by now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in...

By now all of you know that to be a By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs that are open to those with a BA is that are open to those with a BA is psychology, and to many this may seem psychology, and to many this may seem like the world’s best kept secret! like the world’s best kept secret!

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD,

PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs that are open to those with a BA is psychology, and to that are open to those with a BA is psychology, and to many this may seem like the world’s best kept secret!many this may seem like the world’s best kept secret!

Page 2: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Skills acquired from having a BA in Skills acquired from having a BA in psychology that prepare for entry level psychology that prepare for entry level

jobs:jobs:• People skills- communicating with and relating to

individuals from diverse backgrounds.• Analytic skills- figuring out why a certain problem occurs

and how to minimize or eliminate it.• Writing skills- experience writing a logically developed

report.• Research skills- experience using statistics, tables and

graphs to analyze problems and communicate relevant findings.

• All of these skills can be used in a wide variety of work settings.

Page 3: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Where do I begin looking for a job?

1. Visit your school’s career services office and meet with a counselor. (career development center in Netzer)

2. Talk to professors in the department.3. Check into alumni resources.4. Read, go online, research….you will not find

a job thinking about it, you need to go out and look and ask for help.

5. Resume- in order to apply for any job or internship you need a resume.

Page 4: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Entry level positions obtained by Entry level positions obtained by Psychology MajorsPsychology Majors

Business AreaBusiness Area (minor in (minor in

business is helpful)business is helpful)::*Administrative assistant*Administrative assistant

*Advertising agent*Advertising agent*Custom relations*Custom relations*Employee and or Employment *Employee and or Employment counselorcounselor*Marketing representative*Marketing representative*Marketing researcher*Marketing researcher*Occupational analyst*Occupational analyst*Public relations*Public relations*Managerial position*Managerial position*Staff training and development*Staff training and development*Insurance agent*Insurance agent

Mental Health/ Social Mental Health/ Social services:services:*Case Worker*Case Worker*Child protection worker*Child protection worker*Corrections officer*Corrections officer*Mental health technician*Mental health technician*Drug/substance abuse counselor*Drug/substance abuse counselor*Family service worker*Family service worker*Program manager*Program manager*Rehabilitation advisor*Rehabilitation advisor*Social service director*Social service director*Behavior analyst*Behavior analyst*Director of volunteer services*Director of volunteer services

Page 5: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Other positions available:Other positions available:Affirmative action officerAffirmative action officer

Child care workerChild care worker

College admissions College admissions counselorcounselor

College admissions College admissions recruiterrecruiter

Community recreation Community recreation workerworker

Director of alumni relations Director of alumni relations (college)(college)

Director of fundraising Director of fundraising (college)(college)

Urban Planning officerUrban Planning officer

Congressional aideCongressional aide

Hospital patient service Hospital patient service representativerepresentative

Newspaper reporterNewspaper reporter

Park and recreation Park and recreation directordirector

Statistical analysisStatistical analysis

Technical writerTechnical writer

Page 6: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs


•   A R E A S

 E M P L O Y E R S

 S T R A T E G I E




Advocacy, Health Services

 •      Federal Government

depts. of Health & Human Services, Veterans' Administration, and Justice

•      State Gov’t depts. of Human Services, Mental Health, and Mental Retardation, psychiatric hospitals, community mental health centers, facilities for the mentally retarded, and probation/parole depts.

•      Local Government: senior citizens' centers

•      Non-Profit Organizations such as United Way, Goodwill Industries, Boys and Girls Clubs, and YWCA/YMCA

 •      Obtain essential practical

experience such as residence hall adviser or camp counselor

•      Enroll in an internship or practicum

•      Perform volunteer services such as Special Olympics, Big Brother/Sister, or crisis hotline

•      Learn foreign language for multi-cultural clients

•      Become familiar with government hiring procedures

•      Be willing to relocate•      Be prepared to obtain a

masters degree for more substantive counseling work

Page 7: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

More Jobs:More Jobs:



 •      Federal

government, especially Dept of Health & Human Services and National Institute of Education

•      National headquarters of non-profit organizations

 •      Develop strong

quantitative, statistical, and research skills

•      Obtain graduate degree for advancement 




•      Public relations and advertising firms

•      Companies with in-house PR depts.

•      Trade associations

•      Federal, state, and local government

•      Colleges and universities

•      Non-profit organizations


•      Develop strong writing and speaking skills

•      Obtain related experiences with campus newspaper, TV, or radio, Admissions office tour guide or recruiter, Student activities office planning

•      Serve as a fund raiser or political canvasser

•      Find internship through Public Relations Society of America

Programming, Fund-Raising, Writing & Editing, Special Events, Media Placement, Public Speaking



Creative, Media, Account Services, or Research


•      Advertising agencies

•      Companies with in-house advertising agencies or depts.


