by jay the power of images don’t pirate images ….. it’s a hanging offence!

PHOTO ALBUM by Jay Welcome to Picture World

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Photo Album

Photo Albumby Jay

Welcome to Picture World

The power of imagesAdding images to slideshows is so easy.....

Why not try picture quizzes or using images to illustrate a process or procedure?

Dont pirate images ..Its a hanging offence!

I know this is only radio but I always try to look my best.

Images make a slideshow more impactful and engaging

Use images to add humour or to illustrate key points

Name the actor..Use images in quizzes(Its George Cole)

Students can use images in their own presentations.for example following a field tripHow astute you are Gloria !

Its a good job none of our listeners can see what you really look like Roger.

Well Ive just got one thing to say.

I cant wait to see the pictures in the paper tomorrowWhy not let pictures do the talking?

The planet has been invaded by Martians.. I wish I could explain what they look like

I think you can see that Im a man you can trust with your vote..

Oh why cant they SEE me. When are they going to invent radio with pictures?

One day soon Ill be in the movies.. How can I fail ?

HitchcockCary GrantDont KnowHerbert Lom?Vincent Price

Make images work for you.....

Yes Im still aroundCongratulations !