbsp olive oil2 medium onions, choppedpinch of rock salt2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 inch chunks1 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and chopped2 small garlic cloves, chopped1 tbsp curry powder1 bay leaf150g red lentils (dry weight)500ml boiling spring water


Lentil & sweet potato curry

Warm the oil in a large saucepan over a gentle heat.

Add the onion and a pinch of salt and sauté, stirring

occasionally, until the onion softens.

Add the sweet potato, ginger, garlic, curry powder

and bay leaf and sauté for one minute until fragrant.

Add the boiling water and stir in the lentils.

Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover and simmer

for around 18-20 minutes, until the lentils break

down and the sweet potatoes are tender.

Season with salt.

Dinner [email protected]

Page 75: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp olive oil600g chicken fillets, diced2 orange peppers, deseeded andchopped1 onion, peeled and chopped finely3 cloves garlic, chopped finely1 tsp ground cumin1 tsp ground coriander2 red chilis, deseeded400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed500ml chicken stock (see recipe onpage 24)60g per person brown or whitebasmati rice


Chickpea chicken

Preheat oven to 190˚C.

Heat the oil to a medium / low heat in a large

saucepan. Fry the chicken until golden. Remove

chicken from pan and set aside.

Add the peppers, onion, garlic, spices and chilis and

fry gently for 5 minutes.

Return the chicken to the saucepan and add the

chickpeas and stock. Transfer the contents of the

saucepan to a casserole dish, cover and cook in the

oven for 20 minutes. Add the rice and cook for a

further 10-15 minutes (if using white rice) or 15-20

minutes (brown rice).

Dinner [email protected]

Page 76: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

700g white fish fillets, skinned and cut into chunks3 tbsp coconut milk2 tbsp fish sauce½ tbsp chili powder½ tsp ground cumin1⁄4 tsp ground coriander6 kaffir lime leaves, finely chopped3 spring onions, sliced1 thumb-size piece ginger, grated2 small stalks lemongrass, minced1 large clove garlic1 red chili, sliced½ cucumber, finely diced2 salad tomatoes, finely dicedhandful fresh coriander, chopped 4 tbsp coconut oil for fryinglemon wedges, to serve4 sweet potatoes


Rinse fish and pat thoroughly dry. Cut into chunks.

In a cup, combine the coconut milk, fish sauce, chili

powder, cumin and ground coriander. Stir with a fork

to combine, then pour into the processor. Add the

fish, lime leaves, spring onions, ginger, garlic,

lemongrass and chili. Pulse to create a thick paste.

Picking up a small amount in your hand (about the

size of a golf ball) pat the paste into a small cake and

set on a clean plate. Note that traditional Thai fish

cakes are small (about 2 inches in diameter and

1 inch thick). Set plate of cakes in the refrigerator

for 20 minutes to firm up.

To make the salsa, mix the cucumber, tomato

and coriander in a bowl. Set aside. Pierce the sweet

potato with a knife and microwave on full heat for

6-8 minutes. Mash in a bowl with a fork.

Heat oil in a frying pan to a high temperature.

If your fishcakes are a bit sticky, dust each side

lightly with coconut flour before frying, and reduce

heat slightly to prevent burning. Gently place cakes

in coconut oil. Fry for 3 minutes before turning. Fry

until golden-brown and drain on paper towel.

Serve fish cakes immediately with the salsa, sweet

potato and a wedge of lemon.

Fragrant Thai fishcakes

Dinner [email protected]

Page 77: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp olive oil2 onions, chopped finely500g lean beef mince1⁄2 green pepper, chopped roughly3 beef tomatoes, diced5 garlic cloves, chopped finely4 red or green chilli peppers1 tin (400g) tomatoesdollop of tomato purée1 tsp cayenne pepper1 tin (400g) kidney beans, drained50g per person brown or whitebasmati rice1 medium sized cauliflower, chopped finelysalt and pepper


Simmer gently for 15 - 20 minutes. Add the kidney

beans and continue to cook for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, add the rice to a pan of cold salted water

and bring to the boil. Simmer gently until cooked,

then add the cauliflower. Cook for 2 minutes before


Serve the chilli sauce on a bed of cauliflower

and rice.

Chilli con cauli

Heat the oil in a pan to a medium heat and

add the onion. Fry for several minutes until

soft. Add the beef mince and brown all over.

