by nicholas nikolitsis and ryan mahony. ww1 started early in the last century. not many people are...

By Nicholas Nikolitsis and Ryan Mahony

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By Nicholas Nikolitsis and Ryan Mahony

WW1 started early in the last century.

Not many people are alive that remember that horrible event.

WW1 started in 1914 and ended in 1918.

There were 7million civilion deaths

And 16 million soldiers deaths from Australia.

1914- Archduke of Germany was killed by the Black Hand.- Germany declares war on Belgium.- Britain declares war on Germany.- Australia-Hungry declares war on Russia.- Australia-Hungry captures Serbia. 1915- British attacks at Neuve Chapelle.- Allied forces for Australia land at Gallipoli.- First Zeppelin raid on London.

1917- USA declares war on Germany.- Canadian Army captures Vimy Ridge.- British captures Jerusalem.

1918- World War 1 Ends. Peace Treaty Signed.

On May 9th 1911, 10 men formed a secret organization called the Black Hand.

In 1914, The Black Hand gained an estimation of over 2500 members.

In 1914, The Black Hand assassinated the German Duke which caused the creation of WW1.

When WW1 started, Britain declared war in Germany, which they also involved Australia.

When Australia and Britain were out numbered, they both decided to join forces to survive.

In 1914 a month after Australia entered WW1, Andrew Fisher became the leader of the Australian government.

Andrew Fisher vowed that Australia would fight beside great Britain.

Joseph Cook, The Australian Prime Minister announced Australia in the war in Germany.

Australia wasn’t under attack at the time but we joined in to help Britain

Germany launches gas attacks at Ypres.

First Australian Hospital Ship.

Australia citizens risk their lives tofeed A.N.Z.A.C soldiers.

An A.N.Z.A.C cove an successful drop of food and equipment.

British attacks at Neuve Chapelle.

The first Zeppelin raids in on London.

Australian citizens holds dance parties to raise money for A.N.Z.A.C soldiers. Australians conscriptions has ended.

Australians have the choice to go to war again.

Australian Soldiers arrive in France.

Most soldiers who were sent to France Died.

People questioned whetherConscription should be in law again.

The Germans withdraw to the Siegfried system. Also known to the British as the Hindenburg Line. The USA declares war on


Canadian Army captures the Vimy Ridge. Greece declares war on the

Central Powers.

British Army captures Jerusalem.

When the destruction and devestation of world war 1 ended the whole Australia had a different opinion about war

In 1914, when the war started Australians wanted to go to war.

They had the wrong opinion

Click here to see aWar letter from someone from the trenches at the time

1918 WW1 ends.

In 1918 everyone thought that the World War was over, or is it? War 1 exploring the tragic events that changed the world book

G’day Mates.