by nate sansom launched by soviet union in 1957 on oct. 4 th 1957 traveled at (18,000 mi) an hour ...


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World Events in The Fifties

World Events in The FiftiesBy Nate Sansom


Sputnik1Launched By Soviet Union in 1957 on Oct. 4th 1957Traveled At (18,000 mi) An Hour It transmitted on 20.005 and 40.002 MHz[4]These Signals continued for 22 days, until the transmitter batt. Ran out on 26 October 1957

More On Sputnik 1 Sputnik 1 was the first artificial satellite in history.A month after Sputnik1 was launched, the Soviets launched Sputnik 2, which carried a dog named Laika into space!!

LAIKAFirst attempt at sending life into space.First animal to be in spaceLaika in Russian means: Laika (Russian: , meaning "BarkerLaikas deathSome Think that Laika died within hours after launch from overheating.

Famous DogRomanian stamp from 1959 with Laika (the caption reads "Laika, first traveler into Cosmos")Then in 2008 a monument was made in her honor.

Sputnik, how we competed with it.!!!! We used a Jupiter-C rocket to send Explorer 1 into orbit on January 31, 1958

Explorer 1 Sputnik 1

ComparisonSputnik, was more than twice the size of a basket ball, and it was heavier and larger than the explorer was. Sputnik had two (2) radio Transmitters, these transmitters sent back signals.The Explorer contained: cosmic ray detector, radio transmitter, and temperature and micrometeoroid sensors.

9Teachers Born In Fifties1954Mrs. Calloway, Mrs. Ruark, And Mrs. Anderson were all born in 1954.The Hydrogen Bomb1950Jan. 17. Truman orders development of Hydrogen Bomb

. National Archives and Records Admin

H BombGenerates Large amount of energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes.In the Atomic Bomb which you are popularly familiar with; uranium or plutonium is split into lighter elements, that when combined, weight is less than the original atom.The Hydrogen bomb generates its energy by the fusion of two lighter elements into one heavier element.By the end it ; weighs less than its components, the difference appears as energyHigh Temperatures are required to make fusion occur, so the Hydrogen bomb is also known as a thermonuclear bomb.Between Hydrogen Bombs and Atomic Bombs, he Hydrogen Bomb is considerably more powerful!!This Is Very interesting, for More detail check out- This WebsiteThe Korean War (25 June 1950 27 July 1953)

North AttacksThe Beginningthe North Koreans attacked South Korea first.They(North) had a force of 90,000 men.The South Koreans were way outnumbered, almost 5-1, (Thats a Lot), and they did not have too many heavy weapons.Very soon it became clear that the North Koreans could not be stopped, before SeoulThe Korean WarWas a War between: Republic of Korea (South Korea),who was aided by the United Nations , and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), which the People's Republic of China chose to support.This War was a result of the political division of Korea, which was a result of an agreement reached at the end of the second(2nd) world war ( World War II )Operation RipperThis Operations purpose was to move the UN forces almost back to the 38th parallel. This effort succeeded.As a result Seoul was once Again released from their enemy.

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