Season well with salt and pepper.

Add the green pepper and beef tomatoes,

and cook for several minutes until soft. Add the

garlic cloves and chilli peppers and cook for one


Add the tinned tomatoes, tomato purée and

cayenne pepper.

Dinner [email protected]

Page 78: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

100ml coconut milk1 tbsp fish saucejuice of one lime2 tbsp soy sauce1 tsp chilli flakes2 tsp acacia honey120g brown or white basmati rice1 tbsp coconut oil, melted1 red onion, finely chopped 5-6 cloves garlic, finely chopped1-2 inch piece ginger, sliced 1 red chilli, sliced1 carrot, slicedhandful mushrooms, sliced400g white fish, broken into chunks1 small head broccoli, sliced1 red pepper, sliced into stripshandful beansprouts


To make the sauce, combine the coconut milk,

fish sauce, lime juice, soy sauce, chilli flakes and

honey in a bowl. Adjust these flavours to suit your

taste, adding more lime juice if too sweet or salty.

Place the rice in a large saucepan of cold salted

water and bring to the boil. Simmer gently until

cooked and drain well.

Fragrant fish stir fry

Dinner 50

Warm a wok or large frying pan over medium / high

heat. Add the coconut oil followed by the onion,

garlic, ginger, and chili. Stir-fry 1-2 minutes, then

add the carrot and mushrooms. Also add a quarter

of the sauce. Continue stir-frying for 2-3 minutes.

Add the fish, broccoli, red pepper and beansprouts

plus up to half of remaining stir-fry sauce.

Simmer fish and vegetables in the sauce for up to

5 minutes, until the fish is cooked. Add more of the

stir-fry sauce as needed, enough to just cover

vegetables in sauce. Simmer for 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and serve on a bed of rice.

[email protected]

Page 79: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

10g butter350g fresh salmon2 medium sized sweet potatoes2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped1 bunch fresh basil stalks and leaves, chopped roughlyhandful mushrooms, chopped finely2 medium tomatoes, diced1 tin (400g) chopped tomatoes1 tbsp balsamic vinegarhandful green beans, ends removedsalt and pepper


Heat half of the butter in a skillet over a medium

heat and cook the salmon for 10 minutes or until

cooked right through.

Meanwhile, pierce the potato with a knife and

microwave on full heat for 6-8 minutes. Peel and

slice the potato thickly.

Heat the remaining butter in a frying pan over a

medium heat. Gently fry the garlic and basil for

several minutes. Add the mushrooms and fresh

tomatoes and cook until soft. Add the tinned

tomatoes. Season to taste, and add the balsamic

vinegar and simmer gently for 5 minutes.

Bring a small saucepan of cold salted water to the

boil. Add the green beans and simmer gently for

3 minutes. Drain well.

Serve the salmon topped with the basil and tomato

sauce, with the sweet potato and green beans.

Salmone Italiano

Dinner [email protected]

Page 80: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Thai red chicken

Heat the coconut oil in a large frying pan

over a medium heat. Add the red thai paste

and cook for one minute stirring constantly.

Add the coconut milk and bring to the boil.

Reduce heat and simmer. Add the chicken,

mushrooms, aubergine, sweetcorn, peas and

tomatoes and cook gently for 15 minutes.


Bring a small saucepan of cold salted water

to the boil. Add the rice and simmer gently

until cooked. Drain well.

Serve the thai curry over a bed of rice or on

its own as a soup.

Dinner 52

1 tbsp coconut oil1⁄4 jar red thai paste1 tin (400ml) light coconut milk300g chicken breast, dicedhandful mushrooms, chopped roughly1 aubergine, quartered lengthways and cut into stripshandful baby sweetcornhandful sugar snap peashandful cherry tomatoes50g per person brown or whitebasmati rice (optional)


[email protected]

Page 81: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

2 tsp barbecue seasoning mix1 sweet potato1 tsp butter150g steak strips100g carrots, peeled and sliced80g broccoli, cut into florets


Sizzle steak

Rub the barbecue seasoning into both sides

of the steak.

Pierce the potato with a knife and

microwave on full heat for 6-8 minutes.

Cut the potato in half and mash the insides

gently with a fork.

In a frying pan melt the butter over a

medium heat. Add the steak and cook for

several minutes each side.