•      Obtain experience with campus TV, radio, or newspaper

•      Work with a student-run business

•      Find an internship with a market research firm or a member of the American Advertising Federation

•      Develop a portfolio for a creative position

•      Business minor or double major for Account Services jobs

Page 8: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Tips to help find a job:

1. Some situations you will be asked to fill out a job application. Take each step of this process very serious.

This application tells your employer about (a) your work habits, (b) how well you follow directions, (c) your character, (d) your personal achievements, (e) your job performance, and (f) your potential.

2. Job Hunters advice:a. Bring your own pen.

b. Dress properly.c. Fill out application completely, have all necessary numbers with you before applying.d. Grammar, penmanship, and spelling count.e. Ask to see job description.f. Be enthusiastic.g. Be ready to work.

3. Neatness counts, be accurate and honest, double check your application, and be sure to notify those persons whom you plan to use as references.

4. Use connections that you may already have. For example former employers, internships often lead to possible job opportunities after graduation.

Page 9: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Tips (continued):

5. Many job application situations, may ask for one or more letters of recommendation. Ask for recommendations from people who (a) have worked closely with you, (b) have known you long enough to know you fairly well, (c) have some expertise, (d) are senior and well-known, (e) have a positive opinion of you and your abilities, and (f) have a warm and supportive personal style. Give your writer plenty of lead time, at least 3 to 4 weeks. These are just a few tips and you can get more from the career and development center in Netzer.

6. You are going to need a resume for your job application process. A resume continues to be an important tool in determining whether a job applicant gets an interview with an employer.

7. Ok so the resume did it’s job and landed you an interview.

- Do your homework, learn as much as you can about the company and about the job.

The options are wide but limited. A psychology education provides valuable skills and abilities, and if you are willing to be flexible, you can make a career for yourself starting with a BA degree in psychology.

Page 10: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Salary InformationSalary Information According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the average According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the average

starting salary for psychologists with BA degree was about starting salary for psychologists with BA degree was about $20,600 in 1999; those with superior academic records $20,600 in 1999; those with superior academic records could begin at $25,500.could begin at $25,500.

The handbook also reports that psych graduates with only a The handbook also reports that psych graduates with only a BA degree can earn roughly $44,600 a year, a level that is 9 BA degree can earn roughly $44,600 a year, a level that is 9 percent lower than the average for all college grads.percent lower than the average for all college grads.

Those who work in management and senior-level Those who work in management and senior-level administrative positions earn the most at $58,000 per year. administrative positions earn the most at $58,000 per year.

Social workers and administrative record clerks earn the Social workers and administrative record clerks earn the least at close to $30,000 per year. least at close to $30,000 per year.

Page 11: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

How to do a job search?How to do a job search? First step is for you to decide what kind of work you want to First step is for you to decide what kind of work you want to

do. Doing this will focus your efforts, and it will be much do. Doing this will focus your efforts, and it will be much easier to target your efforts, and will be much easier to easier to target your efforts, and will be much easier to target the type of employer with whom you want to work. target the type of employer with whom you want to work.

Start organizing for your job search early in your college Start organizing for your job search early in your college

Find a way to learn about an employer before you apply for Find a way to learn about an employer before you apply for a position.a position.

A good way to get your resume out there is posting it on A good way to get your resume out there is posting it on website like monster. COM. It increases your chances for an website like monster. COM. It increases your chances for an employer to find you. employer to find you.

Page 12: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs

Some statistics:

In 2000, 74,654 students graduated with a BA degree in psychology.

In 1999, fewer then 5% of 1997 and 1998 psychology BA recipients were employed in psychology or a field related to psychology.

Most find jobs in administrative support, public affairs, education, business, sales, service industries, health, the biological sciences, and computer programming.

Page 13: By now all of you know that to be a “psychologist,” one must have a doctoral degree in psychology (PhD, PsyD, MSW, MA. There are numerous entry-level jobs


Davis, Stephan, Landrum, Teresa and Landrum, Eric. “The Psychology Major, career options and strategies for success.” Prentice

Hall. Upper Saddle River, NY, 2000. Chapter 2, pages 11-29. Korschgan, J., Ann and Morgan, L., Betsy. “Majoring in Psych? Career

options for psychology Undergraduates.” Needham Heights, MA, 1998. Chapter 4 and 7.

National Science Foundation Employed Doctoral Scientists and Engineers, by sector of Employment, Broad field of Doctorate and Sex:2001. (statistics)