Bring a small pan of salted water to the boil.

Add the carrots and simmer gently for

3 minutes. Add the broccoli and simmer for

a further two minutes. Drain the vegetables.

Serve the steak on a plate with the sweet

potato and vegetables.


There are plenty of seasoning mixes

available in the supermarkets.

Just check the ingredients before

you buy. Avoid anything containing


Dinner [email protected]

Page 82: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp olive oil300g stir fry pork, diced1 sachet thai stir fry sauce450g stir fry vegetables (pre-chopped)


In a wok, heat the olive oil to a medium heat.

Add the pork and cook for 4-5 minutes until cooked


Add the vegetables and cook for a further 4 minutes.

Finally, add the sauce and stir well. Cook for one

minute and serve immediately.


Look for stir fry sauces which have a low sugar

content. The further down the ingredients list

the sugar appears, the lower the sugar content.

Avoid any sauces which list sugar at the top of

the list!

Cheating stir fry

Dinner 54

10MI N U T E



[email protected]

Page 83: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp ghee or butter2 onions, chopped finely500g turkey mince2 garlic cloves, chopped finely2 shallots, chopped finely1 stick fresh lemongrass, minced1 tbsp galangal, minced (optional)10 cherry tomatoes, chopped3 green finger chilis5 lime leaves1 tsp chilli flakes400ml light coconut milk1 large all-purpose potato, cubed1 cauliflower head, gratedsalt and white pepper


Add the garlic, shallots, lemongrass and galangal and

cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, chilis, lime

leaves, chilli flakes and most of the coconut milk

(reserving a few tablespoons for the mash).

Season well and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 160˚C.

Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil and

cook the potato for 10 minutes. Add the cauliflower

and cook for a further 2 minutes. Drain well, return

to the saucepan and mash with a fork. You may want

to add a small amount of butter to soften up the

mash. When all the lumps are gone, add the

remaining coconut milk to the mash. Season well.

Spoon the turkey mixture into a rectangular oven

dish. Top with the mash. Cook for 45 minutes

and serve.

Turkey Thai hot pie

In a large pan, heat the ghee and fry the onion until

softened. Add the turkey mince and cook gently until

browned. Season well.

Dinner [email protected]

Page 84: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 tbsp coconut oil or ghee1 thai green curry kit600g chicken breast fillets, diced4 green chili peppers, chopped15-20 cherry tomatoes, halved1 head broccoli, chopped roughly1 red pepper, cut into strips50g per person brown or whitebasmati rice


Dinner 56

Easy Thai green curry

In a large pan, heat the coconut oil or ghee and

fry some of the curry paste from the curry kit,

for one minute. Add a dessert spoon of the

coconut milk from the kit, and stir well. Cook for

one minute. Add the rest of the curry paste.

Add the chicken and the chilis and cook for

several minutes. Add the remaining coconut milk.

Add all of the vegetables and cook on a gentle

heat for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile place the rice in a large saucepan of

cold salted water and bring to the boil. Simmer

gently until cooked and drain well.

Serve the curry on a bed of rice.

[email protected]

Page 85: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

1 red onion, sliced400g extra lean beef mince2 tbsp curry powder150g red lentils (dry weight)700ml chicken stock (see recipe onpage 24)1⁄2 tin (200g) choppedtomatoes (optional)2-3 tomatoeshandful coriander leaves50g per person brown or whitebasmati rice


Fragrant mince

In a non-stick frying pan, dry-fry the

onion and mince over a high heat for

2 minutes, breaking up the mince as

you go. Stir in the curry powder and

lentils. Pour in stock and bring to a

gentle boil, then simmer for 10-15

minutes. Add the tinned tomatoes


While the mince is cooking, dice the

tomatoes and roughly chop the

coriander, then mix together in a

small bowl.

Place the rice in a large saucepan of

cold salted water and bring to the

boil. Simmer gently until cooked

and drain well.

Serve the mince on a bed of rice,

with a few spoonfuls of the tomato

and coriander salad.

Dinner [email protected]

Page 86: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Turkey yam soup

Dinner 58

2 tbsp olive oil500g turkey steaks, diced400g yam, peeled and cubed1 head cauliflower, cut into large florets400ml coconut milk200ml spring water1 tin (400g) cannellini beans, drained and rinsed1 tsp chilli flakes1 large sprig chopped fresh basil1 tbsp soy sauce1 tsp dry mustard powder1 tsp ground coriander1 tsp paprika1⁄2 tsp ground ginger1⁄2 tsp ground cardamom1⁄2 teaspoon ground turmeric1 bay leaf1 cinnamon sticksalt and pepper1 large sprig chopped fresh parsley


Combine the coconut milk, water, and cannellini

beans in a large saucepan over a medium-high heat.

Stir the chilli flakes, basil, soy sauce, mustard

powder, coriander, paprika, ground ginger, cardamom,

turmeric, bay leaf and cinnamon stick into the bean

mixture. Add more water if needed.

Season the soup with salt and black pepper.

Bring to the boil, add the yam mixture and reduce

heat to a low temperature. Simmer for 45 minutes.

Spoon into bowls, garnished with parsley.

Heat the oil in a large skillet over a medium heat.

Cook the turkey for 5 minutes, turning to brown all

over. Add the yams and cook for around 8 minutes,

stirring regularly until fork-tender. Add the

cauliflower and continue cooking for 10 minutes.

[email protected]

Page 87: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

[email protected]

1 large onion, finely chopped50ml white wine vinegar6 spring onions, finely chopped6 cloves garlic, minced2 chilli peppers3 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp dried thyme leaves1 tbsp ground allspice1 tsp salt1 tsp ground cinnamon1 tsp ground nutmeg1 tsp black pepper8 chicken drumsticks


Dinner 59

Hot & tasty chicken

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients except for

the chicken.

Add the chicken and mix well.

Marinate in fridge for several hours, or overnight if

you have time.

Preheat oven to 150˚C and, if using a barbecue,

prepare it for cooking.

Remove the chicken from the marinade and discard

marinade ingredients. Cook chicken in the oven

for 20 minutes, then turn and cook for a further

25 minutes.

Finish on the barbecue for 20 minutes (or continue

to cook in the oven). Serve with a crispy salad.


for BBQ


Page 88: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

Satay spice kebabs

Preheat the oven to 150˚C, or alternatively prepare

the barbecue for cooking.

Remove chicken from fridge and thread several

pieces onto each skewer.

Barbecue or oven cook the chicken until it is no

longer pink in the center and the juices run clear

when meat is pierced (around 20 minutes).

Serve with a crispy salad.

Dinner 60


for BBQ

ideal juice of one medium orange2 tsp orange zest2 tbsp peanut butter3 tbsp soy sauce1 inch piece ginger, chopped finely4 garlic cloves, minced1 tsp acacia honey2 tsp red pepper flakes450g chicken breast, dicedpre-soaked kebab skewers


Mix together the orange juice, orange zest, peanut

butter, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, honey and red

pepper flakes until the mixture is smooth.

Stir in the chicken, ensuring it is evenly coated.

Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, but no longer

than eight hours.

[email protected]

Page 89: BY RICHARD MORRIS - · 2019. 8. 9. · More to the point most of these foods will be stored as

500g chicken breast, dicedjuice of 2 limes4 cloves garlic, chopped finely1 tbsp olive oil1 red pepper. sliced1 green pepper. sliced1 yellow pepper. sliced1 medium onion. sliced1⁄2 teaspoon ground cumin1⁄4 teaspoon salt1⁄4 teaspoon ground black pepperpre-soaked kebab skewers


Lime chickenfajitas

Preheat the oven to 150˚C,

or alternatively, prepare the barbecue

for cooking.

Put the chicken in a bowl. Combine the

lime juice and about half of the garlic.

Pour the mixture over the chicken,

coating thoroughly.

Cover the dish and allow it to marinate

in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Don't leave the chicken marinating for

too long, or the lime juice will break

down too much of the tissue.

Dinner 61

Remove from fridge and thread several chicken

pieces onto each skewer. Place the chicken on the

barbecue or in the oven and turn regularly until

cooked through (around 20 minutes).

Heat the oil in a large skillet over a medium heat.

Add the peppers, onion and remaining garlic to the


Cook for about five minutes or until tender, stirring

regularly. Sprinkle with cumin, salt and pepper.

Serve the fajita mix topped with the chicken, with a

side salad.


for BBQ


[email protected]